Washington D. C., oficialmente denominado Distrito de Columbia (District of Columbia en idioma inglés, abreviado como "D. C."), es la capital de los Estados Unidos de América. Se trata de una entidad diferente a los 50 estados que componen dicha nación, y depende directamente del Gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos. El Distrito de Columbia fue fundado el 16 de julio de 1790, y en 1791 se fundó, dentro del Distrito, una nueva ciudad denominada Washington, al este de la ya existente Georgetown. En 1871 se unificaron los gobiernos de estas dos ciudades y del resto de poblaciones del distrito en una sola entidad, D.C.
Se localiza a orillas del río Potomac y está rodeado por los estados de Virginia, al oeste y Maryland al norte, este y sur.
La ciudad de Washington nació como una ciudad planificada, y fue desarrollada a finales del siglo XVIII para servir como la capital nacional permanente, después de que diversas localidades ostentaran dicha posición desde la independencia del país, en 1776; en tanto, el distrito federal fue formado para marcar la diferencia entre la capital nacional y los estados. La ciudad fue nombrada en honor a George Washington, el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos. El nombre del distrito, Columbia, es el nombre poético de Estados Unidos, en referencia a Cristóbal Colón (llamado en inglés Christopher Columbus), descubridor de América. La ciudad es llamada comúnmente Washington, the District (el Distrito) o simplemente D.C. En el siglo XIX también se la conoció como Ciudad Federal o Ciudad de Washington.
Los centros de las tres ramas del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos se ubican en el Distrito. También situadas en la ciudad están las sedes del Banco Mundial, el FMI, la OEA, el BID, y otras instituciones nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo asociaciones profesionales y sindicatos. Debido a su importancia a nivel político, Washington es un lugar de frecuentes manifestaciones y protestas, particularmente en el National Mall. Además es un destino popular entre los turistas, debido a los numerosos monumentos y lugares de interés nacionales. La ciudad es un centro de la historia y cultura estadounidense, y en ella se encuentran el complejo de museos más grande del mundo (el Instituto Smithsoniano), además de galerías de arte, universidades, catedrales, centros e instituciones de arte dramático, y escenarios de música nativa.
El Distrito de Columbia y la ciudad de Washington son gobernados por un solo gobierno municipal. Para cuestiones prácticas son considerados como la misma entidad. Éste no siempre ha sido el caso: hasta 1871 —cuando Georgetown dejó de ser una ciudad separada— había múltiples jurisdicciones dentro del Distrito.[2] A pesar de que hay un gobierno municipal y un alcalde, el Congreso tiene la autoridad suprema sobre la ciudad y el distrito, lo que resulta en que los ciudadanos tengan menos autogobierno que los residentes de los estados. El Distrito tiene un representante en el Congreso, pero no tiene derecho a voto.
La población del Distrito de Columbia es de alrededor de 581.530 habitantes. El área metropolitana de Washington es la octava más grande de Estados Unidos, con más de 5 millones de residentes, y el área metropolitana que forma junto a la cercana Baltimore tiene una población que excede los 8 millones. Si Washington D. C. fuera un estado, estaría último en cuanto a superficie (por detrás de Rhode Island), en penúltimo lugar en cuanto a población (por delante de Wyoming), en el lugar n.º 35 en cuanto a producto interno bruto y primero en densidad de población.
Aunque el Distrito de Columbia no tiene un miembro votante del Congreso los residentes todavía están obligados a pagar impuestos al gobierno federal. Esto es diferente de los territorios de Estados Unidos, como Puerto Rico, cuyos ciudadanos en general no pagan impuestos sobre la renta individual. Los residentes protestan por la falta de derechos de voto, sobre todo porque la falta de representación en el Parlamento británico fue una de las principales razones para la independencia del país del Reino Unido. La ciudad adoptó una frase de la Guerra de la Independencia, «No hay tributación sin representación», para protestar por la falta de derechos de voto.[
Ya es oficial: el Papa Francisco estará en Filadelfia en septiembre del 2015 para participar al octavo Encuentro mundial de las familias. Lo anunció él mismo ...
Hace 1 minuto. ... Washington, Nueva York y Filadelfia: día por día, la agenda del papa Francisco en EE.UU. | El pontífice estará seis días en el país, en los que ...
El Arzobispo Charles Chaput, inauguró el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias Filadelfia 2015 al que asistirá el Papa Francisco los días 26 y 27 de septiembre.
Homilía del Papa Francisco en la Misa de Canonización de Fray Junípero Serra - Santuario Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción, Washington D.C. 23 de ...
Doesn't his sounds exactly like the workings of Larson's postulated "scalar motion in 3D" concept? As gravity gets weaker, the new "force" takes over to move things apart.
Also, I've been thinking of the relationship between charge and gravity I uncovered awhile ago...
Since the electron mass/energy represents that magic threshold where light can become stable matter, I think there is a hidden geometric relationship between charge and mass/gravity that this is trying to tell us. What do you all think?
"From their data, the researchers obtained a value of the fine structure constant, a number that characterizes the inherent strength of the electromagnetic force. As expected theoretically, the newly obtained value of 1/128.5 is significantly larger than the 1/137 observed for a fully screened electron."
and the plot thickens like a Bose Einstein condensate....
p.s. re: 128.5
At some point I should mention that when I retired on July 31, 2007 (note Maya code 1379 in my retirement date), that my *new* badge assigned to me that year, (formerly 856) was in fact 1258, and in fact for most of my career my employee number was 52801 ... wtf?
And the Gregorian calender change took place in 1582...the rest is HIS-tory. BTW note that 1054 + 528 = 1582. What happened in 1054? The catholic church split into East and West on July 16th of that year. Coincidentally this occurred 12 days, or one zodiac round, after the July 4th supernova witnessed in the constellation Taurus/Crab Nebula. (But that is another story)
It appears I have found my purpose in life, it is continually being confirmed for me, it has been revealed in the numbers, I was after all born on 3 7 (the 3rd of July) _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
28 Al llegar Jesús al otro lado, a la tierra de los Gadarenos, fueron a Su encuentro dos endemoniados que salían de los sepulcros, violentos en extremo, de manera que nadie podía pasar por aquel camino.29 Y gritaron: “¿Qué hay entre Tú y nosotros, Hijo de Dios? ¿Has venido aquí para atormentarnos antes del tiempo (designado para el juicio)?”
30 A cierta distancia de ellos estaba paciendo una manada de muchos cerdos;31 y los demonios Le rogaban: “Si vas a echarnos fuera, mándanos a la manada de cerdos.”32 “¡Vayan!” les dijo Jesús. Y ellos salieron y entraron en los cerdos; y la manada entera se precipitó por un despeñadero al mar, y perecieron en las aguas.
33 Los que cuidaban la manada huyeron; y fueron a la ciudad y lo contaron todo, incluso[a] lo de los endemoniados.34 Y toda la ciudad salió al encuentro de Jesús; y cuando Lo vieron, Le rogaron que se fuera de su región.
What kind of chaos would ensue, if today or in the near future, a celestial event altered our 'daylight' for about 23 days and affected the night sky for the next 653 days?
How would science, religion and in general, how would humanity react to such a celestial event? This kind of event did and does happen...and how the world's cultures react to such an event is a valuable clue, to the mass hypnoSiS that does exist today.
In Earth's case, gamma rays induce a chemical reaction in the upper atmosphere, converting molecular nitrogen into nitrogen oxides, depleting the ozone layer enough to expose the surface to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. Phytoplankton and reef communities would be particularly affected, which could badly deplete the base of the marine food chain.[2][3]
The REAL LIFE scenario that can occur and DOES...we have evidence. Something celestial happens and the earth is bathed in a cosmic light for 653 days. When did this occur?
The earliest recorded supernova, SN 185, was viewed by Chinese astronomers in 185 AD. The brightest recorded supernova was the SN 1006, which was described in detail by Chinese and Arab astronomers. The widely observed supernova SN 1054 produced the Crab Nebula. Supernovae SN 1572 and SN 1604, the last to be observed with the naked eye in the Milky Way galaxy, had notable effects on the development of astronomy in Europe because they were used to argue against the Aristotelian idea that the universe beyond the Moon and planets was immutable.[11]
SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Chinese, Japanese, and Persian/Arab astronomers as being bright enough to see in daylight for 23 days and was visible in the night sky for 653 days .[1][2][3] The progenitor star was located in the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of 6,300 light years and exploded as a core-collapse supernova.
There is also evidence the Mimbres and Anasazi Native Americans saw and recorded SN 1054; an Anasazi cliff painting near the great house of Penasco Blanco may portray it.[4]
It has also been claimed that an obscure entry in a number of Irish monastic annals originally referred to SN 1054 but was subsequently corrupted, becoming in the process an allegorical fantasy based on the legend of the Antichrist.[5] I knew the devil would be involved in some way. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1054
BORN ON THE 4th of JULY - SN 1054 What did the Church record 12 days after astronomers (sky gazers) noted the supernova on July 4th? What did the Roman Catholic Church do....during the 23 days that this 'light' was visible in daylight?
# July 4—The SN 1054 supernova is recorded by the Chinese, Arab and possibly Native Americans near the star ζ Tauri. For 23 days it remains bright enough to be seen in daylight. Its remnants form the Crab Nebula (NGC 1952).[1] # July 16 – Cardinal Humbertus, a representative of Pope Leo IX, and Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, decree each other's excommunication. Most historians look to this act as the final step in the initiation of the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christian Churches. In 1965, those excommunications are rescinded by Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras when they meet in the Second Vatican Council. However, to this day each church claims to be the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and each denies the other's right to that name. (See East-West Schism)
A cosmic event did happen in 1054 A.D., and it could be one of the reasons our OZONE has been depleting since 1054... Could it have been a trigger...triggering events that take hundreds of years to actually manifest and alter our weather on earth? ICE CORE samples is proof that GAMMA RAYS contribute to the depleting of the OZONE, and then once the OZONE has been weakened...UV radiation is allowed to enter our bubble of illusions.
What if the global baptism is accomplished using UV radiation?
Guess what else this Crabby supernova is contributing to our environment as we speak? ...the current Crab Pulsar emits (like a spinning lighthouse beacon) pulses of UV light that we can see. And if we can see IT, there is a good chance, IT can see us. The Crab Pulsar pulses at 30 times per second. Same rate as digital video, 30 frames per second? Smile EWE are on candid camera.
Is it a stretch of logic to consider that the LIGHT that took 6300 light-years to arrive from the constellation Taurus, in 1054 AD, might take hundreds of years to work its magic on the earth. To bad our OZONE records did not date back to 1054 or do they?
In 2009, researchers have found nitrates in ice cores from Antarctica at depths corresponding to the known supernovae of 1006 and 1054 AD, as well as from around 1060 AD**. The nitrates were apparently formed from nitrogen oxides created by gamma rays from the supernovae. This technique should be able to detect supernovae going back several thousand years.
SN 1054 It relates to a specific year, 1054 A.D. and AN EVENT, that was witnessed and recorded by many astronomers/astrologers/indigenous peoples around the world...everybody seemed to notice this event, witnessed by everybody EXCEPT the Roman Catholic Church and its flock of obedient, loyal sheeple.
Don't forget this year. Easy to remember...1054. ...if you read it right to left, 1054 becomes Fahrenheit 451 degrees. Was 1054 a trigger for the Church to begin its trials by fire? 1054 A.D.
And that is exactly what happened to planet earth. We were hit with GRB radiation that affected our OZONE Evidence is in the ice cores.
SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Chinese, Japanese, and Persian/Arab astronomers as being bright enough to see in daylight for 23 days and was visible in the night sky for 653 days .
The most bizarre yet revealing conclusion from the 1054 Gamma Ray Burst? FACT: The night sky was altered for 653 days, so why didn't the RC Church and western/euro science of the day record this event?
Is a LACK of proper recording, actually evidence that the Church/temple priests/science magicians (aka Power and Glory Inc.) like to use celestial events as leverage to help corral the sheeple and seegullibles into doing their bidding?
yeah sure...the messiah jesus is on the way and he will baptize us all using UV light. Jesus the cosmic camper always brings along his UV light. Jesus finds it is really effective at ridding holy water of bacteria and viruses. And the holier-than-thou humans, like the earth, are 70% water too. I would use UV radiation to cleanse the earth on a big scale, one fell swoop.
Makes perfect sense to me. Did I mention the ROLE that SOUND waves play (inaudible infra and ultra sounds), to help bring down the walls of Jericho?
SOLFEGGIO fans of the KEY 528 hertz that is said to heal DNA please note: HERE is a clue...evidence that the ancient theory re: music of the spheres is a viable theory worth further investigation.
1054 A.D. + 528 hertz = 1582 A.D. and the introduction of the Gregorian Calender
And whoever controls the calender ... controls the passage of ASYMMETRICAL thermodynamic TIME. The RC Christian church rose from humble beginning in the first century. By the 16th century ... the RC Church had taken command of the calender itself. And the calender is a reflection of how the calender makers view the relationship between the sun and the moon.
p.s. supernova in 1060 AD** was followed by the Norman invasion of England, aka William the Conqueror in 1066 A.D. Coincidence eh? go back to shleep bible babblers...ewe are missing out on the cosmic narrative.
En sus proximidades se encuentran las dos grandes bases militares de Holloman Air Force Base y White Sands Missile Range. La ciudad cobró fama por ser el primer lugar donde se probó la bomba atómica y la sede del Festival Internacional de Cine The White Sands, por ser el lugar donde la compañia de videojuegos estadounidense Atari enterró millones de copias de su videojuego E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial debido a su absoluto fracaso comercial en 1983.
Alamogordo fue fundada en junio de 1898, a causa de la ampliación de las líneas de ferrocarril propiedad de Charles B. Eddy, quien influyó en el diseño de la ciudad, que incluye grandes avenidas arboladas y canales de riego. El nombre de la ciudad se deriva del álamo.[4]
En el plano original de la ciudad, las calles de Este a Oeste tenían denominaciones numéricas, mientras que de Norte a Sur tenían nombres que correspondían a temas relacionados con estados, presidentes y universidades de EE.UU.
Varios edificios en Alamogordo fueron construidos por la Works Progress Administration. Estos incluyen el Edificio Federal en el 1101 New York Avenue, un edificio de estilo Pueblo originalmente construido como la principal Oficina de Correos de EE.UU. en 1938. El edificio está incluido en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. La entrada principal presenta frescos de Peter Hurd realizados en 1942. La Oficina de Correos se mudó en 1961, y el edificio fue utilizado por una sucesión de agencias federales. En la actualidad está ocupado por el Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos como la sede del Bosque Nacional Lincoln. El Servicio Forestal tiene previsto trasladarse a un edificio más amplio, y la propiedad de la Federal Building será transferida al los gobierno del Condado de Otero y el edificio se utilizará para las oficinas gubernamentales del condado.[5]
La primera bomba atómica de la historia fue detonada en el Test Range Alamogordo el 16 de julio de 1945, la Prueba Trinity. El lugar de la explosión, llamado Trinity Site (Sitio Trinity), se encuentra dentro de la base White Sands Missile Range. Este fue el único ensayo nuclear que tuvo lugar en esta ubicación. Trinity Site está ubicado aproximadamente a 97 km de Alamogordo. El sitio está abierto a los visitantes el primer sábado de abril y el primer sábado de octubre.[8]
Edificio federal de Nuevo México, ubicado en el 1101 New York Avenue. Construido en 1938 como la principal oficina de correos, para pasar a albergar la sede del Bosque Nacional Lincoln, del Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos.
Ayuntamiento de Alamogordo, situado en el 1376 de E. 9th Street.
Alamogordo tiene poca actividad industrial, vive principalmente de la pequeña empresa y del notable auge del turismo, además de la proximidad de dos grandes instalaciones militares y una masiva presencia de militares jubilados. En 2006 el ingreso per cápita en el Condado de Otero fue de 22.798 USD, superado por el ingreso per cápita en Nuevo Mexico, que es de 29.929 $.[9][10]
Hay dos escuelas secundarias, tres escuelas intermedias y 11 escuelas primarias en el distrito escolar público Escuelas Públicas de Alamogordo, además de dos escuelas privadas en Alamogordo.
El gobierno alemán educa en el Deutsche Schule a los hijos de miembros de la Fuerza Aérea alemana estacionados en el centro de formación de la Holloman Air Force Base. La escuela de Nuevo México para ciegos y deficientes visuales es una escuela estatal ubicada en Alamogordo. La Universidad Estatal de Nuevo México tiene un campus en Alamogordo.
What kind of chaos would ensue, if today or in the near future, a celestial event altered our'daylight' for about 23 daysand affected thenight sky for the next 653 days?
How would science, religion and in general, how would humanity react to such a celestial event? This kind of event did and does happen...and how the world's cultures react to such an event is a valuable clue, to themass hypnoSiSthat does exist today.
In Earth's case, gamma rays induce a chemical reaction in the upper atmosphere, converting molecular nitrogen intonitrogen oxides, depleting the ozone layer enough to expose the surface to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. Phytoplankton and reef communities would be particularly affected, which could badly deplete the base of the marine food chain.[2][3]
The REAL LIFE scenario that can occur and DOES...we have evidence. Something celestial happens and the earth is bathed in a cosmic light for 653 days. When did this occur?
The earliest recorded supernova, SN 185, was viewed by Chinese astronomers in 185 AD. The brightest recorded supernova was the SN 1006, which was described in detail by Chinese and Arab astronomers.Thewidely observedsupernova SN 1054 produced the Crab Nebula. Supernovae SN 1572 and SN 1604, the last to be observed with the naked eye in the Milky Way galaxy, had notable effects on the development of astronomy in Europe because they were used to argue against the Aristotelian idea that the universe beyond the Moon and planets was immutable.[11]
SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Chinese, Japanese, and Persian/Arab astronomers as being bright enough to see in daylight for 23 days and wasvisible in the night sky for 653 days.[1][2][3] The progenitor star was located in the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of 6,300 light years and exploded as a core-collapse supernova.
There is also evidence the Mimbres and Anasazi Native Americans saw and recorded SN 1054; an Anasazi cliff painting near the great house of Penasco Blanco may portray it.[4]
It has also been claimed that an obscure entry in a number of Irish monastic annals originally referred to SN 1054 but was subsequently corrupted, becoming in the process an allegorical fantasy based on the legend of theAntichrist.[5] I knew the devil would be involved in some way. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1054
BORN ON THE4th of JULY- SN 1054 What did the Church record 12 days after astronomers (sky gazers) noted the supernova on July 4th? What did the Roman Catholic Church do....during the 23 days that this 'light' was visible in daylight?
#July 4—The SN 1054 supernova is recorded by the Chinese, Arab and possibly Native Americans near the star ζ Tauri. For 23 days it remains bright enough to be seen in daylight. Its remnants form the Crab Nebula (NGC 1952).[1] #July 16 – Cardinal Humbertus, a representative of Pope Leo IX, and Michael Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, decree each other's excommunication.Most historians look to this act as the final step in the initiation of the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christian Churches. In 1965, those excommunications are rescinded by Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras when they meet in the Second Vatican Council. However, to this day each church claims to be the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and each denies the other's right to that name.(See East-West Schism)
A cosmic event did happen in 1054 A.D., and it could be one of the reasons our OZONE has been depleting since 1054... Could it have been a trigger...triggering events that take hundreds of years to actually manifest and alter our weather on earth? ICE CORE samples is proof that GAMMA RAYS contribute to the depleting of the OZONE, and then once the OZONE has been weakened...UV radiation is allowed to enter our bubble of illusions.
What if the globalbaptismis accomplished using UV radiation?
Guess what else this Crabby supernova is contributing to our environment as we speak? ...the current Crab Pulsar emits (like a spinning lighthouse beacon)pulsesof UV light that we can see. And if we can see IT, there is a good chance, IT can see us. The Crab Pulsar pulses at 30 times per second. Same rate as digital video, 30 frames per second? Smile EWE are on candid camera.
Is it a stretch of logic to consider that the LIGHT that took 6300 light-years to arrive from the constellation Taurus, in 1054 AD, might take hundreds of years to work its magic on the earth. To bad our OZONE records did not date back to 1054 or do they?
In 2009, researchers havefoundnitratesin ice coresfrom Antarctica at depths corresponding to the known supernovae of 1006 and1054 AD, as well as from around1060 AD**. Thenitrateswere apparentlyformed from nitrogen oxidescreated bygamma rays from the supernovae. This technique should be able to detect supernovae going back several thousand years.
SN 1054 It relates to a specific year, 1054 A.D. and AN EVENT, that was witnessed and recorded by many astronomers/astrologers/indigenous peoples around the world...everybody seemed to notice this event,witnessed by everybody EXCEPT the Roman Catholic Churchand its flock of obedient, loyal sheeple.
Don't forget this year. Easy to remember...1054. ...if you read it right to left, 1054 becomesFahrenheit 451 degrees. Was 1054 a trigger for the Church to begin its trials by fire? 1054 A.D.
And that is exactly what happened to planet earth. We were hit with GRB radiation that affected our OZONE Evidence is in the ice cores.
SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Chinese, Japanese, and Persian/Arab astronomers as beingbright enough to see in daylight for23 daysand was visible in the night sky for653 days.
The most bizarre yet revealing conclusion from the 1054 Gamma Ray Burst? FACT:The night sky was altered for 653 days, so why didn't the RC Church and western/euro science of the day record this event?
Is a LACK of proper recording, actually evidence that the Church/temple priests/science magicians (aka Power and Glory Inc.) like to use celestial events as leverage to help corral the sheeple and seegullibles into doing their bidding?
yeah sure...the messiah jesus is on the way and he will baptize us all using UV light. Jesus the cosmic camper always brings along his UV light. Jesus finds it is really effective at ridding holy water of bacteria and viruses. And the holier-than-thou humans, like the earth, are 70% water too. I would use UV radiation to cleanse the earth on a big scale, one fell swoop.
Makes perfect sense to me. Did I mention the ROLE that SOUND waves play (inaudible infra and ultra sounds), to help bring down the walls of Jericho?
SOLFEGGIO fans of the KEY 528 hertzthat is said to heal DNA please note: HERE is a clue...evidence that the ancient theoryre: music of the spheresis a viable theory worth further investigation.
1054 A.D. + 528 hertz = 1582 A.D.and the introduction of theGregorian Calender
And whoever controls the calender ... controls the passage of ASYMMETRICAL thermodynamic TIME. The RC Christian church rose from humble beginning in the first century. By the 16th century ... the RC Church had taken command of the calender itself. And the calender is a reflection of how the calender makers view the relationship between the sun and the moon.
p.s. supernova in1060 AD**was followed by the Norman invasion of England, aka William the Conqueror in 1066 A.D. Coincidence eh? go back to shleep bible babblers...ewe are missing out on the cosmic narrative.
Speaker of the House John Boehner said during a news conference that Pope Francis would visit a joint session of Congress on Sept. 24, 2015. The pope is also expected to visit Philadelphia and New York in the fall. (AP)
Pope Francis will visit the U.S. Capitol and speak there on Sept. 24 as part of his trip to the United State, House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) announced Thursday.
Boehner noted that Francis will become the first pope to make the visit, which promises to be a historic and well-attended appearance.
The pope is also scheduled to visit Philadelphia for the World Conference on Families and New York to stop by the United Nations.
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A daily briefing of what's happening on the campaign trail.
Boehner made the announcement Thursday at his weekly news conference.
In a separate written statement, Boehner said: "It is my great privilege to announce that His Holiness Pope Francis will visit the United States Capitol on Thursday, September 24, 2015. On that day, he will become the first leader of the Holy See to address a joint meeting of Congress. It will be a historic visit, and we are truly grateful that Pope Francis has accepted our invitation.
“In a time of global upheaval, the Holy Father’s message of compassion and human dignity has moved people of all faiths and backgrounds. His teachings, prayers, and very example bring us back to the blessings of simple things and our obligations to one another. We look forward to warmly welcoming Pope Francis to our Capitol and hearing his address on behalf of the American people.”
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) -- who, like Boehner, is Catholic -- said in a statement that she is "honored and overjoyed" that Francis is visiting the Capitol.
"Pope Francis has renewed the faith of Catholics worldwide and inspired a new generation of people, regardless of their religious affiliation, to be instruments of peace," she added. "In the spirit of the namesake of San Francisco, St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis’ universal message of love and compassion speaks to millions around the world."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbOTA6cqZAs20 Feb. 2015 - 9 min. - Subido por SavedbyGrace0909 CERN will attempt to open the Abyss in September 2015 as the ..... I personally came to this ...
23 Sep 2014 ... Now the world's biggest particle physics laboratory, CERN is celebrating “60 years of science for ... Wednesday, 24 September: TEDxCERN.
There has been a tremendous amount of internet buzz and speculation regarding the dates of 9/23 and 9/24/2015. Some Christian groups were predicting the rapture. Others were predicting a major ISIS terrorist attack. Still others were expecting an assassination attempt on either Obama or the Pope. WW III, asteroid strikes, and EMPs were among the other candidates. The UFO crowd expected the Pope to finally disclose contact with extra-terrestrials. It is now 9/26 and the theatrics expected on 9/23 have been underwhelming to say the least. Nevertheless there was some highly significant symbolism occurring on the 23rd/24th day of September and I want to expound upon it here.
First of all, the Roman Catholic Church has never been primarily about Jesus or elevating the level of human consciousness on Spaceship Earth. It has always been about power and control over the rabble through the use of symbolism and mythology rooted in ancient astro-theological Solar/Saturn/Sirius cults going back through Egypt and Babylon. I will provide a few examples of the connections between Roman Catholic symbols and their ancient predecessors.
The Pope is often seen wearing the “Mitre” which symbolizes the open mouth of a fish. Fish symbolism is everywhere in Christianity and it is not just because the disciples were fishermen and Jesus made them “fishers of men”. Christianity began at the end of the age of Aries (the Ram) and the beginning of the age of Pisces (the Fish). When Jesus talks about “the end of the age”, this refers to the procession of the equinox through the zodiac which indicates the astrological “age”. These ages last about 2160 years so we are currently transitioning from the end of the age of Pisces to the beginning of the age of Aquarius. The Roman Catholic Church is therefore predictably beginning to abandon the Jesus fish for some new arrangement of deities or a new “Good Shepherd” that will be used to goad the sheeple into their pens throughout the Age of Aquarius.
But anyway… back to the Pope’s fish hat (Cardinals also wear them at times):
The fish hat was also worn prior to Christianity by the priests of Dagon. Dagon was a fish god and also a god of the harvest to the ancient Babylonians and Philistines. Cronus (to the Greeks) or Saturn (to Romans) was also a god of the harvest and we often see him with a scythe or sickle. Put them together and we have the fishes and the loaves. Dagon may also be related to Dogon and Sirius worship which had a special symbolism to Egyptians relating to the time of year when the Nile would flood. Sirius being in the constellation of Canis Major relates it to the Canine while the relation to Dogon or Dagon is probably how canines came to be called dogs. Dogon may also be related to the etymology of the Dragon. To this day we still call late summer, “The dog days of summer” thanks to Dogon or Dagon and Sirius’s signalling the waters of the Nile to flood.
Anyway… The Pope’s fish hat is related to Dagon or Dogon and astro-theological pre-Christian deities.
The fish hat is just one example of symbolism relating back to pre-Christian deities, but in the interests of time and space I’ll move on to symbolism more relevant to the Pope’s recent visit to D.C. on 9/23 and 9/24.
One of the most amazing and prominent architectural wonders of the Vatican is Saint Peter’s Basilica with its 448′ tall dome designed primarily by Bramante and Michelangelo. The basilica faces East to greet the rising sun and to its East is an elliptical plaza with an Egyptian Obelisk in the center. The Obelisk was transported from Egypt and re-erected in Rome around 37 AD.
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Saint Peter’s Basilica and Plaza with Obelisk, Vatican, Rome
Where else do we find the “male” obelisk inside the round “female” shape across from a very large dome? …Washington D.C.
Washington Monument due West of the Capitol dome
So whats this all about? Just some old men acting like little boys who think it’s funny to draw body parts on the etcha-sketch? The story goes back to Sun worship in Egypt. Osiris was the old chief Sun god whose brother Set kills him at the end of the day (sun-set). As the legend goes, Set dismembers the body of Osiris and scatters his parts around the world. Isis, the Queen and wife of Osiris finds all of the pieces of Osiris’s body except for one member… his “member” which was unfortunately swallowed by a fish. So Isis fashions a new “gold member” for Osiris bringing him back to life. They have the sex and Horus is conceived – a baby sun god. (we probably get “hours” of the day from “Horus”). Isis, the virgin mother and pre-Madonna, is frequently pictured nursing baby Horus, and in the Roman Catholic Church we often see the virgin Mary (Madonna) nursing the baby Sun/Son of God.
Isis nursing baby Horus and The Madonna holding baby Jesus
So it is no coincidence that the Pope’s schedule follows the itinerary of the tour of Madonna (who is a “Christianized” Isis) who performs this September just prior to the Pope at Washington D.C., Madison Square Garden, and Philadelphia – the city of Big Brotherly Love.
The Egyptian obelisk represents the phallus of Osiris and the ellipse or vesica pisces (belly of the fish) in this case represents… well it should be obvious… intercourse with Isis. The adjacent dome represents the womb or breast of Isis where a god is made and nursed. This is why the mosaic inside of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica shows Jesus and the saints on their way to heaven at the top and also why the inside of the D.C. Capitol dome has a painting showing George Washington ascending to heaven which is titled “The Apotheosis of George Washington.” Apotheosis literally means to become a god.
Mosaic inside the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Saints and angels rise towards heaven.
“The Apotheosis of George Washington” painted inside the dome on the U.S. Capitol. The 72 inverted pentagrams may symbolize the 72 years it takes for 1 degree of procession of the equinox.
I have read that at certain times in history the Egyptians would conduct human sacrifices… usually of foreigners or slaves… and at these times they believed the God Osiris would enter the Obelisk and that the Pharoah who sat in an adjacent dome (womb of Isis) believed this would make him a god.
Okay, let’s get back to the Pope’s visit. This is the 266th Pope from the first – St. Peter. The Pope decided to arrive at Washington D.C. on 9/23 which happens to be the 266th day of the year. Why is that significant? On average, a woman is pregnant for 266 days before going into labor. In Genesis, it is said that labor pain is the first judgment God gave to mankind. The evening of 9/22 to the evening of 9/23 is 7/10 on the Jewish calendar which is the Day of Atonement. This was the day that God decided how he was going to judge a person for the rest of the year and on 7/11 he would issue that judgement. (Side note: SEPT-ember was originally the 7th month so 9/11 could be thought of as 7/11. And 9/11 in Roman numerals is IXXI which is a re-working of the sign of Saturn and was engraved in Jesuit rings for a time. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, so he is thus “Lord of the IXXI Rings” and therefore kind of like the eye of Sauron/Saturn between the twin towers… Oh and don’t forget tower 7… 7/11). This year, 9/23 also happened to be the fall equinox – which doesn’t mean much to modern man, but recall that the ancients (and modern secret societies) were all about the Sun worship. Fall equinox is thus symbolic of the time when the powers of darkness overcome the powers of the light. Thus, what is “birthed” on 9/24 is something wicked.
So on 9/23 the prez “basked in the glow” of the Pope. On 9/24 the Pope journeyed to the Capitol. At some point he was interrupted by an illegal immigrant child who managed to evade iron clad security (staged much?) waving a heart-wrenching letter describing how she didn’t want to be deported. The Pope stood in the Capitol, which is symbolically the womb of Isis where a god is conceived or where men become gods (the dome also happens to be currently in the middle of a remodel or “reformation”). The main theme of his visit and of his speech was that the Western world needs to welcome the foreign children (to be sacrificed to Osiris) newly delivered unto us. Of course, it is well known that some of these “migrant children” belong to the terrorist group named: ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
So there you have it. The pope’s visit and message is all about Isis and the birthing of the children of ISIS through labor pains of judgment in the fall as the Western borders fall. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that it is a thinly veiled fact that the West created ISIS by giving weapons, training, and funds to moderate rebels (also known as Al-Qaeda) in order to topple the Assad regime in Syria and possibly to be the next big bogeyman that will force Westerners to continue giving up their civil liberties so that they may be lovingly integrated into the global community with a nice big hug from Big Brother. Isis is ISIS is made by the secret societies who revere Isis and are the hidden hand behind Western geopolitics.
Pope Francis, accompanied by members of Congress, waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, after addressing a joint meeting of Congress inside. Doug Mills / The New York Times via AP, Pool))
Pope Francis addresses congress on 9/24/2015
Oh and in case anyone missed the irony / hypocrisy… here’s the walls that keep the poor migrant children out of the Pope’s obscenely wealthy little city-state:
10 »Ciertamente les aseguro que el que no entra por la puerta al redil de las ovejas, sino que trepa y se mete por otro lado, es un ladrón y un bandido. 2 El que entra por la puerta es el pastor de las ovejas. 3 El portero le abre la puerta, y las ovejas oyen su voz. Llama por nombre a las ovejas y las saca del redil. 4 Cuando ya ha sacado a todas las que son suyas, va delante de ellas, y las ovejas lo siguen porque reconocen su voz. 5 Pero a un desconocido jamás lo siguen; más bien, huyen de él porque no reconocen voces extrañas».
6 Jesús les puso este ejemplo, pero ellos no captaron el sentido de sus palabras. 7 Por eso volvió a decirles: «Ciertamente les aseguro que yo soy la puerta de las ovejas. 8 Todos los que vinieron antes de mí eran unos ladrones y unos bandidos, pero las ovejas no les hicieron caso. 9 Yo soy la puerta; el que entre por esta puerta, que soy yo, será salvo.[a] Se moverá con entera libertad,[b] y hallará pastos. 10 El ladrón no viene más que a robar, matar y destruir; yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia.
11 »Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas. 12 El asalariado no es el pastor, y a él no le pertenecen las ovejas. Cuando ve que el lobo se acerca, abandona las ovejas y huye; entonces el lobo ataca al rebaño y lo dispersa. 13 Y ese hombre huye porque, siendo asalariado, no le importan las ovejas.
14 »Yo soy el buen pastor; conozco a mis ovejas, y ellas me conocen a mí, 15 así como el Padre me conoce a mí y yo lo conozco a él, y doy mi vida por las ovejas. 16 Tengo otras ovejas que no son de este redil, y también a ellas debo traerlas. Así ellas escucharán mi voz, y habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. 17 Por eso me ama el Padre: porque entrego mi vida para volver a recibirla. 18 Nadie me la arrebata, sino que yo la entrego por mi propia voluntad. Tengo autoridad para entregarla, y tengo también autoridad para volver a recibirla. Este es el mandamiento que recibí de mi Padre».
19 De nuevo las palabras de Jesús fueron motivo de disensión entre los judíos. 20 Muchos de ellos decían: «Está endemoniado y loco de remate. ¿Para qué hacerle caso?» 21 Pero otros opinaban: «Estas palabras no son de un endemoniado. ¿Puede acaso un demonio abrirles los ojos a los ciegos?»
Génesis 35:1 Dijo Dios a Jacob: Levántate y sube a Bet-el, y quédate allí; y haz allí un altar al Dios que te apareció cuando huías de tu hermano Esaú. 35:2 Entonces Jacob dijo a su familia y a todos los que con él estaban: Quitad los dioses ajenos que hay entre vosotros, y limpiaos, y mudad vuestros vestidos. 35:3 Y levantémonos, y subamos a Bet-el; y haré allí altar al Dios que me respondió en el día de mi angustia, y ha estado conmigo en el camino que he andado. 35:4 Así dieron a Jacob todos los dioses ajenos que había en poder de ellos, y los zarcillos que estaban en sus orejas; y Jacob los escondió debajo de una encina que estaba junto a Siquem. 35:5 Y salieron, y el terror de Dios estuvo sobre las ciudades que había en sus alrededores, y no persiguieron a los hijos de Jacob. 35:6 Y llegó Jacob a Luz, que está en tierra de Canaán (esta es Bet-el), él y todo el pueblo que con él estaba. 35:7 Y edificó allí un altar, y llamó al lugar El-bet-el, porque allí le había aparecido Dios, cuando huía de su hermano. 35:8 Entonces murió Débora, ama de Rebeca, y fue sepultada al pie de Bet-el, debajo de una encina, la cual fue llamada Alón-bacut. 35:9 Apareció otra vez Dios a Jacob, cuando había vuelto de Padan-aram, y le bendijo. 35:10 Y le dijo Dios: Tu nombre es Jacob; no se llamará más tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel será tu nombre; y llamó su nombre Israel. 35:11 También le dijo Dios: Yo soy el Dios omnipotente: crece y multiplícate; una nación y conjunto de naciones procederán de ti, y reyes saldrán de tus lomos. 35:12 La tierra que he dado a Abraham y a Isaac, la daré a ti, y a tu descendencia después de ti daré la tierra. 35:13 Y se fue de él Dios, del lugar en donde había hablado con él. 35:14 Y Jacob erigió una señal en el lugar donde había hablado con él, una señal de piedra, y derramó sobre ella libación, y echó sobre ella aceite. 35:15 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar donde Dios había hablado con él, Bet-el. 35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto. (RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA. "EL PASTOR", TIENE OBVIAMENTE UN MARCO SEXUAL) 35:17 Y aconteció, como había trabajo en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo. 35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín. 35:19 Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén. (EL PATRON SIRIO, TIENE ESTA CONNOTACION, OSEA LA ESTRELLA DE BETHLEHEN, OSEA UNA REFERENCIA A RAQUEL, LA ESPOSA AMADA DE JACOB, MADRE DE BENJAMIN. AQUI TIENE ORIGEN EL MITO DE LA LUNA LLENA Y EL LOBO)
Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy. 35:21 Y salió Israel, y plantó su tienda más allá de Migdal-edar. (ALLI CLARAMENTE ESTA EL NEXO CON LA TORRE. INCLUSO EN EL MARCO A GENESIS
10 »Ciertamente les aseguro que el que no entra por la puerta al redil de las ovejas, sino que trepa y se mete por otro lado, es un ladrón y un bandido. 2 El que entra por la puerta es el pastor de las ovejas. 3 El portero le abre la puerta, y las ovejas oyen su voz. Llama por nombre a las ovejas y las saca del redil. 4 Cuando ya ha sacado a todas las que son suyas, va delante de ellas, y las ovejas lo siguen porque reconocen su voz. 5 Pero a un desconocido jamás lo siguen; más bien, huyen de él porque no reconocen voces extrañas».
6 Jesús les puso este ejemplo, pero ellos no captaron el sentido de sus palabras. 7 Por eso volvió a decirles: «Ciertamente les aseguro que yo soy la puerta de las ovejas. 8 Todos los que vinieron antes de mí eran unos ladrones y unos bandidos, pero las ovejas no les hicieron caso. 9 Yo soy la puerta; el que entre por esta puerta, que soy yo, será salvo.[a] Se moverá con entera libertad,[b] y hallará pastos. 10 El ladrón no viene más que a robar, matar y destruir; yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia.
11 »Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas. 12 El asalariado no es el pastor, y a él no le pertenecen las ovejas. Cuando ve que el lobo se acerca, abandona las ovejas y huye; entonces el lobo ataca al rebaño y lo dispersa. 13 Y ese hombre huye porque, siendo asalariado, no le importan las ovejas.
14 »Yo soy el buen pastor; conozco a mis ovejas, y ellas me conocen a mí, 15 así como el Padre me conoce a mí y yo lo conozco a él, y doy mi vida por las ovejas. 16 Tengo otras ovejas que no son de este redil, y también a ellas debo traerlas. Así ellas escucharán mi voz, y habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. 17 Por eso me ama el Padre: porque entrego mi vida para volver a recibirla. 18 Nadie me la arrebata, sino que yo la entrego por mi propia voluntad. Tengo autoridad para entregarla, y tengo también autoridad para volver a recibirla. Este es el mandamiento que recibí de mi Padre».
19 De nuevo las palabras de Jesús fueron motivo de disensión entre los judíos. 20 Muchos de ellos decían: «Está endemoniado y loco de remate. ¿Para qué hacerle caso?» 21 Pero otros opinaban: «Estas palabras no son de un endemoniado. ¿Puede acaso un demonio abrirles los ojos a los ciegos?»
Génesis 35:1 Dijo Dios a Jacob: Levántate y sube a Bet-el, y quédate allí; y haz allí un altar al Dios que te apareció cuando huías de tu hermano Esaú. 35:2 Entonces Jacob dijo a su familia y a todos los que con él estaban: Quitad los dioses ajenos que hay entre vosotros, y limpiaos, y mudad vuestros vestidos. 35:3 Y levantémonos, y subamos a Bet-el; y haré allí altar al Dios que me respondió en el día de mi angustia, y ha estado conmigo en el camino que he andado. 35:4 Así dieron a Jacob todos los dioses ajenos que había en poder de ellos, y los zarcillos que estaban en sus orejas; y Jacob los escondió debajo de una encina que estaba junto a Siquem. 35:5 Y salieron, y el terror de Dios estuvo sobre las ciudades que había en sus alrededores, y no persiguieron a los hijos de Jacob. 35:6 Y llegó Jacob a Luz, que está en tierra de Canaán (esta es Bet-el), él y todo el pueblo que con él estaba. 35:7 Y edificó allí un altar, y llamó al lugar El-bet-el, porque allí le había aparecido Dios, cuando huía de su hermano. 35:8 Entonces murió Débora, ama de Rebeca, y fue sepultada al pie de Bet-el, debajo de una encina, la cual fue llamada Alón-bacut. 35:9 Apareció otra vez Dios a Jacob, cuando había vuelto de Padan-aram, y le bendijo. 35:10 Y le dijo Dios: Tu nombre es Jacob; no se llamará más tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel será tu nombre; y llamó su nombre Israel. 35:11 También le dijo Dios: Yo soy el Dios omnipotente: crece y multiplícate; una nación y conjunto de naciones procederán de ti, y reyes saldrán de tus lomos. 35:12 La tierra que he dado a Abraham y a Isaac, la daré a ti, y a tu descendencia después de ti daré la tierra. 35:13 Y se fue de él Dios, del lugar en donde había hablado con él. 35:14 Y Jacob erigió una señal en el lugar donde había hablado con él, una señal de piedra, y derramó sobre ella libación, y echó sobre ella aceite. 35:15 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar donde Dios había hablado con él, Bet-el. 35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto. (RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA. "EL PASTOR", TIENE OBVIAMENTE UN MARCO SEXUAL) 35:17 Y aconteció, como había trabajo en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo. 35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín. 35:19 Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén. (EL PATRON SIRIO, TIENE ESTA CONNOTACION, OSEA LA ESTRELLA DE BETHLEHEN, OSEA UNA REFERENCIA A RAQUEL, LA ESPOSA AMADA DE JACOB, MADRE DE BENJAMIN. AQUI TIENE ORIGEN EL MITO DE LA LUNA LLENA Y EL LOBO)
Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy. 35:21 Y salió Israel, y plantó su tienda más allá de Migdal-edar. (ALLI CLARAMENTE ESTA EL NEXO CON LA TORRE. INCLUSO EN EL MARCO A GENESIS 37, AL SUEÑO DE JOSE ESPECIFICAMENTE, JACOB ES EL SOL Y RAQUEL, LA LUNA, DANDOLE AL ESPACIO/TIEMPO CLARAMENTE UN MARCO SEXUAL. TORRE/MIGDAL/MAGDALA/BABILONIA/ PUERTA DE DIOS/ PORTAL ESPACIO/TIEMPO)
The highest degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
The degree at which all points of the universe collide.
The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.
Lag Ba’omer is a minor Jewish holiday which falls on the 33rd day of the Omer
Jesus’s age when he was crucified in 33 A.D.
According to Al-Ghazali the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33.
Jesus performed 33 recorded miracles
Islamic prayer beads are generally arranged in sets of 33, corresponding to the widespread use of this number in dhikr rituals. Such beads may number thirty-three in total or three distinct sets of thirty-three for a total of ninety-nine, corresponding to the names of God.
33 is not only a numerical representation of “the Star of David,” but also the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33.
Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, conducted by the United States Army as part of the Manhattan Project. Two hundred miles south of Los Alamos at 5:29:45 a.m. on July 16, 1945.
The first atomic bomb was dropped by a United States aircraft on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The 33rd President Harry S Truman, announced the news from the cruiser, USS Augusta, in the mid-Atlantic, saying that the device was more than 2,000 times more powerful than the largest bomb used to date.
The bomb was dropped from an American B-29 Superfortress, known as Enola Gay, at 0815 local time. The plane’s crew say they saw a column of smoke rising and intense fires springing up. I have created the following meyes which are self-explanatory and show the significance of the number 33.