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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/05/2012 00:18



Marcos, Santo
Evangelista, 25 de abril
Marcos, Santo
Marcos, Santo


Martirologio Romano: Fiesta de san Marcos, evangelista, que primero acompañó en Jerusalén a san Pablo en su apostolado, y después siguió los pasos de san Pedro, quien lo llamó su hijo. Es tradición que en Roma recogió en su Evangelio la catequesis de Pedro a los romanos y que fue él quien instituyó la Iglesia de Alejandría, en el actual Egipto. ( c.68)

Etimológicamente: Marco = Aquel que es recio como un martillo, o nombre relativo al dios Marte, es de origen latino
Patrón de los abogados, notarios, artistas de vitrales, cautivos, de Egipto, Venecia, contra la impenitencia y las picadas de insectos.

San Marcos es judío de Jerusalén, acompañó a San Pablo y a Bernabé, su primo, a Antioquia en el primer viaje misionero de estos (Hechos 12, 25); también acompañó a Pablo a Roma. Se separó de ellos en Perga y regresó a su casa. (Hechos 13,13). No sabemos las razones de esa separación pero si sabemos que causó una separación posterior entre San Pablo y Bernabé, cuando San Pablo rehusó aceptar a San Marcos. Bernabé se enojó tanto que rompió su asociación misionera con San Pablo y se fue a Chipre con Marcos (Hechos 15,36-39). Años mas tarde San Pablo y San Marcos volvieron a unirse en un viaje misionero.

Fue discípulo de San Pedro e intérprete del mismo en su Evangelio, el segundo Evangelio canónico (el primero en escribirse). San Marcos escribió en griego con palabras sencillas y fuertes. Por su terminología se entiende que su audiencia era cristiana. Su Evangelio contiene historia y teología. Se debate la fecha en que lo escribió, quizás fue en la década 60-70 AD.

Juntos con Pedro fue a Roma. San Pedro por su parte se refería a San Marcos como "mi hijo" (1P 5,13).

A veces el Nuevo Testamento lo llama Juan Marcos (Hechos 12,12).

Evangelizó y estableció a la Iglesia en Alejandría, fundando allí su famosa escuela cristiana.

Murió mártir aprox. el 25 de abril del 68 AD en Alejandría y sus reliquias están en la famosa catedral de Venecia.

Su símbolo es el león alado. Tanto este símbolo como el de los otros tres evangelistas (Apoc. 4, 7-8), son muy antiguos. De ellos hablan San Jerónimo y San Agustín, explicando que San Marcos, en su primer capítulo, habla de Juan el Bautista en el desierto y el león es el rey del desierto (Mc. 1,3).

En Venecia se veneran, en la preciosa catedral de su mismo nombre, los restos mortales del evangelista, cuyo traslado de Alejandría se remonta al siglo IX.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 144 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/10/2015 15:39
Let's start at the very beginning? 
Please do watch this great video, spontaneous combustion in a train station? 
Note the pattern on the dance floor? 
Arrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k&feature=player_embedded#
Yup that is the 9x9 magic square of the Moon. 
And in the center of the 9x9 Moon grid we see the 3x3 Lo Shu magic square of Saturn. 
And folks will get on their commuter trains and play the game of Suduko, also played on a 9x9 magic Moon grid. 

But if was to ask folks what they know about magic squares, most folks in fact would be rather ignorant of magic squares. 
But the sheeple can perform on a grid. 
And a 2D grid can be made into a 3D form. 
And it is too bad we don't see the world more like that train station. 
Both soldiers and children can be made to do their thing on those magic grids. 

Then read this thread, to help pry loose a particular MEME message I would like to share.... 
We are in a cat and mouse game of leapfrog, where ART and LIFE really do take cues from each other. 

SOUND is the KEY to harmony? 
WHAT if humanity found a KEY that helped unlock a gate, a KEY fashioned out of our vocal cords, a KEY we could all fashion together, ONCE, just ONCE we found ourselves on the same page, but just for a moment? 
What kind of magic would happen? 

Fucking around with primarily LIGHT, distracted by how fast it can go, etc, has only resulted in a handful of folks spending 10+ billion dollars on CERN. 
Only to realize that the elusive graviton, the force carrier for gravity is 'musical'? 

That is NOT the HARMONIOUS TRICK that 6 billion folks can participate in. 
I can think of a better one, that puts us all on the same page, reading one note at a time. 
MATH is the universal language many folks claim? 
So is MUSIC folks, and most folks would rather sing and dance than do math in a train station with strangers or in a dance club. 

'M' Theory collides with 'M' Theory 7000 years later? 

Left Brain merges with Right Brain? 

MNEME Clay Plate, Samarra Iraq 5000 BCE 

Staying on the topic of the MEMEs, the MNEME plate and the letter M for a moment, and what I believe to be a pattern I have detected regarding the M = 3 = W = E 
Here is another example of life and art colliding. 
They seem to feed off each other. 

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 
1963 movie (star studded cast) 
(Tesla would notice the 369 in 1963) 

The Plot of the Film 
In this film, a dying gangster (Jimmy Durante), tells 7 folks about $350,000 buried in the (fictitious) Santa Rosita State Park, near the Mexican border, buried/hidden under a mysterious "big W" 


Really? Cool Cool buried under the 'big W'? 
And the big W happens to be made up of 4 Palm Trees of Life? 
Yes in ancient times the palm tree in some parts of the world was equated with the Tree of Life. 

Of course Marko Rodin's Ennegram, the Freemason compass and square and the VW logo are all coincidences, again? 


Well, more coincidences, the image on the left I photographed in the Santa Catalina Monastery in Peru, and I affectionately termed it the Rosetta Fractal...based on the Rosetta Stone and it is what sparked my swastika journey leading me eventually to the SS, the Sator Square and Super Symmetry String Theory. 

And this SS treasure was dug up by a fella whose last name begins with a W, and he wants to take his ideas straight to the top, to a fella by the name of E Witten? 

And let us not forget Marko Rodin, Milo Wolff and a fella called Mo, all of whom still have something to add? 

Oh my it gets even better. 


In the cropped poster image on the left, note how the folks are reaching for the GOLD, Mo' Money Mo is what they covet. 
And YES note the BLACK DOOR (gateway) where they bury the Popes in St. Peter's Square, it is positioned where the BLACK bag of $$$ just happens to be? 
The je$u$ $alvator is what we are being sold in the here and now...apparently. 


je$u$ $alvator which is connected to IHS... 

“…the IHC and IHS Conspiracy and You” part II 

I guess because my journey has been about TRUTH, seeking the spiritual gold that lay hidden within, I have been tuning into the obvious, and this process of tuning in has been accelerating during these, the end of the daze. 

Coincidentally I wrote the following on 5/3/2008 (those numbers again!!) 

Take a look at some of the trivia for this film, Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World? 
Is it loaded with MEMEs and TEMEs? 

One more coincidence. 
The film ends with a slapstick routine involving an Aerial Firetruck. 

I have one more image to show ya. 
This seals it Mo. 

The Rosetta Fractal, next to a picture of me on Aerial 25, reaching for the top? 

TIME to get into tune folks. 
...hope you practising your ka-RA-ok-EEEE 
...and yes the hills are alive with SOUND of MUSIC. 



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 145 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/01/2016 22:43

Let's start at the very beginning?
Please do watch this great video, spontaneous combustion in a train station?
Note the pattern on the dance floor?
Arrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k&feature=player_embedded#!
Yup that is the 9x9 magic square of the Moon.
And in the center of the 9x9 Moon grid we see the 3x3 Lo Shu magic square of Saturn.
And folks will get on their commuter trains and play the game of Suduko, also played on a 9x9 magic Moon grid.

But if was to ask folks what they know about magic squares, most folks in fact would be rather ignorant of magic squares.
But the sheeple can perform on a grid.
And a 2D grid can be made into a 3D form.
And it is too bad we don't see the world more like that train station.
Both soldiers and children can be made to do their thing on those magic grids.

Then read this thread, to help pry loose a particular MEME message I would like to share....
We are in a cat and mouse game of leapfrog, where ART and LIFE really do take cues from each other.

SOUND is the KEY to harmony?
WHAT if humanity found a KEY that helped unlock a gate, a KEY fashioned out of our vocal cords, a KEY we could all fashion together, ONCE, just ONCE we found ourselves on the same page, but just for a moment?
What kind of magic would happen?

Fucking around with primarily LIGHT, distracted by how fast it can go, etc, has only resulted in a handful of folks spending 10+ billion dollars on CERN.
Only to realize that the elusive graviton, the force carrier for gravity is 'musical'?

That is NOT the HARMONIOUS TRICK that 6 billion folks can participate in.
I can think of a better one, that puts us all on the same page, reading one note at a time.
MATH is the universal language many folks claim?
So is MUSIC folks, and most folks would rather sing and dance than do math in a train station with strangers or in a dance club.

'M' Theory collides with 'M' Theory 7000 years later?

Left Brain merges with Right Brain?

MNEME Clay Plate, Samarra Iraq 5000 BCE

Staying on the topic of the MEMEs, the MNEME plate and the letter M for a moment, and what I believe to be a pattern I have detected regarding the M = 3 = W = E
Here is another example of life and art colliding.
They seem to feed off each other.

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
1963 movie (star studded cast)
(Tesla would notice the 369 in 1963)

The Plot of the Film
In this film, a dying gangster (Jimmy Durante), tells 7 folks about $350,000 buried in the (fictitious) Santa Rosita State Park, near the Mexican border, buried/hidden under a mysterious "big W"

Really? Cool Cool buried under the 'big W'?
And the big W happens to be made up of 4 Palm Trees of Life?
Yes in ancient times the palm tree in some parts of the world was equated with the Tree of Life.

Of course Marko Rodin's Ennegram, the Freemason compass and square and the VW logo are all coincidences, again?

Well, more coincidences, the image on the left I photographed in the Santa Catalina Monastery in Peru, and I affectionately termed it the Rosetta Fractal...based on the Rosetta Stone and it is what sparked my swastika journey leading me eventually to the SS, the Sator Square and Super Symmetry String Theory.

And this SS treasure was dug up by a fella whose last name begins with a W, and he wants to take his ideas straight to the top, to a fella by the name of E Witten?

And let us not forget Marko Rodin, Milo Wolff and a fella called Mo, all of whom still have something to add?

Oh my it gets even better.

In the cropped poster image on the left, note how the folks are reaching for the GOLD, Mo' Money Mo is what they covet.
And YES note the BLACK DOOR (gateway) where they bury the Popes in St. Peter's Square, it is positioned where the BLACK bag of $$$ just happens to be?
The je$u$ $alvator is what we are being sold in the here and now...apparently.

je$u$ $alvator which is connected to IHS...

“…the IHC and IHS Conspiracy and You” part II

I guess because my journey has been about TRUTH, seeking the spiritual gold that lay hidden within, I have been tuning into the obvious, and this process of tuning in has been accelerating during these, the end of the daze.

Coincidentally I wrote the following on 5/3/2008 (those numbers again!!)

Take a look at some of the trivia for this film, Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World?
Is it loaded with MEMEs and TEMEs?

One more coincidence.
The film ends with a slapstick routine involving an Aerial Firetruck.

I have one more image to show ya.
This seals it Mo.

The Rosetta Fractal, next to a picture of me on Aerial 25, reaching for the top?

TIME to get into tune folks.
...hope you practising your ka-RA-ok-EEEE
...and yes the hills are alive with SOUND of MUSIC.



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 146 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 18:51

Respuesta  Mensaje 147 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 18:54

Respuesta  Mensaje 148 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 18:57
Preston Nichols (with Peter Moon!)
The Music of Time 

"When they actually filmed Star Wars, I literally saw two physics or adepts (mystery religion imo) that were concentrating on the camera as it was running. They were putting some sort of psychic overlay on the film. I recognized what they were doing because it was similar to what I had done with musical recordings (via Buddah etc)"

Wag The Dog?
WFC bulidings Manhattan and the heiroglyph of Sirius

Masonic Tracing Board - Sirius 'the all seeing eye' in the sky

The towers 'separating the heaven & the earth'....were destroyed 33 weeks and 3 days from Bush's inauguration as president 20th Jan 2001.

Manhattan Memorial Tracing Board - Stairway/Ladder to Sirius
The lights that shone for 33 days (33 vertebrae/degress etc)


Cards XVII The Star (sirius/isis), XVIII The Moon & XIX The Sun (17 18 & 19)
Isis (sirius) 'the naked virgin' depicting the inundation of the Nile, the Ibis (Thoth/Hermes) in the background, always near.

 Sirius in Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange

 Sirius in Kubrick's Barry Lyndon

 Sirius in Kubrick's The Shining

The Tower(s) and The Moon - Manhatttan surrounded by water

If you recall my earlier post 'Manhattan Working' you might remember the 'moon' correlation that was made apparent...a relationship between certain Fox & Fox TV premieres and the postion of the moon on these occassions and the position of the moon on the day of 9/11.


 I've now got around to adding in the premiere of 2001 : ASO

Programming the masses/sheep (apes)

ALL of the following were released when the 'MOON' was in the same position in the sky (relative to background stars, sidereal orbits 27.3 days  (+/- fraction of a day).  The yellow text (below) shows the span of complete moon orbits between the dates.  One complete orbit taking the moon to the exact same starting point of origin.

The starting point of the moon matrix cycle
April 4, 1968

April 4, 1968 - movie "2001 : A Space Odyssey 'theatrical premiere' in the USA. (MGM)

 277 moon orbits later (-0.1 day)

 December 23, 1988 - movie "Working Girl" 'theatrical premiere' in the USA. (FOX)

63 moon orbits later (+ 0.7354 day) 

 September 10, 1993 - TV show "The X-Files" premieres. (FOX)

100 moons orbits later (-0.1661 day)

 March 4, 2001 - TV show "The Lone Gunmen" premieres. (FOX)
Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower departed from Boston

7 moons orbits later (-0.2516 day) 

September 11, 2001 - World Trade Center destroyed.

The Monolith/Sentinel looks on...Millenium Hilton

A time phase that covers 33 years, 2001 : ASO being released 33 years prior to the year 2001.

Our start point 4-4-1968 to our end point 9-11-2001 is exactly:

447 moons (+.2177 day)

Of course, don't take my word for it...check it out for yourself.

I shouldn't need to mention the main aspects of 2001 :ASO, but don't forget that it centres around the moon and an artefact (Alien/extraterrestial) that is found there and it's relationship to the development of man etc.

September 11th 2001
Earth (centre) Moon travels through Sirius (canis major)...red line to Orion/Osiris
Above...image is looking down on the Earth and Moon orientated so that Orion in the direction of top of the image @ 8:49 am (1:49pm Universal Time Code)

Above...this image shows the position of the Moon at 8:49 am (1:49pm Universal Time Code), on 9-11-2001...it is directly above 'the shoulder of orion' Betelgeuse.

This is the exact time that the first plane hits the North Tower.


2001 : ASO being 'the mother' of it all...recall the 'Monolith' overelooking Ground Zero and the 'sirius glyph/wfc buildings' (see Manhattan Working post).  Working Girl...I have already shown that Nichols' film pays reference to Kubrick's 2001 and this film (Working Girl) took place in the vicinity of the WTC...ending with WTC 7.


That means that 2 of the above both featured the WTC Twin Towers as central to the story, that being Working Girl & The Lonegunmen pilot (recall the plane almost hitting the WTC towers).  

 10-13 Templar cypher
From Chris Carter (CC, 33 cypher)

The Lonegunmen was a 10-13 production and spun-off from the original X-Files series....which also featured the 3 Lonegunmen. The first episode of The X Files (pilot) premiered exactly 8 years & 1 day before 9/11/2001...so all 3 already have a relationship with each other.  X Files links to Working Girl via David Duchovny...where he starred in his first role.  Working Girl links to 2001 : ASO via Mike Nichols paying direct homage to Kubrick's 2001 : ASO. (see Manhattan Working post)

Now...factor in 9/11

The moon's position in the sky(sidereal orbit) relative to the background stars...on all 5 of the above 5 occassions...was exactly the same!!!


 What are the odds of those dates and moon positions aligning?
Astronomical imo and I can slip in a cheap pun too!

So I have just shown how certain media product out of Hollywood are connected to release dates, the moons position and 9/11!!!

Think this is INSANE...do you?  Think again....and think more about recent history.  Recall my recent post about Batman The Dark Knight Rises and the inclusion of subliminal trojans within that film etc!


There is a moon connection to The Dark Knight Rises and the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings!

 Both these events happened during the exact SAME moon phases (waxing crescent)...the day after a NEW MOON!

From the NEW MOON (the darkest night, geddit?) to the following day. On a NEW MOON sunlight is shone on the side of the moon (dark side) that we can't see...hence the darkest phase.

After the new moon, the sunlit portion is increasing, but less than half, so it is waxing crescent. After the first quarter, the sunlit portion is still increasing, but now it is more than half, so it is waxing gibbous. After the full moon (maximum illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs next. Following the third quarter is the waning crescent, which wanes until the light is completely gone -- a new moon.
I Want To Believe (2008)
 They keep the 'moon meme' going...
 A shot of the moon slowly rising behind the silhouettes of trees is the first shot that appears in The X-Files: I Want to Believe, apart from the logo for 20th Century Fox, and is positioned to the right of the film's logo, remaining there while the logo fades onto the screen before disappearing.(cough, cough)

Respuesta  Mensaje 149 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/03/2016 15:05
Default the MATRIX

paulbevan369 wrote:
This is great stuff;could you explain how you think Job 38 fits into the picture?
The revelations material re; 'New Jerusalem' math is apparent!
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?


"RADIUS; the basic language of the MATRIX"

360_ = 3 + 6 + 0 = 9
720_ = 7 + 2 + 0 = 9
1080 = 1 + 8 + 0 = 9
1440 = 1 + 4 + 4 = 9
2160 = 2 + 1 + 6 = 9

And Jehovah proceeded to answer Job out of the windstorm and say:

Who is this that is obscuring counsel
By words without knowledge?

Gird up your loins, please, like an able‐bodied man,
And let me question you, and you inform me....

Pi = 3,1415

(3 + 1) 4 (5 - 1) ----> 4 + 4 + 4 => "twelve sided"

- <------ left 6<>6 right ------> +

And on this side of the river and on that side there were trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit...

Happy are those who wash their robes, that the authority to go to the trees of life may be theirs 
and that they may gain entrance into the city by its gates.

Let him that has EARS listen

...because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, 
will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. 
And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.

Last edited by science2art; 06-06-2013 at 08:42 PM. Reason: job38/Rev22/(6)6<>6/Rev717

Respuesta  Mensaje 150 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/03/2016 17:30

Respuesta  Mensaje 151 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2016 01:10

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/05/2016 03:03

Respuesta  Mensaje 153 de 188 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/05/2016 20:01

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/05/2016 20:14

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/05/2016 20:16

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/06/2016 20:34

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/06/2016 20:37

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/06/2016 20:39

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