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SEA UN CIENTIFICO CON LA BIBLIA: http://www.numberscience.plus.com/
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Reply  Message 1 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 14/09/2011 22:08

About Michael
Ancient Geometry
Mars/Earth Connection
God's Signature 37, 73, 2701
Golden Mean, Phi
Intelligent Design
6x6 Magic Square & Isaiah
Higher Consciousness
Language of numbers
Mars/Earth Connection
Nature's number 137
Pi 31419 p
Rendlesham Forest
666 and 144000 in Revelation
Solar factor 72
Haunted Skies Book
Contact Michael

I have found that a scientific understanding of the nature of Reality begins to unfold when its components are examined as simple numbers, for example Nature's number 137

When solar planetary spheres, their distances of separation and atoms are expressed as simple numbers using Solar factor 72 then remarkable relationships manifest. The first few digits of Pi 31419 are revealed involving the Sun, Earth and Moon, and the pyramidal 3 dimensional consideration of the Magic Square of the Sun

At the atomic level the Golden Mean, Phi, Nature's growth constant can be found in the geometry of the hydrogen molecule. Its vesica piscis has the same value, 2701, as Genesis1.1, God's Signature in Light, Hydrogen and Genesis1.1

I was influenced and inspired to investigate investigate God's use of numerals Intelligent Design, after a mysterious incident, similar to an OoBE, that happened to me Michael whilst in waking consciousness during1992.

The information needed to obtain the external dimensions of the Egyptian Great Pyramid at Giza is encoded in the Biblical Book of Isaiah, chapter 19, verses 19, 20 and its Hebrew gematria 5449.

The mysterious inscription on Marie de Blanchefort's tombstone  and Sauniere's Parchment2 at Rennes-le-Chateau, and also the knowledge encoded in the Templars divine 'head' CaputLVIIIm , can be found by a means involving numerals.

The positions of some of our most celebrated ancient sites (Stonehenge, Silbury Hill..), and those at Cydonia on Mars Mars/Earth Connection, were laid down in a very ancient past to accord with a pre-defined plan. There is clear evidence of Ancient Geometry used in erection of megaliths in the Saith Maen area of Wales, AND Other Regions in the UK researched by author Alan Watts.

Biblical 144000, (666 and 144000 in Revelation,) is carved on the tomb of Mayan Lord Pacal ( 703-743 AD ) found in 1952 concealed beneath the ancient Mayan pyramid the "Temple of Inscriptions", in Palenque Mexico.

By analysis of the numeric information contained in the Biblical book of Numbers, professor Thijs links ancient and modern scientific knowledge in his tenth book © "The Secret Language of God (Het Geheimschrift van God, Guido Maes Millennium)

Bill Johnston (1915 to 9 Sept. 2003), held in captivity in Stalag 383, a German POW, living in dire conditions, member of a small group, compiled a diary of the knowledge from Higher Consciousness which manifested during its meetings.

There are numerous UFOs sightings reported to Essex UFO&Paranormal Research group. Author Brenda Butler  continues her research at Rendlesham Forest; see her remarkable Photos

Site created 17 August 2000.
modified 30 December 2010
and is maintained by Michael Joyce

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Reply  Message 5 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/09/2011 22:31

Mars and Earth – Similar Geometries

© 2010 by Alan J. Watts

There have been many speculations and investigations into the artefacts to be seen in

the Cydonia region of Mars. Amongst the most potent of these was the work done by professors Horace Crater and Stanley McDaniel and published in a paper MOUND CONFIGURATION ON THE MARTIAN CYDONIA PLAIN: A GEOMETRIC AND PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS. ( University of Tennessee Space Institute 1997) (Ref 1).

 In the images captured by the Viking orbiters in 1975 were found several unusual features including the much-publicised Face on Mars plus a five-sides feature called the D and M Pyramid ( after Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar who first described the artefact)and what appears to be a conical “pyramid” dubbed Tholus.

The higher resolution images of the Face taken by Mars Global Surveyor in 1998 were pounced on by those who were challenged by the Viking images. While differing in detail there is no doubt that the images of the Face taken by both Viking and Surveyor show a most unusually-shaped and very large ( dimensions comparable to a mile) sculpted piece of terrain surrounded by a form of frame.

In addition to these artefacts there is a an area of large objects dubbed The City and included in this complex it was seen that there were a number of very reflective “mounds” which apparently were randomly placed. However Crater and McDaniel showed that this was by no means so. The placing of the mounds conformed to the geometry of the tetrahedron.


One of the Viking frames (from Crater and Mc Daniel’s paper) shows some of these reflective mounds whose positions have been enhanced and given letters.


When the geometry is formalised the mounds A,B,D,E,G are connected by tetrahedral geometry within a rectangle whose proportions are as 2:√2. All the other distances are then simple numbers or the square-root of simple numbers.


The tetrahedral geometry between the mounds A,B,D,E and G and the resulting distances when BD is unity. (All images from Ref 1)


Crater and Mc Daniel found that their tetrahedral geometry spread outside the confines of this rectangle.  For instance when a similar rectangle to is added to the line GE then mound O on the line PG is included.

Pyramidal Geometry in Wessex

In the diagrams below, we compare the Martian tetrahedral geometry (Fig 3a) with a similar form of geometry which links several of the most important ancient sites in the area we will loosely call Wessex. However this geometry is based on the same proportions as a meridian cross-section of the Great Pyramid. In this case the isosceles triangle that results has base 2: height √φ: and apothem (slant side) φ. The exact positions thrown up by the pyramidal geometry are dubbed navels and the grid references refer to these. (Fig 3b)

Fig 3a

Fig 3b

Silbury Hill, Stonehenge


When the line from Warren Hill (HY), (SZ 171 907) on Hengistbury Head to the east of Bournemouth, is joined to Silbury Hill (SY) (SU 100 686) Then it is found that Stonehenge (SN) (SU 123 422) divides this line in the ratio of 2:1 .

The line joining Silbury to the Stanton Drew (SD) (ST 601 633) stone circle complex south of Bristol is found to make a right-angle with the SY-HY line. This suggests at once that we have two sides of a rectangle.

Cadbury Castle (CC) (ST 628 252), which some have suggested was King Arthur’s Camelot, lies the same distance from Silbury as it does from Warren Hill and the resulting “Cadbury triangle” has the pyramidal proportions.

The rectangle that contains the Cadbury pyramidal triangle is completed by Bayard Hill (BY) (SY 668 860) north of Weymouth in Dorset. Also in Dorset and on the line HY-CC lies Badbury Rings (BC) (ST 965 030) a hillfort near Wimborne Minster to the NW of Bournemouth.

From the proportions of the pyramidal triangle the basic rectangle has the proportions 2:√φ whereas the Cydonia rectangle is 2:√2 .

Thus the rectangle on Mars and that in Wessex show the same basic mathematical mind-set .

Equally the various lengths in the Wessex rectangle, as in the Cydonia rectangle, are all simple numbers or the square-root of simple numbers We are taking φ (1.62) as a simple number for this purpose.

Just as in Crater and McDaniel’s Mars analysis the Wessex geometry can be extended outside the pyramidal rectangle when it is found that the apothem CC – SY looks straight through to the celebrated longbarrow called Wayland’s Smithy (WS) (SU 282 854) on the Berkshire Downs.

We then find that the distance Badbury to Waylands is √5 while the distance Warren Hill to Wayland’s is √6. The other distances follow where (NS) is New Sarum navel ( SU 136 297) – the mid-point of the base of the Cadbury Castle pyramidal triangle.

The unique situation of each of the Wessex navels with respect to the others indicates that the artefacts seen on these positions today have only grown about centres that must have existed for an unknown time before they were raised. It appears therefore that the positions of some of our most celebrated ancient sites were laid down in a very ancient past to accord with a pre-defined plan.

The fact that all these distances are whole numbers or square-roots of whole numbers reinforces our contention that the same mind-set designed both sets of artefacts.


Michael Joyce’s numerical analysis of the Marie de Blancheford Gravestone Inscription has shown a connection between Mars and Earth in a numerical manner. This analysis shows the same thing in a geometric context.

The Marie de Blanchefort Gravestone Inscription

Alan J. Watts 10th March 2010   ( About Alan Watts )



Reply  Message 6 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/09/2011 22:33

GOD- the mathematical Evidence   "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth"

Why can like spheres be packed in three layers depicting the number 137 ?

Why can sunlight be written as 137 ( 1 invisible light, its 3 primary and 7 spectral rays ) ? 

Why did the ancient greek philosopher & mathematician use the principle of the tetaktis 347, another form of 137?

Why is the 'divine' distance between Earth & moon 347?

Why are there 137 atoms in one molecule of chlorophyll ( green pigment in plants which produce oxygen necessary for animal existence )?

Why are there 137 atoms in one molecule of haematin ( component needed to produce haemoglobin in animals which processes oxygen for animal/human survival )?

Why is the word ‘seven’ contained 137 times in the Book of Revelation?

Why is the inverse of the fine-structure constant, a, in atomic physics can be calculated from a relationship  between the speed of light, Planck’s constant and electron charge, 137?

Why does the gematria ( numerical values of alphanumerics ) of the first seven Hebrew words in the Book of Genesis :

 vc`d        z`f         nimyd z`        nidl`      `cj        ziy`cj 


have a sum of 2701?

Why is the perimeter of the vesica piscis of the hydrogen molecule also 2701 ?

 ( Hydrogen atoms, the first matter to appear in the universe, constitute suns and are the progenitor of atoms of all the other different chemical elements ).  

BECAUSE of a Universal Intelligent DESIGNER !!

The solar system and certain natural phenomena are hallmarked with significant numerals.


God and Hydrogen



SEVENTY-TWO ( 72 ) is the factor, which converts mile measurements
in the micro- and macrocosms ( atoms, stars & planets )
into ( divine ) simple numbers.


The diagram shows two joined atoms of hydrogen.
The line AB represents its atomic radius ( the van der Waal's radius.);
BC, a shorter one, its covalent radius.

Their diameters are twice the lengths of A and of C.
As divine numbers they are 1074 and 331 respectively


The diagram shows 331

composed of Moon, fadic Sun value and Creator number 1(0).



Note: the number 17 was assigned to the ancient Mayan god C'Haban ( "he who transforms from human to a god when he shakes off the ash clinging to him from the material world" ).
This is a definite indication of the condition for spiritual perfection and Christian purification of the soul, the means of achieving residence in the "Kingdom of God", where a correspondence with LIGHT is obvious.

Two scientific measurements associated with hydrogen are its atomic radius of 0.12 nanometre and its covalent one of 0.037nm.
( One thousand million, 1000,000,000 or 109 nanometres make one metre. )


Whilst 1074 depicts the Creator number ( 10 ), 7 is the spectral, atomic or spiritual number.

Number 4 is the soul or number of subsidiary spectral colours ( yellow, orange, indigo & violet ) in white light.

The fadic value of 1074 is 12 ( 1 plus 0 plus 7 plus 4 ), which reduces to 3.

Hydrogen is the chief ingredient of a sun/star.
Here we can see how the atomic diameter of hydrogen and Sun value are connected by the number 12.

Covens of THIRTEEN are often encountered.
Are they based on Sun's divine Number TWELVE?
Jesus and His 12 disciples
Arthur & his 12 Knights of the Round Table
Jacob & his 12 sons
Judge & 12 jurors


The Sun number 12, suggests that TWELVE is important.

Jesus chose 12 disciples just like other prominent persons.

A total of 13( divine distance from Earth to Sun ) persons.

Hydrogen's divine number 331 is based upon the Creator and the two solar bodies, which regulate the Earth.
There is an expected correlation between the divine numbers of Sun and hydrogen, when their fadic values are each equivalent to 3 ( hydrogen's 1074 is 12 or 3; Sun's is 12 or 3, like the Moon's 3 ).

The fadic value of hydrogen is 7, the result of 3 plus 3 plus 1.
The divine numbers of all the other atoms of the different 100 or so elements such as copper, gold, aluminium, carbon, oxygen, and so on, also have a fadic number of 7.

The 7 colours of the rainbow or spectrum enable the perception of our environment composed of atoms, other SEVENS.

Dimensions of the Vesica Piscis in the Hydrogen molecule



The atomic diameter of a hydrogen atom is 1074.

The actual length it occupies in three-dimensional space as a "sphere", its diameter, is


 1074 divided by the solar factor 720 and the result divided by 10,000,000,000,000 or 1013 ( 13 the divine distance between Sun & Earth ).

The answer 0.298333 x 10-13 mile converts to 0.24006048 nanometre.

Chemistry textbooks give 0.24 nanometre as the atomic diameter of hydrogen.

Its covalent radius is 165.5 ( half of 331 ), which converts to 165.5/720 divided by 1013 (0.229861x10-13 ) mile or 0.0369925 nanometre.
Chemistry textbooks give 0.037 nanometre as the atomic diameter of hydrogen.

For lovers of maths, appropriate calculations can be found at the end.

Length of vesica piscis arc ( blue ) = 2701.

2071 factorises to 73 x 37 

( numbers 3 & 7 manifest as well as the reflected pair 73 & 37, meaning LIGHT).

What is even more amazing is that 2701 is the gematria ( system by which each letter is replaced by its numerical value ) in the Hebrew sentence:


BOTH the BIBLE & the HYDROGEN MOLECULE contain the number 2701.
These are the first SEVEN words of Genesis in the Bible
"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth".
( Hebrew is written from right to left. )

The number 1072 is the reflection of 2701.
1072 contains 72 ( solar factor ) and 10 ( Creator number ).



The diagram shows a characteristic, involving reflected numbers, unique only to planet Earth,
where 7920 divided by 72 and their reflections 0297 divided by 27, each make "ELEVEN", the Earth Number ).
In it I have included 2701 and 1072.

Recall that 2701 = 73 x 37 ( reflection & depiction of white light - 3 primary rays; 7 spectral rays )

Now 1072 = 16 x 67 is ALMOST a reflection.
HOWEVER white light structure informs us about the equivalence of 1 & 7, since the ONE light consists of SEVEN spectral rays.
Thus 16 x 67 becomes the reflection 16 x 61 ( NOT in a mathematical sense )


2701 & its reflection 1072 relate to Hydrogen, and Material ( & Spiritual ) Light and Earth.

Angle XCD equals tan-1( 510.86/165.5 ) or
tan-1( 3.0867674 ) = 72.0495680 (


72 the solar factor ).

Diameter of a single hydrogen atom = 1074
Length of two separate hydrogen atoms = 2148
Combined atoms, length HG = 1045 ( 537 + 537 + 331 )
Contraction = 743 (2148 - 1045 )


Amazingly this contraction and the length of BF in the vesica piscis have the same value.

743 has correspondence with Light structure, both spectral and spiritual types.

1045 contains the Creator number 10 and 45 ( human soul vibration, 4 and consciousness, 5, the same numbers which separate Earth from its Sun & Moon ).
The reflection of 1045 is 5401, which astonishingly factorises into( 71 x 71 ), revealing the "17 or 71 principle".

The circumference of a single hydrogen atom = 3374 ( pi x 1074 = 3373.9989 )
Perimeter of joined pair = 4047 ( 2 x 3373.9989 - 2701.0574 = 4046.9404 )

The digits in 3374 & 4047 depict the components of white light.

The mirror image / reverse / reflection of 743 is 347.

347 is highly significant:
1- 347 depicts the structure of white/invisible light:
3 primary rays ( red, green, blue ) plus the 4 subsidiary rays ( yellow, orange, indigo, violet ) total 7.
743 corresponds with "spiritual Light"?

2- 347 is the divine distance between Earth & Moon.
( orbital distance = 347 x solar factor = 249840 miles ).

3- the Pythagorean principle known as the tetraktis. According to Pythagoras, the monad, unity (1) or 10 created the duad followed by the trinity, from which the quaternary or arbaril originated. The quaternary was referred to as the mystic four, and combined with the trinity it composed the number seven, important and very ancient.
Pythagoras' tetraktis is symbolised by the triangle and square.
The tetraktis represents the combination of the trinity and the quaternary, or three plus four makes seven.

( The sacred rod is also 3.47 feet ).

The following relationships found between lengths in the hydrogen molecule are absolutely remarkable:
XY/BF = 1.37 (514).
BF/XY =0.7272 ( 008 )

because these answers contain the most important "blue print" numbers of Creation.
The solar "space" factor 72 72, and 137, one of the principles of Nature, present in invisible light.






The relationship between number and light can be





We can see that 1 is equivalent to 6, because 3 primary rays plus 3 Subsidiary rays ( yellow, cyan, magenta ) will reconstitute white light ).

Thus 16 x 61 becomes 11 x 11.

 ( 11 is Earth's divine number ).



 One molecule of hydrogen consists of two joined atoms, as shown.

C is the centre of the atom.
Its covalent radius is 165.5
Atomic radius is 537

SEVENTY-TWO ( 72 ) is the factor, which converts mile measurements
in the micro- and macrocosms ( atoms, stars & planets )
into ( divine ) simple numbers.


137 - the Fundamental number of Nature or Creation



C & E are the centres of the two hydrogen atoms.
The vesica piscis, XMBYFN, conceals two divine crosses XMNY and XBFY.
AC = atomic radius = 537
CD = covalent radius = 165.5
CE = 331

To calculate the length of BF
BC = EF = x, say
AC + x + CE + x = 1074
537 + 2x + 331 = 1074
2x = 1074 - 537 - 331
x = 206
BF = 743 [ ( 2 x 206 ) + 331 ]

To calculate the length of XY
Using Pythagoras' theorem: XD2 = XC2 - CD2
XD2 = 5372 - 165.52
XD = 510.86079
XY = 2 x XD = 1021.7216
Thus XD = 1021.7216








Hydrogen is the component of any new star or sun. HYDROGEN originally manifested from NOTHING, ( due to the WORD, in the Bible, or THOUGHTS of our Creator ) or the BIG BANG ( theory of astrophysicists ).




HYDROGEN is the lightest and MOST ABUNDANT chemical element in the UNIVERSE.

It is the KEY ingredient of SUNS or STARS.

WATER, contained in abundance on our planet, consists of hydrogen combined with another element called OXYGEN.

Vibrational Energy of the Hydrogen Atom
Every atom and molecule has a particular frequency or vibrational energy.
Hydrogen's is 1420 (.40575) MHz (megahertz).
Sound frequencies tend to be expressed as 2n, which means 2 "to the power n".

For example if n = 3 then the result is 8, since 23 means 2x2x2.

In the same way 1420 MHz can be expressed as 217.115531 x 104Hz.

The power n in the case of hydrogen is 17.115531 certainly contains knowledge when its digits are separated into 17, 11, 55 and 31, numbers of immense significance and importance:

1- the 17 principle ( for example the ONE white light contains SEVEN spectral rays;
1 + 7 = EIGHT, the CHRIST number ).
2- the divine values, 11 & 55, of Earth in 'space & time' ( time = half space )
3- the 31 principle ( the TRIUNE or HOLY TRINITY;
& the THREE PRIMARY rays, red, green blue in ONE white light ).

 1420MHz = 230.403Hz
The power 30.403 also depicts visible light spectrum rays.

The Architect of the Universe has imprinted these special numbers on the hydrogen atom.

These numbers verify hydrogen's creative function, and inform us that hydrogen is "involved" in the generation of the Earth, as an object (space implied), in time which "incurs" 17 and 31.
The (WHOLE) ONE, which depends upon a primary three, and a seven, in both the physical and spiritual planes.


A hydrogen atom can be depicted as shown.

It contains ONE proton in its nucleus, about which ONE electron moves in an orbit.


The electron and proton depict the number ELEVEN ( planet Earth divine number ).
Further confirmation of an Intelligent Agent - the design of hydrogen would incorporate the Earth number



Hydrogen gas is highly inflammable, and a mixture of it with air is highly explosive.
Until several years ago it was used to fill balloons at celebration times, but because of its explosive nature it has now has been replaced by helium.
Zeppelin "airships", used commercially during the early 20th century, were filled with hydrogen.
The well-known 1936 Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster involved its complete destruction by fire, killing most of the passengers and its crew.

A small birthday balloon would contain millions of paired atoms ( known as molecules ) if it were filled with hydrogen gas.

Thus suns were formed by the aggregation of hydrogen. Explosion of any sun on its death spews out atoms or dust, which later coalesce to form planets.

It comes as no surprise then that the ancient Egyptians worshipped RA or RE, the SUN GOD, and that "the belief of many pharaohs was:
"after their death, they would go on a spiritual journey to the constellation of Orion to BECOME a STAR".

Our soul's journey back to the Creator could indeed involve the hydrogen atom, the progenitor of all other atoms, which were designed by our Creator to be the building bricks of the human's perceptive world, because hydrogen, the initial ingredient of all original stars (suns).

HYDROGEN in the MATERIAL WORLD is the nearest step BACK to the BEGINNING to our Creator.

Hydrogen, the first manifestation of matter, is likely to carry the original knowledge & memory of our Creator ( a sea of energy (subatomic particles - the quantum world of reality and MIND ).
This UNIVERSAL MIND had a THOUGHT, made a PLAN, from which HYDROGEN atoms ( MATTER from ENERGY )were the very first to be MANIFESTED in another PLANE of EXISTENCE, to become STARS.
These would produce the other 100 or so different atoms of the chemical elements during their lifetime.

How come?
Are they unintentional?
Are they part of a matrix contrived by a cosmic computer?
Did an Intelligent Architect design them?

The first 7 words of Genesis, chapter 1, in the Hebrew Bible translate to:
"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth".
To which most Evolutionists will respond as absolute "twaddle".

Some astrophysicists are likely to state:
"In the beginning, the Big Bang ( created the stars and planets. )"

Creationists believe in a Universal God, the Architect & Creator of the Universe.
Evolutionists believe that life evolved when planets formed billions of years later after stars had originated.

The authorship of Genesis is unknown, though historians think Moses may have compiled it circa 1440 BC, during the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
However, it is on record that the Jews began a process of gathering scripts, circa 500 BC, after their release from captivity in Babylon into the scroll, called the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament.

Circa 200 BC the Jews incorporated a method of numeration to words in the Torah, written in ancient Hebrew, by assigning a particular numerical value to each of the 22 letters of its alphabet. This is called Gematria.

It is thought that hydrogen and helium atoms from the subatomic particles, produced after the Big Bang, coalesced millions of years later, due to attractive forces, to form stars ( suns ).
Nuclear reactions within them brought about the birth of other different atoms of the chemical elements. The explosion of any sun on its death spews out atoms or dust, which later unite to form planets.

Hydrogen was the first manifestation of matter "gave birth" to all other atoms of the 100 or so different chemical elements such as carbon, oxygen, iron, which constitute our environment.

Reply  Message 7 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/09/2011 22:33

Length of vesica piscis
The circumference of a single hydrogen atom = 3374 ( pi x 1074 = 3373.9989 )
Angle XCD equals tan-1( 510.86/165.5 ) = 72.0495680
One quarter of the length of vesica piscis arc, XY =[ circumference of atom x 72.0495680/3600 ] = 675.01435
Vesica piscis = 2701.0574 ( 4 x 675.01435 )

Life we perceive on the material plane, depends upon the numbers 1, 27 and 37, which prevail in both as Hebrew gematria in the Bible and the Solar system.

Another number, 347, of similar meaning to 137, exists in our Solar system, the distance between Earth and Moon.
This number also depicts the components of light.
Numbers 137, 37, 347, and their reversed ones 731, 73 and 743 contain knowledge regarding the spiritual and material planes of existence.

Numerals such as:
3142, 31415 ( the digits of pi, symbol p, used in the geometry of circles and spheres ).
523 ( very closely approximates to pi/6 , used to find the volume of a sphere ).
3, 4, 5 ( the first set of a Pythagorean triad because 32 + 42 = 52 ).
12 ( the atomic number of magnesium ).
37 & 73 ( reflected or mirror image pair - 73 is the reflection of 37 ).
37 x 73 = 2701


Were they stamp marked by accident?
I think NOT!!
It is a signature of an INTELLIGENT AGENT.

There is a definite case for evidence of
an Architect of the Universe ( God, Creator, Intelligence )
when the simple numerical equivalents of the components of the solar system and atoms are considered, instead of their perceived measurements in whatever units ( miles, kilometres, nanometres etc ).

The components of pi, 3.1415 as well as the value 3142 (pi = 3.142), the digits 3, 4, 5 ( Pythagorean ) and 3 3 1 ( the hydrogen atom ) are easily discernible.

But how do we obtain the number values shown in the diagram?
By using the solar factor 72.
SEVENTY-TWO ( 72 ) is the factor, which converts mile measurements
in the micro- and macrocosms ( atoms, stars & planets )
into simple numbers.


SEVENTY-TWO ( 72 ) is the factor, which converts mile measurements
in the micro- and macrocosms ( atoms, stars & planets )
into ( divine ) simple numb


Let's consider the first 12 digits of pi, 314159265358.
It starts with the number 3, which is also the fadic value of 12 (1+2=3).
The divine numbers of the Moon and Sun are 3 and 12.

Excluding the 3, there remain 11 digits, and 11 is the Earth number.

These 11 digits, 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 can be expressed 'dropping' the 11 & 55 :
4 5 9 2 6 3 8 .........(1)
1 1 5 5 .........(2)

The values in line (2) correspond to Earth numbers, 11 its 'space' and 55 ( one half of 11 ) its 'time', as an object.
The digits in line (1) can be rearranged to 2 3 4 5 6 8 9.
Notice that 0 1 7 are missing.
Their sum 2+3+4+5+6+8+9, makes 37.

The numbers 017 and 37 prevail.

0 1 7 - meaning "NOTHING is ONE (EVERYTHING, itself also SEVEN, like the 7 spectral rays )."
3 7 - meaning "THREE primary rays ( red, green blue ) constitute INVISIBLE LIGHT, which also consists of SEVEN rays (of the spectrum) or (colours of the rainbow).

Numbers are (contain) Knowledge.
Is this the reason why so many people (are adversely influenced by forces 'unknown', to have such a dislike of maths?

The Holy Trinity, the three in one, the Greek Trident, can be expressed as "31" or even "13".
Recall that in the material world 13 is the distance between Sun and Earth, the Sun number is 12 ( the gematria of xf` , meaning "Sun", adds to 12 ).
Jesus selected 12 disciples constituting a total of 13 persons.
This symbolism is noticeable, centuries later, in "king Arthur and his 12 Knights of the Round Table".

It is not unexpected then to find in the Kabala that "El" l` meaning God adds to 31.

The gematria of "God of the Earth" from Genesis 24; 3 is 1073, so very close to the divine number of a single hydrogen atom (1074 = 1073 + Creator number 1 ).

The divine atomic and covalent diameters of hydrogen, the progenitor of all other atoms, are 1074 and 331.
Their digits add to 12 (3) [Sun, Moon] and 7 [ each atom ].

Astrophysicists inform us that hydrogen is the original matter of suns (stars), some of which at the end of their life, have been observed in the universe to spew out a concoction of additional new elements, like iron and carbon, at their collapse.
The sum of and differences between 1074 and 331 should convey knowledge.
The values are 1405, equivalent to 145 or 45, meaning spiritual vibration plus consciousness, the "human" entity, and 743, the converse of 347 ( Light ).

The fadic (reduced) values of 45 & 743 are 9 & 5.
Multiplied together make 45, the converse of which is 54.
This corresponds with relevant Hebrew text having a numerical value of 54, i.e. eiyrm ( 504 or 54 ) meaning "His works (God's creation)" and vi`dlj (54) "the whole earth".
The reflection of 1405 is 5041 or 71 x 71. ( 71 the reflection of 17, a correspondence with Light ).

According to American author, Bonnie Gaunt, the gematria of nidl`didl` meaning "the God of gods", adds to 137.

Thus the number 137 is very special and highly significant in spiritual and material realms.
The Sun, at a divine distance of 13 from the Earth, emits its 7 spectral rays to make visible to human eyes the components on Earth, composed of atoms, the fadic value of which is "seven" for every atom ( example; hydrogen 331; fadic value = 3 + 3 + 1 or 7 ).
"Seven" spectral rays of the Sun illuminate all Earth objects made of atomic "sevens".

The material plane of perception is based upon the atomic and spectral sevens, whilst a corresponding seven in the spiritual plane of existence or other world denotes perfect or pure.
Souls, which are free from their atomic vessels, the human body, now possibly vibrate in harmony, in "tune" with the kingdom of the Creator.

The three primary rays, red, green and blue, will reconstitute white light.
However white light contains four other rays, yellow, orange, indigo and violet, which are veiled until passed through a glass prism.
Thus white light contains a "hidden" four.

The human vessel composed of atoms also contains a "hidden four", the vibration of the soul, which animates the body.
Whilst confined or trapped in the human body, it has the opportunity to increase its vibration from four to seven, the number of perfection in both the material and spiritual worlds, by acquisition of the primary three.
When the vessel is worn out, if its vibration has reached seven, then the soul departs to the heavenly kingdom of the Creator, else if still a four, it waits in another realm to incarnate again in the material world of atoms.

Thus "any soul, trapped in atoms, which gains the (primary) three to become seven" can be expressed as the number 137, which does not necessarily translate as one hundred and thirty seven.
It is best considered as one, three, seven.

The number 137 seems to play a principal role in the two realms, confirmed in the Hebrew nidl`didl`, which means "the God of gods", value 137.
One particular variation of 137 is 037 because our Creator, like light, seems to be nothing and yet is everything.

Material light then is a "37" ( and predictably "God" or "Creator" - a Divine Light - in Hebrew is `dl` ( Bonnie Gaunt ) adds to 37, whilst "whole", nly is 370 ( Bonnie Gaunt ).

Objects in our material world are made visible or illuminated by the light from the Sun.
"To illuminate" in Hebrew" is cibi, which amounts to 27, a highly significant number corresponding with Earth (2) atoms (7).

The gematria of "Light", in Hebrew xf` is 207( since zeros are known as placeholders in gematria ).

The converse of 27 is 72, the solar factor, and in the kabala "Lord God" idl`dfdi is 72.
In Greek gematria "secret" also has the value 72.

There are 27 characters in the Hebrew alphabet.

There exist some fascinating relationships involving the numbers 1, 27 and 37, in which certain mathematical manipulations yield answers containing the very same numbers:
37 divided by 27 equals 1.370 370 370…
1 divided by 37 makes 0 .027 027 027…
1 divided by 27 equals 0 .037 37 37…

When 27 and 37 are multiplied together, the result is 999, the gematria of midl`ziy`xj, found in the first book in Genesis, which means "In the beginning Elohim".

Characteristic unique only to planet Earth.

The numbers 72 and its "mirror" image 27 have a property, unique only to planet Earth.
0297 is the mirror image of the Earth's 7920 miles diameter.
When 7920 is divided by 72, and 0297 by 27, the result is the SAME. It is 11.


This property is only UNIQUE to EARTH.
"Two Earths" are implied, the material one of which we are all aware.
The spiritual one, perceivable by the lucky few.

Thus the UNIVERSE involved a DESIGNER.
An intelligent agent, our CREATOR, manifested HYDROGEN,

click to go to index.


The Language of Numbers
The Biblical book of Numbers






Reply  Message 8 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 19/09/2011 18:22

Mars and Earth – Similar Geometries

© 2010 by Alan J. Watts

There have been many speculations and investigations into the artefacts to be seen in

the Cydonia region of Mars. Amongst the most potent of these was the work done by professors Horace Crater and Stanley McDaniel and published in a paper MOUND CONFIGURATION ON THE MARTIAN CYDONIA PLAIN: A GEOMETRIC AND PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS. ( University of Tennessee Space Institute 1997) (Ref 1).

 In the images captured by the Viking orbiters in 1975 were found several unusual features including the much-publicised Face on Mars plus a five-sides feature called the D and M Pyramid ( after Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar who first described the artefact)and what appears to be a conical “pyramid” dubbed Tholus.

The higher resolution images of the Face taken by Mars Global Surveyor in 1998 were pounced on by those who were challenged by the Viking images. While differing in detail there is no doubt that the images of the Face taken by both Viking and Surveyor show a most unusually-shaped and very large ( dimensions comparable to a mile) sculpted piece of terrain surrounded by a form of frame.

In addition to these artefacts there is a an area of large objects dubbed The City and included in this complex it was seen that there were a number of very reflective “mounds” which apparently were randomly placed. However Crater and McDaniel showed that this was by no means so. The placing of the mounds conformed to the geometry of the tetrahedron.


One of the Viking frames (from Crater and Mc Daniel’s paper) shows some of these reflective mounds whose positions have been enhanced and given letters.


When the geometry is formalised the mounds A,B,D,E,G are connected by tetrahedral geometry within a rectangle whose proportions are as 2:√2. All the other distances are then simple numbers or the square-root of simple numbers.


The tetrahedral geometry between the mounds A,B,D,E and G and the resulting distances when BD is unity. (All images from Ref 1)


Crater and Mc Daniel found that their tetrahedral geometry spread outside the confines of this rectangle.  For instance when a similar rectangle to is added to the line GE then mound O on the line PG is included.

Pyramidal Geometry in Wessex

In the diagrams below, we compare the Martian tetrahedral geometry (Fig 3a) with a similar form of geometry which links several of the most important ancient sites in the area we will loosely call Wessex. However this geometry is based on the same proportions as a meridian cross-section of the Great Pyramid. In this case the isosceles triangle that results has base 2: height √φ: and apothem (slant side) φ. The exact positions thrown up by the pyramidal geometry are dubbed navels and the grid references refer to these. (Fig 3b)

Fig 3a

Fig 3b

Silbury Hill, Stonehenge


When the line from Warren Hill (HY), (SZ 171 907) on Hengistbury Head to the east of Bournemouth, is joined to Silbury Hill (SY) (SU 100 686) Then it is found that Stonehenge (SN) (SU 123 422) divides this line in the ratio of 2:1 .

The line joining Silbury to the Stanton Drew (SD) (ST 601 633) stone circle complex south of Bristol is found to make a right-angle with the SY-HY line. This suggests at once that we have two sides of a rectangle.

Cadbury Castle (CC) (ST 628 252), which some have suggested was King Arthur’s Camelot, lies the same distance from Silbury as it does from Warren Hill and the resulting “Cadbury triangle” has the pyramidal proportions.

The rectangle that contains the Cadbury pyramidal triangle is completed by Bayard Hill (BY) (SY 668 860) north of Weymouth in Dorset. Also in Dorset and on the line HY-CC lies Badbury Rings (BC) (ST 965 030) a hillfort near Wimborne Minster to the NW of Bournemouth.

From the proportions of the pyramidal triangle the basic rectangle has the proportions 2:√φ whereas the Cydonia rectangle is 2:√2 .

Thus the rectangle on Mars and that in Wessex show the same basic mathematical mind-set .

Equally the various lengths in the Wessex rectangle, as in the Cydonia rectangle, are all simple numbers or the square-root of simple numbers We are taking φ (1.62) as a simple number for this purpose.

Just as in Crater and McDaniel’s Mars analysis the Wessex geometry can be extended outside the pyramidal rectangle when it is found that the apothem CC – SY looks straight through to the celebrated longbarrow called Wayland’s Smithy (WS) (SU 282 854) on the Berkshire Downs.

We then find that the distance Badbury to Waylands is √5 while the distance Warren Hill to Wayland’s is √6. The other distances follow where (NS) is New Sarum navel ( SU 136 297) – the mid-point of the base of the Cadbury Castle pyramidal triangle.

The unique situation of each of the Wessex navels with respect to the others indicates that the artefacts seen on these positions today have only grown about centres that must have existed for an unknown time before they were raised. It appears therefore that the positions of some of our most celebrated ancient sites were laid down in a very ancient past to accord with a pre-defined plan.

The fact that all these distances are whole numbers or square-roots of whole numbers reinforces our contention that the same mind-set designed both sets of artefacts.


Michael Joyce’s numerical analysis of the Marie de Blancheford Gravestone Inscription has shown a connection between Mars and Earth in a numerical manner. This analysis shows the same thing in a geometric context.

The Marie de Blanchefort Gravestone Inscription

Alan J. Watts 10th March 2010   ( About Alan Watts )



Reply  Message 9 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 19/09/2011 18:25

The vertical line bisects the base 

into 5.5 each side

Information, additional to pi and phi, only manifests when British Imperial Units of linear measure is used.
Implying that Egyptian architects thousands of years ago were familiar with miles, feet ( and cubits ).

The Giza Great pyramid is uncapped; it rises to a flat plateau at about 454 feet.
Its dimensions :
Flinders & Petrie ( 1886 ) base 768 feet, height 481.33 feet
Churchward Ramsey ( 1910 ) 763.81 feet x 486.25 feet
Howard Vyse ( 1830s ) 763.78 feet x 486.22 feet
Prof. Kris Thijs ( 1990 ) 755.55 feet x 481 feet
Michael Joyce ( 1990s ) 760 feet x 484 feet

The cubit is an ancient unit suggested in many encyclopedia to be 17 - 22 inches, the length between elbow and tip of middle finger.


198 has two factors which have a correspondence with time and space:
198 = 8.25 x 24
8.25 feet = half rod ( 99 inches )
24 hours = 1 day


The Great pyramid


Dimensions of the Giza pyramid
The original dimensions of the three major Egyptian pyramids Great, Mycerinus and Chephren at Giza, are difficult to determine exactly.
However they are sufficiently accurate to reveal two important mathematical constants pi and phi, as well as other information.
In this study slight adjustment of dimensions is sometimes inevitable, and incur only negligible errors.


Imperial and Metric Units.
1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 metre
1 yard = 3 feet
1 rod = 5.5 yards
1 inch = 2.54 cm
5 miles = approx. 8 kilometres
1 mile = 5280 feet = 63360 inches

Units of linear measurement.


The MILE was the distance covered in 1000 paces by Roman soldiers.

In medieval times it varied and was approximately 5000 feet.

In 1592 Parliament changed it to 5280 feet.

Stonehenge 2500BC- prof. Alexander Thom in1960s established megalithic yard or 2.72 feet - The ratio Moon/Earth is 27272... - implies that ancient Britons knowledgeable.

Ancient Mayan city of Teotihuacano - pyramid of the Sun & Moon, Avenue of the Dead - 250BC to 500AD - engineer Hugh Marleston found that ancient Maya had used 1.059 metre or 3.47 feet as the basic unit (347, the "Number of Nature").

Evaluation of ancient sites lead me to believe that at least 4000 years ago, the modern day British mile of 5280 feet was known,
because I have found that a UNIT of measurement of 10 RODS seems to have been used, indicated by a factor of THIRTY-TWO.
1 rod = 5.5 yards

32 rods = 176 yards = 1/10 mile = 528 feet

10 rods = one tenth mile ( 176 yards or 528 feet ).

The factor 32 is evident at Saith Maen, Wales, where megalithic builders used 

the 10 rods ( 55 yards ) unit.

click to read
Saith Maen standing stones in Wales belong to a system of standing stones and circles, which convey an ancient knowledge of geometry, metrology and Nature's Numbers.

This significant value 5.5 is incorporated in the Great Pyramid:

The ratio of the Great pyramid's height : base ( 484 : 760 )

 closely approximates to 7 : 11, shown below.


Many are familiar with the fact that each pair of dimensions ( 1886 onwards in any units of linear measurement ) demonstrate two mathematical constants:
1- (2 x base length) divided by height = 3.1415 or pi, symbol p
used in circular & spherical geometry.
2- ( height divided by half base ) = 1.62 ( approximates to 1.618 ), symbol f
measure of growth & derived from the Fibonacci series.
3- The slant angle of the face of the pyramid approximates to 51.85 degrees or 51 degrees 51 minutes.

But there is more:
Consider the complete pyramid:

Numerals of significance manifest when lengths are expressed in British Imperial units, where 5280 feet = 1 mile :

1- base AB = 760 feet divided by 5280 = 0.143939 mile ( adjusted 760.32 feet gives 0.144 mile or ( 12 x 12 ) / 10 x 10 ).

2- AO calculates to 537.4 feet or 0.10178 mile ( 0.1018234 mile = [ (720 x square root 2 )/10 x 10 ].

3- AP calculates to 723.36644 feet ( 723.36 feet = 0.137 mile ).

4- Height OP, 484 feet = 1100/12 mile.

5- Its volume is 1/3 x 0.144 x 0.144 x 1100/12 = 0.6336 ( 63 & its reflection 36 )
Also 63360 inches = 1 mile.

These answers contain the divine numbers 10, 11 & 12 ( Creator, Earth & Sun ) as well as the solar factor 720 and ' light ' number 137.
720 x 11 = 7920 miles, Earth diameter.
720 x 1200 = 864,000, Sun diameter.

The Solar Factor in Imperial & Metric Units
The solar factor 72(0) will convert mile linear measurements in atoms and solar system into simple divine numbers.

72 miles = 115872.768 metres

What a revelation, for the metric value contains the divine numbers of Earth ( 11 ) and Mars ( 58 ) as well as the solar factor 72… and another number 768.

768 = 24 x 32.
24 hours = 1 day.
32 rods = one tenth of a mile.

I have demonstrated how a '10 rod ' unit seems to have been used by stone age architects in the megalithic site involving Saith Maen standing stones in Wales.

click to read.

The number 137, like 037, denotes white ( Sun ) light - '1' white light or '0' apparently nothing comprised of '3' primary in its '7' spectral rays.

'137' also happens to be the fine constant in physics…. ( the constant a = hc/e-2 equals 137, where h= Planck's constant, e = math constant 2.718 and c = speed of light ).

For more on 72 - the solar factor, click

Whilst in feet:
1- 2 x AO, the length of the diagonal of the base = 1074.8 ( 1074 ) feet.
2- the diagonal of the plateau, 46.8 ( actual 47 ) feet of the uncapped pyramid = to 2 x 33.1 feet.

Coincidental or not:
1074 is the atomic diameter ( as a divine number ) of hydrogen.
An atom can be considered as an independent single unit, like the base diagonal is a single 1074 unit.
331 is hydrogen's covalent 'diameter'.

A covalent atom is usually joined to at least another, like the plateau diagonal which consists of 2 'units' of 33.1.

There is a shrinkage of 743 { reflection of 347 ( carbon & Earth to Moon divine distance ) } when two hydrogen atoms combine to become one molecule.
Weirdly Newton discovered light properties in 1704 (' anagram' of 1074 ).

There are indications in the Great Pyramid that ancient Egyptian scholars were familiar with the Divine Numbers of Creation, in addition to the mathematical constants pi and phi.

The ratio of the Great pyramid's height : base ( 484 : 760 ) closely approximates to 7 : 11, shown below.

Thus its base, ELEVEN x 69.0909 ( equals 760 ) obviously situated on the Earth, reveals an 'ELEVEN', the divine number of planet Earth, as well as number 69.1.

What is astounding is that 69.1 miles, a factor incorporated in the pyramid's base of 760 feet ( 11 x 69.0909 ) is the length of 1 degree of longitude ( or Equator ).

Or 360 ( degrees in a circle ) x 69.09009.. will yield 24872.72 miles, the circumference of the Earth.

Here we see THREE facts about the Earth incorporated in the Great pyramid:
1- its divine number 11.
2- The length of 1 degree of longitude, in MILES! ( British Imperial unit of measurement used over 4000 years ago. )
3- The diameter of the Earth can easily be calculated from ( 360 x 69.1 ) divided by pi or 11 x 720 ( Earth divine number x solar factor ).

10 rods is one tenth of a mile
( a unit of measurement I have established in use at least 4000 years ago ).

This tenth factor is noticeable between the 471 feet height of Chephren and 47.1 feet lengths of the sides of the square plateau on the Great pyramid.

Both lengths contain the digits 4 7 1
( a correspondence with light ).

The base of Mycerinus is one half the length of Chephren's.

If we divide 47.1 feet, ( one tenth the height of Chephren or the length of the Great pyramid's plateau ), by pi, the result is 15 ( feet ).

Now 15 x 528 equals 7920 ( feet ).
Or 15 equals ( 7920 divided by 528 ).

Now this beggars investigation because of the numbers 528 and 7920, since
1- 7920 miles is Earth's diameter.
2- 5280 feet equals one mile.

3- What is the significance of 15 ?

The circumference of a circle, diameter 15, calculates to 47.1 (2389 ),
the length of the Plateau or one tenth of Chephren's height.


The factor 10 is obvious here like it is in Chephren & Great pyramids.
Dimensions 226 & 227 and 710 & 711 also demonstrate a 'factor' of 1.

15 x Earth number 11 = 165
165 x 32 = 5280 ( feet = 1 mile ).
( 32 rods = one tenth mile )

Several authors write about a 15 degree rotation at ancient sites.

A similar diagram is shown alongside for planet Mars,
when 87/11 x 528 = 4176 ( miles diameter of Mars ).



Some significant numbers appear here




There are also implications about the 'DESCENDING of 7 into Earth ( 11 )' and 'ASCENDING of 7 from Earth ( 11 )'.
click hereto read.

The diagram shows a set of other

similar triangles, based on the cross section of pyramids, in accordance with the height & base dimensions of the Great pyramid.

Mars, 58, is associated with 37 ( primary rays of white light & spectral rays ) and 47 ( subsidiary & spectral rays ).

The cap of the Great pyramid depicts 47, 30 and 38.

Earth diameter, 7920 miles, in association with the distance between Earth & Mars, 50.4 million miles.

74 is associated with its reflected number 47 ( the subsidiary rays of white light & spectral rays ).

The Hexagon
The interlocking of two Mars & two 74/47 'pyramids' forms an irregular hexagon as shown below:


(Moon or Sun & Mars) & Mirror Image
Number 358 depicting 'a primary 3', 'human consciousness 5' and 'the Messiah number 8' can be obtained by the combination of the divine numbers of Moon or fadic Sun and Mars.

Below you can see that the meaning of number 358 in Hebrew gematria is in conflict!

However the fadic value of 358 (or 853) is SEVEN. (3 + 5 + 8 = 16; then 1 + 6 = 7).

If we imagine that the Afterlife plane of existence Mars and ours Earth, is separated by an invisible "mirror" or its equivalent, then any message passed into the material world, such as 358 would arrive in our plane in reverse as 853.

When 853 and 358 are expressed as quarters ( involving FOUR ), the results are and 3412/4 and 1432/4 .
The numerators, 1432 and 3412, each contain the first FOUR digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, of our counting system.

What is the significance of the number FOUR?
It is the number of subsidiary rays in white light.
( I believe it is also the ' soul ' number in animal &human. The perfect ' heavenly ' soul is 7 or 1, like white light ).

Coincidental or not, when the sum of the two forms of light, 37 & 47, are multiplied by six ( sides of a hexagon ) the result is 504.
Recall 5040 has special factors ( 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 or 7x8x9x10 = 5040 ).

And when the sum of Mars' 58 and light's 74 are multiplied by 6, the result is 792.
7920 miles is Earth's diameter.

Factor TEN is evident needed to scale 504 & 792.

The Pentagon
When two Mars 58/37 and one light 74/47 are interlocked a pentagon can be constructed as shown.
( I have omitted calculations ).

The number 18 appears in the green triangle as well as 41.

The perimeter of the pentagon is 272 ( 16 x 17 ).
For the isosceles triangle ABC of sides 41, 47, 47, it is 132 ( 12 x 13 ).

The height, perpendicular distance to its 41 base is 22.7.


Now consider the rectangular part of the above diagram :

A 74/47 triangle is drawn within, forming a trapezium which contains Mars & Earth numbers 58 & 11, light 37 and number 60.
Their sum ( 58 + 37 + 11 + 60 ) is 166.

Now the sum of the two light numbers 37 & 47 and planets 58 ( Mars ) & 11 ( Earth ) is 153.

Number 153 is a special one because it is the sum of the first 17 consecutive numbers of our counting system:


The Giza pyramid group/trio
The cross sectional diagrams show dimensions in 'feet'.


Mars/Earth triangles

The 'projection' of '47' from Mars becomes '7' and a 'lost' 4 when it reaches Earth.
Later it returns to Mars as '17' as '37' for permanence or '47' for regeneration.

Numbers 7, 17, 37, 47 and 34 relate to light structure, where here 3 plus 4 indeed makes 7.
And spirit.

Light can also be denoted by 31 and its reflection 13 comprise the number 3113.
3113 = ELEVEN x 283, whilst 1331 = ELEVEN x ELEVEN x ELEVEN ( Earth number ).


click to go to index.

Created August 2006


The fact that these three pyramids are awash with simple mathematical relationships, confirms an intimate alliance.

The dimensions of Mycerinus is based on the mathematical constant pi, like the Great pyramid, because ( 2 x base ) divided by height equals pi.

Pyramids similar to the Great pyramid have a height to base ratio of 7 to 11.

There is a mathematical relationship between Mycerinus and Chephren whereby 710 ( Chephren ) divided by pi equals 226 ( the height of Mycerinus ).

Even 710 is so very closely associated with '711', the combination of height ( 7 ) and base values ( 11 ) for pyramids similar to the Great one.
Both 711 and 227 are indicative of pi ( 22 / 7 ).

The Great pyramid is incomplete or uncapped, since it does not rise fully to a normal pointed apex ( at about 484 feet ).
Instead it stops 30 feet lower at a square plateau, which measures about 47.1 by 47.1 feet.

The cap closely approximates to 47 base x 30 vertical height x 38 feet slant height.
These dimensions convert to 0.0089 ( 0.0089015 ), 0.00568 ( 0.0056818 ) and 0.0072 ( 0.007196 ) mile.

Numbers 89, 72 and 568, ignoring the decimal points.

Notice the solar factor, 72, and its reiteration in 89, for 8 x 9 =72.
The number 568 factorises into 71 x 8 ( LIGHT and MESSIAH ), whilst its reflection, 865 equals 173 x 5 ( LIGHT and '5' )



1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 +13 +14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153.

This is also equal to the number of fish that Jesus caught :
in the Bible, verse 11 of chapter 21 involves the disciples netting 153 fish; "and dragged the net to land, full of big fish, a hundred & fifty-three of them..".
This occurs when Jesus "materialises" himself to his disciples, demonstrating Life-after-death.

153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +........................+ 17
153 = 9 x 17

The number 17 is obviously implicated here.

17 is a special number involving "light", its fadic value 8, the "Jesus number" and "perfection/purification 7".

Number 17 was assigned to the ancient Mayan god C'Haban ( "he who transforms from human to a god when he shakes off the ash clinging to him from the material world" ).

In our diagram, the sum 166 = 153 + 13

13 ( TRINITY ) like 17 relates to light.

We could say that the 74/47 triangle depicts time as well as light because its perimeter 47 + 47 + 74 is 168.
168 = 7 x 24.
7 depicts light and 1 week; 24 hours is 1 day.

Mycerinus, Chephren and Cheops ( Great ) are a most significant trio of pyramids built circa 2500 BC, in the Giza region of Egypt.



Its perimeter is ( 2 x 58 ) + ( 4 x 41 ) = 280 or 2 x 140.
The length of the base of a blue triangle, of which there are four is 41; ( its height is 42 ).
Angles are 76 & 104 degrees.
The number FOUR is prominent.

The number 41 is contained in the hexagon formed by the interlocking of 74/47 and 58/37 triangles.

It relates to the four subsidiary rays in white light.

The following picture using the three major Giza pyramids can be constructed.
Notice that:
1- ' 471 ' is contained in both the vertical and horizontal.
2- There is also a factor of 10, ( 471 = 10 x 47.1 ).
3- it is possible to site exactly FOUR Mycerinus pyramids on the upturned base of the Chephren one.


The hexagon is built using cross sections of pyramids of Mars ( 58 ) and the Great pyramid cap ( 47 )

The ( white ) triangle needed to complete the hexagon has a base length of 18, whilst its height is 37 ( the height of Mars' ).
A prominent number here is EIGHT ( the Messiah number ) whilst 37 depicts LIGHT .

Again FOUR is evident ( four pyramid caps linked to Mars ).

The diameter contains the Earth divine number 11.
87 equals 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 or 3 to power 4 ( 3 & 4 are numbers which relate to spectrum ).

174 is the reflection of number 471, present in Chephren & Great pyramids.

Even 174/7 is a reflection of 471/1, since 1 & 7 have an equivalence in light….

White light is comprised of 7 spectral rays.

4 Mycerinus pyramids would fit exactly on the upturned base of Chephren.
4 x a Mycerinus height 227 feet = 908.
908 divided by pi = 289.

289 = 17 x 17 ( LIGHT ! )

Indications are that Earth & Mars are intimately connected.

The original Knights Templar knew about the relationship….
Click to read

Triangular sections of the pyramids, 484 by 760 and 7 by 11 are said to be

SIMILAR because 484/760 equals 7/11.

Now 7 x 24 x pi = 527.788 ( 528 ! )
7 days = 1 week.
24 hours = 1 day.

Cleverly hidden here is combination of space & time values:

' circular time = linear space '.

15 is the relationship between 7920, the mile-diameter of the Earth, and 528, one tenth of Imperial mile in feet

Earth's diameter is 11 x the solar factor 720 making 7920 miles.
The pentagon also contains the solar factor since its angles are 72 & 108.

We have seen that 11 cubits = 198 inches, and that 720, the solar factor 720 enables us to calculate Earth's diameter.

The result of 198 x 720 is 142,560 or more notably 144,000 minus 1440,
because 1440 minutes equal 24 hours = 1 day.
144,000 minutes = 100 days.

It seems that 198 ( length ) has some correlation with ( time ) 99 days ( 100 minus 1 ), reiterated by the 99 ( inches ) revealed above.

Significant is the fact that the Earth diameter 7920 ( space ) divided by 1440 ( time ) equals 5.5.

In conclusion it seems that 11 and 55 are space and time values for Earth.

198 and 99 will correspond with some other object ( unknown at present ).
Or else the use of these units demonstrates existence as space and time objects.

99 days approximates very closely to 0.271 year or ( 27 x 10.037 ) divided by 10, where 37 depicts light and 10 is Creator number.

27 and 37 have a remarkable relationship: 37 divided by 27 equals 1.37 037 037….
137 037 is similar to 10 037

137 like 10 is the 'basis' of Creation.

For much much more on 137 - the Fundamental number of Nature or Creation.
click here to visit.

Carbon's divine number is 694 or 2 x 347.
347, like 137, is another depiction of light structure.
Not only that, but 347 is also divine distance between Earth and its orbiting Moon.

137 can also be found in the Great pyramid.

The 1953 edition of Pears Encyclopedia gives 1 cubit equals 18 inches.

The Sun and its planets have divine numbers, ( explained shortly ), which relate to their diameters ( in miles ) can be calculated:
Sun = 12, Moon = 3, Earth = 11.

A correlation also exists between these divine values and Imperial linear units:
22 yards ( 4 rods ) = 66 feet = 792 inches.

Conversion: 22 x ( 3 )Moon = 66 x ( 12 ) Sun = 792 inches.
792 ( miles ) x ( 10 ) another divine number = 7920 miles ( diameter of Earth ).
It seems that linear units of measurement, at some time, were based on the Earth diameter and solar divine numbers.

Earth divine 11 ( in cubits ) = 11 x 18 = 198 inches.
198 inches divided by Sun ( 12 ) = 16.5 feet.
16.5 feet divided by Moon ( 3 ) = 5.5 yards ( one rod )….. we arrive at 5.5, which is HALF of 11.

Earth in fact has two divine numbers corresponding to it as an object in space and time: s-11 and t-55 or just 11 & 55.


Reply  Message 10 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 19/09/2011 18:37

LVIII, 58 & Mars
by Michael Joyce



Ancient Mayan Sacred Calendar & 8x8 Magic Square
The ancient Mayan sacred calendar comprised of 260 days (13 'months' of 20 days).
RECALL: gematria KNIGHTS is 88 & gematria of LVIIIC is 8 x 8
Intriguingly, the numbers 1, 2, 3, ......to 64 ( 64 = 8 x 8 ) can be used to make a magic square to reveal the Mayan number 260 when suitably arranged, SHOWN BELOW.


Mars "hidden" in Giza
Peter Lemesurier writes in his book "The Great Pyramid Decoded that the line drawn at an angle of the pyramids' ascending or descending passages of 26 degrees 18' 9.7" in a NE direction, from the pyramid, passes through Bethlehem, and that this bearing is in 1.7 degrees error of the midsummer sunrise.




The highly significant number 17, also evident in John ch21 verse 11: when Jesus "materialises" himself to his disciples, demonstrating Life-after-death.

Chapter 21 verse 11 involves the disciples netting 153 fish; "and dragged the net to land, full of big fish, a hundred & fifty-three of them..".

153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +........................+ 17
153 = 9 x 17

17 is a special number involving "light", its fadic value 8, the "Jesus number" and "perfection/purification 7".

Number 17.

Its reflection 71 was found in abundance in CAPUT LVIIIm.

If the height of the pyramid is extended by 20 feet, a new height of 504 feet is attained (484 + 20), and the base is 760 feet.

The sides of the 2-D pyramid move to the new positions shown in the sketch, by an increase in angle of 1 degree 7(.27) minutes.


5040 is special number: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 or
7 x 8 x 9 x 10

Earth - Mars is 50.4 million miles or 7

It seems that the Knights Templar concealed from the Church & Inquisition, secret planetary & spiritual knowledge in CAPUT LVIIIm,
because it differed from teachings of the Church and would therefore constitute heresy.

Michael's Metaphysical and Science Website - Arcane Ancient and Modern Wisdom

This page is maintained by Michael Joyce
created March 2006



A magic square is one in which the sum of the numbers in any row, column or diagonal is exactly the same; in this case it is 260.

Implications are that the numbers 64 and 260 have special significance.
The meanings of 7, 8 and 58 have alraedy been established.

I use 10 for our Creator - ONE who exists in EVERYTHING yet seems NOTHING).

The alpha and the omega in the bible is the beginning and end.

In the magic square, a beginning is 1 and the end 64; and afterwards a new start would be 65, or 1 again.

The sum of the four numbers in the centre is 260; vertical sums are 111 and 19.

The ancient Mayan vague year of 365 days (or haab) was composed of 19 months - eighteen months (uinals) of 20 days each and a closing month of 5 days, making a total of 365. There were 20 glyphs for the 20 Maya days and 19 for the months.

Number 111 could denote the Holy Trinity or Primary Three as in Light.

At the centre the solar factor 72 (59+13) for the material world and Mars 58 (52+6), the correspondence to the spiritual world, are evident.
Also is 65, the number that follows 64.

So what information is esoterically hidden here?
The alpha is at 1, at position 4 (Earth distance to Sun) numbers up and 5 (Earth distance to Moon) numbers down in the left hand column. After traversing to 2, there are two possible routes to reach 63, skirting the perimeter of the centre block of significant numbers: 31-24-35-44-25 and 40-45-30-17-34

The appropriate significant divine numbers can be seen in diagram below

In particular 24, 25, 44 relate to human - earth (2), spiritual vibration (4) & consciousness (5), chromosomes (44 + 2 sex ).
Whilst 30, 31, 34, 17 relate to light.

Exit is via 64 on the right and the centre informs of two choices:
route 72 (material) or 58 (spiritual) - either Reincarnation or Spiritual Perfection (God's Servant).

Routes possible for Omega of the human soul involve 10 (Creator), 8 (Messiah) or 65.

Number 65, equivalent to a new "1" starts the sequence of a further journey through the magic square.

If path to the Creator is chosen, the number alongside is 47 - a number found in Giza pyramids ( 470 feet height of Mycerin and 47 feet length of square plateau atop the Great pyramid ), meaning spiritual perfection - a vibrational increase from 4 to 7 (by attaining the primary 3 or trinity).

The sum of 10 and 47 make 57, the last number in the row, which leads to 58 (Mars).

Whilst the Messiah route, the sum of 8 plus 27 (earth & light) make 35, found on the corner opposite to number 2, indicating reincarnation via a choice of two paths, significantly either 2 or 8 numbers to travel to reach 63.

It seem the 8x8 Magic Square is a tool for understanding Incarnation, Reincarnation, Material and Spiritual Being.

Knowledge familiar to some ancients thousands of years ago.

Michael can be contacted at:

The Knights Templar thrived from 1095, until 1313 when Pope Clement abolished the Order of the Knights Templar, after papal proceedings instigated by king Philip IV of France.

According to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church during the 11th century until times of reason centuries later:
"the Earth and man were at the centre of the universe."

An alternative belief that the Sun was at the centre of the universe would constitute heresy, when investigative procedures by the Inquisition, usually involving torture to obtain a confession, would result in burning at the stake of the victim.

A numerical study ( gematria ) of CAPUT LVIIIm, the name of the Templar's divine object of worship, reveals information about a different position of the Earth in the universe and more, which the Templars had to keep secret from the Church else suffer the dire consequences.

For centuries, the Hebrews used the principles of gematria to conceal esoteric knowledge, which the Jews could have imparted to the Templars during their occupation of Jerusalem.

Numbers are a special kind of language - a precise language that loses nothing in translation. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, said circa 500 BC 'numbers are the language of the Universe and that all things are numbers'.

Indeed atoms, planets and distances of separation have specific divine numbers.

Earth = 11 (0), 

MARS = 58 and LVIII is the Roman numeral for 58, present in CAPUT LVIIIm.

Each number in the macrocosm can be converted to a perceived size using the 'solar factor' 72 miles as a multiplier. Thus the diameters of Earth & Mars calculate to 7920 & 4176 miles. The distance between the Earth & Moon is 347, which has a correspondence with the types of coloured rays in white or invisible light..
Atomic & covalent 'diameters' of the hydrogen atom are 1074 & 331.

These 11 letters contain the Roman numeral LVIII, 58.

An emphasis on number 58.

Removing APUT leaves C LVIIIm
Moving m to the beginning and changing to upper case gives MCLVIII.
A further Roman numeral or 1158.
The number 11 again, like the number of letters in CAPUT LVIIIm !

11 & 58 are the divine numbers of two planets: EARTH, 11 & MARS, 58

WHITE usually denotes PURITY, whilst the planet MARS is RED, & its NUMBER is 58.
( SOLAR FACTOR )72 miles x 58 = 4176 miles ( diameter of Mars )
72 x 11(0) =7920 miles ( diameter of Earth )

LVIII is the Roman numeral for 58.
MCLVIII, or 1158, is another Roman numeral we can obtain from CAPUT LVIIIm, by removal of APUT.
Since 58 is already obvious as LVIII, our attention is guided to the number ELEVEN ( also the number of letters in CAPUT LVIIIm ), planet EARTH.

CAPUT LVIIIm can be split into two:
Roman numeral MCLVIII and word APUT - 7 & 4 letters (74). Its reverse ( reflection ) is 47.

Numerical values: using A =1, B =2, C =3,............Z =26 :

K   N   I   G   H   T  S  ( 11 + 14 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 20 + 19 = 88)
T   E   M   P   L   A   R  ( 20 + 5 + 13 + 16 + 12 + 1 + 18 = 85 )
88 is Jesus or Messiah number; 85 is the reflection of Mars number 58.
The gematria ( sum ) of the 14 letters in KNIGHTS TEMPLAR is 173.
The digits of 173 add to 11, the number of letters in CAPUT LVIIIm, and Earth's number value.

173 is another form of 137 ( light discussed earlier ), when it relates to white/invisible light (the whole, spectral 7, primary 3 rays)

Gematria of the 7 letters, MCLVIII ( 13 + 3 + 12 + 22 + 9 + 9 + 9 ) = 77 ( 7 + 7 = 14)
The 7 letters in Knights and 7 in Templar also constitute "77".

Thus there is a numerical connection 77, between MCLVIII and KNIGHTS TEMPLAR.

Now, the remaining 4 letters APUT ( 1 + 16 + 21 + 20 ) = 58.
LVIII is also 58.
58 is Mars value and the reflection of 85 ( the gematria of TEMPLAR )

58 demonstrates an equivalence between LVIII and APUT.
What then is the relationship between the remaining letters C and m.
It is number 3 since gematria of C is 3, of m is 13.

It is likely that the Knights Templar would learn in Jerusalem about the principles of ancient Hebrew gematria, assigning numbers to letters of the alphabet.

Subsequently they could apply it to the English alphabet to hide information from the Roman Catholic Church, which would otherwise bring about their persecution, torture and burning at the stake as heretics.

At this time in history anybody who believed and openly admitted that "the Sun and NOT the Earth was the centre of the universe", would have been hauled in by the Inquisition for their heretical belief.

If we use the Hebrew-type gematria system, when A = 1, B =2…….I = 9,
then J = 10, K = 20……..R = 90,
followed by S = 100, T = 200……..Z = 800

K N I G H T S ( 20 + 50 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 200 + 100 = 394 ) T E M P L A R ( 200 + 5 + 40 + 70 + 30 + 1 + 90 = 436 )
their fadic values : 16 reduces to 7 and 13 reduces to 4 constituting 7 4

So KNIGHTS TEMPLAR = " 7 4 " and the letter count in MCLVIII APUT = " 74 " indicates an esoteric association between the Knights Templar and the Divine Head, CAPUT LVIIIm.

1 red cloth & 2 bones ( wrapped in the 2 white cloths ) indicate 12 (Sun)
( 1 ) red colour & ( 1 ) white colour denote the number 11 (Earth)

L is 12th letter of the alphabet and is at the centre of CAPUT L VIIIm.
Just like the Sun is at the centre of our solar system.
This idea in the 12th century would have been considered as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church.








1- CAPUT LVIIIm contains ELEVEN letters.
2- LVIII is Roman numeral for 58.
3- The gematria of APUT IS 58.
4- MCLVIII, present in CAPUT LVIIIm, is Roman numeral 1158.
5- The gematria of the SEVEN letters in MCLVIII is SEVENTY-SEVEN.
6- The number of letters in KNIGHTS TEMPLAR constitute the number 77.
7- The gematria of of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR is 88, 85 or fadic 7, 4, the number 74.
8- The number of letters in MCLVIII & APUT also depicts 74.
9- The gematria of LVIIIm is 74.
10- The fadic value of 74 ( 7 + 4 ) is ELEVEN.
11- L ( numerically 12 ) is at the centre of CAPUT LVIIIm.

Something denoted by " 12 " is at the centre of 11 letters, a number in abundance connected directly to 58.
12, 11, 58 are the divine values of the heavenly bodies Sun, Earth & Mars.

L is the Roman numeral for 50.
L is numerically 12 or 50

VIIIm minus L = 62 ( 22 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 13 ) minus 12 = 50 (Roman numeral L).

Gematria of APUT = 58
Gematria of LVIII =61 and is Roman numeral for 58
These values of LVIII differ by 3 ( 61 - 58 )
58 demonstrates an esoteric "link" between APUT & LVIII

It thus follows, what is the relationship between the remaining letters C and m, which enclose APUT LVIII ?
And what esoteric information is hidden here ?
Their values are 3 & 13, each a or one 3.

INVESTIGATION of Meaning of 3
C A P U T L V I I I m

FIVE upper case letters C A P U T before L
FOUR upper case letters V I I I after L
Depicts number 54.
L ( 12 ) at the centre is associated with 4 & 5

Letter arrangement, including 'm' shows 5141
5 & 4 associated with 11

The number 5141 enables us to find a hidden number 3, for 5 -1 = 4; then 4 -1 =3.
We arrive at a new number 51413, the reflection ( reverse ) of 31415.
And 31415 is further found in CAPUT L VIII m read in reverse, for substituting 13 for m, we get 31 415 again.

You will probably recognise this number as the first 5 digits of the mathematical constant pi ( 3.1415… ), which is used in circular geometry. CIRCLES & ORBITS.

CAPUT LVIIIm contains pi and a THREE at each end ( a diameter ) of its 11 letters, implying circular or orbital movement.

By coincidence, or not,
C (Roman numeral) = HUNDRED
Gematria = 74 ( 74 again & fadic 11 )
Thus C, value 3, is again connected to 11.

Also the sum of numerical differences between the letters in HUNDRED = 58

We can now add to the earlier picture to show a '3' orbiting or circling an '11':

I wonder if their distances of separation ( orbital distances ) 'hidden' in CAPUT LVIIIm ??
The diagram below shows the numerical values of letters.
CA & m are a reflected pair 13, 31.
The gematria of CA is 4, of PUT is fadic 12.
At the opposite end we have two 13s associated with L, value 12.

We can deduce that 4 & 13 are each linked to 12, the Sun.
The fadic value of 13 ( 1 + 3 ) is 4. emphasis is on 13 since it occurs twice.
13 represents distance between Sun & Earth.

It is noticeable that the letter value of C and the letter counts APUT, L, VIIIm constitute 31415, the digits of the mathematical constant pi.
The digits of 31415 can now be placed as shown in the diagram below.

3 can expand to 12, the Sun value, and if 4 & 5 are removed and placed as distances of separation, 11 remains for the Earth value.

We have another means of finding the value of 4 for the Sun - Earth distance, which expands to the real value 13, established earlier.

In the following diagram we can see that the gematria of the 5 letters CAPUT and of the 5 letters LVIII is 61 in each case.
Another means of confirming that the Earth-Moon separation is also 5.
The fadic value of CAPUT LVIII is also 5.

The letter count in L PUT shows 13, the real Sun-Earth distance.
Similarly L VIII shows 14, an expansion of 5, indicating that the Earth-Moon separation is 14 ?

Both CAPUT and LVIII each have a fadic value of 7 ( 6 + 1 ).
Two 7's or '77'.

The gematria of CAPUT LVIII is 122 or 119 when LVIII is taken as 58.
'77' has been derived from 122.
Now 119 = 7 x 17 ( SEVENs again !! ).

The gematria of APUT is 58, of LVIII is 61.
But LVIII is also Roman numeral 58.
An indication of an esoteric link between APUT and LVIII.
The values of C & m are 3, 'a 3' and 13, 'one 3', and hence also esoterically linked.

Suppose we interchange C and m:

the gematria of mAPUT is 71, of LVIIIC is 64 ( or 62 )
17 or 71 ( fadic value 8 ) corresponds with light.
64 = 8 x 8.
Here we are drawn to 8, the Messiah number and also 88, the gematria of 'Knights'.

MCLVIII, APUT & 77 are linked with 7 & 58, since
7 letters, MCLVIII has gematria of 77
4 letters APUT = 58

There is emphasis on number '7' as well as an indication of a link between 58 & 7, that the Earth-Mars link ( distance ) is 7.

gematria ( LVIII + m = 61 + 13 = 74 )
whilst ( Roman LVIII, 58 + m = 71)

What then is the connection between 74 & 71 ?
Their difference is 3.
Light can be depicted as 71 or 31.
Light contains 3 primary & 4 secondary rays.
So 74 also depicts light.

Even the sum of the digits of the numerical values of the letters is 17 or 16 ( the reflection of 61 ) if '0' is excluded.

C A P U T L V I I I m
the numerical values of its letters are: 3-1-16-21-20-12-22-9-9-9-13
consisting of 17 digits or 16 excluding 0

The sum of their constituent digits is shown:
C A ( P ) ( U ) ( T ) ( L ) ( V ) I I I ( m )
3 + 1 + (1 + 6) + (2 + 1) + (2 + 0) + (1 + 2) + (2 +2) + 9 + 9 + 9 + (1 + 3)
Sum = 50 = Roman numeral L
Total sum = 54 ( containing significant numbers 4 & 5 )
" 50 " & " 4 " indicate 504
FIVE letters C A P U T before L
FOUR letters V I I I after L
Sum of the capital (upper case) letters is 50 (Roman L)
m has equivalence with A C; numerically CA is mirror of m.

5040 is special number since 5040 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 or 5040 = 7 x 8 x 9 x 10

Gematria, (numerical totals) of words or groups of letters:
C A P U T L V I I I m
C A P U T = 3 + 1 + 16 + 21 + 20 = 61
L V I I I m = 12 + 22 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 61
each comprise of 7 digits ( excluding 0 ), and 61 reduces to 7
61 mirrors 16 ( number 16 found above )

61 - 11 = 50 Roman numeral L and linked with 504
61 + 11= 72 what is its connection with 504?
504 divided by 72 = SEVEN ( that number again )

72 is the SOLAR FACTOR, used:

11(0) x 72 = 7920 miles is Earth diameter
58 x 72 = 4176 miles is Mars diameter
13(00000) x 72 = 93,600,000 miles is Sun - Earth distance
12(000) x 72 = 864000 miles diameters of Sun
3(0) x 72 = 2160 miles Moon diameter.
7(00000) x 72 = 50,400,000 miles Earth to Mars

The diagram can be enhanced:

Gematria of the 11 alphanumerics in CAPUT LVIIIm is 3 + 1 + 16 + 20 +..................+ 9 + 13 = 135
135 = 5 x 27 = V ( Roman numeral ) x III ( gematria )

Using Roman numerals V x III = 5 x 27 or 135.
The gematria of CAPUT LVIIIm is 135.
When LVIII = 58, then sum is 132 = 11 x 12 ( Earth & Sun numbers )

Using numerical values, V x III = 22 x 27 = 11 x 54
We see that numbers 11, 12 & 54 are revealed again.

C = H U N D R E D
substituting numerical values 8 + 21 + 14 + 4 + 18 + 5 + 4 = 74
differences 13 ( 21-8 ) + 7 ( 21-14) + 10 + 14 + 13 + 1 = 58
LVIIIm =74, LVIII = APUT = 58
'hundred' conceals numbers 74 & 58, explained earlier, which have correspondence with LVIIIm & APUT.

Since APUT & LVIII are numerically equivalent, 58, then when letters are arranged:
C - APUT - LVIII - m

letter arrangement depicts the number 1 4 5 1, again depicting association between 11 & 5 4
C =3
APUT = 58 = fadic 4
LVIII = 58 = fadic 4
m = 13 = fadic 4
1- 58, the value of APUT & LVIII, are enclosed by 3 & 4
2- The gematria of LVIII is 61, which reduces to 7

And 3 + 4 = 7, gives us the combination ("347"), a number which reduces to 14 then 5

We can now add further information to our 'sky map'.

Digital sum of letter values in LVIII = gematria of LV = 34
Gematria LVIII (61)& LV (34) each reduce to 7

Rearranging, beginning with the Sun, L, and keeping alphanumerics in order & grouping VIII and APUT ( because each 58 ) :
L - V I I I - m C - A P U T

L = 12 = fadic 3
VIII = 22+9+9+9 = 49 = f 13 = f 4
mC = 13+3 = f 7
APUT = 1+16+21+20 = 58 = f 13 = f 4
The first THREE ( Moon number )words reveal another 347.
The letter count of these is 1, 4, 2.
142 = 2 x 71 (relationship between 347 & 71 in light)

Since L is 4 ( 13 ) to Earth & gematria of 4 letters VIII is fadic 13, 4 then perhaps Mars is 2, letters mC, from Sun, L.

But fadic value of mC is 7, not 2.
However Mars is 7 from Earth, so it is reasonably safe to assume that Mars is 2 from Sun.
2(000000) x 72 = 144 million miles.

Our sky map now becomes:

Consider the following:

Digits 4 &7 are common to both; 47 the reflection of 74
One contains a 5 the other 23, an equivalence since 23 = fadic 5

Strangely, when the numerical differences between consecutive letters are considered:
C A P U T ( values = 3 - 1 - 16 - 21 - 20 )
differences = 2 - 15 - 5 - 1 ; SUM of digits = 23
L V I I I ( values = 12 - 22 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 13 )
differences = 10 - 13 - 0 - 0; SUM of digits = 23

Each has the sum 23 or fadic 5, like above.

Fibonacci series : 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144.......... next number is always the sum of the previous two ( eg. 8 + 13 = 21 )
Notice ( 1,1 ) ( 2,3 ) ( 5,8 ) in the Fibonacci series also prevail in CAPUT LVIIIm

The question remains:
What is the connection between Earth & Mars?

Whilst Earth has a material correspondence, I believe Mars has a spiritual one.

The connection is birth & death or in- & re-carnation.

The number of days, 260, in the ancient Mayan sacred year, is contained in the 8 x 8 magic square, confirms my belief.



The Old Testament, in Hebrew, involved a dual character system involving a meaning of sound and of number. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a specific number and the system using it is called Cabala, Kaballah or Kabala. The Greeks called it Gematria when they applied number to the New Testament.
Example: "El or God" l` is 31 ( the THREE in ONE, or invisible/white light also SEVEN in ONE, 71 ).

The diagram shows the relationship between white light (1), the red, green, blue primary rays (3), the spectrum colours (7) and the number 137. If white light (sun rays) is passed through a glass prism, first accomplished by Isaac Newton in 1704, it splits into seven colours (of the rainbow). Water droplets act as the prism in Nature to produce the same effect.

The numerical value ( gematria ) of a word or group of words often reveals esoteric meaning.

Notice that hydrogen's covalent number 331 prevails in the colour mixing of the primary rays in the diagram - 3 secondary rays ( yellow, cyan, magenta ) can be produced from the 3 primary ones, which themselves constitute 1 ( white light ).

331 connects light & hydrogen - Light is needed to illuminate objects ( molecules comprised of atoms, which originated from hydrogen ) of our perception.

Hydrogen, formed after the Big Bang, is the progenitor of all the other different atoms.

Thus one " SEVEN ", LIGHT, illuminates another ' SEVEN ', the atoms spawned from HYDROGEN ( 3+3=1 = 7 ).
7 is known as the FADIC ( resultant single digit ) value of 331.
SEVEN is the fadic value of atoms of all the different chemical elements ( about 100 ) such as hydrogen, oxygen, gold, iron, sodium, chlorine……….

Intriguingly in Revelation in the Bible,
the number seven ( light, hydrogen, atoms ) occurs 137 ( the number of light ) times.

Arranging the letter types in CAPUT LVIIIm into:
different, like, lower case, gives
The letter count is 7, 3, 1 or 731, which is the reflection of 137 ( Light ).

The fadic value of 137 is 2 since 1 + 3 + 7 = 11, then 1 + 1 = 2.

137 is the number 'vital' to LIFE on Earth:
'137' is the fine constant in physics.
there are 137 atoms in one molecule of chlorophyll ( green pigment in plants ).
there are 137 atoms in one molecule of human haematin.

CAPUT LVIIIm: Author & Book references

1- In Keith Laidler's book "The Head of God, the Lost Treasures of the Templars", there is a chapter devoted to "The Head Cult", which stretches back to Akenaten.
The severed Head symbolised Divinity, and was regarded as the essence of being, the seat of the soul, the symbol of evil-averting divine power.
The Head was called CAPUT LVIIIm, and has a value of 58.

2- Ian Wilson, The Shroud of Turin - The Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ? The Templars' stronghold in Jerusalem was finally overrun by the Moslems in 1244.
Thirty-three years later the victorious sultan, baibars, inspected their castle and is recorded to have discovered inside the tower "a great idol", in whose protection the castle had been placed: according to the Frank who had given it its name [this is an unreadable word, made in diacritic letters].
He ordered this to be destroyed and a mihrab [Moslem prayer niche] constructed in its place."

3- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail"

"Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, in their well-known book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail"... the authors found indisputable evidence of secret ceremonies involving a head. …. its existence was one of the dominant themes running through the Inquisition records....Among the confiscated goods of the Paris shrine included a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, in the image of a woman. Inside were two small head bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it.  

THE TEMPLAR HEAD: " a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, in the image of a woman. Inside were two head bones, wrapped in white linen with another red cloth around it. "
On an attached label is written "CAPUT LVIIIm" - "HEAD 58".












Reply  Message 11 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 01:43
The Biblical book of Numbers


Here follows TWO aspects of the analysis of the Book of NUMBERS.

1 - Cheops Covenant Codes

In Memory of and Dedicated to Professor Kris Thijs

With much appreciation to Jennifer Maes of Guedo Maes Millennium Productions, COPYRIGHT OWNERS, for permission to place on my website, in English, information contained in prof. Thijs' tenth book, and to retired teacher Hugo Kennes, informing me about this precious work, he was translating into English.

What follows is based on Hugo's translations.

Professor Kris Thijs, who taught engineering at the University of Diepenbeek (Belgium) and studied medicine and philosophy, wrote 10 little-known books in Dutch, from 1987 to 1999.

His tenth book, "The Secret Language of God", (Het Geheimschrift van God, Guido Maes Millennium Productions) was printed in 1999, the year in which he died.
Its 350 pages concerns the Bible Geometric Encodings, astronomy-astrology, pyramidal cosmology, and establishes correspondences between the Ark of Covenant to the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

By analysis of the numeric information contained in the book of Numbers in the Bible, professor Thijs links ancient and modern scientific knowledge.
He establishes that the values of "pi", "phi", "e", "Fiegenbaum number", "Planck constant", concepts such as "bifurcation", development of energy fields in the cosmos and much more were known thousands of years ago.

TOPICS on this page:
1- The 4 Camps around the Tabernacle (1).
2- Phi & Pi in the Egyptian Great Pyramid
3- Translation of Pyramid to Circle & Pentagram to Trapezium.
4- Information about Phi.
5- Significance of Total Guards of the Tabernacle, East Guards, Rhythm 6 & 1864, S, W, N Guards.
6- The 12 Sub-Tribes
7- The Four Camps (2)
8- Biblical Book of Revelation.

click to visit


The Number of Guards around the TABERNACLE or ARK of the COVENANT
Moses' Tabernacle was always set up at the centre of the camp of Israel.
The 12 tribes of Israel plus Moses and the Levites (of Levi) make a total of 13 tribes.

The Four Camps
Moses' Tabernacle was always set up at the centre of the camp of Israel. The 12 tribes of Israel plus Moses and the Levites (of Levi) make a total of 13 tribes.
The organisation of the four camps, and the number of persons (guards) in each, can be found in Numbers chapters 1 vs 20-46 & 2 vs3-32 in the Bible:

The camp set up, during the second year after the Israelites had fled Egypt was :

Judah 74600 Issachah 54400 Zebulun 57400.Total 186400.
Reuben 46500 Simeon 59300 Gad 45650.Total 151450.
Ephraim 40500 Manneseh 32200 Benjamin 35400.Total 108100.
Dan 62700 Asher 41500 Naphtali 53400.Total 157600.
Making a grand total of 603550 persons (guards).

It will be shown that the distribution, of the guards at the four points of the compass, demonstrates a trapezium relationship, which correspond exactly with a pyramidal model of cosmological evolution.

The construction of the Egyptian Great pyramid, Cheops, is based on phi, the golden number 1.618, as shown in the diagram.
The ratio of height / base length is 1 / (2xBC) or 1 / 1.5723.

When these dimensions are used in an expansion shown below, which involves evolution of trapeziums, a special multiplier reveals itself, and the value of pi, 3.14159, manifests at the fourth stage as the length of the long diagonal.

The trapezium is a consequence of the development model of the exterior triangle of the pyramid:


When these dimensions are used in an expansion shown below, which involves evolution of trapeziums, a special multiplier reveals itself, and the value of pi, 3.14159, manifests at the fourth stage as the length of the long diagonal.
The multiplier is 1.38196601.

A trapezium is any four-sided shapes like BCED & DEFG above.

The length of any subsequent line can be calculated from a known immediate previous one. For example DE will be equal to 1.38196601 x DC (1/j).

The line multiplier 1.38196601 equates to (square root 5) / j or square root (6 / p).

(1/square root 1.38196601) or (p/6) equals 0.5236, known as "1el" ].

This model translates pyramids (of Cheops proportions) into equivalent circles, trapeziums and pentagrams:

The base of the pyramid translates appropriately into circle, trapezium, and pentagram as shown.

The proportions in such trapeziums are shown below.

Concerning Phi, symbol j the Golden Number (or Mean) or Divine Proportion, numerically 1.618.
The ancient Rhind papyrus refers to a "sacred ratio" used in the Cheops pyramid, where the height of its face to (divided by) one half its base is almost exactly 1.618 (known as phi or j).

The value of phi can be obtained from the Fibonacci Series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89........, when the next member of the series can be found by adding together the previous two numbers. So 144 (89 + 55) will be next after 89, and so on.
And 144/89 = 1.6179775.
The value 1.618 is arrived at, when the calculation is done with two consecutive further along the series.
Phi also reveals itself in the spiral, based on the Fibonacci Series:
Each number is drawn as a square, starting with 1 & 1, then 2, to construct the diagram shown below. The radius of each quarter turn of the spiral is the same as the length of the side of the square.

Phi is also contained in the pentagram: the lengths of AB divided by BC and AC divided by AB both equal 1.618.

j = (j + 1)/ 2
1/j = (j - 1)/ 2
(j + 1)/ j = j / 1
1/j = j - 1

j2 = j + 1
j3 = 2j + 1
j4 = 3j + 2
j5 = 5j + 3
j6 = 8j + 5

Origin of Whole Numbers and Observed Reality
Entire numbers and circles are symbolic representations (or manifestations) of nature. The "static" form is perceived by our sense organs, when we register only the outside of the phenomena, perceiving from processes the "pull" and unable to see the nuclei.

Processes in fast evolution, the high and non-visual vibrations, are excluded from our senses.

Our definitions of reality are therefore static equivalents of a tremendous vibrating totality.

By analogy, entire numbers and circular processes are static equivalents of a dynamic cohesion. For this reason all whole numbers may be written as functions of Phi :
1 = j(j - 1)
2 = j + (j - 1)(j - 1)
3 = j2 + (1/j)2

"Entire" numbers and "rhythms" are consequences of a dynamic development model.

By analogy the external form of a pyramid symbolizes the static registration of reality.

In fact a pyramid represents an unlimited-infinite series of spirae mirabilis or growing spirals.

Repetitions (multiplications, squares or divisions) of its specific proportions (planetary relations and characteristics) result in entire numbers and circles characterizing the rhythms of higher and lower domains.

Later we shall see that "Saturn" (a consequence of the "primogenitor split" of Phi) represents absolutely a model for the creation of our planet system from a higher energy system.

The Total Number of Guards
The numbers of the guards are divided by 1000, to simplify them. This operation does not change the correspondence, because the pyramid is a symbol for universal relationships and not precise values. So we have to consider the total Army value as 603.55 distributed to the East (186.4), South (151.45), West (108.1) and North (157.6).

The cycle time of the Sun around the centre of our galaxy is 220 million (or p x 7 x 107) years, normally an unknown notion at the time of Moses.

Now 603.55 x 603.55 x 603.55 equals 220 million, or the cube root of 220 million is 603.55 .

We can see an immediate relation with the total number of guards (603.55) and the cube root of the sun cycle.

At this point the term "Planet Characteristic" can be introduced as "the cube root of the orbital period of a planet about the Sun" and denoted by Kplanet (or just K), where K = cube root( planet's sidereal cycle time, in years, about the Sun).
KPlanets : Mercury = 0.6221725, Venus = 0.8504891, Earth = 1, Mars = 1.2343776, Jupiter = 2.2809721, Saturn = 3.0884886, Uranus = 4.380798, Neptune = 5.4827976, Pluto = 6.2872412.
The sum of Planet Characteristics = 25.2273377

The Eastern Number of Guards (186.4)
The circumference of the circle with radius "sum of planets characteristics 25.235", as the height of the pyramid shown below, is given by 2 x p x 25.235 or 158.55618.

The length of each of the five sides of the pentagram, within the circle, is given by or 2 x radius (25.235) x pi x sine 720, which evaluates to 47.9998 or 48.

Thus the total length of the five sides of the pentagram is 240 (5 x 48) or 6 x 40 as shown in the diagram, which is the length of the longer diagonal in the trapezium.

Notice how the number of guards at the Eastern side of the Tabernacle, (186.4), is represented by the shorter diagonal of the trapezium, using the sum of the planets' characteristics, and also that the number 240 emerges.

Now established is a pyramid/pentagram/trapezium relationship, and the fact that 186.4 is related to the "pentagram 240".

The Eastern number of guards relates to the whole planet system; as well as the Sun cycle, which were normally unknown notions at that time.
The value 25.235 instead of the calculated value 25.227337 gives a higher degree of accuracy.

The Eastern number of soldiers is thus related to 240, which is also equal to 6 x 6 x 6.666666.

This shows a relatively finished process, after which everything restarts;
the same way a new day cycle starts after 24 hours.

By analogy 240 is the symbol for a new and bigger cosmic period. In the same way the Apocalypse is a metaphor closely related to 240. This is a model for the closing and, at the same time, the restart of a big cycle.
But there is much more.

The Eastern number of guards is directly connected with both factors (2 x Phi) and(10/KSaturn) because (186.4 x 2Phi) or (186.4 x 10/KSaturn) each approximate to 603.55, and (603.55)3 equals 220 million, the solar cycle.

Thus the hierarchical factor 2Phi is the factor from which the Solar cycle may be deduced, because on the measure 2Phi (or 10/ KSaturn) we get a "circle" of 220 million.

Conversely using 2Phi and the sun characteristic 603.55, the Eastern number of soldiers (186.4) is the base for a lower level: the planets system as a whole. The reason is: if you draw the Eastern symbolically as a system "in development", then you get the whole planets system.

The figure shows how from the side of the pentagon the longer base of the trapezium can be formed, while the larger diagonal represents the Solar system.

The length of each of the five lines in the pentagram in the figure above will be equal to the Eastern number of guards, 186.4 divided by 5 or 37.28.


The radius of the circle is given by (37.28/2)/ sine 720 or 19.599256.
The length Z5 is given by 2 x radius x sine 360 or 23.040308.
Z10 is given by 2 x radius x sine 180 or 12.1103.
The square root of 146.725 is 12.11032.

Now the height of the Egyptian Great pyramid, Cheops, is approximately146.6 metres. So 12.1103 is approximately the square root of the height in metres (SI units) of Cheops.

So we can see that the lengths of the side of the tenfold angle in the circle and the oblique side of the trapezium are each 12.1103.

Also12.11feet (Imperial units) is approximately one fortieth (1/40) of the height of Cheops.
AND the height of the "missing" uncapped "top pyramid" of Cheops is about 1/40, (the ratio used by Thijs), of its total height 484 feet using Imperial measurement. This is vital, since "4" is a value used by Thijs in his subsequent research.

Origin of rhythm 6 Unity & 1864
A higher model of "unity" may be represented by a circle with a radius of 1 or 10 or 100, example:

The length of the smallest part of the golden section of this circle is 240 or 6 x 6 6.666666, showing the continuous repetition of creation rhythm 6.

Consequently we may understand the origin of 6 by a repetition of "fractions" (golden sections) in higher unity models, represented by circles with radius 10 or powers of 10.

The relation between 6 x 6 x 6.6666 and the "Eastern Guards" is represented below:

In the circle, radius 100, the length of the chord AB is 186.4, the Biblical value of the number of guards on the east of the Tabernacle.
The length of the smaller arc is 240 or 6 x 6 x 6.666666.

Recall that the lengths of the little and long diagonal of the trapezium relating to the eastern number of guards were also 184.6 and 240.

Reply  Message 12 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 01:44

It is noticeable that phi, symbol j is incorporated in the dimensions of Cheops:

The Eastern ( 186.4) represents a higher model of our solar system:

Here the circumference of the circle is 2 x pi x Z5 x Planet characteristics or 2 x pi x 23.040308 x 25.235 making 3653.1832.
Circumference value divided by 10 approximates to the Earth year of 365.25 days.

The relation between 186.4 and the sum of the planets is also equal to the relation between Pluto and Venus, the relation between a higher and a lower form of harmony.
The Eastern number, that shows the relation 2 Phi (or 10/KSaturn) differs from the total number, can be considered as the lower domain of the total number.


The Southern Number of Guards (151.45)
We can deduce the planets system as a whole from the Eastern number of soldiers.

Later we shall see in the Children of Saturn, that our planet domain is nothing else than the materialization of a higher energy field under impulse of Saturn, symbol for contraction.

The Southern side follows the Eastern and logically should give additional information about our planets system.

This is the case, for the numeric value 151.45 as a symbol for the South, is the measure of the limitation of our planets system by Pluto and Mercury.

Now 151.45 can be written as 195 x 0.776666, where in this form 151.45 indicates the astronomical relation of the distances of Pluto and Mercury to the sun, as well as the relation between the frontiers of our planet domain and the repetition factor 0.776666.
195 el is exactly equal to the relation of the distances of Pluto and Mercury to the sun (where 1 el = 0.5236 & P/M gives "102102").

The value 0.776666 corresponds to the relation between the diagonals of the trapezium above, for Eastern consideration, (184.6/240 = 0.776666), that is involved in the development of the pyramid.

The Southern is therefore a structural consequence of the Eastern side.

We can also see the Southern side as a connection of the planets system with the creation rhythm of 6, because the product of 25.235 x 6 is practically equal to 151.45.

If this product is represented as a pentagram, it fits in a circle with a circumference practically equal to 100.


Since 25.235 x 6 = 151.41, then the radius of the circle enclosing the pentagram is given by (151.41 divided by 5) /sine 720 or 31.84.

Thus circumference of the circle will be 2 x pi x 31.84 making 100. The longer parallel side (the base), Z5, of the trapezium is given by 2 x 31.84 x sine 360 making 37.43.

So we can see that our planet system cannot be separated from the rhythm 6 and 10. At the same time this originates from the hierarchical tendency of 7.

The Western Number of Guards (108.1)
Like the Southern side shows the most important figure factors of our planets' structure and symbolically the limits of our planets domain, so the Western side gives more details about the composition of our Sun system, the planets and their moons.

The relation between the Earth and the Moon can be deduced from the Western numbers. A drawing of the Western side as a pentagram, including the additional side, gives the relation between the moon and the earth cycle.

Here the five sides of the pentagram will each be 108.1/5 long (21.62), and the radius of the circle enclosing the pentagram is given by (21.62/2) sine 720 making 11.3663.

Thus Z5, given by 2 x 11.3663 x sine 360 , will be 13.3619.

Now the orbital period (T) of Earth (365.25) divided by (T) moon (27.33) equals 13.364, which approximates to Z5.

Another important factor, in relation to the structure of composing domains, are situations known as "bifurcation" and " chaos".

The relation between the Eastern and Western soldiers explains these situations. This relation is exactly equal to the relation between the surface of the trapezium and one of the triangles composing it.

A process ( here represented by the surface of the trapezium ) can be split into two "pieces" ( the two triangles forming the trapezium).
This kind of "bifurcation" or "split" is exactly what happens, when for example we double for the first time a population of insects, or when for example the numbers of the moons of Jupiter are doubling.
The "chaotic" behaviour is a logical consequence of a split within the same trapezium, which brings about the formation of the two triangles.

The Northern number of Guards (157.6)

The Northern Army ( 157.6 ) is the last one to defend the Ark. 

It's the symbol of a transition phase after which everything starts again.

The radius of the circle evaluates to 14.989, circumference 94.17.
pi4 = 97.41, which approximates to circumference of circle.

The pentagram 157.6 is perfectly equal to phi x pi4, [(3.1415926)4 x 1.618 = 157.8}], in which pi4 is the circle in which the pentagram grows.

In other words the pentagram of the North shows us how in nature a process continues this evolution.
A process continues in the shape of "circles" (equivalent models of pyramids), in accordance with the phi.

Here pi4 is a very special circle, originating from the previous ones, starting from a diameter of 1 , as a symbol for the unity-process, shown below.


The 12 subtribes around the Ark Tent of Moses.
The numbers of guards in the four sets around the Tabernacle can be rearranged into 3 sub-tribes :

The first cross is comprised of the highest number of guards taken from the N, E, S & W camps, next highest for the middle and lowest for the third cross, making a grand total of 603.55.



2- The Four Camps
Moses' Tabernacle was always set up at the centre of the camp of Israel. The 12 tribes of Israel plus Moses and the Levites (of Levi) make a total of 13 tribes.
The organisation of the four camps, and the number of persons (guards) in each, can be found in Numbers chapters 1 vs 20-46 & 2 vs3-32 in the Bible:

Judah 74600 Issachah 54400 Zebulun 57400.Total 186400.
Reuben 46500 Simeon 59300 Gad 45650.Total 151450.
Ephraim 40500 Manneseh 32200 Benjamin 35400.Total 108100.
Dan 62700 Asher 41500 Naphtali 53400.Total 157600.
Making a grand total of 603550 persons (guards).
The camp set up, during the second year after the Israelites had fled Egypt was :

The number 186400 is blatantly conspicuous, because "86400" is the number of seconds in an Earth day of 24 hours, whilst 864000 miles is the diameter of the Sun.

When "1" is ignored in each total, other familiar numbers 57600, 8100, 51450 besides 86400 prevail, since: The square root of 57600 is 240, and of 8100 is 90.

Now one day or 24 hours consists of 24 x 60 minutes x 60 seconds or 86400 seconds.

The number 24(0) is an indication of a relationship between 57600 (24 x 24) and 86400 (seconds = 24 hours).

Also 240 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 10
and 86400 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 10 x 10

This pair of numbers have :
a HCF highest common factor - (the least number by which each is divisible) of
2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 10 or 720

and a LCM - lowest common multiple - (the least number which is divisible by each) of
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 10 x 10 or 86400 (24 hours, discussed above)..

When 86400 is divided by 720, the result is 120 (and/or 2 minutes).

The solar factor, 720 miles, converts diameters in the macro- as well as the microcosm into simple numbers (divine).
Thus Earth, diameter 7920 miles divided by 720 miles, has a divine value of 11. And the Earth day is 86400 seconds.

So far correspondence between 57600, 86400 and 720 should be noted.

So what is the relationship between the other pair of numbers 8100 (or 90 x 90) and 51450?
90 = 3 x 3 x 10
51450 = 3 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 5 x 10

The HCF of 90 and 51450 is 3 x 10 or 30.
LCM is 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 5 x 10 or 154350.
The result of dividing 151450 by 30 is 5145

In chapter 26 vs51, we read that several years later in the number of children of Israel numbered six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty (601730).
This count is 1820 less than the original one of 603,550 and represents an average change over the 13 tribes of 140, if the Levites are included with the 12 of Israel.

What is the significance of the number 14, bounded by two fives in the number 5145 revealed above?
In chapter 29, the number 14 is mentioned 8 times from vs 13 to 32.
The result of 8 x 14 is 112, showing the fadic connection between 11 and 2, the Earth number, which is explained in later.
The Jewish Passover begins on the 14th Nisan, and traditionally is celebrated for 8 days, commemorating the escape of the Jews from Egypt.
And 5, enclosed by two 5s in 51415, is the fadic value of 14 (1 + 4 = 5).

The differences between the 12 tribes are +45020, -14900, -2700 and - 5600. Their sum if each is treated as a positive number is 88220, and is greater by 86400 (recall above) compared with the actual 1820.

The number 12 is again conspicuous in chapter 7 vs 12-89: "...And his offering was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering: One spoon of ten shekels of gold, full of incense: One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering: One kid of the goats for a sin offering: 17And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab." The identical offering was also made by each of the other eleven tribes.



It is easy to verify that these divisions of the main groups are referring, with the highest precision, to relations in the pyramidal model and the Solar System.

These numbers of soldiers (italic below) and others demonstrate knowledge about astrophysical proportions:

Calculation example - 1.
Here we find Earth-Moon relations, rhythm 6, and the length of the little base of the trapezium corresponds with of the 6th phase of the development of the external triangle of the golden-section pyramid, and in comparison with the global schema (total value 603.55) we find the relation between the Sun, Earth and Moon Cycle with 0.02% accuracy:
(603.55/237.1)4 = pi x Tearth / Tmoon, where T are the orbital periods 365.25 days for the Earth and 27.33 days for the Moon.
phi2 x (237.1 / 192.7)4 = 6 (0,005% accuracy)
phi2 x (192.7 / 173.75)4 = 3.9609823 , with 0,04% accuracy = little base trapezium 6th phase model.

Calculation example - 2.
(74.6/59.3)6 = little base of the trapezium 6th phase model.

Calculation example - 3.
The relation (59.3/40.5) reflects the circumference of the circle, with diameter the little diagonal 4.66 of trapezium in the 6th phase model.

Calculation example - 4.
57.4 + 54.4 = 111.8 = (phi - 1) x (pi x Eastern Total 186.4 / 2 phi)
If instead we take our Sun System (value 25.227337 or total planets characteristics ) we get
(phi - 1) x (pi x 25.227337 / 2 phi ) = 15.136206
15.136206 x (111.8 / 186.4 ) = 9.0765 (0,02% accuracy)
or sum of the first 6 planets characteristics

Furthermore 111.8 / (10 x 2 Pi) = 1.17793481,
where 1.17793481 x sum first 6 planets = 16.150253
= sum last 3 planets characteristics

If you wish to read more English translations of this precious work, then visit Hugo Kennes' website: hugo.kennes@pandora.be "click here to visit", or

Thijs on The Universal Pyramidal Structure |
Thijs on The Solar System, Sun & Moon Cycles, Pythagoras, Venus, Light Speed, 555 & 666. |
Thijs on Bifurcation, Moons of Jupiter, Feigenbaum and mathematical constant "e" |
Thijs on Influence of Saturn, Precesssion & Planck's constant |



The construction of the North shows us that the encoders of this text knew perfectly well phi and pi, a fact that is considered as impossible for that time.

We find pi as 3.1415367; mathematically with 1/1000 % accuracy it is 3.1415926. With the same precision the encoders use phi, because 157.6 is exactly equal to 100 + 184.6/2 phi.

Reply  Message 13 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 01:45
Twelve times:
1 silver charger of 130 shekels a total of: 12 silver of 1560 shekels
1 silver bowl of 70 shekels: 12 silver of 840 shekels
1 spoon of 10 shekels of gold: 12 spoons of 120 shekels of gold
1 young bullock,
1 ram,
1 lamb of the first year
1 kid of the goats
2 oxen,
5 rams, 21 animals from each of the 12 tribes,
5 he goats, making a total of 252
5 lambs of the first year.

The differences between the total of gold & silver and their values are 1560 minus 120 or 1440 and 720, (840 minus 120), whilst the difference between the two silver values is 720 shekels (1560 minus 840).
The numbers 120 and 720 prevail again, as well as 1440, which equates to the number of minutes in 24 hours.
Since gold symbolizes the Sun, is its divine number 120, I wondered. If so, the diameter would be 120 x 720 miles or 86400 miles, (that number again!).
Note: diameter of the Sun is 864000 miles, so there seems to be some correspondence, and the diameter in miles is one tenth of one Earth day in seconds.

The 21 animals demonstrate its "mirror image" property with 12.

Fadic value, when the constituent digits of any number are reduced by addition to a single one, is another property of numbers. The fadic value of either 21 or 12 reduce is 3.

Gold, which symbolizes the Sun, has been shown to have a divine number of 12(00).

Silver could symbolize the Moon.
The 12 silver charges and 12 silver bowls indicate that "silver" has a value of 12, or fadic value 3.
The Moon certainly has a divine value of 3 because 3 x 720 miles, the solar factor, gives 2160 miles, which indeed is the Moon's diameter.

Our attention to a significance of the number 3 can be found in chapter 3, vs 39 & 62:
vs39 "All that were numbered of the Levites, which Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of the LORD, throughout their families, all the males from a month old and upward, were twenty and two thousand."
vs62 "And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel."

In vs 21, 27 & 33, we read the Levites comprised of the following families:
vs 21 "the families of the Gershonites. (vs22) Those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, even those that were numbered of them were seven thousand and five hundred."
vs 27 "of the Kohathites. (vs28) In the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were eight thousand and six hundred,"
vs33 "the families of Merari. (vs34) And those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were six thousand and two hundred".

A grand total of 22300, (7500 + 8600 + 6200).

The counts 22000, 23000 and 22300 do not tally.
The number "3", the Moon value, causes imbalance.

In vs 42 to 50 we read:
vs42 "And Moses numbered, as the LORD commanded him, all the firstborn among the children of Israel. (vs43) And all the firstborn males by the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those that were numbered of them, were twenty and two thousand two hundred and threescore and thirteen."
vs46 "And for those that are to be redeemed of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites;
vs47 "Thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by the poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them: (the shekel is twenty gerahs:)
vs48 "And thou shalt give the money, wherewith the odd number of them is to be redeemed, unto Aaron and to his sons.
vs49 "And Moses took the redemption money of them that were over and above them that were redeemed by the Levites:
vs50 "Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money; a thousand three hundred and threescore and five shekels.

Here the Israelites numbered 22273, out of which the number exceeding the Levites were redeemed, sold for 1365 shekels @ 5 shekels person. Therefore the number sold were 273 (1365 divided by 5).
What is the significance of 1365?

1365 = 3 x 5 x 7 x 13; each factor is a prime number (only divisible by itself or 1).
Compared with the sequence of prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 we see that primes 2 & 11 are missing in our answer 3 x 5 x 7 x 13.
The pair of missing numbers are equivalent because the fadic value of 11 is 2.

The object, which has a divine number 11, will have a diameter of 11 x 720 miles or 7920 miles (the Earth !!). It is now possible to construct the following diagram using the known divine numbers in the sequence 3, 5, 7, 13, the factors of 1365, and the missing 2 & 11.

We definitely know the positions for 12, the Sun, and 11 or 2, the Earth.

The numbers 5 and 13 could represent the distances separating the Earth from Moon and Sun.

The number 13 converts to 9360 (13 x 720 miles); the distance from the Earth to Sun, 93,600,000 miles has close agreement. But since the Moon to Earth distance 3520 miles (5 x 720) has none, we conclude that 5 represents its fadic value. In this instance numbers such as 14, 32, 347 reduce to 5, and in this case 347 is the solution, since 347 x 720 yields an appropriate distance of 249840 miles.

How do we explain the 7?
The Bible tells us that it is the number of "perfection" or completion", which indeed the Earth is, everything here comprised of some 100 different building blocks called atoms. Each atom has a fadic value of 7, the reasons for which may not concern us here.

Notice the similarities between the two Israelite tribes' totals of 157600 and 186400 and the shekel values of silver of 1560, digit 7 missing to make "157600", and 840, digits 16 missing to make "186400", described earlier. Here we see that 7 & 16 are equivalent, since 16 is fadic7 or 1 + 6 equals 7.

The mirror image of 16 is 61, and interestingly 61 crops up in several instances:
1- The number of Levites aged 1 month to30 years, using information in chapter 4 vs 48, evaluates to 13420 (22000 minus 8580). And 1342(0) = 2 x 11 x 61, the connection between 2, 11 and 7 noted in the above diagram.
2- The conspicuously high number, 201,300 persons in Judah's tribe in later years, factorizes into 3 x 11 x 61 x 100.
3- References to 61can be found in chapter 31 vs 34 & 39:
vs34 "And threescore and one thousand (61000) asses,"
vs39 "And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and one (61)."
Interestingly 16 or 61 and their fadic value 7 refer to the components of invisible or white light: the 7 spectral rays or colours of the rainbow. Thus "SEVEN constitute ONE" or "ONE is composed of SEVEN". When the three primary rays of white light, red, green and blue, are mixed in pairs, the secondary rays yellow, cyan and magenta are produced. All SIX coloured rays will reconstitute white light. Thus "SIX also constitute ONE".

In chapter 31, many of significant numbers discussed so far can be found in the following verses:
vs33 "And threescore and twelve thousand beeves (72000),
vs34 "And threescore and one thousand asses (61000),
vs38 "And the beeves were thirty and six thousand; of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and twelve (72).
39 "And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and one (61).

Both the Lord's and Moses portions of both man & beast:
vs47 "Even of the children of Israel's half, Moses took one portion of fifty, both of man and of beast," evaluate to 840 and 84000.
What is the significance of 84?
It factorizes to 3 x 4 x 7, demonstrating the components of white light, 3 primary, 4 secondary rays, 7 in total. Also recall that 347 is divine distance between Earth & Moon.

"In chapter 26 we read in verses:
vs7 "These are the families of the Reubenites: and they that were numbered of them were forty and three thousand and seven hundred and thirty (43730)", and
vs10 "And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died, what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men: and they became a sign.
vs11 "Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not."

So, 43730 Reubens died, whilst 250 Korah were devoured by fire, but did not die! Reubens contains 3, 4 & 7, and the digital sum of them and Korah is 17 and 7. Seven!
Using the Hebrew gematria (digital sum using Hebrew alphabet and substituting numerical values) gives 258 and 232. Both reduce to fadic 6 & 7, explained above with reference to light.

So the "sign" could be SEVEN.

Examination of the number 43730 shows that 7 is held between a 3, and that 3 is associated with both "0" and "4". The 3 primary rays of light do appear to make "nothing" (white light) when mixed, and white light consists of 3 primary and 4 subsidiary rays.
And in chapter 31 we read about purification on days 3 and 7:
vs19 "And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day."

SEVEN occurs 137 times in the book of REVELATION !!

The Biblical Book of Revelation

Seven is used in the scriptures as the number of perfection.
In the sacred books, and in the religion of the Jews, a great number of events and mysterious circumstances are set forth by the number seven.
The seventh day was consecrated by God, the day of rest on which he ceased from the works of creation.
This day is honoured by the Jews as well as every seventh year which is known as a sabbatical year and seven times seven or forty nine years which is known as a Jubilee.
In the bible are found numerous references to the number seven when a week often stands for seven years.
Jacob served his father-in-law for seven years; Pharaoh's mysterious dreams represented to his imagination seven full ears of corn, seven fat oxen and seven lean ones.
In Isaiah it is written that seven women should lay their hold of one man; Hannah the mother of Samuel says that she who is barren should have seven children.
These are just a few of the many examples of where seven is used in the bible.


Physicists have developed scientific apparatus which can detect and measure the large as well as the minuscule or infinitesimal.
The hydrogen atom for example is known to be just 0.074 nanometre small.
A nanometre is one thousand millionth of a metre or 0.000000001 metre.
On the metric scale then, scientists could refer to the hydrogen atom as 74, omitting the decimal point and nanometre.
Or even as "45981468" mile in British or Imperial scale of measurement.
The last answer is achieved by dividing "74" firstly by 2.54, and then by 63360, since 2.54 centimetres are equivalent to one inch, and there are 63360 inches in a mile.
If the answer "45981468" miles is divided by 720 miles, the digits contained in the new result are 331066 or 331 ignoring the integers after the zero.
This result, 331, is purely a number without units, because in effect it was obtained by finding how many times 720 miles would go into 45981468 miles.
And the solution was 331.



There is connection between all objects in creation, illuminated by number.
Even each human has within him or her a "hidden four".
The soul or spirit which is elusive to our everyday consciousness.
Nevertheless it is within each of us, tucked away somewhere and not making conscious contact with us.
Its presence, in inanimate earth matter, enables us to seem to be alive and perceptive.


So when God imparted prophesies or information to John, it was received as numbers, meaningful at that instance only, because his mind was in absolute consciousness.

In chapter 1 verses 15-16 we can read that "in the midst of the 7 candlesticks one like unto the Son of man..and he had in his right hand 7 stars: and out of his mouth went a 2 edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength."
Literally this means that the numbers 2 and 7, in God consciousness, or Pluto and Uranus in human consciousness, give the Son of man much happiness.
What nonsense this would have been if John had written it this way!
So he attaches the percepts sword and star to each of the concepts 2 and 7 which produce an enigma.

The reason why the objects, we perceive as Pluto and Uranus, are important to God as 2 and 7, will be revealed in the book.

Chapter 12 starts with "and there appeared a great wonder in heaven".
This can be regarded as actuality or human consciousness when John writes in this vein.

John often makes the descriptive use of clouds, noise, lightenings and great thunderings in his writing.
Some people think that these might relate to engines or the propulsion units of unidentified flying machines.
I think he employs them to give an atmosphere to his narrative, like the build up of clouds do, prior to the thunderclaps and lightnings of our thunder storms.

It is also intriguing that Revelations consists of 22 chapters, the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the number of chromosomes in the human ovum and sperm that determine characteristics of the foetus except sex, and the male number 2 and female number 2. And 2 plus 2 makes 4, the vibrational number of the spirit which resides in each of us. Also 2 times 11 is equivalent to 22, the number of chapters in this book.
And 11 is the number of planet Earth, 2 is its fadic value, the number achieved by the addition of the constituent digits of 11, that is 1 plus 1.
Was this intended as another conundrum?

During our lives if we can raise our spiritual awareness, then this has the effect of increasing the vibrational level of the spirit within, from four to seven.

Whence the soul has become completed, purified and perfected, enabling it to unite with and live in the Kingdom of God, in accordance with biblical knowledge.

I believe that Revelations endeavours to bring human awareness to spirituality.
The following is my interpretation of this important book of the bible.

Initially God welcomes John when he greets him with: "John to the 7 churches which are in Asia: grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the 7 spirits before his throne; and from Jesus Christ."

Later God tells John to write down in a book what he sees and send it to the 7 churches which are in Asia.

When John turned to see the voice that spoke to him, he saw 7 golden candlesticks, and in the midst of these he saw someone like the Son of man.
In his right hand he had 7 stars and out of his mouth went a sharp 2-edged sword.
Jesus said that "I am the first and the last, that I am he that lived and was dead; and behold I am alive for evermore, ..and have the keys of hell and of death.
The mystery of the 7 stars is that they are the 7 angels of the 7 churches, and the 7 golden candlesticks are the 7 churches."

The gold, a rare and valuable metal from which the candlesticks are made, puts an emphasis on the importance of the number 7.
For 7 depicts hydrogen atoms, plentiful in the very beginning, and immensely invaluable, the prime ingredient needed to generate atoms of all the other chemical elements required for the construction of matter on planet Earth.

Our physicists have a theory called the "Big Bang Theory", an event which scientists think took place between 10 and 20 billion years ago, when a singularity of infinite density "exploded."
The matter produced by it eventually settled to the vast universe of stars and galaxies we now perceive.
A singularity of infinite density is easily describable as a point or speck in which all the "matter" of our universe was contained, but it defies the imagination.
How can one even picture the whole of a fifty ton lorry squashed to occupy the space of a water droplet, or the enormous energy and pressure it would require to squash it?

Electrons are negatively charged and flow in all electrical circuits.
Simply imagined an ordinary hydrogen atom consists of a central proton and one orbiting electron.
There are two other kinds of hydrogen atoms called deuterium and tritium.
These, unlike normal hydrogen, contain additional neutral particles known as neutrons, which make them heavier.
Thus there are three isotopes (kinds) of hydrogen.
After the Big Bang it is thought that the first particles produced in the initial immense release of energy were quarks, which later associated to make protons, the positive electrically charged particle present in the nucleus of all atoms.
A proton can be considered as an hydrogen ion, since to become an atom of hydrogen it needs to acquire just one electron.

"Heavy water" contains deuterium, which the German scientists were trying to isolate and manufacture during the Second World War, an ingredient essential for the atomic bomb.

Atoms of all of the other chemical elements then came into being by reactions, often accompanied by energy readjustments, firstly between pairs of protons which produced normal hydrogen and electrons.
Some of the hydrogen then reacted with other protons to make helium, the next chemical element.
Followed by the formation of beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, ........... and so on, by interaction between atoms, protons and electrons.

Both Earth and the planet Pluto have 2 as their number, and are depicted by the 2-edged sword, and the 7 stars represent Uranus, which has 7 as its number.
A candlestick belongs to its particular church, and is a component of it.

Both the church and its candlestick are comprised of chemical matter, represented by the sevens.
Another 7 is depicted by the 7 stars, and is the planet Uranus in human consciousness.
But in God consciousness this interprets differently into something equally as special as atoms.
For this 7 is the spirit or soul to be injected into the church, which is in reality earth matter.
In other words it is needed to give earth matter life as a human being.

So 27 means the connected planets Pluto (2) and Uranus (7), or the planet Earth (11=2) made of the atoms (7) of the chemical elements or earth matter (2) containing spirit (7).

John is told to write the things which he saw, the things that are and the things that shall be hereafter, and the mystery of the 7 stars in the right hand, and the 7 golden candlesticks.
The 7 stars are the angels of the 7 churches, and the 7 candlesticks are the 7 churches.
God is placing emphasis on the number 7, the number needed to initiate and produce all the matter we perceive.
Hydrogen atoms and all the other one hundred or so different atoms which comprise matter on Earth.
Thus copper, aluminium, iron for example and all the other elements are "forms" of hydrogen, and can be regarded as equivalent.
So a candlestick is the same as a church, since both can be regarded as components of each other.

The (7) stars, the other type of seven, constitute the spirit contained within the churches.
This implies that earth matter or certain structures made of it are endowed with spirit.

Humans definitely are.



Thijs on The Universal Pyramidal Structure |
Thijs on The Solar System, Sun & Moon Cycles, Pythagoras, Venus, Light Speed, 555 & 666. |
Thijs on Bifurcation, Moons of Jupiter, Feigenbaum and mathematical constant "e" |
Thijs on Influence of Saturn, Precesssion & Planck's constant |

Index | Spirituality |
Number Language | Sightings

last updated 2007



It is written that four is a number of the beast.
It is also the vibration number of our spirit which resides in a chemical soup, our bodies, made of sevens, the atoms which comprise us.
It follows that each individual human being is the "beast" because the spirit is impure and not perfect whilst it resides in earth matter in our bodies.
The number of any live human could be 47 or even 74, since the 4 is the vibration number of the spirit within and 7 corresponds with the different atoms which comprise the human body.
Thus 47 or 74 means earth matter containing spirit or soul.

It is logical that any human residing on Earth could also be assigned the label or number 2, since fadic addition of Earth number 11, yields 2.
However this number is surprisingly not evident in 47.
Each male and each female of the human species does in fact have the value 2 and combined, 2 plus 2 make 4, the vibrational number.
Thus 227, both sexes made of 7, is equivalent to 47.
I am positive that God utilised the concept of pure numbers in the creation of the universe.

Objects of God's creation have individual, significant numbers when perceived in absolute or God consciousness.

These objects are discerned in a different way in human consciousness because each of us relies on the brain to

interpret the information we collect through our sense organs, such as our eyes for images.
Therefore the planets Pluto and Uranus will be 2 and 7 in absolute or God consciousness.
In human consciousness they will appear as luminous spheres when viewed through a telescope.


Seven hundred and twenty miles is an intriguing amount since it enables components like the length of atoms, the diameters of the Sun and its planets and the distances between the heavenly spheres to be changed into just numbers.
The Earth, Moon and Sun diameters of 7920, 2160 and 864 000 miles convert to the numbers 11, 3 and 12(00).
And the mean Earth to Moon distance of a quarter million miles, and the distance of the Sun from the Earth of about ninety three million miles become 347222.. and 1291677.. respectively.
These numbers are more precisely 347 and 13, when the distances considered are 249,840 and 93.6 million miles respectively.
Numbers for the planets Uranus, the seventh from our Sun, and Pluto, the ninth, are 7 and 2.
I wonder if it is just a coincidence that the number values of the diameter of the planet Uranus and its distance from the Sun are identical.
The number SEVEN.

If we return to the hydrogen atom discussed earlier, and number 331, it can be seen that the addition of its component digits, 3 plus 3 plus 1, also make 7.
This manipulation is known as fadic addition.
So hydrogen has the fadic number or value of 7.
Here are the numbers of some other well known atoms, helium, 304, a gas used in festival balloons which will make you speak with a squeaky voice if you inhale it. Carbon, 691, the black stuff found in chimneys when we used to burn coal, and oxygen, 655, one of the gases in the air which keeps us alive.
Aluminium used in cooking utensils has the number 1132, and chlorine in bleaches is 88.
The six chemical elements essential to our being are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur and phosphorus.
Some of the others required are copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, calcium, potassium and sodium.

Notice that the fadic number of these atoms, and indeed all the other one hundred or so known to scientists, is seven.
Carbon is 6 plus 9 plus 1 makes 16, and then 1 plus 6 equals 7.
Thus each of the atoms, of all the one hundred or so chemical elements which constitute the matter found on planet Earth, has the value of SEVEN.

And each human is made of exactly the atoms of the same chemical elements, the sevens.
Does this correspond with the number 7 frequently mentioned in Revelations?

Now when beams of the three primary colours of light rays are red, green and blue are mixed or shone together, the result is a white or invisible light ray.
Invisible or Sun light consists of seven colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which can be seen in a rainbow or when light is passed through a glass prism.

Some cut glass objects will cause a similar effect.
White light then, contains four "hidden" colours which we can find out about by means of a rainbow or cut glass, as well as its three primary ones.
We could represent light as comprising of the numbers 347(1), meaning 3 primary plus the four hidden colours add up to seven.
When mixed these colours make one, invisible or white light.

Patterns and relationships involving numbers, like in the different atoms, exist everywhere in the universe, and the following will demonstrate my last example.
Recall that as numbers the distances of the Earth from the Sun and the Moon are 13 and 347.
Sun light is also 13, invisible (1) made of the three primary colours (3).
The number 347 was discussed above in light rays and now it appears as a distance phenomenon.
Both light from the Sun and the distance between the Earth and Moon have the same value, 347.
Two entirely different perceptions, or duality, can be represented by the same concept.
The concept of numbers, which is what the book of Revelations is about.
What is now needed is a translation of those conceptual numbers in the light of scientific knowledge.

The book of Revelations is the last one in the bible, consisting of 22 chapters, and it contains an abundance of numbers in its text.
It seems to be the tale of an apocalyptic vision in which the seer, St.John, rises to heaven, during which the Lamb takes possession of a book of the divine plan, and opens its 7 seals one by one.
Seven trumpets given to seven angels underline the various forms of the punishments which will occur to the evil dwellers of the world.
It is strange that reference to the number 7 is made over fifty times, so it must have some important significance.

Could it be connected with the 7 day creation of the universe, or the perfection, completion, purifying or fulfillment that the number 7 depicts in other books in the bible?
Or does it hide some special scientific and spiritual message that humans will not be able to comprehend until they have become sufficiently adept in scientific knowledge and understanding?
I believe that time has now been reached.

Reply  Message 14 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 01:46

Thijs on The Universal Pyramidal Structure |
Thijs on Bifurcation, Moons of Jupiter, Feigenbaum and mathematical constant "e" |
Thijs on Influence of Saturn, Precession & Planck's constant |

Other TOPICS on this page:
1- Sun & Metonic Cycles.
2- Repetition Relations & 6.
3- Pythagoras Triangle in the Solar System.
4- Biblical "666", Sun Cycle "555" & Light Speed.
5- Venus & "5555".

The Solar System and the Sun Cycle
It is typical that an 8-times repetition of 10 / Ksaturn gives a very special circle, that may be considered as a composition of all previous circles.
for, (10 / Ksaturn)8 = 4 x pi7.


Sun & Metonic Cycles.
The diagram shows the plane wherein the moon moves around the Earth.

This plane makes an angle of 5.145° with the ecliptic ( plane where in the Moon moves around the Sun)


Repeating relations in the evolution schema of sun and planets.
An idea about the evolution of the sun and the planets is obtained by linking the planetary sum, (Kplanets), with the unity pentagram, a pentagram in a circle with radius 1, where the length of each of the 5 sides evaluates to 1.902113.



Triangle of Pythagoras in our Sun System.
Instead of dividing the planetary space into two "dynamic" areas we can also fit it in the more "static" 3, 4, 5 Pythagorean triangle:

"Planet Characteristic" is defined as "the cube root of the orbital period of a planet about the Sun" and denoted by Kplanet (or just K), where K = cube root( planet's sidereal cycle time, in years, about the Sun).
Kplanet : Mercury = 0.6221725, Venus = 0.8504891, Earth = 1, Mars = 1.2343776, Jupiter = 2.2809721, Saturn = 3.0884886, Uranus = 4.380798, Neptune = 5.4827976, Pluto = 6.2872412.
The sum of Planet Characteristics (Kplanets) = 25.227337

For a regular pentagon, side length Z5 inscribed in a circle of unit radius:
2p= Kpluto
p2= Kuranus + Kneptune

The same factor, which reduces the sum of the planet characteristics, 25.2273370 to the whole number 25, is then used to multiply the sum of the first 6 and the sum of the last 3 planets, giving 16 & 9.

A Pythagorean triangle can be used as the "static" representation of our planetary system, in which the hypotenuse represents the whole Solar System, the long perpendicular represent the sum of the last 3 planets, and the small perpendicular the sum of the first 6.

The numbers 25, 16, 9 depicting the whole planetary system are in agreement with Pythagoras theorem since 522 + 32:

Pythagoras' theorem also includes phi, the "golden section", shown:

AB, drawn to bisect the angle at A, meets the perpendicular at B.
This line cuts the perpendicular at 1.5 height, BC, which is one half of AC.

By drawing 2 circles, one radius 1.5 and the other AX, we get the golden section of 3:
3(phi -1) = 1.854.
3 - 1.854 = 1.146.
1.854 / 1.146 = phi

The same method may be used to build directly the side of regular 10-angle from the radius of a circle. Further we shall discuss the association of this construction with the biblical "10 commandments".

The 2 divisions of our planetary system:
In the "dynamic" shaping of our planetary space, Jupiter is the last planet of the first area and Saturn the first of the higher area.

In the "static" representation Saturn is the last planet of the lower space.

Consequently "Saturn" has a planetary status on the frontier of two planetary systems.
The planet is closing the lower from the higher space.

Or it belongs to the lower area, or it may be defined as the first planetary status of the higher "dynamic" echelon.

The association of Saturn as a "buffer" or transition planet can be described mathematically by an expression showing that the characteristics of Saturn are similar with "transition phenomena" in actual sciences.

Transition phenomena are related to the exponential functions involving the constant "e" = 2.7182818.

Saturn shows the characteristic of a translation of the number "e", and at the same time a reflection of the circle wherein we can describe in the shape of a pentagram the sum of the planets (as a system in movement). With accuracy of 0.002% we find:
Ksaturn x Ksat x Ksat x Ksat = e x e x e x e x 1.666666, where e = 2.7182818.

Saturn, the last of the first six planets, fulfils in a very practical way the function of transition element in the planetary space.

Saturn, the 6th planet counting from the sun may be associated with "manifestation or creation" of the Unity, rhythm "6", and visual natural reality.
Saturn delimits visual and non-visual cosmos.

Powers of 10 and Quadrates of Circles based on Solar System's Development
The Solar System in development creates squares of "circles" and powers of 10.
It seems that a combination of 2 circles (one with Kplanets as radius and one with Kplanets as diameter) results in the quadrates of the previous situation as powers of ten.
Kplanet = cube root (planet's sidereal cycle time, in years, about the Sun). The sum, Kplanets = 25.2273377

The diagram shows the development of a circle circumference of (pi x Kplanets)2 has a radius of 103.

This circle can be split into 2400 + 3883.3 which is in the same proportion as 1 + phi.
2400 represents the total length of the 5 sides of a pentagram, enclosed by a circle, circumference 2pi x 10 x the circumference of the original circle, of radius Kplanets.


Taking Kplanets, as 25.235 (0.03% more accurate than the calculated value 25.227337) gives a 240 (6 x 40) pentagram, and a repetition of the proportion 6.666666 gives 1600:
40 = 6 x 6.666666,
then 6.666666 x 25.235 x total pentagram (5 x 1.902113) = 1600

The magnitude 1600 equals the proportion between the surfaces of the base sides of a golden-section pyramid (total height = h, top height = h/40) and its top: (1 + phi)2 divided by ((1 + phi) / 40))2 =1600.

For Cheops, which is a golden section pyramid, (760 x 760) / (19 x 19) =1600.

Consequent division by 6 generates repetitive number - as shown:
[6.666666 x 25.235 x total pentagram (5 x 1.902113)] /6 = 266.666666
[6.666666 x 25.235 x total pentagram (5 x 1.902113)] / (6 x 6) = 44.444444
[6.666666 x 25.235 x total pentagram (5 x 1.902113)] / (6 x 6 x 6) = 7.407407407
[6.666666 x 25.235 x total pentagram (5 x 1.902113)] / (6 x 6 x 6 x 6) = 1.23456789

6 x 6 x 6 x 6 is symbolic of the Number of Priest Worship at Tabernacle
1.23456789 contains the first 9 Numbers (cf. Sun & 9 Planets).

The Repetition 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 6.23 + 7.53 + 8.63 = TOTAL NUMBER OF PRIESTS OF ARK OF COVENANT :
Bible texts:
Eastern: Numbers 3;38 : Moses,
Northern: Numbers 3;35-37 : the Suns of Merari Priests, third range priests : 6200 (6.2 above), where 6.23 = (Phi -1)2 x 252
Western: Numbers 3;21-37 : caste of the Gersonites, moon priests : 7500 (7.5 above), where 7.53 = T(moon) x (Phi - 1) x 25
Southern: Numbers 3;37-31 : high-priests Suns of Kehath, sun-priests: 8600 (8.6 above), where 8.63 = (25.227337)2 or Kplanets.

The Moon is once above, then once below the ecliptic. Points of the Moon situated within the ecliptic are called nodes (on the same way other planets paths have each 2 nodes). Where the Moon goes under the ecliptic is called a descending node, the opposite a ascending node.

The nodes are not fixed in space but make a circular movement opposite to the Moon direction. So Sun or Moon obscuration may arise. A full Moon or Sun obscuration arises when the Moon is in one node and the linking line of the 2 nodes is directed to the Sun. If the plane of the Sun and the Moon were the same, then each month a full Sun and Moon obscuration would arise.

The time needed for the nodes for 1 full revolution is between 6798 and 6799 days (+/- 18.61 years), known as the Metonic cycle.

We can see that the movement of the Moon nodes is an "Eastern" reflection of the Sun Cycle (220 million years), because 22000 / (2Phi) = 6789.37.

A circle circumference 4 x pi7 is the result of a sequence of other circles, starting with a diameter of pi and their equivalent pyramid models.

Here "4" may be considered as the 4 phases of a process (similar to 4 seasons in a year, 4 weeks in a month) wherein the 4 phases are a further reflection again of the permanent repetition of "6", because number "4" (and also "40") may be written in the form 4 = 6 x 0.666666.

The repetition mechanism of (10 / Ksaturn)8 is used in the Bible New Testament in the Multiplication of the Breads. It allows investigation of special characteristics of cosmic order.

The values 2 phi and 10 / Ksaturn are shown to give a consistent image of the evolution scheme of the Sun Cycle:

The Sun Cycle, represented by a circle of pi x 7 x 107 years, may be drawn as a pentagram (development model) inside a circle equal to the arithmetical average of the specific proportions 2 phi16 and (10 / Ksaturn)16.

The circumference of this circle equates to the little base of the trapezium, in which its big diagonal represents the Solar Cycle.

Cosmic situations may consequently be considered as "repetitions" of models based on 2phi or 10/Ksaturn

Reply  Message 15 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 01:47

A representation of the relation between the Sun Cycle, Kplanets and the Earth and Moon rhythms as a function of Pi x 7 ( or 42 el, where el = 0.5236 ) is shown below :

Our Solar System (Kplanets value) shows a direct reflection of 7.

The higher domain of our Solar System, connected with the Sun Cycle (or Pi x 7), is a function of Phi and a repetition of 7: (sum planets) x Pi x 7 = Phi x 7 x 7 x 7.
(This expression is extremely accurate if the calculated planetarian sum is increased by 0.03 %).

The Biblical Number 666 and the Sun Cycle(555).
The number 666 is an immediate projection of the relation 7 and the Sun Cycle.
It is equal to the golden-section of (Pi x 7) x 7 x 7, and so 666 = (Phi -1) x (Pi x 7) x 7 x 7.



Light: Structure element of the Cosmic Pyramid.
We experience as relative forms of "unity", projections of higher echelons that we may represent as circles , or that we may consider as relative non-split situations.

The photon (the equivalent "light-part" measured by us), as well as light-speed are reflections of a higher hierarchical system, materialized for instance by the Sun as a higher nucleus of our Solar System. A higher system is not imaginable for our thinking. For this reason we perceive the light-speed as a constant.

Light as a structure element of the cosmic pyramid may also be deduced:

The distance travelled by light in one year is 63,242.1791 AU ( astronomical units ).

If we draw this distance as height of the pyramid, then the content (volume) of the top is exactly 555,000 times the content of a pyramid with the sum of the characteristic last four planets as its height, that may be identified as a higher level of the planets. The sum of the last four planet characteristics (cube root of their orbital periods about the Sun) is 19.239326.

The magnitude 555,000 is equal to 1000 times the diameter of a circle, the circumference of which can be divided into two showing golden section proportion.
The length of the smaller arc is 666.

The whole circle is an average measure for the average time of the Sun Cycle.

Venus and Five.
Venus orbits the Sun in 224.7 days, its sidereal period.
Venus takes 243.233 days to make one revolution about its axis..
This means that Venus has not even made a complete revolution about its axis, one Venus day, when it has made one orbit around the Sun.

The synodic period of Venus is 583.92 days, the time to return to exactly the same position against the Sun, as seen from the Earth.

The movement of Venus corresponds to a pentagram.

When we designate the stations of Venus in the Zodiac we get a slowly rotating pentagram.

Between these Venus stations we have periods of 584 days.


Drawing a pentagram where total length of its 5 sides equal 5555 (improving the association with number "5"), the movement of Venus is symbolized by the pentagram.

Additionally the radius of the circle around the pentagram is 584, the synodic rotation of Venus (0.029% precision).

After 100 synodic-Venus-periods there have passed 240 days on Venus (0.027% precision).

For us on Earth (0.0091% precision) 77.666666 x square root of Phi3 have passed.

Furthermore, 700 synodic Venus cycles, 1119 years (0.0054 % accuracy) = 6.66 x 6.66 x Kplanets (0.0024% accuracy), are a perfect reflection of the Solar System, showing 6 in the form "666", with the planet characteristics sum, Kplanets = 25.227337.


Thijs on The Universal Pyramidal Structure |
Thijs on Bifurcation, Moons of Jupiter, Feigenbaum and mathematical constant "e" |
Thijs on Influence of Saturn, Precession & Planck's constant |

Return to Bible Code
Index Page |Number Language | Sightings |

created April 2004



If we draw 666 as the small arc of the golden-section of a circle, then the bigger arc is equal to (Pi x 7) x 7 x 7 and the diameter of this circle is 555. Via 666 we get 555 or Phi x 7 x 7 x 7 :

We can see that 555 is a direct result of a nucleus of "7" of our universe and 111, a consistent reflection of the unit "7", linked to the repeating frequency 5, since 555 = 5 x 111.
Magnitude 555 is, within 0.03% accuracy, related to Kplanets and Pi x 7 (reflection of the sun cycle):
555 = (Solar System or Kplanets) x (Pi x 7) = Phi x 7 x 7 x 7

The diameter of the circle, giving rise to 666, is a translation of the higher number 7 and a reflection of the rhythm 5, being a model for pentagons and pentagrams.

In biology "five-rings" represent chemical elements in relation to "life-functions".

We can find those in the composition of DNA of cells. The DNA molecule is a spiral double chain, with a positive loaded chain and a negative one. The totality may be compared with the plus - minus opposition necessary for live and growth.

All genetic information is stored by positioning of only 4 substances called nucleotides. Only the positioning sequence and adhesion of this 4 ring-shape structure determines the heredity characteristics.

The 4 nucleotides are two six-rings and two composed six-and five rings. A nucleotide with only one five-ring is always linked with a nucleotide having a six-ring.

So the DNA molecule is a reflection of the creation characteristic 6, the dynamic aspect 5, the 4 phases in the development of an event, and the polarity and spiral schema of creation.

A circle of circumference 555 will enclose an 840el pentagram (or 3 x 280el).
This is a reflection of 3 times the height of the Great pyramid of Cheops (280el).

We may consider 3 x 280 as the small part of a golden section of a circle.

The pentagram enclosed in a circle of circumference (1 + phi) x 840 evaluates to 3330. The radius of this circle is equal to the Western number of Soldiers around the Ark of the Covenant, multiplied with the Eastern rhythm 2Phi.

For the circle with circumference 840 (3 x 280), the enclosed pentagram is 666 with 1% accuracy.
The radius of this circle is 70 and the side of the enclosed pentagon, 43.63379, is equal to the relation between the Earth-and Moon Cycle, 21.639 multiplied by 2Phi.

Since the pentagram 666 is enclosed in a circle of circumference equal to 3 times the height of the Great pyramid, then the height of Cheops is a direct reflection of the diameter of the Sun Cycle.

The content of the pyramid with height 3 times Cheops (in metre) is equal to 70 million.

The height of the great pyramid is a reflection of the Sun Cycle and of the repetition of 6, because: 146.608 (Cheops) = Pi x 7 x 6.666666

Reply  Message 16 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 02:12

Thijs on The Universal Pyramidal Structure |
Thijs on The Solar System, Sun & Moon Cycles, Pythagoras, Venus, Light Speed, 555 & 666. |
Thijs on Bifurcation, Moons of Jupiter, Feigenbaum and mathematical constant "e" |

Other TOPICS on this page:
1- Precession.
2- Relation between 40 and K(saturn).
3- Planck's Constant.

Our Cosmos : a Saturn effect on Time and Space.
If we imagine a three dimensional construction for the relation between the Sun-Cycle, the planets and the symbolic numbers of guards configured around the Ark of the Convenant of Moses, instead of a two dimensional image, then we get additional information about our Planet-System in the context of the higher space-time-field from which it is generated.


The precession cycle
The spring point (retrograde) progresses in +/- 26.000 years through the signs of the Zodiac. Then the cycle is finished. The exact time is unknown.

The supposition is that the spring point for 1 revolution needs a number of years, found by considering the total number of days of 7 Earth years as the central line of a circle, from which the lengths grows 2PHI times:

Thus we obtain a circle of circumference 25993 "years", in which the sum of the 5 sides of the pentagram equal 12 x 12 x (10 x T moon).

The precession cycle may be considered as a higher model on a 2PHI base of 7 Earth years, with 1 day for 1 year. Precession is mainly caused by the revolution of the Moon around the Earth, whilst orbiting the Sun.

The relation with the Sun is shown by the length of the pentagram equal to:
12 x 12 x 10 x T(moon) or 1440 x T(moon).

Now, 1440 is the number of minutes in a day. We may express the Moon and Earth cycle in simple rounded numbers if we use the multiplication factor Phi3:

Phi3 x T(moon) = 107 seconds (0,003%) = 166666.666666 minutes
Phi3 x T(earth) = 7 x 107 x 6/Pi seconds = 7,000,000 / Pi minutes

The relation between the precession cycle and the Sun System is shown:

The total length of the 5 pentagram sides may be used as radius of a circle where the sum of the six sides of the hexagram may be expressed as 70 x 60.606060.

The proportion 60.606060 is linked to the daily movement of the planets.
The following list gives for each planet the average distance in degrees daily covered:
Mercury: 4.09234°
Venus: 1.60213°
Earth: 0.98561°
Mars: 0.52404°
Jupiter: 0.08308°
Saturn: 0.03354°
Uranus: 0.01174°
Neptune: 0.00598°
Pluto: 0.00399°
TOTAL: 7.34245 degrees

The sum all the values, 7.34245 degrees, or 0.12815 radians, where 0.12815 is equivalent to 7.766666 / 60.606060 .
Here 7.766666 is a reflection of the proportion between small and large diagonals of the universal trapezium.


The time of revolution of the Sun around the centre of the Milky Way may be used as a symbol for this higher domain of space and time.

In the Bible for Moses the total number of Guards, 603.55, around the Ark or Tabernacle are a reflection of the third root of revolution time of the Sun. 

So 603.55 corresponds to the edge of a cube, wherein the content is equal to the cycle of the Sun.

There is a very special relation between the Eastern number of Guards around the Ark and this cube, because:
(10 x Eastern value)3 = Sun Cycle x T(Saturn), where T(Sat) = 29.46 year.

By multiplication of the previous cube by the revolution time of Saturn we create a second cube with 10 x the Eastern value as edge:

It seems that the Sun Cycle (our representation of a higher domain) behaves itself as the planet "Saturn".

The "Saturn motif" is connected with the revolution time of the Sun around the Milky Way centre and represents "transition" and "restriction". The Eastern number of Ark Guards is the consequence. 

From the Eastern value, 186.4, our planetary system may be deduced:
We may consider the Eastern value as a circle with Z(5) x Sun System as radius:

As a consequence a side of a cube with 10 x Eastern value as edge represents the quadrant of this circle:

From the cube, with 10 x Eastern value as edge, the Southern number of soldiers protecting Moses Ark of the Covenant is defined, because the surface of one side corresponds to the cube of the Southern value. The magnitude South, 151.45, may be considered as the edge of the cube with (South)3 as content because
(10 x Eastern Guards)2 is very close to (Southern Guards)3; (3473824 & 3474496):

If we now take the product of the edge of South with the sum of the planet characteristics of Pluto and Venus, we then get 10 times the Western number of soldiers around the Ark of the Convenant, symbolized by 108.1:

Southern value x (Pluto + Venus) = 10 x Western value, with Pluto + Venus = 7.1377303.

Like we saw earlier, we may deduce the partial domains of our Sun Cycle (like Earth and Moon Cycles, from the Western number of Soldiers).

They originate by linking the South with the harmonic aspects, symbolized by "Pluto" and "Venus".

The Northern number of Soldiers, represented by 157.6, is obtained from the surface of one side of the cube, the volume of which corresponds with the cycle of the Sun. The relation with the height of the great pyramid of Cheops is obviously present:

(Northern)2 x 146.666 = (603.55)2 x 10, where 603.55 is the total number of Guards.

The Northern number symbolizes perfect circles, connected with Phi. It's a transition situation showing how further evolution progresses. Previous considerations in general, show us that the symbolism inside our Sun System comes back in higher domains. These domains may be represented in different ways: as "circles" (or pyramids) or like here by "cubes" from which the lower systems are composing parts.

So the connection of the Eastern with "Venus" is typical for the constitution of our planetary domain. The "Eastern" (a circle motif and so a higher domain of our Sun System) behaves itself "like Venus" is doing it in our planetary system:
Eastern x Kvenus = 2Pi x Kplanets, with Venus = 0.8504891 and Kplanets = 25.235.

Because 2 Pi nearly corresponds with Kpluto, the harmonic connection Pluto-Venus governs our planetary system from a higher domain, here represented by the "Eastern".

In the beginning of the discussion it appears that the "Eastern" then gets its origin from again a higher system, represented by the Cycle of the Sun, where this "time-area" is connected with the revolution time of "Saturn".

It looks like the revolution time of the Sun around the Milky Way Centre "behaves itself" like "Saturn" in our planetary system.

We may then conclude that our near cosmos, and our planetary system, are "born" from a "contraction" of the space-time continuum, symbolized by the Sun Cycle. The further evolution of our planetary system progresses harmonically on the cadence of the golden-section-pyramid model.

The configuration of the numbers of the "guards" around the Ark of the Covenant not only explains the growing process of our Solar System from a higher energy field, but also shows how entire relations are everlasting in this situation.

So is rhythm 10 a consequence from the Saturn-aspect with which the Solar Cycle is connected? Entire "numbers" or rhythms are a model for our restricted insights and are parented with "Saturn", balancing on the frontier of lower and higher consciousness-levels. So it is not at all surprising that "Saturn" shapes the "first" or "Eastern" phase of a new process.

The value, Ksaturn, may be deduced directly from the mathematical constant "e", on its own a consequence of the golden section of the Sun Cycle explained in "Bifurcation" page.

We also see that the product of the revolution times of the Sun and Saturn is a consequence of the relation 2Phi or 10/Ksaturn. Consequently the relation between the total number of guards around the Ark of Covenant (603.55) and the number of guards in the Eastern direction (186.4) is seen in the expression:
(603.55)3 x T(Saturn) = (10 x 186.4)3 coming from 603.55:186.4 = 10/Ksaturn or 2PHI.

The magnitude 60.606060 (also found in Precession below) determines on rhythm 6 the exact relation between the South-side and the West side.

If (Southern)3 is multiplied by 6 x 0.060606, we find:
(South)3 x 6 x 0.060606 = (West)3.

The Western and the Southern number of soldiers, and the Ark of Covenant, give such precise information about the precession time and the daily movement of the planets.

Question - Answer:
Why should "Saturn" be responsible in general for the contraction of energy fields?
Because of the characteristic of Saturn, Ksaturn, and symbol of "10"with the Eastern.
The "Eastern" is permanently in evolution.
Tendency 10 is a representation of the Unity.

The metaphor about the protection of the Ark of the Covenant gives an absolute proof that the designers of the story disposed a superior knowledge concerning the development of energy-fields in the cosmos.

Reply  Message 17 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/09/2011 02:12

The number of soldiers in the South & West is 151.450 plus 108.100 or 259.550 (the precession number).
And 70 x 60.606060 is derived from 66666666 / 25993.8.

40 & K(saturn).
Reproduction or multiplication of processes and events may be applied in function of typical proportions of the discovered development schema.



Planck's constant: Level-Proportions in Microcosm and Macrocosm.
Planck was Professor in Berlin between 1892 and 1928. Planck's constant, h, is used in many of the sciences. It is also a fundamental part of quantum mechanics, replacing today the mechanistic vision of Newton.
The question is, why is this constant universal?
The reason lies in the universal model.


The constant h, in the usual unit system in average equal to 6.626176 x 10-34 Js, is a fixed datum in the electron configuration around the nucleus of an atom. Every electron has its own energy level. If by a bombardment with photons (light-quanta) the electron changes its energy level, then it can return to its original position with emission of radiation.

This radiation has a wavelength and frequency corresponding with the difference in energy level and is determined by the Planck constant.

This constant, in the microcosmic world, is a fixed relation between energy levels and frequency-differences of radiation as a result of the difference in movement-energy of the so-called "packets".

The famous physician De Broglie applied the constant of Planck to bigger masses.

The question now is, can we find exactly the 6.626176 of this constant in the fixed pattern of the pyramidal space? Only the number value is important as a relation element. We call it h*.

Apparently this is the case, for when we take 6.626176 as the height of a pyramid, which we consider the higher echelon of size 402, then we find the value, for the circumference (or perimeter) of the base, is the repeating number 66666.

The diagram below shows this if we take in account the value: 8/square root Phi of the reference pyramid (accuracy 0.01%).

Other evidence for the relation of the value of 6.626176 in h* in the level-classification of the cosmos is found if we calculate the higher-echelon of the higher (static) domain of the planets. This is the sum of the characteristics of the last 3 planets (16.150837 ).

So we find:
(sum of the last 3 planets) x 2Pi x 404 = 76 x 16Pi x (h*)2, where h* = 6.626176.

The value h* also determines concrete level-differences in the macrocosm.

Because the constant of Planck is applicable on level-differences in general, h* may be associated with the solar system, pentagram structures and the figure of Moses represented by the numbers of the Guards around the Ark of the Convenant.

With 0.006% accuracy:
{(Kplanets / (10/Ksaturn)} x Kvenus = 6.626176, (sum of planets, Kplanets = 25.227337).

With h* as radius we may draw a circle, in which a pentagram fits and where reference to height of the great pyramid of Cheops and the solar system can be seen, as shown:

The constant of Planck is directly involved in the construction of the planets space and the solar cycle, when Phi16 plays a very important role.

Levels of energy are traced out as circular structures (similar to energy-levels in atoms), because Phi16 = 16 x Pi x (h*)exp2, with 0,006% accuracy, is a construction component of the little base of the trapezium of our Sun Cycle.

So levels of energy are traced out as circular structures (similar to energy-levels in atoms).

Consequently, we may write the real value of Planck's constant, h, as function of cosmic magnitudes 7, 6, and 6/Pi :

With 0,00051% accuracy: h x {(7 x (6/Pi)}12 x 10-12 = 6 x 6 x 6 , with 7 x (6 / Pi) as relation between Earth and Moon cycle.

This proves that the number value h* as well as the constant of Planck, are tracing out level-differences on microscopic and macroscopic scales, with the golden-section-model as base.

Thijs on The Universal Pyramidal Structure |
Thijs on The Solar System, Sun & Moon Cycles, Pythagoras, Venus, Light Speed, 555 & 666. |
Thijs on Bifurcation, Moons of Jupiter, Feigenbaum and mathematical constant "e" |

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Until now we have limited ourselves to the repetition of the tendency 10/K(saturn), typical for the first or "Eastern" relation in the Biblical schema, determining the development model of the Solar Cycle.

If on the other hand we use the hierarchical relation "40" (proportion in Cheops) we find a similar multiplication mechanism for unity aspects.

We saw how the Moon rhythm, correlated with the repetition 40, after 4 reproductions is mirroring the radius of the Solar Cycle.

Here we may refer to the Bread Multiplication in the Bible New Testament. It relates to the "static" planet classification (associated with the triangle of Pythagoras). In this case the first six planets constitute the first visual part of the planetary area, including Saturn, and the last 3 planets a model for a higher domain.
With the echelon magnitude 40, linked with 2Pi, we get "circles" which may represent circumferences of bases of golden section pyramids. The quadruple repetition of "40", linked to circles, for a "static" classification of the planet system is given in the following expressions:
Sum (first 6 planets) x 2Pi x 404 = (10/K(Saturn)8 x (10/K(Saturn)8
Sum (last 3 planets) x 2Pi x 404 = 76 x Phi16
Represented below:

It is remarkable that the circle, with radius the sum of the first 6 planets (9.0764999) multiplied by 404, may be considered as a repetition of the specific circle (10/K(saturn)8.
In other words, the drawn echelon of the first 6 "visual" planets is still "closed" by the "Eastern" relation factor 10/K(saturn), which results in a "quadratic circle", because (10/K(saturn)8 x (10/K(saturn)8 equals 4Pi7 x 4Pi7.

This shows that the "Saturn Limitation" of "the Eastern" continuously repeats to give shape to higher processes of space and time, symbolized by circle figures or corresponding pyramids.

In fact the first picture above may be used as "circle-mould" for the Solar Cycle below:

This figure then relates to the diagram in the "Sun Cycle" topic, where a circle is constructed from the average 2Phi16 and (10/K(Saturn)16.
The enclosed pentagram then reflects the average of the Sun Cycle.

We may conclude that higher domains on rhythm 7 are subject to evolution, based on the Eastern relation factor 10/K(saturn).

Every domain of the Universe may be considered as the "Eastern" of a higher model.

Higher systems on the rhythm 7 reflect themselves with a nucleus of 7 in lower domains. Domains characterized by an immediate relation with 7, may be considered as a relative higher.
So we see in the figure above, that a circle with radius the sum of the last 3 planets multiplied by 404 (repetition of 6), is a direct projection of 7 and Phi, arriving at the expression 76 x Phi16.

Phi16 is related to the Planck constant (see below), not only limiting domains in the microcosm, but also in the macrocosm.

Blueprints of the hierarchical tendency of 7 are determining our laws of sciences base on the described pyramidal relationships.

Except for tendency 10/K(saturn), rhythm 6 is the most striking and may be considered as a demonstration and transformation rhythm.

Another example of a higher domain in our cosmos is the sum of the last 4 planets, from which repetition on the pyramidal measure 0.776666 immediately delivers tendency 7:
Sum (last 4 planets) x (0.776666)4 = 7

Magnitude 0.776666 is typical for the relation between the small and the long diagonal of the trapezium generated by the development of the external triangle of a golden section pyramid.

Like the pentagram represents "transitions", the relation 0.776666 symbolizes the same phenomenon of the relation between a small and a long base.

The sum of the last 3 planets, as well as the sum of the last 4, may represent a higher planetary space. Saturn is the planetary status on the limit of a lower and a higher domain. This planet still visible may be accounted for in the lower as well as in the higher echelon.

Reply  Message 18 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/11/2011 04:07

Reply  Message 19 of 19 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/11/2012 06:43

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