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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 196 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 15/06/2011 00:32

LOS ILUMINATTI, que son los masones/templarios, en alto rango osea de grado 33 y 72, adoran como paganos a Bahomet, son los verdaderos conspiradores contra Dios y Jesucristo debido a que ellos conocen la verdad de la tora. Ellos son los que promueven el Nuevo Orden Mundial que es lo que estamos viendo con nuestros propios ojos, matrimonio gay y aborto mediante, sin hablar de la globalizacion que es una nueva Babel. Los masones conocen la Kavala, la astroteologia, la numerologia biblica y la alquimia pero la usan en forma antagonica o satanica en contra de Dios dandole un mensaje antagonico revelandose contra el creador en funcion a un futuro ANTICRISTO que puede ser obviamente una persona o un sistema usurpando el nombre de Jesucristo y Maria Magdalena mediante al engaño de que los merovingios (¿danitas?) son de su descendencia. Desgraciadamente manejan hollywood, la prensa, el sistema financiero mundial, las religiones, el sistema politico, la ciencia, los deportes, internet, las empresas multinacionales, etc,etc. Son los verdaderos creadores de las ideologias de izquierda y de derecha. Los Estados Unidos, son un estado de origen templario. EXISTE UNA VERDADERA CONSPIRACION a la que la PALABRA LE LLAMA LA GRAN RAMERA BABILONIA que gira alrededor de ISTAR LA DIOSA DE LA ANTIGUA BABILONIA. Es muy importante para entender espiritualmente leer el libro de Ester. . La gran ramera no es la iglesia catolica como enseñan algunas denominaciones pseudoprotestantes. Hay papas, obispos y curas de alto rango que son masones pero jamas  podemos demonizar a toda la iglesia por culpa de los mismos como podemos demonizar al cristianismo por culpa de Judas. La gran ramera es la Jerusalem de abajo, carnal, segun Galatas 4 que es antagonica obviamente a la Jerusalem de arriba. En la parabola del Rico y de Lazaro se ve una obvia interrelacion del rico con los falsos judios que luego conspiraron contra Cristo en su crucificcion. Ezequiel 16 leer por favor.

La gran ramera es la Jerusalem de abajo







sábado 9 de octubre de 2010

http://conspiracionesilluminatis.blogsp ... abala.html


(Por Ruben)

Un Mason como Piñera que paso de 32 Grado a 33 Grado le Regalo Una Piedra(Sacada de la Mina san José) a una Masona como la Reina Isabel II(Integrante de la Nobleza Negra),porque esto es un Ritual de Ceremonia de Iniciación, y fue en Inglaterra que Nació la Francmasonería,después estará Piñera en Francia Donde hubo la Revolución Francesa echa por Masones, illuminatis y judíos,donde Nació el Emblema Masónico de "Igualdad, Libertad y Fraternidad" y después el Mason Piñera Viaja a Alemania,donde en Baviera (Ahora Territorio Alemán) Nació la Orden de los Illuminatis, así el Mason de 33 Grado ha Cumplido Su Rito de Iniciación.

Este fue es un Ritual de Iniciación que estuvieron en la Mina San José y por el Sagrado número 33 que para ELLOS Tiene que estar Millones de Personas Conectados Viendo este Ritual(Anqué la Masas no Son Consiente de esto), fueron más de Mil Millones de Personas Viendo el Rescate de los 33 Mineros, y ahora el Piñera se pasea por estos Países Mostrando el Papel que mandaron los 33 Mineros, aquí siguen en Control y Manipulación Internacional de las Masas, Mientras tanto las Masas de Chile quieren Puro Ver la Capsula Fénix II que se Instaló en la Plaza de la Constitución que esta Afrente del Palacio de Gobierno.Y esta Capsula Fénix II después recorrerá Todo Chile, Siguen en Control y Manipulación de la Masas.
Después que Escribí esto en Facebook, estuve 6 horas sin Internet, coincidencia o ELLOS NO quieren que hable sobre estos Temas.

A las 00:33 el Ultimo Rescatita es Subido ala Superficie, para Variar el numero 33 se Repite, Ahora el Presidente Piñera y su Gobierno es Querido y Admirado por Millones de Personas, Pero que es lo que Oculto este Desatre, Ustedes Juzgaran.Pero la Energia,Fuerza, Emociones de más de Mil Millones de Personas que Vieron el Rescate por TV le favorecio muchos a ELLOS los que estan detras el NWO, y ahora que Vedra en Chile más Adelante, ya que a Principio de año Hubo un Terremoto y Posterior Tsunami Grado 8.8 que fue el 27-02 y para variar este numero sumado 2+7+2= 11.










(Por Favor Compartan estos Videos,Porque Creo que muy Pronto lo Pueden Sacar)

Bueno espero que Ustedes Compartan esta Información,y Gracias a Todos por Visitar Mi Blogs y Difundir esta Información.El proximo Sabado 16 en Santiago de Chile Habra una Marcha Anti NWO,este sera la Tercera Marcha Anti NWO que se hace en Santiago de Chile,Nos dejo por Ahora ya que Estoy muy Cansado pero a la vez muy Alegre y Feliz porque Veo muchisimas Personas en Mi Blogs,Ah les dejo Unos Videos Sobre Mi País y Sobre la Realidad de Chile ya que los Medios Masivos de Comunicación Cayan y no Informan nada:







(Por Ezequiel Suarez)

Te dire que este un mensaje a los masones mas grandes en el mundo. Por eso la nasa intervino. Recuerda que la nasa fue creada por nazis masonicos.



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    En la “guardería” significaría que el nuevo todavía significaba, que no él era para nada .... en 1896 por ejemplo la Unión mundial de los Iluminados («Weltbund der Illuminaten»), .... Historia y sitio web oficial de la Orden Illuminati ...
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    Primer  Anterior  32 a 46 de 196  Siguiente   Último 
    Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/06/2011 16:01
  • La Boda de William y Kate la Reina de Inglaterra y el Asesinato de Lady Di
  • El Glorioso Pueblo Norteamericano y la Muerte del Lider Terrorista Bin Laden
  • La Guerra de los Mundos y la Marcha de los Extraterrestres Ede la Tierra
  • La Muerte de Bin Laden y Los Clones Extraterrestres
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  • La Manipulacion y el Control de los Extraterrestres Sobre La Entera Humanidad
  • A Los Conspiradores Se Les Acaba El Tiempo Como a Babilonia La Grande
  • A Los Conspiradores se les Acaba El Tiempo Como a Babilonia la Grande
  • Los Asesinatos y Crimenes Satanicos Del Vaticano a Niños En Los Monasterios
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  • Los Nefilim -Gigantes en la Tierra ¿Existieron? II
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  • Los Nefilim -Gigantes en la Tierra ¿Existieron? IV
  • Los Nefilim -Gigantes en la Tierra ¿Existieron? V
  • InfoSemanal Nuevo Orden Mundial I
  • InfoSemanal Nuevo Orden Mundial II
  • InfoSemanal Nuevo Orden Mundial III
  • InfoSemanal Nuevo Orden Mundial IV
  • La Insensatez del Sionismo Cristiano
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  • La Verdad Tras la Muerte de Bin Laden -Reelecion de Obama y Nuevo Ataque 11-S?
  • Dr. Steve Pieczenik en Alex Jones TV: Bin Laden Murió en 2001 I
  • Dr. Steve Pieczenik en Alex Jones TV: Bin Laden Murió en 2001 II
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  • La Noche:Las Promesas de Obama al Asumir la Presidencia de EEUU y Sus Contradicciones II
  • La Noche:Las Promesas de Obama al Asumir la Presidencia de EEUU y Sus Contradicciones III
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  • Conspiracion 11-S ,Salfate.Osama Bin laden ,Fue Un Instrumento de EEUU? II
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  • Cinturón de Fuego en el Pacífico I
  • Cinturón de Fuego en el Pacífico II

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/06/2011 16:02
  • Confirmado 3 Ovnis Gigantes Vienen a la Tierra Astronomo Planetario
  • NWO Conspiracion:2012 Gobierno Mundial Facista Illuminatti?
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  • Implantación del Microchip (666 y La Marca de la Bestia) I
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  • OVNIS,Extraterrestres, y la Posibilidad de Contacto V
  • OVNIS,Extraterrestres, y la Posibilidad de Contacto V
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  • Luis Carlos Campos La Gran Conspiración Reptiliana Illuminati I
  • Luis Carlos Campos La Gran Conspiración Reptiliana Illuminati II
  • Luis Carlos Campos La Gran Conspiración Reptiliana Illuminati III
  • Luis Carlos Campos La Gran Conspiración Reptiliana Illuminati IV
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  • Hermandad De Saturno Culto Iluminati Demoniaco Mundial
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  • Venta del Alma al Diablo
  • El Futuro Despues de la Caida del Nuevo Orden Mundial
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! I
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! II
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! III
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! IV
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! V
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! VI
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! VII
  • La Union De Las Religiones: ! Cuidado ! VIII
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" I
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" II
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" III Parte 1
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" III Parte 2
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" IV
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" V
  • Complot Anticristo "Nuevo Orden Mundial 666" VI
  • La Verdad Del Nuevo Orden

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/06/2011 16:04
  • La Verdad Del Nuevo Orden Mundial
  • MOLOCH - Dios Maldito de los Illuminati
  • Alex Jones y los Judíos Hasta que la Muerte los Separe
  • Caso Karadima:La Familia Matte y Otras Redes de Poder
  • Manifestación en Roma Contra la Guerra en Libia
  • Continúan Enfrentamientos en Libia
  • Libia: Bombardeo de la OTAN Mata a 13 Personas
  • Siria Denuncia Conspiración Apoyada por Israel y EE.UU
  • Nueve Rebeldes Libios Mueren por Bombardeo de la OTAN
  • Al Menos 30 Libios Muertos por Bombardeos de OTAN
  • Jatami: Obama No Dice la Verdad
  • Salfate: Conspiración Copiar No Es Robar
  • No Acta - Enterate de lo que Pasa y lo que Pasara
  • El Tratamiento Del Cáncer Con La Alimentación
  • Alexander Bachman Habla Acerca de los Illuminati
  • Lady Gaga - Born This Way - Análise: Satanismo, Nova Era
  • Visitantes Del Espacio Exterior.¿Verdad o Mentira? I
  • Visitantes Del Espacio Exterior.¿Verdad o Mentira? II
  • Cuarto Milenio - Borrados del Mapa
  • Plan De La OSS Para Atacar Japon Con Un Terremoto Nuclear
  • Alexander Backman ¡Alerta Nuclear y Alerta de Tsunami! Japon Y Eventos Venideros
  • Preparese (Los Illuminatis) I
  • Preparese (Los Illuminatis) II
  • Preparese (Los Illuminatis) III
  • Preparese (Los Illuminatis) IV
  • Preparese (Los Illuminatis) V
  • Preparese (Los Illuminatis) VI
  • Tu Destino Hoy Iluminatis y Masones,Alfredo Ferrez I
  • Tu Destino Hoy Iluminatis y Masones,Alfredo Ferrez II
  • Tu Destino Hoy Iluminatis y Masones,Alfredo Ferrez III
  • Tu Destino Hoy El Nuevo Orden Mundial el Gobierno del Anticristo,Alfredo Ferrez I
  • Tu Destino Hoy El Nuevo Orden Mundial el Gobierno del Anticristo,Alfredo Ferrez II
  • Tu Destino Hoy El Nuevo Orden Mundial el Gobierno del Anticristo,Alfredo Ferrez III
  • Tu Destino Hoy la Simbologia Esoterica,Alfredo Ferrez I
  • Tu Destino Hoy la Simbologia Esoterica,Alfredo Ferrez II
  • Tu Destino Hoy la Simbologia Esoterica,Alfredo Ferrez III
  • Tu Detino Hoy "El Fin De Los Tiempos",Alfredo Ferrez I
  • Tu Detino Hoy "El Fin De Los Tiempos",Alfredo Ferrez II
  • Tu Detino Hoy "El Fin De Los Tiempos",Alfredo Ferrez III
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  • The Shock Doctrine
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  • Zeitgeist:Moving Forward | Official Release | 2011
  • Decide NO Vacunarte
  • Un Homenaje Al Gran Imperio
  • Japon Cartas INWO
  • Teoria Conspirativa Cartas Illuminati
  • Terremoto e Accidente Nuclear Estava Previsto No Japon (Agenda Illuminati)
  • Juego de Cartas Illuminati-Steve Jackson I
  • Juego de Cartas Illuminati-Steve Jackson II
  • Actualización de la Situación en Fukushima
  • Analisis De La Situacion En Libia - Dossiier
  • Alex Jones Menciona las Protestas Contra Obama en Chile
  • Inside Joe,La Banca y el Poder Corruptos: Los Culpables de la Crisis
  • Anti Nwo Chileans Speak Truth to the Media While Obama Sits in La Moneda
  • Sebastián Piñera Calls for a New International Order
  • Somos Experimentos. Dr. Edgar Lucidi
  • Abre los Ojos AHORA, O Será Demasiado Tarde - David Icke
  • Lady Gaga:Himno del NWO. Born This Way Manifiesto Illuminati
  • El Armagedón de Ciertos Medios
  • Tsunami Desinformativo
  • Para Todos,Daniel Estulin el Club Bilderberg I
  • Para Todos,Daniel Estulin el Club Bilderberg II
  • Bilderberg: Debate en "Contra Corriente" de Popular TV I
  • Bilderberg: Debate en "Contra Corriente" de Popular TV II
  • Bilderberg: Debate en "Contra Corriente" de Popular TV III
  • Bilderberg: Debate en "Contra Corriente" de Popular TV IV
  • Bilderberg: Debate en "Contra Corriente" de Popular TV V
  • Salfate:Ovnis en el Mundo,Marzo 2011
  • Conspiracion Terremoto De Japon Y Profecias I
  • Conspiracion Terremoto De Japon Y Profecias II
  • Conspiracion Terremoto De Japon Y Profecias III
  • Chileans Detained for Manifesting With Anti Obama's Nwo Signs!
  • Chile Repudia La Visita Del Imperialismo 21 Marzo 2011
  • Libia: lo que Oculta la Operación Amanecer de Odisea
  • Oh Libia! Bajo Ataque del New World Order IIgual que Irak:Petroleo no Gente!!
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  • Nuevo Orden Mundial---Te lo dice!!!!......PIRAÑA!!!!!!!
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  • Manifestaciones en Chile Contra Visita de Obama
  • Chileans Receive Obama With Anti NWO Info Marathon!
  • 21 Marzo Obama,Chile
  • Benjamin Fulford Acerca del Tsunami de Japón
  • Japan Illuminati Card Game
  • Japan Earthquake,Tidal Wave,Nuclear Disaster,Comet, Illuminati Cards Prediction
  • Salfate - Conspiración HAARP en Japón
  • La Tercera Guerra Mundial a Comenzado HAARP
  • De Otro Mundo: Especial Terremoto en Japón (HAARP, Astros y Ovnis)
  • ¿El HAARP detrás del Terremoto de Japón?
  • Libia Pide Reunión urgente del Consejo de Seguridad de ONU
  • Gobierno Libio Afirma que no se Justifica Ofensiva Militar
  • EEUU Confirma 20 Blancos Destruidos en Ofensiva Militar
  • Obama: No Habrá Tropas de EE.UU. en Suelo Libio
  • Exclusiva -- El Hijo de Gadafi Revela que Libia Pagó la Campaña Electoral de Sarkozy
  • Alex Jones Urgente: ONU Autoriza el Bombardeo 'Humanitario' de Libia
  • No a Obama y Su Energia Nuclear
  • Latidos por Minuto Censurado Youtube
  • Entrevista con Muammar Gaddafi,Líder Libio
  • Libia:el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU Aprueba Zona de Exlusión Aérea
  • Japón: el Frío y la nieve se Suman a la Miseria de los Sobrevivientes
  • Continúan Labores de Restablecimiento de Energía en Fukushima-1
  • Salfate: Obama y La Energía Nuclear Para Chile
  • Se Advierte Sobre Inminente Terremoto en Norte America
  • Fukushima:Fracasan Intentos de Enfriar el Combustible Nuclear
  • Salfate Conspiración Guerras Meteorológicas Terremoto Japón 8.9
  • Alexander Backman Habla Sobre el Terremoto y el Tsunami Ocurridos en Japón (HAARP)
  • H.A.A.R.P. en Japon ..¿¿Tsunami Planeado ?? .
  • Japón Está al Borde de una Catástrofe Devastadora
  • Japón y la Conspiración de las Centrales Nucleares
  • ¿Cuáles son los Efectos de la Radiación en el Ser humano?
  • Japón:Situación en la Central Averiada se Encuentra Fuera de Control
  • Volcán japonés Shinmoe Despertado por Reciente Actividad Tectónica
  • Salfate: El Fin del Mundo en 4 Formas I
  • Salfate: El Fin del Mundo en 4 Formas II
  • Japón,Entre un Desastre Natural y un Siniestro Tecnológico
  • Japón, Alarmado por la Amenaza de una Posible Fuga de Radiación
  • Se Produce Una Tercera Explosión en la Planta Nuclear Fukushima-1
  • Falla el Sistema de Enfriamiento en la Planta Nuclear Fukushima-1
  • Japón. Apocalipsis
  • Imágenes de la Devastación del Tsunami en Japón
  • 10 Razones Para Rechazar la Presencia de Obama en Chile
  • Truth Exposed Entrevista a Pedro: Obama, Hinzpeter y Banderas Falsas en Chile
  • El Tsunami Arrasa con Todo en Japón
  • Japan Tsunami + Chilean HAARP Aurora
  • Terremoto e Acidente Nuclear Ya Estava Presvisto No Japón (Agenda Illuminati)
  • ERDBEBEN In Japan -- Alles Deutet Auf HAARP Hin!
  • HAARP Wave Cloud Over Japan Skies?
  • Desastre En Japon "Impresionante Acierto De Parravicini"
  • Salfate - Sobre el Terremoto de Japon 8.9 I
  • Salfate - Sobre el Terremoto de Japon 8.9 II
  • HAARP Earthquake Japon
  • HAARP La Era de la Guerra Climática Global
  • Terremoto En Japón - ¿Relacionado con HAARP? - Informe
  • Terremoto en Japon -Fraude Illuminatti HAARP Numerologia 2012
  • HAARP Causes Tsunami/Earthquake in Japan
  • Terremoto Japon- OVNIS - ORBES- HAARP
  • JAPAN 8.9 Earthquake By HAARP?..Major Earthquake Tsunami USA
  • Salfate: Conspiración Terremoto 8.9 Japón 11/03/2011
  • El Terremoto de Japón y la Super Luna del 19 de Marzo
  • España en manos de los Rex Mundi (Amos del Mundo)
  • Chile se opone a los transgénicos en la Plaza de la Constitución (11-3-11)
  • Alimentos Transgénicos (Brevedad)
  • Licuefacción de Terreno Tras Terremotos en Japón
  • Explosion En Planta Nuclear De Japon Habla Especialista
  • Video de la Explosión en la Planta Nuclear de Fukushima (Japón)
  • H.A.A.R.P. Es el Proyecto HAARP el Arma del Juicio Final ?
  • Portal 11:11: El Número 11, El 2012 y El Anticristo I
  • Portal 11:11:El Número 11, El 2012 y el Anticristo (Portal 10:10) II
  • 2 Soleils en Russie, Asie, Pérou, Angleterre, Italie
  • Salfate:Conspiración Remedios que Curan, Leyes que Matan
  • Las Tormentas Solares - Fernando Correa
  • Los Sospechosos Alzamientos de los Paises Islámicos
  • ¿Luz Verde Para la Marcha de Gaddafi?
  • El Engaño del Flúor Expuesto
  • Marcha en Contra de los Alimentos Transgénicos,11 de Marzo
  • Informando a la Ciudadania Sobre Alimentos Transgénicos
  • Libia:Una Crisis Local de Consecuencias Mundiales
  • Max Keiser en Alex Jones TV: La Revolución es Ahora y Devaluación del Dólar
  • ¿Tercera Guerra Mundial? 7/3/2011
  • NOM EL Nuevo Orden Mundial - Alexander Backman
  • Hillary Clinton:"EEUU Pierde la Guerra de la Información"
  • Chileans against Monsanto |Chilenos Contra Monsanto
  • Alex Jones Usa Controversia de Charlie Sheen Para Inyectar Problemas Reales
  • Alex Jones Responde al Racismo y el Tribalismo Innecesario
  • Dave en Chile llama a Alex Jones por la Centralización Estatal
  • Entrevista a Biólogo de Chile Sin Transgénicos en Radio Futuro I
  • Entrevista a Biólogo de Chile Sin Transgénicos en Radio Futuro II
  • Chileans Anticipate Obama's Arrival With Joker Posters
  • Hinzpeter Mason Judio Explotador
  • Salfate - Conspiracion Semillas Transgenicas
  • Conspiraciones y el NWO,Salfate I
  • Conspiraciones y el NWO,Salfate II
  • Conspiraciones y el NWO,Salfate III
  • Conspiraciones y el NWO,Salfate IV
  • Anomalias en el Sol
  • Actualidad.5/3/2011.Nuevo Orden Mundial
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas I
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas II
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas III
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas IV
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas V
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas VI
  • Entrevista Libro Benedicto y Revueltas Islamicas VII
  • La Vida en la Tierra es de Origen Extraterrestre
  • Comunicado de Autor de Grabación del OVNI de Jerusalem - Eligael
  • Tercer Milenio - OVNI de Jerusalem - Programa Especial I
  • OVNI de Jerusalem - Yohanan Díaz II
  • OVNI de Jerusalem - Adrian Moscoso III
  • OVNI del 2010 en Jerusalem - Carlos Clemente IV
  • OVNI de Jerusalem -

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/06/2011 16:05

    Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/06/2011 15:54

    Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/07/2011 20:49

    Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/07/2011 13:52
    "Ten are the numbers of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten not nine, ten not eleven. Learn this wisdom and be wise in the understanding of it; investigate these numbers and draw knowledge from them; fix the design in its purity, and pass from it to its creator seated on his throne..."
    From Chapter 1 of the Sepher Yetzirah

    The Statue of Liberty is a goddess statue donated by French Freemasons invoking the Colossus of Rhodes. The statue is meant to be roughly the same size as its predecessor, which was built in honour of Helios the sun god, and echoes it's progenitor's sun theme with its giant spiked halo or radiating crown chakra. This Isis statue stands on a 11-pointed star base pedestal. The statue is seen in many movies and is often destroyed, partly covered or sunk.

    "Liberty" in Roland Emmerich's weather disaster flick of 2004.

    It was recently featured in the season 2 premier of "Doctor Who".

    The C symbol in the same episode. The C or crescent is a wormhole symbol.

    The Tardis in the vortex or wormhole.

    This is significant to me because the season 1 premier contained another giant structure, the "London Eye", that formed part of my argument of a fraternal symbol or synchromystic stargate.

    This season 1 premier also had a fascinating shot that looked very similar to the famous exploded bus on a london street from the 7/7 ritual.

    A disaster scene from "Dr Who".

    Real disaster scene from 7/7.

    The episode "Rose" aired on 26 March 2005, months before the London ritual. We could connect "Rose" to the Rosicrucian symbolism encoded in the London eye. I call it a ritual because it is my strong belief that these "terrorist attacks" (like 9/11) are actually fraternal or secret society occult rituals performed in the theatre of the "real world". They can also be interpreted as messages to sensitive individuals or initiates in the mystery schools. It is possible that these events have strong synchronistic resonance for other reasons less deliberate than ritual. Their significance lies also in the attention and will that we direct towards them with our interest, magickly charging the events with multi-leveled archetypical relevance. Whether a big culture changing event has a conspiratorial element or not, it will bear the hallmark of our own psyche. In fact, our psyche, will and the actions of the so-called Illuminati are very closely linked. The sensitive will find a valuable key in the previous sentence.
    A friend of mine who said on 7/7 if they had heard about London replied, "The 2012 Olympic bid victory?". To which, of course, was recounted the more recent development of the bombings. The 7/7 bombings happened the very day after London had become the first city to host the Olympics for the 3rd time. The Games of the XXX Olympiad will see the torch in the heart of the Commonwealth, ready for the important 2012 date. The 7/7 bombings in this context seem to be announcing the Olympic victory with a bang. The bus in the famous image above was the no. 30 bus. The same no. of the XXX or 30th Olympics of 2012.
    "The 2012 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXX Olympiad, will be held in London, United Kingdom from 26 July to 12 August 2012."

    A movie was released on 29 April 2005 with the Olympic 2012 Roman numeral XXX. "XXX: State of the Union" is a sequel to the Vin Diesel 2002 movie directed by Rob Cohen, who also brought us the Skull and Bones movie, "The Skulls".

    Note: I hope nobody out there will believe I am endorsing these movies. To tell the truth, the majority of the movies connected to this post suck. "Daredevil" is the only film in recent history that was so bad I walked out of it after paying... That said, let's continue.

    The bull's eye, another stargate symbol. Note the light behind the middle X.

    the Alantean bull's eye and C or crescent-shape, interchangeable with the stargate.

    Colin Farrell as Bullseye in 2003's "Daredevil", with the wormhole symbol over his third eye. The bull's eye is a 2-D representation of a 3-D phenomena (check out William Henry's great work for more on this subject).

    Colin Farrell plays a sun king and Pharaoh of Egypt. Alexander was declared the "son of Amun" by Egyptian priests.

    Notice the target or bull's eye over the map of the USA on Alex Jones' new DVD cover.

    Now see the same image portrayed in words on a CNN web banner also used in there televised fear campaigns.

    See this Daily Show clip to see the Target:USA campaign in action

    What does it mean when Alex Jones and CNN start looking the same? Meditate on it friends..

    Stalin with his third eye stargate web or net.

    The Spider-man stargate web or net. The net will be focused on a little later.

    The 1994 Spider's web crop circle.

    "XXX: State of the Union", has the Egyptian obelisk (Washington Monument) on its poster next to the capital building with its giant dome (pictured above).

    A dome surmounted by another Isis statue "The Statue of Freedom".


    Lets look at the bigger "Liberty", Isis. In the Simpson episode, "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson", Bart's shouts out of the crown of "Liberty" at arriving immigrants to go back home.

    This is an episode that was removed from syndication in many U.S. states because of references to the World Trade Centre and Pentagon post 9/11.
    The voice actor for Bart is Nancy Cartwright, who plays a small role in the 1998 Roland Emmerich, "Godzilla". "Godzilla" sees the famous monster destroying parts of New York.

    Here we see Godzilla on the WTC in a different film. The helicopter theme is present, as in the "Spider-man" teaser, we see it caught in the web or net. The helicopter is also shown being eaten by 'Zilla' in the 1998 Hollywood version.

    Emmerich is the same director of the alien invasion film, "ID4", and the pivotal, strange attractor, "Stargate" (Also "The Day After Tomorrow" with frozen Isis pictured above). IMDB shows one of his upcoming features, "King Tut", the possible historical material progenitor of the biblical Jesus. "Stargate" sees Kurt Russell traveling through the stargate. Kurt Russell also plays Snake Plissken, who lands his glider on the top of the WTC in "Escape from New York". The poster for this film sees the stargate traveller Russell carrying the American President through the streets of N.Y. with the decapitated "Liberty" head in the background. Thus, in this film, we can see Snake on a Plane heading for the World Trade Centre.

    Snakes on a Plane from a 1981 movie!

    The sacred caduceus of Thoth Hermes is a symbol of cosmic consciousness. Samuel L. Jackson, the star of the film, is also seen in both XXX movies. Russell fights terrorist plane highjackers in the film, "Executive Decision".

    Respuesta  Mensaje 39 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/07/2011 14:04

    Pay special attention to the "maritime" symbolism and the numerology which are just a small part of the cryptic secret society messages that are transmitted though this major whistle-blowing classic. Enjoy - "The Brotherhood of Baal," oops I mean "Bell."

    Here - How to Stop the Whole Mess (Webster Tarpley Speaks)


    Here - Enemies Within


    Here - michael tsarion

    http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3581551...w_World_Or der



    Here - Alex Jones & Jordan Maxwell (interview)

    Here - Alex Jones & Aaron Russo ("The Alien DNA")

    Here - Controlled Chaos Now Proven!
    http://www.infowars.com/articles/ir...s_in _iraq.htm

    Here - This is How its Done (Mind Controlled Leaders)

    Here - Mind Controlled World (Are You Awake?)

    Here - Banned Expose on Bush & Pedophile Rings, back!!!

    Here - Bono, U2, & the Netherlands (Dutch) Connection

    Here - ***** Queen of America, on Her Way

    Here - The Dance of Politics

    Here - It's a War on You. Do you know it?

    Here - Police State USA

    Here - Pentacon

    Here - Finally, An Admission!

    Here - America: Beginning of the End

    Here - George Carlin, on Willful Ignorance

    Here - Depeche Mode: "John the Revelator"

    Here - Violence Bush Style

    Here - Sex Crimes, Pedophilia & the Vatican

    Here - Politician Child Molesters

    Here - Muhammad Al Fayed, on the British Establishment

    Here - Lady Spenser Murder Confirmed

    Here - And You Thought They Were Joking!

    Here - Israeli kids send their sweet gifts

    Here - Who Really Funds Hezbollah?

    Here - Is Israel Masonic Controlled?

    Here - Zionist Spying in America 1

    Here - Zionist Spying in America 2

    Here - Zionist Spying in America 3

    Here - Tony Malone on Zionism

    Here - Saddam's Open Letter to US Citizens

    Here - George Galloway on the Attack

    Here - George Galloway on Charlie Rose

    Here - The Bilderberg Group (A Revealing Official Report)


    Here - The Council on Foreign Relations (Myron ***an)

    Here - Mysterious Demolitions (911 Inside Job Proven)

    Here - 9/11 American Researchers LA Symposium

    Here - The Power of Nightmares (3 Episodes)

    Here - Vatican Assassins (Erich Jon Phelps Live)

    Here - Vatican Created Islam (Eric Jon Phelps)

    Here - The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly!

    Here - Father Alberto Riveria Speaks (1)

    Here - Father Alberto Rivera Speaks (2)

    Here - History of the Jesuits

    Here - Exposing the Jesuits

    Here - Cardinal Ratzinger, and the Holy Inquisition

    Here - Vatican Treachery

    Here - The Secret of Secret Societies


    Here - The Illuminati (The Hidden Agenda)

    Here - Destruction of America (John Coleman)

    Here - Webster Tarpley Webstreams

    Here - Illuminati Insider Speaks Out - 1

    Here - Illuminati Insider Speaks Out - 2

    Here - Illuminati Insider Speaks Out - 3

    Here - Illuminati Insider Speaks Out - 4

    Here - Leo Zagami, interview on "Red Ice"

    Here - Jordan Maxwell - "The Occult History of Commerce"

    Here - Secret History of US Medical Experimentation (1)

    Here - Secret History of US Medical Experimentation (2)

    Here - The Madness of George W. Bush (A Jungian Perspective)

    Here - Fake Al-Qaeda

    Here - Al-Qaeda, Who Are They Really?

    Here - Global Empire

    Here - Black Ops Exposed

    Here - "From Freedom to Fascism" (Aaron Russo)

    Here - "Terrorstorm" (Alex Jones)

    Here - Pat Robertson - American Royalty

    Here - Crooked Congressmen

    Here - Len Horowitz Joins the Knights of Malta

    Here - Truth About Columbine

    Here - Bayer Corporation Pills Contained AIDS Virus

    Here - Compulsory Vaccination

    Here - Pin Cushion Children (the new vaccines)

    Here - Vaccination & Autism

    The internet is the last light of truth and hope...it is truly of the people, by the people and for the people. We must not let it be subverted for any purpose other than the truth. And that truth shall spread to every man woman and child across the globe. No longer will those in power carry the sole means to decide for us, yet we now shall have the power to decide to tune them out.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 40 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/07/2011 23:56

    Herencia Cristiana



    Juan Pablo I Vaticano Europa


    Adverntencia: Este texto fue traducido del inglés electronicamente, puede que contenga errores gramaticales.

    Una revisión breve de "En el nombre del Padre: una Investigación del Asesinato del Papa Juan Pablo I " por David A. Yallop.

    El autor, un secularista, quien ha escrito otros "reportes de investigación” sobre libros de crimen, hace lo mismo para el asesinato de Albino Luciani (el Papa Juan Pablo I) en 1978, después de sólo 33 días en función. Motivo: el dinero y su concomitante poder.


    1929. El Tratado Laterano entre Benito Mussolini y el Papa Pío XI dieron a la Iglesia una variedad de protecciones: 1) la Santa Sede fue aprobada como un Estado Soberano; 2) inmunidad diplomática y privilegios acomodadores; 3) exención de pagar impuestos para sus propiedades y ciudadanos; 4) religión Católica para ser enseñada en todos los institutos en Italia; 5) institución de matrimonio bajo derecho canónico, excluyendo así el divorcio; 5) el pago por el gobierno italiano de 750 millones y consolidación del 5 por ciento en Bonos del Estado (por un valor nominal de 1 billón de Liras). Para supervisar esta inesperada suerte financiera, Pío XI designó a Bernardino Nogara. Hasta 1830 la Iglesia había tenido una prohibición oficial de la usura (todas las ganancias obtenidas de prestar dinero eran canalizadas hacia la Iglesia mediante prestamistas no cristianos que tarbajaban a comición por prestar el dinero del vaticano ). En el momento del Tratado Lateran, la definición de usura fue cambiada para significar "el prestar dinero en tarifas desorbitadas. " Nogara aceptó el trabajo bajo dos condiciones: 1) sus decisiones sobre la inversión debían ser totalmente libres, sin ninguna consideración doctrinal o religiosa;  y 2) él sería libre de invertir fondos del Vaticano en todas partes en el mundo. Nogara mantuvo su puesto hasta 1954, pero siguió aconsejando al Vaticano hasta su muerte, en 1958. Pp. 92-98.

    Albino Luciani (Juan Pablo I) nació el 17 de octubre de 1912, en Canale d'Agordo, al norte de Venecia, Italia. Tenía una madre piadosa y un padre Socialista.

    En 1923, entró en el seminario, a la edad de 11 años, y se graduó como seminarista principal en Benuno. En 1935 fue ordenado sacerdote en San Pietro, Belluno, y coadjutor designado en Di Canale,  y en 1937 fue designado el vice-rector en un viejo seminario en Befluno.

    En 1941, decidió obtener un doctorado en teología y fue a la Universidad Gregoriana en Roma. Su tesis era “el Origen del Alma Humana, según Antonio Rosmini”, una tentativa de refutar a Rosmini, quien escribió que la iglesia sufría de 5 males: alejamiento social del clero hacia la gente; bajo estándar en la educación de los sacerdotes; desunión y acrimonia entre los obispos; la dependencia bajo las autoridades seculares y la propiedad y la esclavitud de la riqueza, característicos de la iglesia.

    (Los Puntos 1 y 5 serían una preocupación de toda la vida para Luciani. Esto, y su interés en Vaticano II y la liberalización de Roma sobre el control de la natalidad, lo ponen en el campo moderado/liberal de la Iglesia católica. Independientemente de sus posiciones privadas, él permaneció como un legitimador papal.)

    En 1946, su tesis ha sido publicada, y el doctorado concedido magna cum laude. En 1947, se constituyó "pro vicario general" de la diócesis. En 1949, fue el  responsable de catequesis en la preparación para un congreso eucarístico aquel año en Belluno. En conjunción con esto,  publicó Catecismo en Briciole (Migas del Catecismo). Luciani ha sido pensado como uno de los mejores profesores de catecismo del siglo. En 1958, fue ordenado el obispo de Vittorio Veneto.

    El 11 de octubre de 1962, el Papa Juan XXIII convocó el Segundo Concilio Vaticano (Vaticano II). Luciani "totalmente absorbido por el Concilio Vaticano II. Él tenía el concilio en su sangre. Él sabía los documentos de memoria. Más aún, él puso en práctica los documentos." P.21.

    El Papa Juan XXIII murió el 23 de junio de 1963.

    El Papa Pablo VI, el nuevo papa, amplió la Comisión Pontifical de la Familia establecida por su precursor. Existía un sentimiento mayoritario para cambiar el apoyo de la iglesia sobre el control de la natalidad.

    En 1968, Luciani fue consultado sobre  un informe acerca de la anticoncepción artificial para la consideración del Papa. Su conclusión era que el papa debería aprobar una píldora antiovulante desarrollada por el Profesor Pincus – y que esta debía ser la pastilla anticonceptiva Católica.

    Humanae Vitae, publicado el 25 de julio de 1968. Aunque no era "un documento infalible, " la posición de la Iglesia permaneció inalterable contra la anticoncepción artificial. Sólo abstinencia y ritmo aceptable.

    Luciani fue designado Arzobispo de Venecia el 15 de diciembre de 1969.

    En 1972, el Banco Católico del Véneto (llamado el banco "de los sacerdotes" porque había hecho préstamos de bajo interés al clero), sobre el cual el Banco del Vaticano  tenía el 51 por ciento de los intereses, fue vendido por el presidente del Banco del Vaticano, Paul Marcinkus, a Roberto Calvi del Banco Ambrosiano, en Milano. La investigación de Luciani de Marcinkus y Calvi, lo condujo a otro nombre, Michele Sindona, un banquero siciliano, con sede en Milano. Sindona habían encontrado al Papa Pablo VI cuando el papa era el Arzobispo Montini de Milano. Cuando Montini se convirtió en papa, Sindona se hizo consejero financiero del Vaticano. Luciani descubrió que la venta del BCDV había sido una transacción ilegal hecha por los tres principales implicados para sacar ganancias. Los obispos y el clero del Veneto se enfurecieron, pero no pudieron hacer nada porque Marcinkus y Sindona estaban muy cerca del papa y protegidos por él. El papa notó y apreció la lealtad de Luciani al no generar un enorme escándalo sobre la venta del BCDV. pp. 35-40, 127-128, 143-145.En 1972, Banco Cattolica del Veneto (llamado el banco "de los sacerdotes" porque había hecho préstamos de bajo interés al clero), sobre el cual el Banco del Vaticano  tenía el 51 por ciento de los intereses, fue vendido por el presidente del Banco del Vaticano, Paul Marcinkus, a Roberto Calvi del Banco Ambrosiano, en Milano. La investigación de Luciani de Marcinkus y Calvi, lo condujo a otro nombre, Michele Sindona, un banquero siciliano, con sede en Milano. Sindona habían encontrado al Papa Pablo VI cuando el papa era el Arzobispo Montini de Milano. Cuando Montini se convirtió en papa, Sindona se hizo consejero financiero del Vaticano. Luciani descubrió que la venta del BCDV había sido una transacción ilegal hecha por los tres principales implicados para sacar ganancia. Los obispos y el clero del Veneto se enfurecieron, pero nada podría ser hecho como Marcinkus y Sindona estaban muy cerca de , y protegieron por, el papa. El papa notó y apreció la lealtad de Luciani al no generar un enorme escándalo sobre la venta del BCDV. pp. 35-40, 127-128, 143-145.

    En 1973, el Papa Pablo VI lo nombró Cardenal (de Venecia), y Luciani publicó Ilustrísimo, una serie de cartas sobre puntos morales, escritas con varias características literarias e históricas. Estas primero aparecieron como artículos de revistas y periódicos.

    El 6 de agosto de 1987, el Papa Pablo VI murió.

    El 27 de agosto de 1978 Luciani (no como candidato preferido) fue elegido Papa en la cuarta votación. Él tomó el nombre de sus dos precursores, convirtiéndose en Juan Pablo I (JPI).

    El cardenal Jean Villot, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Papa Pablo, se preguntó sobre quedarse temporalmente con el nuevo Papa,  y comenzar una investigación inmediata sobre las operaciones financieras del Vaticano - con el énfasis puesto particularmente sobre el Istituto por Opere Di Religione (IOR) El Banco del Vaticano.

    El 31 de agosto de 1978. Il Mondo (periódico económico), en una carta abierta al nuevo Papa, hace una petición sobre la limpieza del Banco Vaticano.

    La Curia comenzó enseguida a falsificar el verdadero apoyo del Papa Juan Pablo I sobre el control de la natalidad. Esto fue hecho para hacerle más difícil el volver a abrir el diálogo “Humanae Vitae”.

    En lo alto de la lista de reformas que el nuevo Papa deseó hacer estaba "cambiar radicalmente la relación del Vaticano con el capitalismo y aliviar el sufrimiento que había derivado directamente de Humanae Vitae. " P. 170. (Visto en su disertación doctoral de 1941.)

    En septiembre de 1978, Mino Pecorelli, un periodista y disgustado miembro del P2 escribió un artículo, "el Gran Alojamiento del Vaticano”, dando los nombres de 121 presuntos Francmasones. La lista, en gran parte, estaba comprendida por cardenales, obispos, y prelados de alto rango. Los nombres de Jean Villot, su Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Paul Marcinkus, el jefe del Banco del Vaticano, y Pasquale Macchi, su secretario personal estaban en la lista. El Papa descubrió que Jean Villot había estado entre los que fuertemente favorecieron una relajación de la regla canónica de que aquel Católico Romano que se hubiera transformado en Francmasón sería automáticamente excomulgado.

    El 27 de septiembre de 1978, el Papa Juan Pablo tomó otra vez la decisión de dar al Código Cardenal de Chicago la oportunidad para dimitir la salud (para salvar la cara). Si él se rechazara, debería ser designado un coadjutor. Ninguna protesta; esta vez; ¡debía ser hecho!

    El 27 de septiembre, JPI pidió al Cardenal Baggio tomar la posición que él desocupó en Venecia. Baggio rechaza el pedido. (El nombre de Baggio estaba en  "el Gran Alojamiento del Vaticano" la lista de Francmasones.) Pp.208-209.

    El 28 de septiembre, JPI discute la situación del Banco del Vaticano con su Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Jean Villot. Villot ya había efectuado un informe preliminar. El Papa lo hizo borrar esto, él no tenía ninguna intención de dejar que Marcinkus abandonara la Ciudad del Vaticano sin hablar del Banco del  Vaticano el Banco. ¡Marcinkus debía ser quitado inmediatamente, al día siguiente! Un puesto conveniente debía ser encontrado para él en Chicago una vez que el problema del Código Cardinal hubiera sido solucionado. Pp.210-211. El mismo día, Villot entiende que debe ser substituido como el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores.

    Algún día entre las 9:30 de la noche del 28 de septiembre y las 4:30 de la mañana del 29 de septiembre, el Papa Juan Pablo era (según Yallop) asesinado. Había sido Papa durante 33 días. (El único Papa que había servido menos tiempo que él había sido el Papa Leo XI quien sirvió durante 17 días y también, probablemente, había sido envenenado.)

    El método probable de asesinato eran las medicaciones del Papa - su líquido Effortil o las  inyecciones Cortiplex (ambos tomado para la hipotensión). La Seguridad alrededor del Papa era muy floja.

    El tiempo de muerte nunca fue establecido. Nunca fue realizada una autopsia. El certificado de defunción (que no estaba firmado) indicó el paro cardíaco como la causa probable. El embalsamamiento (en el que nada de sangre fue quitada) fue realizado dentro de las 14 horas de encontrar el cuerpo; la ley italiana especifica que no debe ser hecho dentro de 24.




    Paul Casimir Marcinkus (alias: el Gorila)

    Nació el 15 de enero de 1922 en Cicerón, Illinois, y se ordenó sacerdote en 1947. Recibió el  Doctorado en derecho canónico en la Universidad Gregoriana, Roma y fue puesto en la sección inglesa de la oficina del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del Vaticano, Roma.

    Después de los viajes de deber en Canadá y Bolivia, en 1959 fue designado en el  departamento del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Roma.

    En 1964 fue el guardaespaldas del Papa Pablo VI, adquiriendo el apodo, "el Gorila".  Después de acompañar al Papa por varios viajes se había convertido también en su traductor personal y consejero de seguridad. Marcinkus se hizo amigo personal del secretario del Papa, el Padre Pasquale Macchi.

    Varios años más tarde, fue nombrado obispo por el Papa Pablo VI , e inmediatamente fue nombrado secretario del Banco del Vaticano. ¡Marcinkus no tenía ninguna experiencia bancaria anterior! Pp. 102-105.

    En 1973 fue investigado por el F.B.I. por su participación directa en el lavado de dinero de la mafia por el Banco del Vaticano.

    El 28 de septiembre de 1978, Marcinkus encontró que debía ser substituido como jefe del Banco del Vaticano por Msgr. Abbo,  el 29 de septiembre.

    El 29 de septiembre, a las  6:45 de la mañana. Marcinkus en el patio cercano al Banco del Vaticano dijo que había encontrado al Papa Jean Pablo muerto. La residencia de Marcinkus no era dentro de Vaticano; esto es a 20 minutos de allí. No conocían que él fuera un madrugador. Su presencia en el Vaticano a aquella hora nunca ha sido explicada.

    El 28 de septiembre de 1981, el Papa Juan Pablo II promovió a Marcinkus a arzobispo y pro presidente de la Comisión Pontifical del Estado de la Ciudad de Vaticano (un cargo de gobernador virtual). Él conservó su puesto como el jefe del Banco del Vaticano.

    A pesar del motivo y el acceso, Yallop no coloca a Marcinkus en lo alto de la lista de sospechosos.


    Michele Sindona (alias: el Tiburón)

    Nació el 8 de mayo de 1920 en Sicilia, donde recibió un grado de ley en la Universidad Messina. Durante WWII, compró alimento en el mercado negro de Palermo y lo pasó de contrabando (con la ayuda de la Mafia) a Messina.

    En 1946 se fue de Sicilia a Milán con las cartas de introducción del arzobispo de Messina. En Milán, trabajó para una firma consultora de negocios y contabilidad; su especialidad fue trabajar por las leyes fiscales complejas de Italia. Tenía clientes de la Mafia y había sido confiado como un siciliano. Según Yallop, Sindona era, él mismo, un miembro de la Mafia. P.308.

    En 1957, la familia Gambino se acercó a Sindona y sus primos sicilianos, los Inzerillos, para lavar el dinero que ellos comenzaban a hacer con la heroína. Poco después de esta reunión, Sindona compró su primer banco. Por los años 1960, Sindona siguió comprando bancos en grandes cantidades, para lavar el dinero para la Mafia, y falsificar eslabones financieros con el Vaticano. Pp. 106-113.

    Escogido por el  Papa Pablo VI para actuar como consejero financiero del Vaticano y mover algo el dinero del Vaticano hacia fuera de  Italia (para impuestos y relaciones públicas). En 1973, el primer ministro Andreotti aclamó Sindona como "el salvador de la lira" y el embajador estadounidense lo llamó "el Hombre del Año. "

    En 1974, el castillo de naipes de Sindona comenzó a deshacerse por fracasos bancarios en Europa y EE UU (Banco Nacional Franklin de Nueva York por ser el más espectacular), y pérdidas masivas para el Banco del Vaticano. Una orden de detención es emitida para Sindona, pero, advertido por sus amigos, él escapó a Ginebra (donde se hizo ciudadano suizo). Pp. 134-140.

    En 1974, Sindona fue arrestado en EE UU donde comenzó una larga batalla por su extradición. Él conservó a Juan Mitchell (famoso por el  Watergate) como abogado para representarlo, y fue declarado culpable en ausencia por malversar fondos sobre 23 cuentas. Un tribunal de Milán lo condenó a años 3-1/2 de prisión.

    Sindona no respeta un contrato en vida del Ayudante del Fiscal público estadounidense, John Kenney, el principal acusador de su extradición (nunca realizada), así como de los empleados anteriores quienes sabían demasiado (los contratos que habían sido realizados).



    El 11 de julio de 1979, Giorgio Ambrosoh, un abogado que había investigado a Sindona y había acumulando evidencia contra él durante 5 años fue asesinado. Dentro de los 10 días, los otros dos hombres que se asociaron estrechamente con la investigación también fueron matados a tiros.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 41 de 196 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/07/2011 23:57

    Michele Sindona (alias: el Tiburón)

    Nació el 8 de mayo de 1920 en Sicilia, donde recibió un grado de ley en la Universidad Messina. Durante WWII, compró alimento en el mercado negro de Palermo y lo pasó de contrabando (con la ayuda de la Mafia) a Messina.

    En 1946 se fue de Sicilia a Milán con las cartas de introducción del arzobispo de Messina. En Milán, trabajó para una firma consultora de negocios y contabilidad; su especialidad fue trabajar por las leyes fiscales complejas de Italia. Tenía clientes de la Mafia y había sido confiado como un siciliano. Según Yallop, Sindona era, él mismo, un miembro de la Mafia. P.308.

    En 1957, la familia Gambino se acercó a Sindona y sus primos sicilianos, los Inzerillos, para lavar el dinero que ellos comenzaban a hacer con la heroína. Poco después de esta reunión, Sindona compró su primer banco. Por los años 1960, Sindona siguió comprando bancos en grandes cantidades, para lavar el dinero para la Mafia, y falsificar eslabones financieros con el Vaticano. Pp. 106-113.

    Escogido por el  Papa Pablo VI para actuar como consejero financiero del Vaticano y mover algo el dinero del Vaticano hacia fuera de  Italia (para impuestos y relaciones públicas). En 1973, el primer ministro Andreotti aclamó Sindona como "el salvador de la lira" y el embajador estadounidense lo llamó "el Hombre del Año. "

    En 1974, el castillo de naipes de Sindona comenzó a deshacerse por fracasos bancarios en Europa y EE UU (Banco Nacional Franklin de Nueva York por ser el más espectacular), y pérdidas masivas para el Banco del Vaticano. Una orden de detención es emitida para Sindona, pero, advertido por sus amigos, él escapó a Ginebra (donde se hizo ciudadano suizo). Pp. 134-140.

    En 1974, Sindona fue arrestado en EE UU donde comenzó una larga batalla por su extradición. Él conservó a Juan Mitchell (famoso por el  Watergate) como abogado para representarlo, y fue declarado culpable en ausencia por malversar fondos sobre 23 cuentas. Un tribunal de Milán lo condenó a años 3-1/2 de prisión.

    Sindona no respeta un contrato en vida del Ayudante del Fiscal público estadounidense, John Kenney, el principal acusador de su extradición (nunca realizada), así como de los empleados anteriores quienes sabían demasiado (los contratos que habían sido realizados).



    El 11 de julio de 1979, Giorgio Ambrosoh, un abogado que había investigado a Sindona y había acumulando evidencia contra él durante 5 años fue asesinado. Dentro de los 10 días, los otros dos hombres que se asociaron estrechamente con la investigación también fueron matados a tiros.

    En agosto de 1979, Sindona arregló un falso secuestro . Volvió a Nueva York el 16 de octubre. El objetivo evidente de este acontecimiento organizado era la transferencia de sumas de dinero para "el rescate". La Mafia, incluyendo a la familia Gambino, fue implicada. Pp.282-283.

    En febrero de 1980, finalmente Sindona fue a juicio sobre los cargos que contenían el derrumbamiento del Banco Nacional Franklin. El 27 de marzo, Sindona fue declarado culpable sobre 65 cuentas, incluyendo fraude, conspiración, perjurio, extractos de cuentas falsos, y malversaciones de fondos bancarios. Mientras se esperaba la condena, él intentó suicidarse acuchillando sus muñecas y tomando una dosis de digitalis. Sin embargo, se recuperó, y el 13 de junio de 1980 fue condenado a 25 años de prisión y una multa de $200,000. Le dieron 2-1/2 años adicionales por arreglar su propio secuestro.

    En enero de 1982, una acusación fue emitida en Palermo, Sicilia, en donde Sindona y los 65 miembros de las familias Gambino, Inzerillo, y Spatola fueron acusados de controlar $600 millones al año por el comercio de heroína entre Sicilia y EE UU.

    En vista de todo, él estuvo de pie para perder, y su indiferencia hacia la vida humana quedó demostrada. Sindona está muy alto en la lista de sospechosos por el asesinato de Yallop.


    Licio Gelli

    Nació el 21 de abril de 1919 en Pistoia, Italia, y no tuvo ninguna educación formal más allá de la media de los adolescentes. No era Católico.

    Luchó en el ejército de Franco contra los Comunistas en España, y tenía un odio de toda la vida hacia los Comunistas.

    Era un Oberleutnant en las SS en Italia y trabajó para los Nazis como "un oficial de enlace" durante WWII. Jugó de ambos lados de la cerca, ayudando a veces a los partidarios.

    Gelli alquilado de a alguien quien podría permitírselo. Después de la guerra, ayudó a los Nazis a que escaparan a Sudamérica. Sus honorarios eran 40 % de su dinero. Desarrolló contactos importantes en Sudamérica y se hizo amigo cercano de Juan Peron. El Jefe Klaus Barbie, ex Gestapo, quien se instaló en Bolivia, y Geffi se hicieron socios en el negocio. Espiando para los comunistas, asistió a funcionarios del Vaticano y la inteligencia estadounidense. La parte de sus honorarios de espiar para Italia era el cierre del archivo que el servicio secreto tenía sobre él. Su especialidad era la información: expedientes secretos sobre banqueros, políticos, etc.

    En 1963, se unió a la logia Masónica, y pronto formó otra logia secreta "Raggruppamento Gelli - P2. " El "P" significó la Propaganda, una logia histórica del siglo 19. Primero  introdujo a los miembros jubilados mayores de las fuerzas armadas, luego cabezas de servicio activas. Su red eventualmente cubrió la estructura de poder entera de Italia; su objetivo: el control de la derecha. P2 debía funcionar como un estado dentro de un estado. Si los Comunistas habían sido elegidos para impulsar, debía ser un golpe. Tenía el apoyo activo y el estímulo de la Agencia Central de Información. El puño de miembros influyentes era un secreto que sólo sabía Gelli. Dos de los miembros en P2 eran Michele Sindona y Roberto Calvi.

    Por su amigo, Umberto Ortolani, ganó la afiliación con los Caballeros de Malta y el Sepulcro Santo.

    En los comienzos de 1979, Mino Pecorelli, un periodista (y disgustado miembro del P2 quien antes había publicado la lista de Francmasones) comenzó a chantajear a Geffi sobre un robo de $2.5 mil millones de réditos del aceite del gobierno italiano y comenzó a publicar pequeños tramos de información, incluyendo la información sobre los Francmasones. El 20 de marzo de 1979, Pecorelli fue matado a tiros, el Estilo mafia.

    En 1981, una incursión en la casa de Gelli (en busca de la evidencia de su participación con Sindona) ganó una lista de 962 miembros del P2. El escándalo consiguiente derribó al gobierno italiano. En 2 meses, Gelli fue detenido, enjuiciado, y condenado a 4 años en la prisión y una multa de 16 mil millones de liras. Sin embargo, sus abogados elevaron una petición y él quedó libre bajo fianza,  y otra vez en el negocio bancario.

    En 1981, Gelli vivió en Montevideo, Uruguay y, al parecer, obteniendo grandes sumas del dinero de Calvi. La esposa de Calvi declaró que Gelli no se identificaba por su nombre, pero que se llamaba asimismo por su sobrenombre especial “Luciani” (el apellido del Papa Juan Pablo I) .

    En 1982, Gelli devuelto a Europa desde Sudamérica para obtener misiles Exocet en el mercado negro para Argentina en su Guerra de las Islas Malvinas con Gran Bretaña. Más tarde entró en Suiza con un pasaporte falso y fue detenido intentando una transferencia de $55 millones en su cuenta en Uruguay, pero en 1983 se escapó de la prisión suiza, y en 1984, vivía en un rancho, a pocas millas de Montevideo, Uruguay.

    Gelli es colocado por Yallop en los primeros lugares de la lista de sospechosos de posibles asesinos. Por la proximidad en Sudamérica a Ortolani y Calvi en las semanas justo antes de la muerte del papa.


    Umberto Ortolani

    Durante WWII era el jefe de las 2 unidades del servicio de inteligencia militar en Italia. Especialidad: contraespionaje. Era abogado, un alto funcionario en el P2 y un Católico con muchos amigos influyentes del Vaticano. Recibió un secreto que terminó en la elección de Montini como el Papa Pablo VI. Ahora es ciudadano de Brasil. Es colocado por Yallop alto en la lista de sospechoso. Él había estado en proximidad en Sudamérica a Gelli y Calvi durante las semanas antes del asesinato. Tenían acceso a cada parte de la Ciudad de Vaticano y  tenían muchos amigos allí.


    Roberto Calvi (alias: " Il Cavaliere " - el caballero)

    Nació el 13 de abril de 1920 en Milán, Italia y se educó en la Universidad Bocconi. Luchó por Mussolini y entró teniendo una cuenta después de la guerra. En 1947 fue a trabajar para el Banco Ambrosiano en Milán (el bancodel Arzobispo Montini), y en 1963 fue promovido a Gerente Central del Banco Ambrosiano.

    Calvi y Sindona eran amigos. Sindona le presentó a  Calvi al Obispo Marcinkus en 1971. Como Sindona, Calvi lavó el dinero de la Mafia y compró bancos en grandes cantidades . Una de las ramas de Banco Ambrosiano en Nassau lo tiene a Marcinkus en su Junta Directiva. El Banco Ambrosiano y el Banco de Vaticano han sido entrelazados, permitiendo  operaciones ilegales conjuntas. Calvi era el General de Oficial pagador de P2.

    En 1977, con Sindona en el exilio y la lucha contra la extradición de EE UU, comenzó a chantajear a Calvi para tomar un interé###ás activo a su actividad. Comenzó un lavado muy público de la actividad sucia de Calvi, que condujo a una investigación oficial de Calvi.

    En 1978, pasando las vacaciones y scoping de ocasiones anticipadas de negocio en Sudamérica, Calvi se enteró de la muerte del Papa Pablo VI. Consciente de que el nuevo papa todavía estaría enfadado sobre el papel de Calvi en la entrada en funciones en 1972 del Banco Cattolica del Veneto, Calvi comprendió que estaba en una posición precaria. Como las noticias del Banco del Vaticano, las investigaciones lo alcanzaron, él estaba convencido de que el nuevo papa estaría con él. Durante este tiempo, se movió en los alrededores - Uruguay, Perú, y Argentina, Gelli y Ortolani estaban también cerca en Sudamérica. El autor afirma que Calvi habló de la realidad nueva con el Papa Juan Pablo I con Gelli, quien le tranquilizó diciéndole que el problema sería resuelto. Pp. 178-79.

    El 29 de enero de 1979, el Juez Alessandrini, quien investigaba el caso de Banco Ambrosiano, fue asesinado, y el 27 de abril de 1982, fue ordenado el asesinato de Roberto Rosone, el gerente general del Banco Ambrosiano quien intentaba limpiarlo. La tentativa fracasó; Rosone sólo fue herido en las piernas. Se cree que Calvi ordenó el golpe.

    El 9 de junio de 1982, el autor entrevistó a Calvi por teléfono. Calvi se puso muy inquieto cuando se enteró que el tema central era el Papa Juan Pablo I. El 17 de junio, el cuerpo de Roberto Calvi fue encontrado colgando del Puente de Blackfriars en Londres, (en lo que ha sido llamado "un suicidio acrobático"). En esos días una pérdida de $1.3 mil millones fue descubierta en el Banco Ambrosiano de Milán.

    Él es colocado muy alto en la lista de sospechosos de asesinato por Yallop. Nótese la proximidad en Sudamérica a Gelli y Ortolani justo antes de la muerte del papa.

    Juan Patrick Cody

    En 1965  era cardenal de Chicago, Illinois. Según Fr. Andrés Greeley (y otros), Cody era un administrador muy difícil y exigente.

    En 1970, Cody invirtió ilegalmente $2 millones en acciones Penn Central. Unos días más tarde la empresa quebró. Cody, de modo similar, había abandonado sus puestos anteriores, la diócesis de Nueva Orleans y Ciudad de Kansas, con deudas.

    Él guardó expedientes sobre sacerdotes y monjas sospechadas de deslealtad y sacerdotes sumariamente despedidos. Cerraron muchas escuelas, el dinero canalizado a una amiga (mujer)  y en varios otros caminos se hicieron tan impopular con el clero que ellos formaron una especie de sindicato, la Asociación de Sacerdotes de Chicago. Roma ha sido presentada una solicitud repetidamente con sus quejas y preocupaciones(interéses) - en vano.

    Cody había pasado tiempo en Roma, trabajando al principio en el Colegio Norteamericano y posteriormente en la Secretaría de Estado, y se había congraciado con Pío XII y el futuro Pablo VI.

    Al principio de los años 1970, la mayor parte de las inversiones del Banco del Vaticano en la bolsa estadounidense habían sido canalizadas por el Banco Illinois Continental, en Chicago. Cody y Marcinkus eran amigos y trabajaron estrechamente juntos sobre muchas de las transacciones bancarias. Cody canalizó mucho dinero de Chicago a Roma, algo usado en Polonia. Esto ha sido muy apreciado por Wojtyla, el pronto futuro papa polaco, Juan Pablo II.

    Hacia 1976, los problemas con Cody eran tan conocidos que el Papa Pablo VI le ofreció un puesto en la curia romana. Cody lo rechazó.

    En julio de 1978 (semanas antes de la muerte del Papa Pablo VI) Cody aceptó un coadjutor (un obispo, quien en realidad controlaría la diócesis); A Cody le permitirían quedarse como la cabeza titular. Él, con ira, lo rechazó.

    Cuando Juan Pablo se hizo Papa, Cody comprendió que este papa podría insistir en su alejamiento, donde su precursor tenía cabida. Esta era, de hecho, la intención del papa Juan Pablo I.

    El Papa Juan Pablo II le permitió al Cardenal  Cody quedarse en Chicago hasta su muerte.

    Enero de 1981. Un Jurado Federal sirvió a Cody con unas citaciones, exigiendo  ver sus registros financieros. Él rechazó el pedido. En septiembre, cuando todavía no había cooperado, el  Chicago Sun Times publico una historia que perfila una gran colección de crímenes serios que supuestamente el cometió.

    Abril de 1982. Cody murió, y con él, la investigación sobre sus crimenes.

    Cody no está alto en la lista de sospechosos del asesinato del Papa.


    Jean Villot

    Era el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores al Papa Pablo VI y el Secretario intermedio del Papa Juan Pablo I, pero podia ser considerado un substito. Después de la muerte del papa Juan Pablo I, Villot asumió el papel de chambelán, prácticamente actuando como el jefe de la Iglesia.

    Inmediatamente después de la muerte del Juan Pablo, Villot quitó del dormitorio del papa su botella de medicina, papeles que él sostenía en sus manos, cristales y zapatillas. Estos artículos nunca han sido vistos otra vez.

    Villot tomó el control total de los acontecimientos inmediatamente después de la muerte del Papa. Él efectuó declaraciones falsas a la prensa. Dos de las decisiones más importantes eran: no se debía hacer ninguna autopsia y el conclave para elegir al Papa siguiente ocurriría lo antes posible: el 14 de octubre (a dos semanas de la muerte del papa Juan Pablo I). Este apresurado conclave desvió la atención de la muerte inoportuna y sospechosa de Papa Juan Pablo I hacia el entusiasmo y el suspenso de quien sería el próximo papa.

    En marzo de 1979. Villot murió. A pesar de su comportamiento sospechoso después de la muerte del Papa Juan Pablo I, Villot no lo coloca alto en la lista de sospechosos de asesinato - aunque él fuera muy posiblemente un cómplice en el encubrimiento. P.256

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    United States Presidents
    and The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure.

    By: Robert Howard

      Hard Truth/Wake Up America


    Ezekiel, 33:6

    Updated 09/28/2001


    I have always seen list's of famous Masons. To just look at the name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the beginning. Another interesting fact to consider is that of the 37 Presidents of the United States before Jimmy Carter, at least 18 or 21 (depending on which source you believe) were close relatives. That comes to somewhere between 48.6 percent and 56.7 percent-far to much to be coincidence, as any conspiritologist (or mathematician) would tell you. Of the 224 ancestors in the family tree of 21 Presidents, we find 13 Roosevelt's, 16 Coolidge's, and 14 Tyler's. Another source manages to relate 60 percent of the Presidents and link most of them to the super-rich Astor family. This data does not include genealogies of the five most recent President. Psychologist G. William Domhoff claims that a large part of America's Ruling elite, just like that of Europe, are related by marriage. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

    This article is not intended to defame this country's forefathers. See Secret Societies All I am doing here is listing the facts. I will list other authors articles for you to refer to as corroboration. These names were compiled from the Masons own list of famous names posted on there websites. (See Links Below), along with other reputable sources. The names used in this document have been used from that list along with a brief summary of who they were,(*Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition.) and the role they played in our history.
    Keep in mind, you can not be a Christian and a practicing Mason, its an oxymoron. There are those who would write history in a form to hide its true meaning and agenda's. Rewriting U.S. History So it has been from the beginning.  (The Masons write most of American History, for example the Mason's own Encyclopedia Britannica). The red dates are confirmed Mason Power years over this country as far as the Presidency, or Vice Presidency is concerned. This Page will be updated often. Please revisit.

    Legend: (A) American; (AI) American Independent; (D) Democrat. (F) Federalist. (DR) Democrat-Republican. (Ind) Independent. (IR) Independent -Republican (NR) National Republican. (P) People's; (Pr) Progressive; (R) Republican. (S) Socialist; (SR) States Rights (W) Whig. (U) Union.

    (S.C.J) Supreme Court Judge

    I will let the facts speak for themselves.

    As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rite, he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god, the gods of Persia, gods of India, Greek gods, Babylonian gods, and others.  As you come to the 17th degree, the Masons claim that they will give you the password that will give him entrance at the judgment day to the Masonic deity, the great architect of the universe.  It is very interesting that this secret password is "Abaddon"

    Revelation 9:11 They had a king over them, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon"  The 'angel' of the Abyss (Hell) is really the chief demon whose name is Abaddon.  Masons claim then, that the deity they worship is Abaddon! 

    Abaddon and Apollyon both mean Destroyer. See: Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government


     "The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public." 
     Benjamin Disraeli, Victorian-era Prime Minister of Britain,

    Mat 21:42] Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders (aka Freemasons) rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'?
    [Mat 21:43] Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.

    "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands... A Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order into any state where we are yet strangers." (as quoted in John Robinson's "Proofs of a Conspiracy" 1798, re- printed by Western Islands, Boston, 1967, p. 112)

    1534 Church of Jesu. ( aka Society of Jesus, Jesuits the power behind Freemasonry) Also headquarters of the Knights of Malta.

    Founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola founder of the Illuminati, to combat the reformation and propagate the faith. (Reformation being salvation thru grace instead of the Catholic Church.) The Jesuit General, and the other high Jesuit Generals, they are sorcerers. They are LUCIFERIAN, and they worship what they would call Lucifer. They do not believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer. This society is the power behind the Presidents, and the rest of the world.. The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. They have carried everything out. The Black Pope

    1590's - Sir Francis Bacon, beginning in the early 1590's, began the detailed plans by which North America would be colonized.  He was the supreme adept in the Rosicrucian Society, and established the super secret Knights of the Helmet [Ibid., p. 123-129], a society established along the lines of Rosicrucianism.  And, finally, Bacon was responsible for the modern birth of Freemasonry, as detailed by Masonic author, George V. Tudhope, in his book, Bacon Masonry , ISBN 1-56459-108-5, reprinted by Kessinger's Publishing. Thus, we can see that the occult activities of our original occult Forefathers mentioned above was merely the outworking of an occult plan originally conceived "thousands of years before Columbus ever sailed"!  Our Masonic forefathers were merely following the details of the occult plan as envisioned specifically by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1590's, operating according to the vision provided him by his Guiding Spirit. Masonic Forefathers

    1733 - In the United States, the first Masonic circles began to appear in 1733; by the time of the American Revolution, nearly 150 lodges existed throughout the colonies.

    1761 - James Otis, born in Mass. Known for his famous challenge to the British -imposed writs of assistance- general search warrants designed to enforce more strictly the trade and navigation laws in North America. At this time he also reportedly coined the euphonious, oft-quoted phrase, " Taxation without representation is tyranny." He was chosen as speaker of the house in 1766. Confirmed Mason.

    1764 - Samuel Adams, born in Boston. A major propagandist, opposing British officials and policies, as well as British taxation in the colonies. In 1773 he participated in the planning of the Boston Tea Party. Adams also signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Served as delegate to the Continental Congress until 1781, and became governor of Massachusetts from 1794-97. Confirmed Mason and Illuminatist.

    Other Parts of the World England. 1765-1795 Edmund Burke, born Dublin Ireland. Entered the House of Commons in 1765. As a member of Parliament he became known as a Political thinker and important in the history of political theory. Confirmed Mason.

    1773 It’s just like Freemasonry. The lower Freemasons have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General. They think that they’re just doing works and being good people. But the bottom line is that the high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the Jesuit General because the Jesuit General, with Fredrick the Great, wrote the High Degrees, the last 8 Degrees, of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry when Fredrick protected them when they were suppressed by the Pope in 1773.So, you have the alignment with the Jesuit Order and the most powerful Freemason they had in the craft, Fredrick the Great, during their suppression. That is an irrefutable conclusion. And then, when you see the Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars carried out by Freemasonry, everything Napoleon did, and the Jacobins, whatever they did, completely benefited the Jesuit Order. The Black Pope

    1775 - Joseph Warren, born Roxbury, Mass. Solder and leader in the American Revolution who sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to Lexington and Concord on their famous ride to warn local patriots that British troops were being sent against them. Helped draft a group of protests to Parliament known as the "Suffolk Resolves. "Confirmed Mason. In December 1769 Warren, received commission for the Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Master of Masons in Scotland, appointing him Provincial Grand Master of Masons in Boston and within 100 miles of the same. The commission was dated May 30,1769. When the Earl of Dumfries succeeded Dalhousie as Grand Master of Scotland he issued another appointment to Warren, dated March 7,1772, constituting Warren "Grand Master of Masons for the Continent of America," thus extending his original limits.

    1775 - Paul Revere, born in Boston. Hero of the American Revolution whose dramatic horseback ride on the night of April 18, warning Boston-area residents that the British were coming. Confirmed Mason. GRAND MASTER GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS A.F. & A.M. 1795 - 1797

    1776 - John Hancock, born in Mass. Wrote and the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, and served nine terms as the Governor of Mass. Confirmed Mason.

    1776 - Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston. Was one of the diplomats chosen to negotiate peace with Great Britain, and who helped draft the Declaration of Independence, one of the 56 who signed this document, and was instrumental in achieving the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Was also a Mason. Franklin was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and published the first Masonic book in America. Was also a member of Sir Francis Dashwood's Hell Fire Club, along with the Collins family of Satanists. Both Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)


    "Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home"

    Workmen have dug up the remains of ten bodies hidden beneath the former London home of Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of American Independence.

    The remains of four adults and six children were discovered during the 31.9 million restoration of Franklin's home at 36 Craven Street, close to Trafalgar Square. Researchers believe that there could be more bodies buried beneath the basement kitchens.

    Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster coroner, said yesterday: "One cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest." Ten Bodies Found Under Ben Franklin's Home

    1776 The Illuminati formed a committee entitled the Biblical Destruction Group. This committee disbanded 50 years later. To Eliminate the Opiate" (out of print) by Rabbi Antelman. The APOCRYPHA

    1776 "From the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect." [Occult Theocracy, Lady Queenborough, originally published in 1933] On May 1, 1776, the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded in the old Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria. The Company would now use the Jewish House of Rothschild to finance the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon the Freemason with his Jesuit-trained advisor, Abbe Sieyes. In spite of the historical writings of the Jesuit Abbe Barruel, who blamed the Rothschild's and Freemasonry for the Revolution, it was the Society of Jesus that used these very tools to carry out the Revolution and punish the monarchs who dared to expel the Jesuits from their dominions. The Jesuits, having been expelled from the Spanish Empire, found refuge in Corsica. From there they raised up their great avenger, Napoleon Bonaparte. The Black Pope

    1776, Adam Weishaupt, a famous Mason, had developed the Illuminati, a secret society within a secret society. One Masonic historian himself has stated that the goals include "found[ing] a new Hierarchy, to overturn all authority, and to press down all the Social Order under the level of Equality." Another Masonic historian stated "the express aim of the Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government." In Weishaupt's own words, the Illuminati "will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States, and make use of those means for this purpose...." illuminati_faq.htm

    1777 - Baron Von Steuben, born in Magdeburg, Prussia. German officer who proved indispensable to the cause of U.S. independence by converting the Revolutionary Army into a disciplined fighting force. While in France as agents of the newly formed U.S. government, Benjamin Franklin, and Silas Deane, learned of Steuben's plight that he had been obliged to leave for unsavory conduct, from Hohenzollern Hechingen, where he was made a knight of the Order of Fidelity in the neighboring margravate of Baden and Durlach, which brought about his availability. This prompted a letter of introduction, from Benjamin Franklin, and Silas Deane on his behalf, introducing him to Gen. George Washington as a "Lieut Genl. in the King of Prussia's service," who was fired with " Zeal for our cause. Confirmed Mason.

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    1777 - Lafayette. French noble who fought with the American colonist against the British in the American Revolution. Confirmed Mason and a member of the Illuminati. Appointed a major general by the colonist, he quickly struck up a lasting friendship with the American commander in chief, George Washington, also a Confirmed Mason. Charles Taze Russell (founder of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society), also a Confirmed Mason. His stepmother who was executor of his will. His mother was the one chosen to dance with famous Mason and Illuminati Lafayette when he was in Philadelphia. 1.(Nevin, Adelaide Mellier. The Social Mirror A Character Sketch of the Women of Pittsburgh) 2. (Vicinity during the first Century of the County’s existence. Society of to-day. Pittsburgh, PA: T.A. Nevin Publisher, 1888, p. 19.; b. The Pittsburgh Directory) 3. (1878-79 showing Elizabeth the widow of John, and c. John Russell in the 1850 Census, and John Russell’s Will.) Secrets Of The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society

    1779 - John Paul Jones, Scottish- born navel hero in the U.S. War of Independence, renowned for his victory over British ships of war off the east coast of England (Sept. 23 1779).Confirmed Mason.

    1782, On July 16, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans,  representatives of the world's secret societies convened the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe and formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati. In the next four years the Order was able to secretly establish several lodges in America. In 1785, for example, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt ...(p.92 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990)

    "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly handle energy." (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 124; )

    The question of precisely what fires the will of the wealthy supranational elites seeking to manipulate and control world events, has not escaped the attention of serious students of conspiracies and cover-ups. The late American Professor Revilo P. Oliver, a confirmed atheist, was forced to conclude: "A theory that a conspiracy has been working consciously for many centuries is not very plausible unless one attributes to them a religious unity. That is tantamount to regarding them as Satanists engaged in the worship and service of supernatural evil. The directors of the conspiracy must see or otherwise directly perceive manifestations which convince them of the existence and power of Lucifer. And since subtle conspirators must be very shrewd men, not likely to be deceived by auto-suggestion, hypnosis, or drugs, we should have to conclude that they probably are in contact with a force of pure evil." (Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, Conspiracy or Degeneracy?, USA)

    "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
    (President Franklin D. Roosevelt)


    In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama" or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. The Illuminati Protocols

    1783 The Revolutionary War was fought and concluded when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. As Americans we have been taught that we defeated the king and won our freedom. The Treaty of 1783, which totally contradicts our having won the Revolutionary War. This Treaty was signed in 1783, the war was over in 1781. If the United States defeated England, how is the king granting rights to America, when we were now his equal in status? We supposedly defeated him in the Revolutionary War! So why would these supposed patriot Americans sign such a Treaty, when they knew that this would void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War? The United States is still a British Colony

    By the way, Prince Charles Coat of Arms has another symbol--The Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, world-wide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles. The Bible gives us 42 signs of the Antichrist

    1785 President George Washington, in a letter written to the Reverend G. W. Snyder:  "Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati -- the principles of Jacobinism -- had not spread in the United States.  On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."  Shortly before he died, President Washington was well aware that the Adam Weishaupt radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to America.

    "It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us".

                                              - Illuminati Statement -


    United States Presidents Who Were and Are Freemasons

    The United States of America was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation by Maryland whose delegates delayed its ratification over a western border dispute with Virginia and New York. Upon the March 1 ratification the President of the Continental Congress officially became President of the United States in Congress Assembled.
    To make matters even more perplexing some historians claim that John Hanson was the first President of the United States as he was the first person to serve the full one-year term (1781-82), under the ratified Articles of Confederation. This again is incorrect.
    The ratification occurred during the term of Samuel Huntington who served as President from September 28, 1779 to July 6, 1781. Consequently, Samuel Huntington was the first President of the United States in Congress Assembled. The 1st President of the United States

    George Washington1789-1797 George Washington, 1st. President of the United States? (F) Confirmed Mason. Initiated: November 4, 1752, Fredericksburgh (Fredericksburg) Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brother Washington became Worshipful Master on December 20, 1788, and was inaugurated President of the United States on April 30, 1789, thus becoming the first, and so far the only, Brother to be simultaneously President and Master of his Lodge. Washington took his oath of office as President, April 30, 1789, on the bible belonging to St. johns Lodge No. 1 of New York City. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) The New Age Magazine is a Masonic publication. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Washington was a member of the Scottish rite, performed the 'Rite of the Mystic Tie' in a cave-complex near Winchester Virginia during the French and Indian war. (Masonic Assassination, Michael Anthony Hoffman pg. 4) "The United States is in no manner founded on Christian principle." (George Washington Treaty of Tripoli) No Vice Presidents at this time. George Washington Nominated 11 Supreme Court Justices. 6 out of 11 were Confirmed Masons.  Washington wearing his Masonic Apron Washington was related to the following Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, maybe Grant, Van Buren, and Taft's. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

    Note: In Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey extermination was officially promoted by a "scalp bounty" on dead Indians. "Indeed, in many areas murdering Indians became an outright business," ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.182) Indians were defined as subhuman, lower than animals. George Washington compared them to wolves, "beasts of prey" and called for their total destruction.( David E. Stannard, AMERICAN HOLOCAUST; COLUMBUS AND THE CONQUEST OF THE NEW WORLD (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992). ISBN 0-19-507581-1. pages 119-120)

    Note: Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew Cannabis sativa (marijuana) on their plantations. (2201 Fascinating Facts by David Lewis, Greenwich House pg. 46) See Also: The Hemp Conspiracy

    Washington, the Freemason who did not go into that Masonic Lodge that last 30 years of his life—in his own words—who was a Baptist and a Calvinist. He was baptized in the First Baptist Church of New York by one of his captains, Pastor Gano, all surrounded by Calvinists. That’s why they didn’t surrender at Valley Forge; that’s why, when they were naked, when they went through the snow, barefoot, they endured that because they were Bible-believing Calvinists and they refused to submit to the tyranny of King George, who was controlled by the Jesuits. The Black Pope

    1789 John Robison warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and on July 19, 1789; David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating-class and lectured them on how the influence of Illuminism was acquitting on American politics and religion, and to top it off; John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings. He wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia. In short; Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party; we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today. THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNSEL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS

    1789-1795 John Jay, S.C.J. (Supreme Court Judge) Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.

    1790-1791 John Rutledge, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Chief Justice 1795. Nominated by Mason President George Washington.  Confirmed Mason.

    1789-1810 William Cushing, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.

    1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies.. Some say murdered by the masons for revealing Masonic secrets in his opera The Magic Flute. Confirmed Mason (Born In Blood, John J. Robinson, pg. 177)

    1795 John Rutledge, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Rutledge became Chief Justice while the Senate was not in session, and when they reconvened he was rejected. Still, he did serve for a time in that position. Masonic Trivia and Facts and The MSA 1940s study say he was a Mason, without identifying his lodge, but 10,000 Famous Freemasons does not list him. Confirmed Mason.

    1796-1800 Oliver Ellsworth, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.

    1789-1798 James Wilson, S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.

    1789-1796 John Blair Jr. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia from 1778 to 1784.

    1790-1799 James Iredell. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.

    1792-1793 Thomas Johnson. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status. Non Mason Replaced by Mason William Patterson.

    1793-1806 William Paterson. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.

    1796-1811 Samuel Chase. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status. This is the only Justice ever impeached, acquitted in 1805.

    1796 Thomas Jefferson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Illuminati.

    1797-1801 John Adams, 2nd. President of the United States (F) Unknown Mason Status. Vice President, Thomas Jefferson "Democratic-Republican."1797-1801. Confirmed Illuminati. Adams helped in the design of the Great Seal. Was related to F. D. Roosevelt, who put the seal on the dollar bill. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

    1798 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was initiated into Army Philadelphia Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon's Grand Council of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Confirmed Mason.

    1798 Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor of rural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and member of a Freemason lodge, said that he was asked to join the Illuminati. After studying the group, he concluded that the purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his beliefs. In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy," which states: "An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments.... The leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors." Operation Paper Clip

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    1799-1829 Bushrod Washington, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.

    1800-1804 Alfred Moore, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.

    1800 John Quincy Adams opposed Thomas Jefferson for the presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive Illuminati purposes.  The information contained in those letters is credited with winning Adams the election.  The letters were held in the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.

    1800 Aaron Burr, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason.

    1800 John Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Confirmed Illuminati.

    1800s The Collins family had a branch that shot off from it during the early 1800s which was the Todd family. The Todd family branch remained an important part of the Illuminati. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)

    1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson, 3rd. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Illuminati & Mason. (Masonic Edition, Holy Bible 1951 Edition) Poor records kept by the Colonial Lodges, the destruction of records by fire and war, make it impossible to consult original Lodge records. Jefferson may have been a Member of Charlottesville Lodge No. 90, Charlottesville, Va., since his name appears on the Minutes of this Lodge on September 20, 1817. Jefferson was also a member of the Lodge of the Nine Muses in Paris and the Beenan Order (Order of the Bees) known outside Bavaria as the Illuminati. Vice President, Aaron Burr (DR), 1801-1805. Confirmed Mason. Was also a member of the Collins family of Satanists who called themselves the Hell Fire Club. Thomas Jefferson was one of the members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1805-1809. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. De Witt Clinton N.Y. Gov. was Georges nephew. Confirmed Mason. Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury. Confirmed IlluminatiJefferson was related to the following Presidents: William Henry Harrison, Jackson, Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

    Thomas Jefferson had an affair with Sally Hemings. One of his slaves who it is said was his mistress for thirty six years, but after the death of his wife. Recent scientific DNA evidence strongly suggests he was the father of her youngest son, Eston Hemings. Presidents and their reputed Affairs External Link

    Note: Andrew Jackson, whose portrait appears on the U.S. $20 bill today, in 1814 supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses, the bodies of men, women and children that his troops had massacred, cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead, slicing long strips of flesh from their bodies to tan and turn into bridle reins. ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.186) The issue in these days were Indians. The issue of our day is Gun Control, militia, and according to Janet Reno Christians. Janet Reno reflects the issue's of the Clinton administration. Cultist Definition by Janet Reno, Attorney General USA

    1801-1835 John Marshall, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia, from 1793-1795. (However, there is evidence that John Marshall was not proud or enthusiastic about being a Freemason, at least later in his life.) Confirmed Mason.

    July 11, 1804: Gun-barrel Politics
    Vice President Aaron Burr confirmed Mason, mortally wounds former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel near Weehawken, New Jersey.

    1804-1834 William Johnson, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.

    1807-1823 Henry Brockhoist Livingston, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.

    1807-1826 Thomas Todd, S.C.J. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Confirmed Mason.

    1801-1814 Albert Abraham Alfonse Gallatin. Fourth U.S. Secretary of the treasure. Instrumental in negotiating an end to the war of 1812. Confirmed Mason.

    1804 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.

    1808 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.

    1809-1817 James Madison, 4th. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Madison is said to have been a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a Lodge which had only a short existence, and whose records are lost. (Was married to a Todd, of the Satanic Collins according to The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1809-1812. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. Vice President, Elbridge Gerry 1813-1814. Unknown Mason Status.

    1811-1835 Gabriel Duvall, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President James Madison. Unknown Mason Status.

    1811-1845 Joseph Story, S.C.J. Nominated by President James Madison. Story is listed as a member of Philanthropic Lodge in Marblehead, Massachusetts, in 10,000 Famous Freemasons and the MSA 1940s study, but not in Masonic Trivia and Facts.

    Other parts of the world during this presidency: 1811-1821 Jose de San Martin. Soldier and Statesman. An officer in the Spanish army for 20 years. Led South America's independence movement for confirmed Mason President Simon Bolivar. Confirmed Mason.

    1812 De Wit Clinton, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) DeWitt Clinton, who was assoc. with the Illuminati very early in the history of the United States. George Clinton, vice president to Thomas Jefferson, was De Wit Clintons Uncle.

    1812 Winfield Scott. Grad from West Point. Fought in the war of 1812 and rose to the rank of major general .Fought in the battle of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane in 1814.Supervised the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Southern state to reservations west of the Mississippi River. Unsuccessful Whig candidate for President in 1853. Confirmed Mason.

    1814 Francis Scott Key, lawyer and the author of the U.S. national anthem. Confirmed Mason. Officially adopted in 1931. 

    The Federal 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati last week in a 30-page decision, stated that references to God are not permissible because they are clearly Christian. The state of Ohio wanted to use the motto "With God, All Things Are Possible" on its official seal or anywhere else. The US Circuit Court said, "In God We Trust" comes from "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key and is not a reference to a specific faith.  (C-span 4.20.2000)

    1816 Rufus King, served in the state legislature, and in the Continental Congress, where he introduced the resolution calling for a convention at Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution. Was elected as New York's first U.S. senator. Was also the loosing (F) party running against James Monroe for the Presidency. Confirmed Mason.

    1817-1825 James Monroe, 5th. President of the United states (DR) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: November 9, 1775, St. John's Regimental Lodge in the Continental Army. Monroe was not yet eighteen, but "lawful age" had not yet been universally fixed at twenty-one. Later, Brother Monroe took Membership in Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins 1817-1825. Unknown Mason Status. President Monroe was related to President Richard Nixon. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

    1823-1843 Smith Thompson, S.C.J. Associate justice. Nominated by Mason President James Monroe. Unknown Mason Status.

    Other Parts of the world During this Presidency: Argentina. 1819-1830 Simon Bolivar, President of, New Granada, 1819, Venezuela, 1821, Ecuador, 1822, until finally with the liberation of upper Peru, which became Bolivia after Bolivar, already President of Columbia, his rule on the continent became complete. Confirmed Mason.

    1820 John Quincy Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (IR) Unknown Mason Status.

    1824 Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury 1801 -1814. Nominated for vice presidency. Withdrew in fear of weakening ticket due to foreign birth. Confirmed Illuminati.

    1824 Andrew Jackson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.

    1824 Henry Clay, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. Very good friends to the Illuminati Dupont's. The Dupont's were already one of the primary top families, it is rumored that Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. The Dupont's played a role in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns. Clay also became the leader of the Whig Party. It is from this info the Presidents who were on the Whig Party are in question.

    According to occultists/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goat head (left) represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.  The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer.  In the above photocopy of the Goat head Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. Notice the above pentagram of the Washington Streets layout in which the south part of the pentagram falls on the White House. Where the Spirit of Satan is to dwell. 

    Photo courtesy of David Icke's website symbolism archives.

    The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl.

    Photo courtesy of David Icke's website symbolism archives.

    Notice the owl on the dollar bill. 

    The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666 a gigantic self programming computer!

    WWW=World Wide Web. Web=net, trap. World Wide Web=World Wide Trap External Link

    The System they are working towards is called LILITH External Link

    1824 William H. Crawford, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Unknown Mason Status.



    | Part 1 | Part 1b | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |


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    Resources to aid your Understanding


    Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it. And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists. In this article, we shall demonstrate positive proofs of conspiracy to achieve the ends of Freemasonry, i.e., achieving the New World Order. And, these proofs exist right under your eyes, in Washington, D.C., the Capital district. Prepare for the unexpected. Before you read this article, you might want to go to a map store to buy a street map of Washington, D.C.

    The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

    Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

    Stand by for insights so startling

    you will never look at the news the same way again.




    We will demonstrate that the street design in Government Center in Washington, D.C., has been cunningly laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created by an Masonic architect in 1791, just a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in 1782. Remember, occult leaders in Europe were told by their Familiar Spirits as early as the 1740's that the new American continent was to be established as the new "Atlantis", and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the drive to the New World Order. From the beginning, the United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom of Antichrist, and Washington, D.C. was to be its capital.

    You will need to have your maps of Washington, D.C., opened in front of you as we proceed. As we proceed through this discussion we will answer the great question of "Why" these streets have thus been laid out.

    Before we begin our discussion of this Washington, D.C. map, let us lay some important groundwork which will enable us to better understand the occultic meaning behind what we are about to show you. This information was given Cutting Edge Ministries by a born-again Christian who was once a medium level Satanist, Doc Marquee. At the time of his conversion, Doc was in charge of several Satanic covens West and North of Boston. Doc was a Third Level Witch and a Master Witch. Shortly before Doc was born-again, he was invited to become an Illuminist, which is a secret society totally committed to the New World Order. Thus, Doc was in a most powerful position: he was both a Satanist Master Witch and an Illuminist.

    Doc underwent special training in the Illuminist secret society. As part of his training, he was shown the occultic nature of the street design of the Washington, D.C., Governmental Center. This information was provided to show Doc several factors:


  • 1. This design demonstrates the long-term plan which American Illuminists have had upon America. As we shall see in a few moments, this occultic street design was created in 1791 by an architect who was a Freemason.


  • 2. This design shows that the Plan for a New World Order is deliberately conceived and considered to be inevitable. Remember our earlier discussion about the importance and perceived power of symbols? The occultist firmly believes that a symbol or a set of symbols possesses inherent power once they are created. Therefore, occultic doctrine teaches that these Satanic symbols would act as a powerful electric-type grid once they were set in place. This power grid would constantly pulsate with Luciferic power 24 hours a day, seven days a week, constantly moving America toward the coveted Luciferic goal of the New World Order.


  • 3. This design demonstrates the hidden, secret power wielded by the Illuminists in the United States. Luciferic Illuminists have their hands on the most powerful levers of political, economic, and military power in this country, and they wield this power without any public understanding of what is really going on.


  • Thus, Doc and other Illuminists were shown this street design with the express purpose of demonstrating that they were on the winning side in this drive to the New World Order.

    Now, let us examine the street layout of Washington, D.C., starting with a little bit of history.

    When the architect, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, who was a Freemason, laid out Governmental Center of Washington, D.C., in 1791, he planned more than just streets, roads, and buildings. He planned to use the layout of Governmental Center to hide certain occultic magical symbols, which, when they were instituted, became one large Luciferic, or occultic, symbol. An occultic magical symbol is defined as "...an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..." (Frederick Goodman, Magic Symbols, Brian Trodd Publishing House, Ltd., London, 1989, page 6). This definition from this Luciferic book is so important, we need to repeat it. An occultic magical symbol is defined as "...an image which hides an inner meaning. This meaning is usually cunningly hidden behind a form..." As we study this occultic street design of Washington, D.C., Governmental Center, you will be seriously tempted to disregard this information. Please do not, because these symbols are "cunningly hidden" behind a form.

    Further, occultists always depend upon the natural human tendency to want to disbelieve unpleasant or frightening truth. The Masters of the Illuminati always had a saying, "Audacity, always Audacity". Of course, Audacity means something so shocking and so far out, it is to be considered impossible. People naturally feel, both in a democracy and a government of royalty, that their leaders generally have their best interests at heart. Some leaders may be incompetent and some others may commit errors, but at least, people take solace in their belief that most leaders most of the time, have their country's best interests at heart. The average citizen of any country simply cannot conceive that their leaders may consistently have evil in their hearts toward the very people they are leading. But, as we have consistently shown, this is precisely the case. Our leadership has been consistently moving us toward the Luciferic New World Order since 1776, always working through Secret Societies, and always misleading the people as to their true intentions.

    This is why our study today is so critical; it demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our leadership has knowingly and consistently been pursuing a hidden agenda which, when fully carried out, will mean the destruction of our nation as we know it today and the beginning of the Biblical Great Tribulation. Our leaders are currently calling this system the New World Order!

    Now back to the symbols embedded within the streets of Washington, D.C.: These occultic symbols, once they are hidden, are thought to possess great power. For example, the Snake Basilisk is "said to have the power to destroy all upon whom it looks" (Ibid, page 7). However, the person who is not an occultist will have no concept of the true hidden meaning contained within the symbol. Therefore, symbols also serve another purpose: to communicate certain meanings to other occultists while hiding this meaning from all non-occultists.

    Therefore, the symbols which have been interwoven into the design of Governmental Center, communicate tremendous power to the occultist while hiding the meaning from anyone who is not an occultist. And, these symbols take on a life of their own, in the mind of the occultist, possessing great inherent power to accomplish the plans of the occultist.

    With this as background, let us now begin our study of Governmental Center, Washington, D.C.

    Beginning from top left to top middle:


  • 1. Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, and Scott Circle in the middle, form the top three points of the Devil's Goathead of Mendes, one of the most important types of the Five-pointed Devil's Pentagram.


  • 2. Washington Circle forms the extreme left-hand point of the Goathead.


  • 3. Mt. Vernon Square forms the extreme right-hand point of the Goathead.


  • 4. The White House forms the fifth and bottom point of the Goathead.



    In occultic/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goathead represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. In the photocopy of the Goathead Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. Thus, in this street layout, the fifth point is the White House, a symbol placement which represents the intention that the spirit and the mind of Lucifer will be permanently residing in the White House.

    There is a 666 evident in the most important top three circles of the Goathead, Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, and Logan Circle. Each of these streets has six major streets coming into them from all angles of the circle. This type of encoding is so typical of the occultist. Do not be deceived into thinking that this is accidental; everything I am showing you here today was deliberately planned to stamp the power of Freemasonry and the symbols of its plans for America indelibly upon Governmental Center. The combination of the Devil's Pentagram, the Goathead of Mendes, and the practical existence of the number 666 within the three upper points of the Pentagram, unmistakably shows that Lucifer is planned to be the ultimate master of Governmental Center.

    Now look for a moment at the circles which comprise the points of the Pentagram. Washington Circle, Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, and Logan Circle comprise four of the six points of the Pentagram. The only point which is not a circle or a form of a circle is Mt. Vernon Square. We shall return to the discussion of the importance of the square to the occultist, but let us now concentrate upon the circle.

    It is no secret as to why the Masonic architect chose to use circles as four of the points of the Pentagram. As Goodman states in his book, Magic Symbols, "without doubt, the circle is the most important of all units in magic symbolism, and in almost every case where it is used, the circle is intended to denote spirit, or spiritual forces". Therefore, we can know with certainty that these circles of this Pentagram were used to denote powerful spiritual forces. And, of course, these spiritual forces are from Lucifer.

    But, there is much more symbolism expressed by the circle in occultic thought. The circle has also been used as a halo above a person's head, denoting that "he or she is in direct communication with the spiritual world". (Ibid, page 29). The circle has also been utilized to represent the Sun, especially in spiritual terms, denoting spiritual light. But, the circle also is utilized as a symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. Remember the All-Seeing Eye atop the pyramid on our One-Dollar bill? This eye is within a triangle, but the important factor to realize is that the eye is atop a pyramid. Of course, a pyramid is nothing more than a triangle. Look again at the triangles formed by the Goathead Pentagram. Four out of five triangles of the Goathead has a circle, representing the All-Seeing Eye atop each triangle. However, the architect had a problem with the triangle at the far right, because he chose the square as the anchor point; the solution is to place Thomas Circle at one of the points, thus giving that triangle an All-Seeing Eye. In fact, I believe this is the reason why Thomas Circle was placed in the odd position it was; it is the only circle which was not placed as an anchor of the Pentagram. Even the Southern Point of the Goathead Pentagram, the one which ends at the White House, has a circle at its top. Notice the Ellipse located just to the south of the White House lawn.

    Thus, the Freemason architect who drew this pattern intended to show that Governmental Center was planned to be ruled by Satan. Further, the Goathead Pentagram was placed so the Southernmost point, the spiritual point, is precisely centered on the White House. Notice that I did not arbitrarily draw these lines to center on the White House; rather, the White House is the precise point where the two lines formed by Connecticut Avenue flowing from Dupont Circle, and by Vermont Avenue flowing from Logan Circle, intersect. The meaning is all too clear. Occultists planned for the White House to be controlled by Lucifer in accordance with his occultic power and doctrine.

    But, there is still more meaning expressed by this Goathead Pentagram. Quickly look again at the photocopy of the Devil's Pentagram, as copied from Goodman's Magic Symbol book. Protruding from the middle top of the Pentagram is a lighted candle, which is producing light. This physical light represents spiritual illumination. If this representation were made on a map, this illuminating candle would be thought of as being North. North is a very important direction, because it is the place of Governmental control. In I Ching, for example, North is the "place one reports to the master on accomplishments". (New Age Dictionary). This is again a fulfillment of Scripture. Remember in Isaiah 14:12-14, where God recalls Lucifer's original sin of pride and rebellion? Lucifer had every intention of taking God's throne by force and establishing his own reign. In verses 13 and 14, Lucifer vowed, "I will ascend to Heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the uttermost north..." Did you see that North is apparently the direction in which God's throne is situated, and Lucifer planned to take it over. North is the place, occultists believe, where Governmental authority dwells.

    Now look at the Goathead Pentagram again. Scott Circle is precisely located at the middle of the Goathead, and 16th Street proceeds directly north. As you look directly north on 16th Street, you will immediately see the House Of The Temple, which is the North American Headquarters of Freemasonry. Even the number 16 is significant to the occultist; it is 4x4 (Remember that the four upper points of the Goathead Pentagram represent the Four Elements of which the earth is constructed). Number 16 literally means "felicity", which, according to my Webster's Dictionary, means blissful happiness or anything which will produce such a state. Certainly, blissful happiness is the stated goal of any Satanic system. A corollary meaning of 16 is love.

    The number 16 also pops up in an encoded manner. Both Dupont Circle and Logan Circle, which form the top two most important points of the Goathead Pentagram, are located on "P" Street. "P" is the 16th letter of the English alphabet.

    Sixteenth Street emanates north from Scott Circle, which is itself the precise middle of the Goathead Pentagram. This street represents the candle of the photocopy. The illuminating light of the candle is represented by the House Of The Temple, which begins on "R" Street. The architect is literally saying that Freemasonry is the spiritual light of this Goathead Pentagram; of course, this Goathead Pentagram is rooted at the White House. One quick word on "R" Street. The letter "R" is the 18th letter of the English alphabet, and 18 is critically important to the occultist because it is 6+6+6.

    The House Of The Temple is also located 13 city blocks north of the White House. Count them yourself, beginning with the first city block north of Lafayette Square. Of course, the number 13 represents rebellion against God's authority, and is generally thought of as Satan's number. It is no accident the House Of The Temple is located 13 blocks north of the White House. The meaning occulticly transmitted is that the control of the White House would be spiritual and would emanate from the House Of The Temple. Certainly, many American Presidents have been Freemasons. The most famous is George Washington, but the most influential was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who did more to advance the cause of the New World Order than anyone else in American history.

    The critical importance of this symbolism pointed out above, namely, that the Presidency of the United States is to be controlled by Freemasonry, is thoroughly documented by Christian author, Ralph Epperson, in his book, "The New World Order". On page 171, Epperson quotes testimony given in March, 1867, before the House Judiciary Committee, by General Gordon Granger. General Granger related a meeting between himself, President Andrew Johnson, who was a Mason, and Albert Pike, the most famous of all Masons. General Granger reported his surprise that President Johnson considered himself to be subordinate to Albert Pike. This subordination is detailed in the oath the initiate takes during the Third Degree, called the Master Mason's degree, inside the Blue Lodge. This oath states, "I do promise...that I will obey all...summonses..given..to me from the hand of a Brother Master Mason ..." Presidents who are Masons are obligated to take orders from their Master Masons. But why should we be surprised? This is the meaning of the symbolization contained by the House Of The Temple being precisely 13 city blocks north of the White House.

    Now, let us quickly examine the importance of the square to the occultist. We need to understand this because the Eastern point of this Goathead Pentagram is a square, not a circle. The square is comprised of two (2) vertical lines and two (2) horizontal. According to Goodman in his book, "Magical Symbols", the vertical line symbolizes spirit. This spiritual force may move either from Heaven to Earth or from Earth to Heaven, or even from Heaven to Hell. The horizontal line symbolizes matter and movement from west to east. It also describes movement in time, as a direction in which one is traveling. This point is very critical, because the Freemason is committed to taking America in the direction of the New World Order. Since the square combines the vertical and the horizontal, it becomes a symbol of the material, physical realm which is enmeshed with spirit and time. The passage of time within an occultic spiritual context is what is in view here. In this instance, the United States of America is the physical realm which is moving in time toward the desired direction of the New World Order.

    This square also contains one more piece of occultic meaning. In this Goathead Pentagram, Mt. Vernon Square is the Eastern point. In occultic doctrine, East is the direction from which a person receives spiritual knowledge and guidance. This belief originated in the Pagan worship of the Sun, and it is very much alive in Freemasonry today.

    Now, let us look at the symbol contained in the lower right hand portion of your Washington , D.C., city street map. This combination of symbols runs South and East from the White House to the United States Capitol. These are the symbols which clearly stamp Freemasonry upon this city, and which unmistakably reveal that the brand of Luciferic worship which we see in the Goathead Pentagram is the brand practiced by Freemasonry. Let us look at these Freemasonry symbols.

    The three most sacred symbols of Freemasonry are the Compass, the Square, and the Rule or straight-edge. Look at the United States capitol, and you will see that it is laid out in the form of a circle. This represents the top of a professional compass of that era, which was circular. Pennsylvania Avenue, running from the Capitol to the White House, represents one leg of the compass. Maryland Avenue, running from the Capitol to Thomas Jefferson Memorial, represents the second leg of the compass. In this instance, you will have to lay out a ruler and draw a solid line from the Capitol to the Jefferson Memorial to get the full effect, because Maryland does not run straight through. It runs for a while and then disappears only to reappear again further toward the Memorial. However, you can easily see that the general direction runs precisely toward the Jefferson Memorial. This is the compass of Freemasonry.

    The Freemason's Square begins at Union Square, with Louisiana Avenue forming one arm and Washington Avenue the other. Again, you will have to draw a line down Louisiana Avenue and Washington to see the fully-formed square, because Louisiana ends at Pennsylvania and Washington ends at Maryland. The critical 900 angle of the square is pictorially missing; however, once you draw the natural continuation of Louisiana and Washington beyond their termination points you will see the 900 square perfectly formed.

    The Freemason's Rule, or straightedge, is clearly seen if you draw a straight line south from the White House center to the base of the Washington Monument and then straight East to the Capitol.

    Thus, all three of the sacred instruments of Freemasonry are depicted in the layout of these streets. As I stated earlier, the deliberate planning of these Governmental Buildings so that they would be laid out so as to represent these three sacred tools of Freemasonry, coupled with the Luciferic Goathead Pentagram, clearly tell us that the brand of Luciferic control and worship planned for this capitol city was Freemasonry. This clearly shows that the New World Order for which Freemasonry has labored for so many years is Luciferic, their vigorous protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

    But there is more. Look again at the United States Capitol. At the extreme Eastern side of the Capitol, you can see two cul-de-sacs which are irregularly shaped. In fact, when you draw a bold black line carefully around these cul-de-sacs, and continue the black line around the Capitol, you get the appearance of a fat bunny's head, with the cul-de-sacs as his ears. This is not accidental, either. The head and ears of the bunny attach to the stick figures of the legs of the compass, which are meant to be the legs of the bunny. Further, the Mason's Square form stick-figure arms of the bunny. This representation is critically important, because ancient Satanists drew Satan in just this stick figure way, including the fat bunny head and his ears. This is another way of representing Satan.

    And, just as the White House forms the southern point of the Goathead Pentagram, so the Capitol forms the head of Satan. Shockingly, the meaning is also the same. The Southern point of the Goathead Pentagram represented the spirit of Satan reaching into the mind of the goathead, the bunny's head represents the same meaning. In other words, both the Executive and the Legislative Branches of Government are to be controlled by Satan.

    Let us now quickly look at the Washington Monument, which lies directly West of the Capitol. In fact, the Washington Monument lies on a straight line, precisely 900 West of the Capitol. The Washington Monument is the most important Presidential monument to the occultist, because it is an obelisk set inside a circle. What, you are probably saying, is an obelisk? An obelisk is a tall, four-sided stone pillar tapering toward a pyramidal top. The obelisk is critically important to the occultist because they believe that the spirit of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra, resided in the obelisk. Thus, the obelisk represents the very presence of the sun god, whom the Bible calls Satan!!

    There are only three major obelisks in the world today, and two of them are in the United States. According to Epperson in his book, "The New World Order", the first major obelisk was constructed in St. Peter's square in Rome, and is so placed that every Pope who addresses any crowd in the square, must face the obelisk. A New Age author, Peter Tomkins, reports the same facts in his book, "The Magic Of Obelisks", Harper and Row, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-06-014899-3.

    For full details of this obelisk in St. Peter's Bascilica, please read NEWS1034, "POPE JOHN PAUL II EMBRACES EVOLUTION!!"

    The second obelisk was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt, and was placed in Central Park in New York City.

    The third obelisk is the Washington Monument, built to commemorate our First President, George Washington. In light of the symbols which we have just studied, which have been built into the layout of Government Center, I believe the Washington Monument was constructed by Masons, according to Masonic tradition, as a symbol that this country was controlled by Freemasonry from the very beginning. And the Washington Monument has Freemasonry stamped all over it:

    * It is built from 36,000 separate blocks of granite. The number 36 is derived from multiplying 3x12 and is an important number.

    * Its capstone weighs exactly 3,300 pounds.

    * The monument contains 188 specially donated Memorial stones, most of them donated by individuals, societies, cities, and nations throughout the world. But, Masonic lodges throughout the world contributed 35 of these Memorial stones. These 35 blocks were intermingled with the other Memorial stones, but the last several of them were placed at the 330 foot level.

    * The total cost of the Washington Monument was reported to be $1,300,000, showing again a most important Masonic number, 13.

    * The Monument has 8 windows, and together they total 39 square feet in size. The number 39 is very sacred because it is formed by multiplying 3x13. And, also remember the importance of the Number 8 in Occultic Numerology, for it carries the meaning of "New Beginnings". Combined with the meaning of Number 13, as "Extreme Rebellion", you get the total message that this "New Beginning" {New World Order} is to be carried out in "Extreme Rebellion".




    There are several other, more complicated Masonic numbers concealed within the construction of the Washington Monument, but you get the point: This monument, constructed to honor the first Masonic President, was designed so that both the White House and the Capitol face toward it so that the leaders of both branches have to face the spirit of Lucifer thought to be residing in it. This is typical occultism.

    One final interesting note. We reported earlier in this article that the Washington Monument obelisk was placed directly on a straight line, precisely 900 West of the Capitol. Thus, the inhabitants of the Capitol could face the obelisk daily. However, note that the Washington, D.C., obelisk does not lie in a straight line 900 South the White House. Why? Because it was lined so that it lies in a straight line 900 from the House of Understanding, the headquarters of Freemasonry!! In the mind of the occultist, the true political Administrative power resides in this Freemasonry headquarters, not in the White House. This is why President Andrew Johnson considered himself to be the subordinate to Albert Pike, the leader of North American Freemasonry!

    Clearly, the power of leadership to drive this country toward the New World Order, leading the rest of the world, lies in Freemasonry, not in the White House or the Congress. These symbols, built into the physical layout of Government Center in Washinton, D.C., represent the extent of that power. Think of the many years these symbols have remained hidden from most people's knowledge; think of the millions of tourists which have walked on these streets during this time, without having any idea as to the existence of these symbols, not to mention their meaning! And, if you have ever driven a car in this area, you will now understand why these streets seem to be laid out so wierd! Driving here can be a nightmare. Now you know why.

    I dare anyone to email me to tell me that this perfect layout of occult symbols is accidental or without significance. The odds against this happening accidentally are so astronomical as to be absurd. Do you see irrefutable evidences of a conspiracy here?

    And, now the end is apparently in sight. The Third World War, envisioned by Albert Pike in 1870 between Israel and her Arab neighbors, is apparently at hand. Out of this war is to come Antichrist. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

    We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

    Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior? Do you know that you have eternal life? You can accept Christ and be born again right now, right where you are! If you want to know that you have eternal life and be forgiven of all your sins please read this. Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write us at:

    God bless you.
















































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