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Réponse  Message 1 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 31/03/2015 18:11



La Pirámide invertida del Louvre y “El Código Da Vinci”.


La sala donde se encuentra la pirámide Invertida del Louvre.

Hace ya algunos meses, el pasado 7 de Abril, escribí un post titulado “La pirámide de I. M. Pei” en referencia a la famosa Pirámide del Louvre que ocupa el centro del Cour Napoleon y sirve, hoy día, de entrada principal al recinto museístico.

Advertí también, entonces, de la existencia de una segunda pirámide mucho menos conocida y mucho más enigmática que la ya mencionada.

A este enigma ha contribuído el libro “El Código Da Vinci” de Dan Brown, otorgándole un grado de notoriedad esotérica y religiosa que anteriormente no tenía.

Desde entonces, esta pirámide ha sido considerada como uno de los puntos de la ciudad más importante para visitar por los turistas llegados a la capital de Francia en busca de referencias físicas para la comprensión de dicho libro.

Nos estamos refiriendo a la Pyramide Inversée o Pirámide Invertida del Louvre

Desde el exterior del edificio no es fácil distinguir la posición de la Pirámide Invertida, que como su nombre indica, es una pirámide que nace a ras de suelo y el vértice superior, en este caso inferior, está en el subterráneo.

Si nos situamos en el Arco del Triunfo del Carrousel y fijamos nuestra mirada en la Pirámide principal, nos encontramos a mitad de camino con una rotonda que soporta una gran circulación de vehículos, es la Place du Carrousel. Aparentemente es una rotonda como otra cualquiera que tiene en su circunferencia unos setos de aproximadamente un metro de altura. Pues bien, estos setos enmarcan la base cuadrada de la Pyramide Inversée.

El seto de la rotonda oculta la estructura de cristal y acero de la pirámide Invertida.

Al igual que la principal, está fabricada en acero y cristal y su inclinación es de 51º, como las pirámides egípcias.

El vértice inferior de la misma no llega al suelo, sino que se queda aproximadamente a un metro y medio de distancia del mismo.

Justo debajo de la estructura modernista de cristal y acero, se construyó una pequeña pirámide de piedra que cubre esa distancia, dejando de separación entre ambos vértices el espacio aproximado de una cabeza.

A esta pequeña pirámide se refiere Dan Brown en su libro como el lugar donde se encuentra el misterio del Santo Grial, la tumba de María Magdalena.

A este punto, situado en el subterráneo del Museo del Louvre viajan al año millones y millones de turistas, unos simplemente para admirar la belleza de su construcción, otros, por el contrario, para conocer el lugar que el autor norteamericano eligió como escondite secreto del Santo Grial en su obra más conocida.

Después, muchos, reflejan su descontento al conocer la realidad de la construcción y la ficción del episodio novelado.

Antes de ver el texto donde aparece esta escena, si quieres conocer otros artículos publicados sobre París y “El Código da Vinci” puedes pinchar aquí La Virgen de las Rocas y “El Código Da Vinci”o aquí En Saint Sulpice, “El Código Da Vinci” miente, o aquí “La Rue Haxo y El Código Da Vinci”.


El texto de El Código da Vinci dice así en sus dos últimas páginas:

Ahora, avanzando a toda prisa por la Rué de Rivoli, Langdon sentía que su destino estaba cerca. A menos de una travesía.

Bajo la antigua Roslin el Grial con impaciencia espera tu llegada.
Las revelaciones parecían sucederse las unas a las otras. La manera antigua de escribir Rosslyn… la espada y el cáliz… la tumba adornada por artes de maestros.
«¿Era por eso por lo que Saunière tenía que hablar conmigo? ¿Había adivinado yo la verdad sin saberlo?»
Empezó a correr, sintiendo que la Línea Rosa bajo sus pies le guiaba, le empujaba hacia su destino. Al entrar en el largo túnel del Passage Richelieu, el vello de la nuca empezó a erizársele de la emoción anticipada. Sabía que al final de ese túnel se encontraba el monumento más misterioso de París, concebido y encargado en la década de 1980 por la esfinge en persona, Francois Mitterrand, un hombre del que se rumoreaba que se movía en círculos secretos, un hombre cuyo legado final a París había sido un lugar que Langdon había visitado hacía sólo unos días.
«En otra vida.»
Con un esfuerzo final, Langdon salió del pasaje, llegó a una explanada que le resultaba familiar y se detuvo. Sin aliento, levantó la vista muy despacio, con cautela, intentando abarcar la brillante estructura que tenía delante.
«La Pirámide del Louvre.»

Iluminada en la oscuridad. La admiró sólo un instante. Estaba más interesado en lo que le quedaba a la derecha. Se volvió y notó que una vez más los pies se le movían solos por el camino invisible de la antigua Línea Rosa y lo llevaban hacia el Carrousel du Louvre —el enorme círculo de césped rodeado en su perímetro por unos setos bien cortados—, en otro tiempo escenario de primitivas fiestas de culto a la naturaleza… alegres ritos de celebración de la fertilidad y la diosa.
Al meterse entre los setos y acceder a la zona de césped, Langdon se sintió como si estuviera entrando en otro mundo. Aquel suelo horadado estaba rematado en la actualidad por uno de los monumentos más atípicos de la ciudad.
En el centro, hundiéndose en la tierra como un abismo de cristal, se encontraba la pirámide invertida que había visto hacía unos días al entrar en el la zona subterránea del Louvre.
«La Pyramide Inversée.»
Tembloroso, se fue hasta el borde y contempló el museo que se extendía a sus pies, iluminado por una luz dorada. No sólo se fijaba en la impresionante pirámide invertida, sino en lo que había justo debajo. Ahí, en el suelo de la sala se veía una estructura minúscula, una estructura que Langdon mencionaba en su texto.
La posibilidad de que aquello pudiera ser cierto lo mantenía plenamente despierto. Volvió a alzar la vista y contempló el museo y notó que sus enormes alas lo rodeaban… aquellos pasillos llenos de las mejores obras de arte…
Leonardo da Vinci, Boticcelli…
Adornada por artes de maestros, ella reposa al fin en su morada.
Maravillado, miró hacia abajo una vez más a través del cristal y vio la diminuta estructura.
«¡Tengo que bajar como sea!»
Salió de allí y cruzó la explanada en dirección a la pirámide que hacía las veces de entrada al museo. Los últimos visitantes de aquel día ya iban saliendo.
Empujó la puerta giratoria y bajó por la escalera circular. Notaba que el aire se iba haciendo más fresco. Al llegar abajo, entró en un largo túnel que, bajo el patio del Louvre, llegaba a La Pyramide Inversée.

Al otro lado del túnel había una sala grande. Delante de él, colgando desde las alturas, estaba la pirámide invertida, un asombroso perfil triangular hecho de cristal.
«El cáliz.»
Los ojos de Langdon siguieron su forma decreciente desde la base hasta la punta, suspendida más de dos metros por encima del suelo. Y ahí, justo debajo de ella, se encontraba la diminuta estructura.
Una pirámide en miniatura. De apenas un metro de alto. La única cosa en aquel inmenso complejo que se había hecho a pequeña escala.
El ensayo de Langdon, además de tratar sobre la colección artística dedicada a la diosa que albergaba el museo, hacía un breve comentario sobre aquella discreta pirámide.
«Esa estructura en miniatura sobresale del suelo como si fuera la punta de un iceberg, el ápice de una enorme sala piramidal sumergida debajo como una cámara oculta.»
Iluminadas con la luz tenue de aquel sótano desierto, las dos pirámides se apuntaban la una a la otra, y sus puntas casi se tocaban.
«El cáliz encima. La espada debajo.»
Custodios y guardianes de sus puertas serán por siempre el cáliz y la espada.
Langdon oyó las palabras de Marie Chauvel. «Un día lo entenderás.»
Estaba ahí de pie, bajo la antigua Línea Rosa, rodeado de «artes de maestros». «¿Qué mejor lugar que aquel para que Saunière pudiera estar siempre vigilante?» Ahora, al fin, le parecía que entendía el verdadero significado de los versos del Gran Maestre. Alzando los ojos al cielo, miró a través del cristal. La noche estaba cuajada de estrellas.
Y el manto que la cubre en su descanso no es otro que la bóveda estrellada.
Como los murmullos de los espíritus en la oscuridad, resonaron unas palabras olvidadas.
«La búsqueda del Grial es literalmente el intento de arrodillarse ante los huesos de María Magdalena. Un viaje para orar a los pies de la descastada, de la divinidad femenina perdida.»
Con repentina emoción, Robert Langdon cayó postrado de rodillas.
Por un momento le pareció oír la voz de una mujer… la sabiduría de los Tiempos… que susurraba desde los abismos más profundos de la tierra.

Vista aérea del recinto palacial del Louvre. Junto al círculo rojo podemos ver el cristas superior de la pirámide Invertida del Louvre. El tráfico rodado y unos altos setos impiden apreciarla desde la calle.


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Réponse  Message 21 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 12/07/2015 00:20

Día Pi (π)

El día Pi es una fiesta no oficial que celebra la constante matemática pi (π). Se celebra el 14 de marzo en los países que siguen el formato mes / día que corresponden con los dígitos 3/14.

En los países que siguen el formato de fecha día / mes, la fiesta es después, el 22 de julio y se llama El día Pi por aproximación. Esto resulta de que el 22 de julio, o sea, el 22/7 es el valor aproximado de π (22 /7 = 3,14). 

El día Pi el 14 de marzo también coincide con el cumpleaños de Albert Einstein. Otras fechas especiales del calendario del día Pi en 2015: Será la única vez del siglo que la celebración del sábado, será un Pi muy especial: Sólo se da una vez cada 100 años. Este año, no sólo el mes y el día de la fecha (3/14) corresponden a los dígitos de la constante matemática, los dígitos del año también lo hacen. Si se escribe la fecha en el formato mes / día / año, entonces los dígitos de la fecha  3/14/15 se corresponden con los 5 primeros dígitos de pi: 3.1415.

Pero eso no es todo. El día Pi de este año va un paso más allá. A las 9:26:53 am y las 09:26:53 pm, la fecha y la hora se corresponden exactamente a los 10 primeros dígitos de pi: 3,141592653. Muchas personas están llamando a este el segundo Pi. Aunque hay un cierto desacuerdo sobre si habrá dos o un segundo Pi. Los más "puristas" creen que sólo puede haber un segundo Pi el de las 9:26:53 am, considerando que a las 09:26:53 pm en el reloj de 24 horas son las 21:26:53. 
A este respecto Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, profesor de Estadística de la Universidad de Toronto ha propuesto la designación del instante Pi: El instante exacto en el que la fecha y hora incluyen todos los dígitos de pi.
Cuenta atrás para el Segundo Pi
Una constante antigua y universal Pi (π), es una letra ampliamente conocida y una de las constantes matemáticas más reconocida, el diámetro en el espacio euclidiano o la relación del área de un círculo con su radio al cuadrado. El valor de PI es aproximadamente igual a 3.14159265, pero es un número irracional y su representación decimal nunca termina.  

Día paléndromo
El día Pi fue fundado por Larry Shaw y se celebró por primera vez en 1988 en el Exploratorium de San Francisco.
El público y el personal del museo marcharon alrededor de un espacio circular y comiern pasteles de frutas.
Los estudiantes, los matemáticos y los entusiastas de las matemáticas de todo el mundo celebran el Día Pi participando en actividades y concursos alrededor de pi que incluye hacer y comer empanadas, convertir números tales como el tiempo o la edad de cada uno usando pi, y recitar los dígitos de pi o ver la famosa película en blanco y negro Pi (1988) de Darren Aronofsk

Días alternativos Pi y aproximación Pi se pueden celebrar en otras fechas del calendario como:
  • 22 de julio: Cuando 22 se divide por 7, resulta igual a 3.14.
  • 5 de Abril: Cuando han transcurrido 3,14 meses del año.
  • 26 de Abril: La Tierra ha viajado dos radianes de su órbita en el día de hoy (25 de abril en los años bisiestos). Esta se celebra exactamente en el segundo 41 del minuto 23 de la cuarta hora, el 26 de abril o el día 116. (En los años bisiestos, se celebra exactamente en el tercer segundo del segundo minuto de la hora 12 el 25 de abril o el día 116 del año.)
  • 10 de november: El día 314 del año (9 de noviembre en años bisiestos).
  • 21 de Diciembre, a las 1:13 p.m.: El 355 día del año (20 de diciembre en los años bisiestos), que se celebra a las 1:13 de la aproximación china 355/113.

Réponse  Message 22 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/08/2015 23:15
Sun 864,000 mile diameter
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The Sun The sun is 864,000
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the diameter of the sun!
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orbit the sun  Venus and
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Our Sun – Physical Properties
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Slide 2
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Now, during a total lunar
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source of energy, the Sun.
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of the Sun whose diameter
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EARTH Earth is 7,927 miles in
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The sun is a star with a
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of the sun (864,000 miles)
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450 × 558 - 38k - gif
The diameter of the Sun is
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Slide 8
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864 MM - 864000 SECONDS IS THE
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Sun is 864,000 miles 10%
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the Sun is 864,000 miles).
555 × 458 - 125k - gif
[Image: 535c7c801577f.jpg]
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this Earth-Moon scheme in
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the Moon 2,160 miles
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The Moon, 2,160 miles in
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2,160 miles (3,476 km) in
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6.- The architects of the
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The Moon's two shadows are the
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discovered moon managed to
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the moon is 2,160 miles.
360 × 378 - 14k - gif
The Moon is 384,403 kilometers
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Earth and Moon Juxtaposed
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Fibonacci Pi Earth Moon Sun
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The moon is 27.3% the size of
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2160 miles diameter of the
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The Moon is 384,403 kilometers
400 × 399 - 78k - gif
1383 × 475 - 61k - jpg
Jupiter's moon Io is the solar
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of the Moon's, 2160 miles.
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Our moon is 2160 miles (3476
133 × 200 - 7k - jpg
of the moon, 2,160 miles,
1920 × 1080 - 677k - jpg

Réponse  Message 23 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/09/2015 16:40
But it is the second group I want to focus on...

The Fixed signs ... by element, they are Leo (fire), Scorpio (water), Aquarius (air) and Taurus (earth).

As I pointed out these 4 constellations, 4 elements have been connected by scholars (not me), esoterically to the 4 Evangelists who wrote the 4 Gospels that appear in the New Testament...written by the Greeks...who used Gematria.
An ancient code, one of the very first. A code that gave numerical values for letters of the alphabet...or was it the other way around?

So how do we go about placing those 4 Evangelists along with the 4 Gospels associated with their names, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (remember these are the 4 books chosen from many, that form the foundation of the New Testament Bible) into those 4 constellations in the heaven above, namely...

5 ... Leo ... Mark
2 ... Taurus ... Luke
8 ... Scorpio ... John

We can discuss the 4th constellation/astrological sign later.
The 4th coincidently deals with the present age that we are said to be entering into, represented by the following...

11 ... Aquarius ... Matthew


Card 10 The Wheel of Fortune
I have already presented this particular Tarot Card as esoteric evidence of an exoteric truth withheld. (important to remember that the Tarot represents oppressed knowledge that was driven underground in defiance of the church...arcana means hidden/secret/mysterious)

This particular 'template' representing these 4 Astrological Signs appears twice within the Major Arcana of the Tarot.
It also appears on the final card.
Card XXI ... The World.

So still not impressed peak, eh, you ole' bible thumper?
Well I did promise to elevate those 4 Evangelists to a godly stature by giving them their own place in the heavens.....
I do not need to do that.
The ancient Arabic astrologer already did that.

These 4 Evangelists that are without a doubt connected to those 4 constellations were known to the Arabic astrologer as The 4 Royal Stars.
Or and this is even more telling perhaps of what they represent, and what is to come....
These 4 Royal Stars were also known as the 4 Watchers of the Heavens.

The four "royal stars" are the bright stars in the four cornerstone constellations discussed in Part I. The Book of Enoch explains that the stars are named for the Lord's most faithful servants, and the constellation symbolism is clear enough to indicate just who these stars represent. ... stars.html

The Royal Stars of Persia are so named because roughly 5,000 years ago, during the fabled pyramid age of Egypt, these luminaries held tremendous influence. Endowed with almost archangelic power, these legendary stars of antiquity are Aldebaron, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut, and in the epoch of 5,000 years ago they were considered to be guardians of the four corners of heaven and watchers of the directions, forming a heavenly cross near the ecliptic.

...forming a heavenly cross near the ecliptic?

Now we are getting somewhere!!!
These 4 Royal Stars/4 Evangelists form a Cross in the Heavens?
How is that accomplished?

Well it is time to identify those 4 Royal Stars associated with each of those 4 constellations/Evangelists/Gospels = New Testament.

5 ... Leo ... Mark ... REGULUS / Venant - summer solstice (Watcher of the North)
2 ... Taurus ... Luke ... ALDEBARAN / Tascheter - vernal equinox (Watcher of the East)
8 ... Scorpio ... John ... ANTARES / Satevis - autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West)
11 ... Aquarius ... Matthew ... FOMALHAUT / Haftorang - winter solstice (Watcher of the South)

Yes they were referred to by the Arabic astrologers as the 4 Watchers of the 4 Directions.
And the term 4 Watchers was also used by the Chinese and the Egyptians...but thats another post....

Now the aha ... pay attention peak or EWE might miss it.
What happens when we plot those 4 Royal Stars in the heavens.
We notice 3 things.

1/ All 4 Royal Stars are ON the ecliptic.
2/ When we join these 4 Royal Stars ... a CROSS appears.
3/ Fomalhaut is associated with both Aquarius and the Winter Solstice...Maya winter solstice 2012 ... age of Aquarius.
ALL coincidences I assure the herds of the sheeple and flocks of seagullibles ...

Not just any CROSS.
A CROSS that points us in the direction of sacred geometry.
And geometry in Greek means to 'measure the earth'.
Sacred measurements of the earth are also embedded in this ancient science?


Ignore the red arrow and the number 5 for now...
In the above star chart the following stars are represented.

The green ellipse is the ecliptic.
The smaller black circle is the imaginary line formed by the earth's wobble pointing toward the current north/pole star.

#3 is REGULUS in Leo
#2 is ALDEBARAN in Taurus
#4 is ANTARES in Scorpio

#1 is FOMALHAUT in Aquarius*

*actually Fomalhaut is located in another constellation, but the ancients associated Fomalhaut with Aquarius.
This is an anomaly, I suggest you remember it.
Pay attention to the anomalies and less attention to the scripted HIStory written by the victors...

This post, a favorite of mine, shows how everything 'connects' ... stars = math = myth = scripture.
How the crucifix is associated with the golden spiral.



Now plot those 4 Royal Stars on this sacred shape.
Just a matter of time peak ... somebody with influence will soon pick up on what I have uncovered ... two distinct groups of people will soon seek me out peak ... those that would like to promote my ideas and those who feel threatened by them.
Enlightening film needs to be made NOW before 2012 if the collective is to have any kind of chance, a film called The End of HIStory as EWE know it...
(in my not so humble opinion?)


That'll be 5 bucks peak for that trip.
Truth should be real cheap ya know.
Truth has been part of public domain for centuries...
Truth has been repackaged countless times over the centuries by the false prophets who seek only the profits....
Give the 5 bucks to the next bum ya see...probably a fellow Christian, sitting just outside the Vatican walls, down on his luck ... his luck ran out in Vegas because he had faith in his luck and his god ... both left him, never to be seen again.


V is NOT for Victory
Those two fingers used to form the V represent the y-axis and z-axis in a reality dominated by the Right Hand Rule of Physics.

The EWE, please note, leave their signature using a Thumb Print, an X signature using the x-axis.
I guess ewe could say we all leave our mark.



*golem is my name on the other forum.
Raphael got banned... but infiltrated the forum as golem, who once found out, was forgiven for Raphael's trespasses...
KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Réponse  Message 24 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/09/2015 17:29
Interesting, this definition of Raphael connects the 4 Archangels to the four presences which seem to be related to the four "living creatures" of Ezekiel (1:5) and of the Apocalypse (Rev 4:6).

Namely the Man, the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle

11 2 5 8 or the birth of Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew 1:18-25


In the Mason literature we see Scorpio depicted as the Scorpion, in the Tarot Card X, it is depicted as the Eagle, associated with the Hebrew letter yod.

But what does 'Jewish Literature' suggest....I followed Yoma 37as the clue....


The four names Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, also occur on a golden tablet found in the tomb of the wife of Emperor Honorius (Kopp, "Palæographia Critica," iii., § 158; "Apocryphische Fragen des Bartholomeus," in Lüken, l.c. p. 114; "Zauberpapyri," in Lüken, l.c. p. 71). ... 7&letter=G




*according to the book Zohar, Raphael conveyed to Adam a book

I thought it was Raziel?
KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Réponse  Message 25 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 05/10/2015 14:35

Reply  Message 337 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 25/09/2015 13:41
Resultado de imagen para Raphael KEY 528 2012

Reply  Message 338 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 01:50



6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:


Reply  Message 339 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Reply  Message 340 of 350 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2015 02:40

Réponse  Message 26 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 05/10/2015 15:53

Réponse  Message 27 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/10/2015 17:22

24 * 74 = 1776

HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
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BARILOCHENSE6999 10/10/2015 11:40

Réponse  Message 28 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 27/10/2015 14:09
I C, the pillars are giving birth. /irgo's legs extend down to Libra's / Scorpio's balances were the pillars reside. 

The Babylonian "Chelae Scorpionis" is Libra's balances in sidereal Scorpio! 

For those wondering, yes, our astrological signs have been tampered with with as well, the degrees are way off. Eastern sidereal astrology is the truth! Is there anything they don't have there hands in? 

It's the same directly opposite side of the zodiac with the bulls horns & Cap El lA, with Capella being north of the horns. 

PerSeuS (Algol = negative feminine energy) is chasing CapELLA. (masculine positive energy = the lamb) Wink 

In-Between the bulls horns & capella is were we will find our 137 axis (F#4.5) or the nuclear axis. 

The light bends with the the sound !! 
1 black hole in the east, 1 white hole in the west, or we can rotate the ying yang 90 degrees. Wink 

There is a invisible white hole in Scorpio that the stinger is pointing to, it is the starting point of the west pillar. 
(at 9 on the major scale) Wink 

And that my friend is why Zuben EL chemali is the only star in the sky that is green, hydrogen green that is. Idea 

Here is the BRANE of the operation 

3 x 3 / 81 Permutations of the Lo Shu 

19.47 major (related to ADAM) 
25.52 minor (related to EVE) 

Those are two mirror numbers or mirror partners above & below G on the musical scale. Could note A on the scale be 19.47? 


Hmmmmm, Zuben EL, Algol, & Scheat are all on the 19.5 degree mark with Capella at 20. Shocked 

The 19.47 degree angle is linked geometrically to the Mercury synodic hexagram circumscribed by the Earth's orbit. Idea 

22:7 = Mercury-Earth Synodic Cycle (22 x 116 = 2552 : 2555 = 7x 365) 


Réponse  Message 29 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/11/2015 16:40
Optimist777 wrote:
That is a big what if, synchronicity is screaming yes so I will have to agree.

I keep a book beside my bed (whatever it may happen to be) so when I awake whenever that may be, perhaps I shall find that special spot in the book I have placed beside my bed, and often I awake and immediately find a gem waiting for me because now I can see where I left off. Idea 


I suggest you get this book. 
Here is a review. 

Bill Darlison is a Genius! 

Bill Darlison has finally done in great and specific details what hundreds of other scholars have only been able to hint at. His book--THIS BOOK--will be used and talked about for hundreds of years in the world of Biblical Scholarship as the "Eureka" moment of understanding the Gospel of Mark, and therefore the development of all other gospels dependent upon Mark's narrative structure!

Aha! my Bill has come due, I have found my genius. 
The Unitarian Minister plays right into my left and right hands. 
My darling son Bill clearly establishes a link between the zodiac and the bible narrative using the Gospel of Mark as the zodiac narrative contained within the larger narrative called The bIbLE. 

And how hard could it be linking ALL this knowledge to fringe players, like the occultists, Rosicrucian, Jesuits, Freemasons, Druids, Egyptians, Babylonians, Chaldean, Nancy Reagan, Lucis Trust (and that is just the short list in the west, wanting to preserve want had been cherished and revered for thousands of years, because it only makes sense that you would? 
That is why the DNA Temples like St. Peter's Square and Giza can linked by the number 55 and were constructed and preserved in stone. 
Stone = St. One 
Digital age to edit the truth, to rearrange all those cubical pixels, after the choices have been made you just push the button called 'render'. 
Try to do that with 26,000,000 blocks of St. ONE found on the Giza Plateau. Wink 
Actually the evidence is clear, the only evidence we in fact do have is not the RISE of the Great Pyramid, but in fact only its FALL. 
No records left on how they built it. Only a succession of gods and pharaohs to help document the gradual ride down the slope. 
So ALL of history only seems to record its gradual decline by time, and at the hand of men who have tried to destroy this monument in vain. 

And sAIN'T mARK on Card X of the Tarot is associated with LEO (because a mARK needs a Laughing rOAR), along with the numbers 11 2 58, and 1 3 7 6 
St. Mark/LEO is associated with either the 5 or 7 ... and fire/sun 
1957 was the year re: the most documented sun activity. 
...blah blah blah 

I almost forgot to mention the gem that I awoke to this morning found in my darling son Bill's book. 
And remember this comes the day after Carl Calleman suggested the world would change. 

found on page I6I Wink 
James and John approach Jesus, asking that he do for the whatever they request. He asks what they want, and they reply: 

'Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.' 
(mARK 10:37)


137 flanked by the TWO POLARITIES. 
It is another example of the same ole' archetype that NEEDS to be reinforced, it seems. 
To the reader do remember I did suggest we could write the number 137 on the side of the spiritual ARK and place it between the two spectral lines of the hydrogen atom. 


Okay now onto your offering 777 Optimist. 
I went to save the image on my files so I could 'flip' it along either its Y axis or travel along the Z, you decide. 


But I choose a new fILE naME to reflect the reflection. 

swastikas triangles diagonal and vertical lines concentric circles 

A fILE name that is far more indicative than how many scholars see this Cyprian vase. 
Bottom line is, if the vEIL or blah blah stargate that separates two sides is transparent and I touch it leaving my SWIRLY SWASTIKA fingerprints, we will in fact see that on one side of the vEIL we would find the LEFT facing CW swastika, and on the other side of the coin or the EvIL LEvI vEIL, on the flip side we would find the arms bent RIGHT CCW swastika. 

Same thing as a 35mm print negative. 
Same image can be viewed two ways. 

Is the EvIL vEIL all in our heads filled with Kodak moments? 
Is the vEIL separating science and rELIgion the Corpus Callosum Carl Calleman? 

There is a MRI brain image available re: Dr. Temple Grandin who was able to combat her AUTISM, suggesting a brain balancing act is part of the game we signed up for by being born. 

Optimist777 wrote:

Maybe we can split the Fylfot Cross down the middle as to separate the hemispheres of the zodiacal noggin. 
X Air/Fire = North, Earth/Water = South 


Arrow 3 Pillers xyz axis' 
Arrow center Hex 

When scientists discover that the core of the proton in an atom is square, then they will realize that the body in the Sun (electron) is also square. 

Space is composed of balanced cubes of Intelligence at rest. 

All unbalanced, positive bodies are emitting light. 

All unbalanced, negative bodies are absorbing light. 

Cubes are unbalanced, positive bodies. Negative bodies are unbalanced spheres. Each can contain, or be a part of the other, as long as one polarity is predominant. The predominant polarity will determine whether the object is spherical or cubical in shape.” 

PS. Why do you think there is an equilateral triangle in Scorpio/Libra & Gem/Tau? Aldebaran-Antares Axis Very Happy

All of the above is great. 
Stay on the D. Leahy Cube theme. 


do you find your computer lags on this web site of late? 

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Réponse  Message 30 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 20/11/2015 02:49

Réponse  Message 31 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/11/2015 03:48
Sorry for the delay,

been meditating on 3+1, analyzed the narrative with more SenSitivity. the narrative reads:

Rev 4:5-11 (NRSV)
"Coming from the throne are flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and in front of the throne burn seven flaming torches, which are the seven spirits of God; 4:6 and in front of the throne there is something like a sea of glass, like crystal. Around the throne, and on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: 4:7 the first living creature like a LION, the second living creature like an OX, the third living creature with a face like a HUMAN face, and the fourth living creature like a flying EAGLE. 4:8 And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and inside. Day and night without ceasing they sing, "Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty, who was and is and is to come." 4:9 And whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to the one who is seated on the throne, who lives forever and ever, 4:10 the twenty-four elders fall before the one who is seated on the throne and worship the one who lives forever and ever; they cast their crowns before the throne, singing, 4:11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created."


Notice the 5x5 grids, and the 2 squares forming an octagon.

Wow!!! it has been in plain sight. 4 x 6 = 24
We know the Creatures are related to the Cherubium, and thus the SwaStika.

we know 24's significance, it is related to Mod9 - 24 Sequence Fibonacci


Dividing the Mod9 24 Fib sequence into 4 yields the 4 Creatures each with 6 wings.


Please observe the 4 Stars. Out of the four Stars, 3 function in a synergestic fashion with each other, they infact interact to form 2 Rodin coils, but the Star (1 - 8) is not part of Rodin coil, it is an added circuit. observe the (1 - 4 - 7 / 2 -5 - 8) Star is repeated 2X, hence 2 H in Tetragrammaton.


lets now break apart the Stars into their comprising triangles. we get 8 triangles corresponding to the 8 sides of the octagon.


Lets draw the axis and define the dynamics.


Each triangle poses 3 axial lines within - 1 Axis Point without. The 3 internal axial lines within the triangle (xyz) is formed through 3 Solfeggio Cubes (81 = 17 + (4x16)). 

we have a total of 8 triangles forming 4 Stars. 

each one of the eight triangles further represents 1 Axis Point.
each one of the 4 Stars represents 1 Axial Line.

put simply 2 Axis points result in an Axial Line within the octagon. we have 4 Axial Lines within the octagon (the 4 Creatures) vs. 3 within the hexagon, thats why the octagon enables accessing hyperspace via hypercubation. 


Within the Fib Sequence we have 8 Trinagles, therefore 8 Axis Points, hence the Octagon, Holy Mount, Freedom Tower, All Symbols Pointing to the Holy 8. 

Now onto aether, 1 around 8
The Aether is the Holy 9th Trinagle thus Total of 27 Cubes of Space (totaling to 729 - Cube of Petrous) as unmanifest, but 24 as manifest, hence 24 Night-Day Cycle in the manifest.

Also recall Hebrew + 5 finals = 27, old Greek alphabet also had 27 letters, the new testament was written in Greek and 3 of the letters were dropped. :wink: 

The Central Axis Point or the 9th Triangle = Aether = Fifth Element = Shin = 3 Cubes

Each set of 9 Cubes or 243 Frequencies Forms 1 Realm, 3 Realms of 9 Cubes (Physical, Archetypal-Spiritual) Thus each Realm is one Axis Point comprised of 243 Solfeggio Frequncies.

The 3 Most Major Axis Points Forms the Cube of Petrous Itself or 9 Quantum dimensions comprised of 81 Core Frequencies.


I shall provide more detail next time. 

excellent sync with Penrose Rapael, will need to read upon it. 8)

Réponse  Message 32 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/11/2015 15:06

Reply  Message 98 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:54

Reply  Message 99 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:55

Reply  Message 100 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:57

Reply  Message 101 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:58

Reply  Message 102 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:59

Reply  Message 103 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 02:08

Reply  Message 104 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 02:12

Réponse  Message 33 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 09/01/2016 22:25
Related to Mykah's post, focusing on the pyramid symbology and the two faces.

I began to think of the celtic notions of above and below.

Think of a large tree, we only see half of the tree. We look in amazement and wonderment at the life that is harboured in its branches and the incredible atmospheric processing factory the tree is. We forget that below us is the other half of the tree, its roots providing a harbour for an entire ecosystem, and the roots are an enormous chemical processing plant.

Duir - Double-ended oak treeThis picture comes from an ancient druid grove in Derby and shows an oak tree (Duir) with its branches and roots entwined to make the circle of life. In the 90s an ancient oak tree was uncovered as the sea went very far out on the Norfolk coast. It had been buried upside-down within a circle of posts, a woodhenge. Time Team built a replica of it that was most impressive and gave you a strong sense of what the place must have been about.

The concept of burying the tree upside-down, so its branches were in the earth and its roots in the heavens has lots of esoteric symbolism.

Two faces of the same coin.

I think of the pyramids coming in pairs. The depiction of the Star of David on the Israeli national flag is for me an indication of a double pyramid, one facing up, the other, subterranean facing down,

The pyramids true power was not just the enormous energies it sends up into the atmosphere, image those same huge energies also being transmitted downwards, or perhaps the underside pyramid focuses the subterranean energies into the above ground pyramid?

I have often wondered what is beneath Silbury Hill, not just what is in it.

The Nile as Tree of Life:

but which is the root and which is the branch? What is up and what is down? For the Ancients, The Med was the bottom of Egypt, South was at the top. The Delta is the roots.

Black is white. Above is below. Top is down.

Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.

Réponse  Message 34 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 10/01/2016 21:01
Related to Mykah's post, focusing on the pyramid symbology and the two faces.

I began to think of the celtic notions of above and below.

Think of a large tree, we only see half of the tree. We look in amazement and wonderment at the life that is harboured in its branches and the incredible atmospheric processing factory the tree is. We forget that below us is the other half of the tree, its roots providing a harbour for an entire ecosystem, and the roots are an enormous chemical processing plant.

Duir - Double-ended oak treeThis picture comes from an ancient druid grove in Derby and shows an oak tree (Duir) with its branches and roots entwined to make the circle of life. In the 90s an ancient oak tree was uncovered as the sea went very far out on the Norfolk coast. It had been buried upside-down within a circle of posts, a woodhenge. Time Team built a replica of it that was most impressive and gave you a strong sense of what the place must have been about.

The concept of burying the tree upside-down, so its branches were in the earth and its roots in the heavens has lots of esoteric symbolism.

Two faces of the same coin.

I think of the pyramids coming in pairs. The depiction of the Star of David on the Israeli national flag is for me an indication of a double pyramid, one facing up, the other, subterranean facing down,

The pyramids true power was not just the enormous energies it sends up into the atmosphere, image those same huge energies also being transmitted downwards, or perhaps the underside pyramid focuses the subterranean energies into the above ground pyramid?

I have often wondered what is beneath Silbury Hill, not just what is in it.

The Nile as Tree of Life:

but which is the root and which is the branch? What is up and what is down? For the Ancients, The Med was the bottom of Egypt, South was at the top. The Delta is the roots.

Black is white. Above is below. Top is down.

Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.

Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 139 of 139 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/01/2016 20:00
Reply  Message 5 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/01/2016 17:48

Réponse  Message 35 de 95 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 16/01/2016 00:23

Celia Fenn – When Two Suns Rise – Sirius and the Planetary New Year – 7-20-15

Celia Fenn   –   When Two Suns Rise   –   Sirius and the Planetary New Year   –   7-20-15

The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on the Earth recognized this as the moment when an important New Cycle of Evolutionary Time was initiated.

This period was also associated with what was known as the “Lion’s Gate”, the historical moment when the constellation of Leo aligned with the Pyramid complex at Giza. But you might ask, why is that important to me in the year 2015?

This is because the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun. It is the time when Earth has Two visible “suns” in the sky. The one sun is Golden, and the other is Blue in Frequency. This conjunction of Stars celebrates the long connection between Earth, and its Sun, and the Star System of Sirius.

In Ancient Egypt, in the post-Atlantean civilization that sprang up on the banks of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius, as it is known, also marked the time when the Nile River rose due to rains in Central Africa, and flooded the plains of Egypt so that crops could be grown. The rising of the waters signified the return of Abundance and Blessings to the land, and this was also associated with Sirius and it’s helical rising in the East.

Sirius has long been a guiding light and force in the Evolution of the Earth. There were many powerful Star Teachers that came to the Earth to assist Humanity, and they were believed to be ‘gods’. These teachers included the Beings known as Isis and Osiris, who brought the arts of agriculture and learning to the peoples of Ancient Egypt to assist them to reconstruct their world after the trauma of the Atlantean catastrophe.

And now, at this time, we are told that the Sirian Master Teachers are returning to our world to assist us with aligning our frequencies with the incoming Diamond Light that is raising the frequency of our Planet and of Humanity.

The Gold Sun and the Blue Sun

As Master teachers, the Sirians brought information to the Ancient Egyptians that helped them to remember who they were and where they were going. They taught them the principles of Ascension, and these were recorded in papyrus texts and on pyramid and temple walls. They reminded us all that our bodies are from the Earth but our Souls are from the Stars.

In recent years, they have also reminded us that everything is energy and frequency, and that ascending or raising our consciousness, means that we can align ourselves with the frequencies that are coming from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Center, and that are raising the frequency of our Light Bodies and our Physical bodies and DNA.

It was the Sirians who first taught us about the ‘Christ Consciousness’ that was embodied in the Golden Light of the Sun. The Gold Frequency was Divine Light and it carried the energy of Divine Love and Compassion.

As Humanity opened themselves to receive more of the transmissions of the Divine Light and more of the Light Codes that would elevate consciousness, they embraced the Gold Light and activated the Light Body and Multi-dimensional consciousness.

The first Sirian Avatars of the Christ Consciousness were Isis and her partner Osiris, who brought the Golden Light to Egypt. The second Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene. Together, they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness.

The Blue Sun was Sirius itself, and it carried the Blue Frequency of that Star System also known as the ‘Blue Star’. This deep Blue Light carried the Codes of an advanced race of Light Beings who were in the service of the Divine Plan and the Evolution of the Galaxy and the Earth.

The rising of the Blue Sun indicated another cycle of Light, Love and Support from the Sirian Master Teachers on the Path of Evolution. Following this event, those on the Earth could expect great blessings and abundance in their lives.

You might wonder, what happened? Why was this teaching lost and why is it only now being recovered as we move into the Ascension process?

Well, in the Ancient Egyptian world, the Sacred duties of the Master Teachers were disrupted by a corrupt priesthood that had an agenda of control, mostly through the manipulation of sexual energies.

Since this world is a free-will zone, Humanity was left to carry on its path and the Sirian Master Teachers withdrew from Egypt.

The arrrival of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represented another opportunity to anchor and ground the Golden Frequency.

Initially this was achieved, after the death of Yeshua, by Mary Magdalene, who carried the teachings to France and into Europe. But again, a corrupt priesthood arose that ended the line of Mary Magdalene in the 12th Century with the Albigensian Crusade.

Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.

The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.

The Lion’s Gate

After the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, there is a powerful Portal or Vortex that opens which allows these new Light Codes to flood into the Earth grids. The constellation of Leo no longer aligns with the rising Sun as time has passed. But, the energy of the Lion is what is important at this vortex.

The Lion is the Frequency Keeper of Africa, and of course Egypt is part of Africa. The Spirit Keeper of the Portal is the Spirit Animal that guards the integrity of the African continent. The Lion also represents Spiritual Power, and Yeshua/Jesus was known as the ‘Lion of Judah’, as the representative of the Sirian avatar line on Earth.

So, the ‘Lion’s Gate’ is that moment when this portal opens to allow new Codes and new Information that will be the template for the year ahead. The Royal Lion stands guard over the New Timeline. In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Gate was represented by two Lions who faced each other.

They were known as the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, and of course, it was ‘today’ that came pouring through the gate. The Infinite ‘now’ of present time that can be experienced as flow and creativity and blessings. The Lion’s Gate opens on the 26th of July, reaches its climax on the 8th of August, and closes on the 12th of August.

So it is, at this time, that there are many endings and new beginnings that go with the torrents of Light that come through the Lion’s Gate. Do not be sad or upset if these are intense times, they are meant to be.

The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be rooted and blessings result. In the Ancient Egyptian world this was clearly visible as the river flooded, washing away the last of last years crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land.

In our time, the manifestation may not be so obvious, but we are going through the same intense process of ending and new beginnings for a richer and more abundant cycle ahead.

Ascension and the Master Teachers

Now, as we are in this wonderful process of the Ascension of our consciousness to higher frequencies, we are once again being aided and assisted by the Sirian Master Teachers.

But, this time, we are not in a relationship of ‘gods’ and ‘subjects’. We are ascending into our own power, and the Master Teachers are seen as guides and helpers, rather than ‘gods’.

As we recognize the Divine Flame within ourselves and as we embody the Higher Frequencies, including the Gold, Blue and Diamond Frequencies, we understand that Earth has ‘graduated’ to a new level where the Sirian Master Teachers can be consulted as ‘Star Family’ and ‘Star Elders’, but that it is we ourselves who must drive our own Evolution through our Intentions and our Choices.

The Master Teachers are here to hold ‘Master Classes’, to remind us who we are and to help us to step into our power, but we must be the ones who embody the Crystalline Rainbow Frequencies of the New Earth.

This time of the Planetary New Year and the Lion’s Gate is an ideal time to embrace this truth and step into our Multi-dimensional Light and Power as Ascended Humans, as New Earth Souls who embody all the Higher Frequencies of Light that were gifted to us by the Star Teachers and Avatars to advance our Spiritual and Physical Evolution on Earth.


Source:“When Two Suns Rise: Sirius and the Planetary New Year” by Celia Fenn, July 19 2015, at

Source Link: When Two Suns Rise

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