Sauniere renovated St Magdalene church from 1887. In 1891 he found a crypt before the altar, under a floor stone that Abbe Bigou had turned around to hide a royalist engraving a hundred years before. Inside was some treasure, perhaps of King Sigebert IV, that Bigou may have moved from the thick wall pilaster (see 13 Mural tomb below). Sauniere’s renovation became lavish, with some small deviations from Catholic practice, and local scenes added.

Renovations extended around the church, raising rumours of a cache. He ordered commercial saints’ statue casts and Cross Station plaques, but contracted Italian artists to paint them. Five saints trace an M-shape around Magdalene with her ointment cup; Germaine, Roch, Anthony hermit, Anthony Padua, and Luke among five teachers (see 9 Pulpit below), spelling GRAAL, grail. But the floor plan also subconsciously expresses the much more detailed global archetypal structure listed here (after Furter 2014. 2016. See The mindprint model of archetype in culture, in another post).

The church was built as the castle’s chapel, to St Mary the Blessed (noted Blanche-Negre 2013). Its foundation is oriented to sunrise on her feast day, Sep 17, 86off north; four degrees before east, or four days before autumn. The dedication was changed from Mary (see 11, 11B below) to Magdalene (see 11, 14 below), perhaps by Sigebert’s sons under Charlemagne, after AD771.

Buy the Rennes archetypal tour guide here:

Update 2020: Copies of Stoneprint Journal 6; Rennes le Chateau stoneprint tour, 2019,, 20 pages, including eight pages in full colour, including a loose insert of an extract in French, is now also available on mail order from Amsterdam, at Eur/$15 via Paypal and email to Edmondfurter at gmail dot com

Church floor plan after Blanchenegre. Type labels and axial grid by E Furter.

[]Type label; Character (noting archetypal features):

[]1 BuilderCross (spring season); over four angels (cluster), in gestures of crossing (twisted); one kneeling to point to an added word in Constantine’s motto: In this sign conquer ‘him’; monogram BS, perhaps Basilisk v Salamander of Montsegur Trout Lake, or Sauniere’s initials; two salamanders; water stoup (rain); devil Asmodeus bent (twisted), as treasure finder, or demonic anti-Christian Republican.

[]2 BuilderStation IX, Christ falls (twisted).

[]2c BasketMoneybox (container). And mural of pink castle, perhaps Casteillas (see Rennes le Chateau map 6, in another post), and hexagonal plants named Solomon’s Seal (texture).

Rennes le Chateau church type 3 is expressed also by Cross Station VIII, Christ meets three weeping Daughters of Jerusalem, or congregations, including a widow in a black veil (queen) kissing his hand, and a child in blue tartan. (Photo: Migel Nessling).

[]3 QueenStation VIII, Christ meets three weeping Daughters of Jerusalem [congregations], widow in a black veil (queen), child in blue tartan (Anglesey?); seven people (more typical of type 2).

[]4 KingChrist in the Sermon mural (see Rennes church mural 3, in another post). And confession box (rectangle), carved with Christ rescuing a lamb (more typical of 3). And floor tiles, former diagonal chessboard (rectangle).

[]4 King B; Station VII, Christ fallen (squatting), a soldier pulls him up; Ps69:14 “Rescue me from the mire before I sink, from haters, watery depths. Let not waves wash over me, nor the deep swallow me, nor the pit (more typical of 3) close its mouth on me.” (See Rennes les Bains map 3, in another post). And mural of pulpit base pillar broken out, as Jerusalem Temple sacked by Rome, or Rome sacked by Visigoths, or a decapitated French king (king). Its capital is carved as pomegranate leaves, perhaps ‘Phoenician of Granada’, Spain; or ‘Punning’, after Jonathan Swift. It is one of the fruits of knowledge, and a royal red dye, and emblem of the Holy Roman Emperor (king). In the hollow top Sauniere may have found small items. The base is now in the museum. And mural of cubic buildings (rectangle), perhaps Montazels (see Rennes le Chateau map 11, in another post). And walker in a red robe (king) with walking stick, copy of a detail in Scorel’s Rock of Magdalene (noted De Raaf); perhaps Lazarus resurrected after four days in a tomb (the church orientation is four days after spring), before the Passover full moon after Easter in the ‘sign’ of Aries (in constellation Pisces in recent centuries). The walker is at a bush, perhaps Fish Smoke Rock, Fumade (fish. See Rennes le Chateau map 11, in another post); or Founbit, a dinosaur egg nest (bird) fossil ‘oven’ (furnace). And Bread Stone or oven (furnace).

[]4p Galactic South PolePaving before Baptist fount (spout).

[]5 Priest; St John Baptist (priest, Baptist) over Christ (priest), on a font (water). His staff holds a banner, M-shaped, Roman 1000: ‘This is the Lamb of God.’ One tradition holds that he was crucified instead of Christ. Both had disciples: John’s Essenians, Christ’s Nazoreans; both were anointed Messiahs, announced by Gabriel (Luke1); but Christ as liberator (4 king), Baptist as forgiver.

[]5c TailStation V, Simon Cyrene, an African (varicoloured, however painted as a European here), carries the cross.

[]6 ExileSt Germaine of Pibrac, shepherdess with lambs, flowers in her apron (5c container) in winter (of Age Aries), to conceal bread (sacrifice) for a beggar, like legendary St Roselyne. Near the axial centre (ingress).

[]7 ChildSt Anthony Hermit (more typical of 8), with a pig boar. His feast is 17 January (as of 6 St Germaine /St Roselyne), date of his death aged 107.

[]7g Galactic CentreDoor (juncture) to belltower (7 rope), 1740, before Sauniere. And Cross Station I, Christ before Pilate in a long head cape (8 hermit), washing his hands in a silver bowl (water) held by a black boy (7 child); also a trial of spiritual virtue and strategy (8 strength).

Rennes le Chateau church pulpit (after Imgur).

[]8 HealerPulpit spiral (pillar) steps (bent forward).

[]9 HealerTeachers on the pulpit,  Sts Matthew, Mark, Christ, John and Luke, left to right, all between pillars (pillar). Luke was a doctor (healer), who wrote on fortitude (strength). And a painting of Christ or Luke on the pulpit stairs door.

[]9; Pulpit on four balusters (pillar). The previous Renaissance pulpit had a single baluster with pomegranate leaves capital hiding a small hollow (9c container. See 4B above). Above the box is an octagonal canopy (9c disc) or ‘octopus’, poulpe, perhaps a common pun on Latin pulpitum, platform or scaffold (pillar).

[]9c Basket LidWindow NE, Martha with ointment jar (container), Mary, and Christ gesturing (arm posture); at two pillars (pillar).

[]10 TeacherSt Joseph holding baby Christ, and a green branch (staff), a ‘bishop’, like St James; under a canopy (disc). Christ infant wears a crown (circle) of Fleur de Lys (staff).

[]11 WombEast round window, Magdalene (womb) balming Christ’s feet with her hair (11p), probably spikenard. Simon Pharisee and three others have wine and bread, or Eucharist. Behind them is Lazarus, earlier raised from a grave after four days; the window points four days before autumn, and four days after spring. Lazarus was also at the Last Supper and Crucifixion, a young lawyer and scribe (law, library), foster child of Mary.

Rennes le Chateau church altar relief (after Andrew Gough).

[]11; Altar of St Magdalene penitent with a tear, red cloth on her midriff (womb), kneeling in Sainte Baume, Holy Balm cave (interior), where her relics were, looking at a crucifix of two roots or branches, one living. Outside her cave some ruins are visible on the left, shaped H or I, M, and a hill, perhaps Rennes from the north; or Coustaussa (Rennes map 13B); or Capitelles, Grand Camp (Rennes map 12); or Sarras Rock. The altar is by Monna in Toulouse, apparently donated by monarchist Marie Cavailhé in 1887. The old altar slab that Sauniere moved to Bethania house conservatory (Church ground 6), was a rough stone, one side set in the wall, the front on one or two posts, engraved with a Visigoth Cross of Silence (see 15 below). In Varagine’s Golden Legend, Magdalene married John Evangelist and moved to France with her brother Lazarus and others (see Rennes les Bains as New Jerusalem, in another post).

[]11; Former floor stone over the crypt entrance (see 13 Mural tomb below), Carolingian 700s, named Vale of Horsemen: two arches or crypts over a knight riding left, and a knight with a friend or child riding right. Two on one horse was a Templar emblem. Sauniere moved the floorstone before 11B St Mary’s statue (now in the museum yard at the stable, see Church ground  axial centre, p3). The cache may have held a wooden tube (see Church ground 9c) with wax seals from the capsa for relics; a skull with incision; and a pot (womb) of gold crowns that Sauniere used as gifts (Smith 2018).

[]11 Womb B; St Mary (womb) with child Christ; or St Elizabeth holding baby John Baptist, since 10 Joseph also holds a Christ child. Both were standard factory catalogue statues.

[]11p Gal.Pole; St Anthony of Padua, patron of recovering objects and fathers, holding up a figurine of king Louis IX, St Louis, a usurper; over four river angels (grail, and 12 water-work). And window of Christ raising Lazarus (12 grave).

Rennes le Chateau church type 13 Heart is expressed also by Cross Station XIV, the last in the set, Christ entering the grave (death, interior), on the full moon of Easter Sunday Passover after spring. The scene could be Blanchefort (see Rennes les Bains map 13, in another post). This Station is on the wall near the type 13 expression of a mural tomb (bastion, death) of a Merovingian king.

[]13 HeartStation XIV, Christ enters grave (death, interior); full moon of Easter Sunday Passover after spring; perhaps Blanchefort (see Rennes les Bains map 13, in another post). This grave scene is on the mural tomb.

[]13; Mural tomb (interior, death) in thick pilaster (bastion), last Merovingian king Sigebert IV, son of Dagobert II of Austrasia, who died in Rhedae 750.

[]13; Sacristy (interior) over crypt (death). And door to the Addition, behind cupboards, where Sauniere took his hods.

[]13c Basket HeadSacristy window, Crucifixion with Mary, Lazarus (13 death), and Magdalene (container). After Atun Cathedral’s St Lazarus, formerly  Sts Celse and Nazaire (see Rennes les Bains map 10, in another post). And Cross Station XIII, Descent and Deposition (cover).

[]14 MixerSt Magdalene statue, holding a tree cross (tree). At her feet is a skull (13c head) on an open book (13c oracle). On her feast (time), July 22, a month after midsummer, sunrise is 61° off east (as also a month before midsummer); over a small hill outside (egress) named Cassiopeia, a princess bound (ropes, of 15); and over White Rock standing stone, Roc Blanc 3km off (egress); via 9c window NE; via two tabs on the pulpit chair sounding board; lights type 1 font of Asmodeus, revealer of treasure, Light Bringer, Lucifer.

Magdalene has three aspects (polar trio); sinner at Magdala; repentant and converted disciple at Bethany; then sacred witness, apostle, emigrant queen. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have trios to replace pagan polar trios. Three Allat, daughters of Allah, indicate a female Holy Ghost.

Rennes le Chateau church interior (after Belcaire Pyrenees).

[]15 MakerSt Rock, with staff (sceptre), gourds (bags), leg exposed (hip wound), dog (canid. See trump 15:0, Fool, with staff and bundle, bitten on the thigh by a jumping dog. See Types, trumps and hour decans table, in another post). His dog brings a stone (mace). Born with a red cross on his chest (more typical of 12/13), as Merovingian leaders were. He survived a plague, then an incurable wound on his thigh (hip wound).

[]15; Old altar post outside, with Cross of Silence. Its apparent blank counterpart (double) is in the graveyard. Inscribed ‘1891 Mission’, a midsummer children’s street parade (the summer sun was in Gemini in Age Pisces), on official recognition of the Lourdes Mary cult of her conception by St Anne. They placed a Lourdes lady figure on a slab inscribed ‘Penitence, Penitence,’ after a vision of two young shepherds at Salette near Bugarach Mt in 1846, before the Lourdes visions of 1858 of ‘Immaculate Conception’. Sauniere elaborated the Salette vision into a prophecy of monarchy restoration to prevent war, a Catholic policy suppressed in France. Left of St Rock is Station XI, Crucifixion (soul churn). Right is Station X, soldiers dice for the tunic (bag), legal right of accusers vindicated by a court order.

[]15g GateChurch door (juncture, gate). The door motto is “Terrible is this place” (hazard). The arch motto is “House of God (1 building) and Gate (gate) of Heaven,” after Jacob’s dream in Gen35:1 of a ladder (1 tower, builder), at Bethel, an altar struck (1 lightning. See trump 1:16, Tower struck by lightning. See Types, trumps and hour decans table, in another post). The left gargoyle is inscribed 1891, date of the Lourdes Lady parade, and crypt or grave discovery. Sauniere’s door was dismantled by Abbe Vigneron in 1972. It now has two carved faces (15 face, doubled. See Rennes les Bains map 1, Head of Man, in another post).

[]The axial centre is in the aisle.

[]Midsummer and midwinter are unmarked, or south-north of the axial centre; or on Station XI, Crucifixion (juncture) and Station III, trumpet blast and rent veil. These indicators place midsummer between axes 14-15, analogous to Cancer-Gemini, implying spring and the cultural time-frame in Age Aries-Pisces, the time of the work. This Age is confirmed by the time-frame of the back wall mural’s structure.

The entire structure is subconscious in all artworks and building sites, in all cultures. Two Rennes landscape expressions are demonstrated below.

Buy the Rennes archetypal tour guide here:

==Extract from STONEPRINT Journal Series. Supplement to Stoneprint, the human code in art, buildings and cities. $10 from

Or order the book, or journal editions; or contribute articles, on edmondfurter at gmail dot com, or +27 (0)11 955 6732, Four Equators Media, Johannesburg. See also http://www.stoneprintjournal. blog

Back editions at $12;

1 Pictish beasts

2 Crop circles are natural artworks

3 Stoneprint tour of Paris

4 Stoneprint tour of London. 24pp, $18. Also from

5 Culture code in seals and ring stamps. Also from

6 Rennes le Chateau stoneprint tour, 20pp., $10.