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Apocalipsis, los últimos tiempos. ¿Está usted afirmado sobre la Roca de la salvación?
El 4 de julio de 1776, los delegados de los trece Estados de Nueva Inglaterra proclamaban la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos de América. De los trece firmantes del Acta de Independencia, nueve eran francmasones (Ellery, Franklin, Hancock, Hewes, Hooper, Paine, Stockton, Walton y Whipple). Idéntica condición compartían nueve de los trece delegados que rubricaron los artículos de la nueva Confederación (Adams, Carroll, Dickinson, Ellery, Hancock, Harnett, Laurens, Roberdau y Bayard Smith), así como los trece firmantes de la Constitución estadounidense (Bedford, Blair, Brearley, Broom, Carroll, Dayton, Dickinson, Franklin, Gilman, King, McHenry, Paterson y Washington). La gran mayoría de los congresistas que ratificaron dichos acuerdos eran igualmente miembros de la hermandad masónica, lo mismo que la práctica totalidad de los mandos del ejército republicano que combatió a las tropas realistas de la metrópoli inglesa.
La influencia de la francmasonería se haría patente desde el principio en todos los ámbitos del incipiente Estado, modelando sus componentes ideológicos y políticos e inspirando buena parte de su simbología.
Inmediatamente después de proclamar la Declaración de Independencia, el Congreso reunido en Filadelfia adoptó una resolución encargando a John Adams, Benjamín Franklin y Thomas Jefferson la confección del sello oficial del nuevo Estado. A tal efecto, cada uno de los tres miembros del comité sugirió un diseño para el sello de la Unión. Jefferson propuso una imagen que representase al pueblo de Israel marchando hacia la Tierra Prometida. Franklin proyectó una alegoría en la que aparecía Moisés conduciendo a los israelitas a través del Mar Rojo. John Adams, por su parte, se inclinó por un tema de la mitología griega que representaba a Hércules. A estas primeras propuestas se les fueron añadiendo las de sucesivos comités hasta que, finalmente, fue aprobado el diseño definitivo propuesto por el secretario del Congreso, Charles Thomson, maestre de una logia masónica de Filadelfia dirigida por Benjamín Franklin.
El reverso de dicho sello no era (es) sino una transcripción de la simbología iluminista. En su parte central figura una pirámide truncada de trece escalones, el último de los cuales contiene una fecha escrita en caracteres romanos: MDCCLXXVI, esto es, 1776. Coronando la cima de la pirámide aparece un triángulo radiante con un ojo en su interior. Tal ideograma era el símbolo de los Illuminati de Baviera, y el que figuró en las portadas de los textos jacobinos más radicales durante la Revolución Francesa. El reverso del Gran Sello incluye también dos leyendas, una en su parte superior, circundando el triángulo, que reza "Annuit Coeptis", y otra en su parte inferior, que circunda la base de la pirámide y dice "Novus Ordo Seclorum".
Los trece escalones de la pirámide representan a los trece Estados firmantes de la Declaración de Independencia. La leyenda "Annuit Coeptis" se traduce como "(él) ha favorecido nuestra empresa", refiriéndose al ojo encerrado en el triángulo, que representa a una fuerza providencial cuya naturaleza será mejor dejar para otra ocasión. Esta consigna refleja fielmente esa especie de mesianismo pseudorreligioso que ha impregnado desde sus comienzos la idiosincrasia nacional estadounidense. No será necesario extenderse aquí sobre las pretensiones "salvíficas" de ese país, pretensiones que se han venido manifestando como una constante prácticamente desde su nacimiento. De ahí los innumerables atropellos "libertadores" cometidos por tan emérita nación sobre sus vecinos continentales del sur, por no hablar de los perpetrados contra los nativos amerindios, y de ahí sus ínfulas contemporáneas que le llevan a erigirse en faro de la humanidad, pese a tratarse una de las sociedades en las que con mayor virulencia se manifiestan todas las lacras de la patología occidental. Aunque justo es reconocer que también se trata de uno de los pocos países, por no decir el único, en el que aún subsiste una prensa independiente digna de ese nombre, minoritaria y arrinconada, naturalmente. Entendiendo por prensa independiente, claro está, aquélla que desenmascara al Sistema en su conjunto, y no la que practica la nauseabunda farsa de censurar las irregularidades de alguna de las facciones políticas que lo componen, santificando simultáneamente al Sistema que está por encima de todas ellas.
En cuanto a la otra frase del sello, "Novus Ordo Seclorum", su traducción correspondiente vendría a ser "El Nuevo Orden de los Siglos" o "El Nuevo Orden de las Eras". Como podrá apreciarse, las referencias a un Nuevo Orden y a una Nueva Era, tan recurrentes a todo lo largo de la época moderna, no son nada nuevas. Esta frase, tomada del filósofo romano Virgilio, es interpretada en su sentido más superficial como una equiparación del nuevo Estado norteamericano con la antigua Roma Imperial. Pero en la simbología iluminista la leyenda en cuestión no se refiere a nada de eso, sino a la "Nueva Era de Acuario" ( otro concepto muy en boga hoy), que habrá de suceder a la Era de Piscis o Era Cristiana. Con arreglo a dicha simbología, la fecha que figura en el Gran Sello norteamericano, 1776, que es la fecha en la que tuvo lugar tanto la Declaración de Independencia como la fundación de la Orden de los Iluminados, marca el inicio de un período de 250 años durante el cual deberá consumarse la transición de la Era de Piscis a la de Acuario. Y en esa transición, tal y como pensaban los diseñadores del Sello, los Estados Unidos desempeñarían un papel determinante.
Un buen colofón de todo lo apuntado hasta aquí podría ser la carta que el propio George Washington le escribiera en 1798 al pastor protestante G.W. Snyder, y en la que se expresaba en estos términos: "Yo no tenía la intención de poner en duda que la doctrina de los Iluminados y los principios del jacobinismo se habían extendido en los Estados Unidos. Al contrario, nadie está más convencido de ello que yo. La idea que yo querría exponeros era que yo no creía que las logias de nuestro país hayan buscado, en tanto que asociaciones, propagar las diabólicas doctrinas de los primeros y los perniciosos principios de los segundos, si es que es posible separarlos. Que las individualidades lo hayan hecho, o que el fundador o los intermediarios empleados para crear las sociedades democráticas en los Estados Unidos hayan tenido ese proyecto , es demasiado evidente para permitir la duda".
Como culminación del proceso, en 1945 otro hermano francmasón, el presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ordenó que el reverso del Gran Sello norteamericano se imprimiera en la cara posterior del billete de dólar, sin duda el lugar más idóneo. Todo un símbolo de la religión humanista del poder y del dinero que impera en la actualidad y que tiene sus centros de culto en la Sala de Oración del Capitolio, en el Templo del Entendimiento de Washington y en el Salón de Meditaciones de la ONU.
Desde el primer presidente de la nación, George Washington, iniciado en la logia Fredicksburg nº 4 de Virginia, y con el tiempo Gran Maestre de la logia Alejandría nº 22, quince han sido sus sucesores en la suprema magistratura de los Estados Unidos que han vestido el mandil francmasón:
James Monroe, presidente de 1817 a 1824. Maestre de la logia Williamburg nº 6 de Virginia.
Andrew Jackson, presidente de 1829 a 1836. Gran Maestre de la logia Harmony nº1 de Nashville (Tenessee).
James Knox Polk, presidente de 1845 a 1849. Maestre de la logia Columbia nº 31 de Tenessee. James Buchanan, presidente de 1857 a 1861. Maestre de la logia nº 43 de Lancaster (Pensilvania).
Andrew Johnson, presidente de 1865 a 1868. Grado 33 del rito escocés.
James Garfield, presidente en 1881. Grado 14 en la logia Mithras de Washington.
William McKinley, presidente de 1897 a 1901. Caballero del Templo en la logia Canton nº 60 de Ohio.
Theodore Roosevelt, presidente de 1901 a 1909. Maestre en la logia Matinecock nº 806, de Oyster Bay (Nueva York).
William Howard Taft, presidente de 1909 a 1913. Gran Maestre de la masonería de Ohio.
Warren G. Harding, presidente de 1921 a 1923. Grado 33 en la fraternidad nº 26 de Ohio.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidente de 1933 a 1945. Grado 32 del rito escocés.
Harry S. Truman, presidente de 1945 a 1953. Gran Maestre de la masonería de Missouri y, posteriormente, grado 33, el máximo de la organización.
Lyndon B. Johnson, presidente de 1963 a 1969. Iniciado en la masonería de Tejas.
Gerald Ford, presidente de 1974 a 1977. Miembro de la logia Columbia nº 3 de Washington e Inspector General Honorario del grado 33.
Y George Bush, grado 33 del Supremo Consejo, además de Gran Carnicero de Panamá y Gran Devastador de Irak, aunque este tipo de títulos no suelan ser reconocidos oficialmente por la filantropía francmasónica.
Esto no es más que una muestra de la presencia de la francmasonería en la vida pública estadounidense, ya que la nómina de todos los adeptos pertenecientes a las altas esferas económicas, políticas y sociales sería, por su extensión, imposible de reproducir aquí.
Junto a las logias adscritas al rito escocés, es decir, a las Constituciones de Anderson, y en estrecha relación con las mismas, opera en los Estados Unidos otra masonería con identidad propia agrupada en torno a la Logia B'naï B'rith y reservada exclusivamente a los ciudadanos de origen judío. Esta entidad, cuyo peso e influencia en las altas esferas del Poder serán analizados más adelante, cuenta con ramificaciones distribuidas por 47 países, y el número de sus afiliados supera la cifra de 600.000. De cualquier modo, el hecho de pertenecer a la logia B'naï B'rith no impide la militancia de sus miembros en otras logias de la masonería regular, cosa, por lo demás, harto frecuente, si bien el flujo en sentido inverso no es posible.
Por otro lado, el papel desempeñado por los francmasones judíos en la fundación y desarrollo de la masonería norteamericana fue, desde los mismos inicios de ésta, más que notable.Y nada mejor para constatarlo que acudir a la valoración efectuada sobre ese particular por la publicación Jurisdiction Sud, boletín oficial del rito escocés reservado a los adeptos, en cuyo número correspondiente a marzo de 1990, el francmasón de grado 32 Paul M.Bessel escribía lo siguiente:
"Los judíos han estado activamente vinculados a los inicios de la francmasonería en los Estados Unidos. Numerosos detalles prueban, en efecto, que ellos estuvieron entre los fundadores de la francmasonería en siete de los trece Estados primitivos: Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Mayland, Georgia, Carolina del Sur y Virginia".
"Un francmasón judío, de nombre Moisés Michael Hays, fue el primero que introdujo el rito masónico escocés en los Estados Unidos. Fue igualmente Inspector General delegado para la francmasonería de América del Norte en 1768, y Gran Maestre del Estado de Massachussets de 1788 a 1792".
"Los francmasones judíos jugaron un papel importante en el curso de la Revolución Americana: 24 de ellos fueron oficiales del ejército de George Washington, y otros muchos ayudaron con su dinero a la causa americana. Hayim Salomon, un masón de Filadelfia que, junto con otros, contribuyó a la colecta de fondos destinados a sostener el esfuerzo de guerra americano, también prestó dinero a Jefferson, Madison y Lee".
"Se dispone de pruebas de que numerosos judíos, rabinos incluidos, permanecieron vinculados al movimiento francmasón americano a todo lo largo de la historia de los Estados Unidos. Ha habido al menos una cincuentena de Grandes Maestres judíos americanos. Hoy, numerosos judíos son activos francmasones en los Estados Unidos, así como en otros países. A título indicativo, el Estado de Israel cuenta con unas sesenta logias que comprenden un total de casi trece mil miembros. Sin hablar de los afiliados a la logia B'naï B'rith".
Tiempo antes, el Masonic Service Association of the United States había incluido en su publicación confidencial "Short Talk Bulletin" (vol. XLV, nº3) una lista de los Grandes Maestres judíos de la francmasonería estadounidense.
Por lo demás, la relación existente en el ámbito francmasónico no es más que un reflejo de la estrecha vinculación que, a todos los niveles, se ha dado siempre entre el protestantismo norteamericano y el universo judío. Vinculación que no sólo se manifiesta en los altos círculos sociales de ese país, donde la trabazón entre la oligarquía protestante y la plutocracia judía ha sido y sigue siendo íntima, sino también en la esfera ideológico-religiosa del fundamentalismo anglosajón. Es, por lo tanto, una solemne patraña, o si se prefiere, pura intoxicación, la idea que, desde los medios voceros del capitalismo progresista, atribuye al fundamentalismo protestante norteamericano un contenido antijudaico (como muestra perfecta de dicha intoxicación léase un artículo aparecido en el rotativo El Mundo el 29-4-95 bajo el título "Del Mayflower a Forrest Gump"). Intoxicación que, como se habrá podido comprobar, arreció con ocasión del atentado de Oklahoma, un suceso a partir del cual los manipuladores de costumbre han pretendido extender al conservadurismo protestante en su conjunto los planteamientos de los supuestos autores del delito, individuos pertenecientes a unos círculos ideológicos marginales y absolutamente minoritarios en aquel país. Baste decir a este respecto que los militantes de tales grupúsculos ultras no superan en los Estados Unidos la cifra de unas cuantas docenas, cantidad a todas luces irrisoria en un territorio habitado por doscientos cincuenta millones de personas, y en el que cualquiera de las aberraciones y extravagancias que lo recorren cuenta con millares de adeptos. A título de anécdota grotesca, tampoco será ocioso recordar la intervención del presidente Clinton, que se dirigió a los niños norteamericanos que vieron las escenas de la catástrofe por televisión para mitigar el impacto traumático de tales imágenes y recordarles que "las personas mayores son buenas". Como si los niños norteamericanos no estuviesen hasta las criadillas de ver violencias y carnicerías de toda índole en la televisión de su país.
Lo cierto, pues, con arreglo a los hechos, y la auténtica realidad es que los sectores más conservadores del republicanismo estadounidense simpatizan con la causa sionista con el mismo entusiasmo que lo hacen los progresistas del partido demócrata. Y tal cosa ha sido así desde los mismos comienzos de esa nación.
El fundamentalismo norteamericano moderno hunde sus raíces en los puritanos pilgrims que arribaron a las costas de Nueva Inglaterra a principios del siglo XVII. Ahítos de Biblia e imbuidos de una especie de fanatismo mesiánico, los tripulantes del Mayflower y del Arbella se consideraban a sí mismos los elegidos de Dios, un concepto que, por aberrante que a la luz de los hechos pueda parecer, ha estado siempre presente en el protestantismo estadounidense.
Concepciones similares a aquéllas fueron reproducidas después por "teólogos" más cercanos en el tiempo, entre los que cabría citar a John Wilson, un frenólogo londinense que en 1840 publicó un libro titulado "Our Israelitisch Origin", donde se establecían las bases "históricas" y "científicas" del mesianismo anglosajón. Según el citado autor, a raíz de las invasiones asirias un contingente del pueblo judío marchó al exilio. Con el transcurso del tiempo esos judíos exiliados se convirtieron en los escitas, que, a su vez, eran los antepasados de los sajones. Una vez establecida semejante cadena genealógica, y tras afirmar que la palabra "sajón" significaba "hijo de Israel", el tal Wilson concluyó finalmente que los ingleses eran descendientes por línea directa de la tribu judía de Efraín.
Como será fácil de suponer, Wilson no estuvo sólo en esa labor de búsqueda "científica". Muy pronto sus fantasmagóricas pesquisas se vieron secundadas e incluso sobrepasadas por otros lunáticos de parecido calibre. Uno de ellos fue el reverendo Glover, que identificó al león británico con el león de Judá y, al igual que Wilson, afirmó que los ingleses descendían de la tribu de Efraín, y los galeses y escoceses de la tribu de Manasés. Poco después aparecería otro investigador similar, Edward Hine, quien en 1870 publicó una obra donde se ratificaban y ampliaban las conclusiones de sus predecesores ("The English nation identified with the lost house of Israel by twenty-seven identifications"). La primera edición de dicha obra fue seguida cuatro años más tarde de una segunda edición revisada según la cual los anglosajones ya no estaban entroncados con varias de las antiguas tribus hebreas, sino con todas ellas.
Todo esto no pasaría de ser una anécdora esperpéntica si no fuera por el hecho de que tales dislates no sólo alcanzaron una considerable aceptación en su época, sino que todavía hoy se incluyen como conceptos básicos en los libros de texto del fundamentalismo protestante anglosajón.
Con el declive del Imperio Británico, semejantes lucubraciones mesiánicas, tan idóneas por otra parte para servir de soporte ideológico al expansionismo y a la dominación, se afincaron en el nuevo centro de gravedad del mundo capitalista, donde encontrarían un terreno abonado para su arraigo en las mistificaciones del protestantismo pilgrim.
No hará falta decir que el enemigo supremo fue identificado durante años por el fundamentalismo norteamericano con la URSS. Pero ésa no era la única amenaza que se cernía sobre tan benemérita nación. Entre algunos sectores de los más adinerados e influyentes círculos del ultraconservadurismo republicano, también estuvo extendida la idea de que la Bestia de las Diez Diademas del Apocalipsis, era la Comunidad Europea, integrada entonces por diez naciones. Aunque es de suponer que la posterior incorporación de nuevos países a la Comunidad dejaría un tanto desconcertados a tan sagaces cabalistas, que a buen seguro estarán escudriñando con redoblada atención en el esoterismo numérico en busca de nuevas combinaciones que confirmen su tesis según la cual "la CE reducirá a la esclavitud a Gran Bretaña y a Norteamérica".
Otro de los elementos recurrentes del fundamentalismo protestante es el célebre Harmagedón, una idea que reviste especial importancia entre amplios sectores de la oligarquía económica y política del conservadurismo estadounidense. Así, durante la campaña presidencial de 1980, y en el curso de una alocución pronunciada ante un grupo de dirigentes del lobby judío neoyorquino, Ronald Reagan se refirió a ese tema asegurando que "Israel es la única democracia estable en la que podemos confiar en la zona donde puede llegar el Harmagedón". No será ocioso significar que uno de los mentores "espirituales" de Ronald Reagan era por entonces Jerry Falwell, destacado predicador fundamentalista y presidente de la llamada "Mayoría Moral" de los Estados Unidos, colectivo que tiempo después se integraría en la Liberty Federation. Por otra parte, las opiniones de Reagan eran compartidas por varios altos cargos de la Administración, entre los cuales figuraban James Watt, secretario de Interior, James Watkins, jefe de Operaciones Navales, John Vessey, jefe del Estado Mayor conjunto, y Caspar Weinberger, secretario de Defensa. Este último también se manifestó sobre el particular durante una conferencia celebrada en la Universidad de Harvard, donde afirmó que, por su condición de judío practicante, estaba familiarizado con los temas bíblicos, señalando su convicción de que la gran batalla del Harmagedón se libraría en la colina de Meggido, un pequeño promontorio situado a unos veinticinco kilómetros de la localidad israelita de Haifa.
Por lo demás, la importancia que los postulantes del Harmagedón otorgan al territorio israelí es algo común y reiterativo en esos ambientes ideológicos, importancia que, en cualquier caso, no tiene más fundamento que sus estrafalarias interpretaciones de ciertos pasajes bíblicos. Muy distinto, por el contrario, es el criterio sobre ese respecto de quienes han sabido valorar la verdadera relevancia estratégica de dicha zona basándose en elementos de juicio bastante más pragmáticos y realistas. Tal fue el caso de Nahum Goldmann, fundador del Congreso Judío Mundial y, posteriormente, presidente de Israel, quien en el curso de la 7ª sesión plenaria del Congreso Judío Canadiense se refirió a ese tema en los siguientes términos: "El Medio Oriente, situado entre tres continentes, cruce de Europa, Asia y Africa, es probablemente la región estratégica más importante del mundo....Recuerdo que el encargado de la administración del petróleo en Norteamérica durante la guerra, el señor Ickes, me manifestó que los informes de los expertos confirmaban la presencia de más petróleo en el Medio Oriente que en toda América del Norte y Central juntas, de diez a veinte veces más. Y ustedes saben lo que el petróleo significa para el mundo. Una vez que hayamos establecido un Estado judío en Palestina, todo estará a nuestro favor.....Palestina es hoy el centro de la estrategia política mundial, y los hombres de Estado que se ocupan ahora del sionismo piensan así. Querría que los sionistas lo comprendieran. No siempre lo que se sustenta en la justicia y la honradez es lo que cuenta en este mundo. Las naciones y los gobernantes del mundo determinan su actitud con arreglo a sus intereses realistas. Esas serán las consideraciones decisivas. Todos los aspectos humanitarios del problema palestino no serán, pues, decisivos, y nosotros debemos adaptar nuestra política a los aspectos realistas del asunto".(Seventh Plenary Session, National Dominion Canadian Jewish Congress, May 31, 1947).
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Para concluir este breve repaso relativo a las claves mentales propias del fundamentalismo protestante estadounidense, bueno será dedicar unas palabras a la Liberty Federation, auténtico núcleo ideológico de la antigua "Mayoría Moral" y del movimiento ultraconservador actualmente encabezado por Gingrich bajo el lema del Contrato con América. Dicha Federación mantiene una especie de índice de libros proscritos en el que, a juzgar por el puritanismo exacerbado del que hacen gala sus mentores, sólo sería previsible encontrar textos atentatorios contra la moral sexual, cosa que, por supuesto, no es así. Esa hipócrita obsesión por todo lo referente al sexo es simplemente la clásica y manida fachada conservadora, de la que tan buen partido suelen sacar sus "rivales" y equivalentes de la burguesía progresista, el otro bando del muladar, que aprovechan tal circunstancia para proponer a cambio su característico repertorio de esnobismos sórdidos y para intensificar sus campañas de disolución global. Pero el meollo fundamental de ese índice de lecturas malsanas no son los panfletos pornográficos, sino las obras que cuestionan el liderazgo político y militar de los Estados Unidos, las que se muestran críticas con el culto al dinero, las que desenmascaran la "ética" de las finanzas y de las sociedades anónimas, y las que ponen en solfa el sacrosanto "liberalismo" económico. Aunque todavía hay más. Entre los libros censurados figuran títulos como "1984", de Orwel, y "Un Mundo Feliz", de Huxley, dos retratos premonitorios del totalitarismo posmoderno. También aparece en la lista negra la obra de Solzhenitsin "Un día en la vida de Iván Denisovich", uno de los más preclaros alegatos que se hayan podido escribir contra la dictadura soviética.
De esta forma, con un paso hacia atrás de los fariseos piadosos, y dos hacia adelante de sus homólogos progresistas, se va culminado el proceso.
El 02/05/11 a las 08:05:04 | |
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Message 5 of 41 on the subject |
The Founding Fathers
The Masonic Architecture of Washington, D.C.
The Great Seal of the United States
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial
George Washington's Masonic Correspondence
Christians have been led to believe that the government of the United States of America is based on the basic principles of Christian morality, which have their origin in the Scriptures. Notable for propagating this misinformation are D. James Kennedy, author of a book promoting astrology, and Peter Marshall, Jr. (son of the late U.S. Senate Chaplain) who wrote The Light and The Glory. However, both of these ministers are members of the Council for National Policy, a secret organization founded by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations which has an anti-Christian agenda.
Historical evidence militates against the view that those who formulated the fundamental documents of American government were Christians. To the contrary, not a few who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the U. S. Constitution were Deists, Theists and Freemasons. Webster's Dictionary defines "theism" and "deism":
Theism - "belief in the existence of a god or gods; specif: belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of man and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world."
Deism - "a movement or system of thought advocating natural religions based on human reason rather than revelation, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe."
One recent historical account of Freemasonry, THE TEMPLE & THE LODGE, boast instead of the profound influence of Freemasonry on the founding documents, (while carefully trying to avoid creating the impression of a Masonic conspiracy):
"Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, only nine can definitely be identified as Freemasons, while ten others may possibly have been. Of the general officers in the Continental Army, there were so far as documentation can establish, thirty-three Freemasons out of seventy-four. Granted the known Freemasons were, as a rule, more prominent, more instrumental in shaping the course of events than their unaffiliated colleagues...
"On 11 June, (the Continental) Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence. Of the five men on this committee, two - Franklin and...Robert Livingston - were Freemasons, and one, Robert Sherman, is believed, though not confirmed, to have been. The other two, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams - were not, despite subsequent claims to the contrary. The text of the declaration was composed by Jefferson. It was submitted to Congress and accepted on 4 July 1776. The nine signatories who can now be established as proven Freemasons, and the ten who were possibly so, included such influential figures as Washington, Franklin and, of course, the president of the Congress, John Hancock. The army, moreover, remained almost entirely in Freemasonic hands...As we shall see, it is in the Constitution that the influence of Freemasonry is most discernible...
"At last, on 25 May 1787, the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia and commenced its efforts to devise the machinery of government for the new nation. The first voice to make itself heard in any significantly influential way was a characteristically Freemasonic one, that of Edmund Randolph.. Randolph...a member of a Williamsburg lodge, had become Washington's aide-de-camp. Subsequently he was to become Attorney-General, then governor of Virginia and Grand Master of Virginia's Grand Lodge. During Washington's presidency, he was to serve as the first Attorney-General of the United States, then the first Secretary of State.
"...There were ultimately five dominant and guiding spirits behind the Constitution - Washington, Franklin, Randolph, Jefferson and John Adams. Of these, the first three were active Freemasons, but men who took their Freemasonry extremely seriously - men who subscribed fervently to its ideals, whose entire orientation had been shaped and conditioned by it. And Adam's position, though he himself is not known to have been a Freemason was virtually identical to theirs. When he became president, moreover, he appointed a prominent Freemason, John Marshall, as first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." (1)
From American Masonic History - What Are America's True Roots?
"Some of the greatest names of the American Revolution were Masons: Ethan Alien, Edmund Burke, John Claypoole, William Daws, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, John Paul Jones, Robert Livingston, Paul Revere, Colonel Benjamin Tupper, and George Washington. Of the 56 signers of The Declaration of Independence, eight were known Masons and seven others exhibited strong evidence of Masonic membership. Of the forty signers of the Constitution, nine were known Masons, 13 exhibited evidence of Masonic membership, and six more later became Masons.
"There were many other Masonic influences in early American history: (1) Lafayette, the French liaison to the Colonies, without whose aid the war could not have been won, was a Freemason; (2) the majority of the commanders of the Continental Army were Freemasons and members of "Army Lodges"; (3) most of George Washington's generals were Freemasons; the Boston Tea Party was planned at the Green Dragon Tavern, also known as the "Freemasons' Arms" and "the Headquarters of the Revolution"; (4) George Washington was sworn in as the first President of the United States by Robert Livingston, Grand Master of New York's Masonic lodge, and the Bible on which he took his oath was from his own Masonic lodge; and (5) the Cornerstone of the Capital Building was laid by the Grand Lodge of Maryland." (2)
The following profiles demonstrate the commitment of the most prominent and influential founding fathers to Freemasonry, deism and/or theism.
"On 8 December 1730, Benjamin Franklin printed in his newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, the first documented notice about Freemasonry in North America. Franklin's article, which consisted of a general account of Freemasonry, was prefaced by the statement that 'there are several Lodges of FREE MASONS erected in this Province'... Franklin himself became a Freemason in February 1731, and Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania in 1734. That same year, he ushered into print the first Freemasonic book to be published in America, and edition of Anderson's Constitutions...the Bible for English Freemasonry. It enunciates what were to become some of the now familiar and basic tenets of the Grand Lodge... (In) The first article... Anderson writes, 'tis now thought more expedient only to oblige (Masons) to that Religion to which all men agree..." (3)
Anderson's Constitutions, the handbook for English Masonry, explained Albert Mackey's mandate for the True Noahides or Gentile Freemasons:
"...(A) revision of the Old Charges...contained this passage: 'A Mason is obliged by his tenure to obey the Moral Law.' In the edition of 1738, Dr. Anderson has, without authority, completed the sentence by adding the words, 'As a true Noachida. ...the only religious laws which a Freemason is required to obey are those which are contained in the code that has been attributed to Noah. This sentiment is still further expressed toward the close of the 'Old Charges' where it is said that the Mason is obliged only 'to that religion in which all men agree,' excluding therefore atheism and requiring the observance of such simple laws of morality as are enjoined in the precepts of Noah." (4)
Ben Franklin's high level Masonic and intelligence connections are identified in The Occult Conspiracy, which is cited by the Pyramid Gallery:
"'One of the most influential figures in the American Revolution was the writer, philosopher and scientist Benjamin Franklin. He was a Quaker but had become a Freemason in 1731 when he joined the Lodge of St. John in Philadelphia, which was the first recognized Masonic lodge in America. At the time he was inducted Franklin was working as a journalist and he wrote several pro-Masonic articles which were published in The Pennsylvania Gazette. In 1732 he helped draft the by laws of his lodge and in 1734 he printed the Constitutions which was the first Masonic book ever issued in America. He eventually rose to Grand Master of the St. John's lodge and in 1749 was elected Grand Master of the Province. While in France in the 1770s, as a diplomat for the American colonies, Franklin was made Grand Master of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris. Members of the Lodge included Danton, who was to play a crucial role in the French Revolution, the Marquis de Lafayette and Paul Jones, both of whom fought in the American War of Independence. While in Paris Franklin used his Masonic contacts to raise funds to buy arms for the American rebels.'" [Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy - Secret Societies - Their Influence and Power in World History]
"Franklin, was also a Rosicrucian Grand Master, who was at the heart of the Illuminati operations to take over America and replace the visible control of the British Empire with the invisible control of the secret brotherhood, the most effective and ongoing form of mastering the underclass. It is said the Illuminati, via the Freemasons, controlled and manipulated both sides in the American War of Independence and were also deeply connected with the French Revolution (1789).
"Franklin was Agent 72 of the British intelligence agency created by Dr. John Dee and Francis Bacon during the rein of Elizabeth I. During their time in London, Franklin and the Professor were brought into contact with those in positions of power who shared their Masonic and occult interests. One of these was Sir Francis Dashwood, the English Chancellor of the Exchequer who was also the founder of a secret society called the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe, more popularly known in the parlors of London as the Hell Fire Club.
"Franklin and LeMarchand spent a summer at Dashwood's estate in West Wycombe, north of London, where they took part in rituals in the specially-created caves dug on Dashwood's orders.
"Dashwood and Franklin, both postmasters, together were able to control and disseminate intelligence better than the military. Postmaster at this point in history meant spymaster as the postmasters controlled the movement of information."
Thomas Paine, a theist, published his pamphlet "Common Sense" in January of 1776, which turned the tide of public opinion in favor of declaring independence. Paine's arguments against all forms of monarchy dissolved any lingering attachment to Great Britain. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence declaring the colonies free and independent states. Although Paine quoted Scripture to denounce the concept of monarchy, his later work, Age of Reason, is a treatise on the implausibility of the Bible and the irrationality of Christianity. Paine believed in one God, but rejected all religions, saying:
"My own mind is my own church." He also maintained an interested in Freemasonry. His pamphlet, Origin Of Free-Masonry, proposed that Masonry's embodiment of the sun worship of ancient Druidism was a legitimate alternative to Christianity. He notes that Freemasonry's god, "...Osiris and Isis, theologically represented the Supreme Being and universal Nature..." (5)
Thomas Jefferson, a Deist, wrote the Declaration of Independence, which opens with a statement of rights deriving, not from the God of Holy Scripture, but Nature's God and the Natural Law.
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
In The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus, Jefferson describes his views of Jesus Christ, the Christian religion, and his own religious beliefs. In a Syllabus which he appended to his Bible, he compared the teachings of Jesus to those of the earlier Greek and Roman philosophers, and to the religion of the Jews of Jesus' time. The following excerpt is from a letter discussing the Syllabus. Of significance is his statement, "...(Jesus) preaches the efficacy of repentance towards forgiveness of sin; I require counterpoise of good works to redeem it..."
"But while this syllabus is meant to place the character of Jesus in its true and high light, as no impostor Himself, but a great Reformer of the Hebrew code of religion, it is not to be understood that I am with Him in all His doctrines. I am a Materialist; he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance towards forgiveness of sin; I require counterpoise of good works to redeem it, etc., etc. It is the innocence of His character, the purity and sublimity of His moral precepts, the eloquence of His inculcations, the beauty of the apologues in which He conveys them, that I so much admire; sometimes, indeed, needing indulgence to eastern hyperbolism. My eulogies, too, may be founded on a postulate which all may not be ready to grant. Among the sayings and discourses imputed to Him by His biographers, I find many passages of fine imagination, correct morality, and of the most lovely benevolence; and others, again, of so much ignorance, so much absurdity, so much untruth, charlatanism and imposture, as to pronounce it impossible that such contradictions should have proceeded from the same Being. I separate, therefore, the gold from the dross; restore to Him the former, and leave the latter to the stupidity of some, and roguery of others of His disciples. Of this band of dupes and impostors, Paul was the great Coryphaeus, and first corruptor of the doctrines of Jesus. These palpable interpolations and falsifications of His doctrines, led me to try to sift them apart. I found the work obvious and easy, and that His past composed the most beautiful morsel of morality which has been given to us by man. The syllabus is therefore of His doctrines, not all of mine. I read them as I do those of other ancient and modern moralists, with a mixture of approbation and dissent..." (6)
Washington: An Abridgement, by Richard Harwell, records the first president's initiation and loyalty to the Masonic Lodge.
"On September 1, 1752, a new lodge of Masons held its first meeting in Fredericksburg and soon attracted members. Under Daniel Campbell as Master, a class of five was initiated on November 4. George, one of this group, paid his initiation fee of £23s. as an Entered Apprentice. (7)
[Washington's journey to Fredericksburg- 1781]
"The journey had shown that the President was as popular in the Southern States as he was in Federalist New England. On the tour he received at least twenty-three addresses. Particularly noticeable were the addresses from Lodges of Free Masons. This probably had no other significance other than it disclosed the strength of the Masons in the South and their pride in Washington as a brother. His answers, in turn, were in good Masonic terms, with no casualness in his references to his membership in the Order." (8)
In 1791, Washington chose Washington , D.C. in 1791 and commissioned Pierre Charles L'Enfant, a French engineer, to create a plan for the physical layout of the city, with the Capitol as the center of the city.
"[He] took the road for the relatively brief ride to the Federal City. It was September 18 [1794], the date for laying the cornerstone of the Capitol. The President found the splendor of music and drums, of flying colors, of many Masons in their symbolic regalia, of happy spectators generally. It was a memorable affair for the Masonic Order, magnified by Washington's participation as a member." (9)
Portions of the Temple and The Lodge also confirm that Masonic ceremonies were conducted for Washington's inauguration and the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol building:
"On 4 February 1789, Washington was elected first president of the United States and John Adams his vice-president. The inauguration was on 30 April. The oath was administered by Robert Livingston, Grand Master of New York's Grand Lodge...The marshal of the day was another Freemason, General Jacob Morton. Yet another Freemason, General Morgan Lewis, was Washington's escort... Washington himself at the time was Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Virginia... On 14 December, Alexander Hamilton submitted proposals for establishing a National Bank. Jefferson opposed them but Washington signed them through. On the American dollar bill was printed the 'Great Seal' of the United States. It is unmistakably Freemasonic - an all seeing eye in a triangle above a thirteen-stepped, four-sided pyramid, beneath which a scroll proclaims the advent of a 'new secular order,' one of Freemasonry's long-standing dreams.
"On 18 September 1793, the cornerstone of the Capitol was officially laid. Grand Lodge of Maryland presided over the ceremony and Washington was asked to serve as Master... Subsequently, the Capitol and the White House were each to become focal points of an elaborate geometry governing the layout of the nation's capital city. This geometry, originally devised by an architect named Pierre l'Enfant, was subsequently modified by Washington and Jefferson so as to produce specifically octagonal patterns incorporation the particular cross used as a device by Masonic Templars." (10)
Richard Harwell noted the Masonic funeral of George Washington in 1799:
"When word came that the Freemasons and the military would attend the funeral in a body, Lear began to arrange for the hospitality that would be expected." (11)
Washington's high esteem for the Masonic Order is expressed on the Masonic National Memorial erected in his honor.
"Carved on the outside of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, are words from an address by General Geroge Washington when he visited King David Lodge in Newport, Rhode Island, as follows:
"'Being persuaded that a just application of the principles on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded must be promotive of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interest of the Society and to be considered by them as a Brother.'" (12)
See also: George Washington's Correspondence |
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Message 6 of 41 on the subject |
Don José de San Martín en la Masonería
Monumento a San Martín en Santiago de Chile (primera estatua en el mundo dedicada a él)
Existen dos teorías en torno a la supuesta filiación masónica del general San Martín, que generaron polémicas durante varios años. Si bien diversos historiadores, entre los cuales algunos son partidarios de la Iglesia y en cierto modo de tendencia antimasónica, afirman que en ningún momento ingresó en una logia masónica regularmente constituida, hay otros que sugieren pruebas que demostrarían lo contrario. Entre los primeros, se argumenta que la totalidad de las logias con las que mantuvo contacto a lo largo de su vida, principalmente la Lautaro, no eran estrictamente masónicas, sino que habrían sido únicamente grupos revolucionarios que tomaron como base de su organización elementos y símbolos masónicos que serían funcionales a su carácter de sociedad secreta. [19] Los documentos, no obstante, demuestran que se trataría de una logia operativa, no en el sentido literalmente constructivo como es el caso de las cofradías medievales, sino que ostentaría objetivos revolucionarios. Por su parte, el historiador Emilio J. Corbiere, señala que José de San Martín dio sus primeros pasos en la masonería iniciándose en la Logia Integridad de Cádiz, luego pasaría a formar parte de la Logia Caballeros Racionales n.º 3, donde el 6 de mayo de 1808, le será otorgado el 3.º grado de la masonería simbólica, accediendo de este modo al título de «maestro masón». Tras renunciar a su carrera militar en España, viajó a Inglaterra donde se reunió con Carlos María de Alvear, un reconocido miembro de la Logia Lautaro que trabajaba con la Logia Flor de los Americanos. En una de las Tenidas (o reuniones) se decidió abatir columnas y regresar a suelo americano para llevar a cabo la campaña que allí se habría gestado. Mientras tanto, Simón Bolivar era iniciado por Francisco de Miranda. Al poco tiempo, San Martín, Alvear y Zapiola obtenían el grado 5.º de la logia. Poco después de su llegada, en 1812, junto a sus Hermanos Masones Carlos María de Alvear y José Matías Zapiola funda un Triángulo Masónico que constituiría la base de la futura Logia Lautaro. En ese entonces la Orden ya estaba implantada, con la Logia Independencia que funcionaba desde 1795, pues su llegada al Río de la Plata data de finales del Siglo XVIII, con una importante influencia de la masonería española y no así de la inglesa, como se creyó en un momento. Con el mismo nombre, Independencia, se funda en 1810 una nueva Logia, también conocida como Logia de San Juan, bajo las órdenes del doctor Julián Álvarez que colaboraría enormemente en los comienzos de la Lautaro. Siguiendo la antigua tradición de adoptar nombres simbólicos o iniciáticos, José de San Martín era conocido entre los lautarinos como Hermano Inaco. En una carta dirigida al general Guillermo Miller, respondiendo a preguntas concernientes a la Logia de Buenos Aires, San Martín escribe:
"No creo conveniente hable Ud. lo más mínimo de la logia de Buenos Aires. Estos son asuntos enteramente privados, y que aunque han tenido y tienen una gran influencia en los acontecimientos de la revolución de aquella parte de América no podrían manifestarse sin faltar por mi parte a los más sagrados compromisos. A propósito de logias, sé a no dudar, que estas sociedades se han multiplicado en el Perú de un modo extraordinario. Esta es una guerra de zapa que difícilmente se podrá contener, y que hará cambiar los planes más bien combinados".
La Logia de Buenos Aires, de acuerdo a las palabras del investigador y escritor masónico Albert Gallatin Mackey, sería destinada a los Grados Superiores y determinaría las decisiones políticas que deberían ser implementadas. El general Tomás de Iriarte en sus memorias declara que tanto la Logia Lautaro como la Logia de Julián Álvarez eran masónicas. Sin embargo, Bartolomé Mitre, masón grado 33, escribió en su "Historia de San Martín y la Emancipación Sudamericana" que la Logia Lautaro era una sociedad secreta de carácter netamente político, que no pertenecía a la masonería. En 1825, en Bruselas, San Martín recibe una medalla masónica con su efigie por parte de la Logia belga La Parfaite Amitié (La Perfecta Amistad), en reconocimiento a su labor desempeñada en la revolución americana. Esta medalla suele ser utilizada para demostrar la pertenencia de San Martín a la masonería, cosa que no está probada documentalmente. En todo caso, todo parece indicar que si bien es muy probable que San Martín haya sido iniciado en Europa, su relación con la masonería se diluyó con el paso de los años. La polémica seguirá abierta entre quienes defienden un punto de vista y otro, ambas posturas son desde luego respetables y exhiben sus respectivos argumentos. Por último, cabe destacar que una gran mayoría de las afirmaciones, tanto en pro como en contra de su filiación masónica han carecido de objetividad, tratándose temas de fondo que trascienden la cuestión e incluso proyectándose ideas en contra o a favor de acuerdo a la ideología personal de los investigadores. FUENTE: AHORA VEAN EN EL VIDEO EN EL MINUTO 2:28 AQUI EN EL MINUTO 4:29 Seguramente que mas de esos simbolos lo han visto en la misma ciudad de Lima Perù, pero ni se percataban. TAMBIEN COLOCO LA CONTRAPARTE DE LA ASEVERACION QUE DON JOSE DE SAN MARTIN NO FUE MASON EN EL SIGUIENTE ARTICULO (QUE EVIDENTEMENTE NO LA COMPARTO). RECORDEMOS QUE SAN MARTIN QUERIA QUE EL PERU CONTINUE SIENDO UN PAIS DE TIPO MONARQUICO, NO DE TIPO REPUBLICA, QUERIA TRAER UN REY. Y SIMON BOLIVAR QUERIA UNIFICAR TODOS LOS PAISES EN UN SOLO NUEVO ORDEN. YA NI QUE DECIR DE SIMON BOLIVAR, ESTA MAS QUE PROBADO SU MASONERIA. LO PUEDEN ENCONTRAR EN TODA CLASE DE LIBROS Y EN INTERNET SEAN O NO SEAN A FAVOR O EN CONTRA DE LOS ILLUMINATIS Y EL NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL (NWO). AQUI LES PASO UN VIDEO MASON (NO ES ANTINWO). PERO QUE CURIOSO QUE HABLEN DE LA IGUALDAD Y ME MUESTREN LA PIRAMIDE DE LAS DESIGUALDADES DE LAS CLASES SOCIALES EN EL MINUTO 0:30. OPS!!! SE LES HABRA PASADO. Y EN EL MINUTO 2:00 ALLI LE MENCIONAN A SIMON BOLIVAR TAMBIEN. Solo saquen sus propias conclusiones...Yo $ oY He_R.M.E.S. - MEDIC 8888
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Message 7 of 41 on the subject |
Holy Eucharist Site Map El español Printer-Friendly Contribute : Faith Unity
Extract from Email received Friday, February 18, 2005
Comment: Freemasonry is really a religion at its' core. A blue lodge always has an altar. Altars are always associated with religious worship and sacrifice. The Scottish Rite temples are so called because they have what is a supposed to be a copy of King Solomon's temple in them. Initiates are told that Masonry is based on Hiram Abiff who lost the "secret name of God" while he was building the great pyramid. As punishment he was entombed alive in the pyramid. When a Mason reaches the 33rd degree he is taught that the "secret name of God" is Jahbulon (sic Jobulun), a three part composite of Jehovah, Osiris, and Baal. Jehovah is the Germanic translation of YHWH, the tetragramaton, the God of the Israelites. Osiris was a god of the Egyptians, and Baal was a god of the Babylonians. The problem with this is that the YHWH of the Bible said He would never share His glory with any other, especially not the false gods of the Egyptians or the Babylonians. He brought the Israelites out of Babylon and Egypt and told them not to have anything to do with the people of those lands or their false gods. So at it's heart, Freemasonry is a religion based on the worship of esoteric knowledge, that is, the "secret name of God". Many Masons are unaware of this, enjoying the power and prestiege of their fraternity. Also, not every Mason is a Shriner, but every Shriner is a 33rd degree Freemason *. A friend of mine informs me that while George Washington joined the Masons, once he found out more about it, he left the Masons and never set foot in another blue lodge or had anything to do with Freemasonry for the last 25 years of his life. Good site, BTW.
* It has been reported that Shriners spend up to 95% of their charitable collections on themselves; their own entertainment (Shriners' Convention. etc.). One World OrderTo Vote for automatically excommunicated Catholics or for members of Secret Societies and Others that are Highly Offensive to God is Condemnatory.
- Presidential pro-abortion candidate John Kerry is an automatically excommunicated Catholic.
- Senator Ted Kennedy is an automatically excommunicated Catholic.
- President George Bush is a member of the Skull and Bones Society (Yale Univ.) and were he Catholic he would be under ban as being automatically excommunicated. (Can. 1374 - 1983 CCL – Can. 2335-36 - 1917 CCL) George H.W. Bush was also a member of Skull & Bones.
- Pope John Paul II is under sentence of automatic excommunication for failure to remove Cardinal Bernard Law and others who have knowingly given Holy Communion to automatically excommunicated Catholics such as Senator Ted Kennedy. Also: Fr. Mohlomi Makobane who desecrated the most Holy Eucharistic by giving Jesus to perverted pro-abortion President Bill Clinton (Soweto, South Africa, March 29, 1998). See desecration of the Most Holy Eucharistic - 1983 Code of Canon Law, Can. 1367; 1 Cor 11:26-28. – He is also under automatic excommunication for heresy against a non-diminishable command of God (Gn. 9:6).
Jesus said, "Scripture cannot loose its force." [Jn 10:35]
Each aborted person is a brother ... "If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift." [Mt 5:23f ...]
How Many of the Big Oil Companies are controlled by Freemasons and Associates? Are members of the board of directors masons? Are executive officers masons?
Neither the validity or the importance of the papacy (papal office) is being questioned nor intended to be demeaned in any way.
The position that Satan has temporarily taken control of the papacy by –Masonic / communist / Illuminati / homosexual– infiltration and seating the purported antichrist now occupying the papal office is the statement being made. He will continue to serve Satan until People of Faith Actively Oppose him. For further clarification please later review documents relating to True Christians and Legal vs. Moral in relation to Priesthood and Papacy
Place cursor on an image for information. (Also 6 at Top) Click on image for different view. For references to condemnatory Jewish beliefs in the Talmud concerning Jesus click HERE. For references to condemnatory Islamic beliefs in the Koran concerning Jesus click HERE.
By Bankrupting the United States and the U. S. Catholic Church, the Illuminati, coupled with Freemasonry and using HomoSexuals as Dupes, plan for a Global Government which They Intend to Control.
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Message 8 of 41 on the subject |
1953-1969 Earl Warren, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was Grand Master of California 1935 to 1936. He was also Potentate of Aahmes Shrine, and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and an officer in two of the Scottish Rite bodies, in Oakland, California. Also a member of the Bohemian Club. 1958-1981 Potter C. Stewart, Associate Justice. S.C.J. Confirmed Mason. Also Skull and Bones. Nominated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. – Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret
The average person has almost no knowledge of secret societies and there are very few sources of information. These secret groups include the Bildebergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Knights of the Garter, The Knights of Malta, The 33rd Degree Masons, the Rhodes Scholars, The Skull and Bones (Yale University), the Trilateral Commission, B'nai B'rith, and others. From the occult Bush family 'dossier': When Saddam Hussein talked of 'the devil Bush' he may not have been so far from the truth. U.S. president George W. Bush, his father and grandfather are proven initiates of this multi-generational occult lodge. George W. was tapped (initiated) in 1968 at the group's Yale University HQ, a mausoleum known as 'the tomb'. – Membership is open to all men of integrity(?) and goodwill(?), irrespective of colour or creed, on condition that they profess a belief in a (read any sort of god figure including satan) Supreme Being. How they choose to worship Him is not of interest to us. – M.W.Bro. Eric N. Waller, Grand Master. –
Clinton was graduated from Georgetown University and in 1968 won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University. He received a law degree from Yale University in 1973, and entered politics in Arkansas. In 1998, as a result of issues surrounding personal indiscretions with a young woman, a White House intern, Clinton was the second U.S. president to be impeached by the House of Representatives. He was tried in the Senate (includes many members of secret societies sworn under oath to protect their members, regardless of crime, even if it means committing perjury) and found not guilty of the charges brought against him. Bill Clinton has had affairs with the following women: Jane Doe, Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers before he became President. Monica Lewinsky: Began in 1995 during his first term – Ended in 1997 during his second term.
As with all Republican presidents including and following President Herbert Hoover, President Bush is a member of the Bohemian Club located outside of San Francisco. Bush is also a member of Yale's "Skull & Bones" — once known as the "Brotherhood of Death". –
Scroll & Key and Wolf's Head are supposedly competitive societies founded in the mid-19th century. We believe these to be part of the same network. Rosenbaum commented in his "Esquire" article, very accurately, that anyone in the Eastern Liberal Establishment who is not a member of Skull & Bones is almost certainly a member of either Scroll & Key or Wolf's Head. The Old Line American families and their descendants involved in the Skull & Bones are names such as: Whitney, Perkins, Stimson, Taft, Wadsworth, Gilman, Payne, Davidson, Pillsbury, Sloane, Weyerhaeuser, Harriman, Rockefeller, Lord, Brown, Bundy, Bush and Phelps.
Freemasonry: Freemasonry is the largest international secret society in the world, with more than 6 million members. It is an all-male organization whose principles are explained as "brotherly love, relief and truth." "What makes Masonry so influential is the fact that of its many millions of members so many occupy leadership positions around the world. In our own country there is nearly always a significant percentage of Masons on the White House staff and in the Cabinet, Senate, Congress, Supreme Court, and Pentagon, as well as in top business management." (Dave Hunt, Global Peace and the Rise of the Antichrist, pp. 158-59.) Freemasonry secretly fosters ecumenism and quietly prepares its members to accept and be part of the coming new world order. Freemasonry promotes the idea that there are many ways to God in contrast to what Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6). In Carl Claudy's book, "Introduction to Freemasonry" (1931), he writes, "In his private petitions a man may petition God or Jehovah, Allah or Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus; he may call upon the God of Israel or the Great First Cause. In the Masonic Lodge he hears petitions to the Great architect of the Universes (Depending upon local religious preference there may be a King James Bible, the Koran, of some other book considered holy. This tends to lead the uninformed to believe that the god referenced in the holy book is the one being worshiped, This is not true.), finding his own deity under that name. A hundred paths may wind upward around a mountain; at the top they meet." This tolerance of all religions is further clarified, "Masonry does not specify any God of any creed; she requires merely that you believe in some Deity, give him what name you will ... any god will do ..." Albert Pike, former Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, likewise exults: "Masonry [is that religion] around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahman [Hindu], the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer..." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Charleston, SC, The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, 1906), pg. 226.) Consider this quote from a more contemporary Masonic thinking, taken from the current manual of instruction used by Masons in the state of Kentucky (Kentucky Monitor by Henry Pirtle, pg. 95): "Masonry makes no profession of Christianity ... but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple ... in which there shall be but one altar and one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the Veda, Shastras, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran, and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegious hands, and at whose shrine the Hindoo, the Persian, the Assyrian, The Chaldean, The Egyptian, the Chinese, The Mohammedan, the Jew, and the Christian may kneel and with one united voice celebrate the praises of the Supreme Architect of the Universe." Masonry clearly teaches salvation through all religions, whereas the Bible teaches there is salvation in only one name under Heaven - the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). Masonry focuses on "The Great Architect of the Universe" who can be defined any way the worshipper wants to define him. (Dr. David R. Reagan, "Should A Christian Be A Mason?," Bible Prophecy Insights, No. 25, November 1992.)
Buckley, Jr., William Frank - 1950 Bush, Derek C. - 1967 Bush, James S. - 1922 Bush, Jonathan J.- 1953 Bush, Prescott Sheldon - 1917 McAfee, William Andrew - 1982 Moorhead, William S. - 1906 Morehead, William S. -1945 Northrop, Cyrus - 1857 Northrop, Birdsey G. Northrup, Robert Smitter 1960 Pershing, Richard Warren - 1966 Rockefeller, - Percy Avery - 1900 Schlesinger, Daniel Adam - 1977 Taft, Alphonso (Founding Bonesman) - 1833 Tiffany, William Henry - 1840 Walker III, George Herbert - 1953 Walker Jr., George Herbert - 1927 Weyerhaeuser, Frederick Edward - 1896
Marshall S.C.J., Thurgood – 1967-1991. Associate Justice appointed by Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson. Confirmed Mason. Marshall is listed in 10,000 Famous Freemasons as having been a director and counselor or the Prince Hall Grand Master Conference, and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. - Roe vs. Wade's Dirty Little Secret.
Black, Hugo L.; Blair, Jr., John; Blatchford, Samuel; Baldwin, Henry; Burton, Harold H.; Byrnes, James F.; Catton, John; Clark, Thomas C.; Clarke, John H.; Cushing, William; Devanter, Willis Van; Douglas, William O.; Ellsworth, Oliver; Field, Stephen J.; Harlan, John M.; Jackson, Robert H.; Lamar, Joseph E.; Marshall, John - Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1801 - 1835; Mathews, Stanley; Minton, Sherman; Moody, William H.; Nelson, Samuel; Paterson, William; Pitney, Mahlon; Reed, Stanley F.; Rutledge, Wiley B.; Stewart, Potter; Swayne, Noah H.; Todd, Thomas; Trimble, Robert; Vinson, Frederick M.; Warren, Earl; Woodbury, Levi; Woods, William B.;
Famous Masons:
Judges Must Declare Masonic Link – February 25, 1998: National News The London Telegraph reported that British Judges, magistrates and police officers will in future have to declare whether they are freemasons, Jack Straw announced last week. The Home Secretary said he would ask the United Grand Lodge to publish regional lists of freemasons who work in the criminal justice system. If it refuses to co-operate, a register will be set up in which masons will have to declare that they belong to lodges. Although the register will at first be voluntary, Mr Straw said the Government was prepared to change the law to force employees to declare their membership. The rules will also apply to Crown prosecutors, probation officers and prison staff. Mr Straw said the Government wanted to put an end to allegations that a network of freemasons operating in the police and judiciary was undermining justice. "Membership of secret societies such as freemasonry can raise suspicions of a lack of impartiality or objectivity," he said. "It is, therefore, important that the public knows the facts." Judges reacted furiously to the decision. Lord Justice Millet, who is a freemason, told the BBC: "It questions the integrity of judges for no good reason."
The Good Reason: Freemasons and offshoot organizations are sworn to lie, even to commit perjury, in order to protect a brother – regardless of crime committed.
Other well known Masons:
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Gordon Cooper, Donn Eisle, John Glenn, Concord Lodge No.688 Concord, OH, Virgil "Gus" Grissom, James Irwin, Edgar Mitchell, Walter Schirra, Thomas Stafford, Paul Weitz. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American printer i.1731, St. John's Lodge, Philadelphia, PA William F. Cody (1846-1917), r. Platte Valley Lodge No. 15, Nebraska [15] David Crockett (1786-1836), [15] Kit Carson, (1809/12/24-1868/04/23) Montezuma Lodge 109, Taos, New Mexico [15], [14] Gilbert Lafayette [5] Sam Houston (1793-1863), i.1817, Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Nashville TN [15] Paul Revere (1735-1818), 1794-97, Grand Master, Massachusetts [15] George Washington (1732-1799), Master, Alexandria Lodge No. 22 W.R. "Wop" May, Douglas MacArthur, Lord Heratio Nelson, Montcalme, James Wolfe, Lord Mountbatten, Viscount Kitchner, Teddy Roosevelt Jr., Eddy Rickenbacker, John Pershing. Henry Ford, Walter F Chysler, Victor M. Dupont, John David Eaton, King Gillette, Charles Hilton, Fredrick Maytag, Charles Woodward, John Molson, William Ziegler, William H. Lever. Sir Winston Churchill, Confirmed Mason, and a Druid., Sir Alexander Flemming, Alexandre Eieffel, Samuel Colt, Barry Goldwater, J. Edgar Hoover, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Geroge McGovern. Robert Burns, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Rudyard Kipling, Norman Vincent Peale - Quotations, Sir Walter Scott, Oscar Wilde, Ludwig Van Beethoven, George M. Cohen, Nat King Cole, Edward "Duke" Ellington, Wolfgan A Mozart, Ernest Borgnine, Bud Abbott, Mel Blanc, Charles Coburn, Cecil B. DeMille, W.C. Fields, Peter Sellers, Glenn Ford, Clark Gable, Harry Houdini, Harpo Marx, Audie Murphy, Red Skelton, Will Rodgers, Roy Rodgers, Gordon Sinclair, Danny Thomas, John Wayne, Johnathan Winters. Ty Cobb, Jack Dempsey, Tim Horton, Arnold Palmer, Sugar Ray Robinson, Whipper Billy Watson. Chaka Fattah - U.S. Congressman, Member of Light of Elmwood Lodge #45 Robert Abbott -Founder of the Chicago Defender Richard Allen-Founder/first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church Alexander T. Augusta-First African-American to head a hospital in the U.S. Marion Barry-Mayor of Washington, D.C..
William "Count" Basie-Orchestra leader/composer. James J.G. Bias-Founder of the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee. Henry Blair-First Black to recieve a U.S. patent. James Herbert "Eubie" Blake-Composer/pianist. Edward Bouchet-First Black to be elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
William Wells Brown-First Black to publish a novel. Nathaniel "Nat King" Cole-Singer. Ossie Davis-Actor/director/playwrite. Martin R. Delany-First Black to matriculate from Havard Medical School/first Black Major in the U.S. Army. W.E.B. DuBois-Educator/author/historian. Alexander Dumas-Author. Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington-Orchestra leader/composer.
Medgar Wiley Evers-Civil Rights leader. James Forten-Abolitionist/manufacturer. Timothy Thomas Fortune-Journalist. Marcus Garvey-Founder of the United Negro Improvement Association. Alex Haley-Author. William C. Handy /Composer. Matthew Henson-Explorer. Benjamin L. Hooks-Former Executive Director of the N.A.A.C.P.. Jesse Jackson-Founder of the Rainbow Coaltion and Operation Push. Maynard Jackson-first black mayor of Atlanta. John H. Johnson-Publisher of Ebony and Jet magazines. Jack Johnson-First Black heavyweight boxing champion in U.S.. Absalom Jones-First Black Priest in the Episcopal Church in U.S.. Dr. Ernest Everett Just-A founder of Omega Psi Phi and renowned zoologist. Don King-Boxing promotor. Lewis Howard Latimer-Inventor of the carbon filament for light. Thurgood Marshall-Former Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court. Benjamin E. Mays-former president of Morehouse College.
Leon M'Ba- First President of the Republic of Gabon. Kweisi Mfume-Executive Director of the N.A.A.C.P.. Eliajah Muhammed-Founder of the Nation of Islam. Richard Pryor-Comedian/actor. Alexander Pushkin-Poet/novelist/playwrite. A. Philip Randolph-Founder and first president of the International Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Charles Rangel-U.S. Congressman. Joseph Jenkins Roberts-First President of the Republic of Liberia. "Sugar"Ray Robinson-Former mid/light heavyweight boxing champion. Arthur A. Schomburg-Historian/author.
Rev. Al Sharpton-Civil Rights advocate. Carl B. Stokes-First Black Mayor of Cleveland, Oh.. Louis Stokes-Former U.S. Congressman. David Walker-Author of "David Walker's Appeal. Booker T. Washington-Educator and Founder of the Tuskegee Institute. Daniel Hale Williams-First surgeon to perform open heart surgery. Bert Williams-Actor/comedian. Granville T. Woods-Inventor. Andrew Young-Former Mayor of Atlanta and U.N. Ambassador. Lawrence Douglas s Wilder - The first Black elected governor in this country from Virginia..
Some Astronauts: American founders: – For full list see Some Military: Some Business: Other: Art / Literature / Musicians / Entertainment: Sports: Famous Negro Freemasons:
United States CURRENCY shows the DOMINATION of Masonry over American POLITICS and GOVERNMENT: These men were all Freemasons except possibly for Jefferson and Lincoln who both had very strong ties to Freemasonry.
"Orchids in general tend to be viewed universally as symbols of lust. Its botanical name, orchis, is Greek for "testicle", which is what the Greeks thought the buds looked like. It's also said that they 'go to extremes to propagate themselves'". ( Cattleya Orchid: The Image Flower o' Death and Destruction!– Orchids growing in the shade of the base of the Great Pyramid ( prominent symbol in Freemasonry) that is depicted on the back of the $1.00 bill below the Illuminati "All Seeing Eye," states clandestinely that The United States of America is controlled by the Masonic (Illuminati) Shadow Government.
Bohemian Grove Club
The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl.
Owl: A nocturnal bird of prey with strong talons. – The owl has been associated with wisdom, books, Occult knowledge, shamanism and other spiritual matters. The owl is a bird of the night, so an association with the Moon is also suggested. They have short tail feathers and are silent in flight, stealth like. They seem curious about things but are happy to sit and wait until the time is right to obtain their goals (catch or conquer their prey).
So, the priest talked about "goodly Tyre and Babylon." Well,, there is only one "great owl" of Babylon and "goodly" Tyre. If you read your Bible, or any historical document of the time, they were burning children in the Babylonian and Canaanite kingdoms before the owl-god Moloch (references to the Bohemian Grove Club's great stone OWL next!).
"Suddenly, (again, we had initially been misdirected from the owl by the activities behind the curtains across the bank, then we were paying attention to the owl and the priests on the island ) back on the west bank, there was an old-fashioned river-style boat, with that grim reaper character who had been driving the wagon, and he was poling himself across the water with the bound body up on the bow.
"He brought the bound body to the high priest who was waiting for it at the foot of the owl, at the bottom of large circular steps on which the owl sits. Then, in very macabre fashion, the two black-clad priests rubbed and caressed the sacrificial body and brought it before the owl.
"The body begged for its life, over a speaker system. They refused it mercy. They took it up onto the altar. The "great owl" told them to burn the body (which they called "dull care,") which looks like a human wrapped up in black cloth. Right above the altar there was a large stone lamp that was burning that they call the "eternal flame." The high priest took an unlit torch and lit his torch with this flame.
"The body again begged for mercy. The high priest then walked down (with some difficulty, because this high priest was so old, he could hardly even walk), and lit the pyre on fire. He began to say that he would read the signs in the remains, a deep occult tradition. This is not the Hollywood devil with red pajamas – this is the real deal, Babylon mystery religion-style.
"The body continued to scream in pain. Suddenly, all of those little metal crosses that we had seen along the bank during the day burst into flame. So, I was there witnessing something right out of the medieval painter Hieronymus Bosch’s Visions of Hell: burning metal crosses, priests in red and black robes with the high priest in a silver robe with a red cape, a burning body screaming in pain, a giant stone great-horned owl, world leaders, bankers, media and the head of academia engaged in these activities. It was total insanity.
"So the ritual ended and all the old men started breaking up and going back to the big hall in the giant redwoods. Myself and Mike Hanson high-tailed it out of there, walking at a brisk pace. We encountered no resistance when we left. We walked right by guards and were out on the main road, Bohemian Avenue.
"It is a lot easier to get out of the Grove than it is to get in, because a lot of these world leaders that you read about in the news leave the Grove to go into the small town Monte Rio. They go into the bars for prostitutes that are flown in from around the world to service them."
U. S. Currency reflects the dominance of the country by Freemasons and supporters. Freemasonry associated with free-sex except knowingly with the wife of a brother.
Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston. Was one of the diplomats chosen to negotiate peace with Great Britain, and who helped draft the Declaration of Independence, one of the 56 who signed this document, and was instrumental in achieving the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Was also a Mason. Franklin was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and published the first Masonic book in America. Was also a member of Sir Francis Dashwood's Hell Fire Club, along with the Collins family of Satanist's. Both Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. Remains of "Ten Bodies Found Under Ben Franklin's Home" – Workmen have dug up the remains of ten bodies hidden beneath the former London home of Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of American Independence. The remains of four adults and six children were discovered during the 31.9 million restoration of Franklin's home at 36 Craven Street, close to Trafalgar Square. Researchers believe that there could be more bodies buried beneath the basement kitchens. Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster coroner, said yesterday: "1 cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest."
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Message 9 of 41 on the subject |
The following are additional references to the most important promoter of the "One World Religion," the necessary component of the "One World Order" that was openly promoted by former U. S. A. president George H. W. Bush, the current president's father.
'What responsibility do the leaders of the world's religions have toward those members of their flock who are of group number two? Will they step forward to publicly urge group number two people to accept the Christ?' Bill's answer was that the acceptance of the Christ was completely an individual affair. I then tried again to get Bill to state that one of the leaders of the world's religion would step forward to play the role of the Biblical False Prophet. I said, 'Back to the Pope for a moment, Bill. You stated that, at the right moment, the Pope would go to Jerusalem. Surely the Pope is a proper receptor to the Christ' At this point, Bill nodded his head affirmatively that the Pope was a proper receptor to the Christ ."
The Roman Catholic Pope is a proper receptor to the Christ, the Antichrist!! This is an unbelievable revelation! And, since the Pope is a proper receptor to The Christ [Antichrist], and since he claims to be a Christian leader, and is accepted as such, he can Biblically fulfill the role of the False Prophet!!
Now, back to our story.
The Roman Catholic Church has led the global Ecumenical Movement almost from the beginning, and is very successful in bridging the gaps existing between all the religions of the world, including liberal or apostate Christian groups. But, now, the time has come to go public with the plan described above as 'The New Jerusalem Covenant Project', to the creation of the infant 'United Religions'.
Notice, on page 1, we quoted Episcopal Bishop Swing as stating that this United Religions Initiative would produce "peace" in the world. Any Christian who knows their prophecy would immediately sit up and take notice, because the Apostle Paul stated that the coming kingdom of Antichrist would come amidst proclamations of "Peace and Safety" [1 Thes. 5:1-3]
September 12, 2002 - Most Holy Name of Mary (Major Double) Catholic Answer Doesn't Have the Answer From: Fr. Moderator
One of TRADITIO's correspondents sent a recent copy of a Novus Ordo publication that gave over two pages of space to TRADITIO's list of papal indiscretions, published in an earlier Commentaries from the Mailbox (repeated below). I was surprised that so much space was given to listing, point by point, the entire list and that the periodical attempted to respond to only seven errors out of some two dozen listed, and of those seven, the periodical admitted the certain or probable accuracy of five. Moreover, this periodical admitted that when the pope kissed the Koran, he perhaps did so in ignorance of what it contains! If the Novus Ordinarians really believe that the pope of the Catholic Church is ignorant of the fact that the Mohammedan Koran contains blasphemies against Our Lady, the Saints, and even the Most Blessed Trinity, well, the Novus Ordo surely is walking in darkness. How can any Catholic trust anything the pope says if (he) can't distinguish between Catholicism and Mohammedanism? This is certainly a case of "damned by faint praise"! Before I repeat below the list of papal indiscretions, I should point out that I reproduce here nothing secret, nothing that the Vatican denies. In fact, the Vatican takes great pride in these actions. Most of them have been culled from Vatican Press Office releases and photographs, and can conveniently be checked in Fr. Daniel LeRoux's Peter, Lovest Thou Me? John Paul II: Pope of Tradition or Pope of Revolution? or Atila Sinke Guimares & Marian Therese Horvat's Previews of the New Papacy. For further information, see the TRADITIO Library of Files for FAQ5: What Traditional Catholic Books Do You Recommend?.
Catalog of Papal Indiscretions of John Paul II
- On May 4, 1980, he presided from a straw hut over an ordination ceremony and native Mass of people undulating to the rhythm of tomtoms, accompanied by accordions and guitars.
- In February 1982, he presided over a "dance" Mass in Libreville.
- On December 11, 1983, he preached in a Lutheran church at Rome.
- On May 8, 1984, he presided over a Mass in Papua-New Guinea at which male and female dancers, nude from the waist up, danced; an aboriginal woman, also nude from the waist up, read the Epistle.
- In September 1984, he presided over a Mass at Yellow Knife, Canada, at which a pagan Indian chief invoked the Great Spirit and presented the pope at the Offertory with an eagle feather dipped in blood. The pope put aside his religious garb and dressed in an Indian costume.
- In 1985, he told 50,000 Moslems in Morocco: "We and you believe in the same God, the one God and the only God."
- In August 1985, he presided over "dance" Masses in Cameroon and Garoua.
- On August 8, 1985, he visited Togo and prayed in a "Sacred Forest" consecrated to the worship of pagan gods and participated in a pagan initiation ritual in a grove sacred to the pagan animists.
- In 1986, he presided over a Mass in Fiji at which the thurifer was an aboriginal dressed only in a loin-cloth; he is said to have witnessed there a pagan animal sacrifice.
- In February 2, 1986, he was marked with cow dung, the "Tilac," the sign of the adorers of the pagan goddess Shiva, by a Hindu priestess at Bombay.
- On June 24, 1986, he sat with Grand Rabbi Elio Toaff in the sanctuary of the Jewish synagogue at Rome and prayed for the coming of the Messias.
- On October 27, 1986, he participated in an "oecumenical prayer meeting" at Assisi, Italy. At this meeting the Church of St. Peter was given to the Buddhists, who placed a golden statue of Buddha on top of the tabernacle on the main altar together with a banner displaying the words "I go in for Buddha's law." The Dalai Lama sat with his back to the Blessed Sacrament removed to the side, and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima was denied entrance to the church (Il Giorno of October 28, 1986). At this meeting the Church of San Giorgio was given to the American Indians, who proceeded to introduce witch-doctors "shaking their enormous feathered headcloth and invoking "Manito," blessed men and women, by rubbing their heads and backs with a white-feathered fan," while Catholic religious and priests participated (Il Messaggero of October 2, 1986).
- On January 9-10, 1993, he brought together Christian, Mohammedan, and Jewish leaders for another "oecumenical prayer meeting" to pray for an end to the war with the Mohammedan Bosnians.
- In 1997, on the occasion of the Eucharistic Congress in Bologna, he gave implied support of the depraved junk culture by publicly attending a public performance of rock star Bob Dylan.
- On January 24, 2002, he hosted yet another "oecumenical prayer meeting" at Assisi for "peace" with the Mohammedan terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. This time the leaders included not just the usual Eastern Orthodox, Protestants, and Jews, but also leaders of "Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Jianism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and followers of Tenrikyo and African tribal religions." (Associated Press)
- On February 4, 1993, he engaged in dialogues with the high priests and witch doctors of Voodoo. In 1994, he smeared the pitch from a native tree on his face instead of incensing the altar during a beatification ceremony in Australia.
- In 1995, he approved the building of the first Mohammedan minaret in Rome.
- On April 6, 1997, he recited the Credo without the Filioque on the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of the Constantinople I Council and on oecumenical occasions. (Eastern Catholic Life)
- In 1998, he gave communion, at a private Mass in the Vatican, to the late Rev. Sheila Brown, who had only shortly before been ordained an Anglican priestess and who, at that Mass, wore her "Roman" collar.
- On November 23, 1998, he shared the altar of St. Peter's with bare-chested, bare-footed tribesmen from Oceania holding spears, "searching for new impulses." (Associated Press)
- In 1999, he gave communion to several Lutheran bishops who were his guests during a mass in the pope's private chapel in the Vatican. (London Tablet)
- On June 1, 1999, at the end of an audience, he bowed to the Mohammedan holy book, the Koran, presented to him by a delegation, and he kissed it as a sign of respect. The photo of that gesture has been shown repeatedly on Iraqi television. (June 1, 1999, Catholic News Service)
- On January 18, 2000, he allowed Rev. George Carey, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury and Eastern Orthodox Metropolitan Athanasius to participate in their official capacities at the opening of the Holy Door during the 2000 Holy Year.
- In August 2002, during the "inculturated" liturgy at the beatification of Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Angeles, the pope allowed an Indian woman to approach him in the sanctuary and rub him down with smoked herbs that are supposed to purify the subject and exorcise "evil spirits." This Web Page still Under Construction
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Masonic Signs and Secret Handshakes
Masonic Signs and Secret Handshakes are used to obtain recognition from other members. Very useful before masonic judges and jurors who are pledged to protect brother masons, even if it means they must commit perjury to do so. In war time these signs and the use of symbols will obtain for a mason special treatment and excuse him from the death penalty when possible:
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Britain's 700,000 masons, that's about one in thirty adult men, form a secret link between the country's most powerful institutions. Secret masonic links can be used by unscrupulous businessmen and other individuals to compromise the independence and integrity of the media, judiciary, local government, lawyers, MP's, local councilors, royalty, politicians, armed forces, police, civil servants, and intelligence agencies. And, in the 1990's, as economic pressures increase, so does the temptation to abuse the masonic network for private gain. A complete national list of initiates is the very least the public require if masonic assisted corruption in positions of public trust is to be checked out, and ruled out. Bloodcurdling initiation rites, occultism, secret expressions, closed meetings... and all for what? New recruits are drummed up by existing masons ' might be a good idea to join...' but the choice of whether to actually apply or not is up to the individual. So what does that decision say about a person? Anyone who approaches the masons in order to join will probably be encouraged by the prospect of gaining social positions by the back door. In other words the initiate has the fundamental ingredient of a cheat who is prepared to go behind the public's back because he lacks confidence, self-belief or integrity. Masons are men who fight shy of free and open discussion. The usual reason for men joining is to take up the masons' unofficial promise to further one's career. So why aren't these powerful people coming clean? In the lowest three degrees of masonry there is a plethora of silly rituals that may, or may not, mean something. The point of these is surely to brainwash men into accepting bizarre subservience without questioning why they are doing it. If initiates prove to be truly and ingratiatingly obedient they are then selected by their Masonic betters to enter the higher degrees up to level 33 [see extract below]. The move to these higher degrees is like stepping from the second class to the first class carriage on a train. The 4th to 33rd degree seems to be called the 'Royal Arch' though I can find no masonic literature 'spelling that out'. The Royal Arch is more like a gentleman's club than the lower levels. In Britain the H.Q. of the Royal Arch 'The Supreme Council' is at 10 Duke Street, St. James's London SW1. Check out the brass plaque by the door, 'The Supreme Council, Ring Once'
"Order Out Of Chaos". 9/11 - A Criminal Action- But By Who? the Order believes in "constructive chaos." obedience to the State, i.e. the New World Order.
In Alexandra Robbins book: *Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power she (Robbins) describes a social club with arcane rules, a hoard of relics ranging from Hitler’s silver collection to the skull of the Indian chief Geronimo - plus a resident prostitute. She says initiation rites include a mud-wrestling bout, receiving a beating and the recitation by a new member of his sexual history - delivered while he lies naked in a coffin. Elevation of a Bonesman creates opportunities for his fellows, and Robbins says that President Bush has appointed 10 members to his administration, including the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Bill Donaldson).
And how does this Freemasonic sect push forward their pre-planned New World Order agenda ... how does it work? By using "managed conflict" or "crisis management" a crisis or problem is produced. Then, the crisis is "managed" and the problem is "solved" with an outcome that is invariably favorable to the goals and agendas of the Judeo-Masonic Global Power Elite.
The Mason's creed is: *Ordo Ab Chao: "Order Out Of Chaos". Their age-old occult goal is to disrupt- overthrow normal Catholic ordered society and replace it with their licentious, materialistic, and godless New World Order.
Monsignor Jouin in 1930 wrote: "What is, indeed, Judeo-Masonry today if not the concentration and mobilization of all evil forces? This Sect with its threefold claim of being Counter-Church (against the Church), Counter-State (against the State) and Counter-Morality (against traditional morality) ... this accursed Sect whose perversion was stigmatized by Pope Pius IX when he named it: "The Synagogue of Satan." Due to its enormous extension and its nowadays very visible collusion with International Jewish Finance, Freemasonry has indeed become the "Synagogue of Satan." As such it provided funds for the Russian revolution, installed in Moscow; it carried Communism from East to West, took up the leadership of States of their governments, their various administration departments or ministries, and of their parliaments... " -Papacy and Freemasonry, a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930
The Freemasonic Skull and Bones Symbol: The 322 concerns the sects pagan worship of a Greek goddess. 322 = 2·7·23, sphenic number, nontotient, Harshad number, untouchable number. Also seen as a Skull and Bones reference of power.
Skull and Bones pay obeisance to Eulogia, the goddess of eloquence, who took her place in the pantheon upon the death of the orator Demosthenes, in 322 B.C., [4]and who is said to have returned in a kind of Second Coming on the occasion of the society's inception. Today the numerical symbolism number 322, recalling the date of Demosthenes' and Aristotles' (Greek: ???st?t????, Aristotéles) death, appears on society stationery. The number has such mystical overtones that in 1967 a graduate student with no ties to Skull and Bones donated $322,000 to the society. The number 322 has also been a particular favorite of conspiracy-minded hunters for evidence of Skull and Bones's global connections. It was the combination to Averell Harriman's briefcase when he carried classified dispatches between London and Moscow during World War II. Antony C. Sutton claims that 322 doubles as a reminder of the society's mother organization in Germany; the American group, founded in 1832, is the second chapter -- thus 32-2.
- Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.
- The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.
- also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination. Source: American Heritage® Dictionary
*nihilism (NOUN) “From what we have already set forth, it is indisputably evident that their [the Freemasons’] ultimate aim is to uproot completely the whole religious and political order of the world, which has been brought into existence by Christianity, and to replace it by another in harmony with their way of thinking. This will mean that the foundation and the laws of the new structure of society will be drawn from pure naturalism... Let us, therefore, expose Freemasonry as the enemy of God, of the Church and of our Motherland." -His Holines, Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus, (Encyclical against Freemasonry) "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..." (-Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition) "To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome [a false "pope"] is to be out of communion with the Church." -St. Cyprian Exposing Masonic Evil Masonic Oaths Ex Masons for Jesus Leading Masons from Lodges
Infiltration into Papacy Antichrist Puppetmasters
Masonic Symbols Communist Infiltrators Communist - Wardner
1st Posting, August 25, 2003 — Document still Under Construction – U S Masonic Currency – U S Masonic presidents, et al - The Black Pope of the Jesuits. – Bohemian Club
Suffering in Hell Relating to God God is Love Entry Page HOME Site Map E-MAIL: Editor
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Message 10 of 41 on the subject |
The next time you hear from some fundamentalist Christian talking about how the United States of America was founded by a group of church-going Christians, as the fundamentalists claim they are, think about this: Something like 98% of the Founding Fathers of the United States were MASONS. Their main religious affiliation was UNITARIAN. The rest were either Catholic or Church of England. If you will look at the Masonic rolls of Boston (MA), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PA), Richmond (VA) and a dozen other cities lining the east coast, it reads like a Who’s Who in American History. Read More
Related Posts : Freemasonry, Freemasons
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Message 11 of 41 on the subject |
English Impresora-Amistoso La Ayuda financiera Necesitó
Un Orden Mundial Para Votar para miembros de las Sociedades y los Otros Secretos eso Son Sumamente Ofensivo a Dios es Condenatorio.
Para votar por los Católicos automáticamente excomulgados o para los miembros de sociedades confidenciales y otros que son muy ofensivo a Dios es condenatorio.
- Candidato John Kerry presidencial que apoya el aborto es un Católico automáticamente excomulgado.
- Senador Ted Kennedy es un Católico automáticamente excomulgado.
- Presidente George Bush es un miembro del Sociedad del Cráneo y los Huesos (la Universidad de Yale) y si él un Católico, él estaría bajo la prohibición como excomulgarse automáticamente (Canónigo1374 - 1983 El Código de la Ley Canónigo - - Canónigo 2335-36 - - 1917 El Código de la Ley Canónigo). George H. W. Bush también era un miembro de Cráneo y Huesos.
- Papa Juan Pablo II están bajo la frase de excomunión automática para el fracaso quitar la Bernard Law Cardinal y otros que han dado la sagrada comunión a sabiendas a los Católicos automáticamente excomulgados como Senador Ted Kennedy. También; Padre Mohlomi Makobane que profanó la Eucaristía más Santa dando Jesús al presidente pervertido a favor del aborto, Bill Clinton. (Soweto, Africa Sur, el 29 de marzo de 1988). Vea desecration de la Eucaristía más Santa - 1983 El Código de la Ley Canónigo, Canon 1367,; I corintios 11:26-28. - - Él también está bajo la excomunión para la herejía contra un orden de Dios que no puede disminuirse (Génesis. 9:6). Jesús dijo, la " la Escritura no se puede violar." [Juan 10:35]
Cada uno abortó la persona es un hermano... "si estás presentando tu ofrenda en el altar, y allí te acuerdas que tu hermano tiene algo contra ti, deja tu ofrenda allí delante del altar, y ve, reconcíliate primero con tu hermano, y entonces ven y presenta tu ofrenda." [Mateo 5:23f]
Cuántos de las compañías de aceite grandes es controlado por los Francmasones y socios?
¿Los miembros de los Junta directiva son Masones? ¿ Los funcionarios ejecutivos son Masones?
Ni la validez o la importancia del papado (la oficina papal) está cuestionándose ni pensó ser rebajado de forma alguna.
La posición que Satanás ha tomado temporalmente el control del papado por –Masónico/el comunista/Iluminados/homosexual– la infiltración y sentando al anticristo pretendido ahora ocupando la oficina papal es la declaración para se hacer. Él continuará sirviendo a Satanás hasta las Personas de Fe Opóngalo Activamente. Para la clarificación extensa, por favor repase en un momento más tarde los documentos que relacionan paraVerdadero Cristianos y Legal vs. Moral respecto al Sacerdocio y Papado.
Ponga el cursor en una imagen para la información. (También 6 en la Cima) Haga clic en la imagen para la vista diferente.
Haciendo quebrar los Estados Unidos y el U. S. La Iglesia católica, el Illuminati, acopló con la Francmasonería y usando a los Homosexuales como las víctimas, planee para un Gobierno Global que Ellos Piensan Controlar.
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