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Réponse  Message 1 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 19/06/2013 14:27

Génesis 1

Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

La creación

En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra.

Y la tierra estaba desordenada y vacía, y las tinieblas estaban sobre la faz del abismo, y el Espíritu de Dios se movía sobre la faz de las aguas.

Y dijo Dios: Sea la luz; y fue la luz.

Y vio Dios que la luz era buena; y separó Dios la luz de las tinieblas.

Y llamó Dios a la luz Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.

Luego dijo Dios: Haya expansión en medio de las aguas, y separe las aguas de las aguas.

E hizo Dios la expansión, y separó las aguas que estaban debajo de la expansión, de las aguas que estaban sobre la expansión. Y fue así.

Y llamó Dios a la expansión Cielos. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día segundo.

Dijo también Dios: Júntense las aguas que están debajo de los cielos en un lugar, y descúbrase lo seco. Y fue así.

10 Y llamó Dios a lo seco Tierra, y a la reunión de las aguas llamó Mares. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

11 Después dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol de fruto que dé fruto según su género, que su semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra. Y fue así.

12 Produjo, pues, la tierra hierba verde, hierba que da semilla según su naturaleza, y árbol que da fruto, cuya semilla está en él, según su género. Y vio Dios que era bueno.

13 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día tercero.




14 Dijo luego Dios: Haya lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para separar el día de la noche; y sirvan de señales para las estaciones, para días y años,

15 y sean por lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra. Y fue así.

16 E hizo Dios las dos grandes lumbreras; la lumbrera mayor para que señorease en el día, y la lumbrera menor para que señorease en la noche; hizo también las estrellas.

17 Y las puso Dios en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra,

18 y para señorear en el día y en la noche, y para separar la luz de las tinieblas. Y vio Dios que era bueno.






19 41' 23.74" N 98 50' 50.65" W
(ir a Google Maps)


Afelio y perihelio de la órbita de Mercurio

La particularidad de esta línea de perihelio/afelio de Mercurio es que está alineada con la Línea fija formada por Orión/Sol/CentroGaláctico, y como la Tierra pasa cada 19 de junio entre el Sol y el Centro galáctico, eso significa que también en ese día pasa frente al afelio de la órbita Mercurio, y frente al perihelio el 19 de diciembre.

Si "eliminamos" la excentricidad y convertimos la órbita de Mercurio es un círculo racional perfectamente equidistante del Sol, resulta que la órbita de Mercurio inscribe a un pentágono (inscrito en la órbita "perfeccionada" de Mercurio), y este pentágono es la figura interior que resulta de la estrella de 5 puntas formada por la Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus (8 años), lo cual es el Ciclo Pentagonal.




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Réponse  Message 33 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/07/2014 01:25
Pero retrocedamos un momento a los 2 tetraedros que se interseccionan.
Seguramente se preguntarán porqué utilizar este sólido platónico y no otro. Para poder explicar el interés oculto que tienen en que se utilice la afinación de 432 Hz, hay que explicar que dicha forma se revela a nivel, no solo de nuestro planeta, sino del resto de planetas, incluido el Sol. Si imaginamos a los planetas como una esfera y colocamos el vértice de un imaginario tetraedro en cada uno de los polos, norte y sur, los otros tres vértices caen a la altura del paralelo 19,5.
En esa misma localización geográfica entre los 19º y los 20º de latitud es el paralelo donde se encuentran los mayores focos de inestabilidad de cada planeta,donde se ubican los principales vórtices de energía. Veamos unos cuantos ejemplos a continuación:
En el Sol la mayor cantidad de explosiones o manchas solares en la corona, se manifiesta a los 20º de latitud sur como en esta foto y a los 20º norte.
Marte tiene el volcán Olympus, el volcán más grande del sistema solar a 19.3º latitud norte.
Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 36 de 40 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/07/2014 21:51
Venus tiene el área de volcanes mas activos en Alpha & Regio a los 19.5º latitud sur
El gran punto rojo de Júpiter , una tormenta de dos veces el diámetro de nuestro planeta está a los 19.5º latitud sur
En Neptuno se encuentra la gran mancha oscura también a 19.5º latitud sur,muy similar a la de Júpiter.
Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 37 de 40 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/07/2014 21:54
La tierra tiene el volcán más activo del planeta el MaunaKea en Hawai alos 19.5º de latitud norte.
 A los 19.5° de latitud norte se encuentra la Pirámide de Ku-kul-can en México.
Esto nos llevaría también al tema de la Tierra y los planetas huecos, pero lo dejaremos de lado por el momento. De modo que visto como están presentes los tetraedros en la naturaleza, cabe preguntarse como surge dicha forma. Una posible explicación sería que, al igual que los átomos se unen para formar dicha estructura, debido a un átomo mas “potente”, lo mismo sucede a todos los niveles, es decir, a nivel fractal. Así tenemos que el metano, por ejemplo, consta de 4 átomos de hidrógeno y uno de carbono.
El resultado sería el siguiente.
De forma comprimida también puede apreciarse.
Todo esto puede parecer muy largo y tedioso pero, es necesario ir uniendo ciertos conceptos y conocimientos, que nos llevarán a la clave de todo este asunto de las frecuencias “Solfeggio” y la afinación en 432 Hz. Una vez visto esto, volvamos a la imagen de nuestros 2 tetraedros invertidos.
Y ahora fíjense como dicha unión forma claramente un cubo en su interior.
Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 38 de 40 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/07/2014 21:55
Pongamos un ejemplo bidimensional cercano donde se encuentra dicho cubo.
Esta figura tambien puede encontrarse en formato bidimensional en la apertura norte de Saturno.
Por supuesto, esto también sucede si creamos tridimensionalmente en papel nuestra Tri-Vésica Piscis.

Réponse  Message 34 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 00:49

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

square circle - teotihuacan - new jerusalem

Section IV, Part 12 – (B)
Emphasis:  Teotihuacán’s New Jerusalem Diagram
By Doug Krieger
Our introduction to Teotihuacán’s metrologies – her 1.5 mile length by .5 mile width – gave us an immediate recognition that the “City of gods” was originally, by design, the “City of God” – for her distinctly symmetrical measurements clearly reflect those dimensions of Paradise, not the kingdoms of this world.
She is at once distinct but wholly aligned are her measurements to the New Jerusalem, ergo the exquisite Sacred Geometry of the New Jerusalem Diagram or, shall we be so bold to declare:  Teotihuacán’s New Jerusalem Diagram…we shall see?  Her inclusion into the Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon is about to rock the Sacred Geometry Community – but not really; allow the geometry to do the work for you…
Immediately and without hesitation, our conjecture in reference to the domination of the Imperial Mile as the supreme metrological distinction, has turned from an abstract suspicion to a transcendent, yet wholly reasonable conclusion, upon the objects and platform of Teotihuacán, whereby astronomical, calendrical and, most decisively, cosmological metrologies of astonishing accuracies and splendid interpretive values – with dramatic overtones of prophetic import – repeatedly display their sufficiency in declaring the measurements and comparisons to the New Jerusalem – i.e., the Dimensions of Paradise.
We humans have been trampling around for centuries upon this most visited site of antiquity – and like the miner of the Mother Lode who stumbled over an unsuspecting rock on an unobtrusive dirt road running through the mining camp – only to find the world’s largest nugget of incalculable worth, so has the New Jerusalem chanced to be uncovered…her secrets disclosed and her worth made known.  Yes, in the most unlikely of places – for we of faith thought her a demonic throwback to an age of barbarism, to a culture ill-advised as to its evils…no wonder then the Avenue of the Dead, so named for its violent passage from this terrestrial ball, could find herself redeemed from the curse unto the Spirit of Life through Messiah…but that is precisely not only what we are suggesting:  It is absolutely our entire thesis of the matter…for the more we indulge its metrologies – the more we are utterly persuaded in her redemption!
Uncovering the Measurements of the Teotihuacán New Jerusalem Diagram
For the past 100 years the restoration and excavation of Teotihuacán has endured the scalpel, sometimes the cure was worse than the malady – i.e., “restoration” so severely damaged the original architecture that it would have been better to leave the patient be!  Notwithstanding, after archaeological standards were perfected – at least to the extent that a more original intent could be surmised – we and our posterity can now behold this most striking panoply of monuments and artifact with a greater degree of clarity than ever before.
An examination of the works of Hugh Harleston (STU, Standard Teotihuacán Unit of 1 Hunab = the Sacred Jewish Rod of 3.4757485 “Imperial Feet” or 1.0594063 meters); Saburo Sugiyama of Japan (Teotihuacán Measuring Unit of 83 cm or 2.69’ or 32.68”);  and others under the synthesis of “Atlantis Bolivia” (Jim Allen) with their GPS and use of the Sumerian foot (s.f. 13.2” – e.g., 9 s.f. = 9 * 13.2” = 118.8 inches or 118.8”/12” = 9.9 Imperial Feet)  – most in coordination with and under the meticulous efforts of the INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, National Institute of Anthropology and History)– the Federal Government of Mexico Bureau established in 1939 to guarantee the research, preservation, protection, and promotion of the prehistoric, archaeological,anthropologicalhistorical, and paleontological heritage of Mexico.
Why the “Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon?” and the 2112 (2.1’/25.20”)
This series on “The Wonderful Numbers of Sacred Canon” was established by our web site, the Tribulation Network, to communicate the prophetic potential of these antiquities.  Increasingly, this has evolved into an earnest pursuit and understanding which enhances those dimensions of the heavenly City, New Jerusalem, from Sacred Canon to be “under discovery” throughout the ancient world – i.e., literal dimensions derived from Sacred Text which surprisingly mirror those of the British Imperial Mile, foot, inch and all surrounding the perfection of the biblical Sacred Cubit which Sir Isaac Newton, the father of modern physics, made known to the world.
Newton so earnestly sought after and concluded the measurement of the Sacred Cubit to approximate as a “fractal” (resemblance) the circumference of the “meridian Earth” to wit:  24,833.2 miles and Newton’s Sacred Cubit of 24.8832”  or 2.0736’ whereas with John Taylor’s elaborations, 25.02” or 2.0854491’ which Sacred Cubit in later years was determined to be 7-handbreaths of 3.6” each or 7 * 3.6” = 25.20” which, as well computes to the number of degrees in a 7-day time frame – i.e., 7 * 360° (rotation of the Earth in one 24-hr. time frame to equal one full week of 7 days) = 2520° which in turn is a “fractal” (perfect resemblance) of the 25.20” or 25.20”/12” (one foot) = 2.1’.  (Source:  Dimensions of Paradise, John Michell, pp. 105-20 on “Number and Measure”). Newton and Taylor surely knew – from their observations of the Great Pyramid that 144 (the Wall of the New Jerusalem * 2.1’ (Sacred Cubit) = 302.4’ * 3 = 907.2’ wherein both dimensions reflect the base perimeter of the GP (3024’) and its 12-edged cube (9072’) and 9072’ * 12” = 108,864” or “108” (18 New Jerusalem) and “864” (Sun’s diameter as a fractal or 864,000 miles and, as well 18 and both = 36 or 360° circle).
Incidentally, Taylor regarded the “pyramid inch” was used in the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza equal to 1/25 of the Sacred Cubit; therefore, 25.02”/25 = 1.0008” (the “pyramid inch”) and the ultimate Sacred Cubit measurement of 25.20”/25 = 1.008” – therefore, we came ever closer to the truth of the New Jerusalem’s Standard of Measurement which is the “18” (i.e., her 12-edged cubical perimeter is 18,000 linear miles)…and to the 2.1’ and the 21 celestial platform (21 x 21 square blocks or 441 blocks at the Sun-Star-Cross) seen at both the Sun-Star-Cross of Peru and now Teotihuacán’s Sacred Complex with what we affirm to be 21,120 Linear Feet in “her four-sided perimeter” or the “21” (having the “stamp” of approval, if you would, of the Sacred Cubit’s 2.1’) with the “12” of the duodecimal system of metrology as well as one of the two cardinal numbers of the New Jerusalem (the other being “7”).  (Note:  Teotihuacán’s “Complex Perimeter’s Four Sides” measure 7,920’ (Earth’s diameter) + 7,920’ (both sides) + 2,640’ (one width of .5 miles) + 2,640’ (second width, top or bottom of the rectangular shape) = 21,120 Linear Feet.).
That the Sacred Cubit’s 25.20” or 2.1’ is a “work of the Spirit” (manifested in “49” as per Zechariah 4 – i.e., the 7 lamps each with 7 conduits to each lamp or 7 * 7 = 49 and 49 being the final year of Jubilee’s liberation) is seen in that 21,120’ * 12” = 253,440” (which is likewise “18” and New Jerusalem’s Standard of Measurement) / 2.1’ = 120,685.714285 = “49” digit sum.
Validation of the 25.20” Sacred Cubit is clearly seen in a multitude of metrologies and antiquities – e.g., the perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza wherein 756 feet, standard base edge of this half of an octahedron’s base * 4 platform/base edges = 3,024 Linear Feet (four-square base) * 12” = 36,288 inches divided by 25.20” (Sacred Cubit) = 1,440 Sacred Cubits or the “144” of the New Jerusalem Wall (Note:  1,440 Sacred Cubits * 2.1’ = 3,024 Linear Feet = the perimeter base of the Great Pyramid of Giza…”Then he measured its wall:  one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel” (Revelation 21:17).
That the Sun of Righteousness, the Sacred Cubit and the Great Pyramid of Giza are marvelously intertwined cannot go unnoticed any longer – for, if we take her 756’ base and its cubed 12 edges or 756’ * 12 = 9,072’/2.1’ (the Sacred Cubit) = 4,320 Cubits which is 864/2 = 432; thus, in the 432 we observe the radius of the Sun, and the fact that 4 + 3 + 2 = 9, and this “9” is the cardinal number or “end of all number” (1 being the beginning and 9 the ending) – which is the Sun of Righteousness.
This “21” ( “seen” in the Sacred Cubit’s 2.1’) is a reoccurring dimension used by the ancients in many of their platforms – e.g., the Sun-Star and Cross of Peru is ultimately laid out on a 21 x 21 platform with each of the 441 small platform squares equaling 26.4’ x 26.4’ (21 * 21 = 441) wherein two such squares as a diameter of a small circle within a square are equal to 52.8” which is a fractal of the 5,280’ Imperial Mile.  Likewise, the “21” – bearing semblance to the Sacred Cubit’s 2.1’ dimensions (i.e., 25.20”) is demonstrative of the Peruvian Sun-Star & Cross’ 21 x 21 square platform wherein the perimeter measure is the 21 x 21 as 84 (separate perimeter edges of its square) * 26.4’ = 2,217.6’ = “18” (or 2 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 6 = 18) which is the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem’s 18,000-mile 12-edge perimeter – and, 2,217.6’ * 12” = 26,611.2” whose digit sum is also “18.” 
Whereas if we consider “separate blocks” surrounding the 21 x 21 we would come to 80 separate blocks – taking 1 dimension from each 80 of 26.4’ or 80 * 26.4’ = 2,112’ reflecting the “21” and the “12” of the Sun-Star’s 21 x 21 platform (which includes the Sun-Cross and the Sun-Star) and the 12 x 12 platform within the 21 x 21 platform which exclusively includes the Sun-Star’s 12 x 12 platform.
What is altogether and absolutely reassuring (in both the Sun-Star-Cross and Teotihuacán) is the stamp of the Imperial Mile upon the entire complex of Teotihuacán wherein its length mirrors the diameter of the Earth at 1.5 miles or 7,920 miles (i.e., 7,920 Linear Feet) and its breath measures .5 miles or 2,640’ which is 1/2 of 5,280’/2 = 2,640’.  However, the “2112” is written all over Teotihuacán as it is the Sun-Star-Cross of Peru…7,920’ + 2,640’ + 7,920’ + 2,640’ (Teotihuacán’s Metroplex/3-Major Sites perimeter) = 21,120’ – again “21” and “12.” and this is expressive of Divine Governance as in 21,120’ * 12 = 274,560” = “24” the prime number for Divine Governance as in 12 Patriarchs and 12 Apostles.
Finally – the Sacred Cubit’s stamp is upon both “sacred sites of antiquity” in that 21 * 12 = 252 and this 252 is precisely the fractal of the 25.20” of the Sacred Cubit and 252,000 miles is the distance between the Earth and the Moon at apogee, and that this association between the Moon and the Earth is, likewise, reflective of the New Jerusalem under the Imperial Mile’s interpretation wherein 252,000 miles * 5,280’ (feet in one mile) = 1,330,560,000’ = “18” or that the Wall of the New Jerusalem (144) when coupled with 18 inspires this product:  144 * 18 = 2,592. 
This product of 2,592 is naught but a fractal of the Great Constellational Precessional (Mazzaroth/Zodiac of 25,920 years – “and on her head a garland of 12 stars” – Rev. 12:1 – wherein 2,160 years * 12 (stars/constellations) = 25,920 years) which in turn not only bears the “18” (2 + 5 + 9 + 2 = 18) but as you observe its numeric composition you see BOTH the 25…9…2 or the “252” (Sacred Cubit) and the “9” of the Sun of Righteousness – or if you would 25,920/18 = 144, the Wall of the New Jerusalem or 25,920/144 = 180 = “18” the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement.

Réponse  Message 35 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 00:52
The Imperial Mile is so intensely compatible with the New Jerusalem that 18 * 5,280 = 95,040 which is a fractal of the 95,040,000 miles between the Sun and Earth at their apogee and 95,040 is the final perimeter of the New Jerusalem’s 12-edged cube wherein 7,920,000’ * 12 = 95,040,000 Linear Feet/5,280 = 18,000 Miles.   
The wretched deceit to deprecate the authenticity and elaborate worth of the Imperial Mile, foot, inch juxtaposed to the atheistic, inaccurate and impoverished use of the metric system (so sorry the Brits and the Commonwealth who once guarded its sacred dimensions have forsaken their heritage, having succumbed to the secularization of the metric system – a system whose two Frenchmen who concocted it knew of its inaccuracies but hid their deceit lest their “scientific fraud” should be known and thusly discredit their inane research!  (Please See:  The Secret Academy)).  Astounding!  Only the Americans persist with the mile.
I spent nigh 15 years propagating a fraud – the metric system.  I must say that a special dispensation of grace must be afforded to Dr. John Michell’s condemnatory disclosures of this mischievous metric:
“Modern students of ancient metrology, or units of measure, have been hampered by their use of the irrelevant metric system in their researches.  The French metre is a modern contrivance of the late eighteenth century, based on an inaccurately measured quarter of the earth’s circumference through the poles, of which the metre was made a ten-millionth part.  The new-fangled unit bears no relation to any ancient unit, and by using it for antiquarian research modern scholars have concealed from themselves the key to the elucidation of ancient metrology.  This key is in number.  All the ancient units relate to each other, and to the dimensions of the earth, by the same code of number as is found in every other ancient form of art and science.” (The New View Over Atlantis, John Michell, pp. 125-6).
John Taylor in the mid-1800s discovered at the Great Pyramid of Giza there were 1750 “Egyptian royal cubits” at 1.728’ or 1750 * 1.728’ = 3,024’ (base perimeter).  He also noted that there were 500 million British inches in the earth’s polar diameter.  Astronomer John Herschel took this data and suggested that the French should adopt this true geodetic unit IN PLACE of the metric system (Ibid. p. 138).
The Sacred Cubit has left its Mark…
Our measurements of the Citadel at Teotihuacán were ultimately determined by contrasting and comparing the development of some 50+ years of measurement by the aforesaid researchers – especially, those of notoriety who attempted to create units of measurement which integrate into a cosmological, calendrical and astronomical system justifying the areas, distances, elevations, etc. Throughout the complex…in other words, the designers of Teotihuacán did not arrange the largest complex of pyramids of the Americas at random.  There was profound meaning to their design – a design which we affirm, regardless of the aforementioned critics and their myriad of “stellar conclusions” and justifications, simply do not integrate with the profound symmetries and geometrical splendor of those dimensions connected with the measurements of paradise:  the New Jerusalem.
The blatant fact that the ancients – including those of Noah and Enoch and the “Shepherd Kings” of yore – indeed, the “sons of Seth” (See:  “In Josephus”), the righteous one, knew the dimensions of the Sacred Cubit and erected their structures from past antiquity in accordance thereto, including the Ark of Noah, to the Great Pyramid of Giza with this understanding…then transmitted the mystery of these measurements to the ancient Hebrews (and others) who undoubtedly substantiated them from Abraham in Ur of the Chaldees (and its proximity to ancient Sumer from whence the Sumerian Foot/Anglo-Saxon/Northern Foot, known as King Arthur’s Foot acclaimed by Dr. John Michell of Sacred Geometry fame) through the Tabernacle and Temples of Israel (Solomon to Ezekiel) to the Dimensions of Paradise given to John the Beloved and especially delineated in Revelation 21:16-17.
That this “system of measurement” and the discovery of the Sacred Cubit – which Sacred Cubit phraseology was “encoded” in of all things, the King James Version of the Scriptures…having been internally influenced by her majesty and founder of the Church of England, Queen Elizabeth I and her much-supportive court (viz. John Dee, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Bacon – even Shakespeare – et al, and her own proclivities at ancient numerical value during a most fascinating time when the so-called pseudo sciences gave way to the modern sciences – e.g., astrology to astronomy, alchemy to chemistry, etc.) could, as well, have been so ubiquitous in its application in places throughout the ancient world – like Teotihuacán and the Sun-Star and Cross of Peru as well as the Great Pyramid of Giza – is not only mind-boggling but wholly mystifying that such would at this time be in human history so generously expressed by both religious and non-religious alike.
What Christianity has done – because of its “interior” dimensions of paradise –  wherein “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love Him” (I Cor. 2:9) and the emphasis Jesus placed on the “Temple of the Holy Spirit” being the “temple of man”…as He addressed the Samaritan Woman:  “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father…But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:21, 23-24) – has been to utterly, and unfortunately, neglect these most sacred dimensions as peripheral to the “weightier things of God.” 
Consequently, these “celestial measurements” reflected in Holy Writ and recorded upon a score of sacred sites whose artifact express antiquities of divine import have now been diminished –  their earthly reflections as void of true spirituality and, consequently, allowing them either to perish with the Gnostics or having allowed them to be usurped by paganism.  Yes, not knowing their numerical ramifications are a rich and abiding attestation to divine intervention into human affairs and prophetic confirmation of the age to come!
Furthermore, by allowing well-meaning pagans (the likes of Dr. John Mitchell) exclusive jurisdiction to define the dimensions of Paradise and to illustrate them, all the more, using Sacred Geometry – and, in particular, his classic Diagram of the New Jerusalem – when, in point of glaring fact, these very measurements should have been “internalized” and prophetically expressed by the very people denouncing either their superficiality or deception as dangerous New Age claptrap of no account, and worse, the participation in the “doctrines of demons” designed to negate the Church and her traditions which struggled with Gnostic Christianity (two links here) in her earlier days and prevailed against their “evil doctrines.”
I find it embarrassing and disturbing that the Almighty literally went outside of the believing community to those stepped in the occult to re-discover these metrologies and their biblical compatibilities and profundities – so closed-minded (unless I’m sorely missing someone of Christian notoriety heretofore so obscure that their research, in all likelihood met a similar fate as early Gnostics) had the believing community become!  This adds new meaning to the story of God having to speak through Balim’s ass … when all else fails!

Réponse  Message 36 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 00:55
Yet, these misappropriations of spiritual interest – this centuries-old neglect of our prophetic anticipation – is coming to a torrid conclusion, yet noble beginning…for the same God Who penned through John the Beloved these glorious dimensions of paradise, likewise, let it be known that the same Church, whose roots were founded in the revelation of the Almighty, the One True God, through Abraham unto Moses, as given to Israel of the flesh – would, at the close of this Age as previously stated, let it be known to principalities and powers in heavenly places, through the Church, the manifold wisdom of God – and that this wisdom is the power of God unto salvation through the Messiah and manifested from among the Gentiles who have been called into the “Commonwealth of Israel” – indeed, that NOW, that prophetic message once exclusively internalized is receiving external confirmation as never before that the “mystery of God” shall be complete – “finished” – not many days hence (Revelation 16:7).  That anticipation, we affirm, has now commenced in earnest whereby the “rocks cry out” from antiquity that the descension of the New Jerusalem both outwardly and inwardly is upon us all.
And as the Church, once again, affirms her own dimensions to be that of the New Jerusalem, she as well, confirms her standing to be that of His One Bride, comprised as the 12 Patriarchs of Israel and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb in Divine Governance (12 + 12 = 24)…for she is that Woman of Revelation 21 wherein it says:
“‘Come I will show you the Woman, the Lamb’s Bride’…and he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God…the city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth…And he measured the city with the reed: twelve thousand furlongs…Its length, breadth, and height are equal…Then he measured its wall:  one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel” (Revelation 21:9-10, 16-17 Free Translation, NKJV).
This dynamic infusion of the spiritual into the literal is driving this discovery and identification within antiquity as never before…there is no other explanation than the shifting of the prophetic balance in acclamation of the Dimensions of Paradise being committed to those whose descriptions define these very measurements of the New Jerusalem – it is they who awaken our understanding of her imminent descension to the Earth. 
In that these astronomical dimensions – Moon, Sun, Constellations and our very Earth are aligned in this prophetic discovery upon the artifacts of terra firma – then, is it any wonder we read:
“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3)…and as knowledge of the prophetic increases, even so, the “need to know” Earth’s final mission abounds…yes…the convergence of the literal and the spiritual in these disclosures is upon us…for in the Latter Days…
“But you, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the Book until the time of the end. [Then] many shall run to and fro and search anxiously [through the Book], and knowledge [of God’s purposes as revealed by His prophets] shall be increased and become great” (Daniel 12:4 Amplified Version).
More on the New Jerusalem Diagram….As Seen in Teotihuacán
The NJ Diagram is the full expression of proportion and balance - extended to governance under Plato.  The entire concept of “City” connotes administration - the “ideal city” was and is today the “celestial city” – yet descending to Earth - Greek philosophers venerated it as the true, revealed image of God’s creation - the “standard of all human affairs.”  The dimensions of this celestial “reality” are expressed in certain numbers prominent in ancient astronomy, timekeeping and other numerical sciences (so says Michell).

These “proportions” found in music, geometry, architecture, astronomy, city and social planning - and in individual psychology and even the “nature of man” (e.g., “spirit, soul and body” - a Greek and eventual Christian concept).  Though the “temples” of the ancient world fascinated and to some extent enshrined and/or “canonized” these proportions and equities - it was the Hebrews and their “ark” (even “Noah's ark” measurements) and the Sacred Cubit whose manifestations were wrought in the Hebrew Tabernacle and eventual Temples in Jerusalem and their celestial extensions unto the Holy City, New Jerusalem as BOTH a terrestrial (earthly) and atmospheric (heavenly) expression - if you would, the zenith of all such numeric canon.

This became the “standard bearer” of all dimensions - thus, human nature (Holiest of All - the spirit of man; Holy Place - the mind or soul of man - and the Outer Court - the body of a man) AND the very order of the universe are envisioned as one archetype - the pattern in which the Creator set about to do His work.  Thus, the TEMPLE was placed by the Creator between the aforementioned human and the cosmic - this was the “transfer point” wherein heavenly designs were affected upon the earth and human society would in turn affect the entire world of nature.

Once the temple was destroyed - throughout the world, I hasten to add - THE paradigm was destroyed with it.  Notwithstanding - Christianity was able to “internalize” the concept of Temple without an earthly manifestation (although Mormons and quite frankly, the Catholics with the Vatican and all and to a lesser extent the most recent of endless citadels of sanctimonious structures ad nausea, ad infinitum).  Thus, the nomenclature of John the Beloved opens a vast celestial reality and ultimate descended manifestation from the heavens of that ultimate canon of perfection intertwined with God and man as the Bridegroom and Bride of the Temple as it has always been.

I don't mean to appear “deep” - but this is the setting of the New Jerusalem Diagram.  Thus, we read:  “Awaiting the seeker is the outline of a celestial city, the very same as appeared to St. John on Patmos, agreeing in its dimensions with the cosmological cities and temples that sanctified the earth over long ages in the distant past.” (Ibid. Michell)

Michell initially crowns the Sacred Cubit as 1 1/2 feet (18”) - but in later volumes he produces 25.02” or 2.085’ - however, and as can be readily buttressed, this calculation was/is as well off and should read 25.20” (or .18”+) and thus, 2.1’ in its simplicity and utter confirmations throughout scores of Sacred text and is proportionately far more significant than 25.02” - giving credence, once again, to the 21 x 21 squares of the Sun-Star (i.e., 2.1’)

The NJ took the “form” of a cube with the aforesaid divine proportions reflected at their optimum - if you would - a culmination of all the ancient bearings wherein 12,000 furlongs with each of its six faces expressing 144 million square furlongs (12,000 * 12,000) which add to the dimensions of the Sun's diameter of 864,000,000 sq. feet (i.e., 12,000 * 12,000 = 144,000,000 sq. ft. * 6 = 864,000,000 sq. feet) or 864,000 miles as the Sun’s diameter, with the 864,000,000 sq. feet of the New Jerusalem being the Sun’s fractal. 
By eliminating all zeroes of the New Jerusalem’s 12,000 furlongs per edge we have “12” from whence one face of the NJ is 12 * 12 = 144 (area face of one side) * 6 (faces of a cube) = 864, which is, again, the fractal of the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 miles.  When this 864,000 miles is multiplied by feet in one mile * 5,280’ = 4,561,920,000 linear feet (sun’s diameter in feet) we derive its digit sum to be “27” or 2 + 7 = 9 which “27” is Messiah Revealed and whose ultimate consolidation (2 + 7 = 9) is the Sun of Righteousness (9) – our so-called “Ninth Ray” or 8 Solar System Planets + the Sun (1) = 9. 

Michell's prejudice I wholly share:  “The New Jerusalem is not a human manufacture, as the units of measure that pertain to its dimensions are properly called sacred because they derive from eternal standards in number and nature.” (Ibid.)

Indeed - 12 furlongs * 660’ (1 furlong = 660’) = 7,920 feet as a fractal of the Earth's 7,920 mile diameter.  This “12” is the 12-fold division of the Holy City, New Jerusalem - 12 gates of pearl, 12 foundations, 12 patriarchs, 12 apostles, 12 manner of fruit, 12 stars/constellations, 12,000 from each tribe, and, of course 12 x 12 = 144.   

When 12 and 144 come together as in 12 * 144 = 1728 (123) and when 12,000 furlongs come together with 144 “cubits” we find the following:  12,000 * 144 = 1,728,000 but it is when we put this together:  14,400 * 1.728 = 24,883.2 feet...which is the circumference of the “Meridian Earth” that the full impact of the "circle within the square" comes into view...this is the beginning of the New Jerusalem Diagram! 

Now, we can measure the circumference of Earth’s Circle as 24,883.2’/miles and the perimeter of the square New Jerusalem wherein it resides as 7,920’ (one edge or the diameter of the Earth) * 4 = 31,680 feet and * 3 (as a cube) will give us 95,040 which is a fractal of the distance between the Earth and the Sun at apogee (or 95,040,000 miles).  Therefore, both the “Earth’s Circle” within the square and the Circle of the New Jerusalem Diagram and its square within that circle are “digit-wise” exactly the same (four square). 

The 24,883.2’/miles may be obtained by “12’s” as in 12 to the 5th power or 12 * 12 * 12 * 12 * 12 = 248,832 or the “number sets” of 248832 = 248832.

In any event - insofar as the New Jerusalem Diagram’s initial creation concerns:  It appears to be the evolving brainchild of Michell himself!  Its popularity - most certainly - is due to Michell’s illustrations from his Dimensions of Paradise and other assorted publications.  In “Dimensions” he entitles FIGURE 7 as “Sources of the New Jerusalem diagram” - i.e., how it is constructed.  Here he uses St. Mary’s Chapel at Glastonbury now superimposed upon St. John’s New Jerusalem (circle with 7920 diameter within a square wherein all edges mirror the diameter of the circle). 
He then superimposes a hexagon and/or Magan David whose four “interior points” mirror the dimensions of the main Chapel.  He then uses Stonehenge dimensions and creates an outermost circle whose circumference allows the points of the New Jerusalem square to be exposed outside this circumference to the extent that its sphere allows on all four sides of the New Jerusalem 4-square (ultimate cube) 4 separate smaller circles whose diameters are as “unto the Moon” or 2,160 mile diameters - thusly, the circumference of the outermost circle now intersects through the midst of all four of these (north-east-south-west) circles (the appearance of which allows these smaller circles immediate linkage to the larger circle of 7,920 diameter and when added together 2,160 (the radii of two moons) + 7,920 = 10,080 (i.e., taking the entire 7,920 diameter of the “New Jerusalem Circle” and adding on either side the radius of the Moon at 1080 * 2 = 2160 - thereby “excluding” that part of the two Moons so intersected to also constitute 2160.

Réponse  Message 37 de 122 de ce thème 
De: Alcoseri Envoyé: 02/09/2014 00:58
El Término Kabbalístio Ki Tetzé: Cuando salgas a la guerra.- No tenemos que ser radicalistas y literales para entender esta frase. Siempre que hablemos de guerra en el contexto de Kabbalah, sabemos que nos estamos enfrentando a nuestro Ego, nuestro Satán, jamás a la confrontación bélica con algún pueblo, persona, o ser material en específico. Es con nuestras barreras ante la Luz, todas esas capacidades no desarrolladas o esos talentos no explotados o incluso esos vicios de carácter que hemos permitido que encuentren tierra fértil en algún espacio de nuestras posibilidades personales. Esa es la guerra a la que vamos. Todo este mes, aún más que en otros. Estamos en el mes de Elul, en que tenemos más agudeza para captar no sólo lo nuestro sino, lo que percibimos de los demás y esta es la gran oportunidad para que en cada momento tengamos ganas de dar la lección a alguien de cómo comportarse....CUIDADO. Primero hagamos una buena introspección en nuestra necesidad de corregir y señalar y a ver si después nos atrevemos a lanzar la piedra. En Gestalt hablamos siempre de Figura y Fondo y la invitación común de nuestra psique es percibir qué es lo que me resalta a las primeras de cambio, lo que me parece evidente y captura mi atención de primera mano sin mayor esfuerzo...y sin embargo, el océano de posibilidades está en el Fondo. En todas aquellas cosas que parecen estar diluidas en un Universo indiferenciado.- La figura puede enoja...el fondo puede ser...está tratando de superar una gran pena. - Se ve de una manera totalmente diferente y mucho más misericordiosa si en vez de enunciar lo evidente, empiezas a ver los hilos que mueven el corazón desde lo profundo.- Por qué no, hoy en lugar de fijarte en lo evidente de la gente que te rodea, tratas de ver su Fondo, su porqué es así, sus causas, sus motivaciones y su "derecho a ser persona"...y de ahí, cuando veas cómo lo proyecta hacia el mundo, los entenderás con mucha más misericordia y podrás acércate con más entendimiento y empatía.- Encontrar un corazón que te entienda es uno de los mejores estímulos para seguir en el camino del esfuerzo.-Figura y Fondo Lunes, 01 de setiembre de 2014 Toma nota de una mejora que haya hecho alguien cercano a tí. Házle saber que haz notado el cambio. En lugar de simplemente expresar felicitaciones, enfoca tu energía en estimularlo. - Leer más del tema en:!topic/secreto-masonico/N2pgk9GMwGg

Réponse  Message 38 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 00:58
Michell continues in his Dimensions of Paradise the full construction of the New Jerusalem Diagram - and claiming that its foundation figure is firmly tied to the squared circle.  He clearly illustrates that by taking the radius of the New Jerusalem/Earth at 3,960 and adding it to the radius of the Moon we arrive at 5040 or 3,960 + 1,080 = 5040 which in turn is the ideal and/or optimal Platonic Number for social stability and societal bliss as expressed in Magnesia, which Magnesia Michell likens to the New Jerusalem’s counterpart…whereas the antithesis (based on the infamous “10” or “forbid” the metric system of sorts) is the doomed city of Atlantis whose counterpart is that of Babylon the Great.
The failure and ultimate destruction of Atlantis whose “commercial exploits” rival/rivaled those of Babylon the Great (Revelation 18) was destroyed and for good reason – whereas Magnesia will one day prevail…even so, Babylon the Great will be destroyed and descending to Earth will be the New Jerusalem with her perfections, social and spiritual, in every way.  What I find fascinating is the impressions of Sir Francis Bacon whose text, The New Atlantis, although taking place somewhere off the coast of Peru, has in mind The New World, and in particular, what ultimately became known as the United States of America – so this was Bacon’s New Atlantis, ipso facto, Babylon the Great?

Ultimately, the radius of two of the Moons (equal to its diameter) or 2,160 + the diameter of the “Circle within the New Jerusalem Square” or 7,920 are together as 10,080 (miles).  Magnesia's equilibrium is expressed in taking 108,864 (the Moon's radius as 108 and the Sun's diameter of 864) and dividing 5040 into this number set to arrive at each citizen having the Moon's diameter of 216 or 2160 as in 21.6 acres as in 21.6 * 43,560 sq. feet = 108,864 sq. ft. / 5040 = 21.6 * 5040 = 108,864, etc.

In other words - without this “celestial” and planetary “overlay” the entire concept of a New Jerusalem Diagram is impossible.  It is not so much that it is - it is far more a matter of its evolving beauty that is our focus - HOW is here more important than WHO DONE IT (once again).

The ancients most assuredly knew this in that taking their cue from this celestial reality they constructed the Great Pyramid of Giza - in that 864 minus 108 = 756 - the base dimension of the GPG - therefore, both Sun (864) and Moon (108) were involved in its construction and to attest thereto we have:  756’ * 4 = 3024’ * 12” = 36,288” (cubed by 8 more 756’ dimensions or 12 edges of a cubed New Jerusalem) and we arrive at 36,288” * 3 = 108,864” which are, again, the Dimensions of Paradise and attestation that the measurements of the New Jerusalem are the Standard Bearer for all ancient geometry and proportion as demonstrated, ultimately by Michell’s New Jerusalem Diagram - which he humbly declares is the “divine order on earth.”  Indeed, the GPG cubing figure in inches depicts not only the Messiah’s Revelation (27 digit sum of 36288) but, likewise, “36” and “288” which 36 is the very 360
° and “288” is 144 *2 = 288 – thus, the Eternal God’s purpose in the GPG is the linking together of the Heavens (864) and the Earth (756) but is, as well, the reflection of the “two sets” of 144,000 found in the Revelation (chapters 7 and 14) which 144s are Israel (Rev. 7) to the Earth as Divine Testimony and the Church (Rev. 14) to the Heavens as Divine Testimony.

In point of fact - and may I declare the significance in this respect of “9” as another number of the New Jerusalem which bears prominence in that 5040 (societal bliss - having the radii of both Moon and Earth engaged) + 3,960 (the radius of the Earth) are equal to “9,000” (on one side of Michell's New Jerusalem Diagram) and “9,000” on the other and that the two combined, naturally, form 10,080 or the “18” Standard of the New Jerusalem’s 18,000 mile 12-edged/cubed perimeter as in 792 * 12 = 9504 or 95,040,000 miles (again - distance between Earth and Sun at apogee) divided by 5,280 feet in 1 mile = 18,000 miles and our “18” - these two “9s” are indicative, I boldly proclaim, to the NINTH RAY or BLOCK to which the Sun-Star acclaims her beauty and to the Sun of Righteousness ARISING on the Great Day of God to effect the full manifestation of this celestial reality in bringing 5040 to Earth (5 + 4 = 9) at His coming in glory (45 as in 4 + 5 = 9) and, therefore, “Blessed is he who waits unto the 1,335th day or 45 days beyond the terminus of desolations or the 1290th day + 45 days = 1335.  Therefore, the Cross of Palpa “9” (i.e., 21*21=441 = 4 + 4 + 1 = 9) and the Sun-Star of Peru “9” (i.e., 12*12 platform = 144 = 1 + 4 + 4 = 9) are equal to "”18” - the First and Second Comings of Messiah - first as the Son of Man Whose face “shines as the brightness of the Sun” and Whose final Arising will come with “Healing in His Wings” for His Bride, the New Jerusalem.  (Please Note:  441 + 144 = 585 = 18 New Jerusalem and 441 – 144 = 297 = 18 and 441 * 144 = 63,504 which is 18 but seen as 63 (6 + 3 = 9) and 54 (5 + 4 = 9) and “99” is the Magnification of the Sun of Righteousness – First and Second Comings.

The clarity of this vision seen by Michell - from a distance - was, nevertheless, SEEN!  He constructed the New Jerusalem Diagram with 12 such moons surrounding the circle within the Square of the New Jerusalem to connote the “12s” and the duodecimal of Sacred Geometry; likewise attesting to “her balance” in the use of “12” throughout her “construction.”
The 12 Moons surrounding are likened to the 12 constellations of the Mazzaroth/Zodiac – each with a diameter of the Moon (2,160 miles) or the 2,160 years of the Zodiac. 
In Part A of this multi-part series on Teotihuacán we discussed the “12 Moons” or “constellations” of the Sacred Complex at Teotihuacán being 1,320’ x 1,320’ x 1,320’ (cubes – 12 such cubes) or each of the Complex broken down into 12 separate areas with this aforementioned dimension in that the length of the TC (Teotihuacán Complex) is 7,920’ (1.5 miles) and her width is 2,640’ or .5 miles wide.  The axis or Avenue of the Dead divides the TC in half creating two spheres and then the 7,920’ length is divided by 6 = 1,320’ * 6 = 7,920’.
Although we have structured the “12 TC Moons” as circles within individual squares measuring 1,320’ x 1,320’ with their diameters bearing the same dimension of 1,320’ – it is possible that the “overall TC itself” could constitute the large circle within the square – the question being:  What is the diameter of this larger circle within the square and, therefore, the side length of the larger square?
In this sense we are, if you would, “working backwards” – having started with both the overall platform of 7,920’ x 2,640’ x 7,920’ x 2,640’ = 21,120’ by taking the 7,920’ length and seeing it already divided by its Axis (i.e., the so-called Avenue or Street of the Dead) and then dividing up “each side” into six equal parts or 1,320’ x 1,320’ or 1,320’ (diameters of 1,320’ each) * 6 = 7,920’ (one side).  This gives us “12 Teotihuacán Moons” (6 on each side or 2 * 6 = 12 and each with a diameter of 1,320’ ( or 1,320’ ea. diameter * 12 = 15,840’ = “18”) and each of the 1,320’ x 1,320’ squares with a 4-square perimeter of 1,320’ * 4 = if we were to draw “circles within the squares” 5,280’ (4-square perimeters) or 1 square mile * 3 (if individually cubed) = 15,840’ or 3 square miles * 12 Moon = 36 square miles for all 12 four-square/cubed as the New Jerusalem Squares “enclosing the 12 Teotihuacán Moons) – now, all that is left is to determine the diameter of the Larger Circle within the Square. 
Michell – in this case used the 2,160 mile Moon diameters for his 12 circles around the main “circle within the square” being 7,920 miles which, therefore, was the diameter of the Earth – thus, the middle and large circle was the Earth.
To fit the circles of a diameter of 1,320’ around such a larger circle within such a larger square – we must consider the New Jerusalem Diagram’s capabilities in that the diameters of the 2,160 mile/unit Moons which surround the larger circle, do so within a circle which is the diameter of the Earth at 7,920’ – while an “external circle” surrounds all 12 of the Moons inside a 12-sided polygon.  Therefore, the overall diameter of the outermost circle/sphere which is just within the 12-sided polygon which surrounds it has a “composite diameter” of 7,920 + 2,160 + 2,160 =12,240 (miles).
By proportional ratio we can construct such a circle with dimensions which will reflect the “Proportional New Jerusalem Diagram” for the Teotihuacán Complex (TC) while enhancing TC’s reflection of the New Jerusalem herself!
Firstly, keep in mind that the 12 Moons which surround the “Circle within the Square” are a reflection of the TC herself having 12 Moons all of which are “Circles within Squares” and each having both a diameter of 1,320’ and all four sides of their square of the same dimension of 1,320’ x 1,320’ x 1,320’ x 1,320’.
Next, we take Michell’s NJ Diagram wherein the Moon’s Diameter is 2,160 miles (on one side of the circle which constitutes the Earth and her diameter of 7,920 miles – please keep in mind that the length of the TC is 7,920’  and a reflection of Earth’s Diameter and of the “edge of the New Jerusalem” seen in Revelation 21:16).  Moons on either side of the Earth’s diameter are 2,160 miles + 2,160 miles or 4,320 miles.
Therefore our “ratio” would be established in order to secure the diameter of the Teotihuacán Circle Diameter using the TC’s Moons on either side of its diameter combining them as 1,320 + 1,320 = 2,640 juxtaposed to the combined two moons of the New Jerusalem Diagram or 2,160 + 2,160 = 4,320.
4,320/7,920 : 2,640/x (we must solve for “x” which is the TC Large Circle and is proportionally reflective of Earth’s 7,920 mile diameter.  Our formula now looks like this:  4,320x = 20,908,800 or x = 4,840…so TC Diameter is 4,840 units and that of her 12 Moons is 1,320 units or feet.  Her radius is 1/2 of 4,840/2 = 2,420’ and that of her Moons’ radii is 1,320/2 = 660 units or feet (Please view the above graphic.).
Now this provides us a variety of possibilities and reflections. 
Circumference of the Teotihuacán’s Circle (i.e., the Earth)
4,840’ * 3.14181818 (Using the New Jerusalem Pi of 864/275) =
15,206.4’ = digit sum of “18” = the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
15,206.4’ * 12” = 182,476.8” = digit sum of “36” or the Eternal God
Who has No Beginning and No Ending or 360° Circle
Area of the Larger Circle:
A = π * r18,399,744 sq. ft. = digit sum of “45
45 = the Arising of the Sun of Righteousness and 4 + 5 = = Sun of Righteousness
The All-Inclusive Teotihuacán Circle (Embracing all 12 Moons)
Diameter Composite:  4,840 + 1,320 + 1,320 = 7,480’
Circumference:  7,480’ * 3.14181818 = 23,500.8’ = digit sum of “18
18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement
23,500.8’ * 12” = 282,009.6” = digit sum of “27
27 = the full Revelation of Messiah and 2 + 7 = 9 = Sun of Righteousness
18 * 27 = 486 = 18 digit sum
Area of the All-Inclusive TC:
A = π * r= 3.14181818 * (3,740)2
Area of the All-Inclusive TC Circle = 43,946,496 sq. ft. = digit sum of “45
45 = the Arising of the Sun of Righteousness – Second Coming of Messiah
Visualizing the 12 distinct Moons of Teotihuacán is quite simple when the above TC is viewed (two graphics up).  Now, let’s take the TC Square of 4,840’ on each side of its Larger Square juxtaposed to the edge of the New Jerusalem which bears the Earth’s diameter or 7,920,000’ or 792 vs. 484.  It’s four-square base would be:  4 * 4,480’ = 19,360’ * 12” = 232,320” and cubed to match the New Jerusalem we have:  19,360’ * 3 = 58,080’ = digit sum of “21” – please note that the “21” is extremely significant and is the actual perimeter insignia of the TC herself as in 21,120’ or “21” and “12.”  58,080’ * 12” = 696,960” = digit sum of “36” (Please note the 21,120’ TC Perimeter is 2,640’ + 7,920’ + 2,640’ + 7,920’ = 21,120’.). 
When the “21” integrates with the “36” (i.e., when the 12-edged TC Cube’s linear feet are multiplied with her 12-edged perimeter in inches) or 21 * 36 = 756.  You may recognize this number set as “18” – which it surely is but it is also the base edge in feet of the Great Pyramid of Giza. 

Réponse  Message 39 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 01:06
When we take the 4840’ * 4840’ (area of the TC Cube) = 23,425,600 sq. ft. (one face of the TC Cube).  Now, 23,425,600 sq. ft. * 6 faces = 140,553,600 sq. ft. = digit sum of “24” – therefore, could we not say that the entire expression of the TC Cube is a witness to Divine Governance (24)?  I think we absolutely have that right.  The 24 Elders of the New Jerusalem, I believe, are a perfect reflection of Teotihuacán’s own 24.
By taking the 140,553,600 sq. ft. and multiplying it by 144 (the Wall of the New Jerusalem) in order to achieve her area on six faces of her cube in square inches, we arrive at:  144 * 140,553,600 sq. ft. = 20,239,718,400 sq. inches or a digit sum of “36.”
What is perhaps the most overwhelming expression that Teotihuacán’s 12-edge Cube with her 4,840’ edges is a reflection of the New Jerusalem and ipso facto of the Sun of Righteousness is this extrapolation:  Taking the 24 digit sum in her sq. ft. six faced cube and multiplying it with her digit sum of 36 in sq. inches on those same six faces we find this staggering realization:  24 * 36 = 864 which is the diameter (fractal) of the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 miles and is also the absolute reflection of the New Jerusalem herself of the Revelation wherein if all zeroes are dropped from the 12,000 furlongs on one of her edges we have “12” on each of the 12 edges; therefore to find the “area’ of her six faces we simply do the following:  12 * 12 = 144 * 6 (faces) = 864.  Therefore, the cube of Teotihuacán and the cube of the New Jerusalem both come to 864!
The TC Cube’s Diagonal is equal to 6,844.8’ (whose side measurements are 4,480’) or a digit sum of “30” – however, in inches her diagonal is 6,844.8’ * 12” = 82,137.6” or a digit sum of “27” – in both cases there is the reflection of Messiah Revealed (27) and the age of the commencement of His Ministry at 30 years.  Of note is 30 * 27 = 810 or “81” and this “81” is altogether characteristic not only of 8 + 1 = 9 and the Sun of Righteousness but of the “81 Dots” of the Sun-Star of Palpa, Peru. 
When each of the diagonals on each of the six faces of the TC Cube is “crisscrossed” (as is the case on the Sun-Star of Peru) we discover that on each side a calculation is reflected that demonstrates that the “30” has finished His Ministry at “33” for 6,844.8’ * 2 = 13,689.6 Linear Feet = “33” (digit sum) and when 33 * 6 (faces) takes place we arrive at 198 or “18” … for the One Who came at 30 and was “cut off” at 33 was not cut off for Himself but for the New Jerusalem (18). 
Confirming that this “30” and “33” is the Messiah – we simply determine the Linear Measurement of six crisscrosses on each of the six sides of the TC Cube and discover:  13,689.6’ (2 diagonal crisscrossed lines) * 6 = 82,137.6’ or a digit sum of “27” = Messiah Revealed – and we are confirmed!  Likewise, we are assured that this Messiah is altogether pleasing to the God of the Universe in this ministry and offering for humankind for 82,137.6’ * 12” = 985,651.2” = digit sum of “36” = the 360° of the Eternal God as a circle without beginning or ending.
Finally, a most astonishing calculation in comparing and contrasting the New Jerusalem Diagram with that of the New Jerusalem Proportional Diagram reflected in the Teotihuacán Complex…and this is somewhat breathtaking, for it provides the full expression of the 5040 Utopian City of Plato wherein this number of 54 is the optimal number of societal peace, justice and true happiness among peoples:
4,420/7,920 = .545454545454 (4,420 = 2 Moon diameters of the New Jerusalem Diagram and the 7,920 is the diameter of the Earth).
2,640/4,840 = .545454545454 (2,640 = 2 Moon diameters of the Teotihuacán as a reflection of the New Jerusalem Diagram and the 4,840 is the diameter of the Teotihuacán “circle within the square”).
The repetition into infinity of these two number sets is altogether gratifying, for both bear witness that the 5040 or that the “9” is there as the Sun of Righteousness Who provides the Optimal Expression of Societal Bliss through the very Sun of Righteousness in both the New Jerusalem Diagram and its counterpart, the Teotihuacán Reflection of the New Jerusalem Diagram.  And, of course, both of these 54s are as 54 + 54 = 108 and this is the “18” of the New Jerusalem!
Finally, the “54” utterly resounds in both Michell’s New Jerusalem Diagram and that of Teotihuacán’s Reflection thereof – for the composite diameters of the 12 Moons/Constellations surrounding the Earth’s 7,920 mile diameter are equal to:  12 * 2,160 = 25,920 which is the number set in years of the Great Precessional of the Mazzaroth/Zodiac.  Also, the 12 Moons of Teotihuacán * 1,320’ diameter is equal to 15,840’.  The 25,920 = 18 and the 15,840 = 18 and combined we have:  25,920 + 15,840 = 41,760 and this likewise equals to 18; therefore, there are three sets of “18” and 18 * 3 = 54 and that just about does it!
[I digress a bit here only to say that the “12 sons of Jacob” vs. the “11 sons of Canaan” and the 11th Horn of Antichrist seen in Daniel is an eye-popping differential from time immemorial – we’ve been at war between the 12 and 11 ever since!  Now, moving on...and, understand, this ultimately has everything to do with the “layout of the land” in reference to our topic:  Teotihuacán – for it is the Magnesia, the model of the New Jerusalem.]

Mitchell in his New Jerusalem Diagram eventually creates 5 concentric rings/spheres with the innermost having a diameter of 144 or radius of 72.  His second from the innermost sphere connotes the Moon's radius of 1080 then he extends the next ring out an additional 2,880 in that 1080 + 2880 = 3960 (the radius of the Earth); adding beyond these three spheres two additional spheres each extending an additional 1,080 or in sum:  72 + 1080 + 2880 + 1080 + 1080 = 6192 (or as is my duty = 6192 * 2 = 12,384 (full diameter of the outermost circle) = 18 or 6192 = 18 +  6192 = 18 and 18 + 18 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9) and, of course, 36 is a fractal of the 360° in a circle (the outermost circle). 

Michell then brings forth from the Chinese Book of Diagrams a “river map” wherein it states:  “The aggregate number of the Superior Principle of nature is 216...and the aggregate number of the Inferior Principle of nature is 144....the two aggregate number[s] of the Superior and the Inferior Principles of nature, added together make 360, the number of days (generally reckoned) for a year” (Ibid., Michell) and I add the number of degrees in a circle.

He then subtracts of 1080 and the 1080 or 2160 (the moon's diameter) + the 144 (or 72 + 72 = 144 - the “innermost dot diameter” for a total of 144 + 2160 = 2,304 (which equals “9” again) and arrives at an “area” outside this immediate interior exclusion of 252,000 sq. feet (somehow) which, in point of fact is the distance at apogee between the Earth and the Moon in miles and, of course, is the 25.20” or 252 fractal of the Sacred Cubit.

All of the above is related to the construction of the New Jerusalem Diagram and its ability - as you have discovered - to manipulate its geometry from the twelve-sided exterior object - the five concentric circles + the innermost circle with 144 diameter (which could possibly equate to that of the six spheres found in the Sun-Star of Peru).  The “12” or Duodecimal dominates the New Jerusalem Diagram and at its very “essence” is 3 * 4 = 12 or 3 (the Triune God) working with His Creation (4 as in the 4 directions - north/east/south/west) or God and Man in unison - in cooperation in "fellowship" in unity - thus, “12” proliferates in the New Jerusalem and the supremacy of her diagram which Michell intuitively knew involved the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. 

Most of the above is taken from his first chapter in Dimensions:  THE HEAVENLY CITY AS ETERNAL STANDARD wherein he constructs the New Jerusalem Diagram and is but a shallow and/or cursory rendition of the profundity of his brilliance.
Circumference of the Citadel – and the “Teotihuacán Large Circle”
We had well-established that the Citadel’s platform was a perfect square with 1,320’ x 1,320’ being its dimension.  This calculation was substantiated by Harleston’s proportional genius using his STUs at 378 STU x 378 STU which we found were just shy of producing 1,320’ x 1,320’ by around 6’ at each of his corners.  Sugiyama’s measurements of the Citadel were disappointing; however, those of the Jim Allen interpretation by a number of metrologists confirmed the square of the Citadel and his GPS substantiated the 1,320’ at least on one side while his Sumerian Foot platform blocks of 50 s.f. were 1,200 (or 1,320’) x 1,150 s.f. (or 1,265 Imperial Feet) for some inexplicable reason – while eventually he felt that it was probably a square which would demand a 1,320’ x 1,320’ dimension 1,200 s.f. x 1,200 s.f.  Initially, being shy some 55 Linear Feet (Imperial) or 50 s.f. @ 13.2” = 660” (if you’re going to be shy, that’s a great number of shyness) and 660”/12” = 55 Imperial Linear Feet.
The circumference of the Citadel’s 5,280’ greatly assists us in the overall circumferences which we need from the 7,920’ (length – the fractal of Earth’s diameter of 7,920 miles) by 2,640’ (the width or 1,320’ * 2 = 2,640’) of the entire complex whose width ambiguities, claimed by S. Sugiyama, were, nevertheless, confirmed by Harleston who gave the “widths” (i.e., either side of the axis) at 378 STU or 756 STU ( i.e., the total width being 378 STU * 2 = 756 STU (Hunabs) * 3.4757485 ft. (length of the Sacred Jewish Rod) = 2,627.66587’ whereas our 2,640’ makes Harleston’s measurement 12.334134’ overall shorter or scarcely 6.167067’ short on either side of the width – a miniscule differential.
Therefore, using Pi in its most simple form of 3.14 we discover the following circumference at the Citadel:  3.14 * 1,320’ (Citadel’s diameter if a circle within a square) = 4,144.8’ or * 12” = 49,737.6”.  Here we discover something very fascinating.  Consider our number set in feet we have 4…144…8.  This brings us several outstanding considerations:  (1)  4 + 8 = 12 (and “48” will later be shown to be an integral configuration in TC’s measurements) – therefore is the duodecimal “system” confirmed and the pronounced significance of the number “12” in all things surrounding the New Jerusalem (“7” being the other number); (2) 144 which is the Wall of the New Jerusalem and another vital number set and in accordance with “12” wherein 12 * 12 = 144; and, of course, the “two sets of 144,000” as found in the Revelation (chapters 7 and 14) which directly refer to the 12 Tribes of Israel sealed and the second set of 144,000 (not the same but wholly distinct) of the Church, the 12 Apostles of the Lamb who are seen “in heaven atop Mt. Zion” and characterize the “heavenly status” of the Church – i.e., Israel is to the Earth as the Church is to the Heavens (these are the two spheres of “influence” and testimony); (3) the digit sum of “21” is immediately noticed in that 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 21…this is the “platform” set of the Sun-Star-Cross of Peru (i.e., 21 x 21 squares which are 26.4’ x 26.4’ each) and is/are the total number of the overall Teotihuacán Complex as seen below: and (4) 12 * 144 result in 1728 which gives us “18” the Measurement Standard of the New Jerusalem and 12and the number set whereby the cubic inch is determined of capacity/volume of an object. 

Réponse  Message 40 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 01:08
Again, the diagonal of the Citadel is 1861.2’ or “18” or crisscrossed at 3,722.4’ which is likewise “18” and 18 + 18 = 36 * 6 (determined its 6-faced crisscrossed cube) = 216 which equal both “9” (Sun of Righteousness) and the Moon’s diameter, the Name of God, 1/12th of the Great Precessional in years as in 2,160 years and, of course, the 21,600 Nautical Mile Earth circumference.  Furthermore, 1861.2’ * 12” = 22,334.4” giving us “double sets” throughout as in 22…33…44 or 4 * 6 * 8 = 192 or “12” or 1…9…2 wherein “9” (Sun of Righteousness) is surround by “12” one of the prime numbers of the New Jerusalem.  Also 4 + 6 + 8 = “18” = the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement.
When we arrive at the overall Teotihuacán Complex measurements we find that 7,920 feet + 7,920 feet (as a rectangle) + 2,640’ + 2,640’ = 21,120’ wherein the Complex perimeter expresses the “21” and the “12” – precisely the way the 21 x 21 blocks of the Sun-Star-Cross of Peru’s platform is laid out to include the Cross and the 12 x 12 platform area for the Sun-Star only – absolutely superb!
In order to calculate the “circumference” of this 1.5 x .5 mile rectangle that calculates to .75 sq. miles or “12” – the “object” was divided along its axis wherein 2,640’/2 = 1,320’ and then its length was separated into 1,320’ segments on either side of the axis or 7,920’/6 = 1,320’ each; therefore, 1,320’ by 1,320’ constitutes 12 such blocks of the overall Teotihuacán Complex.
Therefore, each of the twelve 1,320’ x 1,320’ squares along the axis constitutes a circumference of 4,144.8’ (a circle within the square) – giving us 4…144…8 or 4 + 8 = 12 and 144 and, of course, 12 * 144 = 1728 or 12and the “21” digit sum.  It is immediately noticed that the Sacred Cubit, as in the case of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sun-Star-Cross of Peru is endemic to the measuring in that there are 12 distinct blocks of Teotihuacán’s Complex in the determination of her 12 circumferences; therefore, 12 * 21 (this “21” derived from the 4,144.8’ circumference of the 1,320’ x 1,320’ square and the circle within it) gives us 252 which is the full resemblance of the Sacred Cubit measurement of 25.20” and is the distance between the Earth and the Moon at apogee (i.e., 252,000 miles) and is the number of degrees of Earth’s rotation in a one-week period of time (i.e., 7 * 360° = 2520°) – likewise, it is repeatedly pointed out that the sum of the 2 + 5 + 2 digits is “9” equaling to the Sun of Righteousness – the “Ninth Ray” or 8 Solar System “legitimate planets” (excluding the dwarf planet Pluto) + 1 (the Sun, our Morning Star Who shall ARISE with healing in His Wings on the Great Day of God) = 9 (i.e., 8 + 1 = 9).
The initial measurement of 4,144.8’ of the first of 12 such circumferences is multiplied by 12 ea. (this will also give us the circumference in inches); however, all 12 blocks of Teotihuacán equal:  12 * 4,144.8’ = 49,737.6’ giving us a digit sum of a perfect sphere of 360° or “36.”  Thus the “circumference of the Teotihuacán circle” is that of a circle, if you would, which is 360° but, of course, is 49,737.6’ making its “corporate diameter” (all twelve 1,320’ Teotihuacán Moon diameters combined) a total of 49,737.6’/3.14 = 15,840’ which appears most familiar.  Should be, because 15,840’ * 12” = 190,080” which is “18” as is 15,840’ but this 1….9….8 is the New Jerusalem (18) surrounding the Sun of Righteousness on the Throne (9), if you would – a most stunning expression. 
The “15,840” was initially determined when we noticed from the Jim Allen analysis using the Sumerian foot of 13.2” wherein the Citadel’s base measurement (and verified by GPS) was 1,200 s.f. * 13.2” = 15,840”/12” (to determined linear feet) = 1,320 feet.  Likewise, the 15,840’ (i.e., the circumference of the Teotihuacán Circle (esoteric combined diameters of its 1,320’ diameter Moons) which is “18”) when it is divided by 2.1’ (the measurement of the 25.20” Sacred Cubit in feet) is equal to 7,542’ wherein 7542 is seen as “54” (Plato’s Optimal Number of Societal Harmony) and is surrounded by the Name of God (72).  Here, also, we have “18” as in 7 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 18, the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem.  The 15,840’/12” = 1,320’ and two sides of the length of the Teotihuacán axis is equal to 15,840’ as in 2 * 7,920’ = 15,840’.
Area of the Teotihuacán’s “Moon Circles” and Composite Circle = π * r2 – Their Comparisons and Contrast with the New Jerusalem Diagram
There is/are some New Jerusalem-confirming results when the area of the 12 circles of Teotihuacán is considered (i.e., its 12 * 1,320’ = 15,840’ composite circle diameter). 
First of all, allow me to remind us all, that the 12 circles are a reflection of the New Jerusalem Diagram’s 12 circles of 2,160 diameter (that of the Moon’s 2,160 mile diameter) which surround the largest circle of the diagram having a diameter of 7,920 miles (that of the Earth) and a radius of 3,960 miles (Dimensions of Paradise, Chapter 1:  The Heavenly City as Eternal Standard, John Michell, pp. 6-47 – Please see, above, the commencement of the New Jerusalem Diagram prepared by Dr. John Michell).
Incidentally, Michell’s diagram wherein the “circle within the square” as representative of the Earth’s diameter is seen in the “Teotihuacán’s New Jerusalem Diagram” – if you would – in which the radius of the Teotihuacán’scomposite circle of 12 TC Moon diameters divided by 2 = radius of TC Composite Circle) is juxtaposed to the Earth’s diameter of 7,920 miles (but in feet with Teotihuacán or TC’s 12 circle diameters = 1,320’ (diameter of one of the 12 circles) * 12 = 15,840’/2 (axis) = 7,920’ = Radius of the “Composite Circle of TC’s 12 Moons). 
Also, instead of the 31,680 mile perimeter of the New Jerusalem Diagram (4-square or 7920 mile Earth diameter * 4 = 31,680 miles perimeter on four edges/base of the New Jerusalem Diagram), the Teotihuacán square perimeter of the composite circle within her square would be 15,840’ (its composite 12 * 1,320’ diameter) * 4 (for her diameter is the side of her square) = 63,360 Linear Feet (the TC four-square base) which when divided by 5,280’ (one mile) is equal to 12 miles (four-square edges).  Therefore, 31,680 mile perimeter of the New Jerusalem Diagram (Michell) is likewise the 7,920,000’ (actual edge of one of the 12 sides of the New Jerusalem of Revelation) * 4 = 31,680,000’ or 31,680 miles is a fractal of the Revelation New Jerusalem’s 4-square base of 31,680,000’.  The perimeter of the New Jerusalem Diagram of 31,680 miles * 2 = 63,360 linear miles which is a fractal of the 63,360 linear feet of the four-square Teotihuacán Square around its composite circle whose diameter is 15,840’ (or 15,840’ * 4 = 63,360’). 
Not only is this 6…33…6 seen above in this manner but in the 52.8’ (the Throne Room of the Sun-Star-Cross and the “heart of the cross” itself or 52.8’ * 12” = 633.6”) but by demonstrating its “reappearance” as the perimeter of the Teotihuacán Composite Square perimeter in feet of 63,360’, we would concur that such a “perfect resemblance” brings Teotihuacán and the Peruvian Sun-Star-Cross into “reflective compatibility” – in other words, those who designed the Sun-Star-Cross had the same understanding of measurement as those who designed Teotihuacán’s “Holy District.”
Indeed, at the very heart of the Sun-Cross and the Sun-Star and the “Composite Square” surrounding the Composite Circle of Teotihuacán (wherein all of TC’s 12 Moon diameters are added together as the dimension of the TC Composite Diameter and sides of her Circle and Square) is the 6…33…6 wherein Messiah at the age of “33” gave His all between two thieves (6…6).  To substitute any other human sacrifice (which was the defiling and deceptive case with those who practice such dastardly substitution in time past) can never obviate the supreme sacrifice of the Suffering Servant so clearly depicted in these metrologies so stated.  It is as if they who descended to such inhuman practices did so – not as some insidious form of cultural expression – but as an affront to the “Lamb upon the throne” and, consequently, as an affront in trampling asunder the “blood of the Everlasting Covenant” made between the Almighty and humankind!
Michell’s brilliance of the 31,680 miles by using the diameter of Earth’s 7,920 miles * 4 (4-sided square) = 31,680 miles, is to take the edge of Revelation’s 7,920,000’ (i.e., 12,000 furlongs * 660’ = 7,920,000’) and make it four-square (which it is) resulting in 7,920,000’ * 4 = 31,680,000’…thus, Michell’s 4-sided square of 31,680 miles (using Earth’s diameter as the very diameter of his “circle within the square”) perfectly reflects the four-square (31,680,000’) of the actual New Jerusalem, ergo Michell’s New Jerusalem Diagram.

Réponse  Message 41 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 01:12
The Teotihuacán Composite Square is precisely double in size of the 31,680 * 2 = 63,360 (insofar as number set concerns).  Why? reflect the 6…33…6.  But just as the “digit sum” of 6 + 3 + 3 + 6 = “18” – we again can see that the “cutting off” of Messiah in accordance with Daniel 9:26 was “not for himself” but for His Bride, the Holy City, New Jerusalem (“18”) and this is immediately recognized in the cubing of the 63,360 * 3 (producing 12 edges of a cube from the immediate four) giving us 190,080 Linear Feet or 19which not only is “18” but produces the Sun of Righteousness (“9”) at the very heart of the New Jerusalem (i.e., 1….8).  This most obvious replication of the divine engagement with humankind is utterly at the core of the Almighty’s plan of redemption and could not, numerically, be more expressive in the 198!
The diameter of one of the “12 moons” of Teotihuacán – if I could be so demonstrative – is equal to 1,320’.  When this diameter is subtracted from the 2,160 (mile) diameter of the Moon we arrive at this remainder:  2,160 – 1,320 = 840.  When 840 is multiplied by 12 our product is:  12 * 840 = 10,080 which immediately constitutes the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement of “18” and, as well, is equal to the lunar radius of 1,080 miles (as a number set).
The “area” of the 1,320’ diameter “Moon” – one of 12 such upon her axis – is calculated as:  1,320’/2 = 660’ (Teotihuacán Moon radius).  This 660’ – however – immediately signals the priority measurement of the edge of the New Jerusalem at 660’ in one furlong – therefore, we most certainly realize this similarity and know that its calculation is “pre-ordained” to align dimensions and measurements to that of the New Jerusalem – the Heavenly City as Eternal Standard.
Now, this 660’ radius is squared or 660’ * 660’ = 435,600’ (A = π * r2) and then multiplied by Pi or 435,600’ * 3.14 (simplified Pi) = 1,367,784 sq. ft.  This calculation of one of Teotihuacán’s 12 Moons is recognizable in and of itself, again, as “36” (1 + 3 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 4 = “36”) or the Eternal God without beginning or ending as in 360° in a circle.  Therefore, the area of this circle reflects the degrees of the circle. 
As a “massive reflection” of the Sun of Righteousness, this “36” multiplied by its 12 Moons is equal to:  36 * 12 = 432 and this “432” is the radius of the Sun’s Diameter of 864,000 miles or 864/2 = 432.  Therefore, is not the Sun of Righteousness the very Light of the Holy City, New Jerusalem?  Of course!  Allow me to utterly substantiate that charge:  36 * 12 = 432 or 432,000 miles is the radius of the literal Sun – therefore, 432,000 miles/5,280’ (5,280’ in one mile) = 81.8181818181818181818181818181 (Yes, I know I am mixing apples with oranges; however, if the original were 432,000’ and we divided by feet in a mile (5,280’) our answer would be in “units” equal to an innumerable and resounding demonstration of the “81” or “81 dots” of the Sun of Righteousness as found at the Sun-Star of Peru and is 8 + 1 = 9 the math here is simply taking 432,000 units and determining how many units of 5,280 will “fit” into 432,000 units with the answer being the 81.81.
Furthermore, taking the area of 1,367,784 sq. ft./43,560 sq. ft. (1 acre) we arrive at 31.4 acres * 12 (the 12 Moons of Teotihuacán) = 376.8 acres or “24” – which “24” constitute the 24 Elders of the New Jerusalem and, consequently, connote the Divine Governance of the City.  The TC actual acres if 480 acres or 2,640’ * 7,920’ = 20,908,800 sq. ft./43,560 sq. ft. (one acre) = 480 acres.  When the “area of the 12 Moon circles of Teotihuacán” are subtracted therefrom we find:  480 acres less 376.8 acres (12 Moon Circle Areas) give us a remainder of 103.2 acres which is a fractal of either 13.2” Sumerian Foot or the 1,320’ or .25 of a mile of the 12 squares of the TC and likewise of the Citadel’s base edge measurement (i.e., 1,320’). 
This 103.2 acres * 43,560’ = 4,495,392 sq. feet or a digit sum of “36” representative of a perfect 360° sphere/circle, the Eternal God – whereas the remainder of the 480 acres…i.e., 480 less 103.2 acres = 376.8 acres * 43,560’ = 16,413,408 sq. feet or a digit sum of “27” or Messiah Revealed – thus, the Eternal God (36) and the revelation of Messiah (27) complement each other and 36 + 27 = 63 which is 6 + 3 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness or 36 – 27 = 9or 36 * 27 = 972 which is “18” of the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement and, just in case you missed it:  The 12-edged perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza is:  756’ (prime base edge) * 12 (as a cube has 12 edges) = 9,072’ or 972 = 972 and both are equal to 18 as in 9 + 7 + 2 = 18.
The 1,367,784 sq. ft. (area of one of the 12 TC Moons) * 12 (the 12 Moons of Teotihuacán) = 16,413,408 sq. feet =27 and this 27 is the full revelation of Messiah revealed in the 27 text of Christian Sacred Canon and is 2 + 7 = 9 = the Sun of Righteousness.  When we secure the square inches of this dimension we find:  16,413,408 sq. feet * 144 = 2,363,530,752 sq. inches = 36 (digit sum) which, again, represents the Eternal God without beginning or ending as in 360° of a circle and, therefore, the 12 Moon individual areas combined are that of a circle!  Again, this 27 * 36 = 972= “18” but is, as well, the fractal of the 12-cubed Great Pyramid of Giza (i.e., 9,072’).
However, let’s take, again, all the diameters of the 12 Moons of Teotihuacán – combining them into one large diameter @ 1,320’ * 12 = 15,840’ (which is the 12-edged cubing of the Citadel or 1,320’ – one edge - * 12 = 15,840 Linear Feet of a cubed Citadel).  Now let us determine the Large Teotihuacán Circle’s radius and ultimate area of this circle:
Wherein:  15,840’/2 = 7,920’ (which is the diameter of the Earth and the full diameter of Michell’s New Jerusalem Diagram) = radius of the Large Teotihuacán Circle.  This is then multiplied by itself (squared) or 7,920’ * 7,920’ = 62,726,400 sq. feet * 3.14 = 196,960,896 sq. feet or a digit sum of:  “54” – this undoubtedly and immediately constitutes Plato’s Optimal Number for Societal Harmony of 5040, which figure (i.e., “5040”) is seen on the New Jerusalem Diagram wherein the radius of the Earth is combined with the radius of one of the twelve Moons surrounding the large “circle within the square” wherein 3,960 (Earth’s radius) + 1,080 (Moon’s radius) = 5,040.
Now, “banking” this “54” in order to determine the number of square inches in the Larger Circle of Teotihuacán, we discover this: 196,960,896 sq. feet * 144 sq. inches (144 sq. in. in one sq. ft.) = 28,362,369,024 sq. inches = a digit sum of:  45 connoting the return of the Sun of Righteousness during the “45 days” of Daniel 12:12 unto the 1,335th day.  Therefore, we now have “54” + “45” – combining both feet and inches to equal to “99” which is the Magnification of the Sun of Righteousness Himself or representative of His First and Second Comings for His New Jerusalem as in 9 + 9 = 18 or 9 * 9 = 81 = 8 + 1 = 9 Sun of Righteousness or 54 * 45 = 2,430 = “9” and 54 less 45 = “9” and, therefore, all “9s” point to the person and work of the Sun of Righteousness.
The volume/capacity of the “Teotihuacán Moons” demonstrate spectacular results in that the “cubed height” of one of her Moons is equal to 1,320’ (height); therefore our 12-moon volume (where:  V = πr2h) is equal to:  = 1806390000 ft3or a digit sum of “27” being three sets of “9” as in 18….63….9 or 3 sets of “9” as in 999 which is the ultimate Magnification in Eternity of the Sun of Righteousness and, of course, “27” is Messiah Revealed.
The volume/capacity of all 12 Moons combined = 1806390000 ft* 12 = 21,676,680,000 ft with a digit sum of “36” – and the circle is complete in that 36 is the 360° of a Circle = the Eternal God without beginning or ending; therefore, “27” and “36” interaction we find that 27 * 36 = 972 which is 9  (as 9) + 9 (as 7 + 2 = 9) = “18” and is the Sun of righteousness Magnified (99) but not for Himself but for His Bride, the Holy City, New Jerusalem, “18” in that 9 + 9 = 18; and 972 is the 9,072’ 12-edged perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
As a Larger Circle with sundry heights to constitute its cylinder – we could most definitely configure Teotihuacán’s composite diameter – using the diameters of all the smaller Moons combined @ 12 * 1,320’ = 15,840’/2 = 7,920’ (her radius).  Now, if her sundry depths/height were the following:  1,320’ – 2,640’ – 3,960’ – 5,280’ – 7,920’ – it would produce the following cylindrical volumes:
1,320’ (height) = 260120000000 ft3 – or digit sum:      11
2,640’ (height) = 520241000000 ft– or digit sum:       14
3,960’ (height) = 780361000000 ftor digit sum:                    25
5,280’ (height) = 1040480000000 ftor digit sum:                  17
7,920’ (height) = 1560720000000 ftor digit sum:                 21 = Total Sum = “88”
All of these particular volumes (digit sums) are relatively meaningless; however, when the “21” (derived from the 7,920’ height, etc.) is added to the totals we arrive at a digit sum of “88” which constitutes the era of New Beginnings – the Magnification of New Beginning for “8” is the number of New Beginning, Equilibrium, First Day of the Week – the octagon.  However, as a reflection of the New Jerusalem we discover:  11 * 14 * 25 * 17 * 21 = 1,374,450 = a digit sum of “24” which connotes the Divine Governance of the New Jerusalem:  12 Patriarchs of Israel and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb – viz., Israel and the Church. 

Réponse  Message 42 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2014 01:21
I’m not saying that the volume of the Large Circle of Teotihuacán is so subtle as to produce such a magnanimous figure but it has!  I say this in that the sums, as well, of all the various heights (i.e., 1,320’ – 2,640’ – 3,960’ – 5,280’ – 7,920’ = 21,120’ which is the very perimeter measurement of the Teotihuacán Complex (as in 7,920’ – length + 7,920’ – length + 2,640’ – width + 2,640’ width = 21,120’and this “21” and “12” give us the same configurations/platforms we see at the Sun-Star-Cross of Peru and other Sacred Sites around the globe – and, of course, 21,120’ * 12” = 253,440” which has a digit sum of  “18” – the prime expression and Standard of Measurement of the New Jerusalem.
The 21,120 signals to us something, as well, when combined with the 31,680’ (4-square of the New Jerusalem), for 21,120’/5,280’ = 4 and 31,680’/5,280’ = 6 and when the two are multiplied as factors we arrive at this product:  4 * 6 = 24 which connotes the “24” of Divine Governance of the New Jerusalem in that the “24 Elders” upon their thrones – the 12 Tribes of Israel/Patriarchs + the 12 Apostles of the Lamb (the Church) = 24.  The Holy City, New Jerusalem, is a full expression of Divine Governance; likewise is Mexico’s City of God – a rather “brazen statement” on our part, but one which deserves credible consideration given the perimeter of Teotihuacán (21,120’) and the “perimeter” of the 4-square base edge of the New Jerusalem (31,680,000’) or 2112 vs. 3168 are digit sums of 6 (2112) and 18 (3168) and 6 + 18 = 24
The Imperial Mile is hard at work here – conforming BOTH Teotihuacán’s Complex perimeter and that of the New Jerusalem; and, if you do not think the Imperial Mile is hard at work in this effort, consider this:  2112 + 3168 = 5280(1 Imperial Mile = 5,280’).  If you are not yet convinced, try this:  6 (2112) * 18 (3168) = “108” and this, obviously, is the “18” of the New Jerusalem!  And, “behind it all” we have:  6 * 18 * 18 (2112 = 6; 3168 = 18; 5280 = 18) = 1,944 or as you can clearly see is not only “18” but 1944 or “9” and “144” wherein the Sun of Righteousness “9” is wholly devoted to the New Jerusalem and/or the Wall of the New Jerusalem (144) encloses the Sun of Righteousness (9) Who is at the heart of the New Jerusalem (144 and “18” for 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 = 18).
Before we synthesize the various metrologies regarding the dimensions – in particular, the base perimeter of the Pyramid of the Moon – imagine, we have already achieved an analysis of Teotihuacán’s Twelve Moons, which are a reflection of the New Jerusalem Diagram and of the New Jerusalem herself! 
Again, three imperatives will prejudice our observations:  (1)  The literal measurement of immediate (after severe renovation and so-called restoration of the Pyramid of the Moon since the turn of the Twentieth Century) – here our dependence upon the three main metrologists aforementioned will be evaluated; (2) Original metrological renderings which were intended by the most distant architects; and (3) the realization that the Pyramid of the Moon “set the pace” as the original and most apparent structure and that in so doing the other measurements of the Pyramid of the Sun, Citadel, overall Complex and sundry distances between these dominant objects must be considered in determining the ultimate measurements of the Pyramid of the Moon and, ultimately a thorough consideration of the Pyramid of the Moon’s distance between itself and the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Sun’s connection to the Temple of the Feathered Snake at the Citadel and how all their distances interconnect with the Avenue of the Dead.   
I wish to add a poignant remark on behalf of my “spiritual critics” who are a somewhat confounded, concerned and conspiratorial in their critique.  The classical response from a number of well-meaning churchmen goes something like this:  This is pure foolishness – what’s this got to do with the Gospel of Christ?  It’s rubbish and worse, playing into the devil’s design to distract the Church from her original mission – plain and simple – “Who has beguiled you from the simplicity that is in Christ?”  Just stand on the Word of God, man – skeptics will never be persuaded but by the preaching of the Word, etc., etc.
Well, perhaps they haven’t clearly read these tomes to the extent that some have and are duly persuaded that this is hardly a diversion from the Truth that is in Messiah, the Christ.  The Almighty has given us signposts along the road of history and life – several Sacred Volumes and before and during the testimony of men and women who bore witness to the Eternal God – e.g., we haven’t always had the revealed truth from Scripture!
I dare say that the Apostle Paul’s venture at Mars Hill was not a waste of time and energy – Paul knew precisely where the philosophies of the Greeks led – but we “met them on their own level of reality and experience” and proclaimed the gospel in a manner understandable to the supremacy of their cultural day!   Peter told us that some of what Paul shared was “hard to understand.”  Rightly so – those caught up in the “simplicity of Christ” should immediately recognize that “simplicity” is not “stupidity” – nor a denial of genuine knowledge.
Faith is not the absence of reason – “Come now and let us reason together says the Lord – though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow – though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool!”  How’s that?  Just look at yourself!  It is truly reasonable to ascertain the depth of one’s own iniquity when measured by the “reed of God.” 
Do you stand up to the Eternal’s righteousness?  The biggest lie is that you would even consider such a proposition!  Therefore, it is “reasonable” to assume you are, like the rest of us, naught but a wretched sinner – having lied, stolen, coveted, lusted, and in sum, are nothing more than a miserable, wretched sinner or a self-righteous fool! 
Now, with that fundamental proposition – YOU NEED A SAVIOR!  A Deliverer.  Some are blithely convinced that if they “reincarnate sufficiently enough” that “eventually” they’ll reach some state of perfection.  No, I don’t wish these folks well because, “after death the judgment” – GAME OVER!    
Today – all the validation and confirmation from science, music, math, the arts, chemistry, optics, ad nausea, ad infinitum, will not convince one iota if the Spirit of God does not convict and convince you of your wretched condition in the sight of the Almighty – dare you compare yourself with the Wisdom of God?
So – get over it – accept these “signposts” upon this Earth as another sterling effort on the part of the Creator to speak to you concerning His intentions for you are altogether marvelous – this is good news – great news – saving news.  That’s what this is all about – and all we’re required to do is to admit our insufficiencies (hard for Americans who are last in mathematical performance but first among the industrialized nations in self-esteem – literally!).  Math of this nature is like my students who flunked a test and then gave themselves high fives – what’s wrong with this picture?
I’ll tell you what’s wrong – it’s called “believing the LIE!”  Self-deception comes in many packages – one of the best is you can do this yourself – i.e., “be white as the driven snow, as wool.”  No, you need 6…33…6 in the worst way – one, not both, but one of the thieves said it all:  REMEMBER ME WHEN YOU COME INTO YOUR KINGDOM!  But you’ve got to say it – no one else can do this for you – “You must be born again!”  Better to be “born again” than reincarnated…yes, you need a new birth – here and now – not some déjà-vu recollection of some ambiguous past life. 
But, as long as you believe that gravity is all that was needed to produce this extraordinary universe – or, worse yet, since you’ve reasonably calculated that all these nuts and bolts, given our 4.5 billion year alleged history, didn’t just come together like a melted terminator – grief, talk about reasonable…I’ve done the math and still can’t figure out how 75 TRILLION cells in my own body “got it together”…I mean, I may be messed up, but really, I’m, like you, quite a remarkable machine.  Math-wise, we could have all the elements around forever and still nothing would/could have come of it – and don’t give me this cop-out that the aliens visited us and made us and are returning to “see what’s up.”
Nonsense!  You don’t need the aliens to stop by and visit – you, as I, need to cease and desist our alienation from the Creator.  I used to really like the “message left on the phone” by my brother:  “Hey, this is Skip – YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!”
Doug Krieger

Réponse  Message 43 de 122 de ce thème 
De: Alcoseri Envoyé: 02/09/2014 01:35

Réponse  Message 44 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 18/10/2014 17:38

Looking at the three constellation images framing the Galactic Centre: a scorpion, an archer-centaur shooting a bow and arrow and a man carrying a huge serpent stepping on the Centre and the scorpion, and close by a fallen crown. Altogether one sees an image of conflict and possible deadly danger


Réponse  Message 45 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 10/11/2014 19:10

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012


Réponse  Message 46 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 18/11/2014 14:52
Wunderwaffen Aj  (Original message) Sent: 17/11/2014 19:45

* Los Coptos *

***Excelente noche para todos.

Al igual que todas las formas de cristianismo, las ideas gnósticas se pueden encontrar dentro de la teología del cristianismo copto, tales como el concepto de la superación de la naturaleza inferior de la carne a través de vivir de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de Jesús. La prevalencia de las ideas gnósticas dentro de la Iglesia copta o cualquier iglesia ortodoxa para el caso, no se debe a que tengan simpatía consciente con la filosofía gnóstica, sino más bien debido a la interacción y asimilación de las ideas gnósticas en la historia temprana del cristianismo.

El gnosticismo es considerada oficialmente una herejía por la Iglesia Egipcia aunque, como se ha dicho antes, promulga inconscientemente una forma de doctrina gnóstica.

Los Coptos...toda una gran historia también. Imaginen épocas pre-cristianas en Egipto donde la llamada *herejía gnóstica* venía con las influencias típicas del gran reino de Babilonia.
Con la aparición de Cristo aquellos viejos gnósticos reavivaron su Fé, que según ellos Cristo vivo vino a confirmar. Precisamente, partes del Nag Hammadi están escritas en idioma Copto, erradicando toda influencia griega, excusa que los *Padres de la Iglesia* =formateadores del Nuevo Testamento= usaban para acusar al gnostiscismo como influenciado por Platón.

Los Coptos fueron de los primeros en no aceptar la autoridad del papado, y formaron su propia Iglesia teniendo sus propios líderes religiosos o Papas Coptos.

Vivían en la reclusión, y en la más absoluta humildad, coincidían con algunas interpretaciones de los Padres de la Iglesia, sin embargo no con otras, especialmente sobre la vida de Cristo.
Fueron blanco de extremas persecuciones y asedio, primero de los romanos y los mismos cristianos, después del islamismo.
La historia de los Coptos resulta sobrecogedora cuando vemos su actual realidad.
Realidad que le fué común a todo grupo gnóstico, curiosamente corridos, exterminados o abusados en sus derechos.

Los *Zabbaleen* son un grupo egipcio de cristianos coptos reconocidos mundialmente por su ocupación principal que ha sido la recolección de basura de la ciudad de El Cairo desde hace más de 50 años.

Se encuentran dispersos en diversas regiones urbanas del Gran Cairo. La población más grande se ubica en el pueblo Mokattam, que es apodado como la *Ciudad Basura*.
Los zabbaleen descienden de familias de campesinos que fueron despojados de sus tierras y emigraron al Cairo.

Se estimaba que en Egipto, aproximadamente el 95% de las personas eran de religión musulmana y tan sólo el 5% cristianas. Aunque en años recientes se ha calculado que los cristianos coptos ya constituyen entre el 11 y 15 % de la población.

Más del 90% de la comunidad Zabbaleen en Mokattam son cristianos coptos, y constituyen la comunidad cristiana más grande del Medio Oriente.
Ésta fué la razón por la cual la Iglesia de Roma nunca cortó lazos con los coptos, si bien sus doctrinas rebeldes a Roma eran marcadas, para los Papas tener un bastión cristiano enquistado en el mundo islámico era una cabeza de playa muy interesante.

Actualmente y tras la muerte del gran Papa Shenouda III, asume Teodoro II bajo el título de *Su Santidad Papa de Alejandría y de todo Egipto, de Nubia, de Etiopía y de la Pentápolis y Patriarca de todo el país evangelizado por san Marcos*. La iglesia católica que tanto combatió a los llamados *herejes coptos*, llegó a acuerdos, después de todo...eran cristianos también...;

La Iglesia copta de Egipto tiene sus orígenes en la obra del discípulo del apóstol Pedro, San Marcos. En el año 47 dC, San Marcos había fundado la primera iglesia de Alejandría, para luego unirse con San Pedro en Jerusalén. A su regreso a Alejandría en el año 61 dC, la pequeña comunidad que había fundado se había convertido en una gran iglesia, éxito que le valió serios problemas con Roma. En el 68 dC lo ataron a un carro y lo arrastraron a través de un valle rocoso, su cuerpo fué destrozado. Sus restos fueron objeto de gran devoción por los egipcios hasta que en el año 828 dC el Duque de Venecia envía a robar sus restos, éste suceso agravó aún más los lazos entre los coptos y la Iglesia en Roma. Rcién en 1968 el Papa Pablo VI restituye a los coptos los restos de San Marcos, que hoy descansan en Egipto. En ese tiempo surgía una figura enorme para los coptos, el Papa Shenouda III cuyo pontificado fué desde 1971 hasta el 2012 cuando fallece éste hombre amado por los coptos, humilde, sabio, y respetado inclusive por el mimso Vaticano. Durante seis años, desde 1956 hasta 1962, vivió una vida de soledad en una cueva a unas siete millas de distancia del monasterio, dedicando todo este tiempo a la meditación, oración y ayuno.

El Papa que supo ataviarse para las ocasiones que rememoraban a sus ancestros, y el hombre común, humilde...el que escribió mucho y dejó su sabiduría dijo entre muchas cosas;

¡ Oh Padre! Yo todavía no sé de tus cielos y tus ángeles , ¿cómo puedo saber entonces de ti?
Sólo sé lo que nos has revelado .. y sólo nos revelas lo que podemos soportar. Aún si nos revelarías más, nuestra naturaleza humana se golpearía con asombro, y nuestra mente sería incapaz de entender. No hay términos suficientes para expresar lo que se revela y tenemos que confesar que lo que vemos no se puede expresar con palabras ..
En mi intento de conocerte, yo trato de ir más allá de los libros con lo profundo y el conocimiento que contienen, e incluso más allá del conocimiento mental. Esto permite que el espíritu al ser liberado tenga un alcance más amplio que sobrepasa los límites de la mente ... Sin embargo Padre, el espíritu humano es limitado en sus capacidades, en sus talentos y en su conocimiento .. Además, se sufre mucho debido al grosor del cuerpo material humano ..¡Oh Señor!, como Tú eres ... sin límites ... y nosotros seguimos siendo como somos, limitados y sabiendo poco sobre Ti...

Mucho se podría decir de los coptos pero creo que es suficiente como para que forme parte de otra herramienta que nos será de suma utilidad en análisis posteriores.

Ahora una interesante nota desde México, donde también existe una iglesia Copta, la Iglesia Copta Ortodoxa de Santa Maria y San Marcos de Tlayacapan.
Éste es el notable trabajo de un hombre que puede dar testimonio fiel de los escritos del Nag Hammadi;

El historiador Roberto Sánchez Valencia ofrece por primera vez en México la traducción de cuatro evangelios gnósticos de Nah Hammadi en un libro.

Luego de publicar una versión en español del Apocalipsis de Adán, Sánchez Valencia ofrece la primera versión de; Evangelio de la Verdad, Evangelio según Tomás, Evangelio egipcio y Evangelio según Felipe. T
Con la traducción de estos cuatro evangelios y el apocalipsis de Adán que había publicado antes, Sánchez Valencia trae a México una pequeña muestra del contenido de los Manuscritos de Nag Hammadi, que incluyen diversos tratados, evangelios, apocalipsis, epístolas y otros textos ajenos al mundo cristiano.
Sánchez Valencia se ha dedicado por más de 20 años al aprendizaje del copto y al estudio de estos textos gnósticos.
Estos textos, según el experto, plantean un horizonte totalmente nuevo sobre los orígenes del cristianismo. El Jesús que se menciona en esos textos no es el Jesucristo que se nos relata en la Biblia que todos conocemos.
En 1951 el gobierno egipcio recuperó los escritos y los depositó en el Museo Copto de El Cairo, donde actualmente se encuentran.
La colección de 52 textos religiosos y filosóficos escritos en copto, la lengua que se habló en las últimas etapas del Egipto antiguo, fueron hallados en la localidad egipcia de Nag Hammadi en 1947.

En 1947, una familia de pastores de la localidad egipcia de Nag Hammadi, localizada entre las ciudades de El Cairo y Luxor, a orillas del Nilo, halló en una cueva, dentro de una vasija de barro, una serie de manuscritos antiguos. Algunos folios de lo que entonces consideraron un simple montón de papeles alimentó la fogata de esa noche. Al darse cuenta del valor que esos códices escritos en papiro podrían tener, decidieron llevarlos a un sacerdote de la comunidad, quien al no entender las inscripciones acudió a un anticuario que identificó en esos 13 códices un auténtico tesoro antiguo.

Se trataba de una colección de 52 textos religiosos y filosóficos escritos en copto, la lengua que se habló en las últimas etapas del Egipto antiguo, bajo la dominación romana.
Posiblemente, al ser considerados escritos herejes, esas casi mil páginas de papiro integradas en 13 volúmenes fueron escondidas en una vasija hace 1.600 años por monjes de un monasterio cristiano que existió en ese lugar. La aparición de esos manuscritos en el mercado de antigüedades de Egipto, poco después del hallazgo, llamó la atención del arqueólogo francés Jean Doresse. Consciente del valor de los documentos, el también estudioso del copto exhortó al gobierno egipcio a emitir una alerta para evitar la salida de esos manuscritos al extranjero. El siguiente paso fue un largo litigio entre el gobierno egipcio y el coleccionista que los había comprado.

Esa historia concluyó en 1951, cuando el gobierno egipcio recuperó los escritos y los depositó en el Museo Copto de El Cairo, donde actualmente se encuentran.

Cuatro textos que integran esa *biblioteca* de escritos gnósticos salen a la luz en el libro Evangelios gnósticos de Nah Hammadi, editado por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM.
En el volumen, el historiador Roberto Sánchez Valencia ofrece por primera vez en México una traducción directa del copto al español de esos textos que plantean un horizonte totalmente nuevo sobre los orígenes del cristianismo.
*El Jesús que se menciona en esos textos no es el Jesucristo que se nos relata en la Biblia que todos conocemos. Es un Cristo preocupado por otras cuestiones, que nos invita a la introspección, a ser comprensivos de nosotros mismos y a no ser tan autoexigentes. Es un mensaje diferente a los textos canónicos*, cuenta el investigador en entrevista.
Profesor del Colegio de Letras Clásicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, Sánchez Valencia se ha dedicado por más de 20 años al aprendizaje del copto y al estudio de estos textos gnósticos. Una antigua corriente cristiana que, cuenta en entrevista, descubrió casi por azar a los 18 años cuando buscaba en el diccionario un término que le inspirara escribir un cuento que debía hacer para un trabajo escolar.
Roberto Sánchez Valencia, quien desde su preparación como licenciado en historia en la Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo, en Rusia, se dedicó al estudio de los Manuscritos de Nag Hammadi, había publicado antes una versión en español del *Apocalipsis de Adán*, otro de los textos contenidos en esa colección de manuscritos.

Ahora, el historiador ofrece la primera versión del copto al español de esos cuatro evangelios: Evangelio de la Verdad, Evangelio según Tomás, Evangelio egipcio y Evangelio según Felipe. Este último ya había sido traducido en México por el recién fallecido filólogo y traductor Ernesto de la Peña, pero fue una versión no directa del copto.

*Es una edición bilingüe del texto, en copto y español; una traducción interlineal, línea por línea, y al final incluyo un vocabulario para quien se anime a aprender copto*, dice Sánchez Valencia.

El reto de la traducción

La traducción de estos evangelios, relata Sánchez Valencia, ha sido todo un reto académico y lingüístico. Para lograr esta edición y traducción, el investigador se dio a la tarea de consultar diversas fuentes y propuestas de traductores anteriores. Entre otros, el facsimilar de los manuscritos que la UNESCO editó a finales de 1970, en colaboración con el gobierno egipcio, y la versión que editó James M. Robinson, quien encabezó al grupo de especialistas que realizaron la primera traducción de los textos al inglés.
Pero el mayor reto de este trabajo, comenta, fue la traducción al español de una de las lenguas más antiguas del mundo. *Es la lengua de los egipcios, la que llegaron a hablar los faraones. Refleja un Egipto bajo influencias griegas, con mucha contaminación de términos griegos*, señala el autor, y asegura que actualmente en el mundo existen unos 100 mil representantes de esa lengua. *Algunos de ellos son coptos de religión, pero no de lengua*, precisa.
Otra de las dificultades para traducir estos evangelios es que el único gran diccionario copto que existe se publicó antes del descubrimiento de los Manuscritos de Nag Hammadi y muchos de los términos incluidos en estos textos no están en el diccionario.

*Hay que jugar a las etimologías. Al no estar en el diccionario y no ser hablante del copto uno tiene que filosofar un poco para saber cuál es la raíz del contexto que se infiere*, explica Sánchez Valencia.

A esto se suma el hecho de que algunos folios de estos manuscritos están incompletos, por los diversos daños que han sufrido a lo largo de los siglos. *Es como si estuvieras leyendo una novela de suspenso y que te quiten al final tres páginas*, cuenta.
Con la traducción de estos cuatro evangelios y el Apocalipsis de Adán que había publicado antes, Sánchez Valencia trae a México una pequeña muestra del contenido de los Manuscritos de Nag Hammadi, con diversos tratados, evangelios, apocalipsis, epístolas y otros textos ajenos al mundo cristiano.
De acuerdo con el investigador, una de las aportaciones de los evangelios reunidos en este volumen es que permite constatar que los egipcios al convertirse al cristianismo no se limitaron a la tarea de traducir, sino que produjeron una literatura propia en su lengua.
*Muchos piensan que lo que es cristiano se escribió en griego y después se tradujo a otras lenguas del mundo. Pero algunos de estos textos, en particular el del Evangelio según Felipe es una obra maestra en lengua copta. No es una traducción de algo al copto, sino un texto casi totalmente en copto porque las palabras en griego son pocas, además muestra una elegancia y alto nivel del lenguaje. Es como hablar del Quijote de aquella época*, destaca.

Gran dolor de cabeza la Gnosis, existió desde mucho antes que Cristo hiciera su aparición, y se confirmó con el inesperado descubrimiento del Nag Hammadi recién...en el año 1947.

La gnosis se daba por muerta, sin embargo dentro del seno de las otras religiones permanecía *vedada* de la boca para afuera, pero no así puertas adentro de las Sinagogas, las Iglesias y las Mezquitas...
¿Porqué la Gnosis se expuso públicamente como herejía pero privadamente se la sigue practicando?....
Una llave más para abrir futuros candados....


Réponse  Message 47 de 122 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/11/2014 02:15

"The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance
of the Number 153"

by Dee Finney

This page is related to:

photo copyright Crop Circle Connector and Lucy Pringle

This crop circle appeared in a field in  Hillside Farm, nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire, UK
on 7-20-08

We previously posted these symbols on the other pages.: Hopefully you can see the similarity as we did.

These images are from the book:  "Jesus Christ Sun of God"
Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism
by David Fideler

The Relationship between the 153 Fish in the Net and the Feeding of the Five Thousand.

This illustration shows how the mathematical progression illustrated in the previous diagram underlies the dimensions of the fish in the net geometry and the feeding of the five thousand. Both diagrams are thereby shown to be differing expressions of the same, underlying cosmological code.

The central figure is a vesica with a width of 1x the square root of 2 (1.415 = THE GOD APOLLO), which defines the diameter of the feeding of the five thousand geometry on the right.

The height of the central vesica measures 1 x the square root of 2 x the square root of 3 (2.448 = FISHES IN THE NET), which defines the height of the 153 fishes in the net geometry on the left.

In the diagram on the left, the rhombus intersects the length of the vesica in the upper world, dividing it into three equal segments of 353 units, the value of HERMES. This represents "Thrice-Great Hermes" or Hermes Trimegistos, a personification of the Logos.

153 as the measure of "the Fish in Archimedes

Archimedes (c 287-212 B.C.E.), in his treatise On the Measurement of the Cycle, uses the whole number ratio 153:265 to accurately approximate the irrational ratio square root of 3, "the measure of the fish" or the vesica piscis. Moreover, Archimedes uses this value in such a manner as to suggest that this approximation was well know to his contemporaries: it required no word of explanation at all.

This ratio, 153:265, precisely relates to the dimensions of the 153 "fish" in the unbroken net, for it defines the height and width of each rhombus in "the net." Figure 52.  Since 153 was known in the time of Archimedes as "the measure of the fish" or the vesica, ancient readers skilled mathematics would have immediately recognized the allegory of the 153 fish in the net for what is it: a geometrical "story problem."



10-28-99 - DREAM - I was working in a large office and had a lot of work to do. I was working in a brightly lit office and my desk was full of work. Still, I spotted some legal papers or formal paperwork that was supposed to have been done earlier and I had not done it. I kept pushing it aside in favor of the engineering work I was doing.

One of the engineering blueprint books was on my desk. It was 1 foot wide by 5 feet long by 3" thick. (153) I didn't know why the engineers hadn't filed it where it belonged so I took it off my desk and put it on top of the bookcase for later.

There was so much engineering work to do yet, that when 4 engineers came in (all engineers I had worked with before in real life) they decided to have a conference in the library. So I went with them because I  wanted to hear what they had to say.

There was a square table with 4 chairs around it right under the bright light, but the engineers took the chairs and even the table and moved them out of the light. I said to the engineers, "Hey guys! I'm still working!" I had to be in the light to do my work.

So, I went back to my own desk where the bright light was and saw the legal papers, which were now divided into two piles, standing up right in the forefront of where my work was. I felt guilty about not doing them, but moved them aside again to work on the engineering work.

Finally, the work day being over, I went to my apartment whch was in the same building. Even there was a lot of people. My apartment had two doors which I wasn't aware of right away... an inner door and an outer door which led to an outer hallway. One door was #17 and the other door was #36. I discovered this because while I was talking to some visiting women that there were some gentle knocks on the door and when I opened the door I saw the number.

Someone came to the #17 door first which was on the inner hallway, and then a gentle knock came on the other door which was #36 which led to the outer hallway.

When I opened the #36 door, the whole door fell off the hinges and fell on the floor. There were lots of people out there and they all started coming into my apartment. I immediately hollered, "MAINTENANCE!"

The maintenance man was standing right there and he stood there and laughed... "I'll fix that right away!"

End of Dream

Joe Mason had a dream a week later in which he was told that the number 153 was connected numerically to the number 216.  He couldn't remember the details.

On 11/8/99 I had a dream in which I went to a library which was up 216 stairs. There was a heavy glass door half way up beyond which I went up two steps at a time at twice the speed. In the library was a section on Law, a section on music with a person playing a grand piano, and there was a candle for light. I was dressed in a chic long white dress, rather dancing through this library.

Because of those dreams, I will include some 216 type material here also.


I multiplied 17 x 36 = 612 divided by 2 = 306 divided by 2 = 153

17 + 36 = 53

















The number 153 is very important, but will point out that it is half of 306, which in turn is the sum of 144 + 162 .... and these numbers are decimal harmonics of Bruce Cathie's speed-of-light equivalents of 144000 nautical miles per 'grid second' and 162000 nautical miles per second. We also find 306 as azimuth node number 17 on the 'wheel of 20 nodes', where the nodes are 18 degrees apart. The 20-part wheel (see work of Joe Mason) is also a symbol of the Mayan Haab Calendar cycle of 18 'months' of 20 days each month.

17 x 9 = 153

Now ... 497 - 153 = 344, which is always July 4th on the Mayan Haab Calendar, because Day Number 360 is always July 20th. (I will note here that the 153rd course of masonry from the ground, on The Great Pyramid, is 360 FEET above the ground ... see work of Jimi Furia).

344 = 227 + 117, and 117 can be visualized as "half-Pi", or (11 / 7) approximation.

Also, 117 = 19.5 x 6, where there are 6 places at 19.5 degrees north and south, at which 6 vertices of two interlocking tetrahedra touch the surface of a circumscribing sphere ... assuming the remaining two vertices are touching at the poles. This is a model of "hyperdimensional physics", as discussed by researcher and journalist Richard C. Hoagland, as applied to certain dynamics of rotating celestial bodies.

The 153 Fishes







Michael the archangel = 153

Quetzalcoatl = 153 (MLM)

James Paul Furia = 153 (MLM)

three sixty = 153

360 feet up the Great Pyramid is the 153rd course

17 X 9 (total pyramids at the Giza complex) = 153

204 (total courses at the Great Pyramid) / 1.3333333(a 4th) = 153

The length of the grand gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 153 feet

all of the apostles names combined = 459 (153x3)

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153

153 + 513 = 666           6 x 6 x 6 = 216(new standard)

315 + 351 = 666            2160 miles is the diameter of the moon

135 + 531 = 666            (not the devil but astronomy)

1 and 5 and 3 are the degrees in a scale used to make a chord



A Song Sung

And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,... (Rev.15:3).

Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. (Det.32:1)

The Song of Moses is seen being sung before the Throne of God just as the 24 Elders on 24 Seats are around the Throne of God. The Elders appear to a marker key to understand the time relationship being pointed to in the dimensions of the New Jerusalem. If the Elders are a marker key then the Song Of Moses could be like wise.

The Song of Moses begins in Deuteronomy 32:1 which is the 5760 verse of the King James Bible. Moses tells us in Det.31:29 that these words are for the "latter days".

This term "latter days" could more properly be translated "at the latter end of the days".

The song begins with the command "to hear" just as the command is given in The Revelation to the overcomers to have "ears to hear".

Is the Song of Moses seen in Revelation 15:3 or 153 to indicate the last great gathering of The Fish during the coming Golden Age? Certainly the number 153 is suggestive of the miracle that Jesus preformed in John 21:11.

"Catch 153"

Scholars who dabble in the mysticism of numbers suggest that the number 153, mentioned in our Scripture Lesson for the morning, represents all the varieties of fish in the world, which is to say, all the varieties of people in the world, all caught and held in the net of God's Grace.

Scripture: John 20: 1-10/ John 21: 1-14

There had been absent from the circle of disciples on that Easter-Evening one of the Apostles, Thomas. Even when told of the marvellous events at that gathering, he refused to believe, unless he had personal and sensous evidence of the truth of the report. It can scarecly have been, that Thomas did not believe in the fact that Christ's Body had quitted the Tomb, or that He had really appeared. But he held fast by what we may term the Vision-hypothesis, or, in this case, rather the spectral theory. But until this Apostle also had come to conviction of the Resurrection in the only real sense, of the identical though glorified Corporeity of the Lord, and hence of the continuity of the past with the present and future, it was impossible to re-form the Apostlic Circle, or to renew the Apostolic commission, since its primal message was testimony concerning the Risen One. This, if we may so suggest, seems the reason why the Apostles still remain in Jerusalem, instead of hastening, a directed, to meet the Master in Galilee.

A quiet week had passed, during which, and this also may be for our twofold lerning, the Apostles excluded not Thomas, [1 It must, however, be remembered that Thomas did not deny that Christ was risen, except as in the peculiar sense of the Ressurection. Had he denied the other, he would scarcely have continued in the company of the Apostles.] nor yet Thomas withdrew from the Apostles. Once more the day of days had come, the Octave of the Feast. From that Easter-Day onwards the Church must, even without special institution, have celebrated the weekly-recurring memorial of His Resurrection, as that when He breathed on the Church the breath of anew life, and consecrated it to be His Representative. Thus, it was not only the memorial of His Resurrection, but the birthday of the Church, even as Pentatecost was her baptism day. On that Octave, then, the disciples were again gathered, under circumstances precisely similar to those of Easter, but now Thomas was also with them. Once more, and it is again specially marked: 'the doors being shut' [2 Significantly, the expression 'for fear of the Jews' no longer occurs. That apprehension had for the present passed away.], the Risen Saviour appeared in the midst of the disciples with the well-known saluation. He now offered to Thomas the demanded evidence; but it was no longer either needed or southt. With a full rush of feeling he yielded himself to the blessed conviction, which once formed, must immediately have passed into act of adoration: 'My Lord and my God!' The fullest confession this hitherto made, and which truly embraced the whole outcome of the new conviction concerning the reality of Christ Resurrection. We remember how, under similar circumstances, Nathnael had been the first to utter fullest confession. [a St. John i. 45-51.] We also remember the analogous reply of the Saviour. As then, so now, He pointed to the higher: to a faith which was not the outcome of sight, and therefore limited and bounded by sight, whether of the sense or of perception by the intellect. As one has finely remarked: 'This last and greatest of the Beatitudes is the pecuilar hertiage of the later Church' [1 Canon Westcott.], and thus most aptly comes as the consecration gift of that Church.

The next scene presented to us is once again by the Lake of Galilee. The manifestation to Thomas, and, with it, the restoration of unity in the Aspostic Circle, had originally concluded the Gospel of St. John. [a St. John xx. 30, 31.] But the report which had spread in the early Church, that Disciple whom Jesus loved was not to die, led him to add to his Gospel, by way fo Appendix, and account of the events with which this wxpectancy and connected itself. It is most instructive to the critic, when challenged at every step to explain why one or another fact is not mentioned or mentioned only in one Gospel, to find that, but for the correction of a possible misapprehension in regard to the aged Apostle, the Fourth Gospel would have contained no reference to the manifestation of Christ in Galilee, nay, to the presence of the disciples there before the Ascension. Yet, for all that St. John had it in his mind. And should we not learn from this, that what appear to us strange omissions, which, when held by the side of the other Gospel-narratives, seem to involve discrepancies, may be capable of the most satisfactory explanation, if we only knew all the circumstance?

The history itself sparkles like a gem in its own peculiar setting. It is of green Galilee, and of the blue Lake, and recalls the early days and scenes of this history. As St. Matthew has it, [b ST. Matt. xxviii. 16.] 'the eleven disciples went away into Galilee', probabley immediately after that Octava of the Easter. [2 The account of St. Luke (xxiv. 44-48) is a condensed narrative, without distinction of time or place, of what occurred during all the forty days.] It can scarcely be doubted, that they made known not only the fact of the Resurrection, but the trysting which the Risen One had given them, perhaps at that Mountain where He had spoken His first 'Sermon.' And so it was, that 'some doubted,' [c St. Matt. xxviii. 17.] and that He afterwards appeared to the five hundred at once. [d 1 Cor. xv 6.] But on that morning there were by the Lake of Tiberias only seven of the disciples. Five of them only are named. They are those who most closely kept in company with Him, perhaps also they who lived nearest the Lake.

The scene is introduced by Peter's proposal to go a-fishing. It seems as if the old habits had come back to them with the old associations. Peter's companions naturally proposed to join him. [3 The word 'immediately' in St. John xxi. 3 is spurious.] All that still, clear night they were on the Lake, but caught nothing. Did not this recall to them for former event, when James and John, and Peter and Andrew were called to be Aspostles, and did it not specially recall to Peter the searching and sounding of his heart on the morning that followed? [a St. Luke v. 1. 11.] But so utterly self-unconscious were they, and, let us add, so far is this history from any trace of legendary design, [1 Yet St John must have been accquainted with this narrative, recorded as it is by all three Synoptists.] that not the slightest indication of this appears. Early morning was breaking, and under the rosy glow above the cool shadows were still lying on the pebbly 'beach.' There stood the Figure of One Whom they recognised not, nay, not even when He spake. Yet His Words were intended to bring them this knowledge. The direction to cast the net to the right side of the ship brought them, as He had said, the haul for which they had toiled all night in vain. And moer than this: such a multitude of fishes, enough for 'the disciple whom Jesus loved,' and whose heart may previously have misgiven him. He whispered it to Peter: 'It is the Lord, 'and Simon, only reverently gathering about him his fisher's upper garment, [2 This notice also seems specially indicative that the narrator is himself from the Lake of Galilee.] cast himself into the sea. Yet even so, except to be sooner bu the side of Christ, Peter seems to have gained nothing by his haste. The others, leaving the ship, and transferring themselves to a small boat, which must have been attached to it followed, rowing the short distance of about one hundred yards, [3 About 200 cubits.] and dragging after them the net, weighted with the fishes.

They stepped on the beach, hallowed by His Presence, in silence, as if they had entered Church or Temple. They dared not even dispose of the netful of fishes which they had dragged on shore, until He directed them what to do. This only they notice, that some unseen hand had prepared the morning meal, which, when asked by the Master, they had admitted they had not of their own. And now Jesus directed them to bring the fish they had caught. When Peter dragged up the weight net, it was found full of great fishes, not less than a hundred and fifty-three in number. There is no need to attach any symbolic import to that number, as the Fathers and later writers have done. We can quite understand, nay, it seems almost natural, that, in the peculiar circumstances, they should have counted the large fishes in that miraculous draught that still left the net unbroken. [1 Canon Westcott gives, from St. Augustine, the points sof differecnc between this and the miarculous draught of fishes on the former occasion (St. Luke v.). These are very interesting. Fathers about the symbolic meaning of the number 153.] It may have been, that they were told to count the fishes, partly, also, to show the reality of what had taken place. But on the fire the coals there seems to have been only one fish, and beside it only one bread. [2 This seems implied in the absence of the article in St. John xxi. 9.] To this meal He now bade them, for they seem still to have hung back in reverent awe, nor durst they ask him, Who He was, well knowing it was the Lord. This, as St. John notes, was the third appearance of Christ to the disciples as a body. [3 St. John could not have meant His third appearance in general, since himself had recorded three previous manifestations.]

And still this morning of blessing was not ended. The frugal meal was past, with all its significant teaching of just sufficient provision for His servants, and abundant supply in the unbroken net beside them. But some special teaching was needed, more even that that to Thomas, for him whose work was to be so prominent among the Apostles, whose love was so ardent, and yet in its very ardour so full of danger to himself. For, our dangers spring not only from deficiency, but it may be from excess of feeling, when that feeling is not commensurate with inward strength. Had Peter not confessed, quite honestly, yet, as the event proved, mistakingly, that his love to Christ would endure even an ordeal that would disperse all the others? [a St. Matt. xxvi. 33; St. John xiii. 37.] And had he not, almost immediately afterwards, and though prophetically warned of it, thrice denied his Lord? Jesus had, indeed, since then appeared specially to Peter as the Risen One. But this threefold denial still, stood, as it were, uncancelled before the other disciples, nay, before Peter himself. It was to this that the threefold question to the Risen Lord now referred. Turning to Peter, with pointed though most gentle allusion to be danger of self-confidence, a confidence springing from only a sense of personal affection, even though genuine, He asked: 'Simon, son of Jona', as it were with fullest reference to what he was naturally, 'lovest thou Me more than these?' Peter understood it all. No longer with confidence in self, avoiding the former reference to the others, and even with marked choice of a different word to express his affection [4 Christ asks: and Peter answer:.] from that which the Saviour had used, he replied, appealing rather to his Lord's, than to his own consciousness: 'Yea, Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee.' And even here the answer of Christ is characteristic. it was to set him first the humblest work, that which needed most tender care and patience: 'Feed [provide with food] May Lambs.'



























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