Goro Adachi
October 08, 2015
from SuperTorchRitual Website
Spanish version

If something is obvious, chances are it's already been discovered.
That would be the case especially for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which has attracted so much attention not just from scientists but also from suspicious conspiracy theorists, curious alternative researchers and anyone one else interested in the biggest machine ever built by mankind.
It's been several years since the LHC went operational in 2008 and you would think anything significant that can be said about it has already been said.
Well, you would be wrong.

In this article the reader will be shown a whole new system of information mysteriously encoded in the layout of the particle collider that's unlike anything you may have seen before.
Some of the revelations will be surprisingly in your face and does not require any long explanation. You see it, and you get it.
Some are less simple but still highly intelligent, precise, and undeniable. They've evaded detection until now not because of any lack of clarity or coherence but because of the initial difficulty in tuning into the underlying "cosmic" perspective.
People just don't normally expect anything like this and the mind just does not think to look for such an extensive "as above, so below" design in this kind of mainstream scientific setting. Once we start tuning in, however, a whole new reality opens up before our eyes…
By 2008 I knew that the Moon was a key component of the design. But it wasn't until this year (2015) that the rabbit hole finally led me to… Orion. The LHC, I would now suggest, is an Orion "Stargate".
At least in the sense that the Giza pyramids are also an Orion Stargate of sorts.

Like the pyramids, the CERN LHC which some compare to the Tower of Babel is a "Gateway of the God" and presumably only the initiates know the encoded secrets.
For those not in the know, the Giza pyramids were/are glorified tombs dedicated to the pharaohs and the gods, just as the LHC to most people is "just" a machine that smashes together subatomic particles.
Behind the veil, however, they are much, much more…
They whisper knowledge that is cosmic, extra-dimensional and mysterious, just below the threshold of reality. The whispers are just loud enough to hint that the secrets are there, but quiet enough to make sure it's up to us to act on our subconscious awareness and decide to follow the white rabbit wherever it goes.
The path to truth is indeed a bottomless rabbit hole; how deep we can go depends on our desire, focus, dedication, intuition, creativity, balance, etc. etc.
We need to know how to think, with our heart and mind, and not what to think which any programmable machine can do. Only then we begin to hear more clearly the whispers telling us where to dig for treasure.
Cosmic knowledge awaits us… Let's start digging.
Basic Configuration
Officially, everything important taking place at the LHC is happening inside the 26.7 km-long magnetic tunnels and detectors and all on a sub-atomic scale.

Unofficially, the LHC demonstrates its macro-cosmic and multicontextual "as above, so below" awareness through its geometry i.e. how the whole complex is laid out underground as viewed from above.

(Technical note: All the LHC diagrams we'll be using are orthographic, i.e. the point of perspective is directly above and geometrically at infinite distance, involving no 3-D perspective/distortion.)

The basic configuration of the LHC complex consists of a large loop, the LHC, with a diameter of ~8.5 km, and a smaller loop called the "Super Proton Synchrotron" (SPS) placed tangentially inside the LHC, used as the final proton beam injector for the LHC, with a diameter of ~2.2 km.
The SPS's position and size are key to the first step of decoding the LHC "Orion Stargate".
Secret Design #1 - Earth & Moon
As I discovered back in 2008, the size difference between the LHC and SPS corresponds to the Earth and the Moon respectively:

The accuracy is remarkable, only slightly off by ~1%, i.e. SPS's ~26% (of LHC) vs. Moon's ~27% (of Earth). For now this is satisfactory.
Besides, the slight imperfection prompts us to keep looking for further steps and meaning, which is important as we are only scratching the surface here…