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Reply  Message 1 of 7 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 02/11/2011 19:32
En 1875 un arqueólogo británico, traduciendo unas tablillas de barro de la biblioteca de Asurbanipal, encontró una tablilla con una cifra impresionante: 195,955’200,000,000, es decir, cerca de 200 billones. Numerosos especialistas intentaron en vano descubrir que podía significar esa cifra para los asirios de hace tres mil años. En 1963, el francés Chatelain descubrió que esa cifra equivalía a 70 multiplicado 7 veces por 60 (los asirios tenían un calculo sexagesimal basado en los múltiplos de 60). Los asirios habían dividido el día solar en 86,400 partes; es decir, en 24 horas de 60’ de 60”. Dedujo que el número grande debería ser un período de tiempo calculado en segundos. Llegó a la conclusión de que ese tiempo era de 2,268 millones de días de 86,400 segundos (más de 6,000,000 de años). Los asirios conocían el fenómeno de la precesión de los equinoccios, que hace girar el eje de rotación de la Tierra alrededor del polo de la eclíptica en 9,450,000 días, es decir, 26,000 años aproximadamente. Descubrió este hombre que 2,268,000,000 de días representan exactamente 240 ciclos de precesión de equinoccios de 9,450,000 días cada uno. Chatelain no encontró un solo período de revolución o de conjunción de planeta, cometa o satélite que no sea una fracción exacta con lo menos cuatro decimales de lo que el llamó la constante de Ninive: 2,268,000,000 de días.Existe, sin embargo, un caso, el del año trópico, en el que se encuentra una diferencia de una unidad en el sexto decimal, es decir, una millonésima de día por año; diferencia que nos facilita un medio para determinar la fecha exacta en que la constante de Ninive fue calculada. El año trópico tiene una duración de 365.2422 días solares. Si se divide la constante de Ninive por 365.2422 se obtiene un número de 6,209,578 años trópicos. Si se llega en la precisión algo mas lejos, se advierte que los astrónomos emplean la cifra de 365.242199, y si se divide la constante por 6,209,578 se obtiene un año trópico de 365.242211 días; o sea, una diferencia ahora de 12 millonésimas de día por año o bien 1.068 segundos por año. Pero los astrónomos saben que el año trópico se hace cada vez mas corto disminuyendo una media de 0.000016 segundos por año. Si dividimos 1.0368 por la tasa de disminución de 0.000016 nos dará la fecha exacta en que fue calculada: hace 64,800 años.

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Reply  Message 2 of 7 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2011 19:36


www-espacioblog-com-analog.espacioblog.com/.../sobre-constante-n...En caché - Similares
26 Jul 2007 – Señala M.Chatelain en su libro "Nuestros ascendientes llegados del cosmos" que dicha constante es múltiplo de todos los ciclos.
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    En efecto, la constante de Nínive contempla el periodo de revolución sideral de este astro exterior, que es de 90.720 días; por lo que cabe preguntarse, ...
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  • La Historia de la Astrología.

    www.infiniticonsultores.com/acrux/0065.htmlEn caché - Similares
    20 Jun 2008 – La Constante de Ninive. En 1875 un arqueólogo británico llamado Smith, traduciendo unas tablillas de barro de la biblioteca de Asurbanipal, ...
  • La Profecia |Profecias|Interpretación

    www.palmexo.com/dreams/profecias.htmlEn caché - Similares
    Constantes dejé de toda mi Historia desde el principio de los tiempos ... otra vez más, la Constante de Ninive, y que la llegada del Tiamat he vuelto a anunciar. ...
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    astro.com.uy/La-Constante-de-Nínive.phpEn caché
    Si se divide la constante de Ninive por 365.2422 se obtiene un número de 6209578 años trópicos. Si se llega en la precisión algo mas lejos, se advierte que los ...
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    15 entradas - 3 autores - Última entrada: 16 May 2006
    Bonjour Constante de Ninive découverte sur des tablette suméirenne au milieux du siècle passé. Sa valeur est 195 955 200 000 000 (=2 268 ...

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  • Consulta los resultados traducidos de páginas web en inglés para:
    CONSTANTE DE NINIVE (Constant of Nineveh)

    Reply  Message 3 of 7 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2011 19:49

    Reply  Message 4 of 7 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2011 19:51
    Yup I agree with MUCH of what you said...but please note...I was drawing attention to the fact that the Ninveh number has a simple formula embedded within it.
    195, 955, 200, 000 = 216 = NINEveh

    6 = 15 = 195
    1 = 10 = 19 = 955
    2 = 2

    And this blog was an attempt to draw your attention to how it was duly recorded later in history, as the ORAL TRADITIONS were recorded and then scripted.
    Think about it.

    So to indicate a reversal, or the opposite, or to counter, or even if we want to propose something is anit-, if we read the Nineveh number from right to left, the number we start with 195, 955, 200, 000 becomes 000, 002(2), 559 (1), 591(6) = 0216

    We pay LITTLE attention to the REAL significance of the ORAL teacher (Moses) and his scribe (Aaron) and the work they collaborated on, we debate, other than what is obvious. What is obvious?
    Before treating the bible babel as a true accounting, should we not debate whether the narrative translated was a figurative archetypal script that ALL people could attend to, or what it in fact became, a self-serving manipulation of the divine archetypes, morphing them into literal ARK-E-types?
    Carl Jung and me would suggest the Church chose to interpret the script as a self-serving literal narrative.

    And as you mentioned, the Great Solar CVonstant, is measuring a cycle. Which could in fact be a spiraling Phi cycle, as CARD X of the tarot indicates.
    The numbers 1, 1, 2, 5, 8 can be inserted into the formulas for phi and Phi.
    DO any of you reading this post see this TRUTH?

    Eh, or can you NOT see the formula embedded.
    Need help to see it?

    Which means it could take a leap of faith and belief to make the quantum leap that is fast approaching, cosmic hop, skip and a quantum jump, in an attempt to catch the other helix/spiral going in the opposite direction, UP, a reversal to our current destination which is still drawing us further DOWNward into the abySS?

    Or maybe I was given the wrong spiritual road map, like MOST of the sheeple?
    Or maybe none of this really matters, because matter is only vibration anyway.
    Maybe EWE folks are just a figment of my imagination, frequencies I can in fact tune into or turn off at will. :roll:
    Participating on this forum is evidence enough.
    And if I am stupid enough to listen to the White Light RADIO waves in the End of DAZE, a noise and haste and more waste, full of new age judeao/christian messenJAHs, ALL promising the return of the White Light Messiah ... I do know that those particular RADIO WAVES are available to me anytime, anyplace, anywhere in the wild wild west.

    But when you turn that western JC White Light Radio waves racket OFF, along with the TV, you start to tune into the sublime subtle SOUNDs that surround and penetrate you, this is the real music to your hEARS.
    The kind of music that gives a blind man vision, so he can feel his way around SpaceTime.

    I cannot expreSS how important these numbers really are.
    11, 2, 5, 8

    I have been reading a book by A.E. Waite of late.
    He documents many of the alchemists.
    According to one alchemist (born 400 years before me), he had used those numbers in his 'recipe' for the philosopher's stone. :mrgreen:



    Reply  Message 5 of 7 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2011 19:53
    CARD X of the Tarot ... the Wheel of Fortune

    This thread hopes to explore how the following, and other concepts yet to be introduced are ALL interwoven, the common thread being a particular string of numbers I have uncovered. 11258

    NINEveh number = 216-letter name of God, also known as the Shemhamphorash or the Divided Name, default to Phi, a pattern that was VERY easily identified, by a non-scholar like myself, even though the scholars had not.
    Proves a point.
    Hopefully this thread will show how I have uncovered a narrative, pretty much linking up many significant events using CARD X of the Tarot and the Fibonacci numbers 11258.
    It is golden.

    So here is the first example.


    Have I tapped into a narrative defined by 11258.

    Highlighted above in yellow are three items I would like to draw to your attention.

    Raphael >>> the name that adopted me and mi, these past 4 years.
    Nineveh >>> the topic of this thread and my insistence we focus on Phi = 216 and the numbers on CARD X of the Tarot, 11258.
    Tobit 12:14:18 >>> 12:5:18 >>> 11258

    Above is just a sample of the narrative I have DEFINITELY UNcovered regarding 11258.
    You want to see the same numbers in a recipe written by an alchemist, the RECIPE for the Philosopher's Stone?
    :lol: :lol:

    I have the secret and I am going to blurt it out....should I?
    A child could be taught this.
    That's the irony.


    KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
    “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

    Reply  Message 6 of 7 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2011 20:14

    Nineveh Number & 'The Face' ..

    I will show here that the Nineveh Number is precisely-correlated
     in a very significant way, to the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' 
     at Cydonia on Mars.  And, I will show much more, as well.
     The 'Nineveh Number' was deciphered from among the clay tablets
     found in the ancient ruins of the 'Library' of King Ash-ur-banipal ..
     in a section of present-day Iraq that was formerly part of the land
     known as 'Assyria'.  That number is equal to ..
     1.959552 X 10 to the 14th power .. 195,955,200,000,000 .
     Yes .. quite astronomical.
     As I have noted on many occasions, Carl P. Munck, Sr. found the
     Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars, in the early 1990s,
     from a map drawn-up by professional cartographer (Defense Mapping Agency
     of the US Government) Erol O. Torun ... as .. 656.56127 .. equal to ..
     [360 Radian (deg) / (10Pi)].  As I have also mentioned on several occasions,
     Munck's work has been largely suppressed by "the mainstream".
     This suppression is consistent with other instances of lying, cover-ups,
     and deceptions on the part of "the powers that be". My own work, expanding
     upon the work of Carl Munck, Bruce Cathie, and others .. has also been
     suppressed by these same covert, arrogant, selfish "elites". 
     See .. http://hometown.aol.com/marscode/cydonia.html
     Using the decimal harmonic of the 'Nineveh Number' ..
     (1959552 / 656.56127)  =  302.4 X (Pi Squared).
     The Pi constant, here, is of high precision ... 
     (302.4 X 9.869604401)  =  (1959552 / 656.56127).
     The number "3024" is an important "gematrian" number. 
     It can factored into .. (108 X 28) .. or .. (216 X 14) ... and "14" 
     is called *the strong force* in physics. 
     "216" is .. "6 Cubed" .. and what form did Buckminster Fuller
     use for his "geodesic domes" ?  Yes .. the Hexagon .. 6 equal sides.
     6*6*6  =  216.  How many equal sides does a Cube have ? Yes .. "6".     
     I found (Morton, 1998) a specific site at Bethlehem (Near East),
     corresponding to the site Bruce Cathie ("The Harmonic Conquest of Space",
     page 109 .. he shows his coordinates down to the 10th of the arc-sec)
     found in his research on the magnetic field of Earth .. a Grid POINT of ..
     "65.656127" .. an exact decimal harmonic match of 'The Face' at Cydonia
     on Mars. My Grid LONG for that spot is .. 648 E.Giza ..
     =  04 (deg)  X  03 (min)  X  54 (sec)  E.Giza.
     Notice the precise "54" arc-sec .. the Sine of 54 is *exactly* equal to ..
     HALF of the Golden Section .. 
     SIN 54  =  0.809016994  =  1.618033989 / 2. 
     { http://www.topcities.com/OuterSpace/farshores/farshores/rennes.htm }.
     The number "648" is another major "gematrian" number.
     If I divide 648 into the 'Nineveh Number' decimal harmonic ..
     1959552 / 648  =  3024 .. and there you are !!
     The number "3024" is discussed by Joseph Turbeville, in his book,
     "A Glimmer of Light From the Eye of a Giant" ( ISBN  1- 55212- 401- 0 ),
     as representing the base-perimeter of The Great Pyramid of Giza, in
     terms of regular (British) feet. Although I disagree with Turbeville's figure
     as being the exact original base-perimeter (3018.110298, Munck, 1992),
     I agree that "3024" is a very important gematrian number. I recommend
     his book as an enlightened study of the "distilled" (numerically reduced to 
     one digit) values of the Fibonacci Series, and their correlations with other
     significant geometric and arithmetic constants and particular values. 
     My Grid LAT for that spot (Morton, 1998) at Bethlehem, mentioned above, 
     is .. 42545.17031  North ..
     =  31 (deg)  X  41 (min)  X  33.4737768 (sec)  North.
     [ 42545.17031  =  648 X 65.656127 ].
     As I have posted several times on The Internet over the last 2 years,
     notice this .. Square Root of 42545.17301  =  206.2648063 .. the
     precise width of 'The King's Chamber' inside The Great Pyramid of Giza,
     according to my proposal and my prediction .. that should be confirmed by
     careful re-measurment .. in terms of regular (British) inches. 
     The figure "206.2648063" is a decimal harmonic of my proposed
     true length for "The Royal Cubit" of .. 20.62648063 regular (British) inches.
     Of course, this directly implies the knowledge and use of The Radian (deg)
     of 57.29577951 arc-deg .. a high-precision use of the 360 arc-degrees system.
     Here is the formula (well known) for Surface Area on a Hemisphere:
     using The Radian (deg) as the numerical value for the "given" radius ..
     (2Pi) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951)  =  20626.48063 "Square arc-deg".
                "Regular" Referencing of REGULUS
     I think these "regular" (British) units of measure are referencing the
     star REGULUS .. the "Heart of The Lion" in the Leo constellation.
     My Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) for REGULUS is .. 19.7392088 ..
     { http://www.topcities.com/OuterSpace/farshores/farshores/skymat_1.htm }.
     Notice the following .. 
     20.62648063 / 19.7392088  =  25920 / 24805.0502134 ..
     There, you have .. The Royal Cubit divided-by REGULUS ..
     equals .. the Earth Precession divided-by a decimal harmonic of
     The Great Pyramid's Grid POINT. 
     { http://hometown.aol.com/marscode/giza.html }.
     Not only that ... the figure "24805.02134" is a numerical *match*
     of the exact Grid LONG (E.ALNITAK) of the circa 2000 A.D. sky-position
     of the star (system) SIRIUS (Morton, 1999).
     { http://www.topcities.com/OuterSpace/farshores/farshores/skymat_1.htm }.
     Recall my Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000) for Chartres Cathedral ..
     1.273239545 ..
     TANGENT of the base slope angle (Munck, 1992) of both The Great
     Pyramid and The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. 
     { TAN  51.853974  =  1.273239545 =  (4 / Pi) }.
     And recall the *aerial-view* outline/shape of the human heart .. outlined 
     by the actual street that surrounds the site of Chartres Cathedral ..
     http://www.mapblast.com ... enter "France", and enter "Chartres" for the
     town, and you should get the map showing that human heart outline.
     REGULUS .. the "Heart of The Lion" .. 'the lion' associated with 'Kingship',
     and 'Kingship' is the subject of the recent books of Laurence Gardner,
     "Bloodline of The Holy Grail", and "Genesis of The Grail Kings".
     He writes about the true (formerly suppressed, in general) history
     of the geneaologies of the ancient kings and queens descending from
     out of Mesopotamia and from out of Egypt .. and their direct relationships
     to, and the involvements of, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their
     descendants. These kingships/queenships were the carriers of advanced
     ancient knowledge, of all kinds. This is not primarily concerned with "power
     and control", here .. this is concerned with "carrying and holding of ancient
     knowledge .. ADVANCED knowledge, for the essentially democratic benefit  
     of .. "The People".
     Getting back to my Grid POINT Value for Chartres Cathedral ..
     1.273239545 .. 
     I will now relate that to circa 2000 A.D. REGULUS ..
     19.7392088 X 1.273239545  =  8Pi  =  (3.141592654 X 8)  =  25.13274123
     Recall that "8" is the result when you multiply the Grid POINT Values
     of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau (Morton, 1998) times the
     Grid POINT Value of Chartres Cathedral .. 
     6.283185307 X 1.273239545  =  8.     
     Recall "8" is the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000) for the first
     crop formation of the year-2000 season .. at 'Danebury Hill Fort' (UK).
     And, as I said, the *design* of that crop formation was a "stylized 
     a very ancient emblem .. meaning both "kingship" and "enlightenment" ..
     (Gardner, "Genesis of The Grail Kings"). Of course .. "enlightenment"
     would fit-in with the concept of the "holders and carriers of advanced
     ancient knowledge".
     The Knights Templar were intimately involved, of course, in protecting
     this legacy, and in protecting the 'bloodlines', of the carriers
     and the holders of this precious ancient advanced knowledge,
     and they were primarily involved in the designing and in the building
     of Chartres Cathedral. 
     Recall the 22-fold crop glyph .. 'Woodborough Hill' .. and the
     Grid POINT Value I found for it .. 4.934802201 ..
     and the "healing modalities" (Essene connections) via 'Sacred Sound' 
     that Sharon Pacione noticed .. and the 'Phi-related elements' 
     (Golden Section) that Freddy Silva found in the very design
     of that crop formation..   
     Now .. notice these specific, precise correlations :
     19.7392088 / 4.934802201  =  4 ..
     and if I now divide the Grid POINT Value of Chartres Cathedral
     into that result ? ..  (4 / 1.273239545)  =  3.141592654 .. precisely Pi. 
    -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000 -- Michael Lawrence Morton

    Reply  Message 7 of 7 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/11/2015 14:32
    more evidence for those seeking the truth... 
    >>please recall that the 'tetragrammaton = 72 names of god = 216 = FIBonacci 
    >>please recall that Plato spoke of the number 216 in the 'Republic'. 

    He learns that all of the orbits of the planets can be expressed by one single number, which is a singularly shared common denominator. This important and heretofore unknown number is nothing more than the product of 70 multiplied seven times by 60! 

    The staggering figures on these tablets were originally ignored as the ramblings of weak-minded Sumerians obsessed with numbers. 

    Nevertheless, Chatelain saw that there could be a lot more to it — his attention was drawn to the number195,955,200,000, and he explains in his book how this is the expression of 70 multiplied seven times by 60. [For simplicity’s sake, we will shorten this number to 19.5 x 10^10.] 

    That is all I NEEDED to read, and immediately I said, I know this, I am familiar with this 'formula'. 

    Does the Ninveh number have a simple formula embedded? 
    195, 955, 200, 000 = 216 = NINEveh? 

    Can you see how I arrived at 216? 
    Reduce the numbers and read right to left...like many of the ancients did. 

    200 =2 


    But wait...my contentions that the HIS-story has been scripted by the victorious is evident in the story of Tobias. 


    Highlighted above in yellow are three items I would like to draw to your attention. 

    Raphael >>> the name that adopted me and mi, these past 4 years. 
    Nineveh >>> the topic of this thread and my insistence we focus on Phi = 216 and the numbers on CARD X of the Tarot, 11258. 
    Tobit 12:14:18 >>> 12:5:18 >>> 11258 

    Above is just a sample of the narrative I have DEFINITELY UNcovered/REcovered regarding the CODE 11258. 
    Would you like to see the same numbers in a recipe written by an alchemist, the RECIPE for the Philosopher's Stone? 

    JB van Helmont is one alchemist, Flemish. 
    Jabir or Geber is another alchemist...Arabian. 
    Jabir loved '17' and 11258 = 17 


    KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
    “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
    -Albert Einstein

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