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Resposta  Mensagem 1 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 03/02/2012 14:57
1. Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa (Arturo) , el Orión y las Pléyades,
Y los lugares secretos del sur;

Arturo (estrella)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
«Arcturus» redirige aquí. Para la banda noruega de black metal/avant-garde, véase Arcturus (banda).
Bootes constellation map.png
Ubicación de Arturo en la constelación de Boötes.
Datos de observación
(Época J2000.0)
Constelación Boötes
Ascensión recta (α) 14h 15m 39,67s
Declinación (δ) +19° 10′ 56,7″
Mag. aparente (V) −0,04
Características físicas
Clasificación estelar K1.5III
Masa solar 1 – 1,5 M
Radio (25,7 ± 0,3[1] R)
Índice de color 1,24 (B-V)
1,22 (U-B)
Magnitud absoluta −0,29
Luminosidad 215[2] L
Temperatura superficial 4.290 K
Metalicidad 20 – 50% del Sol
Variabilidad Posible
Edad > 4,6 × 109
Mov. propio en α −1093,45 mas/año
Mov. propio en δ −1999,40 mas/año
Velocidad radial −5,2 km/s
Distancia 36,7 ± 0,3 años luz
Paralaje 88,78 ± 0,68 mas
SIMBAD enlace
Otras designaciones
Aramec, Abramech, α Boötis, 16 Boötis, HD 124897, HR 5340, BD+19°2777, GCTP 3242.00, GJ 541, LHS 48, y HIP 69673

Arturo o Arcturus (Alfa Bootis / α Boo / 16 Bootis) es la tercera estrella más brillante del cielo nocturno con una magnitud visual de -0,04, después de Sirio (α Canis Majoris) y Canopus (α Carinae); considerando juntas las dos componentes principales de Alfa Centauri, que no se pueden resolver a simple vista, Arturo pasa a ser la cuarta estrella más brillante. Se trata, por lo tanto, de la estrella más brillante del hemisferio celeste norte. Su constelación es Boötes, «El Boyero». Se encuentra en la Nube Interestelar Local.

[editar] Etimología e historia

Forma de encontrar a Arturo en el cielo, a partir de la Osa Mayor.

El nombre de Arturo proviene del griego antiguo Αρκτοῦρος (Arcturus), «el guardián del oso» y está relacionado con su proximidad a las constelaciones de la Osa Mayor (Ursa Major) y la Osa Menor (Ursa Minor). En árabe recibe el nombre de As-Simak ar-Ramih (السماك الرامح), traducido por «la pierna del que porta la lanza» o «el noble que porta la lanza». Este nombre, romanizado en el pasado, ha dado lugar a los nombres de Aramec y Azimech, hoy obsoletos. Otro nombre árabe es Al-Harith as-Sama' (الحارس السماء), «el que guarda los cielos».[3] [4]

En el antiguo Egipto parece que era conocida como Smat, «el que reina» o «el que gobierna», así como Bau, «el que viene».[5] Un calendario astronómico egipcio del siglo XV a.C. asocia a Arturo con Antares (α Scorpii) en una inmensa figura celestial llamada Menat. Para algunos autores era uno de los astros de culto en los templos del Nilo y en el templo de Venus en Ancona (Italia).[6]

En astronomía hindú corresponde a la nakshatra —una de las mansiones en las que se divide el cielo— de Svātī; allí también se la llamaba Nishṭya, «fuera», posiblemente por su localización boreal lejos del zodíaco. En China era conocida como Ta Kiō, «el gran cuerno», mientras que cuatro pequeñas estrellas cercanas eran Kang Che, «el lago de la sequía».[6]

En aragonés se la llama Petarruego, probablemente una denominación formada por el verbo petar y por el antiguo adjetivo royo («rojo»).

[editar] Características físicas

Tamaño de Arturo en comparación con el Sol.

Arturo es una gigante naranja de tipo espectral K1.5III, distante 36,7 años luz del Sistema Solar, la segunda estrella gigante más próxima después de Pólux (β Geminorum). Con una temperatura superficial de 4290 K, es visualmente 113 veces más luminosa que el Sol; pero si se considera la radiación que emite en el infrarrojo, su luminosidad es casi el doble, 215 veces mayor que la solar. Su radio, obtenido a partir de la medida de su diámetro angular (0,0210 segundos de de arco), es 25,7 veces más grande que el radio solar. Su masa es aproximadamente un 50% mayor que la del Sol y se piensa que en su núcleo interno ya ha comenzado la fusión nuclear de helio en carbono. Emite rayos X débiles, lo que sugiere que posee actividad magnética —pudiendo tener una «corona oculta»—, algo inusual en una estrella de sus características.[2] Se sospecha que puede ser una estrella variable, habiendo recibido la denominación de NSV 6603.[7]

La velocidad relativa de Arturo respecto al Sol, mayor que la de otras estrellas brillantes, así como su baja metalicidad —aproximadamente un 28% de la solar—, sugieren que puede ser una estrella vieja de Población II y un miembro del disco grueso galáctico.[8] [9] Forma parte de un grupo de 53 estrellas que se mueven conjuntamente a través de nuestra galaxia y que recibe el nombre de «Grupo de Arturo».[10] Una interesante teoría sostiene que Arturo, así como el resto de estrellas que forman su grupo, se han formado más allá de los confines de la Vía Láctea; la edad de algunos de sus miembros puede remontarse hasta los 10.000 - 12.000 millones de años, lo que implicaría que pueden provenir de una galaxia satélite absorbida en el pasado por nuestra propia galaxia.[11]

[editar] Véase también


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Resposta  Mensagem 16 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/06/2012 20:14

Polo Norte del firmamento tal como lo vemos desde el Planeta Tierra inclinado

El cielo visto el 3 de noviembre a la medianoche desde el Polo Norte del Planeta Tierra

Seguro que has oído hablar de la Estrella Polar. Es la estrella que señala hacia el Polo Norte de la Esfera celeste del planeta Tierra, el Firmamento tal como lo vemos desde este Planeta, un punto de vista único y privilegiado en todo el espacio del universo. Es la estrella principal de la constelación de la Osa Menor. El nombre griego es Arturo (o Arcturo, el guardián del oso), aunque este nombre está asociado a la estrella principal de la constelación del Boyero (Bootes).

En algunas versiones de la biblia (como la edición facsimilar de editorial UNALI S.L.) se cita el nombre de Arcturo, como en el Libro de Job capítulo 9 versículo 9: "Él hizo el arcturo y el Orión, y las hyadas y las partes escondidas hacia el Mediodía". En la mayoría de versiones el mismo versículo reza: "Él hizo la Osa y el Orión, las Pléyades y la constelación del Sur". Esto puede indicar que el escritor (o escritora) del Libro de Job se refiriera a la Osa (la menor o la mayor) con el nombre griego de la estrella Polar: Arcturo, el guardián del oso.

Igual que si señalas a cualquier estrella con el dedo, la Tierra tiene su propio dedo, su Eje de Rotación con cuyo extremo norte señala a la Estrella Polar indicándonos el Polo Norte no sólo del Firmamento según la inclinación del planeta sino la dirección hacia la que está el propio Polo Norte geográfico del planeta.

Sólo las personas que habitan en el hemisferio norte podemos ver la Polar. Si ahora nos trasladamos al centro del Polo Norte (90º norte) quedamos justo "debajo" de la Polar, así que tenemos que levantar la vista 90º para verla. Y si ahora viajamos al ecuador de la Tierra (cintura de la Madre) podemos verla en el horizonte.

Es fácil que compruebes que la Estrella Polar es especial porque durante la noche puedes observarla durante al menos 3 horas y comprobar que no se mueve y que todas las demás han cambiado de posición a su alrededor.

Pero realmente las estrellas no se mueven alrededor de la Polar. Es un movimiento aparente reflejo de un movimiento real: de nuestros cuerpos -o puntos de vista físicos- que van cambiando gradualmente de ángulo de visión con respecto a cualquier estrella siguiendo una sección curva debido al movimiento de giro de la Tierra. Es razonable que la Estrella Polar no es el centro del Universo, aunque para ella sí -como para cualquiera-, igual que para nosotros, porque todo punto del universo tiene a todo el Universo a su alrededor. Nosotros, ahora, tenemos todo el Universo a nuestro alrededor.

La distancia entre la Estrella Solar (el Sol) y la Estrella Polar es de un poco más de 300 años-luz, es decir, es la distancia que cubre un rayo de luz mientras nuestro Planeta Agua y Aire da unas 300 órbitas al Sol. Dado que es distancia, para convertirlo en unidades de distancia hemos de multiplicarlo por 31.536 (segundos del año / 1000), de modo que son unos 9'5 millones de kms-luz (1 metro-luz según el segundo es 300 millones de metros humanos, 300.000 kms), una distancia para la que nuestra razón aún acostumbrada a distancias terrestres se queda pequeña. A escala humana, en kms humanos, es lo que recorre la Tierra en 3'65 días. Es decir, si nuestro cuerpo fuera el Sol y cada metro fuera 300.000 kms, la "Polar" estaría en un punto del espacio que está a 9'5 millones de kms de distancia. O tú puedes ser la Polar... O el Sol y la Polar... y el espacio en el que están...

Dado que la Tierra está inclinada y también hace un movimiento de bamboleo, cada cierto número de órbitas señala a un punto diferente del cielo. Hace 5000 años señalaba a la estrella Thuban, principal de la constelación de Draco. De este fenómeno han quedado documentos astronómicos de la antigua cultura egipcia profundamente ligada con las estrellas.

Hay que tener en cuenta que hasta hace 300 años, el Eje de Rotación de la Tierra no señalaba significativamente a la Estrella Polar. Hace 2000 años los romanos la llamaban Navigatoria, aunque la actual polar no estaba en el Polo Norte de nuestro Firmamento tal como en las actuales órbitas de la Tierra. En la película "Julio César" (del director Joseph L. Manckiewitz, inspirada en la obra clásica de William Shakespeare) que recrea una época del imperio romano hacia el 44 a.e.c., uno de los personajes menciona a la estrella polar y la describe por su especial fijación, aunque lógicamente tal estrella no era la actual estrella polar, pero sí hacia 1600 cuando Shakespeare debió escribir la obra, y por entonces el Eje de rotación del planeta ya estaba señalando lo suficientemente cerca de la actual estrella polar como para considerarla tal.

Las tribus anglosajonas la llamaban Scip-Steorra o la "estrella del barco". Los árabes la denominaron Al Kaukab al Shamaliyy, la "estrella del norte", aunque este nombre también se le dio a Kochab. Del nombre en árabe antiguo procede el Alrucaba de las Tablas Alfonsinas y el Alruccabah de Bayer. También se le menciona bajo el nombre Al Kiblah, en referencia a su importancia para orientarse respecto a La Meca, y Al Kutb al Shamaliyy, "eje del norte". También los pueblos chinos y mongoles confiaban en esta estrella para orientarse en las migraciones a través del desierto. La llamaban "estrella del imán", por motivos evidentes. En una antigua leyenda de los indios norteamericanos, fue una joven diosa quien indicó por primera vez a una generación de guerreros mitológicos el camino del norte, marcado por la estrella Polar.

Resposta  Mensagem 17 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/07/2012 01:32
Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Verse # = 17836   |   Words = 20   |   Letters = 66
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
For unto us a child ילד 44
is born, ילד 44
unto us a son בן 52
is given: נתן 500
and the government משרה 545
shall be upon his shoulder: שכם 360
and his name שם 340
shall be called קרא 301
Wonderful, פלא 111
Counsellor, יעץ 170
The mighty גבור 211
God, אל 31
The everlasting עד 74
Father, אב 3
The Prince שר 500
of Peace. שלום 376
< H8269 >         

שר sar {sar} from 08323; TWOT - 2295a; n m AV - prince 208, captain 130, chief 33, ruler 33, governor 6, keeper 3, principal 2, general 1, lords 1, misc 4; 421 1) prince, ruler, leader, chief, chieftain, official, captain 1a) chieftain, leader 1b) vassal, noble, official (under king) 1c) captain, general, commander (military) 1d) chief, head, overseer (of other official classes) 1e) heads, princes (of religious office) 1f) elders (of representative leaders of people) 1g) merchant-princes (of rank and dignity) 1h) patron-angel 1i) Ruler of rulers (of God) 1j) warden

Gematria: 500

< H6240 >         

עשר `asar {aw-sawr'} from 06235; TWOT - 1711b; n m/f AV - eleven + 0259 9, eleven + 06249 6, eleventh + 06249 13, eleventh + 0259 4, twelve + 08147 106, twelfth + 08147 21, thirteen + 07969 13, thirteenth + 07969 11, etc to nineteen 152; 335 1) ten, -teen (in combination with other numbers) 1a) used only in combination to make the numbers 11-19

Gematria: 570

< H8269 >         

שר sar {sar} from 08323; TWOT - 2295a; n m AV - prince 208, captain 130, chief 33, ruler 33, governor 6, keeper 3, principal 2, general 1, lords 1, misc 4; 421 1) prince, ruler, leader, chief, chieftain, official, captain 1a) chieftain, leader 1b) vassal, noble, official (under king) 1c) captain, general, commander (military) 1d) chief, head, overseer (of other official classes) 1e) heads, princes (of religious office) 1f) elders (of representative leaders of people) 1g) merchant-princes (of rank and dignity) 1h) patron-angel 1i) Ruler of rulers (of God) 1j) warden

Gematria: 500


Resposta  Mensagem 18 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/07/2012 02:37



Columba (constelación)

Columba constellation map.svg
Nombre Latino Columba
Abreviatura Col
Genitivo Columbae
Simbología Palomo
Ascensión recta 6 h
Declinación −35°
Superficie 270 grados cuadrados
Rango 54th
Número de estrellas
(magnitud < 3)
Estrella más brillante α Col (Phact)
(magnitud ap. 2,6)
Lluvia de meteoros None
Constelaciones colindantes
Visibilidad En latitudes entre
+45° y −90°
Mejor visibilidad
(21:00 hrs.)

Columba, Latín para palomo, es una pequeña constelación justo al sur de Canis Major y Lepus. Fue sacada de la constelación Canis Major por Augustin Royer, en 1679.

[editar] Mitología

Dado que fue creada en el siglo XVII, por la separación de una constelación ya existente, no tiene mitología relacionada, de manera independiente.

Puede referirse a la paloma que los Argonautas envían para determinar si pueden pasar por el estrecho del mar negro. También, es la paloma que Nóe utilizó en su arca.

Columba, la Paloma, junto al Can Mayor.



De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El iris es la zona azul (en este caso). Las otras estructuras visibles son la pupila en el centro y la esclera que corresponde al sector de color blanco. La esclera está cubierta por una membrana transparente que se llama conjuntiva.
Dilatación de la pupila.

El iris, en anatomía, es la membrana coloreada y circular del ojo que separa la cámara anterior de la cámara posterior. Posee una apertura central de tamaño variable que comunica las dos cámaras: la pupila.

Corresponde a la porción más anterior de la túnica vascular, la cual forma un diafragma contráctil delante del cristalino. Se ubica tras la córnea, entre la cámara anterior y el cristalino, al que cubre en mayor o menor medida en función de su dilatación.

1. Salmos 74:2: Acuérdate de tu congregación, la que adquIRISte desde tiempos antiguos,
La que redimiste para hacerla la tribu de tu herencia;
Este monte de Sion, donde has habitado.


2. Ezequiel 1:28: Como parece el arco IRIS que está en las nubes el día que llueve, así era el parecer del resplandor alrededor. Esta fue la visión de la semejanza de la gloria de Jehová. Y cuando yo la vi, me postré sobre mi rostro, y oí la voz de uno que hablaba.


3. Apocalipsis 4:3: Y el aspecto del que estaba sentado era semejante a piedra de jaspe y de cornalina; y había alrededor del trono un arco IRIS, semejante en aspecto a la esmeralda.


4. Apocalipsis 10:1: Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el arco IRIS sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego.

El iris es la zona coloreada del ojo. En su centro se encuentra la pupila, de color negro; la zona blanca que se encuentra alrededor se denomina esclerótica.

9:1 Bendijo Dios a Noé y a sus hijos, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos, y llenad la tierra.
9:2 El temor y el miedo de vosotros estarán sobre todo animal de la tierra, y sobre toda ave de los cielos, en todo lo que se mueva sobre la tierra, y en todos los peces del mar; en vuestra mano son entregados.
9:3 Todo lo que se mueve y vive, os será para mantenimiento: así como las legumbres y plantas verdes, os lo he dado todo.
9:4 Pero carne con su vida, que es su sangre, no comeréis.
9:5 Porque ciertamente demandaré la sangre de vuestras vidas; de mano de todo animal la demandaré, y de mano del hombre; de mano del varón su hermano demandaré la vida del hombre.
9:6 El que derramare sangre de hombre, por el hombre su sangre será derramada; porque a imagen de Dios es hecho el hombre.
9:7 Mas vosotros fructificad y multiplicaos; procread abundantemente en la tierra, y multiplicaos en ella.
9:8 Y habló Dios a Noé y a sus hijos con él, diciendo:
9:9 He aquí que yo establezco mi pacto con vosotros, y con vuestros descendientes después de vosotros;
9:10 y con todo ser viviente que está con vosotros; aves, animales y toda bestia de la tierra que está con vosotros, desde todos los que salieron del arca hasta todo animal de la tierra.
9:11 Estableceré mi pacto con vosotros, y no exterminaré ya más toda carne con aguas de diluvio, ni habrá más diluvio para destruir la tierra.
9:12 Y dijo Dios: Esta es la señal del pacto que yo establezco entre mí y vosotros y todo ser viviente que está con vosotros, por siglos perpetuos:

1. Génesis 9:13: Mi ARCO he puesto en las nubes, el cual será por señal del pacto entre mí y la tierra.


2. Génesis 9:14: Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi ARCO en las nubes.


3. Génesis 9:16: Estará el ARCO en las nubes, y lo veré, y me acordaré del pacto perpetuo entre Dios y todo ser viviente, con toda carne que hay sobre la tierra.

Resposta  Mensagem 19 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2012 07:55


the Herdsman, the Ploughman, the Ox Driver, or the Shepherd

Urania's Mirror 1825

Bootes is the cultivator or Ploughman who drives the Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor around the Pole Star, Polaris. The bears, tied to the Polar Axis, are pulling a plough behind them, tilling the heavenly fields "in order that the rotations of the heavens should never cease".

"It is said that Bootes invented the plough to enable mankind to better till the ground and as such, perhaps, immortalizes the transition from a nomadic life to settled agriculture in the ancient world. This pleased Ceres, the Goddess of Agriculture, so much that she asked Jupiter to place Bootes amongst the stars as a token of gratitude". [The New Patterns in the Sky, Julius D.W. Staal, p.152].

Bootes is the ox-driving Ploughman or Herdsman, from Latin Bootes, from Greek Boötes, plowman, from Greek botein (or bootein), to plow, from bous, cow, from the Indo-European root *gwou- [American Heritage Dictionary]. 

Allen (Star Names) says the word Bootes "has been variously derived: some say from Bous, 'ox', + Greek -othein, 'to drive'". [The suffix -othein is related to the suffix -mosis in the words; osmosis, endosmosis, exosmosis].

Bootes seems to be both the cow-herder and also the cow (Taurus is a Bull, not a cow). Bootes is related to Old French bovier, herdsman, from Latin bovis, genitive of bos, cow, from the Indo-European root *gwou- 'Cow'. Derivatives: cow¹ (Latin bos, bovis, Greek bous, Sanskrit gau, gaus), kine, cowslip, beef, bovine, bugle¹ (these words from Latin bos, stem bov-), buccinator (the buccinator muscles hold in our cheeks during whistling and forceful blowing as in playing a trumpet, hence, the 'trumpeter' muscles, from Latin bucina, horn, trumpet, from *bou-kan-, 'bellower'), Boötes, bucolic (a farmer or shepherd; a rustic), bulimia (excessive or insatiable appetite), butter, butyric (butyric acid, occurs in the normal vaginal secretions of primates, including humans, from Greek bous, ox, bull, cow), buffalo, Gurkha. [Pokorny gwou- 482. Watkins] Klein relates Gautama (Buddha's epithet) to this root.

The above root might be related to Gaea or Gaia 'earth', or goddess of the earth, Mother Earth, whence geography.

Gus [from the Indo-European root *gwou- 'Cow'] has in Sanskrit the two meanings ‘cow’ and ‘earth.’ In Greek , ‘earth’ can be traced to this word [as well as Gaea, the Greek goddess of the earth.]” The Rigveda-Aryans, like the Iranians, have given the primeval cow this place in their mythology and compare her nourishing to the nourishing earth and call the earth “cow” so often in their hymns, that the Sanskrit word , cow, also has the meaning earth. [Investigations into Germanic Mythology, Viktor Rydberg, Vol. II, p.18]

Arctophylax is a Greek title for Bootes, and John F. Blake in Astronomical Myths, 1877, thought that the original title of this constellation in all probability was 'Arcturus'.

"Arctophylax, on earth Bootes named" [Aratos 3rd century B.C].

Arctophylax (i.e. the 'bear-keeper') is so named because it follows Arctos, that is, the Great Bear (Ursa Major). People have also called this constellation Bootes, because it is attached to the Wain (Ursa Major). It is a very noticeable sign with its many stars, one of which is Arcturus. Arcturus is a star located in the sign of Bootes beyond the tail of the Great Bear. For this reason it is called Arcturus, as if it were the Greek arktos oura (i.e. 'tail of the bear'), because it is located next to the heart of Bootes. It rises in the season of autumn.” [The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 7th century AD, p.105.]

The word 'Bootes' actually means 'cow-driver', but in connection with the two Bears (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) he is often seen as a Bear Driver or Bear Herder (Arctophylax) who chases the Bears around the pole star, Polaris. The prefix Arcto- is from Greek arktos, and related to Latin Ursa, bear. The suffix -phylax is from Greek phulax, from Greek phulassein, phulasso, 'watcher, guard, sentry-keeper'. A phylax was a guard or watchman in ancient Rome, phylaxis relates to the defense of the body against infection, from Greek phulakterion ‘amulet’, prophylaxis is preventive treatment of disease.

“A gazo-phylacium is a strongbox in a temple where what is given for the needs of the poor is gathered. The term is a composite from Persian and Greek, for gaza in Persian means 'treasury,' and phulakion in Greek means 'custody.' [The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 7th century AD, p.401.]

Manilius (Astronomica, 1st century AD, see below) said of Bootes:

"fortune herself makes bold to entrust her treasures, so that the wealth of monarchs and temple finances will be in their keeping".

Another suggestion for the root of Greek phylax, phulax, phulasso, is given by Strong's Greek Dictionary; "probably from phule which is translated from Greek as 'an offshoot, i.e. race or clan, kindred, tribe'". Greek phule comes from the Indo-European root *bheue- Also bheu-. 'To be, exist, grow, pertaining to nature'. Derivatives: be, forebear, bondage, bound4 (on the way somewhere), bustle¹, husband ('house' + Old Norse buandi from bua  'to dwell'), booth (bothe, market stall), build, boodle (estate, from Middle Dutch bodel, riches, property), physic, physician (physikoi were early Greek philosophers who also taught medicine, and eventually their name was applied to doctors), physics, physio-, physique, -phyte, phyt, phyto- (plant), phyton (the smallest unit of plant structure), diaphysis (the shaft of a long bone), epiphysis (epi, -on + physis, growth. The pineal organ), hypophysis (from hupophuein, to grow up beneath. The pituitary gland), imp (a mischievous child, also to furnish with wings), eisteddfod (an annual competitive festival of Welsh poets and musicians), bothy (a hut or small cottage, from Old Irish both, a hut). Suffixed form *bhu-tu-; future (from Latin futurus, 'that is to be'), bower¹ ('dwelling space'), neighbor (from Old English neahgebur: neah, near + gebur, dweller), Boer, boor (from Middle Dutch gheboer, ghebuer, peasant, dweller, especially farmer), byre (a barn for cows, from Old English byre, stall, hut), bylaw, phyle (a large citizens' organization based on kinship), phyletic (relating to the evolutionary descent and development of a species or group of organisms), phylo-, phylum (from Greek phulon ‘race’, a major taxonomic rank, humans are in the phylum Chordata), phylogeny (the evolutionary development and history of a species or higher taxonomic grouping of organisms. Also called phylogenesis. The historical development of a tribe or racial group, from Greek phulon, tribe, class, race, and phule, tribe, clan), beam (from Old English bam, tree, beam, 'growing thing'), boom² (from Middle Dutch boom, tree, maybe related to boom1 a deep sound), bumpkin¹, bumpkin² (from Flemish boom, tree). [Pokorny bheu- 146. Watkins] Klein adds the second element in these words to this root: dubious, probate, prove, superb, tribe, tribune, tribute.

Along with -phylax of Arctophylax being related to *bheue-, it has been suggested that the word Bootes itself may also be linked to this root - a suggested link with Bootes and Dutch boor. In any case there is a phonetic and semantic correspondence with some of the *bheue- words and Bootes: The name Booth is an English place-name for the man who lived in a small hut or bothy from the Middle English word bothe, and usually designated a cowman or shepherd [1]. Byre is a barn for cows.

Physis was a primeval god or goddess of the origin and ordering of nature. The primal being of creation was regarded as both male and female. See Physis (or Phusis).

"O Natura [Phusis, nature], mighty mother of the gods [Gaia (see above) is probably meant], and thou, fire-bearing Olympus’ lord [Zeus] ... why dost thou dwell afar, all too indifferent to men, not anxious to bring blessing to the good, and to the evil, bane?"  [Seneca, Phaedra 959]

"Then Phusis (Nature), who governs the universe and recreates its substance [after the world-shattering battle between Zeus and Typhoeus], closed up the gaping rents in earth’s broken surface, and sealed once more with the bond of indivisible joinery those island cliffs which had been rent from their bed." [Nonnus, Dionysiaca 2. 650 ff (trans. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) http://www.theoi.com/Protogenos/Phusis.html]

Resposta  Mensagem 20 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2012 07:56

The word Bootes was seen as related to Greek boetes which seems to have meant a loud voice. According to Allen (Star Names) "Others thought the word Boetes, Clamorous, transcribed as Boetes, descriptive of the shouts of the Driver to his Oxen (the Bears), or the calls of encouragement to the Hounds" (Canes Venatici), hence the constellation had been sometimes called 'Vociferator' and 'Clamator'. "Bootes is related to the ancient Greek verb Boao, Boo. It means 'roar', 'make a loud roaring noise' and 'command in a loud roaring way'" [from a Greek lady who wrote to me]. Latin has the word bovinor 'bellow', bovo, 'I roar'. Boo originally was an imitation of a cow’s lowing [1]. The word boom, a deep sound, might be related.

Titles for Bootes were Latin Clamans, Clamator from Latin clamorous. As a calendar sign it was first mentioned by Hesiod (Allen Star Names). Bootes who invented the plough could represent the transition from a nomadic life to settled agriculture (as Julius Staal suggested). In order to establish his territory, the aspiring farmer would have needed to make a claim. The claiming of territory has associations with cows as in the Greek myth of Cadmus, who after consulting the oracle was ordered to follow a special cow with a half moon on her flank, which would meet him, and to build a town on the spot where she should lie down exhausted, it guided him to Boeotia, he named the place Boeotia, after the word 'cow' (bos) [2]. A bovate (from Latin bos) is an archaic term for a measure of land also known as an oxgang. It was 1/8 of a ploughgate or as much land as one ox could plough in a year [3]. The word low 'to make the sound of a cow' is related to the word claim. 'Claim' comes from the Indo-European root *kela-2 'To shout'. Derivatives: low² ('to make the sound of a cow'), claim, clamant, clamor, clamorous, acclaim, declaim, exclaim, proclaim (from Latin clamare, to call, cry out), haul (from Old French haler, to haul). Suffixed form *kal-yo-; conciliate (to overcome the distrust or animosity of), council (con-caliom), reconcile (from Latin concilium, a meeting, gathering < 'a calling together' con-, together, + caliom, to call). Suffixed form *kal-end-; calendar, calends (from Latin kalendae, Greek kaleo 'to call'), ecclesia (ek-, out + kalein, to call, ecclesiastical), Paraclete (para- + kalein, literally ‘to call to your side’, the word appears a few times in the New Testament and, as a title for the Holy Spirit), intercalate (to insert a day or month in a calendar), nomenclator (one who assigns names, from Latin calare, to call, call out), clear, glair (the white of an egg), clairvoyant ('clear seeing'), declare, éclair (from Latin clarus, bright, clear), claret, clarify, class (from Latin classis, summons, division of citizens). [Pokorny 6. kel- 548. Watkins]

Icarus, or Icarius, also was a title for Bootes, the name relates to the story of the farmer Icarius who welcomed Dionysus to Attica and in return received the gift of the vine, or received the secret of wine-making from the god. Icarius gave wine to the neighboring shepherds, but when they became intoxicated they thought Icarius had poisoned them, and so they slew him [3].

Bootes is associated with Icarius who was the first man to learn the cultivation of grapes and their fermentation into wine. The traditional astrological influences for Bootes; "likes fine wine". In view of Bootes association with liquor, the word booze, or bouse, might belong here, from Middle English bous, a drink. 'Bootleg' is illegal liquor and refers to the notion of smuggling liquor in one's boot [4]. Boots are generally worn by farmers. To say a man is "in his boots" implies that he is very drunk.

Bootes could also relate to another mythological character named Icarus. Icarus was famous for his death by falling into the Icarian Sea near Icaria, the island that still bears his name. He was the son of Daedalus, the master craftsman. According to Ovid's description of him he appears to have been a very young boy, whose playful antics hindered his father's work [5]. Daedalus made artificial wings for himself and Icarus. Icarus flew too close to the sun, melting the wax holding his artificial wings together, causing him to fall into the Icarian sea and drown. From the Indo-European root above, *bheue-, there is the word imp which along with meaning a mischievous child, it also means to furnish with wings, and it was used in the context of grafting new feathers onto the wings of a trained falcon or hawk to repair damage or increase flying capacity.

Some see the word boy as deriving from the root *gwou-, related to English bovine and cow. "Boy from French *imboiare, a compound verb based on Latin boiae 'leather collar, fetter,' which was adapted from Greek boeiai dorai 'oxhides' (hence 'ox-leather thongs'), from bous 'ox'." [John Ayto, Dictionary of Word Origins]

As has been suggested Bootes may immortalize the transition from a nomadic life to settled agriculture in the ancient world. The aspiring farmer who made claims on land would need to guard his property and produce against those who had still remained nomads, at least before bylaws became established. Titles for Bootes were Greek Arktophulax, translated 'the Bear-watcher' and the 'Bear-guard', from Greek phulax, 'watcher, guard, sentry-keeper'. A phylax was a guard or watchman in ancient Rome, and in earlier Chaldea Arcturus was identified with Papsukal, the Guardian Messenger. The name of the alpha star, Greek Arktouros, Latin Arcturus, was often interchanged with the name of the constellation. The suffix -urus is from Greek ouros, 'watcher, guard, ward'. This -ouros root is related to the word guard in the Germanic languages. Manilius below says "those born under Arctophylax - Arcturus, ... are charged with the guardianship of the people or, as the stewards of grand houses. The suffix -urus of Arcturus is from the Indo-European root *wer-4 'To perceive, watch out for'. Derivatives: wary, aware, ware², ward, lord (from hlaf, loaf of bread + weard, warder), steward (a steward was a sty-ward, warder of pigs), stewardess, warder², warden, award, reward, wardrobe, warder, guard, garderobe, regard, guardian, rearward², ware¹, beware. From the Greek root ouros; Arcturus, pylorus (pylorus  pule, gate + ouros, guard; the passage at the lower end of the stomach that opens into the duodenum, from Greek ouros, a guard. In myth Pylos is the gate to the underworld). Probably variant *(s)wor-, *s(w)or-; ephor (elected magistrates exercising a supervisory power over the kings of Sparta), panorama (pan- + Greek horan, to see), revere¹ (to regard with awe, from Latin vereri, to respect, feel awe for). [Pokorny 8. wer- 1164. Watkins] Edward (composed of the Anglo-Saxon elements ead 'riches, prosperity, happiness' and weard 'protector'), Stuart from steward.

"Old Oxherd was on guard with unsleeping eyes, in company with the heavenly Serpent [Draco] of the Arcadian Bear [Ursa Minor], looking out from on high for some nightly assault of Typhon" [DIONYSIACA BOOK 2]

Bootes has been identified with Philomelus, or Philomelos, 'Friend of Ease' [6], or Philomenus, whose brother Plutus was very wealthy, but gave none of his riches to his brother. Out of necessity Philomenus bought two oxen, invented the wagon or plough, and supported himself by ploughing his fields and cultivating crops. His mother, Demeter (Ceres), admiring him for this, put him in the heavens as the constellation Bootes, his wagon or plough being the constellation Ursa Major. [7]:

"[Constellation Waggoner] Hermippus, who wrote about the stars, says that Ceres [Demeter] lay with Iasion (Jason), son of Thuscus. Many agree with Homer that for this he was struck with a thunderbolt. From them, as Petellides, Cretan writer of histories, shows, two sons were born, Philomelus and Plutus, who were never on good terms, for Plutus, who was richer, gave nothing of his wealth to his brother. Philomelus, however, compelled by necessity, bought two oxen with what he had, and became the inventor of the wagon. So, by plowing and cultivating the fields, he supported himself. His mother, admiring his invention, represented him plowing among the stars, and called him Bootes" [Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 4 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) http://www.theoi.com/Georgikos/Bootes.html ]

"[On inventions:] The ox and the plough [were invented] by Buzyges (Ox-Yoker) of Athens, or, as others say, by Triptolemus." [N.B. Bouzyges is the same as Bootes.] [Pliny the Elder, Natural History 7. 199 [8]]

The second and third centuries Hermetic documents attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, or the Egyptian deity Thoth, were translated by G.R.S. Mead in 1906. In the The Mystery Myth section it tells how Isis went to see her son Horus who was being reared at Boutos. Mead comments "Generally supposed to stand for the city Buto, but may be some word-play. Can it be connected with Bootes, the Ploughman—the constellation Arcturus—the voyage being celestial. Budge (p. 192) gives its [Bootes] Egyptian equivalent as Per-Uatchit, i.e. 'House of the Eye'". Buto was a cobra-goddess whose original home and cult center was in the Delta of the Nile at Per-Uatchit. The 'House of the Eye' might mean to be translated 'the Watcher'. The Uatchit, of Per-Uatchit looks like it could be pronounced 'watchit'. Buto was a cobra-goddess or sometimes was depicted in art as a woman wearing the uraeus. The uraeus is a cobra-headdress which the Greeks called ouraios [similar to Greek ouros, a guard? Arct-urus]. Wikipedia (quoting Herod. ii. 155, and Aelian. V. Hist. ii. 41) says that the Greeks identified the goddess Wadjet (Buto) with Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, whom the Romans called Latona.

The astrological influences of the constellation given by Manilius:

"True is the name men have given him (the Bearwarden), threatening-like he presses forward as one does over a team of bullocks." [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 5, p.29.]

"To those born under Arctophylax - Arcturus, fortune herself makes bold to entrust her treasures, so that the wealth of monarchs and temple finances will be in their keeping [translator's note: custodianship is a suitable endowment for the Bearward]; they will be kings under kings and ministers of state [politicians], and be charged with the guardianship of the people or, as the stewards of grand houses, they will confine their business to the care of another's home." [Translator's note: strictly speaking Arcturus is a star, but the name is used by ancient astrologers for the whole constellation of Bootes and for the star alone, it is often difficult to distinguish which of these the authors are referring to]." [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 5, p.329.]

"...as the stewards of grand houses, they will confine their business to the care of another's home".  It was the serving of wine to neighboring shepherds that caused Icarius (above) to lose his life. The association with wine, and being "the stewards of grand houses" (domibusve), should mean what we now term 'butlers'. The butler or bottler is the person who has charge of the liquors in a large establishment, so called from the French bouteiller, from bouteille. Though 'bottle' and 'butler' are not recognized cognate of 'Bootes', the words have a similar resonance. Dionysus, the god, showed Icarius his gratitude for his hospitality by teaching him the cultivation of the vine, and giving him bags filled with wine [9]. Wineskins or animal skins were a common vessel before glass bottles were invented.

"The role of the butler, for centuries, has been that of the chief steward of a household, the attendant entrusted with the care and serving of wine and other bottled beverages which in ancient times might have represented a considerable portion of the household's assets." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butler

© Anne Wright 2008.

Resposta  Mensagem 21 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2012 07:56
Fixed stars in Bootes
Star 1900 2000 R A Decl 2000 Lat Mag Sp
kappa (κ) 28VIR34 29VIR57 14h 13m 29s +51° 47' 25" +58 53 52 4.60 A7
theta (θ) 01LIB13 02LIB36 14h 25m 11.8s +51° 51' 3" +60 06 57 4.06 F6
lambda (λ) 05LIB35 06LIB58 14h 16m 23s +46° 5' 18" +54 38 57 4.26 A1
Merga 38 14LIB03 15LIB26 14h 49m 18.7s +46° 6' 58" +57 53 03 5.76 F4
Seginus gamma (γ) 16LIB16 17LIB40 14h 32m 4.7s +38° 18' 30" +49 33 11 3.00 A7
Mufrid eta (η) 17LIB56 19LIB20 13h 54m 41.1s +18° 23' 52" +28 05 04 2.80 G0
rho (ρ) 19LIB19 20LIB42 14h 31m 49.8s +30° 22' 17" +41 42 40 3.78 K3
Arcturus alpha (α) 22LIB50 24LIB14 14h 15m 39.7s +19° 10' 57" +30 46 15 0.04 K2
Nekkar beta (β) 22LIB50 24LIB15 15h 1m 56.8s +40° 23' 26" +54 09 16 3.63 G5
Izar epsilon (ε) 26LIB42 28LIB06 14h 44m 59.2s +27° 4' 27" +40 37 42 2.70 K0
zeta (ζ) 01SCO39 03SCO02 14h 41m 8.9s +13° 43' 42" +27 52 56 3.86 A2
Princeps delta (δ) 01SCO45 03SCO09 15h 15m 30.2s +33° 18' 53" +49 03 09 3.54 G4
Alkalurops mu (μ) 01SCO47 03SCO11 15h 24m 29.4s +37° 22' 38" +53 25 31 4.47 A7
Ceginus phi (φ) 03SCO41 05SCO06 15h 37m 49.6s +40° 21' 12" +57 13 10 5.41 G5
Hevelius, Firmamentum, 1690

from Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, 1889, Richard H. Allen

Bootes' golden wain.  —   Pope's Statius His Thebais.

Bootes only seem'd to roll

His Arctic charge around the Pole.   —   Byron's 3d Ode in Hours of Idleness.

Bootes, the Italians' Boote and the French Bouvier, is transliterated from Bootes, which appeared in the Odyssey, so that our title has been in use for nearly 3000 years, perhaps for much longer; although doubtless at first applied only to its prominent star Arcturus. Degenerate forms of the word have been Bootis and Bootres.

It has been variously derived: some say from Bous, Ox, and othein, to drive, and so the Wagoner, or Driver, of the Wain Ursa Major; Claudian writing:

Bootes with the wain the north unfolds;

or the Ploughman of the Triones that, as Arator, occurs with Nigidius and Varro of the century before our era. But in recent times the figure has been {Page 93} imagined the Driver of Asterion and Chara in their pursuit of the Bear around the pole, thus alluded to by Carlyle in Sartor Resartus:

What thinks Bootes of them, as he leads his Hunting Dogs (Canes Venatici) over the zenith in their leash of sidereal fire ?

Others, and perhaps more correctly, thought the word Boetes, Clamorous, transcribed as Boetes, from the shouts of the Driver to his Oxen, — the Triones (the Bears; Ursa Major and Ursa Minor), — or of the Hunter in pursuit of the Bear; Hevelius suggesting that the shouting was in encouragement of the Hounds (Canes Venatici). In translations of the Syntaxis this idea of a Shouter was shown by Vociferator, Vociferans, Clamans, Clamator, Plorans, the Loud Weeper, and even, perhaps, by Canis latrans, the Barking Dog, that Aben Ezra applied to its stars in the Hebrew words Kelebh hannabah. The Arabians rendered their similar conception of the figure by AlAwwa’, — Chilmead's Alhava.

The not infrequent title Herdsman, from the French Bouvier, also is appropriate, for not only was he associated with the Oxen of the Wain, but in Arab days the near-by circumpolar stars were regarded as a Fold with its inmates and enemies.

Other names were Arktophulax and Arktouros, the Bear-watcher and the Bear-guard, the latter first found in the Works and Days, "a Boeotian shepherd's calendar," by Hesiod, eight centuries before our era. But, although these words were often interchanged, the former generally was used for the constellation and the latter for its lucida (Arcturus), as in the Phainomena and by Geminos and Ptolemy. Still the poets did not always discriminate in this, the versifiers of Aratos confounding the titles notwithstanding the exactness of the original; although Cicero in one place definitely wrote:

Arctophylax, vulgo qui dicitur esse Bootes.

Transliterated thus, — or Artophilaxe, and as Arcturus, both names are seen for the constellation with writers and astronomers even to the 18th century; Chaucer having "ye sterres of Arctour." The scientific Isidorus knew it as Arcturus Minor, his Major being the Greater Bear. Smyth derived this word from Arktou oura, the Bear's Tail, as Bootes is near that part of Ursa Major; but this is not generally accepted — indeed is expressly condemned by the critic Buttmann.

Statius also called it Portitor Ursae; Vitruvius had Custos and Custos Arcti, the Bear-keeper; Ovid, Custos Erymanthidos Ursae; the Alfonsine Tables, {Page 94} Arcturi Custos; while the Bear-driver is often seen with early English writers.

Although Manilius knew it in connection with the Bear, he changed the simile when he wrote:

whose order'd Beams

Present a Figure driving of his Teams;

and Aratos long before had united the two thoughts and titles:

Behind and seeming to urge on the Bear,

Arctophylax, on earth Bootes named,

Sheds o'er the Arctic car his silver light.

Plaustri Custos, the Keeper of the Wain, was another name for it that altered the character of Bootes' duties; Ovid following in this with:

interque Triones

FIexerat obliquo plaustrum temone Bootes .

It has been Lycaon, the father, or grandfather, of Kallisto, when that nymph was identified with Ursa Major; as well as Arcas, her son; Ovid distinctly asserting in the 2d of the Fasti that Arctophylax in the skies was the earthly Arcas, although it is often wrongly supposed that the latter is represented by Ursa Minor; it was Septentrio, from its nearness to the north, so taking one of the Bear's titles; and Atlas, because, near to the pole, it sustained the world.

Hesychios, of about A.D. 370, called it Orion, but this seems unintelligible unless originating from a misunderstanding of Homer's lines, translated by Lord Derby:

Arctos call'd the Wain, who wheels on high

His circling course, and on Orion waits, as if they were in close proximity. Or the title may come from some confusion with the Orus, or Horus, of the Egyptians, that was associated with both Orion and Bootes. La Lande alluded to this when he wrote:

Arctouros ou l'Orus voisin de 1'Ourse, pour le distinguer de la constellation meridionale d'Orion;

and, in considering this very different derivation of our word Arcturus, it should be remembered that Kandaus; and Kandaon were the titles also applied to Bootes, as the latter Greek word was to Orion by the Boeotians. It would be interesting to know more of this connection.

Philomelus is another designation, as if he were the son of the neighboring Virgo Ceres; and the early title Venator Ursae, the Hunter of the Bear, again {Page 95} appears as Nimrod, the Mighty Hunter before the Lord, with the biblical school of two or three centuries ago; although this was more usual for Orion.

Pastor, the Shepherd, presumably is from the Arabic idea of a Fold around the pole, or from the near-by flock in the Pasture towards the southeast, in our Hercules and Ophiuchus; or perhaps by some confusion with Cepheus, who also was a Shepherd with his Dog.

Resposta  Mensagem 22 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2012 07:57

Pastinator is Hyde's rendering of a supposed Arabic title signifying a Digger or Trencher in a vineyard. A commentator on Aratos called it Trugetes, the Vintager, as its rising in the morning twilight coincided with the autumnal equinox and the time of the grape harvest; Cicero repeating this in his Protrygeter; but both of these names better belonged to the star Vindemiatrix, our epsilon Virginis (Virgo).

Still its risings and settings were frequently observed and made much of in all classical days, and even beyond the Augustan age, although many, perhaps most, of these allusions were to its bright star. As a calendar sign it was first mentioned by Hesiod, thus translated by Thomas Cooke:

When in the rosy morn Arcturus shines,

Then pluck the clusters from the parent vines;

and again, but for a different season of the year:

When from the Tropic, or the winter's sun,

Thrice twenty days and nights their course have run;

And when Arcturus leaves the main, to rise

A star bright shining in the evening skies;

Then prune the vine.

Columella, Palladius, Pliny, Vergil, and others have similar references to Bootes, or to Arcturus, as indicating the proper seasons for various farm-work, as in the 1st Georgic:

Setting Bootes will afford the signs not obscure.

Icarus, or Icarius, also was a title for our constellation, from the unfortunate Athenian who brought so much trouble into the world by his practical expounding of Bacchus' ideas as to the proper use of the grape, and who was so unworthily exalted to the sky, with his daughter Erigone as Virgo, and their faithful hound Maera as Procyon or Sirius. From this story came the Icarii boves applied to the Triones (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor) by Propertius, and in the Andrews-Freund Lexicon to Bootes himself.

Ceginus, Seginus, and Chegninus, as well as the Cheguius of the Arabo-Latin Almagest, may have wandered here in strangely changed form from the neighboring Cepheus; although Buttmann asserted that they probably {Page 96} came, by long-repeated transcription and consequent errors, from Kheturus, the Arabian orthography for Arcturus. Bayer had Thegius, as usual without explanation; still I find in Riccioli's Almagestum Novum: Arabice Theguius, quasi plorans aut vociferans; but Arabic scholars do not confirm this.

La Lande cited Custos Boum, the Keeper of the Oxen, and Bubulus, or Bubulcus, the Peasant Ox-driver, although Ideler denied that the latter ever was used for Bootes. Juvenal, however, had it, and Minsheu defined Bootes as Bubulcus coelestis. Landseer, following La Lande, said that the Herdsman was the national sign of ancient Egypt, the myth of the dismemberment of Osiris originating in the successive settings of its stars; and that there it was called Osiris, Bacchus, or Sabazius, the ancient name for Bacchus and Noah; and that Kircher's planisphere showed a Vine instead of the customary figure, thus recalling incidents in the histories of those worthies, as well as of Icarius.

Homer characterized the constellation as opse duon, late in setting, a thought and expression now become hackneyed by frequent repetition.

Aratos had it:

he, when tired of day,

At even lingers more than half the night;

Manilius somewhat varying this by

Slow Bootes drives his ling'ring Teams;

Claudian, Juvenal, and Ovid, by tardus, slow, piger, sluggish, which their later countryman Ariosto, of the 16th century, repeated in his pigro Arturo; and Minsheu, in the 17th century, wrote of it as

Bootes, or the Carman, a slow moving starre, seated in the North Pole neere to Charles Waine, which it followes.

And all this because, as the figure sets in a perpendicular position, eight hours are consumed in its downward progress, and even then the hand of Bootes never disappears below the horizon — a fact more noticeable in early days than now. The reverse, however, takes place at its rising in a horizontal position; hence the athroos, "all at once", of Aratos.

Some say that these expressions of sluggishness are from its setting late in the season when the daylight is curtailed, or a reference to the natural gait of the Triones that Bootes is driving around the pole; while still others, more astronomically inclined, attributed them to his comparative nearness to

that point where slowest are the stars,

Even as a wheel the nearest to its axle,

that Dante wrote of in the Purgatorio.

{Page 97} Bootes' association with the Mons Maenalus, on which he is sometimes shown, is unexplained unless by the suggestion found under that constellation heading. This association was current even in early days, if Landseer be correct where he says:

Eusebius, quoting an ancient oracle which has apparent reference to this constellation as formerly represented, writes  —

A mystic goad the mountain herdsman bears.

Brown says that it was known in Assyria as Riu-but-same, "that reappears in Greek as Bootes"; and thus

"the idea of the ox-driving Ploughman or Herdsman, as applied to the constellation, is Euphratean in character".

Among its Arabian derivatives are Nekkar, often considered as Al Nakkar, the Digger, or Tearer, analogous to the classic Trencher in the vineyard; but Ideler showed this to be an erroneous form of Al Bakkar, the Herdsman, found with Ibn Yunus.

Alkalurops, which appeared for Bootes in the Alfonsine Tables as Incalurus, is from Kalaurops, a herdsman's Crook or Staff, with the Arabic article prefixed; this now is our title for the star mu (Alkalurops). The staff, ultimately figured as a Lance, gave rise to the name Al Ramih, which came into general use among the Arabians, but subsequently degenerated in early European astronomical works into Aramech, Ariamech, and like words for the constellation as well as for its great star.

The same figure is seen in Al Hamil Luzz, the Spear-bearer, or, as Caesius had it, Al Kameluz, Riccioli's Kolanza, and the Azimeth Colanza of Reduan's translator, which Ideler compared to the Latin cum lancea and the Italian colla lancia. Similarly, Bayer said that on a Turkish map it was Oistophoros, the Arrow-bearer; and elsewhere Sagittifer and Lanceator.

Al Haris al Sama’ of Arabic literature originally was for Arcturus, although eventually applied to the constellation. But long before these ideas were current in Arabia, that people are supposed to have had an enormous Lion, their early Asad, extending over a third of the heavens, of which the stars Arcturus and Spica were the shin-bones; Regulus, the forehead; the heads of Gemini, one of the fore paws; Canis Minor, the other; and Corvus, the hind quarters.

In Poland Bootes forms the Ogka, or Thills, of that country's much-extended Woz Niebeski, the Heavenly Wain; and in the Old Bohemian tongue it was Przyczck, as unintelligible as it is unpronounceable.

{Page 98} The early Catholics knew it as Saint Sylvester; Caesius said that it might represent the prophet Amos, the Herdsman, or Shepherd Fig-dresser, of Tekoa; but Weigel turned it into the Three Swedish Crowns (representing Scandinavia).

Proctor asserted that Bootes, when first formed, perhaps included even the Crown, as we know that it did the Hunting Dogs (Canes Venatici); and that, so constituted,

"it exhibits better than most constellations the character assigned to it. One can readily picture to one's self the figure of a Herdsman with upraised arm driving the Greater Bear before him".

The drawing by Heis, after Durer, is of a mature man, with herdsman's staff, holding the leash of the Hounds (Canes Venatici); but earlier representations are of a much younger figure: in all cases, however, well equipped with weapons of the chase, or implements of husbandry; the earliest form of these probably having been the winnowing fan of Bacchus.

The Venetian Hyginus of 1488 shows the Wheat Sheaf, Coma Berenices, at his feet; Argelander's Uranometria Nova has different figures on its two plates — one of the ancient form, the other of the modern holding the leash of the Hounds (Canes Venatici) in full pursuit of the Bear Ursa Major.

This constellation and the Bear Ursa Major, Orion, the Hyades, Pleiades (Taurus), and Dog (Canis Major) were the only starry figures mentioned by Homer and Hesiod; the latter's versifier, Thomas Cooke, giving as a reason therefore — "the names of which naturally run into an hexameter verse"; but the general assumption that these great poets knew no other constellations does not seem reasonable, although it will be noticed that all those alluded to are identical with each author.

Bootes is a constellation of large extent, stretching from Draco to Virgo, nearly 50° in declination, and 30° in right ascension, and contains 85 naked-eye stars according to Argelander, 140 according to Heis.

Poises Arcturus aloft morning and evening his spear.

— Emerson's translation of Hafiz' To the Shah.

[Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889.]

Resposta  Mensagem 23 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2012 18:09

Adam and Eve and the Serpent

We are looking at the Zodiac where the sun passes through Libra and Virgo. There, we find our two original sinners and the talking snake. The story interprets the picture.

God formed beasts and birds, and brought them to the man to be named. - The term Zodiac means literally circle of animal figures.

9So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. (Gen. 2:9)

God took a rib from the man and used it to create a woman. - Adam's arm is raised, exposing his rib cage.

21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; >
22and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:21)

The serpent asked Eve if she was told not to eat from the garden. -The serpent lies at the feet of Adam and Eve.

1Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" (Gen. 3:1)

Eve saw the fruit was good for food, so she picked it and ate it. She gave some to Adam. - Eve has her arm outstretched as if reaching for the fruit. She is holding a chaff of wheat, but we will not quibble over whether the fruit was an apple or some other kind of fruit.

6So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. (Gen. 3:6)


The serpent was cursed above all the wild animals. - There is a second serpent, one that circles around the North Pole every day without setting. That puts him above all the wild animals. In this position, he is glaring down on earth as if to be spreading evil.

14The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; (Gen. 3:14)

He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. - As Draco circles around the Pole, his head is either below or above Hercules' heel. The top position represents who is doing the bruising.

15I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."(Gen. 3:15)


He drove out the man. At the east of the garden he placed a cherubim and a flaming sword. - We will pass over the cherubim for some other time. The flaming sword is represented by Perseus' sword as it circles around the Pole. We note that Perseus is close to the sun's ecliptic near Taurus and Aries. The significance is that those two constellations mark the two zero hours during the 4,000 years of biblical history, or more specifically, where the sun passes during the vernal equinox. So Perseus' sword is in a sense at the entrance to Eden.

24He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3:24)


What is equally significant is the fact that the foundation of the doctrine of Christian original sin rests on the credibility of the fall of Adam and Eve. (See Original Sin.) Now that we can see that the first sin was in imaginary story, there is nothing to support the doctrine of salvation.

The downfall of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, by Michalangelo.

Resposta  Mensagem 24 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2012 18:51


What are they? Ezekiel describes Cherubim as a composite of man, ox, lion and eagle. Opinions vary as to what they represent, or even if they are Cherubim. The According to one theory,  the man is Aquarius, the ox is Taurus, the lion is Leo and the eagle is Ophiuchus in Scorpio-claiming that the eagle is an ancient form of Ophiuchus. On the surface, it seems to make sense. Each of the constellations is three months apart as if they represent the four cardinal directions. It's bothersome that the writer doesn't explain his source of the claim that Ophiuchus is the eagle. Then there is the theory that based on the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, Scorpio is the man. This boundary stone below left shows a scorpion with a man's body. Below right, Wikipedia suggests Cherubim where originally statues found in pairs protecting doorways. That would apply as a statue representation.

10He rode on a cherub, and flew; he came swiftly upon the wings of the wind. (Psalm 18:10)

23The nave and the holy place had each a double door.
24The doors had two leaves apiece, two swinging leaves for each door.
25And on the doors of the nave were carved cherubim and palm trees, such as were carved on the walls; and there was a canopy of wood in front of the vestibule outside. (Ezek. 23-25)

I suggest that all of the above theories are false. The evidence on this page argues for Cherubim composed of Taurus the bull, Leo the lion, Orion the man and Aquila the eagle. Genesis tells us that Cherubim were stationed "to guard the way to the Tree of Life." The evidence will demonstrate that the way is the Milky Way. Each is stationed at a strategic point on the Milky Way: beginning, end and two flanks. There is a fifth constellation, Perseus with his sword, who guards the middle.


Drawing © Stephane Beaulieu
Used by permission

Cherubim described

Genesis tells us Cherubim were placed in the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life (not the Tree of Life itself). God placed a flaming sword turning every way to guard the way to the tree of life. In other words, there is a path of some sort to the Tree of Life. We will return to the sword later.

24He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3:24)

In chapter one, Ezekiel describes "living creatures" as having the face of a man in the front, the face of a lion on the right, the face of an ox on the left, and the face of an eagle at the back. He doesn't explicitly call them Cherubim. We need more information.

The cloud describes the Milky Way. "A stormy wind out of the north" means a spirit from the north side of the Zodiac. Of course, terms like "burning coals of fire" and "flash of lightning" refer to the stars.

4As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming bronze.
5And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the form of men,
6but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings.
7Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze.
8Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus:
9their wings touched one another; they went every one straight forward, without turning as they went.
10As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man in front; the four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle at the back.
11Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above; each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies.
12And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit would go, they went, without turning as they went.
13In the midst of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.
14And the living creatures darted to and fro, like a flash of lightning. (Ezek. 1:4-14)

The River of Heaven described

In the passage below, the river that interests us is the River Pishon. We recognize the Tigris and Euphrates. As for the River Gihon, the Zodiac has a second river in the southern hemisphere called the River Eridanus (not shown here).

10A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers.
11The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
12and the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there.
13The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which flows around the whole land of Cush.
14And the name of the third river is Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. (Gen. 2:10-14)

3Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the house, when the man went in; and a cloud filled the inner court.
4And the glory of the LORD went up from the cherubim to the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the glory of the LORD. (Ezek. 10:3-4)

Ezekiel sees Cherubim by the river Chebar. Each has four faces and four wings. The firmament (celestial sphere) was over their heads. The best that I can make of the number four is that it represents four cardinal directions as the constellations rotate. The wheels symbolise the stars turning around the pole star.

15And the cherubim mounted up. These were the living creatures that I saw by the river Chebar.
16And when the cherubim went, the wheels went beside them; and when the cherubim lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the wheels did not turn from beside them.
17When they stood still, these stood still, and when they mounted up, these mounted up with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in them. (Ezek. 10:15-17)

Ezekiel identifies the living creatures by the river Chebar as Cherubim.

20These were the living creatures that I saw underneath the God of Israel by the river Chebar; and I knew that they were cherubim.
21Each had four faces, and each four wings, and underneath their wings the semblance of human hands.
22And as for the likeness of their faces, they were the very faces whose appearance I had seen by the river Chebar. They went every one straight forward.
22Over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of a firmament, shining like crystal, spread out above their heads.
23And under the firmament their wings were stretched out straight, one toward another; and each creature had two wings covering its body. (Ezek. 10:20-23)

Putting it alltogether

We have a map of the north celestial sphere below and a lot of descriptions from Genesis and Ezekiel. For the thesis to work, the descriptions should fit the map. I started with the assumption that the Milky Way is the river of heaven by coloring it blue. If it is a wrong assumption, the other pieces won't fit. The picture is inverted from the way we would see it from earth. The arc at the bottom represents the sun's ecliptic rising above us. Assume a viewing position in the middle on earth looking up towards the arc in the south.

Three descriptions fit the Milky Way. Genesis says the River Pishon flows out of Eden - so does the Milky Way in the sense that it extends beyond the Zodiac. Ezekiel tells us to look for Cherubim by the River Chebar. Genesis says the Cherubim and the flaming sword are in Eden to guard the way to the Tree of Life - the Milky Way. The flaming sword is on the east side where Genesis placed it.

From our viewer position, as Ezekiel described, we see the face of Orion in front of us, the eagle in the back, the lion to the right, and the ox to the left. Cherubim are guarding the river of heaven, or as Genesis put it, the way to the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life will be identified below.


Revelation calls the Milky Way the "water of life" that flows "from the throne of God." To see where the throne is, follow Orion from the picture above to the picture below. At the high end of the Milky Way, the sun rises over Orion's body, to where his head would be. The outline of Lepus below looks like a throne, and the outline of Gemini looks like a pharaoh's hat.

1Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
2through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Rev. 22:1-2)

So then, the Milky Way is the river to the Tree of Life. In other parlance, it is the cloud of heaven from where Jesus will come to whisk believers off to heaven. It is the path that takes the souls of the dead to meet God. Perseus with his sword guards the river in the middle. The Cherubim guard the river at each end and at the sides. The lion is on the right and the ox is on the left, both watching the river. Orion, the man, guards the river by the front and Aquila the eagle guards the back. When the sun is at the summer solstice over Orion's body, God is said to be on his throne.

16"O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, who art enthroned above the cherubim, thou art the God, thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. (Isa. 37:16)

Genesis places the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden. That would imply in the center at the pole. We can imagine the imaginary pole line as the trunk of the tree. The celestial sphere or firmament represents the branches. And, according to Revelation, the twelve constellations of the Zodiac are the fruit.

9And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:9)


The brightest stars in these constellations are
fairly bright. With #1 ranking as the brightest:


Aldebaran, 0.85 pale red, #14
Altair, 0.77, white, #12,
Betelgeuse 0.5 red, #10
Mirfak, 1.8, brilliant yellow, #33
Regulus 1.4 blue-white, #21

Perhaps they serve to light the way up
the River of Life.


Resposta  Mensagem 25 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2012 20:32

Resposta  Mensagem 26 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/08/2012 20:10

It was between 1307 and 1312 that a mysterious Templar artifact called 'Baphomet' surfaced, now popularly associated with the 'Satanic' (inverted) pentagram...

...which is a 'V'...

...which is a
'Holy Grail' symbol popularized by The Da Vinci Code, signifying among other things the womb of Mary.

The Templars are traditionally seen as the 'guardians of the Holy Grail' a la the Arthurian 'Knights of the Round Table' prefiguring them in the grey zone between reality and fiction.

*    *    *

Templar Bigfoot

Lincoln's assassin John Booth enters the National Treasure: Book of Secrets opening sequence via a close-up shot of his boot or... 'big foot'.

In the same vein Flight 1549 and Obama's inauguration were followed several days later on January 25-26, 2009 by 'The Last Templar' (original TV movie premiering on NBC) which could not be more obsessed with feet/shoes. (There was a hint of time travel as Templar knights were shown roaming the streets of a modern city.)

Last_Templar-pt1-shoes.gif (187566 bytes) Last_Templar-pt2-shoes.gif (185184 bytes)

Accompanied by
U2 releasing 'Get on Your Boots' two days prior...

...with a thinly veiled Templar red cross on the cover.


What's the message behind the
'Templar foot/boot'' signals?

The answer:

King Arthur

...who is at the heart of the Holy Grail continuum.

The name 'Arthur' derives from Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation Boötes. Regardless of pronunciation ('boh-oh-teez'), that is our Templar Boot right there. Arcturus, after all, represents the left foot of Boötes!

Arthur = Arcturus = left foot of Boötes ('Boots')

King Arthur is a 'Templar Foot/Boot'

But is he a big foot (associated with time travel via POTA)? Most definitely. Again the answer is in his name 'Arthur' which is usually interpreted to mean 'bear-man' just like 'Yeti' - another term for 'Bigfoot' - similarly meaning 'man-bear'!

Arthur = 'bear-man' = 'man-bear' = Yeti = Bigfoot

'Hoax' = 'hocus pocus' = 'hoc est corpus' ('this is the body') = eucharist/Holy Communion = Last Supper, Jesus saying 'this is my body' = Holy Grail/Philosopher's Stone

So on and so forth.

That's the hidden context. Now you know.

The expanded multicontextual awareness helps us go deeper into the rabbit hole and unravel the mystery of the spacetime continuum that is the Holy Grail.

*    *    *

*Above information was originally released January 12, 2010 on STRUG (Super Torch Ritual Underground) where knowledge moves faster than the speed of light. :)


Resposta  Mensagem 27 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 21:56
Accompanied by U2 releasing 'Get on Your Boots' two days prior...

...with a thinly veiled Templar red cross on the cover.


What's the message behind the
'Templar foot/boot'' signals?

The answer:

King Arthur

...who is at the heart of the Holy Grail continuum.

The name 'Arthur' derives from Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation Boötes. Regardless of pronunciation ('boh-oh-teez'), that is our Templar Boot right there. Arcturus, after all, represents the left foot of Boötes!

Arthur = Arcturus = left foot of Boötes ('Boots')

King Arthur is a 'Templar Foot/Boot'

But is he a big foot (associated with time travel via POTA)? Most definitely. Again the answer is in his name 'Arthur' which is usually interpreted to mean 'bear-man' just like 'Yeti' - another term for 'Bigfoot' - similarly meaning 'man-bear'!

Arthur = 'bear-man' = 'man-bear' = Yeti = Bigfoot

'Hoax' = 'hocus pocus' = 'hoc est corpus' ('this is the body') = eucharist/Holy Communion = Last Supper, Jesus saying 'this is my body' = Holy Grail/Philosopher's Stone

So on and so forth.

That's the hidden context. Now you know.

The expanded multicontextual awareness helps us go deeper into the rabbit hole and unravel the mystery of the spacetime continuum that is the Holy Grail.

*    *    *

*Above information was originally released January 12, 2010 on STRUG (Super Torch Ritual Underground) where knowledge moves faster than the speed of light. :)


Resposta  Mensagem 28 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 22:41

Birth in the District of Columbia

www.eyeofsiloam.com/DaVinciCode/GizaUSA/index.html - En caché
18 May 2006 ... Socrates was rightfully put to death because he initiated a form of science that ...
The consequence of his sheep following him out into the desert was that Western
Civilization became lost in a flood of words and books, even though Thales and
Socrates were illiterate to the point that they never wrote a word.

Resposta  Mensagem 29 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/09/2012 20:49

Kite of Isis, Click for full size
<< West << Click on this image for a larger view of the Kite of Isis.  >> East >>


Zaniah is the star once known as the "Harlot of Babylon" and it rose in the east over Freedom's Perch from Washington monumental phallus. This is the Gate of Heaven (Babylon) and can only be passed by the desire for personal righteousness on a path toward the Heavenly Father in the Garden of Paradise. It is the Immaculate Conception of the dream of Kingdom Come which a mortal must pass from father to son on a Day of Judgment. It is not the judgment of the son, but judgment of the father that determines the course through Heaven's Gate. This gate requires that each rational mind be born of the virgin so that the legacy of past communication is not broken by a Samson in a quest for Delilah.

Mintaka is the third star in the Strong Man's belt. It is the Star of the Son of Man, and it is the star toward which the Great Sphinx gazes. The Great Sphinx was the body of the lioness Sekhmet (Virgo-Leo), the Teacher of Righteousness, with the head of a man looking toward the future in the east. A man's head on an image of Virgo and Leo says that a rational prophetic conception had been conceived without mistake. The Man, Arcturus, the Woman, Spica, and the Pride, Regulus, are joined in a trinity of Father, Mother, and Son. This is not a provable tenet, it is the Immaculate Conception known only to those mortals who have mastered the Agony in the Garden to set aside self will for the sake of the will of the Heavenly Father. In Egypt, this was the Flight of Isis upon which she embarked when Osiris had become a legacy of a dream. In her dream of his legacy, she impregnated herself with the intent of Osiris and brought forth a son for the sake of Kingdom Come. All these mysterious actions are not denial of the Medusa's Face, they are the process though which a mind ascends Jacob's Ladder and any Stairway to Heaven. But, for a mind to accomplish the cosmic journey it must be born of the spirit of the Father in Heaven. This was the Legacy of Horus and the Legacy of Mary's Immaculate Conception. This is the meaning of the correlation of Washington's Monumental Phallus and the Virgin's star, Spica. Death is not an option to life. Death is a loss of options for life. Yet, if a mortal can establish a legacy for generations, then that mortal will live on in memoriam for generations to come.

The sA of Egypt is Heaven's Gate through which the king has passed.
The sA of Columbia is One with the sA of Egypt.
Columbia's secret code is a message of trust in the Heavenly Father.

The Unbalanced Desire of COP 15 is that all people would share equally in the rewards of those who earn them. By redistribution of the wealth these fools fail to understand the stars and the religions of the world that warn all civilizations throughout time that Man does not control God. Before destroying the progress of a few to give reward to many, a fool should take heed of History's Great Mystery, that of the Harlot of Babylon and the Great City that has the Twelve Pearly Gates surrounding the Heavenly Earth, where the Lamb of the "I Am" is the True Lord of Lords and King of Kings.


Resposta  Mensagem 30 de 90 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/09/2012 21:02
Check these connections of Masons to Virgo through Columbia..


The Virgo connection to the District of Columbia. The triangle is the District of Columbia. She was invented as America's Goddess. Now we have the original intent of the designers to reveal Heaven's Gate without denigrating the Immaculate Conception. This site presents a discussion of David Ovason's representations of zodiacs and Washington, DC. To understand the relationship between the stars and any City of God, it is mandatory that the logos be discriminated from the spirit, the rationalization, the emotion, and the substance. The Logos is the Light of the World. These five entities represent the Universal Soul. Anyone who criticizes astrology and the orientation of horoscopes and zodiacs is simply reacting to the redaction of the Celestial Logos that Babylonian astrology caused to civilization. All great cultures have used the stars to orient their own City of God. Washington, D.C. has all the ancient traditions of the Golden Age. These traditions are intact on the One Dollar bill and in the monumental design of the City of God constructed in the district of Columbia which is located in the place of the same name. But, the name of the City of God, should not be confused with the place of the Goddess. When it is confused, self identity is polluting cosmic identity. I do not have time, nor sufficient information, to reveal the holistic process of creating a City of God. But, I can demonstrate that the place we call District of Columbia is the place where Novus Ordo Seclorum and E Pluribus Unum were given the womb of Columbia so that they could be born in Giza, USA in accordance with cosmic traditions known to rational men for well over 20,000 years..

America's Arcane Origins By Frank Joseph
Political activists of the so-called “religious Right” in the United States never tire of preaching that their country was founded as “a Christian democracy.” But they are wrong on both counts.

Deist but not Christians?
Yet more shocking to bible-beating conservatives, if they were to learn the awful truth, is that the United States was not founded by Christians, at least of the kind they would approve. Instead, that country’s constitutional republic was conceived, fought for and built almost entirely by deists. While the majority of Americans, then as now, were at least nominally Christian, most of their leaders were not. George Washington, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Paul Revere and virtually all of their intellectual compatriots were deists. The term is not generally familiar today, but signifies a person who believes in a universal, compassionate Intelligence that made and orders Creation, manifests its will through natural law, but requires no religious dogma to be understood, only the faculty of reason with which every human is endowed.

In truth, it was God who founded America, and he gave his Daughter-Mother Columbia through the Masons, Deists, Christians, and other groups. The Christian Gospel clearly reveal that the daughters and mother arrive at the time of redemption. Their sorcery is affection for life as sentimental purpose, a.k.a., love. This is Isis being impregnated by her deceased husband-brother, Osiris. It is a soulful event. But, the guiding principles of democracy are based upon a code of behavior that requires the Greek principle of chrestos, or kindness and goodness. The Greeks did not invent science and religion. The Greeks invented Socratic wisdom, which is that wisdom that does not have sentimental connections. Socrates was rightfully put to death because he initiated a form of science that practiced impiety by denial of the spirits of being.

The Trial of SOCRATES

My accusers have said little or nothing that is true, but from me you shall hear the whole truth. Not, I can assure you gentlemen, in flowery language like theirs, decked out with fine words and phrases. No, what you will hear will be a straightforward speech in the first words that occur to me, confident as I am in the justice of my cause; and I do not want any of you to expect anything different.

This is my first appearance in a court of law, at the age of 70, and so I'm a complete stranger to the language of this place. I make this request of you, which I think is only reasonable: to disregard the manner of my speech, it may be better or it may be worse, and to consider and concentrate your attention upon this one question: whether my claims are fair or not. That is the first duty of the jury, just as it is the pleader's duty to speak the truth.

The tenet of Egypt was that second thoughts are more informed of truth than first thoughts. Impiety was the process of denial of the sources of one's own thought process. 
Conclusion: Guilty as charged, for Socrates was cognizant but failed to re-cognize.

The Greeks told a story about Thales, the "Father of the Modern Science of Geometry," going to Egypt to be educated. The legend says that he amazed his Egyptian mentors by telling them the height of a pyramid. And yet, it was the students of Thales, e.g., Pythagoras, who began the process of stripping out the spirit of truth from the rationalization of truth that established the mundane sciences of today. Thales claimed that all things are derived from water and they rise up to fire and eventually into Eternal Light. This was pure Egyptian metaphysics, for Ra brought himself out of the abyss of the primordial waters to stand upon a Ben-ben at First Light. This was the foundation upon which all material sciences had been established. When Socrates opened his argument with the words "from me you shall hear the whole truth," he hung himself with an arrogance he could not comprehend, for he had denied his own soul.

We see the same arrogance in the Saddam Hussein trial today. Rational minds do not comprehend that reason is the process of "twice thought" experience. The first thought is always a feeling, a virgin intuitive experience. From this comes the notion that we all begin life being born of the Virgin  Experience. The second thought is the rationalization of the feeling or the recognition of the loss of virginity. Reason (cognition of intent) is the process that balances the fore thought (intuitive cognition) and the after thought (recognition). Socrates, like all Aryan men, sought to liberate the mind from the moment of the first occasion when feeling inspired cognition. In other words, Socrates was tyrannically impious. The consequence of his sheep following him out into the desert was that Western Civilization became lost in a flood of words and books, even though Thales and Socrates were illiterate to the point that they never wrote a word. Socrates and his students turned the table of the soul upside down and declared a material science that they could recognize and decreed the primordial deity based cognition as sorcery. The journey from Thales to Socrates is echoed in Luke 2:41-52. Thales tried to pass on the higher wisdom of Egypt, but his students were all arrogant Aryans who saw truth as what they wanted it to be. This is the "Harlot of Babylon." For that, Socrates got a drink of hemlock. Unfortunately for Western Civilization it came too late. Socrates had already poisoned the minds of the Occidentals. The Orientals continued to pay attention to their senses and did not get bound by book learning. Yet, the pen is mightier than the sword, and book worms devour paper tigers, as the Sphinx gets buried in sand.

Today the National Academy of Sciences proudly publishes a book with the impious title The Last Sorcerers. Though the NAS adds a disclaimer regarding whether the NAS accepts the opinion of the author, Richard Morris, their actions are denial of the soul of their bureaucracy, which is to act as the philosophical guide to the scientific principles of the nation. "The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is an honorific society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare." Like Socrates, they deny their own soul and purpose when they reject perspectives they do not recognize. The way of propaganda is to repeat an idea enough times so that the idea is recognizable, even if the principle behind the idea is not. Socrates failed to comprehend that he was a creature of habit. By his habits he practiced a rationalization of truth, which is sorcery based solely upon self knowledge without any consideration of the source of the aboriginal cognition. He had misled himself and in the process, by the coercion of his own spirit, he caused the whole of Western Civilization to deny the sources of their own soul. In Egypt the source of all cognition was Osiris, Ab Origine. Osiris was the essence of First Experience, and founding father. We will see that George Washington had a very strong relationship with the source of his cognition. He was a Deist who knew that all religions have the common goal of getting the mortal soul in union with the immortal soul. Washington lost his father when he was eleven years old. As such, he was raised by his own boot straps. Those boot straps were the ligaments of the Divine.


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