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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 15/07/2015 23:36

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2015 01:27

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2015 01:32

64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube – Chris Dunn


DNA says so …

The above book DNA AND THE I CHING was published in the 1990s, the youtube interview featuring Nassim Haramein below is recent.

On the cover of the book we see a cube, specifically a 4x4x4 cube comprised of 64 smaller cubes.

If we rotated the cube so we could see only one face, it would appear as a 4×4 square, comprised of 16 squares.


Obviously the word ‘amazing’ that Nassim Haramein uses in reference to his epiphany regarding the ancient text Aintiram, does NOT have a best before date that can expire.

Obviously everybody proceeds at their own speed and pace, and what was amazing yesterday to one person, will still be amazing in the future to another person just waking up.

The importance of the number 64

Tesseract – Hypercube – Maltese Cross – Crucifix – cube within the cube – wheels within wheels …
Dalí — Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “tesseract” was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices. Some people have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4).

Net for the cubic representation of the genetic code by codons
according to all possible binary correlations of their I-Ching tables
Dotted circles are the rotational ‘poles’

File Compression and Expansion of the Genetic Code by the use of the Yin/YangDirections to find its Sphered Cube

Objective: The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the genetic code can be studied and represented in a 3-D Sphered Cube for bioinformatics and for education by using the graphical help of the ancient “Book of Changes” or I Ching for the comparison, pair by pair, of the three basic characteristics of nucleotides: H-bonds, molecular structure, and their tautomerism. Methods: The source of natural biodiversity is the high plasticity of the genetic code, analyzable with a reverse engineering of its 2-D and 3-D representations (here illustrated), but also through the classical 64-hexagrams of the ancient I Ching, as if they were the 64-codons or words of the genetic code. Results: In this article, the four elements of the Yin/Yang were found by correlating the 3×2=6 sets of Cartesian comparisons of the mentioned properties of nucleic acids, to the directionality of their resulting blocks of codons grouped according to their resulting amino acids and/or functions, integrating a 384 codon Sphered Cube whose function is illustrated by comparing six brain peptides and a promoter of osteoblasts from Humans versus Neanderthal, as well as to Negadi’s work on the importance of the number 384 within the genetic code. Conclusions: Starting with the codon/anticodon correlation of Nirenberg, published in full here for the first time, and by studying the genetic code and its 3-D display, the buffers of reiteration within codons codifying for the same amino acid, displayed the two long (binary number one) and older Yin/Yang arrows that travel in opposite directions, mimicking the parental DNA strands, while annealing to the two younger and broken (binary number zero) Yin/Yang arrows, mimicking the new DNA strands; the graphic analysis of the genetic code and its plasticity was helpful to compare compatible sequences, while further exploring the wondrous biodiversity of nature for educational purposes.

This is a great great article:

Unfolding the Tesseract an 8-cell
by Peter Turney


I see YHVH trapezoid geometry in the 5 sections of the ‘cut cube’ image on the right.
I see the numbers 5 6 7 8 written on the apex indicative of the corners.
I see a Maltese Cross and a blueprint we can place over the ‘truncated’ Great Pyramid.

5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26

But here is the real wow.
(I love coincidences)
After my neighbor John P. of many years died, his daughter held a contents sale.
I picked up a few items that belonged to John one of them was an odd plaque that simply had the numbers 5 6 7 8 placed on it.

His daughter had no knowledge of what the numbers meant.
I liked the plaque because the numbers added up to 26 and also because my badge #856 could be found plus magical #7.

It is clear from the items that found their way to me, that ole’ John P. had probably attended some Freemason meetings in his life.

 After all John P. was a big city cop for 31 years so that does not surprise me, because as I found out working for the fire department, Freemasons are attracted to these occupations, or should I say are invited to the meetings after joining the force.
So maybe during an interview it helps to know how to give a good ole’ proper handshake when applying to become an ‘apprentice’.

Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

Drawing the Hypercube # 1

Tesseract Pencil Visualization

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

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