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Reply  Message 1 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 28/07/2011 06:22
Última actualización 01/09/2005@00:00:00 GMT+1
¿Quién era la misteriosa mujer del vaso de alabastro que aparece en el Evangelio? ¿Es posible acceder a su identidad gracias a la Cábala? Para conocer en detalle el estado actual de las investigaciones sobre este fascinante tema entrevistamos a Margaret Starbird, experta en las fuentes primitivas del Cristianismo.
El nombre de María Magdalena encierra un enigma. Muchas son las versiones sobre su relación con Jesús. Margaret Starbird es autora de cuatro ensayos sobre este tema: María Magdalena y el Santo Grial ( Ed. Planeta); La diosa en los evangelios, 1998); El rostro femenino del cristianismo y La herencia perdida de Magdalena (Ed. Planeta). También ha investigado en profundidad la tradición esotérica hebrea, aportando una interpretación original y sugerente de las fuentes evangélicas.

Adriano Forgione: En su principal ensayo La mujer con el vaso de alabastro, usted ha planteado la herejía del Grial. ¿Puede explicarnos su punto de vista?
Margaret Starbird: La herejía del Grial era el «gran secreto» de las corrientes subterráneas del medievo: la creencia de que Jesús estaba casado y que uno de sus hijos, fruto de su unión con María Magdalena, fue llevado a Galia, convirtiéndose en el progenitor de la línea de sangre merovingia. En francés antiguo, la denominación «Santo Grial» puede ser traducida como «Sang Real» (sangre real). Si el «Grial» no era un cáliz, sino una mujer, la madre de un niño, eso ofrece una clave de la leyenda según la cual María Magdalena, Lázaro y Marta llevaron la «Sangre Real» a Galia. Dicha leyenda nació en Europa occidental y se halla ampliamente difundida en el arte, en los objetos y en el folklore medieval.

A.F: ¿Por qué llama a María Magdalena la «Diosa de los evangelios»?
M.S: He hallado pruebas muy convincentes de que ella fue percibida por los primeros cristianos como la pareja de Jesús, en lo que yo considero una unión indisoluble entre el esposo y la esposa arquetípicos. En el ámbito del imperio romano, «la unión sagrada» se celebraba con fiestas anuales en honor de la Fuerza Vital: el dios y la diosa, que representan el equilibrio de las energías masculinas y femeninas del Universo. Los paganos convertidos reconocieron a Magdalena el papel de las antiguas diosas celebradas en ocasión del equinoccio de primavera, en los cultos del hieros gamos. La palabra inglesa para Pascua («Easter») deriva de «Ishtar», la deidad babilónica de este culto, que en la mitología cananea era conocida como «Astarté», la esposa del dios Baal. Esta identificación con la pareja del dios resucitado también está presente en los evangelios canónicos. Dado que Jesús era visto como un dios similar a Tammuz-Osiris-Dioniso por los primeros paganos convertidos al cristianismo, a Magdalena se la veía como a su pareja divina.

A.F: ¿En qué se basa para sostener que María de Magdala y María de Betania, hermana de Marta y de Lázaro, son la misma persona?
M.S: Esta identificación se remonta a los primeros cristianos y se apoya en el tema de la unción de Jesús para la sepultura. La hermana de Lázaro lo unge en dos ocasiones y «la Magdalena» lleva su ungüento a la tumba el día de Pascua (Juan 11:2 y 12:3). En este texto, Juan combina elementos de escenas similares a las de los otros evangelios canónicos, pero también ofrece una identidad a la mujer que unge a Jesús, de quien los otros no dan el nombre. En los antiguos rituales que celebraban al «Rey-esposo sacrificado», la unción por parte de la esposa real era un rito nupcial que confería realeza al consorte, y parte de una secuencia litúrgica que celebraba el hieros gamos o «matrimonio sagrado». Como dije, estos misterios celebraban la vida, la muerte y la regeneración en el equinoccio de primavera. La sagrada unión se difundía por todo el reino, asegurando la fertilidad de la cosechas y del ganado. En dicha liturgia, el rey divino era torturado, mutilado, muerto y depositado en una tumba. Cuando su esposa iba al jardín a llorar por él, se alegraba al verlo resucitado. Esta exacta secuencia se repite en los evangelios con los relatos de la unción, crucifixión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Dado que era prerrogativa exclusiva de la esposa ungir al Rey-esposo durante el rito nupcial pagano, y también el de encontrarlo resucitado en el jardín, podemos identificar a la «Esposa» en la mitología cristiana a través de estas mismas acciones: se trata de María, llamada «la Magdalena». La identificación de las dos Marías formó parte de la fe de la iglesia católica romana durante casi dos milenios, hasta que fue corregida oficialmente en 1969.

A.F: En su libro El legado perdido de María Magdalena, usted afirma que la unión entre Jesús y su esposa es la piedra angular de la primera comunidad cristiana. ¿Qué motivos la han llevado a esta afirmación?
M.S: Una de las parábolas de los evangelios nos dice que cierto rey ofreció un banquete de bodas para su hijo, pero que todos los invitados declinaron la invitación. Creo que este es el escenario exacto que se presentó en el siglo I. Jesús ofreció a su comunidad un «banquete de matrimonio» que celebrase la unión de amor entre el marido y su mujer. Jesús utiliza este banquete como una metáfora del «Reino de Dios». Creo que el círculo de personas más próximo a ellos reconocía la simbiosis arquetípica del «Esposo» y de su «Hermana-esposa» evocada en el Cantar de los cantares. Su «unión» está confirmada por la Gematria cabalística de algunas frases del evangelio. Si añadimos el valor de las letras griegas presentes en el título honorífico «la Magdalena», la suma será igual a 153, el número de los «peces» que se menciona en Juan 21. Este pasaje es una metáfora. Los peces son los iniciados. El número 153 está asociado también a la forma geométrica llamada Vesica piscis, que en la geometría sagrada de los pitagóricos correspondía a las antiguas diosas del amor y de la fertilidad: la matriz, el regazo, la puerta hacia la vida, el Sancta Sanctorum. Jesús era representado como «Pez» por los primeros cristianos y a Magdalena se le había conferido un título que la asociaba con el «Recipiente de los peces». Ambos son el Señor y la Señora de los «Peces» y de la Edad de los peces (la Era de Piscis).

A.F: En los evangelios se habla del «grano de mostaza» que se convierte en un árbol. Usted ha realizado una investigación sobre ésto...

M.S: En la antigua práctica de la Gematria, las expresiones son acuñadas deliberadamente para que el número correspondiente a la suma del valor asignado a cada letra del alfabeto comunique un mensaje críptico. Cuando el valor numérico de una o más palabras, como «grano de mostaza», «Reino de Dios», o «la Magdalena», están reiteradas, es muy probable que haya intención. Los autores de los textos sagrados se inclinaban por las frases hechas, porque la convención de la Gematria permitía fuertes asociaciones con el principio cósmico que la suma de las frases representaba. Por ejemplo, en Crónicas, en el Antiguo Testamento, «666» es el número de talentos de oro pagados como tributo a Salomón. El número expresa el poder de Salomón, un monarca solar. El «número de la Bestia» es 666 porque, en el «canon de los números» establecido, representa el poder solar, la energía masculina o «Logos», la «fuerza sin misericordia». Piénsese en Bes, dios egipcio de las iniciaciones, o también en el sumerio Oannes, «la Bestia del Mar Eritreo». El número compañero es 1080 y representa en el antiguo canon la energía lunar (femenina). John Mitchell, filósofo británico, ha llevado a cabo investigaciones sobre este tema y ha publicado un estudio, observando la utilización por Platón de las sumas 666 y 1080. Platón dice que este número (1746) representa la «fusión» de los principios masculino y femenino, el huevo fertilizado o «semilla sagrada». El «grano de mostaza» que está en los sinópticos (Marcos, Mateo y Lucas), y también en el evangelio gnóstico de Tomás, tiene el mismo valor en la Gematria. Lo que Jesús dijo en su parábola es que el Reino de los Dios es como la «fusión» o «matrimonio» de las energías masculina y femenina.

A.F: ¿Cuáles son los motivos que conducen a que el número 7 sea relacionado con lo «sagrado femenino»?
M.S: El número 7 tiene que ver con la perfección del tiempo. Después de haber creado el Cosmos, Dios descansó en el séptimo día. Pero el 7 tiene también atributos de virginidad, dado que no genera ni es generado por ninguno de los otros números de la primera decena. Considerado ésto, al 7 a veces se le llama «virgen» o «perfecto». Está asociado con Ishtar (7 velos), con María Magdalena (7 demonios) y con el Espíritu Santo (7 dones del espíritu).

A.F: Con la ayuda de la Gematria ha podido descifrar aspectos oscuros del Apocalipsis. ¿Puede aclararnos su interpretación del conocido verso «Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega»?
M.S: El valor de Alfa es 1, mientras el de Omega es 800. Sumados dan 801, un «anagrama» de 1080, y número que suma «peristera», la palabra griega que significa «paloma», símbolo del Espíritu Santo. El número 1080, además, es la Gematria tanto del Espíritu Santo como del Espíritu de la Tierra (el aspecto «femenino» o «inmanente» de lo divino). Las letras del alfabeto, desde Alfa a Omega, contienen todas las posibles permutaciones y combinaciones de la «Palabra de Dios». La letra A ( el uno) representa el principio creativo masculino, mientras el Omega tiene la forma de un útero. El sonido y la letra M están asociados a lo femenino en muchas lenguas: mater, mere, mother, madre, mammal, mare, todas palabras que tienen relación con el concepto de «madre», mientras «eg» (ak) significa «grande». El epíteto «Alfa y Omega» expresa al Sagrado Uno que es puro espíritu. La frase «Yo soy Alfa y Omega» suma en Gematria 2220, la misma cifra de la expresión «Portador de Cristo».

A.F: ¿Por qué, según usted, la figura de Jesús era asociada por los padres de la iglesia con la imagen de los peces?
M.S: Los ciudadanos del imperio romano estaban muy al corriente de la precesión de los equinoccios en el zodiaco y aguardaban la buena nueva del nacimiento del avatar de la Era de los peces. La iglesia de los comienzos ha acuñado el término griego «Pez» por las iniciales del epíteto griego que significa «Jesucristo, hijo de Dios, Salvador». Yo creo que lo hicieron intencionadamente para reivindicar el hecho de que Jesús fuera el «Pez» (es decir, el señor o avatar de la nueva era).

A.F: ¿Está de acuerdo con la tesis según la cual María de Magdala fue la fundadora del cristianismo? Si es así,¿por qué?
M.S: Magdalena fue la más fiel de todos los discípulos. En los cuatro evangelios canónicos sólo ella está siempre presente, tanto en la crucifixión como en la resurrección. En Juan ella está sola en la tumba en ocasión de la Pascua, y el Señor la envía a sus hermanos para comunicarles que él ha resucitado. Por lo tanto, ella es el primer apóstol, palabra que en griego significa «mensajero». Magdalena es preeminente respecto a todos los otros amigos de Jesús que aparecen en los evangelios. El primer estrato de la experiencia cristiana era muy igualitario. Creo que el modelo fue la relación entre Jesús y María Magdalena. Hasta finales del siglo II las mujeres tenían roles muy importantes en la iglesia: enseñaban, predicaban y profetizaban junto con los hombres.

A.F: Según los lingüistas, el nombre Magdalena o Magdala deriva del sustantivo hebreo Mígdal, o «torre». ¿Cómo justifica esta derivación?
M.S: Creo que el título honorífico de María Magdalena deriva del pasaje profético de Miqueas 4: 8-11, cuando este profeta se dirige a la «Magdal-eder», la «torre de guardia» o «la fortaleza de la grey», que se identifica con la «Hija de Sion». Los autores de los evangelios utilizaban pasajes de la Biblia hebrea que profetizaban el advenimiento y la gesta del Mesías (como el siervo sufriente en Isaías, o su nacimiento en Belén en Miqueas). Aquellos que vieron en la profecía de Miqueas de la esposa que llora a su rey, una fuerte predicción de María Magdalena, decidieron utilizarla como base para su título «de Magdala». Al mismo tiempo, querían crear la correcta suma gemátrica, el 153 asociado a la Vesica piscis y al «Pez». Mi investigación demuestra que la pequeña ciudad de Galilea, llamada hoy Magdala o Migdol, antiguamente se llamaba Tariquea (que en griego significa «pez salado»), como vemos en Las guerras judías de Flavio Josefo. Por lo tanto, pienso que este epíteto era un título conferido a María (hermana de Lázaro de Betania) porque la comunidad la reconocía como la esposa –la «Magdal-eder»– de Miqueas 4: 8– enviada al exilio: «Allí será liberada». Y creo que este es nuestro deber, ¡devolverle su lugar como Esposa!
A.F: Los primeros textos cristianos describen a María de Magdala como dotada de una sensibilidad mayor que la de Pedro y los otros. Ignorando todo eso la Iglesia romana decidió desacreditarla. ¿Por qué?
M.S: Mi opinión personal es que los amigos más estrechos e influyentes de Jesús, como José de Arimatea y Nicodemo, estaban muy preocupados por la seguridad de su mujer después de la resurrección. Los romanos creían haber crucificado a un sedicioso. Pero nadie esperaba que un ser humano pudiese encarnar el mito del dios que muere y resucita como lo hizo Jesús. En este escenario, la mujer de ese Jesús corría un gran peligro por motivos políticos, especialmente si estaba embarazada. Por eso, los amigos del «esposo» la habrían ocultado. Pienso que fue llevada a Alejandría, donde existía una fuerte comunidad hebrea, y que su hijo probablemente nació allí.

La iglesia siguió adelante sin ella. Después, en el año 85 más o menos, el evangelio de Lucas dice que la mujer que ungió a Jesús venía de Nain y era una pecadora, y que María Magdalena estaba «poseída por siete demonios». Pero los evangelios más antiguos (Marcos y Mateo) sostienen que Jesús fue ungido en Betania y no mencionan a ningún demonio. Por lo tanto, las acusaciones de Lucas se añadieron más tarde y constituyen el primer intento de desacreditarla. Después, aparecen personajes como Tertuliano e Ireneo (siglos II-III ), para quienes las mujeres estaban desviando a la grey. Ellos decidieron que a las mujeres no se les debía permitir enseñar, bautizar o servir en ningún puesto de relieve dentro de la iglesia. Entonces alguien escribió la carta a Timoteo, en la cual se dice: «No permito a ninguna mujer enseñar, ni dictar leyes al hombre (I Timoteo 2: 12)». Este texto fue atribuido a Pablo, aunque ya está bien establecido que Pablo no fue su autor. Gradualmente las voces de las mujeres fueron silenciadas dentro de la iglesia.

Sin embargo, en la liturgia católica romana, en el día dedicado a Magdalena (hasta 1969), su hermano Lázaro era mencionado en una de las oraciones, y en otra se mencionaba a la esposa del Cantar de los Cantares: «Ponme de sello sobre tu corazón, como sello en tu brazo» (Cantar de los cantares 8: 6). Uno de los pasajes de las escrituras que se leía en su honor era el Salmo 44, el epitalamio real, que es un canto nupcial.

A.F: ¿Cómo considera el hecho de que la iglesia de Rennes-le-Chteau haya sido consagrada precisamente a María de Magdala en el año 1059 y que al siguiente año se comenzara a construir la basílica en Vézelay, también dedicada a ella?
M.S: Numerosas iglesias del medievo estaban dedicadas a ella. Además de las que usted menciona, había una basílica de Santa María Magdalena mucho más antigua, en Saint Maximin, donde se conservan algunas presuntas reliquias suyas, como en Vézelay. Magdalena era el modelo, tanto para el alma individual como para la iglesia militante en su deseo de unión con Cristo.

A:F: ¿Las catedrales europeas, dedicadas a Notre-Dame, pueden ser consideradas como erigidas en honor a María de Magdala?
M.S: Una de las leyendas relacionadas con las catedrales góticas es que contienen los secretos de los canteros que las construyeron, incluidos los principios y los códigos de la geometría sagrada. La arquitectura gótica se caracteriza por arcos basados en la relación áurea de la Vesica Piscis (dos círculos interconectados), el símbolo asociado con lo sagrado femenino. Con el paso de los siglos, María Magdalena fue despojada de muchos de los ropajes de la Esposa y de su corona para asignarlas a la madre de Jesús, la Virgen bendita. Aunque en el Cantar de los cantares la esposa es negra, muchas estatuas de la Virgen negra se atribuyen a la Virgen María. Las catedrales góticas honraban lo Femenino, la «Domina» o «Señora». Mientras los ortodoxos insisten en que la compañera de Jesús era su madre, la «corriente subterránea» impulsa la tradición de María Magdalena, la Amada.

A.F: Según usted ¿qué símbolo se oculta tras el hecho de que María de Magdala fue sanada por Jesús y de ella salieron siete demonios?
M.S: Lucas es el primer evangelista que menciona los siete demonios. En las líneas finales del Evangelio según Marcos (escrito alrededor del año 70) se mencionan los siete demonios, pero éste es un agregado posterior basado en Lucas. Algunas estudiosas, como Ann Brock de la universidad de Duke y Karen King de Harvard, advierten una intención de denigrar a la hermana de Lázaro. Lucas cambia de lugar la escena de la unción, situándola lejos de Betania y llama a la mujer con el vaso de alabastro «una pecadora de la ciudad». Algunas líneas después menciona a Magdalena y a sus siete demonios. Pero sólo Lucas se manifiesta hostil a Magdalena. Los otros tres evangelistas no comparten su opinión.

A.F: En algunas comunidades gnósticas ella jugaba un rol simbólico muy importante. ¿Puede por ello ser considerada también el arquetipo del sacerdocio femenino?
M.S: En los textos gnósticos Magdalena representa la «Vía del corazón». Un gnóstico conoce a Dios por experiencia de amor directa más que por un credo o un catecismo. En el texto gnóstico conocido como Evangelio de María Magdalena, ella trata de confortar y de animar a los apóstoles varones, pero éstos no la aceptan. En este rol podría ser vista fácilmente como la personificación del sacerdocio femenino. Pero yo pienso que su importancia era incluso mayor. La veo desde el punto de vista de los evangelios canónicos, como Esposa y contraparte de Cristo en la Unión Sagrada. Para mí es más que una sacerdotisa, más que un apóstol. Los hebreos pueden reconocer en ella la personificación de la Shekinnah, la inmanencia de la gloria de Dios. Esta teología funde a la «Sofía» con el «Logos», a la «Sabiduría» con el «Verbo de Dios».

A.F: Si la Magdalena representa la Sofía, el Conocimiento, el matrimonio sagrado con Cristo no fue un hecho real, sino sólo una simbología que representa la reunificación entre el alma divina (lo femenino) y el espíritu de Luz de un individuo. En suma, una metáfora de la androginia. ¿Usted qué opina?
M.S: Creo que la unión, para poder ser completa, debe expresarse a todos los niveles. Los místicos utilizan con frecuencia la palabra «matrimonio» para describir su unión con lo Divino. Pero si no hubiese matrimonios en la carne, no habría metáfora. En la Biblia hebrea, el matrimonio es una metáfora de la alianza de Dios con su pueblo: «Como es arriba, es abajo». No creo que Jesús haya venido solamente para liberar el alma y llevarla a la unión con Dios. Esta es una visión que no honra al mundo y al cuerpo mismo como recipiente sagrado. Los evangelios demuestran que a Jesús le preocupaba la salud de la gente tanto como su bienestar espiritual. El modelo de «pareja» no se refiere sólo al sexo, pero tiene un aspecto sexual. Comprende toda la danza o interacción de las energías opuestas, el equilibrio en la biología, en la psicología, en la física y en todos los aspectos del ser. No creo que Jesús sugiriese la androginia como santidad. El verso final del Evangelio de Tomás sostiene que Jesús habría transformado en «varón» a Magdalena, cosa que parece sugerir una androginia. Pero este texto es un añadido posterior, según los estudios más recientes. Poner el énfasis en el lado espiritual, negando la carne, es un desarrollo posterior de los cristianos docetistas como Marción, Mani y otros. Lamentablemente, sus enseñanzas siguieron teniendo una gran influencia, en San Agustín entre otros.

A.F:¿En qué está centrando sus estudios ahora? ¿Tiene alguna novedad para nuestros lectores referida a sus investigaciones?
M.S: Estoy a punto de completar un trabajo que profundiza en algunos aspectos de mi investigación sobre Magdalena. Es hora de restituir la Esposa a su sitio fundamental en el corazón de la historia cristiana.


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Reply  Message 2 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 06:23
Un dato curioso es que el 9 de noviembre (911) cae en el dia numero 314 (numero PI) y que 314 -153 (gematria de MARIA LA MAGDALENA y que incluso esta en el libro de Juan en su capitulo 21) nos da el numero de oro. ¿Porque son estas relaciones????????

Reply  Message 3 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 06:28

"The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance
of the Number 153"

by Dee Finney

This page is related to:  http://www.greatdreams.com/17-fish.htm

photo copyright Crop Circle Connector and Lucy Pringle

This crop circle appeared in a field in  Hillside Farm, nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire, UK
on 7-20-08

We previously posted these symbols on the other pages.: Hopefully you can see the similarity as we did.

These images are from the book:  "Jesus Christ Sun of God"
Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism
by David Fideler

The Relationship between the 153 Fish in the Net and the Feeding of the Five Thousand.

This illustration shows how the mathematical progression illustrated in the previous diagram underlies the dimensions of the fish in the net geometry and the feeding of the five thousand. Both diagrams are thereby shown to be differing expressions of the same, underlying cosmological code.

The central figure is a vesica with a width of 1x the square root of 2 (1.415 = THE GOD APOLLO), which defines the diameter of the feeding of the five thousand geometry on the right.

The height of the central vesica measures 1 x the square root of 2 x the square root of 3 (2.448 = FISHES IN THE NET), which defines the height of the 153 fishes in the net geometry on the left.

In the diagram on the left, the rhombus intersects the length of the vesica in the upper world, dividing it into three equal segments of 353 units, the value of HERMES. This represents "Thrice-Great Hermes" or Hermes Trimegistos, a personification of the Logos.

153 as the measure of "the Fish in Archimedes

Archimedes (c 287-212 B.C.E.), in his treatise On the Measurement of the Cycle, uses the whole number ratio 153:265 to accurately approximate the irrational ratio square root of 3, "the measure of the fish" or the vesica piscis. Moreover, Archimedes uses this value in such a manner as to suggest that this approximation was well know to his contemporaries: it required no word of explanation at all.

This ratio, 153:265, precisely relates to the dimensions of the 153 "fish" in the unbroken net, for it defines the height and width of each rhombus in "the net." Figure 52.  Since 153 was known in the time of Archimedes as "the measure of the fish" or the vesica, ancient readers skilled mathematics would have immediately recognized the allegory of the 153 fish in the net for what is it: a geometrical "story problem."



10-28-99 - DREAM - I was working in a large office and had a lot of work to do. I was working in a brightly lit office and my desk was full of work. Still, I spotted some legal papers or formal paperwork that was supposed to have been done earlier and I had not done it. I kept pushing it aside in favor of the engineering work I was doing.

One of the engineering blueprint books was on my desk. It was 1 foot wide by 5 feet long by 3" thick. (153) I didn't know why the engineers hadn't filed it where it belonged so I took it off my desk and put it on top of the bookcase for later.

There was so much engineering work to do yet, that when 4 engineers came in (all engineers I had worked with before in real life) they decided to have a conference in the library. So I went with them because I  wanted to hear what they had to say.

There was a square table with 4 chairs around it right under the bright light, but the engineers took the chairs and even the table and moved them out of the light. I said to the engineers, "Hey guys! I'm still working!" I had to be in the light to do my work.

So, I went back to my own desk where the bright light was and saw the legal papers, which were now divided into two piles, standing up right in the forefront of where my work was. I felt guilty about not doing them, but moved them aside again to work on the engineering work.

Finally, the work day being over, I went to my apartment whch was in the same building. Even there was a lot of people. My apartment had two doors which I wasn't aware of right away... an inner door and an outer door which led to an outer hallway. One door was #17 and the other door was #36. I discovered this because while I was talking to some visiting women that there were some gentle knocks on the door and when I opened the door I saw the number.

Someone came to the #17 door first which was on the inner hallway, and then a gentle knock came on the other door which was #36 which led to the outer hallway.

When I opened the #36 door, the whole door fell off the hinges and fell on the floor. There were lots of people out there and they all started coming into my apartment. I immediately hollered, "MAINTENANCE!"

The maintenance man was standing right there and he stood there and laughed... "I'll fix that right away!"

End of Dream

Joe Mason had a dream a week later in which he was told that the number 153 was connected numerically to the number 216.  He couldn't remember the details.

On 11/8/99 I had a dream in which I went to a library which was up 216 stairs. There was a heavy glass door half way up beyond which I went up two steps at a time at twice the speed. In the library was a section on Law, a section on music with a person playing a grand piano, and there was a candle for light. I was dressed in a chic long white dress, rather dancing through this library.

Because of those dreams, I will include some 216 type material here also.


I multiplied 17 x 36 = 612 divided by 2 = 306 divided by 2 = 153

17 + 36 = 53

















The number 153 is very important, but will point out that it is half of 306, which in turn is the sum of 144 + 162 .... and these numbers are decimal harmonics of Bruce Cathie's speed-of-light equivalents of 144000 nautical miles per 'grid second' and 162000 nautical miles per second. We also find 306 as azimuth node number 17 on the 'wheel of 20 nodes', where the nodes are 18 degrees apart. The 20-part wheel (see work of Joe Mason) is also a symbol of the Mayan Haab Calendar cycle of 18 'months' of 20 days each month.

17 x 9 = 153

Now ... 497 - 153 = 344, which is always July 4th on the Mayan Haab Calendar, because Day Number 360 is always July 20th. (I will note here that the 153rd course of masonry from the ground, on The Great Pyramid, is 360 FEET above the ground ... see work of Jimi Furia).

344 = 227 + 117, and 117 can be visualized as "half-Pi", or (11 / 7) approximation.

Also, 117 = 19.5 x 6, where there are 6 places at 19.5 degrees north and south, at which 6 vertices of two interlocking tetrahedra touch the surface of a circumscribing sphere ... assuming the remaining two vertices are touching at the poles. This is a model of "hyperdimensional physics", as discussed by researcher and journalist Richard C. Hoagland, as applied to certain dynamics of rotating celestial bodies.

The 153 Fishes







Michael the archangel = 153

Quetzalcoatl = 153 (MLM)

James Paul Furia = 153 (MLM)

three sixty = 153

360 feet up the Great Pyramid is the 153rd course

17 X 9 (total pyramids at the Giza complex) = 153

204 (total courses at the Great Pyramid) / 1.3333333(a 4th) = 153

The length of the grand gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 153 feet

all of the apostles names combined = 459 (153x3)

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153

153 + 513 = 666           6 x 6 x 6 = 216(new standard)

315 + 351 = 666            2160 miles is the diameter of the moon

135 + 531 = 666            (not the devil but astronomy)

1 and 5 and 3 are the degrees in a scale used to make a chord



A Song Sung

And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,... (Rev.15:3).

Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. (Det.32:1)

The Song of Moses is seen being sung before the Throne of God just as the 24 Elders on 24 Seats are around the Throne of God. The Elders appear to a marker key to understand the time relationship being pointed to in the dimensions of the New Jerusalem. If the Elders are a marker key then the Song Of Moses could be like wise.

The Song of Moses begins in Deuteronomy 32:1 which is the 5760 verse of the King James Bible. Moses tells us in Det.31:29 that these words are for the "latter days".

This term "latter days" could more properly be translated "at the latter end of the days".

The song begins with the command "to hear" just as the command is given in The Revelation to the overcomers to have "ears to hear".

Is the Song of Moses seen in Revelation 15:3 or 153 to indicate the last great gathering of The Fish during the coming Golden Age? Certainly the number 153 is suggestive of the miracle that Jesus preformed in John 21:11.

"Catch 153"

Scholars who dabble in the mysticism of numbers suggest that the number 153, mentioned in our Scripture Lesson for the morning, represents all the varieties of fish in the world, which is to say, all the varieties of people in the world, all caught and held in the net of God's Grace.

Scripture: John 20: 1-10/ John 21: 1-14

There had been absent from the circle of disciples on that Easter-Evening one of the Apostles, Thomas. Even when told of the marvellous events at that gathering, he refused to believe, unless he had personal and sensous evidence of the truth of the report. It can scarecly have been, that Thomas did not believe in the fact that Christ's Body had quitted the Tomb, or that He had really appeared. But he held fast by what we may term the Vision-hypothesis, or, in this case, rather the spectral theory. But until this Apostle also had come to conviction of the Resurrection in the only real sense, of the identical though glorified Corporeity of the Lord, and hence of the continuity of the past with the present and future, it was impossible to re-form the Apostlic Circle, or to renew the Apostolic commission, since its primal message was testimony concerning the Risen One. This, if we may so suggest, seems the reason why the Apostles still remain in Jerusalem, instead of hastening, a directed, to meet the Master in Galilee.

A quiet week had passed, during which, and this also may be for our twofold lerning, the Apostles excluded not Thomas, [1 It must, however, be remembered that Thomas did not deny that Christ was risen, except as in the peculiar sense of the Ressurection. Had he denied the other, he would scarcely have continued in the company of the Apostles.] nor yet Thomas withdrew from the Apostles. Once more the day of days had come, the Octave of the Feast. From that Easter-Day onwards the Church must, even without special institution, have celebrated the weekly-recurring memorial of His Resurrection, as that when He breathed on the Church the breath of anew life, and consecrated it to be His Representative. Thus, it was not only the memorial of His Resurrection, but the birthday of the Church, even as Pentatecost was her baptism day. On that Octave, then, the disciples were again gathered, under circumstances precisely similar to those of Easter, but now Thomas was also with them. Once more, and it is again specially marked: 'the doors being shut' [2 Significantly, the expression 'for fear of the Jews' no longer occurs. That apprehension had for the present passed away.], the Risen Saviour appeared in the midst of the disciples with the well-known saluation. He now offered to Thomas the demanded evidence; but it was no longer either needed or southt. With a full rush of feeling he yielded himself to the blessed conviction, which once formed, must immediately have passed into act of adoration: 'My Lord and my God!' The fullest confession this hitherto made, and which truly embraced the whole outcome of the new conviction concerning the reality of Christ Resurrection. We remember how, under similar circumstances, Nathnael had been the first to utter fullest confession. [a St. John i. 45-51.] We also remember the analogous reply of the Saviour. As then, so now, He pointed to the higher: to a faith which was not the outcome of sight, and therefore limited and bounded by sight, whether of the sense or of perception by the intellect. As one has finely remarked: 'This last and greatest of the Beatitudes is the pecuilar hertiage of the later Church' [1 Canon Westcott.], and thus most aptly comes as the consecration gift of that Church.




























Reply  Message 4 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 06:30

Reply  Message 5 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 06:32

The special number 153 is not included in the table, but its mirror, 351, is in the last row. Adding the two results is another significant number --

351 + 153 = 504

The number 504, in the ancient system, is related to 5040, a number used by Plato in describing Atlantis. The factorization of 7 (expressed as 7!) equates to 5040 (1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 5040). The same number is a measure in the New Jerusalem Plan diagram, composed of the combined radii of the Moon and Earth (1080 + 3960 = 5040). The number 5040 is also used in calculating 31680, the sub-lunar distance around the New Jerusalem. The number 31680 is also six miles in feet (6 x 5280). Interestingly, the diameter of the Earth in miles is 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 = 7920.

The matching number for 351 in the last row of the table of triplets, is 648, which is also special. Twice 648 is 1296, six to the fourth power (6 x 6 x 6 x 6). The number 1296 is one tenth of the number of years in half the precession  cycle through the Zodiac Ages (25920 / 2 = 12960), or six Zodiac ages (6 x 2160 = 12960). The precession was calculated by the ancients to be the movement of the solstice and equinox positions of the sun along the horizon amounting to one degree in 72 years . A complete cycle takes 25920 years (72 x 360).

The number 31680 became part of the crop circle story back in 1991, when this "pictogram" formation appeared at Barbury Castle on July 17th --

It is thought to represent a tetrahedron, a three-dimensional, three-sided pyramid.

In John Michell's article about the formation in The Cerealogist, No. 4, he pointed out that the total square footage of the circles in the Barbury Castle formation added to 31680. He continued --

"In traditional cosmology, 31680 miles was taken to be the measure around the sub-lunary world, and early Christian scholars calculated the number 3168 as emblematic of Lord Jesus Christ. The same number was previously applied to the name of a leading principle in the pagan religion."

Some years later, I realized that the angles to the ratchet spiral suggested half the precession number, 120 x 108 = 12960. The six arcs of the ratchet spiral may represent the six Zodiac ages, from Leo through Pisces (6 x 2160 = 12960). After Pisces, of course, comes the Age of Aquarius.

Around 1998, I learned from Michael Glickman that the total length of the ratchet spiral was 333 feet. The Barbury Castle formation is thought by some to be related to the Trinity. Known symbols of the Trinity are similar. The glyphs at the corners have parallels in alchemical signs, corresponding to:

North - sun, sulfur
Southwest - moon, salt
Southeast (ratchet spiral) - Mercury, quicksilver

The 333 feet of the ratchet spiral also fits with a concept about the Trinity - - three in One. One third (1/3) is expressed as 0.33333333 . . . with the threes continuing to infinity. Assigning the same to the other two glyphs, the total would be 0.99999999 . . . with the nines continuing to infinity, which becomes infinitely close to One. A simple way of expressing the same idea is --

1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1

This articles covers some of the same information about the 1991 Barbury Castle formation, along with other material and details --

The Pleiades and the Seventh Ray on the Seventh Day

Various dreams, visionary experiences, and myths suggested that the Barbury Castle pictogram represents the smallest particle of consciousness and matter, also known as the "consciousness unit."

Reply  Message 6 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 06:33

The twisted ladder type pattern, which resembles the double helix of DNA in a circular design, was composed of 504 little diamond shapes of standing crop. There were 792 little diamond shapes in the torus with laid down crops (504 + 792 = 1296).

The significance of these numbers were quite familiar to me by the time I read the Crooked Soley book, as indicated by previous parts of this article. Adding zeros to the end of the above numbers produces familiar results --

5040 -- factorial of 7 and combined earth-moon radius, related to Plato's Atlantis
7920 -- diameter of the Earth in miles
12960 -- half the number of years of precession, or six ages

Interestingly, Gematria literally means, "measuring the Earth." Two of the numbers above figure in the New Jerusalem Plan diagram --

The blue circle represents the Earth, with a diameter of 7920 miles. Each of the twelve yellow circles represents the Moon, with a diameter of 2160 miles. The perimeter of the red box around the Earth circle is 31680 miles (4 x 7920 = 31680).

The green ring circle, which passes through the centers of the twelve Moon circles, has a circumference of 31680 miles, the same distance as the perimeter of the red box around the Earth circle. This demonstrates squaring the circle, a problem proposed by ancient geometers. Exactly squaring the circle is impossible, unless an approximation of Pi is used. In this case, 22/7 is used as an approximation of Pi, sometimes called "Pyramid Pi." To figure the radius of the green ring circle, the radius of the Earth and the radius of the Moon are added --

3960 + 1080 = 5040

The calculation for the green ring circle circumference is then --

(2 x 22/7) x 5040 = 31680

The New Jerusalem plan diagram is based on the vision of Saint John the Divine in Revelation 21, and represents the order of the heavens made apparent on earth.

Another interesting calculation is the distance across the New Jerusalem, figured as --

 Moon diameter +  

 Earth diameter +  

 Moon diameter = 


2160 +

7920 +

2160  =


The number 12240 is part of the 153 Fish in the Net story --

153 x 80 = 12240

The diagram of the Zodiac, below, illustrates the similarity to the New Jerusalem Plan diagram, which represents the order of the heavens made apparent on earth --

The four triangles or Trigons making up the twelve-pointed star represent the four types of signs: fire, air, water, and earth. Each Zodiac sign is represented in the Bible by one of the twelve Tribes, as described by the camp positions of the Tribes in Numbers 2.

There are four major Tribes, which are the four living creatures, and relate to the solstices and equinoxes during the Age of Taurus. The following table shows the relationships --

Sign Type


Celestial Position


Living Creature



Fall Equinox





Spring Equinox





Winter Solstice





Summer Solstice



The four living creature are featured in Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 4. As stated previously, the four living creatures are Ezekiel's "Wagon" -- the Merkaba or Merkabah.

When the planets are aligned with the four major Zodiac signs, it is called a Grand Cross Alignment.


Reply  Message 7 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 07:16


Click on image to enlarge

The stars of the Plough, shown linked by the thicker lines in the chart above, form one of the most recognised star patterns in the sky. Also called the Big Dipper, after the soup ladles used by farmer's wives in America to serve soup to the farm workers at lunchtime, it forms part of the Great Bear constellation - not quite so easy to make out! The stars Merak and Dubhe form the pointers which will lead you to the Pole Star, and hence find North. The stars Alcor and Mizar form a naked eye double which repays observation in a small telescope as Mizar is then shown to be an easily resolved double star. A fainter reddish star forms a triangle with Alcor and Mizar. Ursa Major contains many interesting "deep sky" objects. The brightest, listed in Messier's Catalogue, are shown on the chart, but there are many fainter galaxies in the region too. In the upper right of the constellation are a pair of interacting galaxies M81 and M82 shown in the image below. M82 is undergoing a major burst of star formation and hence called a "starburst galaxy". They can be seen together using a low power eyepiece on a small telescope.

Mizar, at a distance of 78 light years from the Sun, and Alcor at 81 light years, while appearing to be a double star, are actually only an optical double. An optical double star is not a true double star where the components are gravitationally bound together and orbit around each other, but rather a chance alignment along our line of sight. However, Mizar and Alcor are members of the nearest star cluster to the sun, the Ursa Major moving cluster, Collinder 285.

The components of the Mizar multiple star system are Mizar A (Zeta 1 Ursa Majoris at magnitude 2.27) and Mizar B (Zeta 2 Ursa Majoris at magnitude 3.95), located 14.42 arc seconds away. Each of these stars is in turn a binary star, however the companions are so close to their primaries they can only be detected by spectroscopy.

When examining the field near to Mizar and Alcor in a telescope, four stars can easily be seen. The brightest is Mizar at magnitude 2.27. Alcor is about 12 arc minutes away at magnitude 4. Closer to Mizar at just 15 arc seconds away is Mizar B, the 4th magnitude companion. Between Mizar and Alcor is a fourth star, Sidus Ludoviciana, shining at magnitude 8, which is a field star that is not even part of the Ursa Major cluster

Ursa Major

Meaning = Great Bear

Plural Form = Ursae Majoris

Abbreviation = UMa

Right Ascension  = 10 hours

Declination = 48 degrees

Alpha Star = Dubhe

Ursa Major is a constellation located at right ascension 10 hours and declination 48 degrees.

The name of this constellation means Great Bear.

The principal star of this constellation is Dubhe.


Pisces                  The Fishes                AlRischa     M74                  
Aphrodite & Eros - who changed into fish to escape Typhon

Piscis Australis   The Southern Fish   Fomalhaut   Double stars        


Celestial Orientation Markers and Meridians
Zenith: At the luff of the top sail of Argo Navis
Nadir: Just under the rock of Andromeda.

Zenith Meridian: North to South: Breast of the Great Bear,
back legs of Leo, Hydra, the serpent of the upper world at the base of the Holy Grail, Crater,
at the Milky Way between Musca (Fly), Crux, and the stern of Argo Navis,
Tucan, the Macaw of the South.

Nadir Meridian: North to South: Pointers of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major,
tail of Draco, neck of the Camel, and Polaris, the nose of the Little Bear,
hat of king Cepheus, Milky Way at the top of the World Tree, the rock of Andromeda,
across the bridge from Sirrah, on the post cosmogenesis side of the World Tree,
the cup of Aquarius, Fomalhaut, the mouth of the Southern Fish, wings of the Stork.


The Story of Toll House Cookies
The Fisher

Fish were a popular food item throughout The Bible. They were taken from the Sea of Galilee, the Nile River when the Israelites were living in the Goshen area of Egypt, the Jordan River, and the Mediterranean Sea. As its name indicates, the Dead Sea, also called the Salt Sea, did not provide a living habitat for fish.

The photo shows 2 tilapia, also popularly known as "St. Peter's fish," taken from the Sea of Galilee. Along with them are 5 loaves of bread - similar to what Jesus Christ used to miraculously feed the 5,000 (Matthew 14:15-21). He later fed 4,000 from "a few small fish" and seven loaves of bread (Matthew 15:32-38) (see also The Miracles Of Jesus Christ)

Fishing became a major industry for Israel. Jerusalem apparently had a fish market from the time of the Old Testament (2 Chronicles 33:14, Nehemiah 3:3), with the Fish Gate the likely entrance to it.

It was from the ranks of fishermen that Jesus Christ called His first Apostles (Mark 1:16-20), including Peter and John. Fish and fishing were often associated with His ministry, and later were actually used as a symbol of it.

Jesus miraculously calmed the storm from a fishing boat (Matthew 8:23-26)

Jesus spoke many of His Parables to the crowds while He stood in a fishing boat (Matthew 13:1-58)

Jesus once miraculously paid His and Peter's taxes with a coin taken from inside a fish (Matthew 17:27)

Jesus miraculously had the disciples make a huge catch of fish, so great that their nets were filled to overflowing (John 21:1-14)

Jesus ate a piece of broiled fish with his disciples after His resurrection from The Tomb (Luke 24:42-43).

One of The Lord's most direct encouragements to those who accept and obey Him, and dire warnings to those who choose to reject His offer of eternal life, used fishing as an analogy -

"Once again, The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 13:47-50 NIV)

Jesus Christ said that His disciples would become "fishers of men"? Matthew 4:19


Job 41: Is it possible for Leviathan to be pulled out with a fish-hook, or for a hook to be put through the bone of his mouth?

Ezekiel 29:4: And I will put hooks in your mouth, and the fish of your streams will be hanging from your skin; and I will make you come up out of your streams, with all the fish of your streams hanging from your skin.

Amos 4:2: The Lord God has taken an oath by his holy name, that the days are coming when they will take you away with hooks, and the rest of you with fish-hooks.

Jonah 1:17: And the Lord made ready a great fish to take Jonah into its mouth; and Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights.

Habakkuk 1:15: He takes them all up with his hook, he takes them in his net, getting them together in his fishing-net: for which cause he is glad and full of joy.

Genesis 1:21: And God made great sea-beasts, and every sort of living and moving thing with which the waters were full, and every sort of winged bird: and God saw that it was good.

Exodus 4:2: And the Lord said to him, What is that in your hand? And he said, A rod.

Exodus 7:17: So the Lord says, By this you may be certain that I am the Lord; see, by the touch of this rod in my hand the waters of the Nile will be turned to blood;

Exodus 21:20: If a man gives his man-servant or his woman-servant blows with a rod, causing death, he is certainly to undergo punishment.

Numbers 17:2: Say to the children of Israel that they are to give you rods, one for every family, for every chief, the head of his father's house, making twelve rods; let every man's name be placed on his rod.

Numbers 17:6: So Moses gave these orders to the children of Israel, and all their chiefs gave him rods, one for the head of every family, making twelve rods: and Aaron's rod was among them.

Exodus 14:16: And let your rod be lifted up and your hand stretched out over the sea, and it will be parted in two; and the children of Israel will go through on dry land.

Mt:17:27: Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast a hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

Jn:21:3: Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.

Jn:21:6: And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

Jn:21:11: Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

1Cor:15:39: All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

Mt:8:26: And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

Rv:8:8: And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

Rv:13:1: And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Rv:21:1: And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Jn:21:10: Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.

Lk:11:11: If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Jn:4:13: Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:

Lk:17:27: They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Mk:6:41: And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.


Numerology of the Bible deals with all the numbers in the Bible. These numbers can be classified into two main categories: (1) numbers in the surface text and (2) numbers hidden in the text.

To just give you a glimpse of the numbers in the surface text of the Bible, I am simply pointing out the wonder of the number 153.

As we all know, this number appears in chapter 21 of John, where Jesus' 7 disciples, with Peter in lead, were catching fish as they did not know what to do, even after they had seen the risen Lord. They worked hard all night, but caught nothing. Then they heard a man by the shore speaking to them: "Cast the net at the right side of the boat!" They did as instructed and caught a net of 153 big fish, no more and no less. This is the only miracle after Jesus' resurrection recorded in the Bible that is associated with a number. You know, a fisherman seldom counts his fish -- even he does, he counts in a rough number, not in an exact number -- there is little reason for doing the latter. What is so unusual about 153?

153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +7 + 8 + 9 + 10 +11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17

And the number 17 is associated with Noah's Ark (it rested on the Mountain of Ararat on the 17th of the month) and the Lord Jesus' resurrection (on the 17th as well). Amazingly, the Greek noun for "fish" in "153 big fish" occurs in the whole Bible in 17 verses.

See:  153

See:  The Book

From: http://tfalck.home.attbi.com/theomatics/

The theomatic values of 153 and 17 (153 = 17 x 9) both point to the fact that fish are symbolic of mankind and, more specifically, the redeemed or the elect. Consider these two passages and notice the connection:

"Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

(Matthew 13:47) NIV

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

(Mark 1:17) NIV

Following is a listing of just a few examples of 153, 17, and 170 found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament (two different languages). The examples are borrowed from Theomatics II.

Note: On this Web page, the English representations of the Greek spellings are from the theomatics New Testament database and represent a one-to-one character translation. Below the English representations (listed in blue) are the actual Greek characters (listed in red). Some browsers will not display the actual Greek characters. For the sake of simplicity, the Hebrew characters are not listed here--just the value of the word(s) and the English representations of the Hebrew characters (listed in blue) that are used in the theomatics Old Testament database. The theomatics database uses the Michigan Text for the Old Testament and the Majority Text for the New Testament. Originally, during the early years of research, the New Testament database used the Nestle Text--up to the 26th Edition--because at the time it was the only text that was available as an English/Greek interlinear that facilitated the research. However, sometime around 1985, Del began comparing the results with those of the Majority Text and has since come to the conclusion that the Majority Text is far more accurate. In checking theomatics against variant readings, Del has found that the Majority Text is almost always right (at least 80% of the time). So now the default text for theomatics is the Majority Text (edited by Zane C. Hodges, Arthur L. Farstad, The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text, Second Edition, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1985). Del is currently in the process of updating the computer research database based upon the Majority Text. The Greek characters listed below (in red) can be displayed in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and later (and possibly other browsers as well).

FISHES   153 x 8
ixjuev   Luke 9:13

THE NET   153 x 8
to diktuon   John 21:11

aleeiv anjrwpwn'   Mark 1:17

FISHES   170 x 11
ixjuwn'   John 21:11

laon"   Luke 9:13

THE MULTITUDE   153 x 17
tw oxlw'   Matthew 15:35

ALL MEN   170 x 2
pasin'   1 Corinthians 9:22

FISH OF THE SEA   153 x 3
"!y xgd   Genesis 1:26

FISH   17
hgdh   Exodus 7:18

ygd   Genesis 9:2

NET   17 x 15
'vmre   Habakkuk 1:15

ALL THE FISH   153 x 3
"xgdlk   Ezekiel 29:4

"!y ygdlk   Genesis 9:2

triton twn ktismatwn twn en jalassh   Revelation 8:9

!yh ygdk !da hwsxv   Habakkuk 1:14

'!yh ygdk !da   Habakkuk 1:14

!yh lvek   Genesis 32:12

THE SAND [YOUR] SEED   170 x 2
'dirz l   Isaiah 48:19

xpw liw lve   Judges 7:12

A fellow number researcher submits the following:



Also, related to the 5000 who were fed:  FIVE THOUSAND = 144



From: http://www.bibleonly.org/exp/24q.html

In the last chapter of John’s gospel, we find the story of the 153 fish in the unbroken net. This is a gematria puzzle of considerable complexity. To illustrate the point of the story, we will reproduce its key elements.

a. Peter enters the boat, then six follow him (John 21:2-3)

The Greek gematria value of Simon Peter is 1925. If a circle of 1925 circumference is drawn to represent Peter, then it can be filled with six similar circles representing the others. Each circle touches the center and the perimeter. Then a circle is drawn around all seven circles. Its diameter is 1224, which is the gematria value of "fishes" and "the net".

b. Jesus tells the men to cast the net from the other side of the net. (John 21:6)

The net is drawn from the side of the first large circle which represents the boat. Another arc is drawn which now creates the "vesica piscis": the measure of the fish. A large rhomboid fish is drawn into the right piscis.

c. Peter is naked. He wraps his fisher’s coat around him, and jumps into the water from the other side of the boat. (John 21:7)

Another piscis is drawn on the other side, with Peter’s circle in it to represent Peter in the water. The height of the piscis is 1060, which is the gematria value of "fisher’s coat." A four by four net is drawn inside the large fish, and now we find the 153 fish. Each small "fish" has a width of 153, and there are a total of 17 fish: 16 small and one large. 153 is the sum of the numbers from 1 to 17.

d. For extended meanings, we now rotate the diagram so that the net is on the bottom and Peter is on the top.

We now have a diagram of the Gnostic cosmos as described by Plato in Timaeus. The net in the sea represents the shifting world of manifestation, where everything is in a state of flux and nothing forever remains the same. The upper world, the world of gods and first principles, is the Intelligible world: all of the universal laws on which manifestation is based. The middle world of Humanity partakes of both spirit and matter, the eternal and the temporal.

From: 'Jesus Christ - Son of God'
by David Fideler

The Symbolism of Apollo at Delphi

This diagram of the 153 fishes in the net is earlier than Christianity and is associated with the symbolism of Apollo at Delphi. Apollo is the earlier Greek personification of the Logos, the universal mediator, and it is ultimately from the mathematical symbolism of Apollo, the god of harmony, that both the diagrams of the 153 fish in the net and the feeding of the five thousand originate. Both of these diagrams are ultimately based on the numerical value of square root of 2 (1.415), the mathematical symbol of the ideal mean between unity and multiplicity, which is reflected in the title THE GOD APOLLO, 1415.

In the Christian version of John 21, the "foundation stone" of the geometry is the central circle of SIMON PETROS, 1925, the omphalos of Christianity, whose number determines the dimensions of the entire diagram. In this Christian adaptation, we start with "the omphalos" to arrive at the symbol of "the net". Likewise, in the earlier symbolism of Apollo, his omphalos at Delphi was covered with a net, symbolizing the veil of manifestation, woven from the central source of harmony. In the earlier version, the central circle symbolizes the omphalos at Delphi, the meeting point of heaven and earth, "the golden mean" of Apollo, The number 153 also figures in Delphic symbolism, for 1530 is the sum of DELPHI, 619, and OMPHALOS, 911.

Finally, if we draw a circle around the three worlds diagram, (above) the all-encompassing sphere has the measure of 7690, and 769, is the value of PYTHIOS, Apollo at Delphi.

When Christianity began, the center represents Simon Petros as the omphalos, "the foundation stone" of Christianity.

Figure 51: The Relationship between the 153 Fish in the Net and the Feeding of the Five Thousand.

This illustration shows how the mathematical progression illustrated in the previous diagram underlies the dimensions of the fish in the net geometry and the feeding of the five thousand. Both diagrams are thereby shown to be differing expressions of the same, underlying cosmological code.

The central figure is a vesica with a width of 1x the square root of 2 (1.415 = THE GOD APOLLO), which defines the diameter of the feeding of the five thousand geometry on the right.

The height of the central vesica measures 1 x the square root of 2 x the square root of 3 (2.448 = FISHES IN THE NET), which defines the height of the 153 fishes in the net geometry on the left.

In the diagram on the left, the rhombus intersects the length of the vesica in the upper world, dividing it into three equal segments of 353 units, the value of HERMES. This represents "Thrice-Great Hermes" or Hermes Trimegistos, a personification of the Logos.

153 as the measure of "the Fish in Archimedes

Archimedes (c 287-212 B.C.E.), in his treatise On the Measurement of the Cycle, uses the whole number ratio 153:265 to accurately approximate the irrational ratio square root of 3, "the measure of the fish" or the vesica piscis. Moreover, Archimedes uses this value in such a manner as to suggest that this approximation was well know to his contemporaries: it required no word of explanation at all.

This ratio, 153:265, precisely relates to the dimensions of the 153 "fish" in the unbroken net, for it defines the height and width of each rhombus in "the net." Figure 52.  Since 153 was known in the time of Archimedes as "the measure of the fish" or the vesica, ancient readers skilled mathematics would have immediately recognized the allegory of the 153 fish in the net for what is it: a geometrical "story problem."

Reply  Message 8 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/07/2011 02:27
Ramon K. Jusino, an internet writer, offers an explanation of this view, based on the textual researches of Raymond E. Brown. In order to make this claim and maintain consistency with scriptures, the theory is suggested that Mary's separate existence in the two common scenes with the Beloved Disciple ( and ) were later modifications, hastily done to authorize the gospel in the late 2nd century. Both scenes have inconsistencies both internally and in reference to the synoptic Gospels, possibly coming from rough editing to make Mary Magdalene and the Beloved Disciple appear as different persons.

It has also been claimed that the inexplicable final chapter of the Gospel, with Peter catching 153 fish while the Beloved Disciple and Jesus exchange words is actually a hidden reference to Mary Magdalene, her original epithet "η Μαγδαληνή" (h Magdalhnh) bearing the number 153 in Greek gematria.

Ann Graham Brock summarized this reading of the texts in 2003. She demonstrated that an early Christian writing portrays authority as being represented in Mary Magdalene or in the church community structure.

Reply  Message 9 of 249 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/07/2011 02:38

Μαρία Μαγδαληνή

Από τη Βικιπαίδεια, την ελεύθερη εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Μετάβαση σε: πλοήγηση, αναζήτηση

Η Μαρία η Μαγδαληνή ήταν μια νέα γυναίκα που ανήκε στον κύκλο των γυναικών οι οποίες ακολουθούσαν τον Ιησού και τους αποστόλους και βοηθούσαν στο έργο τους με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο. Η καταγωγή της ήταν από τα Μάγδαλα, μια μικρή πόλη στα δυτικά της Λίμνης Γεννησαρέτ και νότια της πεδιάδας της Γαλιλαίας.


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