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Reply  Message 1 of 2 on the subject 
From: moriajoan  (Original message) Sent: 02/01/2010 21:00





   As we look about us in the world there is no fact more potent than that, as the Hebrew poet
 expressed it, "Man is of few days and full of trouble," and naturally we ask why this is so.
   The theologian tells us that it is God's decree that we must suffer because our first parents sinned,
 being tempted by the devil, and then he attempts to justify God by such doggerel as "In Adam's
 fall we sinned all." But why the eating of an apple as a cause should merit the punishment
of painful parturition as an effect has always been a sore puzzle to Bible commentators,
and how a wise, loving, and just God could decree so much misery to the whole human
Race for the apparently slight fault of one pair is sufficiently hard to understand to excuse
 Robert Ingersoll in a measure for exclaiming: "An honest God is the noblest work of man."
   The seeming anomaly arises of course from lack of occult knowledge and consequent
materialistic interpretations of that mine of occult information, the Bible.
   To get at the true explanation concerning pain and sorrow we will first take the purely
occult information, and then see what light the Bible gives. We remember that four great
Epochs or ages have preceded our present Aryan Epoch: the Polarian,
Hyperborean, Lemurian, and Atlantean Epochs.
   In the Polarian Epoch man had only a poorly organized dense body, hence he was as
unconscious and immobile as the minerals, who are now so constituted. In the
 Hyperborean Epoch his dense body was clothed upon with a vital body, and the
Spirit hovered outside. What the effect of such a nature is we may see by examining
the plant, which is similarly constituted now.
   There we see constant REPETITION, a building upwards of stem and leaf in alternating
succession, that would go on ad infinitum if there were no other influence. But as the
plant has no separate desire body, the desire body of the Earth, the Desire World,
 hardens the plant and checks this intense upwards growth in a measure. The creative
 force that cannot finds its expression by making one particular plant grow taller,
seeks another channel: it builds the flower and imbeds itself in the seed, so that
 it may grow upwards anew in another plant.
   In the Hyperborean Epoch, where man was similarly situated, his vital body caused him
to grow to an enormous size. Acted upon by the Desire World, he threw off spore-like
 seeds which were either appropriated by another human Ego or used by the Nature
Spirits to build bodies for the animals who were then beginning to emerge from Chaos.
(The highest life-wave starts first at the opening of a period and returns last to Chaos;
 the succeeding life-waves, animal, plant, and mineral--emerge later and leave earlier.)
   Thus, in the Hyperborean Epoch, when man was similar to the plants in constitution, his
vital body built vertebrae upon vertebrae, and would have gone on if the individual desire
body had not been given him in the Lemurian Epoch. That commenced to harden the
 structure and checked the tendency to grow taller, and as a result the cranium, the
 flower upon the stem of the spinal column, was incipiently formed.
   Thwarted in its effort to build the one form taller, it became necessary for the creative
 force in the vital body to seek a new channel whereby it might continue its upward
growth in another human being. Then man became a hermaphrodite capable
of generating a new body from himself.
   In the plant there is no separate desire body, hence it feels no passion. It stretches its
creative organ, the flower, chastely and unashamed toward the Sun, a thing of beauty and a delight.
   In man the INDIVIDUAL desire body must necessarily cause passion and desire unless
 subjugated by some ulterior means. Therefore man is the inversion of the chaste plant,
both figuratively and literally, for he is passionate and turns his creative organ towards
the Earth and is ashamed of it. The plant takes its food by way of the root; man's
 nourishment enters his body by way of the head. Man inhales life-giving oxygen
and exhales death-dealing carbon dioxide. This is taken by the plant, which extracts
 the poison and returns the vitalizing principle to man.
   In order to check passion and prevent abuse of the creative function, several
 measures were adopted by the leaders in charge of evolution.
   This animal-like creature of mid-Lemurian times, though dreadful to look upon, was
nevertheless a diamond in the rough, destined to become in time the perfect tool and
beautiful temple of an indwelling Spirit. To that end if needed a controlling mechanism,
 a brain, and a second nervous system capable of being controlled by "Will" which
 is the force of the prospective tenant, the Ego.
   The whole creative force might have been used to that purpose, but as the use of any
 tool causes it to wear out, a way must also be devised to replace a worn-out instrument when
 discarded by a Spirit at death, and so the creative force in each being was divided.
One-half was allowed to flow upwards as before, to build a brain and a larynx whereby the
Spirit may control its instrument and express itself in thought and word. The other
 half was turned downwards through the creative organs, for reproduction.
   This arrangement has the further merit as a means of preventing abuse, that it made it
 harder to accomplish generation. Before the sexes were separated each one could
create without help; under the present arrangement each must first seek the cooperation
 of another person who has the opposite half of the sex-force available for reproduction.
   That the boy changes his voice at puberty shows a connection between the creative
 organ and the larynx. Because half the sex-force builds the brain, one who overdraws
 for sexual excesses becomes an idiot, while the deep thinker, particularly along
spiritual lines, feels little or no inclination for coition, as he uses most of his creative force in the brain.
   The Angels worked along with man in the Hyperborean Epoch, when he had only
a dense and vital body, but in the Lemurian Epoch, when the desire body was added,
 the Archangels also took a hand, to help the infant human Spirit to control its future
vehicles. They neutralized the desire body so that it was only sexually active at certain
 times of the year. In the latter part of the Lemurian Epoch and the beginning of the
 Atlantean, the brain and cerebrospinal system were sufficiently evolved so that the
link of Mind could be given, and the Ego began slowly to draw into its bodies, and
became an INDWELLING SPIRIT in the middle of the Atlantean Epoch, fully conscious
 of its outside environment. Before the indrawing was fully completed, particularly in
the latter part of the Lemurian Epoch, man's consciousness was turned inwards, and he
 was mostly conscious in the spiritual world. Thus birth and death were nonexistent to
 him, as the sprouting out and drying away of a leaf is to the plant. His consciousness
 went on unbrokenly in the inner World whether he had a body or not, for he was
unconscious of it, though he used it equally well for all that, as we use
our stomach and lungs unconsciously.
   At stated times of the year the Archangels, withdrew their restraining influence on the
 desire body and the Angels marshaled humanity to great temples where the
generative act was performed at the times when the constellations were propitious.
Our present-day honeymoon trips are atavistic reminders of those migrations for
 propagative purposes, and show a connection with the heavenly bodies in the name honey-MOON.
   When propagation had been accomplished, the desire body was again neutralized,
and in consequence there was no more pain connected with parturition than is
the case with the animals at present, where similar conditions obtain now.
   This was a carefree state, but man was extremely limited in consciousness, led and
controlled by outside agencies willy-nilly. If that condition had continued, man
would have remained a God-guided automaton. He can never become a self-conscious
 Creative Intelligence, as he is destined to become, until he throws
 off all yokes and works out his own salvation.

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Reply  Message 2 of 2 on the subject 
From: moriajoan Sent: 05/01/2010 17:14






   Therefore great Leaders from a more advanced evolution were sent to train man and

awaken him to knowledge of the material world without, and of course strong measures continued for

ages were necessary. The boys were trained to develop "WILL," which is the spiritual counterpart

of their positive creative force. They were taught to carry immense burdens and steel the arm

 by will. They engaged in brutal fights and their bodies were burned and maimed, impaled

upon spits, etc., in efforts to awaken the Ego to consciousness of the dense body and outside world.

   The girls were driven out into the immense fern-forests which grew luxuriantly in the moist,
hot soil. They were exposed to the fury of the tempests of storm-swept Lemuria and set to
 watch volcanic outbursts which produced pictures before their inner vision. They
 likewise watched the fights of the boys, in order to develop their "IMAGINATION."
   Imagination is the spiritual pole of the negative force, and it mirrored the scenes of the outside world
in dream-like pictures before their inner consciousness, and in that way the women were the first to
become aware of the existence of the Physical World and the dense body, and they started to
 preach the gospel of the body to men, whom they told of this dimly perceived physical existence.
Some among us are now sensing the soul and trying to preach the gospel of the spiritual world
where the Spirit lives, and meet unbelief and ridicule such as the Lemurian women encountered
when trying to convince their compatriots that they had a dense body.
   Among the observations made by these seeresses was the fact that at times a man lost his body, and
 it disintegrated. She saw him just as before in the spiritual world, but he was gone from material
existence, and it troubled her.
   From the Angels she could get no information; they work with the dense body, but not directly; they
use the vital body as transmitter, and cannot make themselves understood to a reasoning brain-being.
They get their knowledge without reasoning, for they send out their whole love in their world and
cosmic wisdom flows in in return. Man also creates by love, but his love is selfish; he loves
 because he desires:--cooperation in generation, for he only sends out half of his creative force in
generation, the other half he selfishly keeps to build his own organ of thought, the brain, and he also
 uses that half selfishly to think, because he desires:-- knowledge. Hence he must work and reason
 to gain wisdom, but in time he will arrive at a much higher stage than either Angel or
Archangel. He will then have passed beyond the need of the lower creative organs, he will create
by means of the larynx, and be able to "make the WORD flesh."
   At that stage the woman could not reason either, for the mind was given by the Powers of Darkness,
and it was dark, and before it could be of any use in correlating facts it must be illuminated.
 Only after that has been done can man throw "the LIGHT of Reason" upon his problems.
   It is here that we first hear of "Lucifer," "the Light-bringer," who speaks to the woman and helps
 her to solve the riddle by showing her how, with the help of the man, she may exercise the creative
function independently of the Angels, and in that way provide bodies when they have
 been lost, and in that way evade death.
   He inquires if God has forbidden them to eat of the tree, and is told that they have been forbidden
 to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, under penalty of death.
   That the tree of KNOWLEDGE is a symbolical expression for the generative function is readily
apparent when we remember how limited the consciousness of man was at that time. He KNEW
or was aware of nothing OUTSIDE himself, his eyes had not yet been opened, his consciousness
was internal, like the picture-consciousness of our dreams, except that it was not confused, but he was
as unaware of the exterior world and beings as we are now of the spiritual world, save at the times
when he was conducted to the temples and brought into intimate sexual contact with another; then,
 for the moment, the Spirit pierced the veil of flesh. Then man and wife KNEW each other in body,
and to the initiated the Bible records these facts in a wonderfully illuminating way and continues to
use the same expression in many places, such as: "Adam KNEW his wife," and in Mary's question:
"How shall I conceive, seeing that I KNOW not a man." The pain of childbirth is also more logically
 meted out as a penalty for violation of an injunction against sexual intercourse than as a
punishment for eating an apple.
   The serpent said: "Ye shall not surely die, for the God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof
YOUR EYES SHALL BE OPENED, and ye shall be as the gods, knowing good AND EVIL." The
 latter was then unknown to man.
   Acting upon this advice, the woman secured the cooperation of man and by the power of will they
 freed their desire bodies. That faculty was then much greater than now, for it is a law that each new
 faculty is always bought at the cost of weakening some previous power, as when the faculty of thought
was bought at the price of half the creative force. Then the man's will-power was such that the anxiety
of the God "lest man eat also of 'the tree of life' and become immortal" was well founded, for had he
 secured possession of the secret of renewing the vital body as well as the dense body, he would
 have been able to create a body and vitalize it forever. Then there would truly have been no death,
but neither would there have been any evolution; as man did not then, and does not yet, know how to
 build a perfect body, that would have been the greatest possible calamity. Death is not a curse, but a
 friend when it comes naturally, for it releases us from an environment we have outgrown, and from a
body that ties us, in order that we may get a new chance in a new and better body to learn new lessons.
   The untrammeled use of the sex-function had the result of making man more and more
conscious of his body; "their eyes were opened," and their attention focused more and more
on the Physical World, until by degrees they have forgotten the higher worlds altogether, and
many have ceased to even believe that there is an immortal spirit in man. To them the death of the
 body is of course a terrible thing, a dire calamity despite all assertions, because they think it
annihilation. So, although the word of Lucifer was true, and a new body is provided, the word
of the Angel was truer still, for there was no sting in death until man lost
consciousness of the higher worlds.
   As to the curse: "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth thy children," it was no curse at all, but a
simple statement of the effects that must inevitably result from the abuse or ignorant
use of the creative function.
   While that was exercised under the wise guidance of the Angels, at certain times of the year,
when the cosmic lines of force running from planet to planet were propitious,
 parturition could be accomplished without pain, but man was and is ignorant of these factors,
 hence he transgressed and pain resulted.
   Thus the brain and vocal organ have been bought at the cost of half the creative force; freedom
from the rule of the Angels and the power to initiate action, to choose good or evil, and consciousness
of the material world are ours at the cost of sorrow, pain, and death.
   But all things work for good in God's kingdom, the world. Even that which is evil is transmuted
by the subtlest spiritual alchemy into steppingstones to a higher good
than could have been achieved without it.
   Having been exiled from the garden of Eden, the Etheric Region, by learning to KNOW the
 material world, in consequence of repeated sexual abuse which has focused his attention
 here, this increased use of the desire body hardened the dense body and it began to
 require food and shelter. Thus man's ingenuity was taxed to provide for the body.
Hunger and cold were whips of evil that called forth man's ingenuity; they forced him
 to think and act to provide for his necessities. Thus he is gradually learning wisdom;
 he provides for these contingencies before they come, because the pangs of hunger and
cold have taught him to guard himself, and thus WISDOM IS CRYSTALLIZED PAIN. Our
 sorrows, when they are past, and we can calmly view them and extract the lessons
 they contained, are mines of wisdom, and are the wombs of future joys, for by them
 we learn to order our lives aright, we learn to cease from sin, for IGNORANCE is sin
and the only sin, and APPLIED KNOWLEDGE IS SALVATION, and the only salvation.
That seems a broad statement, but if we try it out in thought it will be found to be as
absolutely true and capable of demonstration as that twice two are four.
   As to the question: Who are these Lucifers? (for, although the Bible seems to speak
of only one person, that is as wrong as where it uses the singular for God in the first
 chapter of Genesis)--They are a class of Beings who attained to a stage of evolution
 far beyond that of our humanity in the Moon Period, but fell short of the development
 of the Angels. They are demi-gods, and could not take a dense body like man. But
neither could they gather experience as the Angels are doing. They needed a brain
 and spinal cord, and so, when man had built such an instrument, it was to
 their advantage to prompt him in the use of it.
   At that time the opening consciousness of man was turned INWARDS, and he saw his inner
organs and built them with the same force that he now turns OUTWARDS to build houses
and ships, etc., and the outside muscles of his body; so the woman, who was most
advanced in that direction because of having her Imagination trained, saw the intelligence
embodied in her serpentine spinal cord, and at a later stage, when man came to record
this experience, the serpent appealed to him as the nearest likeness to that which he wanted to tell about.
   This idea is carried out right through the Bible. In Isaiah 14 he is called Lucifer (day-star),
 king of Babel-On (gate of the sun), a city located upon seven hills, and having dominion
over the World. There mankind ceased to act in unison and became separated into
warring nations. It is the seed-ground of all the ills imaginable, and is called a
 "harlot" in Revelation, where her fall is described.
   In supreme antithesis we hear of another "Light of the World," a "bright morning-star,"
 a true light (Christ), who shall rise after the fall of Babylon and reign forever in a city of
peace: Jer-u-salem, that is called the "bride." It comes down from heaven,
and has twelve gates, but they are never closed, although the precious tree of life is
 within. There is no outside illumination. The light is within and there is no night.
   Truly a wonderful city, and the greatest imaginable antithesis to the other. What
does it mean? for literal interpretation is out of the question in both cases. Allowing
 that a city of Babylon has existed, it was not LITERALLY as described, and the future
 "New Jerusalem" is contrary to all laws of nature as we know them. These
 two cities must therefore be symbols.
   In order to unravel the meaning, let us consider that these cities are located upon seven
hills or mountains, a position offering special advantages for observation. Moses went "into
 the mountain" and "saw" and "heard," so did those on "the mount" of transfiguration.
Daniel likens Babylon to the HEAD of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream, and
 on the human head there are seven places of observation: two eyes, two ears, two
 nostrils, and a mouth. Upon these sits the brain, where the "Lightgiver," REASON, rules
 the little world, the microcosm, as the Great Light-giver, God, rules the macrocosm.
   Reason is the product of selfishness. It is generated by the mind given by the "Powers
 of Darkness," in a brain built by selfishly keeping half the sex-force, and prompted by
 the selfish Lucifers, hence it is "the seed of the serpent," and although transmuted to
 WISDOM through pain and sorrow, it must give way to something higher--to INTUITION,
which means: teaching from within. That is a spiritual faculty, equally present in all
Spirits, whether functioning for the time being as man or woman, but it expresses
 itself most prominently in those incarnated in a female organism, for there the
counterpart of the life spirit--the vital body--is male, positive; and INTUITION, the faculty
of the life spirit, may therefore properly be called "the woman's seed," whence all
altruistic tendencies spring, and whereby all nations are being slowly but surely
 drawn together in a Universal Brotherhood of LOVE, regardless of Race, sex, or color.
   This brain of ours is not a homogeneous whole, however; it is divided into two halves,
 and it is a fact well known to physiologists that we use principally but one of these
cerebral hemispheres--THE LEFT. The right half of our brain is only partially active.
The heart also is ON THE LEFT SIDE of our body, but is beginning to move towards
"the right" place. The "right" brain will also become more and more active, and in
consequence of these two physiological changes man's whole character will
appear different. The LEFT SIDE is under the sway of the Lucifers and is given
over to selfishness, but the Ego will gain more and more control as THE RIGHT SIDE
 of the brain is invested with power to act upon the body as RIGHT judgment.
   That there is a change going on in the heart which makes it an anomaly, a puzzle, is
 not news to physiologists. We have two sets of muscles, one set is under the control of
 the will, as, for instance, the muscles of arm and hand. They are striped both lengthwise
 and crosswise. The involuntary muscles, which take care of functions not under control
of the will, which cannot be moved by DESIRE, are striped lengthwise only. THE
 HEART IS THE ONLY EXCEPTION. It is not under the control of desire, AND YET IT IS
   In time those cross-stripes will develop fully and the heart will be under our control.
When that time comes we will be able to direct the blood where we will to send it.
Then we may refuse to send it to the left brain, and BABYLON, THE CITY OF LUCIFER, WILL FALL.
   When the blood is sent into the right brain we shall be building the New Jerusalem,
and we are now preparing for that time by building the cross-stripes on the heart by
 altruistic ideals or, in the case of the pupil, by sending the sex current
 through the RIGHT-HAND PATH of the heart.
   We remember that the Cherubim awakened the life spirit, the seat of divine love,
whose shadow is the vital body, the medium of propagation, and when man was exiled
 from the Etheric Region, the garden of Eden, with its four streams of Ether, for the
 misuse of the sex force, the Cherubim were placed before it with a flaming sword. The
 right use of the sex force builds an organ which will give man the key to the inner Worlds
 and help him to create by thought. Then sorrow and pain will cease and he will have
entered the path to the city of peace--Jer-u-salem.
   Lemuria perished by fire and terrible volcanic cataclysms. In its stead rose Atlantis. In
 time that was buried beneath the waves and gave way to Aryan, the Earth as we see
 it at present in the Aryan Epoch, but that is soon past. The salamanders are beginning
 to stir the fires in the forge to make "a new heaven and a new Earth," which the
 Western School of Occultism calls the "New Galilee."
   In the first two Epochs man evolved a body and vitalized it; in the Lemurian Epoch
 he developed DESIRE; the Atlantean Epoch produced CUNNING; and the
fruitage of the Aryan Epoch is REASON.
   In the New Galilee humanity will have a much finer and more ethereal body than now, the
 Earth will be transparent also, and as a result those bodies will be more easily responsive
 to the spiritual impacts of INTUITION. Such a body will not get tired either, hence THERE
 IS NO NIGHT, and the twelve cranial nerves, which are the gates to the seat of
consciousness, then as now are consequently never closed. Besides, New Galilee will be
formed of luminous ether and transmit sunlight. That land will be a land of peace
 (Jer-u-salem), for Universal Brotherhood will bind all beings of all the Earth together in
 Love. There can be no death, for the tree of life, the faculty for generating vital force,
is made possible by means of the ethereal organ in the head already mentioned, which
 will be evolved in those who are even now being taken out as forebears
 for the humanity of that coming Epoch.
   That Race is spoken of as "Christ's Race"; but, be it understood that that is not
 because of an exterior Christ, but because they will evolve the Christ-principle
WITHIN, they will act as dictated by the spirit through Intuition, and all they do
will be done in Love. Only by such INDIVIDUAL UPLIFTMENT can the salvation of
 the Race be accomplished, for as Angelus Silesius put it,
   Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born,

   And not within thyself, thy soul will be forlorn,

   The cross on Golgotha thou lookest to in vain

   Unless within thyself it be set up again.

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