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General: ¿Por qué el Masón José Smith fundaría la Fanatizada Religión Mormona?
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De: Alcoseri  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 03/03/2019 21:19

¿Por qué el Masón José Smith fundaría la Fanatizada Religión Mormona?

Los que estudian y el mormonismo y la masonería ya se habrán dado cuenta que el mormonismo tomó todo de la Masonería, o casi todo , ya que el mormonismo es algo así como la conversión de la masonería a una idea religiosa fanatizada. Entre el rito masónico y la ceremonia del templo mormón hay semejanzas totales. Así, es que afirman que el masón fundador de los mormones  José Smith tomó prestados prácticamente todos los elementos de la masonería cuando Elaboró ​​la ceremonia del templo mormón. Hoy los Santos de los Últimos Días o mormones consideran las ordenanzas como la Recuperación revelada de las antiguas ceremonias del templo y que son sólo Incidentalmente relacionados con la masonería. Ambos, sin embargo, no son  tan Antitéticos o discordantes entre sí en las formas , pero si en el fondo de la doctrina.

Hoy los mormones se oponen a la investigación sobre los orígenes antiguos de sus ceremonias. Había muchas ceremonias sagradas en el mundo antiguo mencionan. Modificados  durante siglos, estos rituales han existido en alguna forma entre los antiguos egipcios, Cristianos coptos, los israelitas y masones y en las liturgias católicas y Protestantes.

 Tienen como elementos comunes el uso de ropa especial como mandiles, los mismo términos en la  ritualistas, la presentación teatral de temas arquetípicos, instrucciones y El uso de gestos simbólicos.

Un tema común a muchos - encontrado en Libro Egipcio de los Muertos, Textos de las Pirámides Egipcias y Círculos Esotéricos. Los coptos, por ejemplo, es el viaje del hombre a través de la vida y sus esfuerzos después de muertos, para pasar con éxito delante de centinelas que guardan el acceso a la felicidad eterna con los dioses. Aunque estas ceremonias varían considerablemente, los puntos importantes Que tienen en común que plantea la posibilidad de una fuente común distante. Pero la verdad es que el Mormonismo toma toda su estructura de la Masonería.

Según los mormones los textos egipcios de las pirámides, por ejemplo, tienen seis temas principales: (1) la insistencia en la existencia de un documento original escrito detrás de los ritos; (2) el purificación (incluyendo unción, lustración y vestimenta); (3) creación (textos de resurrección y avivamiento); (4) el jardín (incluidos los motivos del árbol y la comida ritual); (5) viajes (protección, tomada de textos de Osiris); y (6) la ascensión (especialmente Victoria, coronación, admisión a la compañía celeste y textos de Horus). Como estas antiguas ceremonias, la dotación del templo entre los Santos de los Últimos Días Presenta aspectos de estos temas en términos figurativos. También presenta, un Imagen de la realidad inmediata, pero un modelo que muestra el patrón de la vida humana en La tierra y el plan divino del que forma parte. Las ceremonias masónicas también son alegóricas, representando las etapas de vida: juventud, edad adulta y vejez - cada uno con las cargas y Dificultades que lo acompañan, seguidas de la muerte y la inmortalidad esperada.

No hay Acuerdo universal sobre cuándo comenzó la masonería, algunos historiadores rastrean el origen de la orden hasta El Rey Salomón, Enoc o incluso Adán. Otros dicen que aunque algunos de los simbolismos masónicos pueden ser antiguos, La masonería como institución comenzó en la Edad Media.

Los Santos de los Últimos Días creen que las ordenanzas del templo también son antiguas tanto  como el hombre y que los elementos esenciales del evangelio de Jesucristo, especialmente su El ritual y sus enseñanzas necesarias, fue revelado por primera vez a Adán, estos Los principios de salvación y las ordenanzas se revelaron más tarde a Seth, Noe, Melquisedec, a Abraham y a cada profeta a quien se le dio el sacerdocio, especialmente a Pierre. Los Santos de los Últimos Días creen que las ordenanzas efectuadas en el Los templos modernos de hoy reproducen rituales que formaban parte de. Las enseñanzas de Dios desde el principio. Para para los seguidores del profeta  masón José Smith, los mormones y la masonería Derivar en parte de la misma fuente antigua, por ello la increíble similitud.

Lo que es verdad es que la filosofía y enseñanzas principales de la masonería no son fundamentalmente incompatibles con La enseñanza, la teología y la doctrina de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Uno y otros enfatizan la moralidad, el sacrificio, la consagración y el servicio, y Condenar el egoísmo, el pecado y la codicia. Además, el propósito del ritual masónico es enseñar - hacer accesible la verdad para que el hombre pueda seguirla. Las similitudes entre los dos rituales no se limitan a una pequeña proporción de signos  y palabras; de hecho, algunos que a la vez son mormones y masones encuentran que la idea y forma de los Santos de los Últimos Días (o mormones) tiene más similitudes con la masonería de lo que se pensaría. Incluso cuando los dos rituales comparten el mismo simbolismo, el contenido de la los significados no son diferentes. Sin embargo formas distintas para mencionar lo mismo, el mito de Hiram se le llama de otra forma. La ceremonia masónica no se centra en el sacerdocio o en ser profetas. La participación activa de Dios en el mundo y en la vida de los hombres es claramente un motivo central para los mormones , mientras para los masones impera el Deísmo, esto es que Dios no participa directamente sobre el mundo o la vida de los hombres, mientras que los masones creen en un Dios indefinido e impersonal, todo en la enseñanza en los Mormones emana de Dios o está dirigido a Dios que es un personaje y el Padre eterno del hombre.

La Masonería y el Mormonismo tienen semejanzas en sus rituales pero no en sus doctrinas referentes a Dios. Esto es, tomaron la masonería y la convirtieron en una religión fanatizada denominada mormonismo .-

Ahora a la pregunta ¿Por qué el Masón José Smith fundaría la Fanatizada Religión Mormona? Usted qué respuesta nos daría


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2023 13:48

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/05/2023 00:35
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José Smith: Un Veradero Profeta de Dios: Dios Habla con Profetas en la  Actualidad (Las Doctrinas Fundamentales Mormones (Key Mormon Doctrines  Explained) nº 2) (Spanish Edition) eBook : Crowther, Duane S: Amazon.in:
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2024 15:41

Understanding Hebrew Directions – Part IV

Continuing with the previous post on how we can understand Hebrew words and their meaning in order to better understand what Mormon is writing, specifically as it relates to the many directions and his usage of compass directions to describe the Land of Promise, as well as the Point of View of the writer or the subject of the writing.
    When trying to understand the writing of the ancients, such as Mormon, Nephi, et al., modern man simply cannot seem to come to grips with their point of view, but insists on putting his own thinking into the matter that is so out of alignment with that of the ancients.
Left: The ancient Hebrews directional system contained eight compass points; Right: Our compass system today contains 32 directions. It is not just that they did not have these divisions, they did not think in terms of such minute directions
As an example, when it comes to directions, we think in far more divisions of a cardinal point than they did. Their view of their world in the sense of directions was very limited. They had limited need for anything more than the four cardinal directions, north-east-south-west, while we today use far more because we have a far greater geographical setting in our world than did the ancients.
    Thus, when Mormon describes an East Sea or an East Wilderness, we need to understand that it was in the east and not somewhere else. The same is true with the South Wilderness or a West Wilderness. Consequently, we need to place an East Wilderness and a South Wilderness within their proper north, east, south, and west orientation to the Point of View of the writer, which is the Land of Zarahemla.
Left: Correct usage of east and west wildernesses; Right: Incorrect. When someone places both the East and South Wilderness in the East, it is simply not something the Hebrews or Nephites would have ever done and never did do
Even if we were more accurate to directions and labeled the east wilderness above as the north wilderness and the south wilderness above as the east wilderness, it would not fit Hebrew thinking.
The problem is, and always is, that the Hebrews/Jews/Nephites did not think the way we think today. First of all, they would never put a north or south anything in the east—the East was a pure direction. It was their entire being, their entire religion base, the way they drew maps, and thought of their universe. Nor would they have doubled up on two directions in a single direction, like the Mesoamericanists’ seas above or the Venice Priddis’ map.
    It simply would never happen—it simply is not within the Hebrew/Jewish/Nephite mindset to think that way. East of Zarahemla would be an East Wilderness, not a South Wilderness. In fact, everything to the East of Zarahemla (or even Bountiful and Nephi) would be East in Hebrew directional thinking—never anything else.
After the Lamanites were driven out of the “east wilderness” Moroni caused that the Nephites possess the land and build cities in the “east wilderness”
If a theorist places something there, then they are wrong. And if they are going to follow the overall comments of Mormon, the Nephites drove the Lamanites “out of the east wilderness” and shortly after, Mormon states: “when Moroni had driven all the Lamanites out of the east wilderness, which was north of the lands of their own possessions, he caused that the inhabitants who were in the land of Zarahemla and in the land round about should go forth into the east wilderness, even to the borders by the seashore, and possess the land” (Alma 50:9). Mormon then goes on to write: “And thus he cut off all the strongholds of the Lamanites in the east wilderness, yea, and also on the west, fortifying the line between the Nephites and the Lamanites, between the land of Zarahemla and the land of Nephi, from the west sea, running by the head of the river Sidon—the Nephites possessing all the land northward, yea, even all the land which was northward of the land Bountiful, according to their pleasure” (Alma 50:11).
Isn’t it interesting that Mormon does not mention anything about a “south wilderness” where these cities were built and from which Moroni drove out the Lamanites, yet that is exactly where some claim the South Wilderness was located.
    Also, in the Nephites building a city where the Lamanites had been driven out named “Moroni,” which was near the Land of Nephi, how would the Nephites drive the Lamanites out of the East Wilderness that was unattached to the Land of Nephi, with a “south wilderness” in between. Or build cities along the eastern seacoast just north of the narrow strip of land and the Land of Nephi without a mention of a south wilderness there?
    Of course, that is not the main point here. The point is and needs to be the basis of anything regarding directions, is the fact, and irrefutable fact, and not one of someone’s interpretation, the Hebrews and Jews, therefore the Nephites who were from that stock, and spoke and wrote Hebrew, would simply not have placed names to wildernesses as some have done. It would have violated their entire thinking process and their entire vision of the world around them.
    Consider someone living in Los Angeles claiming the Pacific Ocean was to their east. They woud simply laugh at you. Or someone in Salt Lake City claiming the Great Salt Lake was to the southwest, or that St. George was located in northern Utah, or Toole was located in southeast Utah. Claiming that any of these were correct, would simply be rejected by any Utahn, and most anyone else with any knowledge of the state. It would be like someone returning from a visit to Jerusalem and saying that the Muslim Quarter was in the southwestern quadrant of the city, the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount was beyond the New Gate into the Christian Quarter, or that the Cathedral of St. James was in the Jewish Quarter. Unless you had been there, lived there, or studied the city, you might accept those comments—but they would be completely incorrect, as any resident of Jerusalem would readily know.
    What if someone wrote a book about Jerusalem and listed Zion’s Gate as being in the Armenian Quarter, Tanner’s Gate being in the Christian Quarter, Lion’s Gate being in the Muslim Quarter, and the Dung Gate being in the Jewish Quarter? Or stated that Jesus went to the Pool of Siloam in the Upper City, walked along the wall of the Lower City? Would you know if those geographical statements were correct or incorrect? Actually six of those eight statements are geographically wrong. But how would you know that without study? Yet, people pick up a book written by someone, read their theory about the Great Lakes, the Heartland, or eastern U.S. and accept what they say without knowing how inaccurate they are. Some get so interested, they parrot the comments and the beliefs without ever coming to a knowledge of their inaccuracy.
    When it comes to the directions in the scriptural record, it is imperative to understand that in the ancient world, names did not carry much weight in meaning to a lone traveler or to an individual trying to find his way around an unknown city. However, directional names were readily apparent. You can call something the “water gate,” but calling it the “southeast gate,” means far more. Just like the “Road to the East Sea,” meant far more to someone than “Hezekiah’s Road,” and would be far more likely to know where it was located. The same is true of calling it Nehemiah’s Wall or the “north wall.”
    The point is, ancient directions are not something to playh around with and make all sorts of absurd claims that might make sense to a modern thinker, but would have been simply unusable and, therefore, not accurate, to the ancient world and ancient-thinking people. Directions were critical to survival, or at least in understanding the world around them. The ancients built elaborate structures and systems in order to simply know what any modern child can learn by looking at a calendar or acquiring a rudimentary understanding of planting cycles.
    Therefore, when Mormon used directions, he was not only thinking in terms of the way things were called and understood anciently, but he was also providing us with a better understanding of the directions of the Land of Promise and the location of lands and areas within it.
    There is simply no question that before the Hebrews and many other ancient peoples came into a more modern and mobile world, their vision of their land and the world around them was very limited and direction-driven. Everything about their language, their words, the scriptural meaning, the work of uncounted rabbis continually studying the ancient language and to understand it and its deeper meanings, all support the understanding of singular directional placement and naming. It simply cannot be violated because of modern ideas and modern interpretation of ancient writings.
    For this or that theorist to make such ridiculous claims about directions that runs contrary to that understanding and the Hebrew mindset about directions and his ancient understanding of his world is so without merit, that it is not only confusing to modern man, but downright fallacious and unworthily misleading.

Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 39 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/04/2024 13:35
From the East to the West: The Problem of Directions in the Book of Mormon  - FAIR

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