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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 22/03/2012 19:15
Estudie kavalisticamente la relacion del numero 23 con Sirio

In the Old Testament, the priests of Inanna (Asherah) and Dumuzi (Tammuz) are known as kelabim “dogs.”

Deu 23:17  There shall be no prostitute among the daughters of Israel, nor shall there be a homosexual among the sons of Israel.
Deu 23:18  You shall not bring the hire of a prostitute, or the price of a dog
(kelavim) , into the house of YHWH your God for any vow; for even both of these are an abomination to YHWH your God.

Sumerian royal inscriptions use the compound ur-sag “hero, warrior” which means literally “top dog.”

In the latter religion of Babylon and Assyria, the god Bel-Merodach, king of all heavenly gods, had four dogs named Ukkumu (Seizer), Akkulu (Eater), Ikšsuda (Grasper), and Iltebu (Holder).

Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis, took the form of a wolf or was said to be escorted from the Hyperboreans by wolves. Artemis was known as the “Wolf Goddess” and had a wolf on her shield. Both she and her Roman counterpart Diana were accompanied by a pack of hunting dogs.

Temples to Lycian Apollo or “Wolf-like Apollo” were common in ancient Greece. Apollo was known as Lykegenes “of she-wolf descent” in reference to his mother Leto. The wolf was Apollo’s sacred animal.

Even Zeus had wolf connections among the Arcadians. Zeus Lykaios or “Wolf Zeus” was the patron deity of Arcadia. There was a story that a man turned into a wolf at each yearly sacrifice to Zeus Lykaios.

The death goddess Hecate was closely linked with dogs and sometimes portrayed as dog-headed. Her special pet was Cerebos, the three-headed guard dog of the entrance to Hades. The connection of dogs to death, the underworld and resurrection may be linked to their burying and retrieving of bones and also to the practice of “dog burial” — the devouring of corpses by dogs

The Norse supreme deity Woden (Odin) chose two wolves, Freki and Geri, as his companions. His own death by the great apocalyptic wolf Fenrir was considered a fitting warrior’s death for the god.

The underworld known as Hel to the Norse was guarded by a pack of dogs and wolves headed by the massive dog Garm.   This could be the origin of the term ‘hell hounds.’

Mithras, the Persian savior god, also had hunting dogs that helped him in the slaying of the bull. The dog was considered sacred to Mithras followers in ancient Europe.

Sirius & Saturn

Children of the Matrix pg 33

“A focus on Sirius can be found at the heart of most ancient societies – and secret societies.”

Sirius Mystery pg 96
“The Sumerian heaven-god is called Anu…Anu is represented by the jackal.  Well, of course, the jackal is the symbol (interchangeable with the dog) of the Egyptian Anpu (Anubis)!…Anu is king of some attendant deities called the Anunnaki.”

Sirius Mystery pg 98
“Others again are of the opinion that by Anubis is meant Time, and that his denomination of Kuon [the Greek word for the 'dog'] does not so much allude to any likeness which he has to the dog, though this be the general rendering of the word, as to that other significance of the term taken from  breeding; because Time begets all things out of itself, bearing them within itself, as it were in a womb.  But this is one of those secret doctrines which are more fully made known to those who are initiated into the worship of Anubis.”

Sirius Mystery pg 99
“Plutarch says: ‘Some are of the opinion that Anubis is Chronos.’ Chronos, of course, was the Greek ‘time the devourer’, spelt with an h.  Cronos in Latin is Saturn.

Quest of the Dragon and Bird Clan


The name of Sirius probably is derived from the Egyptian word seir meaning “prince,” and related also to Hebrew sar. Another possibility is that the word comes from the Greek form for Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld.

It was pictured in cultures throughout the world as a dog or wolf situated in the southern sky and associated with the hot or “dog days” of summer.

Sirius is also often connected with the image of a hunter. Among the Sumerians, Ninurta, the hunter, and husband of the dog goddess Bau (Gula), was linked with Sirius, while his wife had Venus associations. Later, when Inanna absorbs Bau’s attributes she is likewise viewed as a huntress with links both to Venus and Sirius.

In Greek myth, Sirius formed the head of the hunter Orion’s dog, the constellation Canis Major. According to Monier-Williams, the dog star was known among Hindus as Lubdhaka and Mrgavyadha both meaning “hunter” and referring to the god Siva or Rudra.

Another association of Sirius connects the star with the Milky Way, known often as the “Way of Souls” or the “Way of the Dog/Wolf.” In this sense, Sirius is viewed as one or more dogs or wolves guarding the path taken by departed souls.

In ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius was central to the yearly calendar. Sirius and Orion are personified respectively by the deities Sopdet and Sah, who are in turn manifestations of Isis and Osiris. Sopdet and Sah beget Sopdu, who is the manifestation of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, and the patron deity of Egyptian royalty. Sopdet is sometimes portrayed as a large dog, or as riding side-saddle on a dog (during the Roman period).

When the Sun and Moon conjoined at the start of the Egyptian New Year a festival known as the “sacred marriage” was celebrated. This may relate to the Pyramid Texts which state that Pharaoh unites with Isis in a form of hieros gamos bringing forth Horus-Sopdu. In another passage, the royal-divine union is said to beget the Morning Star, and thus may connect Venus with Horus.

Among the Sumerians, the sacred marriage took place between the priest-king and Inanna, the latter probably represented by the Lukur priestess, who was in turn linked with the daughters of dog-headed Bau. Inanna again has as her planet Venus and Sirius as one of her fixed stars. The king during this ritual stands for Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, and every year near the rising of Sirius in the summer, the Kelabim or dog priests of Dumuzi (Tammuz) held rites for the god.

Dogon tribe

In Mali, West Africa, lives a tribe of people called the Dogon. The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis.  How did a people who lacked any kind of astronomical devices know so much about an invisible star? The star, which scientists call Sirius B, wasn’t even photographed until it was done by a large telescope in 1970.

The Dogon stories explain that also. According to their oral traditions, a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. They also appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius.

The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B.

According to Credo Mutwaclick here, the Zulu people call the star Sirius the ‘Star of the Wolf’ and their ancient accounts say that a ‘sea-dwelling fish people’ from Sirius came to earth.

http://www.angelfire.com/ma4/namesofmen/chap5.html, Chapter Five …Something Fishy… (5-3-02):

IHS is a mystic surname of Bacchus: I(ota) = Iacchus; H(eta) = Helios, the sun; S(sigma) = son or incarnation of the sun.”[25] … All major dictionaries and reference works recognize that “IHS” is shortened from of the name “IHSOUS”–the name commonly attributed to the Messiah. However, it has been learned that “IHS” was a hidden or mysterious surname for the mythical god Bacchus. Bacchus was known as a sun-deity who also had the symbol of the “Tau cross” as well as the Fish symbol and was also recognized by many of the classical writers as Tammuz, the youthful returning sun-deity. … Now that brings us again to the fish story. Bacchus was also called the ICHTHUS, or the Fish.

Dagon mark of the beast connection

1Sa 5:4  And they rose early in the morning on the next day; and, behold! Dagon had fallen on its face to the earth before the ark of YHWH, and the head of Dagon, and the two palms of its hands, were cut off at the threshold. Only the flat (fishy) part had been left to him.

“Out of (the) deluge emerged DAGON, the fish-god, or GOD OF THE SEA… In the secret mysteries… they sought to regain their influence and power by scenic representation… of the flood, in which NOAH was introduced under the name DAGON.” (Two Babylons pg 243-44)

In the mystery religions, both the forehead and hands were tattooed during the initiation rites. (Reason for Dagon’s hands and head cut off)

Rev 17:9  And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Rev 17:10  And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

Rev 17:11  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.


“Horus I represents the soul of life, which came by water to a dried up world… Here the FISH…was a sign of his incorporation in matter… Horus came by water as Ichtus the FISH before there was a boat or Ark… The inundation (of the Nile) was the source of the life of Egypt. It was her annual salvation, and Horus…the Fish-man, was her Saviour.” (Churchward, p. 420-21)


“In Babylon, Capricorn symbolized the dual life of Ea, a god often shown walking in a great FISH-SHAPED cloak with the head of a FISH over his own head… It was said to have come from the OCEAN to teach men how to live.”


“In the great Assyrian temple of Assur…stood a large stone ritual basin dedicated to the god OANNES… Flanking him are 4 FISH-CLAD priests.” (Johnson, p. 243) In an etching of “Assyria, 7th century BCE: FISH-CLAD priests.” (Johnson, p. 245)


“DAGON…under the name ‘MITHRA’, was worshipped.” (Hislop, p. 264)

“In Mythraic mysteries, SATURN was the Sun God.” (Springmeier, p. 160, quoting Manly P. Hall)


“Jerome calls DAGON…fish of sorrow which goes far to identify that Fish-god with Bacchus.” (Hislop, p. 114)

One is – Imperial Rome

“SATURN wandered to Italy, where he ruled as king in the Golden Age and gave the name SATURNIA to the country.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, “Saturn,” p. 231)

One is yet to come

“About the very time when the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Saviour began to be called ICHTHUS, of ‘THE FISH’, thereby identifying him with DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)

“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears…is the very mitre worn by DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215) One is – Imperial Rome

“About the very time when the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Saviour began to be called ICHTHUS, of ‘THE FISH’, thereby identifying him with DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)

“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears…is the very mitre worn by DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)

Eighth Beast – World Kingdom

“The religion of SATURN…teaches…the RETURN OF THE LOST SON SATURN.” (Springmeier, p. 160-61)

“The Merovingian dynasty – male line (are) descendants of the FISHER KINGS.” (Gardner, p. 163)

“Between the 5th and 7th centuries the MEROVINGIANS ruled large parts of … France and Germany… The ruler from whom the Merovingians derived their name is…Merovee…a semi-supernatural figure worthy of classical MYTH… His name… echoes the French word of…SEA…Merovee’s mother supposedly went swimming in the OCEAN. In the water she is said to have been seduced and/or raped by… a BEAST OF NEPTUNE.” (Biagent, p. 396)

The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 25 states that the symbol of the Sirians (from Sirius) in Atlantis was a triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle.  This all seeing-eye symbol traced through Egypt as the eye of Horus/Osiris/Ra/Isis which is what is seen on the back of the dollar bill.

On a statue to Isis the following was described “I am all that has been, that is, or shall be, and none among the mortal has hiterto taken off my veil.”

The south pole of Saturn looks like the ‘all seeing eye’ of Isis/Osiris.

Children of the Matrix pg 35

“The Dogon call Sirius the ‘Eye Star’ and Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius was a triangle – three points representing the three Sirius stars; and the triangle symbolised water in Pythagorean code.”

Hexagram (water is in the hexagonal shape) found on North pole of planet Saturn

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/03/2012 19:18

Canis Major, the Great Dog

Canis Major loyally follows its mythical master, Orion, across the southern skies of winter.

Canis Major, the Great Dog

The brightest star in Canis Major also is the brightest in the entire night sky — brilliant Sirius, which is just 8.6 light-years away. That's only twice as far as our closest stellar neighbor. Because it is the brightest star of the Great Dog, Sirius is known as the Dog Star. Its first appearance in the dawn sky in August heralds the "dog days" of summer.

Sirius is actually a double star. The star that we see as Sirius is about 20 times brighter than the Sun. It is also hotter and more massive than the Sun. Its companion is known as Sirius B, and is nicknamed The Pup. It is a white dwarf -- the hot, dense core of a star that was once like Sirius itself. At the end of its life, the star blew its outer layers into space, leaving only the core. Sirius B is as massive as the Sun but less than one percent as bright. It shines simply because it's still hot.

Canis Major's second-brightest star is Adhara. It is well below Sirius, in one of the dog's legs. It is about 425 light-years away. It emits about a thousand times more visible light than Sirius does, so if it were moved to the same distance as Sirius, it would look about 200 times brighter than Sirius does.

Because the surface of Adhara is extremely hot, the star emits more ultraviolet energy than visible light. If our eyes were tuned to the ultraviolet, Adhara would outshine every other star in the night sky.

One interesting sight in Canis Major is a star cluster known as M41, which is about 2,300 light-years away. It's visible to the unaided eye as a faint smudge of light below Sirius. Binoculars or a small telescope reveal a swarm of several dozen stars.


Dog Stars

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/03/2012 19:20

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/03/2012 19:45
Genesis 7:24
And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.

   According to the calendar of 12 months with 30 days each, utilized by Noah, this 150 day period consisted of 5 months. This is established in Gen. 8:3b, which states: "and after the end of the one hundred and fifty days the waters were abated." If we add these 5 months to the second month mentioned in 7:11, we come to the seventh month.

Genesis 8:4-5
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops [rosh; H7218] of the mountains seen.

   From the 17th day of the 2nd month, to the 17th of the 7th month is exactly 5 months, in the 12 month, 30-day calendar. The Hebrew word for the "tops" of the mountains in verse 5: "rosh" [H7218]2 in the context of Noah's calendar, is also rendered "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 and 15, in reference to the star Sirius, in The Revised English Bible.3 The ancients many times used the mountain ranges set against their horizon, as a reference point to orient themselves regarding the seasonal positions of the stars, Sun and Moon in their cycles. Archaeo-Astronomy notes a rich history of this practice in ancient cultures of the world and this could be very early evidence, perhaps even of the origins of this practice with the Biblical Patriarchs. This would also have associated the only star that provides a 365.25-day calendar, that also happens to be the brightest star in the heavens, with the highest mountain peaks where the Ark came to rest. If this is evidence of Noah's wisdom regarding the recognition of the Sirius or Sothic Calendar as it became known in ancient Egypt, it gives us an initial glimpse that the Biblical Patriarchs kept both of these calendars at the same time, as part of their harmonized luni-solar year. This also agrees with the Creator's purpose for the celestial lights stated in Genesis 1:14-17, to shed light upon the earth, in relation to the timekeeping of weeks, days and years. The luni-solar harmony based on the phi ratio [1.618...] which contains 618 lunations in every 50-year Jubilee cycle, exhibits the divine signature of the Creator's handiwork, as the "Source of life" throughout all levels of His Creation. This is why we also find the phi ratio or the divine proportion, so ubiquitously in all levels of the Kingdoms of Life in Nature. The phi ratio is the master pattern of all growth life on earth, as various life forms progress through succeeding geometric stages of life development.  
  This is God's way of illustrating His Intelligent Design of Creation. We find common elements of this temporal harmony in the 50-year Jubilee, preserved in the Old Testament Law, coinciding with the 50-year cycle of "Sirius A" with "Sirius B,," the White Dwarf companion of the Dog-star. The beauty and precision of the original pattern of the Creator's divine design of the heavens was clearly corrupted in Babylonian Astrology, witnessed in how the Babylonians later employed with their partial zodiac of normal stars, with elements of their sidereal year. Their normal stars were a group of 31 stars that appear in early cuneiform texts as reference points for planetary positions in Babylonian divinatory Astrology. Added to what we have found here in Genesis 8:5, in reference to the middle-east's highest mountain peaks, rosh [H7218] also occurs in the Biblical context of the summit of the ziggurat or Tower of Babel [Gen. 11:4], and the "cheif cornerstone" [Ps. 118:22, Eph. 2:20].
   The blueprint of Noah's 360-day calendar was carried forward with the builders of the Tower of Babel, not in the original sense of spreading the message of mankind's Coming Redeemer, written in the celestial gospel, but in an idolatrous sense which began to mix in their idolatrous practices of Astrology with the original Astronomy of these Patriarchs, not honoring the true God. This is a major reason that they incurred God's judgement of the confusion of tongues at Babel, because this early attempt at a one-world government motivated by Nimrod, outside of Godly standards and opposed to Godly purposes, just had too much of an advantage going for it. Thus God took action to prevent it. You would think these people would learn that ultimately, it does not pay to oppose the Creator and His divine purpose, it only shows the extent to which "the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not," [II Cor. 4:4]. Still, we find that many aspects of the original truth in the celestial gospel, were carried forward in a mathematical and geometric context, found in these Babylonian, Mexican and Egyptian temple-towers or "step pyramids," like the one found at Saqqara in ancient Egypt, built according to a septenary pattern. Below is an example of the Mayan Pyramids, like Quetzalcoatl's Pyramid, that incorporated a model regulated on the dimensions of the Earth, even as the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. 

   According to H.G. Wood: "the ziggurat of Jupiter Belus at Babylon had an ideal basis in the number 360. He describes a 7-staged pyramid in which each of the six upper stages is 360 inches shorter than the one next below it: the base side was 3,600 inches, and the total height of the structure was 3,600 inches. Wood therefore concludes that: the entire system of ancient Babylonian metrology appears to have been derived from 360 x 360 x 100 or, 12,960,000."4

   This numerical total (12,960,000) happens to be half the length of solar years in the precession of the equinoxes showing the precessional basis of timekeeping as an ancient temporal standard related to Noah's calendar. This perfect template of the cosmic order is based on the beauty of the precessional pattern, as seen in the sun’s trajectory through it’s annual course, where it "dwells" in each of the 12 houses of the zodiac for one month. The Sun moves in its circuit at a rate of 12 miles per second or 43,200 miles per hour (1/3 of 1,296,000) carrying its train of planets in our solar system, and shedding its light upon the earth within the boundary lines of the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. As the Sun illuminates the earth for twelve hours each day; (43,200 seconds), and since there are 86,400 seconds in each 24-hour day, we find the earth moving through 1,296,000 seconds of arc every 24 hours. It is also interesting to note that the diameter of the sun is 86,400 miles, thus the time it takes for the sun’s light to cover the space of the earth’s surface relates to it’s own diameter. We can find the consistency of this divine rule of light, or the Creator’s DNA, at every level of the temporal and physical order, marking & dividing the seasons, days and years [Gen. 1:14-18]. Also, this shows that the builders of the Great Pyramid were intimately aware of this divine standard, since they modeled the earth’s northern hemisphere on a [1/43,200] scale, upon which the Pyramid represents the exact dimensions of the Earth, long before they were rediscovered by modern science. When we divide the sun’s orbital speed of 43,200 mph, by the 12 houses of the ecliptic, we get 3600, or the number of arc-minutes in a solar day. This matches the 36 decans of the zodiac’s 360 degrees, the same celestial and numeric standard manifested at increasing powers of 10, showing the Creator's signature of Symmetry throughout His Creation. The sun’s orbital speed; of 43,200 mph, is also 10% of half of its circumference in miles (864,000 miles or 2/3 of 12,960,000). This is undeniably the signature of the divine Hand of the Creator, or the Great Geometer as the Pythagoreans called Him, exhibiting the dominion of His divine measure of Light, His own essence ruling over all kingdoms of terrestrial and temporal life. [John 1:3-4]

   These mathematical principles survived in the Astronomy of ancient Mesopotamia which formed the basis of their advanced practices in celestial science, but with the adulteration of their practices in Astrology over time, they wandered further away from their true origins. As the floodwaters continued to abate so that the peaks or tops of the mountains were visible, on the first day of the tenth month, this according to Bullinger, was the only recorded flood date that is not a sabbath.
  In ancient Egypt where the Sothic Calendar was based on the star Sirius, coordinated the first day of the sidereal year in harmony with the first day of the lunar year and the New Years Day of the solar year, that also marked the annual flooding of the Nile. But due to the 365-day Egyptian Civil Year losing a day every 4 years (365 x 4=1460 days) against the 365.25-day Sirius calendar (1461 days), it actually took 1461 years for the Egyptian Civil Year to return in synch with the Sirius cycle's realignment on New Year's Day. Here we can see a year-day relation between the 1461 days of the Sirius calendar and the 1461 years it took the Egyptian civil calendar to realign with Sirius on New Year's Day. There are Biblical prophecy precedents for this day-year correspondence [Num. 14:34, Ezek. 4:4-6] which relate directly to the 40-year cycle, which itself contains 14,610 days, (1461 x 10). We have pointed out the significance of this 40-year generational cycle previously relating to Noah's period in building the Ark (40 x 3 = 120) along with the correlations to Moses leading the Children of Israel through the wilderness for 40 years, during the third 40 year segment of his own life of 120 years. We have also recognized the relation of this 120-year period (120 x 3 = 360) to Noah's Calendar. Again, this is evidence of the Creator's consistent pattern of symmetrical Intelligent Design throughout multiple levels of Creation, that collectively become an undeniable and overwhelming cascade of truth, exhibiting His Divine Omniscience. This is far beyond man's ability to fully comprehend, we can only point to its perfection and give honor and glory where its due, to the Only One capable of putting it All together-The Almighty God.

  There were similar calendrical observances in ancient Babylon. Lets take time to closely inspect one of these rituals in ancient Babylon and note some of the important parallels between the mythology of ancient Egypt and Babylon, and the Biblical record. The creation myth in ancient Babylon was called the Enuma elish. It records the victory of their god Marduk, over the chaos of the underworld and his subsequent ordering of the Babylonian cosmos. Their ritual for the New Year occurred at the equinox either in the spring or the fall. This ceremony at the entering of the New Year was called akitu and it lasted 11 days, which is interesting in light of the fact that there is an 11-day gap between their 354-day lunar year and the 365-day solar year, which would have harmonized the luni-solar cycle, ushering the New Year. This 11-day gap expanded to 7 months over the 19-year lunar saros, and 235 full moons of the Metonic Cycle. According to E.C. Krupp:

"In the first three days of the ceremony, Marduk was symbolically confined in what texts call 'the Mountain.' For three days Marduk remains in the underworld, a realm of chaos and the dead. The term "Mountain" also refers to the tall, multi-leveled temple-towers (or ziggurats) the Mesopotamians built of clay bricks on the flat flood plain of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is possible that this point in the ceremony was connected in some way with the ziggurat. On the Fourth day of the akitu, the Enuma elish was repeated, and this activity, accompanied perhaps by others, brought Marduk back to life and allowed him to emerge from the Mountain, or the underworld...Marduk's emergence from the mountain at the equinox and New Year, in any case, represents the creation of the world order. Krupp continues his statment: "By staging this myth in ritual terms at the turning point of the seasons and the year, the Babylonians recognized their cyclic nature of the world. The end of each year is a reentry into the time before the creation of the world. The previous world must break down before it is refabricated, and that is why Marduk is imprisoned and slain in the Mountain."5  [emphasis mine]

   This scenario is most likely recalled in a cylinder seal from the Akkadian period [2360-2180 BC.] shown below. Here the Babylonian sun-god Shemesh (with a saw in his hand)appears at dawn, marked between the mountain peaks on the horizon.6 The idea of this equinox sunrise at New Years is conveyed by the two-faced figure at the far right, an early representation of the Roman god Janus, whose two faces facing in opposite directions, symbolize one view of the going out of the year just passed, while the other face greets the coming New Year. The ancient Chaldeans actually attribute their astronomical knowledge to Noah, who was also known by the name Janus/Oannes, as the inventor of Astronomy. In these traditions Noah became a "two faced" diety since he could look both backwards and forwards via his astronomical expertise, and the truth that he and his family were the only ones who lived on the other side of the great flood.. This depicts how the Biblical Patriarchs themselves were diefied by the ancient heathen cultures of the middle east because Janus, as a corrupted form of Noah, was seen as a solar diety, like Shemesh. The Chaldean "Epic of Gilgamesh" is only one example of this traditional corruption, as witnessed in the Akkadian cylinder seal below. 


   The parallels of this myth in its agreement with what Christ endured are too close to be explained away as coincidence, especially since Noah was also seen as a forerunner of Christ our Savior. The Mythographers have just got the order reversed. They say that the myths came before the story as it is recorded in the New Testament, which is true, but their myths do not precede the witness of the stars that predate written human language, when the Creator recorded His celestial gospel, telling of the coming redeemer, on the fourth day of the Creation Week. The three days that Marduk spent in the realm of the dead, within the World-Mountain, represent the seven-leveled ziggurat rising above the chaotic flooded plains of the fertile crescent, mirroring the three days and three nights that Jesus spent in the heart of the earth [Matt. 12:40]. This fulfilled the legal definition of death, in the Law of the Old Testament, part of Jesus work as the passover lamb to fulfill every jot and tittle of the Old Covenant Law, which no other man could ever do, because Jesus is the only one qualified to die for the sins of humanity as a perfect sacrifice, a lamb of the first year, without spot or blemish. Jesus also conquered death when he was brought back from the dead, arising at the start of the fourth day. Jesus' resurrection most certainly ushered in a New World, throwing down and refabricating Satan's fallen kosmos, and world order of darkness which was handed over to him when Adam fell. It is noteworthy that Jesus was born on Tishri 1 of 3 BC, our September 11th, the equivalent of New Years Day on Israel's calendar, the anniversary of Creation, and he was crucified during the Passover on our April 28th, 28 AD. Both these dates are very near the equinox, his birth in the fall month of Tishri, the seventh and holiest month on the calendar of Israel, and his sacrifice in the spring month of Nisan.
   The idea that the end of each year is a reentry into the time before the creation of the world, mirrors the disruption of the First Heavens & Earth that resulted from Lucifer's revolt and original sin, which left that world destroyed by the floods of II Pet. 3:6, aligning with the Gen. 1:2 record. This cosmology has been fully elucidated in our article on The Creator's Temporal Order, under the The Intelligent Designer section of our Try-God website. This period of chaotic floods is common to both Egyptian and Babylonian myths, not to mention many others, and is characterized by the world-mountain that rises above the chaos of the flood-waters, which threw time into disorder. It was the corruption of our Hero's journey written in the stars, but recast in the Astrology of the world monomyth of these ancient heathens, that diluted the original truth with foreign admixtures. Yet for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the truth cannot be covered, as we find it still shining through these ancient idolatrous veneers. The parallels of this record along with what we have already seen regarding the New Year observances in ancient Egypt, provide strong support for our thesis, that the major elements originally preserved in the celestial narrative of the promised coming redeemer, Jesus Christ, are mirrored in important aspects of these ancient myths. This explains why these tenets of the world monomyth, as Joseph Campbell called it, are so consistent the world over, in cultures separated in time and space. The Hero's journey, which is the master theme of all good stories, the record of the struggle of the protagonist against the antagonist, was first embodied in the story of the ages, written in the stars, and preserved as an archetypal memory at the deepest foundations of human history. Man has historically linked these observances with his temporal conception and calendrical practices, as a key aspect of his cultural world order, or the cosmology of his day. Thus our recognition of the tenets of Noah's calendar provide great keys to our understanding of the cosmology of the Biblical Patriarchs, which Noah preserved after the flood.

Genesis 8:13-14
And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold, the face of the ground was dry. 14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.

   In verse 13 above, "the first month, the first day of the month" is not only recognized here for the drying of the flood waters, but also coincides with the birth of Christ on Tishri 1, millennia later in  3 BC, New Years Day in Israel, also known as Rosh Hashannah, the anniversary of Creation, in Hebrew tradition. Tishri became the 7th month after the change that the Lord directed Moses to undertake in the marking of the Passover [Exod. 12:2,14ff], fulfilled by Jesus, the lamb of God. This denotes a change in the calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs Administration, preserved under Noah, transitioning to the Old Testament Law Administration under Moses, and it also officially recognizes the start of the Jubilee cycle in Israel [Levi. 25:8]. Once Jesus fulfilled every "jot and tittle" of the Mosaic Law, the Law ended and we are no longer under its myriad dictates, which were too heavy a burden for mortal man to bear. Thus we are commanded by the Apostle Paul in Colossians to:

Colossians 2:16-17
Let no man judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the New Moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/03/2012 19:48
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Verse # = 71   |   Words = 15   |   Letters = 61
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And I will put שית 710
enmity איבה 18
between thee and the woman, אשה 306
and between thy seed זרע 277
and her seed; זרע 277
it shall bruise שוף 386
thy head, ראש 501
and thou shalt bruise שוף 386
his heel. עקב 172
Total = 4266
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
ואיבה 24
אשית 711
בינך 82
ובין 68
האשה 311
ובין 68
זרעך 297
ובין 68
זרעה 282
הוא 12
ישופך 416
ראש 501
ואתה 412
תשופנו 842
עקב 172

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/03/2012 19:49
Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.
Verse # = 188   |   Words = 11   |   Letters = 42
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And the ark תבה 407
rested נוח 64
in the seventh שביעי 392
month, חדש 312
on the seventeenth עשר 570
(untranslated) שבע 372
day יום 56
of the month, חדש 312
upon the mountains הר 205
of Ararat. אררט 410
Total = 3659
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
ותנח 464
התבה 412
בחדש 314
השביעי 397
בשבעה 379
עשר 570
יום 56
לחדש 342
על 100
הרי 215
אררט 410
Gen 8:5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.
Verse # = 189   |   Words = 13   |   Letters = 56
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And the waters מים 90
decreased חסר 268
continually הלך 55
until עד 74
the tenth עשירי 590
month: חדש 312
in the tenth עשירי 590
month, on the first אחד 13
day of the month, חדש 312
were the tops ראש 501
of the mountains הר 205
seen. ראה 206
Total = 3426
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
והמים 101
היו 21
הלוך 61
וחסור 280
עד 74
החדש 317
העשירי 595
בעשירי 592
באחד 15
לחדש 342
נראו 257
ראשי 511
ההרים 260

ראש ro'sh {roshe} from an unused root apparently meaning to shake; TWOT - 2097; n m AV - head 349, chief 91, top 73, beginning 14, company 12, captain 10, sum 9, first 6, principal 5, chapiters 4, rulers 2, misc 23; 598 1) head, top, summit, upper part, chief, total, sum, height, front, beginning 1a) head (of man, animals) 1b) top, tip (of mountain) 1c) height (of stars) 1d) chief, head (of man, city, nation, place, family, priest) 1e) head, front, beginning 1f) chief, choicest, best 1g) head, division, company, band 1h) sum

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/03/2012 19:43
Jua 1:2 Este era en el principio con Dios.

Jua 17:5 Ahora pues, Padre, glorifícame tú al lado tuyo, con aquella gloria que tuve contigo antes que el mundo fuese.

Col 1:18 y él es la cabeza del cuerpo que es la iglesia, él que es el principio, el primogénito de entre los muertos, para que en todo tenga la preeminencia;

Apo 3:14 Y escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Laodicea: He aquí el Amén, el testigo fiel y verdadero, el principio de la creación de Dios, dice esto:

Apo 1:17 Cuando le vi, caí como muerto a sus pies. Y él puso su diestra sobre mí, diciéndome: No temas; yo soy el primero y el último;

Jesús lo dijo, él estuvo antes que el mundo existiese.
El primogénito, el primero, el principio de todo lo creado o engendrado, es el primero que salió de Dios. Todo salió de Dios.

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/03/2012 13:39

ecliptic - Welcome to Try-God.com

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When they camped during the evenings, Numbers 2 tells us they camped in the order of the tribes as it matched the order of the course of the sun on the ecliptic, ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/04/2012 15:24

10:1 De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que no entra por la puerta en el redil de las ovejas, sino que sube por otra parte, ése es ladrón y salteador. (La oveja es RAQUEL. RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA)
10:2 Mas el que entra por la puerta, el pastor de las ovejas es. (ES UNA REFERENCIA A JOSE-GENESIS 49:25)
9. Génesis 49:24: Mas su arco se mantuvo poderoso, Y los brazos de sus manos se fortalecieron Por las manos del Fuerte de Jacob (Por el nombre del PASTOR, la Roca de Israel),

10:3 A éste abre el portero, y las ovejas oyen su voz; y a sus ovejas llama por nombre, y las saca. (RAQUEL, LA LUNA, TAMBIEN ES UN SIMBOLO DE LA IGLESIA, LA ESPOSA DE JACOB, EL SOL, segun el SUEÑO DE jose GENESIS 37)
10:4 Y cuando ha sacado fuera todas las propias, va delante de ellas; y las ovejas le siguen, porque conocen su voz.
10:5 Mas al extraño no seguirán, sino huirán de él, porque no conocen la voz de los extraños.
10:6 Esta alegoría les dijo Jesús; pero ellos no entendieron qué era lo que les decía.
10:7 Volvió, pues, Jesús a decirles: De cierto, de cierto os digo: Yo soy la puerta de las ovejas.
10:8 Todos los que antes de mí vinieron, ladrones son y salteadores; pero no los oyeron las ovejas.
10:9 Yo soy la puerta; el que por mí entrare, será salvo; y entrará, y saldrá, y hallará pastos.
10:10 El ladrón no viene sino para hurtar y matar y destruir; yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia.
10:11 Yo soy el buen pastor; el buen pastor su vida da por las ovejas.
10:12 Mas el asalariado, y que no es el pastor, de quien no son propias las ovejas, ve venir al lobo y deja las ovejas y huye, y el lobo arrebata las ovejas y las dispersa. (EL LOBO ES BENJAMIN. RECORDEMOS QUE RAQUEL, LA OVEJA, MUERE CUANDO NACE EL LOBO, BENJAMIN. DE AQUI VIENE EL MITO DEL LOBO Y LA LUNA LLENA)
1. Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.

10:13 Así que el asalariado huye, porque es asalariado, y no le importan las ovejas.
10:14 Yo soy el buen pastor; y conozco mis ovejas, y las mías me conocen, (Una nueva referencia a JOSE)
10:15 así como el Padre me conoce, y yo conozco al Padre; y pongo mi vida por las ovejas.
10:16 También tengo otras ovejas que no son de este redil; aquéllas también debo traer, y oirán mi voz; y habrá un rebaño, y un pastor.
10:17 Por eso me ama el Padre, porque yo pongo mi vida, para volverla a tomar.
10:18 Nadie me la quita, sino que yo de mí mismo la pongo. Tengo poder para ponerla, y tengo poder para volverla a tomar. Este mandamiento recibí de mi Padre.
10:19 Volvió a haber disensión entre los judíos por estas palabras.
10:20 Muchos de ellos decían: Demonio tiene, y está fuera de sí; ¿por qué le oís?
10:21 Decían otros: Estas palabras no son de endemoniado. ¿Puede acaso el demonio abrir los ojos de los ciegos?
10:22 Celebrábase en Jerusalén la fiesta de la dedicación. Era invierno, (Es curiosa la interrelacion con JANUKAH. AQUI TENEMOS UN NEXO CON LA VIRGEN DE LOURDES E INCLUSO CON LA PIRAMIDE DE LOUVRE DEL CODIGO DA VINCI)
10:23 y Jesús andaba en el templo por el pórtico de Salomón.
10:24 Y le rodearon los judíos y le dijeron: ¿Hasta cuándo nos turbarás el alma? Si tú eres el Cristo, dínoslo abiertamente.
10:25 Jesús les respondió: Os lo he dicho, y no creéis; las obras que yo hago en nombre de mi Padre, ellas dan testimonio de mí;
10:26 pero vosotros no creéis, porque no sois de mis ovejas, como os he dicho.
10:27 Mis ovejas oyen mi voz, y yo las conozco, y me siguen,
10:28 y yo les doy vida eterna; y no perecerán jamás, ni nadie las arrebatará de mi mano.
10:29 Mi Padre que me las dio, es mayor que todos, y nadie las puede arrebatar de la mano de mi Padre.
10:30 Yo y el Padre uno somos.
10:31 Entonces los judíos volvieron a tomar piedras para apedrearle.
10:32 Jesús les respondió: Muchas buenas obras os he mostrado de mi Padre; ¿por cuál de ellas me apedreáis?
10:33 Le respondieron los judíos, diciendo: Por buena obra no te apedreamos, sino por la blasfemia; porque tú, siendo hombre, te haces Dios.
10:34 Jesús les respondió: ¿No está escrito en vuestra ley: Yo dije, dioses sois?
10:35 Si llamó dioses a aquellos a quienes vino la palabra de Dios (y la Escritura no puede ser quebrantada),
10:36 ¿al que el Padre santificó y envió al mundo, vosotros decís: Tú blasfemas, porque dije: Hijo de Dios soy?
10:37 Si no hago las obras de mi Padre, no me creáis.
10:38 Mas si las hago, aunque no me creáis a mí, creed a las obras, para que conozcáis y creáis que el Padre está en mí, y yo en el Padre.
10:39 Procuraron otra vez prenderle, pero él se escapó de sus manos.
10:40 Y se fue de nuevo al otro lado del Jordán, al lugar donde primero había estado bautizando Juan; y se quedó allí.
10:41 Y muchos venían a él, y decían: Juan, a la verdad, ninguna señal hizo; pero todo lo que Juan dijo de éste, era verdad.
10:42 Y muchos creyeron en él allí.

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/04/2012 03:14
bull in Simple Gematria Equals: 47 ( b
En contexto al calendario gregoriano sabemos que el 29/6 (29 de junio o 29 del cuarto mes considerando como marzo el primero como era en la antiguedad) vemos un puente con el VERDADERO PENTECOSTES HEBREO QUE ES EL 29/4 O 29 DE THAMUS.
Desde el 13/3 o 13 de mayo hasta el 29 de junio tenemos 47 dias y desde el 29 de junio al 15 de agosto tambien tenemos 47 dias. Desde el 29/6 hasta el 13/10 tenemos 106 dias (180-74=106-74 es anagrama del 47) y desde el 15/3 (lanza de longino) hasta el 29/6 tambien tenemos 106 dias. El 15/3 TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO CON FATIMA DEBIDO A EL NEXO 13/10 CON EL 15/3 Y 15/3 CON EL 15/8 EN CONTEXTO AL NUMERO 153. Otro nexo INCREIBLE CON EL 11/9 ES LA INTERRELACION DEL 29/6 Y ESTE ULTIMO EN SU DIFERENCIA DE 74 DIAS e incluso CON EL 9 DE NOVIEMBRE Y TAMBIEN CON EL 29/6 CON EL NUMERO 133.

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 86 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/05/2012 15:50
4:1 Jesús, lleno del Espíritu Santo, volvió del Jordán, y fue llevado por el Espíritu al desierto
4:2 por cuarenta días, y era tentado por el diablo. Y no comió nada en aquellos días, pasados los cuales, tuvo hambre.
4:3 Entonces el diablo le dijo: Si eres Hijo de Dios, dí a esta piedra que se convierta en pan.
4:4 Jesús, respondiéndole, dijo: Escrito está: No sólo de pan vivirá el hombre, sino de toda palabra de Dios.
4:5 Y le llevó el diablo a un alto monte, y le mostró en un momento todos los reinos de la tierra.
4:6 Y le dijo el diablo: A ti te daré toda esta potestad, y la gloria de ellos; porque a mí me ha sido entregada, y a quien quiero la doy.
4:7 Si tú postrado me adorares, todos serán tuyos.
4:8 Respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: Vete de mí, Satanás, porque escrito está: Al Señor tu Dios adorarás, y a él solo servirás.
4:9 Y le llevó a Jerusalén, y le puso sobre el pináculo del templo, y le dijo: Si eres Hijo de Dios, échate de aquí abajo;
4:10 porque escrito está: A sus ángeles mandará acerca de ti, que te guarden;
4:11 y, En las manos te sostendrán, Para que no tropieces con tu pie en piedra.
4:12 Respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: Dicho está: No tentarás al Señor tu Dios.
4:13 Y cuando el diablo hubo acabado toda tentación, se apartó de él por un tiempo.
4:14 Y Jesús volvió en el poder del Espíritu a Galilea, y se difundió su fama por toda la tierra de alrededor.
4:15 Y enseñaba en las sinagogas de ellos, y era glorificado por todos.
4:16 Vino a Nazaret, donde se había criado; y en el día de reposo entró en la sinagoga, conforme a su costumbre, y se levantó a leer.
4:17 Y se le dio el libro del profeta Isaías; y habiendo abierto el libro, halló el lugar donde estaba escrito:
4:18 El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, Por cuanto me ha ungido para dar buenas nuevas a los pobres; Me ha enviado a sanar a los quebrantados de corazón; A pregonar libertad a los cautivos, Y vista a los ciegos; A poner en libertad a los oprimidos;
4:19 A predicar el año agradable del Señor. (EL año agradable era el año de la LIBERACION SEGUN LEVITICO 25, osea cada 50 años, que era el año DE JUBILEO)
4:20 Y enrollando el libro, lo dio al ministro, y se sentó; y los ojos de todos en la sinagoga estaban fijos en él.
4:21 Y comenzó a decirles: Hoy se ha cumplido esta Escritura delante de vosotros.
4:22 Y todos daban buen testimonio de él, y estaban maravillados de las palabras de gracia que salían de su boca, y decían: ¿No es éste el hijo de José? ("HIJO DE JOSE" tambien tiene una connotacion con el JOSE, hijo de JACOB Y RAQUEL, que estuvo en EGIPTO segun GENESIS 37 AL 50)
4:23 El les dijo: Sin duda me diréis este refrán: Médico, cúrate a ti mismo; de tantas cosas que hemos oído que se han hecho en Capernaum, haz también aquí en tu tierra.
4:24 Y añadió: De cierto os digo, que ningún profeta es acepto en su propia tierra.
4:25 Y en verdad os digo que muchas viudas había en Israel en los días de Elías, cuando el cielo fue cerrado por tres años y seis meses, y hubo una gran hambre en toda la tierra;
4:26 pero a ninguna de ellas fue enviado Elías, sino a una mujer viuda en Sarepta de Sidón. (LA VIUDA DE SIDON ES UN TIPO DE LA VIUDA, ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR)

4:27 Y muchos leprosos había en Israel en tiempo del profeta Eliseo; pero ninguno de ellos fue limpiado, sino Naamán el sirio.
4:28 Al oír estas cosas, todos en la sinagoga se llenaron de ira;
4:29 y levantándose, le echaron fuera de la ciudad, y le llevaron hasta la cumbre del monte sobre el cual estaba edificada la ciudad de ellos, para despeñarle.
4:30 Mas él pasó por en medio de ellos, y se fue.
4:31 Descendió Jesús a Capernaum, ciudad de Galilea; y les enseñaba en los días de reposo.
4:32 Y se admiraban de su doctrina, porque su palabra era con autoridad.
4:33 Estaba en la sinagoga un hombre que tenía un espíritu de demonio inmundo, el cual exclamó a gran voz,

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