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Reply  Message 1 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 29/11/2015 01:34
The name swastika comes from the Sanskrit word svastika (Devanagari: ...... It was adopted as the sole national flag on September 15, 1935 (see Nazi Germany) ...

Reply  Message 11 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 21:26

Reply  Message 12 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 21:47

Reply  Message 13 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 22:17
Reply  Message 7 of 7 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 22:26

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Reply  Message 2 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/11/2015 01:38
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Reply  Message 3 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 01:30

“My Conversations with JEHOVAH = SWASTIKA”

There has been a spiritual heist ~ this is a stick up ~ put your hands in the air!

author of this blog many moons ago

The gods were called upon and asked to manifest themselves. This was done via a ritual, which involved the invocation of the First Time, which was seen as an existence outside of this reality, comparable to the world of archetypes as defined by Carl Jung.

In the ritual, an image of the god that was called upon was made. Then, the “opening of the mouth” was performed, by reciting certain words of power, which meant that the image became filled with the presence of the god. The statue was his residence.
Not only gods resided in statues. Statues of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs were believed to hold his ka.

The ka was a spiritual double and was born with every man and lived on after he died as long as it had a place to live. Of course, the body was mummified to try and preserve this, but it could also apparently be transferred onto something else, like an “artificial body”: a statue.

The “opening of the mouth” ceremony performed on the deceased Pharaoh was precisely linked with tying the ka to its Earthly residence… and it is also the inspiration for the so-called mummy’s curse, which would become popular in the late 19th century.

The story of visualising the gods by continued thought is similar to the biblical story of Jacob praying to his angel, who finally, after much concentrated thought, manifests himself. Jacob too challenges and fights with his angel, before he gets from that angel what he wants. The “guardian angel” in ancient Egypt was often referred to as the ka: it was the conscience or guide of each individual and in Asclepius’ dialogue with Hermes, we should perhaps see this as an inner dialogue, of Asclepius talking to his “guardian angel” and guide – an archetype, Hermes.

Or in my case the guardian angel appears to be Raphael or Labbiel.

Heka or Hike ~ activating the Ka ~ ta da

Heka (/ˈhɛkə/; Egyptian: Ḥkȝ; also spelt Hike) was the deification of magic in Egyptian mythology, his name being the Egyptian word for “magic”. According to Egyptian writing (Coffin text, spell 261), Heka existed “before duality had yet come into being.

Heka literally means activating the Ka, the aspect of the soul which embodied personality.

So if you tell somebody to go take a ‘hike’, it means go activate your ka?

Top Ten Power Poses


Gold Medallist Tommie Smith, (center) and Bronze medallist John Carlos (right) showing the raised fist on the podium after the 200m in the 1968 Summer Olympics wearing Olympic Project for Human Rights badges. The third athlete is silver medalist Peter Norman from Australia wearing an OPHR badge to show his support for the two Americans.great site helping to relive the moment:

But but butt what number is Tommie Smith wearing …?
  • 307

Second place finisher Peter Norman was wearing …

  • 111

3rd place finisher John Carlos wore …

  • 259

Together Tommie Smith and John Carlos were at the time making a statement about ‘power’.
And the significance of that act of defiance is only starting to become even clearer today as a ‘coincidence’.

It is a MEME MEMEory image connected to civil rights, and by chance, by mere coincidence one pair of black gloves defined a moment in history.

What is less known is that Norman, a white Australian, donned a badge on the podium in support of their cause, the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR). On the way out to the medal ceremony, Norman saw the badge being worn by Paul Hoffman, a white member of the US Rowing Team, and asked him if he could wear it. It was also Norman who suggested that Smith and Carlos share the black gloves used in their salute, after Carlos left his gloves in the Olympic Village. This is the reason for Tommie Smith raising his right fist, while John Carlos raised his left. Asked about his support of Smith and Carlos’ cause by the world’s press, Norman said he opposed his country’s government’s White Australia policy.

I also happened to notice the following coincidence too:

1 = 307 (3+7=10=1+0=1)
3 = 111 (1+1+1=3)
7 = 259 (2+5+9=16=1+6=7)

Tommie Smith RIGHT ARM raised + John Carlos LEFT ARM raised = KA
I feel like a winner power pose!

307 … 259

Is there a cosmic idEA linking 37 to the power pose and god and the collective unconscious?

Are we underestimating the fine print that we dismiss as ‘coincidences’?

Japanese variations of the Manji  


The premise is simple.

If I can provide proof that the ancients believed the following to be true…

JEHOVAH and the SWASTIKA are profoundly related idEAs …

Are these the many faces of JEHOVAH?

…then I must ask the obvious…are my rants and raves and my theSiS signature below, in fact proof of my ‘ongoing conversations’ with the creator alchemist jehovah/god OR however defined, these past 4+ years? … shhh … don’t tell anybody, the Creator Alchemist, the Grand Architect, the Big Kahuna, talks to me using sign language.

Do you know of anybody else that is as driven as little me about this particular symbol, known popularly as the very unpopular swastika?
It is true that I have been banned from more forums than have allowed me to stay because of my inceSSant ranting and raving.

What if I can’t help it?
What if something within me is like a untamed flame called passion?
Is it the responsibility for each member of the herd to turn their receivers ON?

Once I had my receiver engaged I was led to this symbol in a Peruvian Monastery which is associated with the Dominican Order.

What is the difference between the Dominicans and Jesuits?

Dominicans vs Jesuits

Two men considering a religious vocation were having a conversation. “What is similar about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders? ” the one asked.

The second replied, “Well, they were both founded by Spaniards — St. Dominic for the Dominicans, and St. Ignatius of Loyola for the Jesuits. They were also both founded to combat heresy — the Dominicans to fight the Albigensians, and the Jesuits to fight the Protestants.”

“What is different about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders?”

“Met any Albigensians lately?

Image  Image

The image in the center and on the right I photographed in Peru. It captured my very soul it seems, it is associated with the Egyptian concept of the ‘ka’ or the ‘vital essence’. I added the Nazi swastika to show the most remarkable similarity.

The Ka (kꜣ) was the Egyptian concept of vital essence, that which distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person, with death occurring when the ka left the body. The Egyptians believed that Khnum created the bodies of children on a potter’s wheel and inserted them into their mothers’ bodies.

The ka was often represented in Egyptian iconography as a second image of the king, leading earlier works to attempt to translate ka as double.

I have also written about the ka and various associations.
(all of my blogs are a work in progress, like the author of this blog)
Rosetta Fractal Mandala

I have superimposed the NAZI version of the swastika over the Rosetta Fractal Mandala … cropped to the approximate dimensions of a flag.

It was not long after this symbol engaged me that the underlying meSSage, signal, started coming in loud and clear.
Once I linked these two symbols together by color and form, the conversations with Jehovah/YHVH seemed to intensify.

We know that Hitler was raised a Christian Roman Catholic, his legacy being the evil monster who dispensed with the Jews?
Based on the HIS-story of the Roman Catholic Church, should we be surprised?

And the fact that the Teutonic Knights flag is essentially the same as the NAZI adopted flag suggests what?
Two more things you need to know, the Teutonic Knights had swore an allegiance to the Vatican since the days of the Crusades.
Hitler had the Teutonic Knights disbanded in 1938.
(but they regrouped after the war)
Hitler chased out of Germany all secret societies, including the Freemasons.


Teutonic Knight flag in 1914 next to adopted NAZI flag design in 1920s.


The above mandala that I photographed became a KEY to help unlock the mysteries of ALL the AGES, quite similar to the Rosetta Stone which assisted in the deciphering of the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
That is why I decided to call this mandala the Rosetta Fractal.

It became a KEY factor that looked  like a KEYHOLE or a ‘lightbulb’.

The Rosetta Fractal Mandala certainly has its Rosicrucian charms in its design, along with the fact I can show you the swastika embedded in the Mandelbrot Set.
And certainly when discussing recursive fractals, the Mandelbrot Set is the definitive example.

It is important to understand the foundational archetypes, what is allowed and what is not, how else do you expect to navigate once you leave terra firma?
But by the sun and the moon and the stars?
Well it would help to know what those archetypal cosmic sign posts that transcend time and space look like, I feel.

Since its discovery a quarter of a century ago, the Mandelbrot Set has become a universal icon for the doctrine of chaos–the emerging scientific idea that simple processes can result in infinite complexity. It’s the set of all complex numbers z for which sequence defined by the iteration

z(0) = z, z(n+1) = z(n)*z(n) + z, n=0,1,2, … remains bounded.
This means that there is a number B such that the absolute value of all iterates z(n) never gets larger than B. A bounded sequence may or not have a limit. For example, if z=0 then z(n) = 0 for all n, so that the limit of the (1) is zero. On the other hand, if z=i ( i being the imaginary unit), then the sequence oscillates between i and i-1, so remains bounded but it does not converge to a limit.

I don’t believe in God but I’m very interested in her.
-Arthur C. Clarke


Shall we take a psychedelic trip with Mandelbrot, LSD, DMT and the 4 Evangelists?

Watch the third video found at this link:

Let there be light!



LSD  and the SEED pattern:


Pit House sketch on the LEFT is taken from the west coast Thompson Indians
PIT HOUSE cosmology, explained here;



And I do love the fact that we can place the MandELBrot fractal next to St. Peter’s Square and it seems to be a nice fit.
How could that be?

The only answer, the most logical and intuitive one would be that we have been sharing in the same gene-meme-teme-DREAMS-theme pARKs.


image on left is a Nuraghe, Sardinia

The nuraghe [nuˈraɡe] is the main type of ancient megalithic edifice found in Sardinia, developed during the Nuragic Age between 1900-730 BC.
Today it has come to be the symbol of Sardinia and its distinctive culture, the Nuragic civilization.


I think we have a match regarding the ‘pagan’ temple that has stood the test of time, even copied by the ‘copy KAt scribes in ROME.

A simple design that spans thousands of years….not much new under the SUN in the Vatican is there?

Even the MOON has been accounted for.
It is the Black Door where they bury the Popes and give them their last rites in a ritual:

Nazirites in fact worthy of a Samson or St. John the Baptist:

In the Hebrew Bible, a Nazirite or Nazarite, (in Hebrew: נזיר, nazir), refers to one who voluntarily took a vow described in Numbers 6:1–21. The proper noun “Nazirite” comes from the Hebrew word nazir meaning “consecrated” or “separated”.[1] This vow required the man or woman to:

  • Abstain from wine, wine vinegar, grapes, raisins, intoxicating liquors[2] and vinegar distilled from such substances.[3]*Refrain from eating or drinking any substance that contains any trace of grapes.[4]
  • Refrain from cutting the hair on one’s head; but to allow the locks of the head’s hair to grow.[5]
  • Not to become impure by corpses or graves, even those of family members[6]

After following these requirements for a designated period of time (which would be specified in the individual’s vow), the person would immerse in a mikveh and make three offerings: a lamb as a burnt offering (olah), a ewe as a sin-offering (hatat), and a ram as a peace offering (shelamim), in addition to a basket of unleavened bread, grain offerings and drink offerings, which accompanied the peace offering. They would also shave their head in the outer courtyard of the Temple (the Jerusalem Temple forJudaism) and then place the hair on the same fire as the peace offering. (Numbers 6:18)

The Nazirite is described as being “holy unto YHWH” (Numbers 6:8), yet at the same time must bring a sin offering.

This has led to divergent approaches to the Nazirite in theTalmud, and later authorities, with some viewing the Nazirite as an ideal, and others viewing him as a sinner.

wolf rolf ROFL

What are the associations between the goddess Amy Cuddy,  the Nuraghe [pronounced new rage] , and Vonder Voman?

recall the opening video …. the Top Ten Power Poses




extra tripping no charge and no tipping allowed:


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory=LSD=DMT=FLYWHEEL=Universal asymmetry=matter vs. anti-matter=spin

“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

So which came first?


The WWII NAZI stormtrooper?

The NAZIrite with rites?

In general there are three types of nazirites:

  • A nazirite for a set time
  • A permanent nazirite
  • Of the Nazirites for life three are mentioned in the Scriptures –Samson, Samuel and St. John the Baptist. The only one of these actually called a Nazirite is Samson.

The AshkeNAZI Jews with high IQs?

The Ashkenazi are the population of Jews originating in central and northern Europe. In the 20th century, they made up 3% of the U.S. Population, but won 27% of U.S. Nobel prizes.
More than half of world chess champions are Ashkenazi.

Einstein, Feynman, and Bobby Fischer are all of Ashkenazi ethnicity.

Gregory of Nazianzus  – Gregory the Theologian – Gregory Nazianzen

Or the town of NAZIanzus?

Nazianzus was a small town the history of which is completely unknown.

It became the Turkish village of Nenizi east of Ak-Serai (formerly Archelais), in the Ottoman villayet of Koniah, but has sometimes been wrongly identified with Diocaesarea.

In 1370 it was united to the metropolitan see of Caesarea Mazaca (modern Kayseri).

Or the town of St. NAZIanz?

St. Nazianz is a village in Manitowoc CountyWisconsinUnited States founded in 1854.The population was 783 at the 2010 census.



Reply  Message 4 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 01:36

Knights Templar the RED CROSS Alchemy and TIME

Proposal for a “United Nations Authority Flag” submitted to the United Nations on January 20, 1947 by Brooks Harding and his “United Nations Honor Flag Committee”, based on the seal of the United Nations and the earlier Four Freedoms Flag. This proposal was withdrawn in August 1947.

Raphael wrote:

I have joined their forum and am now infecting their servers also with my thoughts.

Del wrote:

The virus continues to spread

Yes and my name on that site is CHiram Abiff, who with Solomon completed the first temple.
CHiram the master architect who not only constructed the temples but helped define the ARKetypes too, archetypes that would define our history and that could also be used to foretell the future, archetypes that will last as long as the illusion itself is being accessed, at this vibratory level.

CHiram is code for CHiral.
We are coming full circle.

ufo1953 wrote:

Hi CHiram_Abiff

Thanks for the link, giving interesting numerical combinations.

quite welcome … we seem to connect with some numbers and observations.
here are a few more I would like to add/comment on.

The number 13 is used 28 times in the Old Testament and is not in the New Testament (NT).

Shows how the Church did a flip flop, manipulating the underlying script.
Evil I think?

This would probably be around the time ‘the occult’ continued to worship the number 13 and 5.
Both these numbers connected to the occult.
5 = 5 pointed star pentagram
13 = bad luck
Even skipping the 13th floor in many western structures, but in fact and in contrast the number 13 was held sacred by the Maya)

But the truth of why these numbers were driven ‘underground’ is quite simple.
There are 2 sacred shapes that mean a great deal to human consciousness because they speak of underlying universal archetypes that permeate ALL levels of existence, visible and invisible, BUT they must exist on each level, for the matrix to be ‘connected’.

The circle and the square.
Below are two sacred symbols called the Hopi Earth Mother Symbols.
One is circular/curved and one is square/angular.

The same distinct shapes are noted on coins from the Minoan Civilization, and have also been found in the region of ‘Troy’.

And the Mason symbol is a compass and a square. And the image I supplied suggests what these two symbols are really measuring.

Compass is used to draw a circle and we use a square to draw a square.
And the compass allowed us to figure out how to travel the globe using longitudes and latitudes helping to change people’s attitudes once we arrived in far away lands.
And the freemason square would then help us build our temples and empires once we disposed of the heathens err I mean natives, err I mean once we saved the children of god and they became one with our flock.

BUT why would the Church indict these 2 numbers as ‘occult’?

13 and 5 are the center spots.
13 is the center of the circle, the center of the 12 tribes or the 12 knights of the round table, the 12 apostles and of course everything defaults to the heavens and the 12 houses of the horoscope…which just happen coincidentally ALL lay on or close to the ecliptic.
Which is connected to Precession of the Equinoxes…the Sun’s journey through the universe, and remember this is very important to know because we are attached by a 93 million mile leash.
We are such stupid mutts.

Some older cultures had 13 astro signs, the matrix was seen as a web with the spider positioned in the center as the 13th sign.

And number 5 is the center of the square.
X marks the spot between the four corners.
And of course if you were Pithagoras you would also reduce the number 13 further, i.e.  to a 4. (1+3)
A number associated with destruction by the Chinese.
4 + 4 = 8 or infinity = destruction followed by creation.
And if you place a square (4) over a square (4) what esoteric shape do you get. You get a darma wheel.

I see only design, Creation, coincidences do not exist.

The Church wants to maintain those center spots.
The EWE are not allowed into this sanctuary.

There is another center spot I can illustrate that is also critical in understanding the simplicity of geometry and symbolism.
The triangle is 3 points.
Add a 4th spot to the center.
Here you have your ‘third eye’.
The Christians call this symbol the Pleroma…note the numbers.

11 reduces to 2 (1+1)
93 reduces to 3 (9+3=12=1+2=3)
23 reduces to 5 (2+3)

So where is 4?
4 thus represents that swirly looking vortex which was created by chiral preferences resembling swastika type gyrations.

But if you connect the 4 dots you get a flat 3D representation of a TETRAHEDRON.
It is the seat from which the Oracle of Delphi was positioned at the apex of a tetrahedron.

So I would conclude guess what?
You and your intuition represent the Oracle of Delphi, a wisdom that is always at your disposal. Always on the ready for the initiate, if distressed.
The sage advise dispensed long long ago, few heed today?

“Man Know Thyself”

In these two images sketched by the deceased mystic Itzhak Bentov we see how he has made a connection between 4 points in Space and the tetrahedron.

We also see in the next image how he has taken these 4 points and implied a field similar to an EM field.

Also a tetrahedron is connected to the CARBON electron cloud.
Carbon 12, is an element that ALL Life needs to be called Life.
Carbon 12 is comprised of … 666

6 electrons
6 protons
6 neutrons

This next link is a must visit, it helps conceptualize my ideas with greater clarity.

The tetrahedron is also the first Platonic solid.
There are 5 platonic solids that Plato knew about, hence the name.
But here I present another anomaly.
It was not until around 1995 that some computer geek figured out using complex math and mucho blah blah blah, that in fact there are only 5 Platonic solids, apparently there is not a 6th to be found.
Is there an glitch in ancient text … should the text have read “the geek shall inherit the earth”?

So how did the ancients, who also believed in a flat world (universe), and that man was the center of the universe, know that?
Remember this is a Recovery NOT a Discovery Mission.
It is in fact a large-scale salvage operation called the Salvation of Mankind.
Plato also spoke of the ships of his ancestors being found at the peaks of mountains.

Is it really as simple as that.
Or can it be simplified?

Can I show you how the VATICAN (using primarily a ‘Solar’ calendar) has tried to DISPOSE of cultures that use the MOON and the SUN together to forecast or foretell future events?
Two great examples would be the ancient Jews and the Maya.
Both of these cultures were the victims of two holocausts perpetrated by the Christians.
First the Mesoamericans were disposed of rather nicely.
Their culture and history was essentially a trial by fire.
Few remaining books.
Approximately 100 million native americans (north,central, south) were reduced to about 10 million in the 150 years after the arrival of the Crucifix on the shores of the New World.
The crucifix does not appear in mesoamerica prior to this time.
But the square cross was the one used.
But disposing of the Jews would prove far more difficult.
How do you dispose of the Jews and their most prized possession too?
How do you dispose of the Torah and its peoples?
Their primary book of worship must also be destroyed or made inaccessible for the plot to manifest.

Now when you look at the numbers 13 and 5 and apply them to the Maya and other Mesoamerican cultures the significance of these numbers is contrary to the Christian occult fears.

The Maya used these two numbers as FACTORS in helping calculate ACCURATE TIME.

Their SOLAR calendar consisted of 20 x 18 = 360 + 5 religious holidays = 365 days
Their LUNAR or Sacred Round calendar was calculated using 20 x 13 = 260

So envision 3 cogs or gears, one gear has 13 teeth and the other gear has 20 teeth. These two cogs are then connected and move a third cog or wheel with 52 teeth and every 7 rotations of the large cog = 364 days.
But there appears to be a discrepancy between 364 and 365?

And the Maya would use these 3 wheels, representing a cycle between the movements of the Sun and the Moon to calculate TIME and the future of each and every individual born into this world.

The Maya really believed in the concept of “All has already been written“.
There exists a fate that can be calculated, it is reckoned.

Are the Maya any different than the mathematicians today who calculate ‘probabilities’ and boast of the ability of quantum mechanics to make ‘predictions’?

Here again is that picture of the ‘Black Door’ in St. Peter’s Square.
Do you notice teeth similar to the cogs above?
Would it be possible to count 52 teeth on that wheel in the Vatican.
A rough estimate suggests YES.

As suspected…the Church ‘doublespeak’, has positioned itself as ‘middle man’.
Adopting the moneytheistic phrase … “In God we Trust all others pay Cash”

The Freemason Politicians start the Wars, with the Illuminati financing them, sometimes both sides at the same time. The only Organization ever allowed behind Enemy Lines, has been the International Committee of the Red Cross. The Red Cross was started by Swiss Businessman Jean Henri Dunant in 1859. He was a Freemason.

Here we have one symbol to represent each of the 3 Abraham/Levantine Religions.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent have been on the battlefields since the 19th century. The Red Crystal that looks like a square tilted like a diamond, is Judaism’s inclusion, it is their chosen organization that they want tending to their wounded or dead.

Great, it appears everybody is getting ready for the scripted Judeao/Christian/Islamic prophecy called Armageddon?

But the significance of RED and WHITE should not be overlooked.
These are the two Meso or middle colors of ALCHEMY.
The 4 colors of Alchemy are placed in this order.


Is it a coincidence that the two Meso cultures, Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia represent the RED and WHITE race?

Is it a coincidence that both the Knights Templar and the Red Cross, both seen as benign helpful organizations display a RED cross on a WHITE background?

Is it Red on White or White on Red?
We have a Red Cross on White and there also exists the WHITE cross on RED.
Interesting as you noted that a Swiss Freemason was the founder of the Red Cross organization.

But let us discuss alchemy for a moment.
Alchemy is about either the transmutation of matter or spirit.

Turning both our spiritual and material world golden.
Possessing either the touch of a King Midas or maybe achieving a state of bliss or nirvana or the Christ consciousness…

Which country/state in the world is a symbol today for where the MATERIAL GOLD is kept?

And we know the Swiss employ the OPPOSITE color symbolism to that of the Red Cross and the Knight’s Templar.

And another fact is that a small symbolic army guards the independent City-state called the VATICAN.
This army is known as the Swiss Guard.

Their position was secured by treaty under Julius II (1503-1513), who, at the instigation of the Swiss cardinal Schinner, entered into an agreement with the cantons of Zurich and Lucerne, in accordance with which these cantons undertook to supply two hundred and fifty men as a body guard of the pope.
In the modern times, since 1870, the number of the Swiss guards has been reduced to barely 100 members and when the corps is at full strength it has the following officers:
– one captain
– one lieutenant
– one second lieutenant
– one chapelain
– one judge
– four sergeants
– seven corporals
– two turnkeys
– two drummers

The general qualifications demanded in recruits are that they must be Swiss citizens, Catholics, born in wedlock, unmarried, under 25 years, minimum 6 feet tall, healthy and free from bodily defects.

Almost every year, on May 5, new recruits swear in saint Peter’s Basilica and May 6th is the anniversary of the day in 1527 when 147 Swiss Guards died in the sack of Rome while defending Pope Clement VII Medici from the troops of the German emperor Charles V.

 Please note that the Swiss guard are wearing colors similar to the colors of alchemy that I pointed out earlier. Purple/Blue is substituted for Black, but all 3 colors exist close to each other in the EM Spectrum. The other 3 colors in the alchemic process …white, red and gold have also been used.
So it appears that Switzerland is where the WEST keeps its material (matter) Gold and the VATICAN is where the WEST suggests our spiritual Gold or center lay.
And please note the Vatican took the wealth of the Knight’s Templar representing a Red Cross on White, and gave it to the Swiss (White cross on Red) for safekeeping.

All of the above are known versions of Templar Crosses.
The fact that these are crosses, which are connected to, squares representing ‘matter’ is I would think intentional.
And the circle would represent spirit…and the rectangle bearing the proper geometric proportions are directly connected to the golden rectangle and the pentacle and what is know as the ‘Divine Proportion’.

But the Swiss employ a square cross on a square background not rectangular.

But the trail of flag waving does not end there.
I believe the trail … follow the symbols of a White Cross on Red … and the trail leads to Denmark and the archetypal family called the Tribe of Dan.
Denmark’s flag is a White Crucifix on a Red Rectangle, rotated.

Denmark a very small country that owns a very large group of islands called Greenland. What is the tribe of Dan’s connection to Greenland and Thule and Argatha and ancient Aryans?
Will we find ancient structures in Greenland and Antarctic when the ice sheets melt?
Greenland and Antarctic are anti-podal to each other.
The weight and mass of the frozen water has a direct relationship to the earth’s center of gravity.
As the ice continues to melt and the water is drawn by the earth’s rotation to the equator…what happens?
The center of gravity shifts.
This explains therefore the 41,000-year cycle where the tilt of the earth goes from about 21.8 degrees angle of inclination to approximately 24.4 degrees.
As most of us know we currently sit at 23.5 degrees.
But few sheeple realize it is part of a bigger cycle.
So the big tilt could happen soon … once the critical mass, a shifting of the center has been achieved.

Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth’s core. It is related to the Hollow Earth theory and is a popular subject in Esotericism.
Agartha is one of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers. Shamballa (also known as Shambalah) is sometimes said to be its capital city [1]. The mythical paradise of Shamballa is known under many different names: It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, the Land of Radiant Spirits, the Land of Living Fire, the Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Hindus have known it as Aryavartha, the land from which the Vedas come; the Chinese as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother of the West; the Russian Old Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belovodye and the Kirghiz people as Janaidar. But throughout Asia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning ‘the place of peace, of tranquillity.’

Denmark, Switzerland and the Vatican.
3 small helpless vulnerable countries containing much wealth…but somehow they seem to remain ‘neutral’ while the chaos of the world swirls around them …

The fat red and white Santa is a product of Coca-Cola public relations, an ad campaign, how pathetic that we have had several generations growing up with this Christian distortion of something far more sublime and it is no coincidence.
The archetypes show up everywhere because the Creation must be connected and consistent. Who can deny patterns?
Math works because of patterns.

From this foundation of truth in regards to red and white, both these colors representing a conversion or transmutation of spirit and matter, think of the red and white Barber’s pole, and its history.
Again I suggest that many of our artistic creations are simply the result of being able to tap into the creative source and bring it forth is some way, using shape or color or sound.

The United Nations Emblem has 2 x 13 olive branches and the world circle is divided into 33 segments.
The olive branches are a symbol for peace, and the world map represents all the people of the world.

See the Emblem below.

See how the consistency of my theory is maintained?
The United Nations has designated the center as number 33.
Note where it is located … looking down over the North Pole … BUT why are we rarely treated to a bird’s eye view of the South Pole?

I find it far more interesting…it shows how the tip of South America is just a hop skip and a jump away from the Antarctica … South America is closer than Africa and if the water levels were down at one time, there exists a distinct path of islands easily navigated.

Look at the world differently change your perspective and the anomalies that formerly were unable to be supported by lies become clear.

But what I find is far more coincidental is that they have identified the earth as having 32 distinct climatic regions and Peru has 22 of them. (coincidental to the Hebrew alphabet and the number of cards in the major arcane of the tarot.)
But for me … this coincidence makes sense, because I see the Earth as an alchemic forge, using cataclysms to transmute herself also, we are constituents to the process, the question is, are we catalysts or ingredients?
And apparently once you have experienced all of the earth’s emotions (climatic conditions) like in Freemasonry you are ready to ascend the apex that the number 33 represents.
-Christ and Alexander both dead at 33.
-You either have 32 or 33 discs in your spine…depends on how many you have in the lower lumbar region.
Some people have 5 and some have 6.
What I find interesting in regards to Christ, immortality and having a backbone is this, the only life form that is immortal is a certain jellyfish, which of course has no backbone.

We must remember a truth…the Earth is an entity, and it too has a purpose and a destiny.
Just because we cannot see the Earth as living breathing creatures like us, it lives with such a force, we should be kissing the ground and not the priests feet.

The sooner our consciousness connects globally to that reality (earth is alive) is when things will really start to happen for us as a group.
Problem is that we have disconnected with this source.

Here is a video that apparently has been banned in some parts of the world.
According to the hype …
Hype + type





Thus the primordial Law of Thermodynamics says…
God can be neither created or destroyed, he can only be transformed into other forms of God. However there is a penalty for making vain graven images and it is called Entropy.

Reply  Message 5 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 01:49



VIRGIN MARY 13th Century Monastic Symbols = SEED PATTERN?

God whispered in Mary’s Ear and got her preggers.
The following post is more of an attempt to inspire more folks like Manes as opposed to *activating* the IGNORANT as I always seem to do on the forums I participate on….
It can be found in its entirety  here:
We shall soon see what kind of human becomes *activated* as the ‘light’ entering our solar system continues to ‘change’.
Change is in the air, can’t ewe folks feel it?
I can.
It’s name is plasma.
The MEDIUM is the MESSAGE, and it radiates OUT and pulls us IN?
Plasma = Gravity = SOUND = the MESSAGE = = BETTER try to get along SHEEPLE = TIME is running out…is the message found in the bottle.
Do the sheeple on this thread think that an hourglass, the infinity symbol, and the number 8 are not all related and point toward an observable TRUTH?Of course sheeple would reBLEAT nonsense like … show me the math that all of the above are ‘connected’, prove it using science they demand!!
Instead of saying to my thoughts which appear rather alien to them. “TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER, Rapheal?” duh the difference between science and religion is clear to me.
The scientist starts with a world divided, IT assumes nothing, IT is trying to put the pieces back together again, whereas religion starts with a world unified and WAS an attempt to try to keep the pieces of the creation intact?somewhere along the line science and religion pretended to not agree.
call it a conspiracy that can be OBSERVED today.


Originally Posted by mane View Post
“This graphic illustrates the point that there are 3 fundamental wave forms, with a total of 6 by their polarities.”

I am all ears.
Would the 3 fundamental wave forms be called:

Brahma the Creator
Siva the Destroyer
Vishnu the Preserver

Yes only 3 waveforms result as a result of all the chaos of sound and light coming together causing a bit of heat and friction as a result?

Like when jews, muslims and christians’ world’s collide?
We needed to spend 8 billion dollars on CERN to investigate this fact of life?

POLYNESIAN MATTANG and the Sator Square.
The Malteser Cross is formed simply by spelling AEON x 4.
4 AEON = 4 AGES?

The source if the mattang is unknown, it heralds from antiquity, along with the swastika, thus we find that the source of both of these very old symbols is unknown.
I must admit that I love stuff the experts cannot explain using judeao-christian semite semantics, especially the anomalies, that fail to FIT the official story called ‘jesus’, anomalies that make these ‘westernized experts’ look rather stupid!!

And folks like me, Raphahell who is ‘remembering’ and the heathen Polynesians are of course the problem that plagues humanity?
Of course common logic would arrive in such a nasty place of the heart, which denies the obvious.

Mane, dude, you will appreciate this blog.
It clearly shows, for those who can SEE, that the Polynesian Mattang is in fact an ancient GPS.
GPS works on triangulation…the Mattang was made from the ribs of palms and coconut fibers?

Which cost more the Mattang used by the HEATHEN, made from discarded trees (palm/coconuts) or CERN?
Which method takes from the POOR and gives to the RICH?
You folks have it all wrong if you think you know who or what I am.
It appears it is TIME that the anglo-saxon hero Robin Hood made his appearance again folks.

Our ancestors were far more observant using their naked eyes than modern man is proving himself to bef looking through his microcosmic scopes and his MACROCOSMIC tele-scopes.
Experts are certainly focused on what they see in their scopes.
But they fail to acknowledge the human standing right beside them, that could have used some of that 8 billion dollars, and counting that CERN alone cost.
duh too fookin’ obvious.
pathetic and sad.

Clearly the modern man who NEEDS scopes, who relies on scopes MORE than his intuition based on naked eye observation has DIED and NOT gone to heaven, he has been spending his time at M.I.T. playing with his Spirograph.

Originally Posted by mane View Post
Hinging, quite literally,

Over the past few years, I too have become un-hinged literally and figuratively
dude I am not quite sure what you mean (the specifics, the detail), in this post of yours, but I do feel a true connection is taking place here and now.
Thanks for participating in OUR journey.

And I do understand that an axis of symmetry acts like a HINGE
Anything that can be folded along a line of axis is thus hinged.
A book like the Bible is hinged along its spine.
A Torah Scroll does not have any hinges, it is a SCROLL.
However if we compare to the Maya/Aztec Codices which were FOLDED.
Proteins fold.
Amino acids tell them how.
DNA gives the amino acids their GOOSE-stepping orders?
But the problem with Hitler was he was trying to preserve certain DNA.
Duh what a wanker.

The REAL game folks need to realize is that your MIND/heART are in charge of the epi-genome, thus the individual, NOT the Hitlers, Popes and Political Hacks is in charge of his own fookin’ DNA/Holy Grail destiny.

Stop letting them PLANT SEEDS in your garden of eden, the temple you, ewe, and u, ALL call home.
YOUR BRAIN (tree of knowledge) and HEART (tree of life).
And the FOUR RIVERs in Eden have nothing to do with the SWASTIKA?

4 duhs, one for each river not navigated.

So here we have an interesting difference in how two CULTures divided by the atlantic/atlantis ocean, were expressing the world we live in?

Scrolls and Bibles

Originally Posted by mane View Post
The tesseract is constructed quite simply (see here); it is a reciprocal form of an 8 point star.

I LOVE it…the consistency of how the pieces always fit.
Tesseract has a reciprocal called the 8-pointed star.

phi has its reciprocal in Phi too.

Can I suggest that many Marko Rodin groupies should now book a room in the Temple of Del-phi?
Taking instruction from the real god called Apollo or some other oracles, instead of taking all their cues to the truth from the demi-gods like Marko Rodin or Nassim Haramein.
Those fellas are mere mortals compared to the teachers found in the Temple of Del-phi?
Temple of Del-phi is in your sheeple brains, along with Pythagoras the GEOMETER who is helping the sheeple navigate through TIME SPACE using MOTION.
Clearly the sheeple are unaware of the POETRY in their motion.
Put their by the creator, our father who heART in heaven.
Harold and Maude will by thy name.

Originally Posted by mane View Post
By that logic, I observe the sequential grid of Lo Shu, and see its construction is quite simple as well.

warning: using logic on this thread only draws out the IGNORANT, keeps them grounded.
though you made it through.
few do.
good for you Chris or is it maybe ChrisTOS?
How about ChrisTAU?

4 x TAU = 8 pointed star and the Malteser Cross that tickles the fancy of the Pope?

Originally Posted by mane View Post
Thus a construction method is born.

Ever hear of the SEED PATTERN dude that is used to start a labyrinth?
Yes there is the classic 3 and 7 patterns?
Shall we reduce the obvious to 37 and the DEEPER meanings we can extract?

The centrality of the Prime Number 37 in the structure of Scripture can not be overstated. It begins in with the Creation Holograph:

I simply remember many facts, make many connections by remembering my birthdate.
July 3
Mentioned by a Vatican spokesperson (jokingly of course) as the birthdate of the coming messiah.
I did not take this literally, if he had said March 7th, or 37, it would have carried the same essential message.

37 or 73
(search those numbers out)

Originally Posted by mane View Post
I am fascinated by the super-symmetry of the Swastika, or rather, vortex, and conversely, the SATOR square.

so am I.
why do folks use words like super-symmetry and broken symmetry, instead of asymmetry when describing symmetry that is less than perfect?

Now all the sheeple gotta do is drawn a line between the two swastikas below dividing them into LEFT and RIGHT.
Consider this line, drawn in the sands of time, to be THE HINGE!!!!!

Manes you will like this thread too.
It shows the hinge and discusses 25/52.

Originally Posted by mane View Post
In constructing a four decimal matrix, beginning at the center of a 9×9 grid, counting from 9 on in a spiral, with the first decimal sequence starting to the right, the second downwards, the third left, and the 4th upwards, this pattern arises:It has asymmetrical symmetry (swastika, expand and contract) and two-fold symmetry (8 point star), forming the symbol in the center

All very cool.
Please tell me/show me manes what happens if we use a FIVE decimal pattern?
Sometimes I too can be very IGNORANT.
I only treat folks how I like to be treated.
Call it an extension of the GOLDEN RULE we can apply to phi the GOLDEN spiral. (how fucking OBVIOUS is that?)


Originally Posted by mane View Post
and as such, becomes the 6 w(e)aves (by a doubling circuit matrix)

In Latin, (was bible babble ever written in Latin?) the word TEXT means WEAVE.

Enough said

Problem folks have, is that as RaphaHELL weaves a new UNIFYING TRUTH, the sheeple will become UNHINGED!!!!!!!!!!

Do not read the p.s. it contains the MOVIE SPOILER for the recent film INCEPTION, a clever little film, that made me realize, at the very end of the film, THEY tried to PLANT A SEED INTO MY MIND/HEART, to help alter my ALTAR-DNA.



So why why why did the director of Inception Chris Nolan put a WINDMILL in the SAFE?

Where the SEED PATTERN is placed, and only show TWO of the ARMS of the WINDMILL, with the numbers 4 and 3 clearly shown?

Room 528 and Room 491 or the safe code 528 491

528 is not difficult to ‘connect’

491 is far more interesting.

U.S. Route 491 (US 491) is a northsouth U.S. Highway serving the Four Corners region of the United States. One of the newest designations in the U.S. Highway system, it was created in 2003 as a renumbering of U.S. Route 666.

4 corners region?

And room 528 was directly above room 491?
Did that make sense?
Just do the math.




But did you notice the double XX on Charlie Chaplin’s armband?
So who are the “machine men with machine minds”? I wonder if Charlie Chaplin the heARTIST was trying to send a message?

I noticed because the most interesting men in the world drink Dos Equis.

Swastika is the KEY of Universal Movement, forming part of an ancient vortex theory, along with phi and pi and the Maltese cross.
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Reply  Message 6 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 01:50

Reply  Message 7 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/12/2015 17:51

Reply  Message 8 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/12/2015 18:21

“Eli, Eli lama sabachthani”

Reply  Message 9 of 354 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/12/2015 19:39

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