I love it
the 5x5 caught my eye, along with the 3x3
SATOR/ROTAS of course
keep up the good work
you are far from done
Here let me provide a CLUE of what you need to do now?
Please try to find an
OLD not NEW depiction of what is known as the
CABLE TOW, a symbol that any FREEMASON worth his salt, mercury and sulfur should be aware of.
Find an OLD symbol of the CABLE TOW, not the new one dispensed to the FREEMASON sheeple.
Then match up this 'image' with the images you posted above...and ewe, you and u, will be on vay to a higher understanding of why you have been sucked into the VBM vortex.
Can we connect the
CABLE TOW = DNA = Caduceus?
The CABLE TOW I can trace to the NEO-lithic CULTures, circa 4500+ BC that had settlements in places like Jericho, Nineveh and of course St. Paul's hometown of Tarsus.
The VINCA script of 4500BC-10,000 BC? exposes not only the bible babble RUSE but also the FREEMASON one too.
Puts them on the SAME PAGE.
Also why do you not have any EVEN MAGIC SQUARES depicted?
4x4 6x6 8x8
Originally Posted by sadukan 
It's not exhaustive by any means, and just shows what is going on at a basic level in terms of "phase space".
In phase and out of phase ... to be or not to be ... those are the questions.
2012 and all other 'turning points' in our history are all about 3 RESULTS that can happen when waves collide.
Folks are stuck on worlds colliding
i.e. Nibiru
My feeling is that Nibiru has more to do with DNA than a rogue please: if it is the TRIUNE/TRINITY of WAVES arriving from space that we cannot see that can do us harm or good?1/ Brahma creator wave
2/ Siva destroyer wave
3/ Vishnu is the preserver/maintainer waveIt is obvious to me that, the father, son, holy ghost, jesus, aliens, UFOs, etc. comprise the nonsense that keeps us distracted from this simple fact of life.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Werer A "phase space" is like a stack of time slices such that the time dimension is shown as a complete unit, so that it is possible to move forwards as well as backwards through the sequence.
so please explain how phase space makes it possible to move forward or backward.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
I've also been reading Alfred Huang's "Numerology of the I-Ching", as background info. According to the blurb, Alfred lives on Hawaii, so he may even know Marko and Nassim.
here is what I do to the I-Ching that separates me from the rest of the followers who lack imagination.
Thus we trace the I-Ching >>> Lo-shu >>> yin yang >>> 12,000 year old swastika eventually.
And those living arrangements are temporary.
that was then
this is now
I thought Marko moved to southern California?
Did you know that *528 guru Dr. Leonard Horowitz* the Knight of Malta member, was Marko's neighbor in Hawaii?think about that.....
Is NaSSim being 'groomed' as the next blah blah spokesman?
who is shleeping with who in the world to cum?
Originally Posted by sadukan 
@Ralph, glad to see some more of your interpretations
the info I need to make the interpretations have been arriving daily
never ever take 'classes' sadukan
maybe YOU should respect that fact of life dude I do not need to at this time, take classes
The teacher is with me 24/7

And clearly I should be a 'teacher' myself.
Actually I am now holding court and teaching other folks what I 'know' in my home, using my garden, where I built a labyrinth, to be used as a living learning tool, sharing with folks what I have been remembering about the simple truths that have been VEILeD.
Maybe one day you might find yourself sitting in the front row or walking one of my labyrinths sadukan.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Anyhow, my 4 "Royal" Stars are my own designation because of the "King's/Queen's" chambers in the Great Pyramid - not because I read them in a book (as such).
like I thought
pick a new designation dude
I DEMAND your ego find a new name for your little theory.
The name 4 ROYAL STARS should remain intact and clear for anybody on the path to enlightenment.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Evenso, I made clear I was not replacing your own suggestion of the 4 Persian Royal Stars.
4 ROYAL STARS = 4 EVANGELISTS = 4 GOSPEL nonsense taken far too LITERALLY, thus the FIGURATIVE meaning has been lost, sadly this perversion of the TRUTH is all it took to lead the ignorant JC bible babblers by the ring in their nose.
In other words for the religious and science plebes on this thread who have shown some interest in is what the IGNORANT really really need to know and understand if you want to CIRCUMVENT all the bullshit we are being told and sold as GOSPEL TRUTH.
4 GOSPELS = 4 ROYAL STARS in 4 Constellations sitting on the ECLIPTIC, NOT to be confused with the sAINT's who came marching in as the 4 EVANGELISTSsorry for shouting but folks seem deaf dumb and blind in understanding the PRIMARY IMPORTANCE of this undeniable fact.
IT IS THE FIRST STEP in helping to unlock the mind games being perpetrated.
THAT IS WHY SADUKAN COSMOLOGY IS A CRIME against the persons reading his crap!
And folks who do not want to accept that declaration from me as the GOSPEL TRUTH, may as well put me on IGNORE RIGHT NOW!!
For those of you who have not put me on ignore and want to know more...
WHY THOSE 4 ROYAL STARS are important to the bigger picture...1/
Originally Posted by sadukan 
I related that info almost as a joke in imitation of you - and your reaction was the same as that which you accuse the rest of us as being (yes, the "I" word).
yes the trickster within sadukan + ignorance + sadukan humor "I" do not appreciate
you are the joke = you are IGNORANT dead to the creation dude.
VBM alone will not help get you, ewe, or u out of Aridne's amaZing maZe.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Plus, I noticed you are now hailing Robert Bauval's theory on other threads.
Yes I made a reference, I was not hailing the king, I was merely pointing folks in the direction of his work, to his dating of the pyramid alignment to around 10,000 BC
duh your point is?
what kind of evidence can sadukan offer that we can trace back to 10,000 BC to support all he spews?
duh dude
again EWE fail to see the inherent poeTREE woven into the text.Swastika in the orient is associated with the number 10,000
i.e. In Asia it is still used to designate a church on maps and the Kanji for 10,000 is derived from the swastika, which was associated with 10,000 gods.
In China, it is called wan. Its shape appears twice in Ji, the character for 10,000. Hence, it is also a symbol of prosperity. In Chinese depictions of Buddha Amitabha, it frequently appears on his chest. |
clever sadukan, though his posts are evidence of something, but what?
sadukan has yet to prove to me he is alive within the heART of the creator, and not one of the walking/talking VBM zombies who can be found on any VBM thread.
Only one Raphahell I know of on the internet delivering a message, that very few of ewe want to rally around.

Come dance around my maypole sadukan.
I have nicknamed my maypole, st. johnny holmes
So who among you wants to be baptized by sAIN'T johnny holmes or a cattle prod?
moove along now ....
SWASTIKA = THEORY OF EVERYTHINGThis symbol is CLEARLY the KEY to Universal Movement
But negating 2000 years of biblical bullshit along with the past 200 years of science bullshit is no easy task as I have come to learn.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Sorry, but I find that amusing. Learning to spot hypocrisy is a way to refine the character, by applying it to yourself. And, no - I have not ignored your stuff, I just wanted you to explain more about it.
AH YES IT IS ALL ABOUT MY CHARACTER and learning to spot folk's spots or paint em' with a stripe, how about etching numbers on their arms or awarding them a GOLD STAR of David?
that is the common denominator the IGNORANT mob can rally around eh?
see spot run, watch the IGNORANT Dicks, king Richard the lyin' hearted KILL the JAIN?
Please do not attempt to explain 'my stuff'
stick to your own stuff, though it is lacking in the bigger picture.
Duh sadukan and most folks are eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
I eat fruit from all 3 trees I have found thus far in the archetypal eden.
Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life, and of course the PoeTREE.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
You have begun to do so - thanks. Ironically, my "4 Stars" thing might have some merit.
the sooner you realize the importance of the 4 ROYAL STARS and their connection to the big picture, the sooner EWE will find the 'gate/lock' dude, to the paddock/padlock that has ensnared your MIND!
Originally Posted by sadukan 
dragon serpent blah blah
all folks gotta know this
all cultures revered the SNAKE/SERPENT
Christianity TWISTED the SERPENT into an EVIL premise.
go back to those 3 WAVEFORMS dude.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
@Ralph, As far as my "re-hash" accusation goes, A E Waite's Tarot ... I'm part of a Yahoo Group which is into these kinds of things.... ...deck was composed in the early 20th century, Freemason or not. BLAH BLAH BLAH
IGNORANCE knows no bounds
I wonder how many YAHOOs read the Freemason info I have at my disposal and BLEND it into a recognizable TRUTH, that quite frankly lacks any need for embracing FAITH?
my use of the word "I" bothers IGNORANT sadukan eh?
ok then, somebody with real vision should be entitled to say....
"EYE" have 10 different Tarot books written by 10 different authors in my library.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
, and they recently posted something about a deck of 88 cards which predates the "modern" Tarot.
duh how about a link?
talk is CHEAP.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
I have a challenge for you Ralph, see what you can find out about a deck of 144 cards (it matches your "4 Ages" model btw).
why don't EWE, or one of your YAHOO buddies.
I have a date with destiny....if my guide feels it necessary, I will be lead to the 144.
Hey maybe my guide is speaking through EWE, YOU and U?
Originally Posted by sadukan 
We've been playing "Cluedo" ever since you arrived, now it's your turn!
So this means the FRAUD is staying?
My challenge to sadukan who was clueless about the 4 ROYAL STARs?
Duh do not pretend you have mastered the 4 ROYAL STARS, or pretend to be as enlightened by them as I have been.
like I said, ewe still have much to learn, though you are no need to learn to sift through all that crap you have been accumulating.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
As for the Dogon connection,
I am not totally IGNORANT of the Dogon dude.
Glad you/my guide keep bringing it up.
Let me share more inspiration that came to me years ago.
And at the end of these moments when the info just flows from my inner being, eye always ask myself, what is the source of this knowledge? Cosmic Egg maybe it is time that I put the Dogon Cosmic Egg, into a context that includes all I have learned since?
Originally Posted by sadukan 
I mentioned in an earlier post that it was identical to John Opsopaus's Pythagorean Tarot system. Keep up buddy!
be more specific
would love a link
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Also, Ed will confirm that there are many more than 16 particles up for grabs. There are currently 226 confirmed particles. Garrett Lisi (surfer dude and fizzycyst) predicts 22 new particles, for a total of 248 - matching E8. The Dogon "Magic Number" is 266.
266 = 14 stations of the cross dude?

been there seen it done it in regards to Garrett Lisi.
another 'symmetry plebe' who is IGNORANT of my archetypal studies and insights.
here is something we (my daemon and me) wrote together back in 2007 when E8 was first heralded as 'the theory of everything' I would say to ED that we can take the HIGGS BOSON and find a total of NINE attention sadukan
YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY you do the KA BAA LALALA masters you love to reBLEAT.
5 x 5 Rotas Square
(why do I prefer to call it ROTAS instead of SATOR?)9 squares comprises the CROSS composed of the letters TENET.
TENET means to hold.
To hold = 'MAGICAL 9' letters.
But really the 9 is only 3.
Can I associate these 3 letters to the word TEN or NET?
Depends which way we flow, err, I mean read the TEXT, err I mean the WEAVE?
THUS GRAVITY/secrets we are trying to unlock are associated with the Square CROSS within the Rotas Square.
The other 16 squares = 4x4 isolated are the 16 particles.
But hey the REAL LEAP of enlightenment is when we do something real simple again folks.
What does CYMATICS TELL US ABOUT why some particles VIBE into a CROSS or other significant shapes and forms.
go here: though he appears one of the brightest lights on this thread, he could in fact be the most lost and confused, actually helping to lead folks astray with his bright light?
Originally Posted by sadukan 
This is where Lee's stuff gets interesting (for me anyway), because as Barbitone and Lee were discussing there is a pattern of 19 and 6.
19x6=114 (suras of the koran) 19x8=152 (????) 19x14=266
Interesting, no...?
for me...
NO it is not.
but never ever say never
Originally Posted by sadukan 
The koran is also coded throughout with "19" and also prime numbers. How about this: 113+153=266...? (113 pre-fixed suras, and 153 fish in the Gospel of John)
well that I took notice of.
113 was my former union number as firefighter...then it was changed to 3888.
153 = 17 x 9DUDEs who love to feud using IGNORANCE, a reminder is in order...
Please don't forget 'eye' am the former firefighter, who had the employee numbers, first, 52801, later replaced in the year of the galactic alignment (1998) with 8013522, born at 5:28 am on 3/7, 1957 (reduces to 22), issued the badge
1258 who was in fact woken up by
911, only to reveal to the world, after going into such dark, scary HOT places, that the two opposite rotating swastikas placed over each other form the maltese cross, the international,global sign of the firefighter.

Theseus followed Aridne's thread out of the maze, after he defeated the Minotaur, in the cretan labyrinth....firefighters if they get into trouble, follow the hose line out.
NOW after 9 years I must conclude that the swastikas/maltese cross is that object in plain view folks do not see...that is the object I have returned with from the heART of the Labyrinth.
These symbols, the swastika/maltese cross represent vortex energy, necessary for the LIGHT and SOUND show, etc., obviously intimately connected to the creation process and the inner NATURE we should nurture?
DUH in other words, DUH how would THEY veil these processes of NATURE?
The folks who KNOW THE PATTERNS?
DUH it cannot be done, how do you VEIL a whirlpool or the sunflower, or the pine cone, or or or or
duh with jesus christ rhetoric, and aliens and and and other bullshit that serves only to divide the square into 4 corners, divided by the square cross?
thrice duh, duh, duh
Like I keep saying fella
EWE are dead, dead, dead to the creation, VBM is only CPR.
EYE, however have been woken up, and given vision, AND the voice is just starting to be heard.
And Ed Witten needs to hear it.
NOT EWE, you just take my offerings and dilute the meanings to fit sadukan cosmology seen in his own image?
Has the repetitive nature of history not taught any of EWE about the PATTERNS???????
Go see a shrink and learn about your pathetic PATTERNS folks.
things can only get better.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Also, no need to worry - I don't babble about bibles, though I do have an Interlinear for reference purposes.
dude there is bible babble, science babble and VBM babble.
nothing seems sacred any longer.
The TOWER of Babel shall fall once again.
Originally Posted by sadukan 
I have also already worked out the 10x10 square - Malkuth.
PS - 11x11 is usually attributed to Daath.
hey Lee Daath is also associated with the letter GIMEL, letter #3, AND the number 13 ...
Sadukan fill in LEE about the tree of life, he is apparently IGNORANT of, afterall he fills ewe up with his spew, it is the least you could do for your guru buddy, who has been *kicked* out of my temple called inspiration.
sadukans biggest problem is he does not respect me
Lee's problem is, as his last post showed in making a reference to me, is that he lacks balls, the wankers/mob over at the Hancock site ganged up on me, Lee who I inspired evidently, did not defend me in his posts, did not take a stand, he only took my thoughts and then watched me flounder.
IGNORANCE operates just like that.
it goes all downhill from there