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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/01/2015 01:45

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:22

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:23

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:24

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:25

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:25

Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:26

The Sirius Mystery

Posted on April 15, 2010 by

Sirius mystery

Robert Temple
wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery – which deals with Earth’s connection to the Sirius star system.

To Egypt, the 23rd of July, when Sirius starts to rise the waters of the Nile begin to flood. Then it meant fertility, that is one reason, for she was Isis. Sirius, Isis, the great mother of the gods. Even the Swiss celebration day, is the 1st of August. This is a Sirius relative.

    Our solar system is born in from the womb of Isis. Sirius B, which is Isis , is made of iron (radio astronomy has shown). The iron of Sirius b, is the same as the iron in our blood and the iron of Earth and of our solar system. Sirius is our blood. We resonate to her. She is older than our solar system, which is a combination of interstellar debris, including the gas clouds, our sperm of Osiris/Orion. The iron in our blood comes from Sirius, its position in the sky, could thus be considered to resonate to Sirius’s position of influence. Iron is the only true magnetic element.


    Sirius has a unique relationship to us. The difference between the mass of our sun and the mass of Sirius is a harmonic and universal miracle. Sirius B has a ratio mass difference to our sun of 1.053. This becomes significant when we look at the Giza plateau. When comparing the mean base side of the Cheops Great Pyramid to the Mean base side of the Khephren pyramid, the larger Cheops measurement is 1.067 that of the Khephren’s.

    When this is then compared to the equation of Sirius B and our sun, the Great Pyramid being Sirius, and the Khephren pyramid our sun, as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead indicates (in fact the hieroglyph for Sirius is the Hieroglyph of the pyramid) they share a difference 0,01, which is very precise, scientifically. However, there is an extra digit 0.014, that doesn’t sound so perfect anymore).

    But this turns out to be an essential key in harmonic theory, the phenomenon of resonance itself. For 0.014 is actually the Pythagorean comma. The Pythagoreans were those ‘mystic’ mathematicians, who loved mathematics as the mystery of the ages. But what is the Pythagorean comma?

    It is the difference between the mathematics of the octave and the 5th. 0.0136 is that precise discrepancy between the mathematics of the fifth and the octave, and it is rounded off as 0.014, and as Sir Arthur Eddington relates: there is 136° of freedom of the electron. theory is 0,.036. And furthermore 136 + 1 equals the Fine structure Constant of physics, the universal natural constant. Fractal harmonics, in the resonance of the Sun Sirius Pyramids equation, or interstellar neuron holography.
    This is also evidenced, historically as having been implicated in the ancient “Mystery Schools” within the Archaic Esoteric Arkana of the Arcane Wisdom, as a precise wisdom, or the Isis Mysteries, and her mathematics. The astronomer and mathematician Macrobius, at the end of the fourth century mentioned the sacred fraction 256/243 which is 0.053 (Sirius b mass to Sun), and describes its use in harmonic theory by peoples which already to him were “ancients”.

    This harmony of the Sphere is accurate within 3 decimals of each other, and it is also the difference between perfect mathematics (the ones that work theoretically) and the actual mathematics of the universe, 0,014. What that means is that Sirius is no coincidence. It is really resonating to our sun. It is connected to our sun like a neuron, because they have this major mathematical relation in size to each other, harmonic resonance, that is likened to holography, a kind of Virtual Neuron Internal Net, as we may call it, or as Astronomer Royal, Robert Temple, has dubbed it: “The Anubis Cell”.

    Since such a long distance resonance is now demonstrated to occur between Sirius B and our sun 8.7 light years from each other, these are two solar systems whom are inhabiting the same cell of space, which enacts the “Complexity theorem” which has “instantaneous communication” occurs in such cells as a form of ordered self regulation. Instant communication harbored in this macro region of space, which acts as if the elements are not separated by any temporal distance. It is a macro region cell that turns disorder into order, called a “dissipative structure”. Such an onset of “complexity”, according to Nobel prize winner Professor Ilya Prigogine, can result in the instantaneous extension of long-range order by a magnitude of more than 10 million. That is like a fifth of the people of France speak the same sentence at the same time.

    So Sirius is Sirius business in terms of resonance. No wonder the Egyptians placed so much significance on it. It is the iron in the blood, it is the Earth’s iron, it is in the same holographic virtual neuron of order. What happens there, instantly is mirrored in equivalence, here, by harmonic resonance, that utilizes “complexity theory”, yielding “instantaneous communication”, without subscribing to a speed of light limit. Do you imagine that the alignment of our solar system at 90° to the galactic plane is not noticed in the resonance of Time and Space of Sirius. This is a cross to a cross.

    Furthermore, Sirius C, has now been detected, as relate by astronomers Daniel Benese and J.L. Duvent in Astronomy and Astrophysics magazine in 1995. When Sirius C is mapped by the pyramid capstone, and its mass is 0.005 of our sun, the capstone was 0.00643 of the Great pyramid. Hence 0.001° of accuracy.

    August the 11th, 12th and 13th are the Isis days, that are very important to us. Isis sings in our blood at a high point then. That is why it has been so much used by Napoleon, the magicians and the “time travelers”.

    August the 13th is also the day when Quetzalcoatl was born, ruling the serpent of illumination, the fusion of bird with serpent, Horus with Set’s Sata snake, Gurudas with Nagas. It is also the higher Venus cycles, the top of the pentagrams cycle of the order of Venus in our skies during one year. So August the 13th has a Venus-Sirius connection. The cycle of Sirius B is exactly 49 years cycle, alternating to 50 years. That is the Jubilee, so there is a Sirius/Isis Jubilee now.

    The alignment of the Holy Cross happens every 12,901 years. The whole zodiac, from Aquarius to Aquarius, Ptah to Ptah (the Water Bearer and Phoenix) – it just happens two times. Only at one time it happens in-between Zodiacal Alpha and Omega.

    For the Egyptians Aquarius was the water bearer Ptah, the first man. So we are coming in the age of the first man, NeferAtum, again, the water bearer. The interesting thing is, that it is always before the water bearer, that we have this alignment of the Holy Cross. In between the age of Leo (the Sphinx) has that alignment, about 12,901 years ago.

    The Egyptians, like the Greeks and Vedic astrologers, had Aquarius apart from being Ptah (the water bearer), as the ”>Phoenix. And the Phoenix has the same hieroglyph as the Pyramid, and Sirius. In that sense we could say that this cross is doubled up as a double cross, in that we are entering the age of the Phoenix, which is Sirius, by a 90° cross.

    The same Hieroglyph is also used for the Pyramidion, the capstone, and the vehicle of ascensions. The first sperm of Atum Ra, of the NTR gods. This sperm of the gods, was also eaten as the Spirit and the Bread Of Light. Made from super conducting elements, found in meteorites, which are rich in Iridium and Rhodium, and which were processed at Mount Serabit, Sinai, where the White Powder, the Sperm of the Gods, was discovered. The Stone from the stars, Bija, was also a meteorite to the ancient Egyptians: Sperm = Bijah; Meteorite; Bread; Pyramidion. Which in turn equals: Sirius, Pyramid, Phoenix from the Iridium Ashes, and Water Bearer of the Aqua Vitae, the Arcanum of Immortality.

    This alignment is important and does not happen very often. We have this massive, enormous rotation. When one spins a bicycle wheel and holds it, the faster it spins the heavier it gets and the more it pulls you.

    When you have a solar system, it is like an enormous gyroscope of inertia. That is an enormous rotation that affects everything, and you have a galaxy. Imagine a gyroscope galactic wide, making a cross to one that is solar system wide. A 90 degree angle is an ortho plane, that is a way that information exchange and translation, and compression of one holographic continuum into another, galaxy into solar system, into Earth, and solar system into galaxy.

    But what this also means is that the two planes in their middle, have a still point. From June/July to May 2000 there is this stillpoint of focus, gravitational vortex compression, with potential magnetic coherent implosion. That is why our colleague Daniel Winter dubbed it a burp: the compression of planes, and then the expression of the digested gravitational bubble into a new creation, in anticipation of the 2012 galactic full conjunction and maximum concrescence of novelty.

    The “Anubis Cell” (which Emmanuel called Oversoul Sun), as Dr Robert Temple has suggested, is stating that there is such a major resonance relative of Sirius and our sun, that perhaps what ever happens on Sirius effects us in a mathematical sense. So that we are maybe even a part of a holographic show designed at Sirius. Horus is shown pictographically as a crocodile with a falcon head and a dog on its tale, illustrating the knowledge of coherent holography between the two systems.

Sirius rises just before the Sun once a year. In fact, it was the herald of the new year for the early Egyptians and also marked the time of the annual flooding of the Nile.

Sirius has an “invisible twin” which is a highly compacted “white dwarf” with an unimaginable density. An African myth (The Dogon) holds that there is a third partner, however, no third body has yet to be discovered. I suspect that the “third component” is what we call a “black hole” because the Orion Constellation is a virtual nursery when it comes to producing stars.

The Great Pyramid (like Sirius) too has an “invisible twin”! The height of the Great Pyramid is exactly one half pi (22/7) in relationship to the sum of the sides of its base! The 1/2 pi gives “the big clue” regarding the pyramid’s “other half”.

The Great Pyramid is the bottom pyramid representing “dense earth” (the lower portion of Orion) and its “etheric twin” is the inverted pyramid on top. Together they represent Pi. This juxtaposition is also a “representation” of Orion with Orion’s Belt at the exact spot where the two pyramids meet. The place where the physical meets the spiritual is at the “capstone” of The Great Pyramid or at Orion’s Belt which divides his upper nature and lower nature.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:27


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
République du Mali
República de Malí
Flag of Mali.svg
Coat of arms of Mali.svg
Lema: Un peuple, un but, une foi
(francés: «Un pueblo, una meta, una fe»)
Himno: Pour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali
(francés: «Por África y por ti, Malí»)

Mali (orthographic projection).svg

Capital Bamako
12°39′3″N 8°0′3″O / 12.650723, -8.000793
Ciudad más poblada Bamako
Idioma oficial Francés
‎Gentilicio maliense(s), malí(es)[1] [2]
Forma de gobierno República semipresidencialista
Presidente interino
Primer ministro interino
Dioncounda Traoré

Django Sissoko
- fecha
de Francia
22 de septiembre de 1960
Superficie Puesto 24.º
 • Total 1.240.000 km²
 • % agua 1,6 %
Fronteras 7.243 km
Población total Puesto 72.º
 • Total 11.415.261
 • Densidad 9,1 hab/km²
PIB (PPA) Puesto 128.º
 • Total (2010) US$16.872 millones
IDH (2011) Creciente 0,359[3] (175.º) – Bajo
Moneda Franco CFA (CFA)
Huso horario UTC +0
Código ISO 466 / MLI / ML
Dominio Internet .ml
Prefijo telefónico +223
Prefijo radiofónico TZA-TZZ
Miembro de: ONU, UA (suspendido)

Malí[1] o Mali[2] ,[4] cuyo nombre completo es República de Malí (en francés, République du Mali), es un Estado sin litoral de África occidental. Es el séptimo país más extenso de África y limita al norte con Argelia, al este con Níger, al oeste con Mauritania y Senegal y al sur con Costa de Marfil, Guinea y Burkina Faso. Su tamaño es de 1.240.000 km² y su población estimada es de alrededor de 12.000.000 de habitantes. Su capital es Bamako.

Constituida por ocho regiones, Malí tiene sus fronteras, al norte en el medio del Sahara, mientras que la región meridional, donde vive la mayor parte de sus habitantes, está cercana a los ríos de Níger y Senegal. La estructura económica del país se centra en la agricultura y la pesca. Pese a que algunos de sus recursos naturales son el oro, el uranio y la sal, está considerada una de las naciones más pobres del mundo.

El actual territorio maliense fue sede de los tres imperios de África occidental que controlaban el comercio transahariano: el Imperio de Ghana, el Imperio de Malí (del cual Malí toma su nombre) y el Imperio songhay. A fines del siglo XIX, Malí cayó bajo el control de Francia, pasando a formar parte del Sudán francés. En 1959 consiguió su independencia junto con Senegal, convirtiéndose así en la Federación Malí, la cual se desintegraría un año después. Tras un tiempo en el que solo existía un partido político, un golpe de Estado en 1991 llevó a la redacción de una nueva constitución y al establecimiento de Malí como una nación democrática con un sistema pluripartidista. Alrededor de la mitad de la población vive debajo del umbral de la pobreza internacional, establecido en 1,25 dólares por día.[5]

[editar] Historia

En la antigüedad, el territorio del actual Malí fue sede de los tres grandes imperios de África occidental que controlaban el comercio transahariano de sal, oro y otras materias primas preciosas.[6] Estos reinos sahelianos carecían tanto de límites geopolíticos como de identidades étnicas delimitados claramente.[6] El primero de estos imperios fue el Imperio de Ghana, fundado por los soninké, un pueblo de habla mandé.[6] El reino se expandió a través de África occidental desde el siglo VIII hasta 1078, cuando fue conquistado por los almorávides.[7]

La extensión del Imperio de Malí.

Posteriormente, el Imperio de Malí fue formado en el curso superior del Río Níger y alcanzó su máximo poderío en el transcurso del siglo XIV.[7] Bajo el reinado del imperio de Malí, las antiguas ciudades de Djenné y Tombuctú fueron importantes centros de comercio y aprendizaje islámico.[7] El reinado declinó posteriormente como resultado de conflictos internos, siendo finalmente reemplazado por el Imperio songhay.[7] El pueblo songhai es originario del actual noroeste de Nigeria, cuyo imperio había sido durante mucho tiempo una potencia de África occidental bajo el control del imperio de Malí.[7]

A finales del siglo XIV, el Imperio songhay ganó gradualmente independencia del imperio de Malí, abarcando finalmente la región oriental de este imperio.[7] Su caída fue resultado de la invasión bereber en 1591[7] y marcó el final de la función regional de encrucijada comercial.[7] Luego del establecimiento de rutas marítimas por parte de las potencias europeas, las rutas de comercio transaharianas perdieron su importancia.[7]

En la era colonial cayó bajo el control francés a finales del siglo XIX.[7] Hacia 1905, la mayor parte de la zona estaba dominada por Francia, cuyo territorio se denominaba Sudán Francés.[7] A comienzos de 1959, Malí (por entonces la República Sudanesa) y Senegal se unieron para integrar la Federación de Malí, que obtuvo su independencia de Francia el 20 de junio de 1960.[7] El retiro senegalés de la federación en agosto de 1960 le permitió a la antigua República Sudanesa formar la nación independiente de Malí el 22 de septiembre de 1960. Modibo Keita, quien fue jefe de gobierno de la Federación de Malí hasta su disolución, fue elegido como el primer presidente.[7] Keita estableció rápidamente un Estado unipartidista, adoptando a su vez una orientación africana independiente y socialista con fuertes lazos con la Unión Soviética, y llevó a cabo una extensa nacionalización de los recursos económicos.[7]

Antigua ciudad de Djenné, declarada Patrimonio de la humanidad por la Unesco.









Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:28

Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:29

Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 20:30

Los DOGON, Poseen INCREIBLES Conocimientos Astronómicos. La CIENCIA Incapaz de Explicarlo!‏

may 29

Los DOGON, Mali-África Occidental,
poseen INCREIBLES conocimientos Astronómicos
que adquirieron de seres provenientes de un satélite de Sirio C
hace 5.000 años!!! La CIENCIA incapaz de explicarlo!

Resumiendo toda la última parte de la historia oculta que hemos visto,
tenemos que se ha encontrado a nivel global:


Grandes y pesadas Esferas perfectamente lisas y redondeadas

Una Escritura Pre-sanscrito: Ecuador, Colombia, Illinois, Gazel (Francia), Malta, Turquía, Australia e Italia

Todo esto nos proporciona fuertes EVIDENCIAS de que al menos en una ocasión ha habido en este planeta una CIVILIZACIÓN GLOBAL…aunque mi opinión es que no sólo ha sido una, sino varias…

Creo que esto, habiendo accedido a la información de los últimos días, es muy dificil de OBVIAR…y nuestra mentalidad debería de cambiar…si estamos descubriendo que en todos los sectores nos mienten y ocultan información, con la historía no iba a ser diferente…

Ahora vamos a ir un poco más lejos, y conoceremos algo más sobre ciertas tribus de diferentes continentes cuyas tradiciones ancestrales incluyen el contacto con Seres DE FUERA DE ESTE PLANETA!!!!

LEYENDA = Sabiduría del pueblo transmitida oralmente


Antiguas viviendas de los dogones, en la falla de Bandiagara (patrimonio de la humanidad)


Los Dogon se encuentran en África Occidental, en Mali, y representan grandes enigmas que la Ciencia no ha sido capaz de explicar…Al igual que los mayas, los Dogon poseen CONOCIMIENTOS ASTRONOMICOS que no deberían de tener, básicamente porque ni siquiera se habían descubierto a nivel oficial…Todo esto lo saben desde hace nada más y nada menos que 5.000 años!!!!

Poseían datos precisos y detallados del SISTEMA SOLAR:

LUNA: la describen como “seca y esteril” (esto todavía puede ser fruto de la observación…)

JUPITER: Le llaman “Dana Tolo” y sabían que tenía 4 grandes satélites…

SATURNO: conocían la existencia de los anillos…

VÍA LACTEA: La describen como una galaxia en espiral formada por millones de estrellas…

Sorprendentemente conocían que los planetas describen órbitas ELIPTICAS alrededor del Sol…Sorprendente porque esto fue aceptado por la Astronomía Occidental a partir de Kepler en el siglo XVII…

SOL Y SIRIO hermanos que se separaron
Sirio, la estrella más brillante del hemisferio Sur y a 8,7 años luz, y nuestro Sol, según el pueblo Dogon, son en realidad hermanos que se separaron y formaron sendos SISTEMAS SOLARES…


Estrella que no se ve a simple vista…Su tradición dice que es la más importante del firmamento y que gira alrededor de Sirio A en la constelación de CAN MAYOR…

Sus dibujos sobre la órbita de Sirio B sobre Sirio A son muy parecidos a los actuales diagramas astronómicos..

Para ellos Sirio B, “Po Tolo”, es muy pequeña pero muy pesada.. y constituida de un material más brillante que el hierro y que denominan “Sagala”…

La Astronomia oficial denomina a Sirio B como ENANA BLANCA, muy pequeña pero muy pesada…

Hablan de la existencia de otra compañera de Sirio que es 4 veces mayor que Po Tolo pero mucho más ligera y con una órbita más exterior y la denominan “EMME YA“

En 1862, el astrónomo Alvan Clark vió por primera vez la estrella de Sirio…y no era una, sino dos estrellas…En fechas más recientes se detectó una tercera estrella Sirio C o Emma Ya para los Dogones….

Nyan Tolo, satélite de Sirio C
Según los Dogones “Emme Ya“ tiene a su vez un pequeño satélite que gira a su alrededor y que ellos la denominan “Nyan Tolo”, la estrella de las mujeres.

Incluso dibujan las trayectorias de sus órbitas (se ha descubierto que la trayectoria que los dogones dibujan es exactamente la misma que han descubierto los astrónomos).

Dibujo Dogon del sistema de Sirio

A = Sirio

B = Po Tolo o Sirio B en dos posiciones distintas

C= Emme Ya o el Sol de la Mujer, Sirio C

D = los Nommo

E = el Yourougou, una figura mítica masculina destinada a perseguir a su mujer doble

F = la estrella de las mujeres, un satélite de emma ya;

G = el signo de la mujer;

H = el sexo de la mujer, representada por una forma de matriz.

Todo el sistema está dentro de un óvalo, que representa el huevo del mundo.

¿¿¿¿¿Pero cómo obtuvieron todos estos conocimientos?????
Para que nos hagamos una idea, es cómo si ahora encontrasemos de nuevo una tribu que siempre ha vivido AISLADA en la Amazonía, y nos sorprendan con todos estos conocimientos…

La tribu fue fotografiada cuando sus miembros apuntaban sus arcos y flechas hacia un avión que sobrevolaba el lugar.

30-05-2008 BBC: La tribu perdida del Amazonas (http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/misc/newsid_7426000/7426810.stm)

Pensaríamos que sencillamente es IMPOSIBLE que toda esta información la hayan podido obtener por sí sólos…Hoy pensaríamos simplemente que NO habrían estado tan Aisladas y que alguien les ha soplado esta información…ya que actualmente todo el mundo la tiene…

Sin embargo, en aquella época, NADIE en este Planeta la tenía…al menos oficialmente…Quién les facilitó esa información??? Esa Civilización global de la que ya tenemos TANTAS EVIDENCIAS?? Pero si hubiese sido esa Civilización global, otras tribus la tendrían?? Por que ellos, por que el pueblo Dogon si y el resto no??

CONOCIMIENTOS provenientes de Seres de Nyan Tolo, satélite de Sirio C
Los dogones aseguran que todos sus conocimientos proceden de unos seres que llegaron a la Tierra procedentes de “Nyan Tolo“, satélite de “Emme Ya“, del sistema de Sirio, aproximadamente hacia el año 3000 A.C., y a los que denominan “Nommos”

Los “Nommos“ descendieron a la Tierra en un “arca” roja como el fuego inicialmente y volviéndose blanca cuando aterrizó. Al aterrizar parecía como si cuatro enormes rocas chocaran entre sí, levantando una gigantesca nube de polvo…

El que quiera profundizar más sobre ésta enigmática étnia puede hacerlo en esta serie de videos o en un libro de J.J.Benitez de más abajo…

Documental en el que se obtienen testimonios de primera mano por parte de los sabios de la tribu africana dogon que hablan sobre sus “dioses” y los conocimientos que éstos les legaron.

J.J.Benitez escribió un libro: PLANETA ENCANTADO 2. Los señores del agua. El mensaje enterrado

Este segundo volumen de Planeta encantado nos acerca al corazón de Mali y a los dogon, una extraña sociedad que maravilla a los etnólogos.

Seguro que podremos encontrar alguna excusa para obviar, de nuevo y por enesima vez, esta evidencia…pero y sí los Dogon no son los únicos que nos hablan de Sirio??? o de los hombres pez como los Dogon también les llamaban???

Eso lo iremos viendo en siguientes post…pero os anticipo que en Súmer, en Egipto, toltecas y mayas, etc…muchos hablaron de seres anfibios…seres de Sirio???

Oannes el Dios Anfibio de los Sumerios y la epopeya de Gilgamesh…

Y el libro que más claramente habla de seres extraplanetarios es el famoso Libro de Enoc (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libro_de_Enoc)…De la Iglesia Copta de Egipto, y que obviamente (no ha podido ser manipulado ni tergiversado) NO ha sido aceptado como canónico por la Iglesia Católica…Se le considera un texto apócrifo…

Fuente: Biblioteca pleyades: Los DOGON y SIRIO

PlanetaGea Blog


El reciente descubrimiento de que Sirio es, en verdad, un sistema estelar triple, está levantando todo tipo de controversias. Y es que, lo que nuestra astronomía acaba de reconocer, era ya sabido por pueblos antiguos como los egipcios o la tribu de los dogones en Malí. Y lo sabían, al parecer, porque un día descendieron unos “dioses instructores” de ese sistema y se lo contaron.
La noticia nos sobrecogió. Dos investigadores franceses, D. Benest y J.L.Duvent, hacían público hace escasas semanas el resultado de sus últimas investigaciones en torno a la estrella, la más brillante del firmamento y ubicada a unos 8,7 años luz de la Tierra.
Según sus conclusiones Sirio es, en verdad, un sistema estelar formado por tres estrellas y no por dos, como desde mediados del siglo pasado asegura nuestra astronomía; y lo pudieron averiguar al estudiar con detenimiento las variaciones en la órbita del sistema de Sirio desde 1862 hasta nuestros días, lo que les llevó a pensar que un tercer cuerpo estelar estaba influyendo en su recorrido.
Benest y Duvent dedujeron, además, que la nueva Sirio C es una enana roja, una clase de estrella quinientas veces menos masiva que el Sol y muy poco brillante, para cuyo descubrimiento óptico – que todavía no se ha confirmado – será necesario utilizar los más potentes telescopios en un futuro inmediato.
Pero lo que realmente nos sobrecogió de la noticia fue que la conclusión a la que han llegado estos dos investigadores galos recientemente, era ya de sobra conocida por algunos de los pueblos más antiguos de África, como los egipcios y los dogones. Estos últimos, que actualmente viven en la planicie de Bandiagara, en las montañas Hambori de Mali veneran desde tiempos inmemoriales a la estrella Sirio a la que parecen conocer hasta en sus detalles más íntimos.

En 1931 el antropólogo francés Marcel Griaule visitó por primera vez a esta tribu, descubriendo que en sus tradiciones más sagradas y secretas se hablaba de una estrella compañera de Sirio, a la que llamaban Po Tolo, y de la que sabían que tarda cincuenta años en completar una órbita en torno a ésta y que, además, es extraordinariamente densa, lo que es rigurosamente cierto. Por si esto fuera poco, los dogones sabían de la existencia una tercera estrella a la que llaman Emme Ya (y que corresponde a la recién descubierta Sirio C), de la que dicen es “cuatro veces más ligera que Po Tolo aunque que tarda el mismo tiempo que ésta en completar su órbita alrededor de Sirio A.
Aquellos conocimientos, que Griaule completó quince años más tarde con otras investigaciones de campo que realizó junto a la etnóloga Cermaine Dieterlen, fueron considerados en principio pura mitología; pero aún con todo, en medios académicos, escépticos como E.C. Krupp, director del Observatorio Criffith de Los Ángeles y uno de los mas reconocidos especialistas mundiales en arqueoastronomía, reconocieron que – además de su conocimiento sobre Sirio – era difícil explicar cómo conocían también los anillos de Saturno o las cuatro lunas galileas de Júpiter, descubiertas por Galileo Galilei siglos después de que los dogones hablasen de ellas, gracias a su primer telescopio.
Los orígenes del saber
Además de los dogones, otros pueblos vecinos como los Bambara, los Bozo de Segu y los Miniaka de Kutiala, comparten desde tiempos inmemoriales idénticos conocimientos sobre Sirio, en torno a cuyo sistema gira buena parte de la vida ritual de estas gentes. Cada cincuenta años, por ejemplo, y cumpliendo estrictamente con el “ciclo u órbita de Sirio B alrededor de Sirio A, estas tribus celebran sus ritos de renovación a los que llaman Fiestas Sigui, en honor a Sigui Tolo que es como conocen a Sirio A. Es entonces cuando elaboran complejas máscaras de madera para celebrar la entrada del nuevo ciclo, que después almacenan en un lugar sagrado y donde los arqueólogos han podido encontrar piezas que datan, al menos, del siglo XV. Ahora bien, ¿de dónde obtuvieron los dogones en ‚ época tan remota sus precisos conocimientos astronómicos?
Griaule y Dieterlen prefirieron limitarse a describir aquello que les fue transmitido por los dogon, o jefes de cada pueblo iniciados en el secreto de Sirio, sin hacer una valoración de sus hallazgos. Pero en 1970 Cenevieve Calame-Griaule publicó en un libro que tituló Génesis Negro, algunas de las notas que su padre Marcel no se atrevió a dar a la luz. En ellas se describía como los dogones creían en un dios hacedor del Universo al que llaman Amma, que mandó a nuestro planeta a un dios menor, al que conocen como Nommo, para que sembrara la vida aquí. Nommo descendió a la Tierra y trajo semillas de plantas – describe una de las tradiciones recogidas por Griaule de boca de un dogon llamado Ogotemmeli -, que habían ya crecido en campos celestes… Después de crear la Tierra, las plantas y los animales, Nommo creó a la primera pareja de humanos, de los que más tarde surgirían ocho ancestros humanos, que vivieron hasta edades increíbles.
La conexión egipcia
De Nommo, los dogones dicen también que era una criatura anfibia – probablemente muy parecida al dios babilónico Oannes -, y que regresó al cielo en un arca roja como el fuego después de cumplir con su tarea. Pues bien, con todos estos datos, en 1976 Robert K.C. Temple, un lingüista norteamericano miembro de la Royal Astronomical Society británica y afincado en Londres, publicó un osado libro que tituló El Misterio de Sirio, en el que aventuró que Nommo fue un extraterrestre que dejó en la Tierra, hace entre siete y diez mil años, toda clase de pistas sobre su origen estelar. “Cualquier otra interpretación de las citadas pruebas no tendría sentido, concluyó Temple. Y quizás no le faltase razón, pues sus argumentos, lejos de haber sido refutados con el tiempo, se ven reforzados por descubrimientos como el de Sirio C que ya anunció en su obra hace casi veinte años.
Pero el conocimiento del sistema triple de Sirio no fue patrimonio exclusivo de los dogones y de los pueblos vecinos, lo cual nos obliga a abrir aún más el radio de esa supuesta influencia extraterrestre en el pasado. Los antiguos egipcios, por ejemplo, mostraban una gran veneración hacia la “estrella del Perro” o Sirio, que se encuentra en la constelación del Can Mayor. Fue sir Norman Lockyer, astrónomo británico fundador de la revista Nature, el primero en darse cuenta de que muchos templos egipcios estaban alineados hacia Sirio, cuya aparición y desaparición en los cielos sirvió como base a uno de los dos calendarios usados en Egipto. El primero de ellos era de uso popular y de escasa complejidad matemática estableciendo la duración del año en 365 días exactos, pero el basado en Sirio además de servir para fechar cuestiones sagradas y dinásticas, se fundamentaba en observaciones astronómicas extraordinariamente precisas y establecía la duración del año en 365,25 días.
Se comprobó, por ejemplo, cómo muchos de los templos egipcios, orientados hacia el sol naciente (lo que dio pie a que los arqueólogos especulasen con la existencia de una religión solar), estaban flanqueados por dos obeliscos que, ubicados en un lugar previamente determinado, servían a los sacerdotes para ver sobre la línea del horizonte por donde salía el sol a lo largo del año, pudiendo marcar así el inicio de los solsticios de verano e invierno.

Aquel control del Sol sirvió a los egipcios para comprobar que había un día en el que Sirio y el Sol salían por el mismo punto.
Comprobaron igualmente que cada cuatro años Sirio se retrasaba un día en acudir a su cita, lo que originó el ciclo de Sirio o sóthico en honor de la diosa Isis o Sothis que se cumplía cada 1460 años; es decir, pasado ese periodo de tiempo el calendario sóthico y el vulgar volvían a coincidir al inicio del año nuevo (1460 años X 0,25 días de error = 365 días).
Este calendario sóthico ha permitido fechar con precisión acontecimientos que sucedieron 43 siglos antes de Cristo, lo cual demuestra que hace ya más de cuatro mil años los egipcios conocían estos ciclos.
¿Cuándo, pues, hicieron ‚ éstos sus observaciones de Sirio para establecer su calendario? ¿Acaso fue este un conocimiento llegado por los mismos dioses de los dogones y una nueva pista sobre su origen? La identificación de Sirio con la diosa Isis (la Señora de los Dos Fuegos), refiriéndose a sus dos estrellas más grandes, A y B, fue confirmada hace ya varias décadas por los estudiosos Otto Neugebauer y Richard Parker. Lo que nunca supieron interpretar fue el por qué‚ en la iconografía egipcia Isis iba a menudo acompañada de las diosas Anukis y Satis, que ahora, desde luego, pueden entenderse como Sirio B y Sirio C.
Otra clave simbólica puede tener que ver con Osiris, mitológicamente hermano y compañero de Isis y encarnación de la Tierra, cuyo nombre en jeroglífico es representado frecuentemente como un ojo sobre o bajo un trono, lo que podría dar lugar a pensar en la rotación de nuestro planeta (y, por ende, de todo el sistema solar) en torno a Sirio. No en vano Kant definió a Sirio como “el Sol de nuestro Sol“, hipótesis que llevó a muchos astrónomos decimonónicos a establecer la distancia entre Sirio y nosotros como “unidad astronómica. Y lo chocante es que los dogones conocían a Sirio A también como la “estrella sentada“. ¿Simple casualidad?.
Las pirámides apuntan al cielo
A ella no puede, desde luego, recurrirse cuando se averigua – como hizo el astroarqueólogo ruso Vladimir Rubtsov – que el antiguo vocablo iranio que se usaba para referirse a Sirio era Tistrya, palabra que se origina en el vocablo sánscrito Tri-Stri, y que significa tres estrellas! Es decir, que el conocimiento de que Sirio es un sistema estelar triple fue casi universal en nuestro más remoto pasado. ¿Pero por qué? ¿Quién difundió semejante “secreto”? Los egipcios posiblemente hicieron evidente ese secreto en la meseta de Giza, junto a El Cairo, precisamente gracias a las tres monumentales pirámides que allí pueden contemplarse. No en vano cada día somos más quienes creemos que la Gran Pirámide fue en verdad un templo – y no una tumba – dedicado a Isis, la diosa que encarna a Sirio A, y en cuyas medidas y proporciones fundamentales se encuentran encerrados saberes relacionados con el monumento original de la pirámide de Micerinos, antaño cubierta por losas de granito de este color.
Por la misma regla de tres, la ciencia algún día podría llegar a comprobar que las tres pequeñas pirámides satélite que hay junto a la de Keops representan tres planetas junto a Sirio A, al igual que las otras tres pirámides menores que flanquean a Micerinos (Sirio C). Curiosamente esta disposición no sitúa ninguna pirámide menor junto a Kefrén, quizá por lo que los astrónomos ya saben: el enorme peso gravitacional de Sirio B hace imposible que ningún planeta orbite en torno suyo sin ser fatalmente atraído hacia la estrella.

La Estrella Sirio y los que vinieron de allí , la Tribu Dogón nos cuenta

Frente a esta hipótesis, en el último año se ha acuñado otra no menos interesante. En 1994 los investigadores Robert Bauval y Adrian Gilbert hacían público que tres de los cuatro canales de ventilación de la Gran Pirámide estuvieron orientados hacia estrellas concretas. Así el canal norte de la cámara del Rey miró hacia Alpha Draconis, el canal norte de la cámara de la Reina hacia la estrella más baja del cinturón de Orión (las tres estrellas centrales de la constelación) , y el canal sur de esta misma cámara hacia Sirio.
Su particular “descubrimiento” les llevó a formular su aventurada “teoría de la correlación con Orión” de la que se desprende que las pirámides de Giza son una réplica exacta del cinturón de Orión y que el Nilo así como el resto de pirámides egipcias ocupan los lugares correlativos a la Vía Láctea y otras estrellas importantes.
Pero hay más. La orientación de los canales de la Gran Pirámide corresponde – según Bauval y Gilbert – a la posición de las tres estrellas citadas en el 2450 a.C” aunque la ubicación de las pirámides marca el lugar del cénit donde estuvo Orión en el 10450 a.C.
Una estrella fascinante
Lo que proponen ambos investigadores para explicar esta diferencia cronológica es que, si bien la Gran Pirámide fue erigida en el 2450 a.C. (perpetuando así la falsa tesis arqueológica oficial de que fue construida por Keops), en cambio conmemoran un acontecimiento remoto que tuvo lugar en el 10450 a.C. Pero, ¿cual? Independientemente de cual de las dos hipótesis para la disposición de las pirámides de Giza est‚ más próxima a la verdad, lo cierto es que la vinculación de Sirio y Orión, al menos desde un punto de vista astronómico, es innegable, pues los egipcios sabían que Orión se perdía tras el horizonte una hora antes que Sirio, lo que sirvió de referencia también para el establecimiento del calendario sóthico.
En definitiva, pese a toda la evidencia expuesta, los historiadores prefieren seguir ignorando el porqué de la fascinación que ejerció sobre los egipcios (y sobre otros pueblos tan alejados de ellos como chinos o dogones) la estrella Sirio, aunque todos ellos se esforzaron en aclararnos estas dudas en sus templos y mitos: sus “dioses instructores” descendieron un día lejano de aquel sistema triple y habitaron quizá entre nuestros antepasados.

Fuente: El Nuevo Despertar Blog

Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/02/2016 15:30
Originally Posted by mane View Post
i'm curious--is the lack of recent posts in light of individual research efforts, which are too premature to present, or a slow in developments?
In my case, it's both!!!

Although I have made a few discoveries by looking at the Antithesis Nexus Key, I'm busy with college assignments again - arghh...

Originally Posted by djbroussard View Post
Also, that PDF of Rodin's background stuff is worth studying - I'll get around to it eventually.

More on the Dogon tip, I have ordered a copy of Budge's Hieroglyphic Dictionary after correctly placing all 42 major Khemetic deities within my current framework.

I also noticed a couple of glaring errors in one of my tabulations, so I have to correct those throughout.

And, since I'm getting on quite well with this Visual Basic malarkey at college I'll be designing an application soon.

I've been reviewing material like...:

I-Ching numerology (Alfred Huang);
Partzuf system of Kabbalah (Bnei Baruch);
Telektonon Revelation (Jose Arguelles)... etc

...with a view to extrapolation of what we have covered so far.

I don't have many new diagrams yet, one I am working on is a possible link between Rodin's VBM and Hebrew Gematria. Rodin mentions Arabic Abjad numerals in his "Glossary", but not Hebrew. As far as I'm concerned, both are valid.

I also noticed a new connection with the Dogon number of 266:

266 = 153 + 113 = [(8 x 19) + 1] + [(6 x 19) - 1]

There is mention of the number 153 in the Gospels regarding the miracles of one "Jesus the Christ".
The Koran has 114 suras, but only 113 of them begin with the "Bismillah" invocation. This phrase contains 19 letters. Btw, the Koran states that Jesus is Christ, Messiah. These are not conflicting "systems" as far as I can see.

I use the word "systems" because I want to avoid getting into a religious debate. I'm looking at this from a completely metaphysical standpoint - a logical, coherent, verifiable hermeneutical system.

Other than that I don't have much else to share yet.

I'd like to get into the "code19" stuff more deeply in the near future, and I found some interesting PDF's with some bits on balancing number totals in the Koranic suras. Again, I don't want to get people started on the whole "Bible Codes" thing, which to me is complete nonsense. I think they have been purposefully devisive - intended to cause confusion and a smokescreen to the real numerical codes, such as Rodin's VBM might make clear.

I made an important discovery with the Tree of Life and its two main variations: the Cordovero "Tree of Emanation" and the Lurianic "Tree of Return". It has to do with the Nexus Key.

The problem with my current "state of play" is that it's a bit too involved to get into on here, in which case I might just concentrate on finishing the article and then upload the whole thing. 2012 is looming on the horizon afterall!!!


PS The "code19" stuff seems like a natural progression of the MOD9 system into MOD19. In the last I watched of Rodin's he mentions that his system also works in "higher dimensions" - like MOD25 and MOD49!!!

PPS I think it's time we 'Pulse some Atoms with a Flux Thruster' (as it were). I just reviewed some material - here - that gets into "code19" and the periodic table of elements - amazing stuff!!!

PPPS We'll get there eventually - I'll try to remain optimistic in the face of adversity...

"over it is 19"[74:30]
(DiYu - 18 Levels of Hell)
Philip LeMarchand


Last edited by sadukan; 18-05-2010 at 02:55 AM. Reason: minor additional comment and corrections

Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/02/2016 16:20
Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
266 = 153 + 113 = [(8 x 19) + 1] + [(6 x 19) - 1]
153 + 113 = 266 = 14
(wink wink nudge nudge)

JeSuS the fisher of men, caught 153 fish off the right side of the boat.
Why 153?
And 153 = 9 (nein oder JA?)
(does the boat = the ark = spaceship earth?)

This insane little illusion we all are witness too, uses 'right hand rules'...
re: physics...

113 = 5 (Roger Penrose AMONG other great thinkers, equates the number '5' with the human collective consciousness/unconsciousness, shall we say the concept of the number 5 = 5th element = quinteSSence?

And here is another lovely coincidence*...my union used to be Local 113
however the local changed #113 to local #3888 in 1998 ... the year the 'celestial alignment' took place.
Was the fire department I belonged to ... embedded with 'freemasons'?
*shhh there are no coincidences dude.

Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
The Koran has 114 suras, but only 113 of them begin with the "Bismillah" invocation. This phrase contains 19 letters. Btw, the Koran states that Jesus is Christ, Messiah. These are not conflicting "systems" as far as I can see.
what is CARD 19 of the Tarot?
all FIGURATIVE clues taken LITERALLY by the sheeple people...
114 Suras = 114 Gospels of Thomas or quotations/sayings of jesus himself?
stop ignoring my work college brat...


Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
I use the word "systems" because I want to avoid getting into a religious debate. I'm looking at this from a completely metaphysical standpoint - a logical, coherent, verifiable hermeneutical system.
me too...
we appear to share similar insights...however...

Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
Again, I don't want to get people started on the whole "Bible Codes" thing, which to me is complete nonsense.
too bad, I do....there are many folks like ewe, and not enough of folks like mi.
mi / me = FOLKS who challenge the NUMB and DUMB status quo.

where the frequency mi = 528 hertz
(and that is a fact)
And I was born at 5:28 am?

to you these coincidences appear as nonsense.
to me ewe are a college brat with life lessons to learn...
a college degree that produces more IGNORANT sheeple is nonsense...IMHO

Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
I think they have been purposefully devisive - intended to cause confusion and a smokescreen to the real numerical codes, such as Rodin's VBM might make clear.
of course.

folks like ewe really should spend more time on my wordblog or reading the links I provide sadukan.

Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
PS like MOD25 and MOD49!!!

49 = 7 x 7 (for starters) = swastika
ask any mason worth his alchemical salt...
25 = 52 (depends on your perspective...re: x, y, and z axis)

sadukan's homework for tonight:
read all these pages...especially my entries...

Originally Posted by sadukan View Post
PPPS We'll get there eventually - I'll try to remain optimistic in the face of adversity...
yes we will ALL get there eventually.
some before others....

been looking in the mirror I see?
spend more time there...learning about x, y, z, and w?

Personally I am very optimistic in all the adversity I encounter daily, courtesy of the shleeping sheeple.
If you support the TRUTH, the TRUTH will support you.


Last edited by raphael; 18-05-2010 at 01:25 PM.
raphael is offline  

Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/02/2016 16:24

Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/02/2016 16:31

Sacred Mysteries of the Dogon

Review by Eric K. Lerner

The Science of the Dogon: Decoding the African Mystery Tradition (Inner Traditions, 2006, 224pp, $16.95 Buy From Amazon) and Sacred Symbols of the Dogon: The Key to Advanced Science in the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs (Inner Traditions, 2007, 272pp, $18.95 Buy From Amazon)

Dogon cosmology presents a rich and intricate genesis myth containing basic archetypes that recur in religious thought throughout history. God Almighty, Amma becomes self-aware and from Amma’s egg issue forth particles that become matter. A trickster, Ogo, a fox, usurps Amma’s creation, which is redeemed by the bloody sacrifice of a primordial human ancestor, the Nommo, who is resurrected so the evolution of man can continue. Two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, in The Pale Fox and Conversations with Ogotemmeli explored this sacred myth of Dogon culture in depth. Their work serves as inspiration for a pair of books by Laird Scranton: The Science of the Dogon: Decoding the African Mystery Tradition (Inner Traditions, 2006, 224pp, $16.95 Buy From Amazon) and Sacred Symbols of the Dogon: The Key to Advanced Science in the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs (Inner Traditions, 2007, 272pp, $18.95 Buy From Amazon). Scranton argues that not only does Dogon cosmology echo better known mythologies, but that it precisely details specifics of modern scientific wisdom in oral descriptions and drawings documented by the French team.

Scranton may raise a few eyebrows because he openly admits that he has never experienced Dogon culture first hand. He is a computer programmer. In The Science of the Dogon, he writes “the most common task when writing a computer program involves the deliberate selection of symbols to represent concepts. For one programmer to successfully maintain the work of another, he or she must first learn to identify the intended meanings of the other programmer’s symbols. A good software designer also learns over time to incorporate clues to the meaning of a symbol into the form of the symbol itself.” That may seem an incredible way to justify one’s expertise to analyze a cosmology, but I find that aspect of his approach refreshing. Contemporary authors too often present books proclaiming authentic experience of esoteric realms that are little more than rehashes of obscure tomes. It’s nice to read someone who is honest and gets his footnotes straight.

His base assumption is that similar symbols reflect similar truths. This should be applied to cross currents between science and religion, just as it has been between cultural belief systems. The Science of the Dogon elegantly applies this to Dogon cosmology. For instance, Scranton provides an example between Dogon symbolism and quantum physics. After elaborating how the Dogon describe the formation of the universe from the opening of Amma’s egg and the elaboration of tiny seeds called “po,” Scranton writes:

Clearly what is being spoken of…is the formation of the building blocks of matter-atoms and their components. So, when we suggest possible meanings for the Dogon symbols that are related to atomic structure, the idea is wholly and completely in keeping with how the Dogon understand their own symbols. (In Dictinnnaire Dogon, Genevieve Calme-Griaule describes the po as “the image of the atom.”) However, if we look carefully, we can see that the surface story of the Dogon myth might also pointedly direct us to the concepts of quantum physics. Imagine for a moment that you must read an article written in a foreign language, that, for the most part, you do not understand. Then imagine the two words you do understand, supply and demand are repeated again and again within the passage. It would not take the insight of a genius to surmise that the subject of the article might be economics. The Dogon creation story provides us with a similar clue to its meaning with its recurring emphasis on pellets of clay and spiraling coils. It requires only a little imagination to see these symbols as likely references to particles and waves-the essential building blocks of quantum theory…[Here, he inserts a quote describing the dual nature of quantum particles.] Within the creation story we can see an implied knowledge of the wave properties of physics when the Dogon say that the fibers of the first garment mimic the sound of the voice of the Nommo, which tapers off in spiraling coils-a statement that betrays an understanding by the teller of the creation story that sound travels in waves.”

Not only does he draw correspondences between oral stories and scientific rhetoric, but also he examines visual similarities between contemporary scientific diagrams and Dogon religious symbols. One of the best examples of this is his comparison of a drawing of the vibratory pattern of strings from Brian Greene’s bestseller The Elegant Universe and a Dogon field drawing of the emanation of 266 primordial signs used planting rituals. They are virtually identical. Scranton writes. “Together the Dogon field Drawing along with Griaule’s statement about the vibrational nature of matter firmly link the Dogon symbols to their counterparts in string theory.”

Scranton identifies numerous points of consistency between contemporary science and Dogon cosmology. Throughout, he presents Dogon myth and symbols and juxtaposes with them with contemporary scientific theories or diagrams. He summarizes his approach:

The coherence of Dogon cosmology is upheld by a sensible, well defined system of symbolic storylines whose themes directly mirror the best modern scientific theories of how the universe and matter might have actually come to exist. The myths express themselves clearly and succinctly, so much so that the statements of the Dogon priests are often most easily understood in direct comparison with comparable statements from popular modern interpreters of science—authors of the caliber of Stephen Hawking, Brian Green and Richard Feynman. Our understanding of these statements by Dogon priest is guided and supported by important cosmological drawings that often appear in similar manner and take the form as related scientific diagrams.

An added value of The Science of the Dogon is that it makes an excellent Monarch Notes Guide to the latest scientific advances in Big Bang Theory, Quantum Physics, String Theory and DNA structure, particularly for those who may not be too inclined to pick up a scientific text. Indeed, while I was reading Science of the Dogon, I commented on the similarity between Dogon myth and String theory to an elderly santera, who was not formally educated. She asked me to explain string theory since she had heard it mentioned on television. I read Scranton’s summary of String theory to her. She looked at me with some disappointment and said, “I knew that fifty years ago. I was hoping that it was something new.” Her reaction illustrates one of the issues I have when the latest scientific theories are talked about in relationship to ancient non-white belief systems. Much of so called “high caliber science” simply seems to rehash sacred concepts to practitioners. I feel that Scranton’s work is valuable in proving that.

However, Scranton is of the opinion that Dogon cosmology indicates that ancient culture had somehow acquired specific highly technical scientific knowledge, possibly even from an extraterrestrial source. However, there is an alternate way to interpret the overlays. I believe that this consistency between myths and scientific theories, ancient symbols and scientific diagrams represents a perception hardwired into the human imagination, the collective unconscious. Consistencies between Dogon cosmology (and other ancient belief systems) and scientific development express consistent problem-solving approaches. They represent a thought process by which contemporary man experiences a basic urge to understand and systematize his place in the greater universe. This emerges from an integral level of consciousness to a symbolic level and eventually recollective level and thus contemporary man makes analytical symbols and statements consistent with his forefathers’ truths. I do not believe that the Dogon or other ancient peoples received science lessons from an outside source. The Dogon used similar motifs to modern scientists, because they felt a similar need to come to terms with “the big picture.” The imagery was embedded in their subconscious, just as it is in ours today. Like us, they thought and analyzed phenomena in a sophisticated, uniquely human manner.

Scranton does not limit his exploration of Dogon beliefs to their relationship to science. He explores how there are recurrent themes in Dogon myth and those in to Judaic, Sumerian, ancient Egyptian and other ancient cosmologies. Sympathies between Dogon and ancient Egyptian beliefs receive special attention. In addition to mythic similarities, he compares the construction of Dogon granaries and Egyptian pyramid building in The Science of the Dogon.

The relationship between Dogon and ancient Egypt is expanded on in the subject of his next book, Sacred Symbols of the Dogon. Here Scranton emphasizes Egyptian hieroglyphs rather than Dogon cosmology in much of the book. In Symbols he concentrates on showing that Egyptian hieroglyphs codify String theory and Quantum physics, and that this forms a chain between Egyptian and Dogon culture. In most of the volume he illustrates parallels between symbols used by contemporary scientists and hieroglyphs. The Egypt material takes up more of the volume than Dogon.

Scranton cites Sir A.E. Wallis Budge as his primary source on Egyptian language in both books. Budge has fallen out of favor with contemporary Egyptologists primarily because of the phonetic values he assigned to hieroglyphs. Scranton bases his preference for Budge on the theory that Budge’s phonetic values for ancient Egyptian language are similar to those in the still spoken language of the Dogon. Interestingly J. Olumide Lucas stated a similar case for parallels between Budge’s Egyptian phonetics and those of the Yoruba people, who like the Dogon, are of West Sub Sahara Africa, in The Religion of the Yorubas some 80 years ago. Lucas delineated how the Yoruba linguistically assimilated Egyptian god names into the names of their own orisha. Perhaps such similarity between Budge’s phonetics and those of another West African people further validate Scranton’s decision. (Budge in his study of Osiris, Volume I, argued that Ancient Egyptian beliefs permeated those of sub-Saharan Africa. He did not cite the Dogon and differed from Lucas in his choices of correspondences between Egyptian deities and orisha in many instances.)

Scranton outlines his approach:

We began with a well defined set of Dogon words and symbols, whose symbolic meaning were simply overlaid on matching Egyptian words and glyphs. The legitimacy of this process is borne out by the many persistent resemblances that color most other aspects of Dogon and Egyptian culture. Support for the soundness of this approach is also found in Sir E. A. Wallis Budge’s An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, which provides us with consistent validation of correspondences between Dogon and Egyptian words and symbols. The Dictionnaire Dogon by Genevieve Calame-Griaule also specifically validates Budge’s definitions and pronunciations of Egyptian words that are similar to those in the Dogon language. So from the very start, we can be confident that our interpretations are based on cross-confirming set of independent sources.

The more we work with Egyptian glyphs and defining words, the more aware we become of a recurring pattern involving these glyphs and words. Although only a subset of Egyptian glyphs can be said to have a directly assigned phonetic value, examples how that this subset seems to include many of the same glyphs that we believe define key components in the structure of matter. First among these is the flying goose glyph which we associate with atom-the counterpart of the mythological po of the Dogon. In Budge’s view of the Egyptian language, this glyph carries the pronunciation of “pa,” the same pronunciation as the Egyptian word pa, which means “to be, to exist.” There is a likely corresponding Egyptian god named Pau, who is defined by Budge as a “god of existence.” A similar relationship between the glyph’s phonetic value and a deity name appears with the oval glyph …, which, based on its appearance in various Egyptian words can be seen as a symbol for proton, neutrons and electrons. Budge assigns a phonetic value of “seb” to this glyph, a value that is a likely correlate to the Dogon word sene. He defines a similar Egyptian word, Senu which refers to ”a company of gods,”

Scranton excels in pattern recognition and makes cogent claims for similarities between Egyptian hieroglyphics and scientific symbols. He draws parallels between actual hieroglyphics and diagrammatic illustrations of quantum physics and string theory principles. He offers alternate definitions of hieroglyphs and compound hieroglyphs in which he finds such similarities.

Here I have a problem. He develops these meanings from the way the hieroglyphs appear and are vocalized in Budge’s hieroglyphic dictionary and their similarities to Dogon words, rather than the way they appear in use in papyrus and pyramid texts. He uses the Dogon cognate and its use to justify the new meaning he assigns, rather than show how the new meaning for the hieroglyph or compound hieroglyphs work in their native context. At one point Scranton suggests that his interpretations might be substantiated by an examination of The Egyptian Book of the Dead. To test the validity of Scranton’s thesis, I secured a facsimile copy of The Book of the Dead and a couple of primers on Egyptian language. (I really hope Scranton has a piece of Amazon.com stock.) I feel that if he is going to argue that single and compound hieroglyphs held specific scientific meaning for the ancient Egyptians, he should be able to show these used in context where they make full statements of scientific principles he says they mean.

Trying to decipher hieroglyphic texts is involved and time consuming. The Book of the Dead (a.k.a., The Book Of Coming Forth By Day, the extant facsimile version being also called the Papyrus of Ani, a specific extant version housed in the British Museum) has its hieroglyphs arranged in columns arranged from top to bottom. In some cases they are read from left to right and in others from right to left, and they may be read in special cases bottom to top! (The scanning orders in which these are read vary according to the subject matter of the passage. They may also vary according to the competency of the scribe who was trying to make sure he squeezed enough symbols onto a given sheet of papyrus.) Also in some places the phrases and sentences are read horizontally left to right and right to left. Most extant ancient Egyptian documents seem to contain multiple examples of each type of scanning. Individual sections also contain puns should the reader wish to also read the text in one of the alternate scanning patterns. Plus the hieroglyphs resemble and embellish illustrations to which they appear in proximity. (Is it not pathetic the mind numbing activities the old and infirm find when trying to idle away their summer vacations?)

Hieroglyphs that Scranton redefines should logically appear in close proximity to one another in order to form meaningful statements together. In the Papyrus of Ani version of the Book of the Dead, there was only one small section concerning the transformation of the soul into various animal forms where enough of them appeared consistently in close proximity in such a manner to possibly do so. That is certainly not the majority of the text or examples of the cited hieroglyphs’ uses throughout it. (Albeit, I was getting a little bleary eyed, and there are numerous criticisms of the Papyrus of Ani being as inferior textual rendition of an esoteric text.)

If Scranton wants to make this type of argument, he really needs to show examples of how these selected symbols work together in a coherent manner in extant texts. Rather than show how the new scientific meanings he advocates are validated by contextual examples in their original use, Scranton focuses on showing how the potential Dogon cognates overlay scientific explanations in the correct logical manner. To prove that the ancient Egyptians codified complex scientific concepts in their language and that there exists an unbroken transmission between theirs and Dogon, he needs to show both! A likely consistency in phonetic values is not enough, particularly when that is also subject to disagreement. I respect the effort that he has made with hieroglyphs, but there are ample examples of complete texts that he could use to fully test his assertions.

It is tempting to be seduced by the glamour of ancient Egyptian artifacts and to use them to support your own rationales and values. Philosophers, writers and artists have done so since Plato’s time. But the temptation to do so here leaves Scranton’s case half-made. That undermines the integrity of his other thought provoking analysis. It is worthwhile to read Scranton’s take on Dogon cosmology, especially The Science of the Dogon, which recognizes and analyses how complex concepts are given voice in a systematic manner by an African people. Scranton amplifies the important work done by Giraule and Dieterlen years earlier. I enjoyed reading The Symbols of the Dogon, and especially liked his analysis of the Dogon Nommo drawing and diagrammatic analysis of similarities between a Buddhist stupa and the Dogon granary. Here Scranton accomplishes what he does best, performing straight up interpretation from the perspective of an intelligent observer. However, he needed to do more work on hieroglyphics to justify the main thrust of his argument. He could have done that by providing contextual examples from primary Egyptian sources. Scranton is a lucid writer who articulates both scientific and cosmological concepts exceedingly well, and is transparent in his methodology. He amply demonstrates the skill set to perform such a demanding analysis, and I hope he continues further with his work.


Respuesta  Mensaje 39 de 54 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2016 17:21
Cool It is done.

Originally Posted by raphael View Post

Because we are going to need to figure out how to 'transit' from one magic square to the next?

Though, I'm waiting for Lee to come back and explain more about the I-Ching. He seems busy though, I don't want to rush it. Plus I already have the hexagrams down in my scheme, so his insights should match up.

In fact, that is what amazed me about the Kabbalah course I took last year. I realised that most of the structure they were describing was what I already had in prototype, and it helped me to fill in some of the gaps.

Here's a graphic I made to help anyone who doesn't get what Lee's stuff is doing:

It's not exhaustive by any means, and just shows what is going on at a basic level in terms of "phase space".

A "phase space" is like a stack of time slices such that the time dimension is shown as a complete unit, so that it is possible to move forwards as well as backwards through the sequence.

I hope this is straightforward enough for everyone, I've only shown 4 of the 8-spoke dharma wheels, the other set is the complement of its polar pair with a central point reflection to its opposite location.

The set I have shown is the "+1" set, formed by adding "1" to each successive tile of the previous 3x3 tile - represented as the spokes as they grow, forming a new 3x3 tile. At the same time, as this is "phase space", the previous 3x3 tile is "remembered" in the spoke sequence. I colour coded it according to one of Lee's many graphics of the HeTu/HoTu.

I've also been reading Alfred Huang's "Numerology of the I-Ching", as background info. According to the blurb, Alfred lives on Hawaii, so he may even know Marko and Nassim.

@Ralph, glad to see some more of your interpretations and questions. I'm not really that bothered about my artwork, the only part I was annoyed about was that you could have linked to my gallery (which I wouldn't have minded). Anyhow, my 4 "Royal" Stars are my own designation because of the "King's/Queen's" chambers in the Great Pyramid - not because I read them in a book (as such). Evenso, I made clear I was not replacing your own suggestion of the 4 Persian Royal Stars. I related that info almost as a joke in imitation of you - and your reaction was the same as that which you accuse the rest of us as being (yes, the "I" word). Plus, I noticed you are now hailing Robert Bauval's theory on other threads. Sorry, but I find that amusing. Learning to spot hypocrisy is a way to refine the character, by applying it to yourself. And, no - I have not ignored your stuff, I just wanted you to explain more about it. You have begun to do so - thanks. Ironically, my "4 Stars" thing might have some merit.

@Riseball, D-RA-CO... meaning "dragon".
"Ra"/Re was a Dragon/Serpent deity.
More on "Dragons" - here.

In fact the sanskrit "Surya" (Sun) is su-rya, and in Japan "Ryu" means "dragon". In China the Suryavanshi Clan is known as "Yu" (the "fish" that turns into a dragon).

RA/RE/RYA/RYU/YU, is the same "serpent"/"dragon" SOLAR entity/conception. Remember, the Surya Yantra is also cognate with the LoShu.

@Ralph, As far as my "re-hash" accusation goes, A E Waite's Tarot deck was composed in the early 20th century, Freemason or not. I'm part of a Yahoo Group which is into these kinds of things, and they recently posted something about a deck of 88 cards which predates the "modern" Tarot.
I'm not saying Waite's Tarot is "wrong", I'm just saying it is predated by older systems. I have a challenge for you Ralph, see what you can find out about a deck of 144 cards (it matches your "4 Ages" model btw).

We've been playing "Cluedo" ever since you arrived, now it's your turn!

As for the Dogon connection, I mentioned in an earlier post that it was identical to John Opsopaus's Pythagorean Tarot system. Keep up buddy!

Also, Ed will confirm that there are many more than 16 particles up for grabs. There are currently 226 confirmed particles. Garrett Lisi (surfer dude and fizzycyst) predicts 22 new particles, for a total of 248 - matching E8. The Dogon "Magic Number" is 266.

This is where Lee's stuff gets interesting (for me anyway), because as Barbitone and Lee were discussing there is a pattern of 19 and 6.

19x6=114 (suras of the koran)
19x8=152 (????)

Interesting, no...?

The koran is also coded throughout with "19" and also prime numbers.

How about this: 113+153=266...?

(113 pre-fixed suras, and 153 fish in the Gospel of John)

Also, no need to worry - I don't babble about bibles, though I do have an Interlinear for reference purposes.

I have also already worked out the 10x10 square - Malkuth.


PS - 11x11 is usually attributed to Daath.

[74:30] "over it is 19" AAalayha(by) tisAAata(9) AAashara(10)
[94:5-6] Al-sharh ("Osiris")
Al-Nitak, Sirius, Kochab, Thuban 
DiYu - 18 Levels of Hell
Philip LeMarchand

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