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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 24/05/2012 20:43


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Angelo Bronzino 008.jpg
San Marcos Evangelista
Origen Latino
Género Masculino
Santoral 25 de abril
Significado Latín: Proviene del dios Marte
Germano: Viril
Zona de uso común Occidente
Artículos en Wikipedia Todas las páginas que comienzan por «Marcos»

Marcos, o en su variante en italiano Marco, es un nombre propio masculino de origen latino Marticus (sustituido por Marcus) posiblemente asociado a Marte, dios romano de la guerra. Otros sostienen que Marco posee un origen germánico, y derivaría de la palabra martello, que significa "viril".

[editar] Variantes en otras lenguas


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Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/08/2012 01:11

The color Black is for Isis Mourning
Red is also her color

Lady in Red, Lady of the Red Apparel, and Black-robed Isis
So the Black and Red inner four stones go with the Isis theme
She is Mistress of all the element
Queen of the Winds
Queen of the Earth
Queen of the Rivers
Lady of the Flame

The Greco-Roman festival of Ploiaphesia, also called Isidis Navigum, the Festival of the Ship of Isis, celebrates Isis as sea goddess and as the goddess of navigation

Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/08/2012 02:01
The rhombic dodecahedron is Da Vinci's and Solomon't temple doomsday key, why do granades-Latin spanish granada -pomegranates explode




Boaz and Jachin

Two brass pillars named Boaz and Jachin stood in the porch of the Temple. (1 Kings 7:15; 7:21; 2 Kings 11:14; 23:3). Boaz stood on the left (the north) and Jachin on the right (the south). The Bible records their measurements as 27 feet (8.2 m) high and 6 feet (1.8 m) wide (18 by 12 cubits) with a hollow of 4 fingers thick. (Jeremiah 52:21–22). Their 8-foot (2.4 m) high brass capitals were each decorated with rows of 200 carved brass pomegranates, wreathed with seven chains and topped with lilies. (1 Kings 7:13–22, 41–42; 2 Chronicles 4:13) According to most translations of 1 Kings 7:13–22, these two pillars were cast of brass, though some believe the original Hebrew word used to describe their material, "nehosheth", is actually either bronze or copper, because the Hebrews were unfamiliar with zinc which, along with copper, is required to create brass.[12][13]

The two pillars had their parallel not only at Tyre but at Byblus, Paphos, and Telloh (see, however, De Sarzec, "Découvertes en Chaldée," pp. 62–64). In Egypt the obelisks expressed the same idea. Those were phallic emblems, being survivals of the primitive Hamito-Semitic "maẓẓebah". Jachin and Boaz were really isolated columns, as Schick has shown, and not, as some have supposed, a part of the ornamentation of the building. Their tops were crowned with ornamentation as if they were lamps; and W. R. Smith supposed that they may have been used as fire-altars. This assumes that they contained cressets for burning the fat.[9]

Zinc the philosopher's stone, the galvanic natural organic battery of life that for sure Hebrews knew.

Why pork was forbidden for the Hebrews ? because of it's high zinc content




Jachin and Boaz construction from the rhombic dodecahedron state of the hypercube

6 + 9 = 15 = 1111 binary - the cubes of the hipercube crash in the pyra-midd-le through the s-piral-led axis.
Pira stands for Latin fire.

Mark 15.33 - Mark the Lion symbol of Judea

And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

15 = 1111
3 = binary 11 - 33 = 1111


6 June 2012 Venus sun transit over the bull Taurus horns, the birth of the sun Christ study.
Constructed over the rhombic dodecahedron hexagonal beehive Da Vinci pomegranate key the pentagram, heptagram and the Enneagram or Nona-gram.
Component of 7 and 5 is the Galactic equator at 60 degrees mangnetic string component the Uranus seventh planet axis mon-key and also confirmed by Voyager actual 60 degrees magnetic component striking the solar system.
Mercury first planet mon-key and messenger of the Gods will be on the galactic equator.

Number 7 Gate of man mon-key on our actual Gemini ecliptic position, below the same over Sagitarius with the Gate of the Gods.
The great pyramid 51,42 angle matching with the heptagram singularity 1-7 mon-key vesica Pi-scis TT arch of Arch-i-medes.
The obelisk goes down up to grown 0 with it's 69 feet of Cleopatras needle.
The nonagram touches all the inside yellow ring points, the third ring of fire of the Lord together with its two Twin Gemini towers Jachin and Boaz constructed on other diagram.
So 9 is re-nova-tion, death and regeneration concept, the grandmother in Italy is the Nonna.
7 Pleiades, 7 Hyades sons of Atlas galactic center mon-key same as Praesepe counterpart symmetry in Cancer, the 777 codex.
S- EVEN being S the changing spiral 6 to 9 when tides of the seven seas get even

Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/08/2012 22:09
También les refirió Jesús una parábola sobre la necesidad de orar siempre, y no desmayar,
18:2 diciendo: Había en una ciudad un juez, que ni temía a Dios, ni respetaba a hombre.
18:3 Había también en aquella ciudad
una viuda, la cual venía a él, diciendo: Hazme justicia de mi adversario.
18:4 Y él no quiso por algún tiempo; pero después de esto dijo dentro de sí: Aunque ni temo a Dios, ni tengo respeto a hombre,
18:5 sin embargo, porque
esta viuda me es molesta, le haré justicia, no sea que viniendo de continuo, me agote la paciencia.
18:6 Y dijo el Señor: Oíd lo que dijo el juez injusto.
18:7 ¿Y acaso Dios no hará justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Se tardará en responderles?
18:8 Os digo que pronto
les hará justicia. Pero cuando venga el Hijo del Hombre, ¿hallará fe en la tierra?






55. Mateo 23:14: ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las VIUDAs, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación.


56. Marcos 12:40: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones. Estos recibirán mayor condenación.
65. Lucas 20:47: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones; éstos recibirán mayor condenación.
¿"Devoran la casas de las viudas" no es una alusion a que devoran la casa/linaje de la viuda? ¿Porque Jesucristo incluso relaciona la viuda con JUAN MARCOS en Hechos 12:12?
1. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre MARCOS, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.

2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

Éxodo 20:17: No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la MUJER de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.



Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2012 19:34

Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2012 20:24

The Eucharist

Neither antiquity nor any other sect of the present day has imagined
a more atrocious and blasphemous absurdity than that of eating God.
It is a most revolting dogma, insulting to the Supreme Being,
the height of madness and folly.
- Frederick the Great

The Jewish prohibition against eating blood needs no introduction. The verse below says it succinctly and Leviticus 17 is devoted to it. The Eucharist is a major break from Judaism.

26Moreover you shall eat no blood whatever, whether of fowl or of animal, in any of your dwellings.
27Whoever eats any blood, that person shall be cut off from his people." (Lev. 7:26-27)

Paul's Eucharist provides background about how Paul was the first to introduce the Eucharist from another religion, Mithraism. As explained in Gospel Zodiac, Jesus spoke those immemorial words when the sun is in the house of Scorpio, October 24-November 22. Abraham's covenant with Yahweh came during the Age of Taurus. This covenant occurs at the end of the Age of Aries or more likely at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.

The ceremony

26Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is my body."
27And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you;
28for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
29I tell you I shall not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 11:23-25; John 6:53-58; 1 Cor. 11:23-26)


I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh." (John 6:51)

The answer to the riddle of the Eucharist is in the above picture.

The sun's rays enter the wheat. The wheat is converted into bread. Thus the sun's life giving properties are contained in the bread - food and heat.

There are familiar names for morning sunrise: daybreak and crack of dawn. Thus, one receives life by breaking the bread and eating it.

During the colder months of the year when the sun is low on the horizon, atmospheric conditions produce those beautiful red sunrises and sunsets. The red symbolizes wine and blood. "Covenant" is a pun for cover.

In Matthew 2:1-10, when Jesus turns water into wine, that's an allegorical representation of the sun's reflection on water.

Blessed Sacrament of the Altar

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, another term for Eucharist is "Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

The expression "Blessed Sacrament of the Altar", introduced by Augustine, is at the present day almost entirely restricted to catechetical and popular treatises.

The Daily Catholic says the Eucharist is also called the Bread of Heaven. And it is called the Sacrament of the Altar because it is consecrated on an altar.

The Holy Eucharist is also called the Bread of Heaven, and the Bread of angels,--this because in it God Himself comes down from Heaven to be our food, thus making us like unto the angels.

It is called the Sacrament of the Altar, because it is consecrated and reserved upon an altar. It is offered up on the altar in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


On the lower left corner is the constellation Ara the Altar. In Greek myth, the Olympians need an altar upon which to swear their allegiance to Jupiter and perform other mutual vows, so Ara was built-adorned with stars and filled with burning incense. The smoke coming from this altar was represented in the night sky by the soft whiteness of the Milky Way.

Cup of Salvation

When we think of craters, we normally think of holes in the ground. But according to Webster, the word has another definition: "in ancient Greece or Rome, a kind of large bowl or jar shaped like an amphora (a tall jar with a narrow neck and base and two handles, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans)" The Greek translation for cup in Matthew 26:26 is poterion, means "drinking vessel."

Now we turn our attention to the picture below. During the fall equinox, the sun descends across the equator into Libra, the scales of justice. There is a constellation called Crater the Bowl which looks like a stemmed shaped goblet. On the day after the equinox, at twelve noon, the picture shows its open side aimed towards the sun and looks to be standing on the ground.

Wine season starts when the sun crosses below the equator. The broken bread symbolizes the northern and southern hemispheres as the sun breaks across from one to the other. This is the time when red sunsets symbolize the sun's bleeding. The cup is there to catch the blood.


Date: 9/24/0001 12:00 PM from Jerusalem.

The picture above gives meaning to the verses below.

The covenant is the coming of the sun to the point of the autumn equinox.

1"I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I look upon a virgin?
What would be my portion from God above, and my heritage from the Almighty on high? (Job 31:1-2)

The hand of the Lord is of course in the heavens.

8For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, with foaming wine, well mixed; and he will pour a draught from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs. (Psalm 75:8)

The sun bleeds the day after it crosses the equator.

12So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. (Heb. 13:12) -

Holy Grail

As might be guessed from the picture above, the constellation Crater the Bowl is the famous Holy Grail. The Catholic Encyclopedia tells us that the chalice of the Eucharist is etymologically related to crater.

Water into wine

Referring to the above picture, when the sun is in Virgo, Mary says to Jesus, "They have no wine." Jesus responds, "My hour has not yet come," which means that the time for wine making is in September, not August (Virgo is in August). The six stone jars symbolize the six summer months when men must be content to drink water. The time for turning water into wine is not until the latter part of September.

3When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine."
4And Jesus said to her, "O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come."
5His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
6Now six stone jars were standing there, for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.
7Jesus said to them, "Fill the jars with water." And they filled them up to the brim.
8He said to them, "Now draw some out, and take it to the steward of the feast." So they took it.
9When the steward of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward of the feast called the bridegroom (John 2:3-9)

Vengeance = Vine-geance

25And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall execute vengeance for the covenant; and if you gather within your cities I will send pestilence among you, and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy. (Lev. 26:25)

41if I whet my glittering sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance on my adversaries, and will requite those who hate me.
I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh- with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the long-haired heads of the enemy.' (Deut. 32:41)

1O LORD, thou God of vengeance, thou God of vengeance, shine forth! (Psalm 94:1)

8For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. (Isaiah 34:8)

10That day is the day of the Lord GOD of hosts, a day of vengeance, to avenge himself on his foes. The sword shall devour and be sated, and drink its fill of their blood. For the Lord GOD of hosts holds a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates. (Jer. 46:10)

16You will be sated with contempt instead of glory. Drink, yourself, and stagger! The cup in the LORD'S right hand will come around to you, and shame will come upon your glory! (Hab. 2:16)

22for these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.
23Alas for those who are with child [Virgo] and for those who give suck in those days! For great distress shall be upon the earth and wrath upon this people; (Luke 21:22-23)

1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.
2Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
3You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you. (John 15:1-3)

The parable of the Tenants

A householder planted a vineyard, built a wine press and leased it to tenants. When wine season came, he sent slaves to collect his wine. They got beaten, killed or stoned. When he sent his son, they killed him too. When the owner comes what will he do to those tenants?

33"Hear another parable. There was a householder who planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country.
34When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit;
35and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another.
36Again he sent other servants, more than the first; and they did the same to them.
37Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'
38But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, 'This is the heir; come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.'
39And they took him and cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
40When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?" ((Matt. 21:33-40)

His disciples thought he would put those wretches to a miserable death and lease the vineyard to other tenants. Answered Jesus, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it.

41They said to him, "He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons."
Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures: 'The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?
Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it." (Matt. 21:41-43)


Cup of Wrath

15Thus the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: "Take from my hand this cup of the wine of wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. (Psalm 116:13)

Cup of Staggering

22Thus says your Lord, the LORD, your God who pleads the cause of his people: "Behold, I have taken from your hand the cup of staggering; the bowl of my wrath you shall drink no more; (Isaiah 51:22)

Cup of Consolation

7No one shall break bread for the mourner, to comfort him for the dead; nor shall any one give him the cup of consolation to drink for his father or his mother (Jer. 16:7)

Cup of Reeling

2"Lo, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the peoples round about; it will be against Judah also in the siege against Jerusalem. (Zech. 12:2)

It is up to the Father to decide who shall drink from Jesus' cup.

22But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" They said to him, "We are able."
23He said to them, "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." (Matt. 20:22-23)

Scribes and Pharisees cleans the outside of the cup.

25"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of extortion and rapacity.
26You blind Pharisee! first cleanse the inside of the cup and of the plate, that the outside also may be clean. (Matt. 23:25-26)

Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?

11Jesus said to Peter, "Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?" (John 18:11)

Cup of Anger

10he also shall drink the wine of God's wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. (Rev. 14:10)

Cup of fury

19The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered great Babylon, to make her drain the cup of the fury of his wrath. (Rev. 16:19)

Cup of abominations

4The woman [Virgo] was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and bedecked with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; (Rev. 17:4)



Respuesta  Mensaje 39 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/08/2012 23:54

Respuesta  Mensaje 40 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2012 00:04
Feathered Serpent / Heavenly Serpent Symbolism 2012 & End Times Prophecy
Mayan Quetzalcoatl, Quetzocohuatl Serpent in the Heavens
Oroborus - Serpent Eating its Tail - Platonic Cycles - Greek Aion - End of the Age - Angels = Messengers = Cherubim = Zodiac = Clock of Doom in the Heavens
Ouroboros Symbol of End of Age Galactic Event 2012 - Message = Sign of the Apocalypse?
2012 End of the Age - End Times AION symbol Ouroboros, serpent eating its own tail end time prophecy David Flynn research

RE: 2012 & End of the Age. The Greeks called the End of the Age the SUNTELIA AION Ancient historians and especially Plato referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age. The AION was symbolized by the Ouroboros.
The Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. Hermeticism and myth refer to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail.
David Flynn 2012 research, sign of the end of times, the Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail Illuminated hermeticism synchromysticism & apocalyptic symbolism.

The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. The sign of the SUNTELIA AION is the sun rising out of the mouth of the oroborus, which will occur on the solstice December 2012.




Quetzalcoatl was described as a being of another race, a "white" man with noble features, long black hair and full beard, dressed in flowing robes, whereas the Toltecs were dark-skinned and nearly beardless. Legend tells that he departed to the land of Tlapallan; others say he went to Coatzacualco on the Atlantic coast. Native tradition there still keeps up the divine name of Gucumatz, which among the Quiche means feathered serpent -- Quetzalcoatl in Aztec having the same meaning.

In Mexican religion Quetzalcoatl is regarded as a great deity, a god of the air. In the Quiche cosmogony, as told in the Popol Vuh Gucumatz is one of the first deities to appear, and holds the position of a minor creator.

Quetzalcoatl's "wand and other 'land-marks' show him to be some great Initiate of antiquity, who received the name of 'Serpent' on account of his wisdom, long life and powers. To this day the aboriginal tribes of Mexico call themselves by the names of various reptiles, animals and birds" (TG 269).

(See also: Quetzalcoatl, Quetzocohuatl , Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Occultism, Occultism Dictionary) David Flynn's "Cydonia: Secret Chronicles of Mars" for the two hermetic pillars, the two "anchor points" which will align the heavens to the earth, the zodiac over the continents and nations of the earth.





what is an angel - zodiac creatures angels in the heavens astrology & the bibleThe infamous account of Ezekiel 's wheels, often misinterpreted as a primitive description of a UFO encounter, is actually a vision of the hybrid living creatures who populate the celestial narrative in the zodiac. Ezekiel saw CHERUBIM with four faces, and the wheels which were assigned to them. These are the four faces of the cardinal points of the zodiac, and a reference to their movement through the heavens. Both the Cydonia "Face" and the Giza Sphinx are a combination of two of these zodiac points -- Leo & Virgo. There is a Biblical precedent for this symbolism, Sphinx, Zodiac & the Gospel in the Heavens

cherubim seraphim creatures in zodiac heaven earth connection lucifer is cherubim angels and aliens zodiac sign of 2012


(above)Nergal, the two faced "God of Mars" appears as Sagittarius. (below) The sign of the Suntelia Aion, the End of the Age -- on December 21, 2012 the sun rises from the mouth of the ouroborus / milky way ... pointed out by the arrow of Sagittarius.
sagit points to sign of the suntelia aion occuring december 2012

Illuminated hermeticism synchromysticism & apocalyptic symbolism galaxy oroboros symbol of 2012 date end of the age end times mayan calendar

2012 Maya date end apocalypse sirius giza megalithic grid


"As above, so below" Basic tenet of theurgy, hermeticism & synchromysticism. Many are familiar with the ancient secret discerned by Hancock & Bauval, that HEAVEN is connected to the EARTH. Giza seems to be a "mirror" upon the earth of the stars in the belt of Orion. One of the pentagrams making up the megalithic "grid" is indeed anchored at Giza -- the other pentagram is appropriately anchored at the Prime Meridian. The star Sirius -- symbol of Isis the counterpart of Orion/Osiris -- is the monument mirrored upon the earth by the Prime Meridian at 0 longitude. Sirius is the star by which maritime navigation is carried out. History records the greatest ancient sea travellers were the Phoenicians, who called themselves Cydonians.


david flynn 's
david flynn richard hoagland research megaliths on earth monuments on mars Cydonia link




As you may have heard mentioned on the Sept. 20 2011 CoasttoCoastAM show w/ Doug Elwell & Richard Hoagland and on the incredible Oct. 30 2011 show with LA Marzulli, or read about on Steve Quayle's (author of Genesis 6 Giants) website and Tom Horn's (author of Apollyon Rising 2012) website, controversial Bible scholar & lecturer David Flynn was diagnosed with brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme. He passed away January 22, 2012.

If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of David Flynn's Watcher Website, you may do so through Paypal below.
david flynn watcher website
watcher website David Flynn author Cydonia: Secret Chronicles of Mars, Temple at the Center of Time, lectured on Pax TV
DAILY UPDATES ON THE WATCHER WEBSITE DISCUSSION FORUM topics include: Antichrist & End Time Prophecy, 2012 End of Days, UFOs & the Bible, Genesis 6 & the Nephelim, Angels & Aliens, 2012 & End of the Age, Apocalypse 2012, Bible Prophecy & NWO Conspiracy, unique research from David Flynn & many others!

Respuesta  Mensaje 41 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 16:34
circunferencia, círculo y sus partes



A regular square pyramid is determined by its medial right triangle, whose edges are the pyramid's apothem (a), semi-base (b), and height (h); the face inclination angle is also marked. Mathematical proportions b:h:a of 1:sqrt{varphi}:varphi and 3:4:5  and 1:4/pi:1.61899  are of particular interest in relation to Egyptian pyramids.

El número [8] en la Biblia nos orienta a una idea muy clara.
Es por excelencia el “número de la Resurrección”.
Su significado es “sobreabundancia”, símbolo de “nueva vida”.

8| En su etimología
Aprendemos de los expertos en hebreo, que el ocho es (Sh’moneh) de la raíz (Shah’meyn)
que significa “hacer grueso” y “sobreabudar”.
Bullinger comenta: “siete según su etimología es aquello que está espiritualmente completo
o satisfactorio; mientras que ocho denota todo lo que es sobreabundante o saciador.”

[8] En la resurrección de Jesús
El octavo día, fue el día en que Jesucristo resucitó; como está escrito en la Biblia:
el primer día de la semana”.
(Juan 20:1 RV60)
El primer y octavo día, son el mismo día en la semana hebrea, el día después del sábado,
e indica fin y principio de semana. Por esa razón el número dominical (domingo) es el “día del Señor” en la Iglesia.

Así contaba un hebreo la semana:
*día 1 (8) — día 2— día 3— día 4— día 5— día 6 –Savath (sábado)

* Primer y octavo día, representa en la semana hebrea, el mismo tiempo unido,
primero [1], y último [8]; principio y fin de todo ciclo. Pero el ocho simboliza el principio de un “nuevo tiempo”.
Por tal razón, en las fiestas judías, el primer día y su octavo, eran denominados de “santa convocación”.


Octograma : De WikiMagica : Significado simbólico

milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 i9 l 12 k 11 y 25 0 w 23 a1 y 25 )
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( q 17 u 21 e5 e5 n 14 0 m 13 a1 r 18 y 25  
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( h8 e5 b2 r 18 e5 w 23 0 c3 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 d4 a1 r 18
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 a1 r 18 y 25 0 m 13 a1 g7 d4 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 e5  

Respuesta  Mensaje 42 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/08/2012 18:22
continued from page 1
October 24, '03   'Babylon Is Fallen...'
[...] First, let me go back to the issue of Schwarzenegger playing the role of the 'Destroyer' (Antichrist/Beast). Arnie is the 'Terminator' and 'Conan the Destroyer'. In the Bible, the 'Destroyer' reference (i.e. Abaddon/Apollyon) is found in Revelation 9:11.

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

The numerical coincidence of '9:11' is more than a little curious. This is so especially when added that a very similar passage is found in Revelation 20:3 which says:

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

The numerical significance here is that '20:3' would correspond to 3/20, i.e. March 20. This is when the US invasion of Iraq began earlier this year - a direct consequence of 9/11... an 'echo'. As I repeatedly explained before, Mars has a roughly 2-year orbital cycle and is thus related to the 2-year cycle pattern that is behind the stargate window. Looking at the Red Planet's positioning in the sky relative to the background stars as viewed from Earth, however, we realize that it returned to the same place where it was on 9/11/01 earlier in March '03, the month of the beginning of the Iraq war.

Looking at it more closely, we realized that the '9/11 return' of Mars came on March 7. This was about two weeks before the actual date of the war's beginning. [The] 13-day discrepancy precisely corresponded to a half cycle (13.5 days) of the Moon's sidereal orbital period around the earth (27.32 days). This means Earth would be exactly at the same position as the Moon of March 20 in relation to the background stars, if Earth was seen from the Moon 13 days before March 20 (i.e. March 7).

On that basis, I [could] conclude that the Red Planet's '9/11 return' on March 7 and the Iraq war beginning on March 20 were connected very coherently. The fact that March 20 was the spring equinox and that the Great Sphinx at Giza, a 'Martian monument', faces due east to directly stare at the equinoctial sunrise underscored the validity of the linkage. (And of course, Mars is traditionally the planet/god of war.)

Because March 20 can be seen as a '9/11 echo date', Revelation's 20:3 passage (= 3/20) echoing the 9:11 passage (the beast of the 'bottomless pit') in the same book could not be more appropriate. True, the order of the numbers used for establishing the corresponding dates are reversed (9:11 for 9/11 and 20:3 for 3/20), but it's actually the former approach, 9:11=9/11, that's the exception. As we'll see, the 'standard' method turns out to be consistent with the 'day:month' format.

For starters, turning 9/11 into 11:9 will lead us to Genesis 11:9 which just happens to be a passage mentioning the tower of Babel, the archetypal model for the WTC twin towers destroyed on 9/11!:

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

'Babel', from which derives 'Babylon', means 'gate of God' - i.e. a 'stargate'.

Notice that Genesis is the very first book in the Bible whereas Revelation is the very last. Alpha and Omega. Beginning and end. It's somehow these two books that continue to give us passages that fit right into the pattern of our dates and themes.

A good example is Revelation 14:8 which mentions the destruction of 'Babylon' (a la 9/11):

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

The passage number here '14:8' gives us 8/14, i.e. August 14. One of the biggest events of the stargate window this summer was the massive blackout of the US eastern coast, prominently affecting NYC, the American 'Babylon'. The date? August 14!

What's more interesting is that August 14 is exactly 13 days away from August 27, the climax of the Red Planet's historic close encounter with the Earth. So like the two 9/11-related dates, 3/7 and 3/20 separated by 13 days, August 14 was also a 'Mars day' and this is somehow acknowledged by our 'Genesis-Revelation code'.

13 days... Could there be more to this than what we've found? Well, it turns out... Yes! Today we use the Gregorian calendar, which replaced the less accurate Julian calendar. As it happens, there is now a 13-day difference between the two calendars! So... the March 20 of the Gregorian calendar is the March 7 of the Julian calendar. Hence, March 20 equals March 7, and August 14 equals August 27!

[T]hrough this scheme it could easily be said that the Iraq war did start on the precise date pinpointed by the '9/11 return' of Mars. The Martian connection is clear there. But what about the blackout of August 14? Why should it be associated with the peak of Mars' close approach to Earth on August 27?

The first potential answer here has to do with, again, the Moon, i.e. the celestial object closely associated with the 13-day offset of the dates. We find that the climax of the Mars light show coincided with a 'New Moon' - meaning there was a 'blackout' of the Moon on Aug. 27 because it was situated exactly between the Sun and the earth. This will become more meaningful later.

The second connection, which I find both compelling and implausible, involves the alien-disk crop glyph, i.e. the driving force behind... the Endgame series. I'm of course referring to the remarkable (and likely man-made) crop glyph mysteriously created in England last year... on August 14. As discussed in the Endgame articles, the design of the crop glyph was probably borrowed from a logo used on the 'Watcher website', which deals with the subjects of prophecies, Mars/Cydonia, the Antichrist, etc. (See image comparison below.)

The masterfully created glyph was the third one in the 'ET Contact' series that apparently began in 2000. The three glyphs all appeared in the same field and practically on the same date (around Aug. 14) three years in a row. Because of this continuity, expectations were high this year that we would see an incredible fourth installment of the series. But what happened was - nothing. Not just this 'Contact' series. There was a very unusual total blackout of crop circles in England this summer. Most observers were simply perplexed.

Personally, I couldn't help but think that the Aug. 14 blackout in the US was on some level conceptually linked to the crop glyph 'blackout'... especially in light of the precise 'Aug. 14' connection.

An unwarranted hypothesis? Not really. We only need to take a look at how it relates to the calendrically shifted date of Aug. 14, i.e. August 27 (= Julian Aug. 14).

In the first Endgame article, I discussed what appeared to be a 'leak' by an 'insider' posted on the former message board of Richard Hoagland's Enterprise website. (Hoagland is the author of The Monuments of Mars, a popular book about the 'Face on Mars' and other anomalies of Mars/Cydonia.) The post by 'KBS' included only a series of numbers that was hyperlinked to a webpage displaying the 2002 'alien disk' crop glyph. Soon another poster there (perhaps the same 'insider') decoded the numbers and found the following encoded message: 'HaPPy AnNiVerSaRy, HoAglAnd'.

In Endgame IV, I explained [its most likely] meaning. The key: the message was posted on August 27 ('02). And with the mention of 'anniversary', meaning 'returning with the year at a stated time', it became clear to me that it was pointing ahead to the August 27 of the following year, 2003 - the exact date of the Mars climax day! Since Hoagland is [the famous 'Mars/Cydonia guy'], there was no question that this was the intended message.

The implication is remarkable: it directly unites the dates August 14 and August 27! The alien crop glyph, to which the coded message was hyperlinked, was created on Aug. 14 (= Aug. 27 Gregorian); and the message itself was posted on Aug. 27 (= Aug. 14 Julian) and pointed ahead to the Aug. 27 of 2003.

There is now virtually no doubt left that the 'blackout' of Aug. 14 was a 'Martian' event that's to be seen together with Aug. 27.

But I'm not done yet. On [or very near] the predicted 'Hoagland anniversary' day (8/27/03), Richard Hoagland happened to publish his new paper on his website, presenting a new picture of the 'Face on Mars' taken by the Odyssey spacecraft currently orbiting Mars. ('Odyssey' as in the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.)

Hoagland begins the paper by stating:

This startling new image of the well-known "Face on Mars" (above [right]) may ultimately be regarded as one of the most important photographs of the entire Space Program. For, after almost 30 years of acrid controversy and debate, a "whole new side" to this perplexing Martian mystery - and the profound social and scientific questions it continues to present - has now literally dawned...

He goes on to discuss how the lighting of the rising sun reflected on the eastern side of the 'Face' reveals a new mystery, an inexplicable amount of reflectivity. The paper is all about the brightly lit right half of the Face.

Well, take another look at the alien crop glyph. Does it not show only the right side of the face lit by light? The correspondence is unmistakable. This effect is even evident in the alien logo from the 'Watcher website' shown earlier... Can you say 'prophetic'?

Ah, but there is more. :)

So far we've analyzed two sets of dates, the March 20/March 7 paring and the August 27/August 14 paring. Now let us move on to another pair... October 25/26 and November 8/9. In the previous updates I explained in depth why these two dates are to be considered 'Mars days'. And, yes, they are separated by 13/14 days - making them calendarically equatable dates.

The significance of Oct. 25/26 derives from a combination of several things. First, there will be a Sun-Moon-Earth alignment (i.e. New Moon) on Oct. 25, meaning there will be a total 'blackout' of the Moon in the night sky. Second, the Sun-Moon conjunction will occur exactly at the spot where the Moon was positioned on March 20 and where the Earth was on March 7 (as seen from the Moon). This alone is enough to make Oct. 25/26 a 'Mars day'. Third, the causeway of the Great Sphinx (identifiable with Mars), angled approximately 14 degrees (or 13.5 deg.) south of due east, will align with the sunrise of Oct. 25/26. Fourth, on the same day (Oct. 25/26), Mars rises at the same point on the Giza horizon as the Sun. Fifth, Mars rising on the eastern horizon on Oct. 25, perfectly aligned with the Sphinx causeway, will coincide with the 2-hour window of the Sun-Moon conjunction which in turn will be occurring at the March-20 position of the Moon.

And here are a couple of additional coincidences I just discovered. When viewed from the general area of NYC, i.e. the 'Babylon city' that experienced the 9/11 attacks and the 8/14 blackout, the Sun-Moon alignment of Oct. 25 (a 'Moon blackout') will take place exactly when the Sun and the Moon are seen rising at the horizon! Not only that, the Moon's rising point will be ~14 degrees south of due east - i.e. the exact angle of the Sphinx causeway!

There is no question that October 25/26 is a 'Mars day'. If you're not yet convinced, this should do it: On Oct. 25, there will be a conference held at the Univ. of Wisconsin called 'God, Man, and E.T.' which will deal with religious implications of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. The lecturers will include Richard Hoagland and David E. Flynn from the 'Watcher website', i.e. the website of the 'alien logo'!

Okay, now, moving 13/14 days forward from Oct. 25/26... bringing us to November 8/9. Like Oct. 25, there will be a 'blackout' event of the Moon on this date. This time not a New Moon, but a total lunar eclipse. In addition, there will be a very rare astrological configuration on Nov. 8/9, dubbed the 'Harmonic Concordance', that will coincide with the lunar eclipse. It's a perfect hexagonal form depicting the 'Star of David' - the star shown on Israel's flag.

In Endgame V, I discussed how the Star of David can be viewed as the two-dimensional representation of two interlocking circumscribed tetrahedrons - the geometric configuration from which derives the 'hyperdimensional number, 19.5°, i.e. the key number encoded into the layout of the 'monuments of Mars' in the Cydonia region according to Hoagland. This 19.5° angle is now widely considered the 'message of Cydonia'.

It could be said that the Star of David, or the interlocking tetrahedrons, represents a 'stargate/Babylon configuration'. And the date producing this astrological arrangement, Nov. 8/9, is quite clearly another 'Mars day'.

I might as well mention too that the Star of David symbolizes the Holy Grail, or 'Blood Royal', signifying the union of Jesus and Mary (Magdalene) or God and Goddess (masculine and feminine). The triangle pointing upward represents manhood and the one pointing downward represents womanhood. I believe many people are now aware of this symbolism thanks to The Da Vinci Code, the hugely popular book this year (still the #2 best-selling book at amazon.com).

What is not yet widely known, however, is that the 'Face on Mars', as well as the Sphinx, embodies the same theme. I presented this view in Endgame III written back in Nov. 2002. Endgame III even revealed how the 'Face' - actually a combination of the body of Virgo/virgin and the head of Leo/lion - was... mimicked by the Shroud of Turin, the sacred cloth on which is shown a shadowy image of a man widely thought to be Jesus himself. I even discussed the plausible idea that the Shroud was actually made by Leonardo Da Vinci and the image is that of his. Yes, Da Vinci as in The Da Vinci Code. [...]

October 29, '03   Burning Bush
This is quite amazing what's happening now. Since Oct. 16 I had been pointing at the date Oct. 25/26, along with Nov. 8/9, as a special 'Mars day' echoing the time (March) of the beginning of the Iraq war. How fitting that what transpired over the weekend (Oct. 24-26) is... all about fire! While Mars is the planet/god of war, it is also traditionally the planet of fire, after all.

As I wrote in the post of Oct. 21: 'Oct. 25 is a clear echo-date of the beginning of the Iraq war on March 20'. [...] The [war/Mars 'echo'] came in the slightly transposed form of 'fire'. On Oct. 24/25, one of the leading news stories was a major solar storm directly hitting the earth. This was an unexpected event since the Sun is currently supposed to be quieting down - having already reached the sunspot cycle peak in 2000.

The Sun is a major player in the pattern we've been following. Just take a look at the titles of my articles: 'The Two Suns of Election MM', 'The Labour of the Sun', and 'The Message of Cycle 23' (Cycle 23 = solar cycle). And the subtitle of the most recent Endgame article (Endgame V), 'On the Chariot of the Sun'. I also seem to have dropped a 'hint' at the very end of Endgame IV: Stargate 2003, where I wrote 'I sense a big storm coming...', immediately following which was a picture of the sun. Go take a look at it for amusement. :)

The Sun is woven into various themes we've been tracking, but the oldest and most consistent one is that of the 'two suns'/'double sun'. And this directs our attention to the double-ness of the current solar storm, as reported on a Space.com article titled 'Seeing Double: Astronomers Amazed at Two Huge Sunspots':

An unusually active Sun has professional astronomers amazed while amateurs revel in backyard sightings of two Jupiter-sized sunspots. Meanwhile, a heavy dose of space weather buffeted Earth midday Friday, and more stormy weather is on the way.

The mention of Jupiter is conceptually hyperlinked to another space news [that came out during the same period]. It has to do with a 'mystery spot' observed on Jupiter. As reported on Space.com:

Astronomers have spotted a strange, obvious and inexplicable black spot near the equator of Jupiter. A picture of the object was circling this planet electronically this week as researchers scratched their heads about what they'd found.

Now, isn't it curious that Jupiter is inseparable from the notion of 'two suns' via [the film '2010'] in which Jupiter is transformed into a second sun? The fact that the Oct. 25/26 window is related to our 'stargate window' (summer/fall '03) which in turn is an 'echo window' of the year 2001 (~September) makes this something hard to ignore. And I had already associated the plutonium-carrying Galileo spacecraft's 'suicide' plunge into Jupiter's atmosphere on Sept. 21 this year with the 2001/2010 movie theme. I even associated it with the autumnal equinox (Sept. 23), which was another 'Mars/Horus day'. (See Oct. 16 update.)

...And we are presently awaiting the imminent arrival of the second, much more powerful (the third biggest on record) solar flare/CME produced by [sunspot '486']. (The one arriving at the beginning of the weekend was from Sunspot 485, if I'm not mistaken.) The scheduled time is sometime today. This is what spaceweather.com posted yesterday:

EXTREME SOLAR ACTIVITY: One of the most powerful solar flares in years erupted from giant sunspot 486 this morning at approximately 1110 UT. The blast measured X17 on the Richter scale of solar flares. As a result of the explosion, a strong S3-class solar radiation storm is underway. Click here to learn how such storms can affect our planet. The explosion also hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. When it left the sun, the cloud was traveling 2125 km/s (almost 5 million mph). This CME could trigger bright auroras when it sweeps past our planet perhaps as early as tonight.

So clearly, the Sun is going crazy at this time. And as the graphs below show, [all this] began on/around our 'Mars day', Oct. 25/26!

sun-graph-5.jpg (28515 bytes)   sun-graph-3.png (11756 bytes)    sun-graph-1.png (20752 bytes)

sun-resurrection.jpg (212315 bytes)

Now, in my last post (Oct. 24), I wrote this near the end:

...I'm already beginning to hear some interesting things. Major solar flares (or coronal mass ejections) are headed our way, scheduled to arrive this weekend... George W. Bush is also scheduled to fly back into the United States, back from his 8-day tour of Asia, later today.

At the time I couldn't quite put it together into a unified picture, but now I'm beginning to detect a coherent 'story' encoded into these events. And this may be very much relevant to the 'twin date' of Oct. 25/26 - i.e. November 8/9. (See previous updates for explanation.)

First, let me remind you that Bush in my model is a 'Sun king' [or] Phaëthon, the son of the sun-god Helios... The story [of Phaëthon] goes like this:


Respuesta  Mensaje 43 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/08/2012 18:25

Endgame VI

www.goroadachi.com/.../endgame-6-p2.htmEn caché - Traducir esta página
And this may be very much relevant to the 'twin date' of Oct. 25/26 - i.e. November 8/9. (See previous updates for explanation.) First, let me remind you that Bush ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 44 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/08/2012 17:08
Have you studied any Jewish mysticism? Even a quick trip to the Wikipedia article on 'Kaballa' wil tell you that "different teachers of it have attached their spelling to it." 'Kabballah' may be the most common, but consider this: sacred gematria74 is a BIG aspect of Kaballa and 'Kaballa' has 7 letters and its gematric sum is 40. And like I've stated before, #7 & #40 are the two most important numbers used in the Torah47 & Tanak47. The Jewish74 people, followers of Jesus74 and followers of Muhammad74 all recognize the One God (7_4) and recognize 7 & 40 to be the most prominent sacred numbers. Perhaps 12 comes next. These numbers are connect74ed to nature - there's a scientific reason for their emphasis, i.e. there are 7 'moving heavenly bodies' that can be seen with the naked eye: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

Last edited by brad_watson_miami_fl; 08-01-2011 at 03:53 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 45 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/08/2012 00:59
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 i9 l 12 k 11 y 25 0 w 23 a1 y 25 )
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( q 17 u 21 e5 e5 n 14 0 m 13 a1 r 18 y 25  
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( h8 e5 b2 r 18 e5 w 23 0 c3 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 d4 a1 r 18
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 a1 r 18 y 25 0 m 13 a1 g7 d4 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 e5  
christ in Simple Gematria Equals: 77 ( c
Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.

Respuesta  Mensaje 46 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/08/2012 17:36


Profundizando más en el tema, aparecen personajes nuevos como la luna y los arquetipos femeninos.

En las leyendas, mitología y cuentos populares se establece un paralelismo entre el ciclo de las estaciones, la luna y las energías que experimenta la mujer en el ciclo menstrual:

Luna Roja - Miranda Gray Fases Luna

Luna Creciente: LA DONCELLA
Representa el aspecto enérgico y dinámico: la luz y claridad de la luna creciente
Se le asocia al color blanco
Es la fase PRE-OVULATORIA: desde el fin del sangrado hasta el comienzo de la ovulación
Energías llenas de diversión y entusiasmo de la mujer dinámica y radiante, confiada, firme, ambiciosa, sociable y capaz de afrontar los desafíos de la vida mundana
Mujer centrada en si misma y con gran poder de concentración con el que puede prosperar en el trabajo
Momento idóneo para encarar nuevos proyectos
Luna Llena: LA MADRE
Símbolo de la fertilidad y la nutrición: refleja la intensa luz de la luna llena
Color rojo
Es la fase de la OVULACIÓN:
Es la expresión interna y externa del amor: mujer protectora, capaz de asumir responsabilidades, alimentar y dar sustento
Se pierde el interés por la propia persona y te centras en los demás seres
Desafortunadamente nuestra sociedad ha degradado y desprestigiado las cualidades arquetípicas que caracterizan a la madre (cuidado, entrega, …). Nuestro sistema económico, explotador al máximo, no asocia la inteligencia, fortaleza y sabiduría con la maternidad, sino con la energía de la doncella: FUERA DE CASA.
Y así nos va: ¡una sociedad des-madrada¡. Hablaremos de eso en un futuro artículo de crianza, que será demoledor.
Luna Menguante: LA HECHICERA
Color azul
Fase PRE-MENSTRUAL: desde la ovulación hasta la menstruación
Representa el descenso hacia el aspecto interior de la naturaleza femenina: misterio, magia, pasión, poder femenino, magnetismo y atracción.
Aumento de la sexualidad, creatividad, conciencia, intuición y ensoñación.
Es una creatividad tremenda y desenfrenada
Luna Nueva: LA BRUJA
Color negro: la oscuridad de la luna nueva o menguante
Representa la sabiduría y la estabilidad: los poderes del mundo interior: se retiran las energías del mundo terrenal para centrar su conciencia en el mundo espiritual.
Es la fase de introspección: de dormir y soñar y frenar el ritmo de vida
El ciclo de la luna blanca

Se podría hablar largo y tendido de los arquetipos femeninos pero este documento sólo pretende demostrar que:

Las mujeres somos cíclicas como la vida y la Tierra, y no lineales como nos han hecho creer y desear ser.

Respuesta  Mensaje 47 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/08/2012 01:55
"Maya" is today Mexico and the name "Mexico" via Mextli refers to a "god of war" which in Roman mythology is Mars. "Mexico" via Mexihco means "Place at the Center of the Moon" implying "in the womb of Diana". Or, "In-Diana"... i.e. Indiana.

Respuesta  Mensaje 48 de 228 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/08/2012 01:41

Serendipity, how about the last supper ?

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