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جواب  رسائل 1 من 159 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 07/06/2015 16:54

Phi Vortex Based Mathematics Torus Array - YouTube

www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KS5XvP_rGI21 Ago. 2013 - 12 min. - Subido por mikethedj4
Video Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxuU8jYkA1k Music by Simon Mathewson ...
  • Phi VBM Tori Array - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxuU8jYkA1k13 Feb. 2013 - 12 min. - Subido por Tom Barnett
    ... and ideas linking the divine ratio or Phi, and Vortex Based Mathematics. ..... would give you ...

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    جواب  رسائل 2 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 07/06/2015 17:35

    726 × 1139 - 131k - jpg

    El número de Euler | La guía
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    si misma con los números.
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    numero de toroides que
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    Toro en el cielo
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    Aqui en estas graficas
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    Como ya sabéis el fenómeno de
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    ¿Sabías que la palabra toro
    171 × 146 - 6k - jpg

    Si estos elementos de
    499 × 365 - 40k - gif

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    de este número mágico,
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    De algún modo lo asociamos a
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    número finito de toroides,
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    Anillo Torus
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    es exactamente el número
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    Y el 9 muestra la
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    el toroide, el Centro y la
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    Aqui en estas graficas
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    جواب  رسائل 3 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 07/06/2015 17:37
    BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/04/2015 00:49

    جواب  رسائل 4 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 07/06/2015 18:13

    جواب  رسائل 5 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 10/06/2015 04:01

    جواب  رسائل 6 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 30/06/2015 15:44


    Cronos devora a sus hijos





    Cronos (Saturno) era el más jóven de los Titanes, hijos de la Madre Tierra y Urano (la tierra y el cielo). Urano, odiaba a sus hijos y los escondió en la Madre Tierra causándole gran dolor. Como venganza fabricó una hoz para Cronos y le convenció de que diese muerte a su padre. Cuando cumplió sus deseos, se desposó con su hermana Rea, pero temeroso de que sus propios hijos se levantasen en su contra, se los tragaba en cuanto nacían: primero Hestia, luego a Deméter, Hera, Hades y Posidón. Sin embargo, cuando Zeus, su sexto hijo, estaba por nacer, Rea lo alumbró en el silencio de la noche y lo confió a los cuidados de su madre, la Madre Tierra. En lugar de entregarle al bebé, le dió a Crono una piedra para que se la comiera. Cuando Zeus creció, pidió ser el copero de Cronos.. le preparó pues a su padre una poderosa sustancia que le hizo vomitar a la piedra y a sus otro cinco hijos mayores. Zeus, luego condujo a sus hermanos a la guerra contra los Titanes, a los que vencen y destierran al Tártro, en el mundo subterraneo. En adelante, Zeuz reinaría como el jefe supremo de los dioses.

    جواب  رسائل 7 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/07/2015 03:20

    About Saturn, the Son of the Sun

    Early astronomical traditions identify the “Primeval Sun” as the planet Saturn.

    Saturn was identified with Osiris in Egypt and Shiva in India.  The Babylonians, the founders of Astronomy, called Saturn the “Light of Heaven, the Sun-God Shamash (or Šamaš).

    Tacitus records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn, Shabbatai,  as their god. In Plato’s Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the “Sun” god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos (Father Time). At that time Saturn ruled “over the Pole“.

    The Pole was seen as the Entrance to the Other World. The Shaman using his Light Body had to Climb Jacobs Ladder to get there.

    In Sankrit, Suryaputrah,  ”Son of the Sun”  is the name for the planet Saturn. The Medieval Alchemists called Saturn the “Best Sun”.

    The Kabbalah divides the Universe  into Ten Spheres, or Sephiroth, which have Planetary and other Correspondences. The Sphere of Saturn is known as Binah (“Understanding“) and the terrestrial sphere, known as Malkuth, is said to have its foundation in Binah.

    Long ago Saturn exercised the supreme power on Earth, his reign being remembered as the Golden Age, his time revered, a time which Man longed to return to. At this moment the Cycle is  ruled by Kali. The Mother Goddess Kali represents the Moon in Saturn.

    Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. El was the source of the Great Flood. El was represented by a Black Cube. The Kaaba (“the Cube of Space”) is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam. The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham.

    In Ancient History the World was ruled by the Female and  the Mother Goddess. The Vulva or the Yoni (Circle), of the Ancient Mother Goddess was always combined with a Black Stone (with a Point), the Symbol of the Phallus (Lingham) of the Male Creator. The God and the Godddess created the Universe in a short moment of Extreme Extacy.

    The Pelgrims have to encircle the Black Stone of El Seven Times just like the Rings of Saturn encircle the Center.

    The Black Stone of Mina (Close to Mecca)

    About the Number Seven

    The Blog “About the Sum of Things” is about the so called Seal of Saturn and the related 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn also called the Lo Shu in China.

    Saturn is the Seventh Planet and Saturday (Sabbath) the Seventh Day of the Week.

    In the Blog it is shown that the 3×3 Magic Square generates Two Cyclic Systems. One System, the Wheel of Karma  is a Fractal Torus and is related to the Expansion and Compression of the Universe and the number 2. The Fractal Torus contains Seven Levels associated with the Chakra’s, the Seven Heavens, The Seven Tones and the Seven Colors. The Tower of Bable and the Egyptian Pyramids are a Simulator of the Torus.

    The other is a Cyclic Vortex System, the Cycle of Death, related to the number 3 and the Triangel.

    The Number Seven is the Repeating Factor of the Torus System. After Seven Steps a new Fractal Level of the Expansion/Compression-Cycle is reached. On the Seventh Day a new Stage in the Creation Process of our Universe is started.

    The Torus looks like a Yoni and as you can see the Lingham of Shiva is Inside the Torus. This is the reason why Saturn is associated with Binah and Shakti, the Female Part of Shiva. It also explains why Saturn is related to Fertility.

    The Symbol of the Three Letters A-U-M. It contains the number 3, 6 and 9.

    The Sequence of the Trinity (A-U-M) controls the Creation/Destruction-Cycle of our Universe.  This is the Cycle of Shiva, the Creator and Destructor.

    Shiva and Shakti are the Circle (Torus, Yoni) and the Lingham (the Point, Singularity, Lingham). They are the 0 (or the 9) and the 1.

    The only thing you need to Create our Universe is de Tao (0), the One, the Two and the Three and they will Generate Everything.

    Why is Saturn the Son of the Sun?

    There are two explanations. The first one is a Physical Explanation related to Plasma Physics. In the stage of the Golden Age our Solar System contained only Three Planets and Saturn was the Best Sun. Plasma Physics is able to explain many ancient Symbols.

    The Second explanation goes back to the Numbers. The Magic Square of Saturn is the First Magic Square that can be constructed. 2×2 is not existent and 1×1 is a Point. The Magic Square of the Sun is the 6×6 Magic Square with Sum 666! and Constant 111. The 3×3 Square can be extracted (is a Son) out of the 6×6 Square.


    The Demiurg with the Torus and the Zodiac

    About  Kronos, Father Time

    The Greek called Saturn Kronos, Father Time.

    Most of the Souls are not aware of Cycling Cycle of the Fractal Torus of the Number Two of Duality,  the Wheel of Karma. They stay in the same Place and Their reincarnations are a Merry Go Round.

    Some Souls move around the Torus and experience many experiences in the Seven Universus.

    All of them are Kept in de Rotating Matrix of the Demiurg.

    If you really want to be Free you have move out of Duality into the Cycle of the Divine Trinity (Shiva).

    When you want to leave the Rotating Cycle (Torus) of everyday Life and move into a higher dimension (more possibilities, more perspectives), you have to Twist Yourself and Merge with Yourself.

    You Twist when you Cross the Cycle of Life and Enter the Cycle of Death of the Trinity. When you join this Cycle you leave the Seven Heavens and move to the Void in the Middle of the Death Cycle.

    The Void, the Kingdom,  Cleans every thing and makes every thing New.

    You Merge with Yourself when you integrate the Inside and the Outside, the Up and the Down, the Male and the Female.

    The Klein Bottle, The Universe Closed in Itself, the Basic Structure behind Alchemy.

    “If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; and when ye fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will ye enter into the kingdom.” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).


    About the Sum of Things

    About the Cube of Space

    About the Myth of Saturn

    About the Mother Goddess

    About the Dance of Shiva

    About Saturn and the Sun

    About the Seven Heavens

    About the Great Flood

    About the Golden Age of Saturn

    About the Torus and the Vortex

    About Time

    About the Twisted Universe

    About Alchemy

    About the Polar Myth

    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


    جواب  رسائل 8 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/07/2015 23:23

    Resultado de imagen de youtube simbolo infinito serpiente             Serpiente - símbolos del infinito        
    El símbolo matemático del infinito nació en el sigo XVII. Parece un ocho tumbado pero en realidad corresponde a una figura matemática llamada lemiscata de Bernouilli. Antes, sin embargo la idea del infinito se representaba con un circulo. La serpiente que se muerde la cola data del 1600 AC y representa un ciclo eterno. En latín, de hecho, caelum significa tanto ¿círculo¿ como ¿eternidad¿ y da la idea de un camino que no tiene ni principio ni final, como el infinito.
      Banda de Moëbius por M.C. Escher                   http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemniscata

    Los orígenes del símbolo de infinito son inciertos. Dado que la forma se asemeja a la curva lemniscata (del latín lemniscus, es decir cinta), se ha sugerido que representa un lazo cerrado. Se ha querido ver también una Banda de Möbius en su forma, aunque el símbolo se usó durante cientos de años antes de que August Möbius descubriera la banda que lleva su nombre.

    También se cree posible que la forma provenga de otros símbolos alquímicos o religiosos, como por ejemplo ciertas representaciones de la serpiente Ouroboros.

    En la literatura matemática, John Wallis es el primero en usar el símbolo para representar al infinito en su tratado De sectionibus conicus de 1655.

    La representación del concepto "infinito", tiene una relación formal con el sentido del orden de las letras en el alfabeto griego. Los griegos, según parece, asignaron el primer lugar en su alfabeto a α (alfa) por ser precisamente el lugar que "Dios" merecía en su cosmogonía. De ahí que - según algún maestro de literatura de buena voluntad - todas las palabras griegas cuya letra inicial era esa tenían, de un modo u otro, relación con lo divino.


    Artículo de Gaussianos (enlace)
    Parece ser que fue en el año 1694 cuando Jakob Bernoulli describió dicha curva. La definición de la misma se asemeja en cierto sentido a la de la elipse:
    • Elipse: conjunto de puntos que cumplen que la suma de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.

    • Lemniscata: conjuntos de puntos que cumplen que el producto de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.
    La ecuación implícita de la lemniscata es:
    (x^2+y^2)^2=2 a^2 (x^2-y^2)
    El parámetro a es el que determina qué lemniscata tenemos, ya que los focos están a distancia 2a y ese producto de distancias constante es exactamente a^2.
    Artículo de ACATOS (enlace)     ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre infinito y eterno?

    Según la RAE:
    InfinitoQue no tiene ni puede tener fin ni término.
    EternoQue no tiene principio ni fin.
    Entonces, la diferencia es que el infinito puede tener un principio, al contrario que lo eterno, que no tiene. Digamos que el infinito es un subconjunto de lo eterno.
    ¿Por qué relacionamos el concepto de infinito con las distancias y el concepto de eterno con el tiempo?

    جواب  رسائل 9 من 159 في الفقرة 
    من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 09/07/2015 00:34


    torus TorusSquare

    An (ordinary) torus is a surface having genus one, and therefore possessing a single "hole" (left figure). The single-holed "ring" torus is known in older literature as an "anchor ring." It can be constructed from a rectangle by gluing both pairs of opposite edges together with no twists (right figure; Gardner 1971, pp. 15-17; Gray 1997, pp. 323-324). The usual torus embedded in three-dimensional space is shaped like a donut, but the concept of the torus is extremely useful in higher dimensional space as well.

    In general, tori can also have multiple holes, with the term n-torus used for a torus with n holes. The special case of a 2-torus is sometimes called the double torus, the 3-torus is called the triple torus, and the usual single-holed torus is then simple called "the" or "a" torus.

    A second definition for n-tori relates to dimensionality. In one dimension, a line bends into circle, giving the 1-torus. In two dimensions, a rectangle wraps to a usual torus, also called the 2-torus. In three dimensions, the cube wraps to form a 3-manifold, or 3-torus. In each case, the n-torus is an object that exists in dimension n+1. One of the more common uses of n-dimensional tori is in dynamical systems. A fundamental result states that the phase space trajectories of a Hamiltonian system with n degrees of freedom and possessing n integrals of motion lie on an n-dimensional manifold which is topologically equivalent to an n-torus (Tabor 1989).

    Torus coloring of an ordinary (one-holed) torus requires 7 colors, consistent with the Heawood conjecture.

    Let the radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube be c, and the radius of the tube be a. Then the equation in Cartesian coordinates for a torus azimuthally symmetric about the z-axis is


    and the parametric equations are

    x = (c+acosv)cosu
    y = (c+acosv)sinu
    z = asinv

    for u,v in [0,2pi). Three types of torus, known as the standard tori, are possible, depending on the relative sizes of a and c. c>a corresponds to the ring torus (shown above), c=a corresponds to a horn torus which is tangent to itself at the point (0, 0, 0), and c<a corresponds to a self-intersecting spindle torus (Pinkall 1986).

    If no specification is made, "torus" is taken to mean ring torus. The three standard tori are illustrated below, where the first image shows the full torus, the second a cut-away of the bottom half, and the third a cross section of a plane passing through the z-axis.


    The standard tori and their inversions are cyclides. If the coefficient of sinv in the formula for z is changed to b!=a, an elliptic torus results.


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