This is no ordinary post...I may use it as an outline to get a book published that I can spread around...real cheap...I certainly have enough money to last me till 2012 and beyond. Not even sure if I will need money in the future or what its value will be...
I really truly have solved what has befuddled the experts...
The lighter coloured subsoil which had been exposed formed distinct lines which ran across the desert plain. In due course, it became apparent that the archaeologists had stumbled across a much wider phenomenon - the so-called “Nazca Lines” which cover a 30-mile long strip in the foothills of the Andes mountains. More than sixty years later, not one single theory has been put forward to explain all of the Nazca markings.
A prominent scientist has called it “one of the most baffling enigmas of archaeology”. ... nium03.htm
Only because archaeologists are too LEFT BRAINED. (
detail oriented)
The baffling Nazca enigma has been solved...who is that prominent him now and tell him I want my most noble, not to be mistaken for the NOBEL prize.
You can tell Guy Faux too, that Raphael the plagiarist stole another idea...or did he...?
In 1968, a study by the National Geographic Society determined that, whilst some of the Nazca lines did point to the positions of the Sun, Moon and certain stars two thousand years ago, it was no more than could be expected by mere chance.” In 1973, Dr Gerald Hawkins studied 186 lines with a computer programme and found that only 20 per cent had any astronomical orientation again no more than by pure chance.
What is an expert?
The people who will eventually prove my archetypal hypothesis is big bang on.
More about the Nazca lines later in this lengthy post after I lay the help you navigate through the labryinth called my right brain...
bremmermandrake wrote:
The left facing swastika is the one true symbol that all other swastikas were designed from.
it is the first Sephirah meaning crown...
Well I would be the last to argue that point.
Another mystic, now deceased...died in a plane crash back in 1979.
Itzhak Bentov conceptualized back in the 70's the following...these are his sketches.
CREATION ... please note ... he apparently has the
swastiKA rotating in the WRONG direction.
SEED OF LIFEVERY very very common archetype of the
6 circles surrounding 7th...all sharing exactly the same dimensions...
All seven circles would fit into an 8th.
When you
join the centers of each circle ... you
form a CUBE.

Leonardo Da Vinci's
Vitruvian Man and the
Chi Rho.
Emperor Constantine who embraced Christianity said he dreamed about the Chi Rho...baa baa baa
Don't is all about Cubes.

Hey Muslim pilgrims, make my day and show the Judaeo/Christian wankers how square they really are....
Black Cube called the
KA'bah found in Mec

3 commandments on the 1st Tablet.
7 commandments on the 2nd Tablet.
I want to suggest that the ARKetypal formula above could be converted in physics to something like this...
1 Moses =
TIME3 dimensions or axis of Relative =
SPACE 7 dimensions of Quantum =
MOVEMENTMovement which is dictated by an ancient symbol found in the Valley of Mexico called the
KEY to Universal Movement.
What did this symbol look like and where else was it found....look at the
4th image on the right.

Fine Structure Constant 137 is a very big deal in physics...It is a mysterious...magical number that befuddles the physicist.
But not me. I am the ARKetypal mystic who can actually interpret Ezekiel's Vision...
Here Itzhak shows the relationship between this cluster of circles...or frog's eggs as he refers to them
(the packing of which is based on the fine structure constant) ... which also looks very much like this middle ages Christian symbol...shall we call it the Grapes of Wrath?

And Itzhak by the way was Jewish...he helped build the rockets to deliver missiles for a new occupation, he called Israel.
Forgive us, for we do not know what we do....

Legends of the Gods pp. 37 by W. Budge (found on page is like that for me...

The image on the right is the Vatican...and those two circles on either side of the obelisk, I feel represent Saturn and Jupiter. (2bee cont'd...these two 'gas' planets both play a huge role in 2012)
"STONEHENGE was a representation and a symbol of TIME" ... Harold Bayley
And now I present the modern day 21st century epiphany...

The VAN ALLEN BELTS that we tried to interfere with back in 1958.
Here is an interesting quote...regarding project involved a guy called
Operation Argus...Actually, Argus (summer 1958) was a relatively minor test series, although
it's noteworthy because it did the first in-space tests and because it was
done in such secrecy. The Argus warheads were very small. The more
significant in-space tests were Starfish in July 1962, and three Russian
in-space tests later that year.
> The motivation for this secret series was a theory developed by the brilliant
>but eccentric physicist Nicholas Christofilos at
>Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL).
Incorrect -- Christofilos was at Livermore.
>He had predicted that military
>significant effects would be produced by
> charged particles from nuclear explosions into near space to create artificial
>Van Allen belts.
Incidentally, he also predicted the natural Van Allen belts three months
before Van Allen discovered them.
The reason they are called Van Allen
belts and not Christofilos belts is that Christofilos's work was highly
secret.The combination of a new and still agile military agency -- ARPA -- and
the perceived importance of Christofilos's idea led to amazingly fast
results. Argus ran in-space experiments on the concept, using live
nuclear weapons, less than a year after Christofilos first proposed it!
Thus it seems that this was one of our
first priorities for going out into Space was to try to manipulate the so-called 'Van Allen Belts'.
Something to do with polarization of light = luX?
What is the polarization of light?
How does it work...go here for how the illusion is altered using filters to polarize the light. ... e-the-lux/The
Van Allen/Christ' belts are formed by the EM field coming from the Sun...and...
And maybe we can play our part and please allow me/mi to suggest, that these belts can be altered, what if, by using the secret sacred Solfeggio frequencies?
What if everybody simply needs to hum a tune?
bremmermandrake wrote:
Though appearing to be distinct, each Sephirot has a relationship with the others. An illustration of this can be seen by the principle that God chastises those He loves. Here we see the God's Sephirah of judgment acting with His Sephirah of mercy.
Yes the EM field would seem non-discriminate and all-encompassing.
bremmermandrake wrote:
Through a careful study of the Tenakh, the Jewish sages have identified ten Sephirot (ten being the number of divine perfection)...
The Tanakh is the Hebrew Bible, the quintessential sacred text. The first five books of this comprise the Torah (or Pentateuch), the core sacred writings of the ancient Jews, traditionally written by Moses under divine inspiration.
And the common denominator between the Greek and Hebrew versions of the 'bible' are the
4 Evangelists...(shhh archetypes again) which form the 4 Gospels...Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that are also shown in this aspect...positioned in the 4 corners.

Please note that this card displays these 4 Gospels as astrological houses/constellations and their position among the 12 houses of the horoscope...or the 12 constellations that are ON the ecliptic...
Three of the numbers representing the Solfeggio frequency 528, are on this card.

Songs sung in the
KEY 528 are said to
4 evangelists also represent the
4 beasts associated with prophecy called Ezekiel's Vision.
bremmermandrake wrote:
...this is the true meaning of the swastika( the crown) there are 9 other symbols to the tree of life: wisdom, understanding, mercy, strength, beauty, victory, splendor, foundation and kingdom...they have all been distorted over the centuries and used out of context of there true meaning...
bremmermandrake wrote:
this is the word of GOD past to the angles who passed it to ancient ones of the Sumerian faith were all religion was born.
were they wait beyond the gate ,ready to rule the earth once again...
bremmermandrake wrote: it is written in the Grand Grimoire
Black Magic/Grand Grimoire dates back to only 1522, some suggest it was written in the 19th century...maybe what we have here is just another belief that fits the archetypal structure?
What is the foundation for most of these beliefs that fell from the Tree of Life and hit Newton on his head like a ton of bricks?

The second photo is an image of the mystical, mysterious, mythical cult leader called
Christian RosenkreutzThis symbol is a Rosicrucian symbol and that symbol is said to be on the tomb of this ARKetypal cult leader...
Please note the
TEN Sephiroth.
bremmermandrake wrote:
Like all Branches of The Tree Of Life, Kether connects us with FOUR LEVELS of the Spiritual Hierarchy or "chain of command."
Archetypal World2/ BRIAH: The ARCHANGELIC Level....
Tables or Tablets of Moses**3/ YETZIRAH: The PSYCHIC-SCIENCES Level...
World of Stars4/ ASSIAH: The PHYSICAL Level....
Elemental World...telescopes and microscopes trying to figure out the archetypal world ... the hard and long way ... by dissecting the CREATION ...
Glad you introduced those 4 levels ... nobody wants to believe Mi and Solfeggio.
Please note the
Archetypal World is way up at the resides over the
Tables or Tablets of Moses**, followed by the
World of Stars and finally at the bottom we have the
Elemental World.
**BTW The very very esoteric
Emerald Tablets are also referred to as the Emerald Table.
Green Table can also be found in the
4 Corners region of the a region once inhabited by the ancient ones, who were called the Anasazi who were the ancestors of the Hopi Indian, who have the swasti
KA as part of their creation mythology.
The area is called
Mesa Verde or Table Green...
Giza is also on a plateau that was once also lush,
kush and green...
Machu Picchu is also constructed on a lush green plateau...flanked by two mountains turned into Temples.
One is called the Sun and the other is the Moon...damn pagan heathens always concerned about Sun Moon worship.
Seeing a pattern?
Where does the color
Green reside on the Electromagnetic Spectrum which forms the playing FIELD we find ourselves on? Take a look.
GREEN is right in the middlebeside Yellow or GOLD...representing a balance between
InfraRED and
What color did the Church in the middle ages attribute to the
HOLY SPIRIT...which was also called
Sanctus Spiritus of
What color WAS Eden?
So now that we find ourselves in the AmeriKAs...allow me to illustrate a profound aha...lets go to Peru and the ancient Nazca Lines, which today is an arid plateau...but maybe, long long ago like in Egypt, it was green and lush and it implies also a level playing field and NOT a hierarchal structure which today resembles western politics and religion.
(Power and the Glory)
They were created by the Nazca culture between 200 BC and AD 700. There are hundreds of individual figures, ranging in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fishes, sharks, llamas and lizards.
Please understand I am the
very first modern seeker of the truth to present this evidence, so it will be difficult to confirm my hypothesis ... but the images speak for themselves ...
... google what I suggest and you will realize I speak a truth ...
Please note that I have actually flown over and walked some of these glyphs back in 2006.
This was the trip that changed my life, as I had a feeling it would...
That is how these geoglyphs were first discovered...from the air.
The NazCA lines are suggesting to me that this ancient tribe...had an archetypal knowledge about Electro-magnetism and equated the 'electric and magnetic' effects with the GODS.And many scholars have already suggested that many of the temples, pyramids, gothic cathedrals and other earthly buildings are reflections of a divinity that resides in the heavens above...
It is as if the ancients were saying ...
lordy, lordy, look at what we know about you and your magical powers.
The attempts to connect these glyphs to only constellations or other celestial objects, or other starry events has failed because of the liars liars directing humanity for their own nefarious reasons...IMHO
And it will soon become apparent who 'THEY' are.
I want to suggest the following.
The Naz
KA knew about x, y and z axis.
ALL axis of symmetry are to be considered mirrors.
The Naz
KA had an intuitive 'feeling' the universe was asymmetrically designed using those axis.
So allow us now to take that Judeao/Christian/
KAbbalah Tree of Life and give it a twist...
Christian Rosenkreutz
Electromagnetic Field
St. Peter's Square ... all roads lead back to the roaming Romans who worshiped both

And the above symbol is my personal "
Rosetta Mandala" that I photographed in that Peruvian Monastery...not long after I had flown over the Naz
KA lines.
Now here is where I help rewrite a little Vatican HIStory.
Let's take that photo above of the EM field surrounding the earth and give it another twist...or rotation.

Some of the older cultures spoke of Maya who wove a WEB...some even had a 13th astrological sign. With the spider being the 13th.
I can tell the reader is far from convinced.
Let me present the
heron geoglyph from Naz
Why have the Nazca Lines proved such an insoluble mystery? The reason lies in the sheer variety of designs, which include around 300 pictures, commonly referred to as “geoglyphs”. Some of the better known of these figures are shown to scale in Figure 11. The relative sizes of the spider, monkey, condor and lizard (among others) can be judged against the largest figure -
a stylized heron with a zigzag neck, approximately 900 feet long.
However, as diverse as these geoglyphs are, others are different again, consisting of totally abstract shapes. And even among the abstract designs, there is diversity. Whilst one design in particular contains no less than
365 angles (and not 364.25

), others, in the form of spirals, contain no angles at all.
Now let's compare that
heron (900 feet = 9 pagan number) with the
zig zag neck to the Judeao/Christian Rosenkreutz and his
semitic Electro-magnetic Field of Dreams.

Give it a rotation, edit the Heron's
beak or ray of light and place beside ole'
Christ-__?__ (fill in the blank with your favorite ARKetype savior...

Please count the zig zags AFTER it has entered the heron's birdbrain and entered the body...The third image on the right is known as the
Mandelbrot set...a fractal...and BTW that is exactly what the swasti
KA represents too.
IMHO...(but that would take me another post to a while croco-nile)
But of course those who have checked into Hotel DeNILE are shouting coincidence, blasphemy.
EWE know what I say...who cares what a ewe thinks...
Those who fail to see the evidence I feel are is because of people like EWE that we are on the verge of destroying ourselves ...
STOP going to CHURCH and look for the UNITY in everything, like I did.
What a bunch of a
SSymetrical a
SSes the EWE all are...
And what does asymmetry have to do with it?
Do I need to explain everything?
So why are there TWO glyphs showing a PAIR OF HANDS?
Seems they were trying to make a point...
BTW some brain 'experts' believe that our hands played a role in developing we are a predominant RIGHT handed culture ... being directed by our LEFT hemispheric BRAIN.
And when I suggest something is chiral asymmetric, it means it has a preference for Left or Right Handedness....or counter-clockwise vs. clockwise.

Take a look at the chimp with the two CHIRAL ASYMMETRIC hands and the SPIRAL tail...
Spirals appear also in Malta, in a civilization that dates back to the time of Egypt.

So here are 5 things that you need to know about asymmetry.
1/ Everything Big is asymmetrical including the UNIVERSE.
2/ Your BRAIN is asymmetrical...left and right hemispheres.
3/ Your HANDS are chirally asymmetrical.
4/ Your DNA, AMINO ACIDS and CRYSTALS are asymmetrical.
5/ The KEY to Universal Movement that we know as the swasti
KA is asymmetrical and CAN be used to POLARIZE or BEND light.

From the
Macrocosm to the
microcosm...(the second line of the Emerald Tablet)...asymmetry is is one of nature's architects that can be understood ONLY by understanding the archetypal world we live in...IMHO
So what's 2012 all about eh?
Don't ask the experts...ask
I do know for a fact the swastiKA will play a significant role...We must resurrect this DIVINE ancient symbol which can be linked to the sacred 3000+ year old Solfeggio frequencies, secrets kept from the the Vatican....baaastards...that is why the Vatican lent this symbol to the Nazis, but kept their distance...I found the source of the Nazi swastiKA in a Catholic Peruvian monastery.

Those of EWE in deNILE...find me another symbol that shares these exact colors and shapes.
Black Cross
White Circle
Red BackgroundAnd I promise to go away.

However bee4 the ewe waste any time to discredit my fine work, here is another symbol found in Egypt.
It is the Egyptian Zodiac.
Please note the 4 pairs of people shaped like those SS scrolls on the Peruvian 'Rosetta Mandala'.

Above I want to share two other photos that were beside that mandala in the Peruvian monastery.
And wait just in...from Naz
KA...a new glyph has been spotted.

NazKA MandalaCan't quite make it out eh?
Somebody has done us a favor...

Ed LeedsKAlin was the fella who built the Coral Castle.
He claimed he knew the secrets of how the pyramids were built....
He befuddled the 20th century experts...
I rest
mi case your honor...and no my client (humanity) does NOT need to swear on the bible.
What for?
No wonder the Law is an a
SS...and justice never gets served...TIME to turn the Vatican into condos.
Sell the church property and pay reparations to ewe and mi.
Everybody has my permission to reprint the TRUTH.
Please tell two people what you read today.
Don't tell Dan Brown, it may spoil the release of his next fairy tale...
So give me your bad Karma, all of ewe funnyandmentalist sons and daughters of Abraham (that means all jews, christians and moslems) because I can obviously handle it...otherwise I would not have been entrusted with the TRUTH.
Feeling stuck, the hobbit wants to know if ewe got bad habits?
BTW...that monastery in Peru...true story...I was an indigenous Nun in another lifetime...that's why I went to Peru, I know that now...the ewe don't have to believe it...
BTW the
mi frequency 528 ... really gets me vibrating these daze...