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Message 1 of 32 on the subject |
When Was Jesus Christ Born
According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was born near the end of Herod's reign which would place his birth at 6-4 BCE. Luke tells us that Jesus was born around the time the Roman governor Quirinus took a census in Judea. That would place his birth at 6-7 CE, ten years from the end of Herod's death. Mark and John say nothing. As explained in the nativity legends, neither gospel has the qualities of real history.
We might wonder what Matthew and Luke imply when it was known at the time of Jesus' birth that he would be a savior. The answer is bound up in astrology, based on his place of birth and the alignment of the stars at his time of birth. Matthew does it by imputing the wise men (magi=astrologer), and Luke suggests shepherds were visited by an angel (angel=angle). (See Bible Astrology)
For reasons explained here, I am not sympathetic to the idea that Jesus was a real person. The date of his annual birth can be found in the stars because he was a mythologized sun hero. (See Gospel Zodiac) This page explains the astrological significance of December 25th and the age which marked the year of his original birth. The date of his original birth can be affixed at December 25, 7 BCE.
The clue to the timing of Jesus' first birth has to do with his association with fish. In what astrologers call a Great Year spanning 25920 years; it is divided into twelve Ages according to the constellations of the Zodiac, lasting 2160 years each. Because earth rotates with a wobble called precession, it does not return to the exact point of departure from the previous year. When the sun is at its highest position during the spring equinox, the constellation in its background determines the Age it is in. (For more detail, see Bible Astrology)
Technically, the Age of Jesus began when the sun entered Pisces on the spring equinox. At the beginning of spring for the last two thousand years, the sun appears to be drifting across the stars of Pisces with each passing year. Because this creeping process is so slow, it is not easy to make an exact determination when an Age begins and ends. But the timing of the beginning of the Age of Pisces fits nicely with the Bible's depiction of Jesus being born about 4-6 years before the beginning of the first century.
The Age of Jesus
On May 27, 7 BCE, shining as a beacon in the Western sky, a conjunction occurred among Jupiter (traditional king of the gods) and Saturn (ruling planet of Judah) in the constellation of Pisces the Fish (the House of the Hebrews). For a few days the two planets appear as if to be nearly touching. There was a second conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on October 6 and a third Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 1.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur about every twenty years. Triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur about every 139 years. And triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in Pisces roughly once every 900 years. Jupiter is the fourth brightest planet after the Sun, Moon and Venus.

Figure 1. The Age of Jesus began with three Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Pisces.

Figure 2. Since then, the sun has been creeping across Pisces every spring for the last 2,000 years.
About 2012 the sun will enter the Age of Aquarius. Then it can be said that the Age of Jesus has past.
"I am with you always to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20).
Divine conception
The next question is when was the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit? By affixing the timing of Jesus' birth at December 25, she would have to have been conceived nine months earlier. That would be when the sun crosses the spring equinox on March 21.
By looking at the midnight sky at that time we see the constellation Virgo descending upside down as if she is in the missionary position. Allegorically, the sun has conquered the forces of evil because it is when daylight hours exceed nighttime hours. In the spring she is free of sin because it is the only season of the year when the sun has overpowered the retreating dark forces. Thus there is peace on earth.

Figure 3. The virgin being descended upon by the Holy Spirit on March 21.
The Nativity
Some sources say that this triple conjunction looks like a single bright star and depicts the wise men and the star of Bethlehem. No so! For a better fit we need three stars to represent the three gifts symbolizing the wise men. We also need an unusually bright star for the star of Bethlehem, and we need a yearly event that coincides with the sun's rising on December 25.
The candidate for the three wise men can be found in the constellation of Orion the hunter. It has three stars at its belt that align with Sirius. What makes Sirius the prime candidate for the star of Bethlehem is that it is the brightest star in the sky next to the sun.
At four o'clock in the evening, on December 25, Sirius rises above the horizon in Jerusalem. This was the first such event in the Age of Pisces. The three stars on the belt of Orion point down towards Sirius, the star of Bethlehem. Orion is not a trivial constellation; it plays the part of the Son of Man in the Gospels.
The significance of Bethlehem is another play on words. In Hebrew, "Bethlehem" means house of bread. As the picture of Virgo shows in the picture above, Virgo is holding stalks of grain. It symbolizes Mary in the house of bread. The name of "Mary" is etymologically related to water, the element of birth.
2The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:2)

Figure 4. The three wise following the Star of Bethlehem
In conclusion, the original date of Jesus' birth occurred on December 25, 7 BCE. The entry of the sun into the Age of Pisces was a one time event. Jesus' death and resurrection plays out each year with the sun's course through the four seasons.
An excellent explanation about the origins of the constellations can be found in Ancient Egypt. To the ancient Egyptians, Orion was their god Osiris. In the Gospels, Orion is the Son of man. To the Egyptians, Sirius was their most sacred star. Its brightness combined with its rising at the time of the spring equinox, marked off each new year.
Related links
For when Jesus was born: Star of Bethlehem
The gospel characters can be seen in the Garden Tour
Jesus' yearly sun cycle: Gospel Zodiac |
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Message 18 of 32 on the subject |
Adam and Eve and the Serpent
We are looking at the Zodiac where the sun passes through Libra and Virgo. There, we find our two original sinners and the talking snake. The story interprets the picture.
God formed beasts and birds, and brought them to the man to be named. - The term Zodiac means literally circle of animal figures.
9So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. (Gen. 2:9)
God took a rib from the man and used it to create a woman. - Adam's arm is raised, exposing his rib cage.
21So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; > 22and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:21)
The serpent asked Eve if she was told not to eat from the garden. -The serpent lies at the feet of Adam and Eve.
1Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" (Gen. 3:1)
Eve saw the fruit was good for food, so she picked it and ate it. She gave some to Adam. - Eve has her arm outstretched as if reaching for the fruit. She is holding a chaff of wheat, but we will not quibble over whether the fruit was an apple or some other kind of fruit.
6So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. (Gen. 3:6)

The serpent was cursed above all the wild animals. - There is a second serpent, one that circles around the North Pole every day without setting. That puts him above all the wild animals. In this position, he is glaring down on earth as if to be spreading evil.
14The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; (Gen. 3:14)
He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. - As Draco circles around the Pole, his head is either below or above Hercules' heel. The top position represents who is doing the bruising.
15I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."(Gen. 3:15)
He drove out the man. At the east of the garden he placed a cherubim and a flaming sword. - We will pass over the cherubim for some other time. The flaming sword is represented by Perseus' sword as it circles around the Pole. We note that Perseus is close to the sun's ecliptic near Taurus and Aries. The significance is that those two constellations mark the two zero hours during the 4,000 years of biblical history, or more specifically, where the sun passes during the vernal equinox. So Perseus' sword is in a sense at the entrance to Eden.
24He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3:24)

What is equally significant is the fact that the foundation of the doctrine of Christian original sin rests on the credibility of the fall of Adam and Eve. (See Original Sin.) Now that we can see that the first sin was in imaginary story, there is nothing to support the doctrine of salvation.
The downfall of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, by Michalangelo.

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Message 19 of 32 on the subject |
A Heavenly Annuniciation?
I recently received an email asking if I thought the recent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, together with the crescent Moon and the Pleiades (perhaps better known as the "seven sisters") on the feast of the Annunciation on 25th March held any significance. I remember reading an interesting blog article on this subject which Spirit Daily linked to around the time of this event, but hadn't really given it much thought until I was asked about it (hence the lateness of this post in relation to event in question). The full article can be found on Daniel O'Connor's blog here, and I'll quote some of the relevant content below:
On March 25, 2012, millions of Christians (Catholic and Orthodox) will celebrate the “Annunciation” – which commemorates the conception of Jesus. This March 25, there will be a neat astronomical arrangement in the sky, that seems to mesh nicely. See the description below:
The sky will be spectacular in the west after sunset on March 25, 2012, with the waxing crescent moon and the planet Jupiter very close to each other in the evening twilight sky. Plus Venus is nearby – the sky’s brightest planet. You’ll see Jupiter and the moon below Venus in the west after sunset. The famous Pleiades star cluster is above Venus.
For centuries Mary has been referred to as the “Morning Star”, the popular name of the Planet Venus. In this configuration, the Morning Star appears with the moon at her feet. The Pleiades (from “peleiades” the Greek word for doves) overshadows the Morning Star. Jupiter, the “King Planet” approaches the configuration. The symbolism is striking. This is a interesting arrangement for the mystery of the Annunciation which heralds Christ’s coming through Mary.We should first note that while the practise of astrology (attempting to discern future events through an elaborate system of occult interpretation) is condemned by the Church, the Bible clearly teaches that important events are often heralded by symbolic astronomical and geophysical phenomena. For example the birth of Christ was accompanied by the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. And during his eschatological discourse on Mount Olivet, Jesus explicitly states that great signs would appear in the heavens before His Second Coming: There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.(Luke 21:11) “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”(Luke 21:25-28) This is followed by Peter's eschatological sermon during the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost: And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.(Acts 2:19-20) The Book of Revelation also foretold that the unbinding of Satan's chains "for a little while" (which I argue corresponds to the "100" years given to Satan in the Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII) would be signified by a star fallen to earth: Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. (Rev 20:1-3) And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth...(Rev 9:1-3) (See the earlier post Tunguska, Pope Leo XIII, and the Opening of the Abyss, where I equate this "fallen star" to the Tunguska event of 1908) And the sounding of the third trumpet in Rev 8 was predicted to be accompanied by the sign of a great star falling from heaven "blazing like a torch" (which I equate with the last appearance of Halley's Comet and its timing in relation to the Chernobyl disaster in the post Chernobyl, Wormwood, and the Hrushiv Apparitions). Perhaps most importantly, the opening of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation was foretold to be accompanied by a combination of an earthquake, a total solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a major meteor shower (which in the post Signs in the Sky, I point out all occurred at the turn of the millennium centred on modern Turkey - the location of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which the Apocalypse identifies as "the throne of Satan" in Rev 2:13). As I argue in Unveiling the Apocalypse, the eschatological astronomical phenomena described at the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6, is once again recapitulated in Rev 12. The Woman Adorned with the Sun with the Moon at her feet represents a total solar eclipse - which corresponds to the Sun turning "black as sackcloth" in Rev 6:12. The Moon at the Woman's feet represents the Dragon intent on devouring her Child, and the red colour of the Dragon represents the reddish hue typical of a total lunar eclipse, which in turn corresponds to the Moon becoming blood-red at the opening of the sixth seal. And the Dragon sweeping a third of the stars from the sky in Rev 12:4, directly refers to the stars falling from the sky in Rev 6:13 (which is also recapitulated again at the sounding of the fourth trumpet in Rev 8:12, when a third of the Sun, Moon and stars are struck). The twelve stars around the Woman's head are traditionally associated with the Twelve Apostles; but they also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, as is shown by the allusion of this verse to Joseph's dream in Gen 37: Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”(Gen 37:9) The eleven stars symbolise the sons of Jacob who make up the tribes of Israel, with the tribe of Joseph being divided between his two sons - Mannaseh and Ephraim, bringing the number up to twelve. So the twelve stars around the Woman's head in Rev 12 is a further allusion to the opening of the sixth seal, which includes the sealing of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7. The manifold similarities between the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6 and the sealing of the saints in Rev 7, held in juxtaposition with the unfolding of the Divine Drama of Rev 12 and marking of the inhabitants of the earth with the mark of the Beast in Rev 13, further confirms that the bestowing of the saints with the Seal of God is an antithetical parallelism to those who are marked with the number of the Beast. Chapters 6 and 7 of the Apocalypse are therefore directly connected with chapters 12-13, and forms a theological diptych which deliberately contrasts these portions of the Book of Revelation. Since they both describe the same events, the astronomical signs at the opening of the sixth seal thus herald the eschatological casting of Satan to earth described in Rev 12 (which must be distinguished from his primordial fall from grace), and the subsequent rise of the Beast from the sea to mark the inhabitants of the earth in Rev 13 should be considered to be a direct inversion of the sealing of the saints in Rev 7 - events which logically would coincide at the same moment in real-time. Now that we have determined that astrology should be clearly distinguished from the Bible's admonition to regard certain astronomical signs as portentous of contemporary and future world events, we can safely discuss whether the particular planetary conjunction on the 25th March may be imbued with any religious significance. Since it took place on the feast of the Annunciation, it would follow that any particular event this may signify would only be revealed nine months later - the gestation period of an unborn child. So we could safely assert that we would know exactly if it does indeed herald any future event during the Christmas period - close to the rather ominous date of 21st December 2012. We will only know that it was truly a sign if anything of historical or religious importance occurs around this time period. As exactly to what event it could herald can only be guessed at. We can be almost certain that it is not the Second Coming of Christ, since the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this pivotal moment in salvation history is delayed until the future conversion of the Jews - an event which is synonymous with the Second Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth: "The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel", for "a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old." St. Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of "the full number of the Gentiles", will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ", in which "God may be all in all".(CCC 674 See full text here) We have clearly not reached the stage of the conversion of the Jews at the Second Pentecost just yet, but there are other prophesied events that it may concern. The promised religious revival to take place at the Second Pentecost is almost certainly the next major prophesied event that is to take place - at least according to any provisional schedule which may be determined from analysing the eschatological events foretold in Scripture. So could it herald the coming of the Second Pentecost itself? This event seems to be intimately related to the prophecies of the ministry of the Two Witnesses and the martyrdom of a future pontiff. And in turn these events also appear to be connected to the "great sign" promised in various prophecies, including those of St. Fautina and Our Lady of Akita. Therefore any of these events are the most likely prophetic occurrences yet to unfold at the highly significant schedule relating to the date of 21st December 2012. Yet foremostly it has to be admitted that the most likely explanation is that this particular date bears no significance at all to the date of the end-time (especially not to Christianity), and that like every other prophesied date purporting to pinpoint the end of the world, it will come to nought. We can only be left guessing until nearer the time. Either way, it is extremely unwise to tie ourselves to an exact date - especially when we know that the coming of the Lord will be as a "thief in the night" (Rev 16:15), and that we should always be prepared for the arrival of the Groom. Attempting to to preempt this crescendo of salvation history through the process of logic is all but impossible. We can only conclude with the same prayer as the apostle himself and subject ourselves to the immanent glory of Christ - Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20).
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Message 20 of 32 on the subject |
New Year
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count is incremented. In many cultures, the event is celebrated in some manner.[1] The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January, as was the case with the Roman calendar. There are numerous calendars that remain in regional use that calculate the New Year differently.
The order of months in the Roman calendar was January to December since King Numa Pompilius in about 700 BC, according to Plutarch and Macrobius. According to Catholic tradition, 1 January is the day of the circumcision of Jesus (on the eighth day from his birth), when the name of Jesus was given to him (Luke 2:21).
It was only relatively recently that 1 January again became the first day of the year in Western culture. Until 1751 in England and Wales (and all British dominions) the new year started on 25 March – Lady Day, one of the four quarter days (the change to 1 January took place in 1600 in Scotland).[2] Since then, 1 January has been the first day of the year. During the Middle Ages several other days were variously taken as the beginning of the calendar year (1 March, 25 March, Easter, 1 September, 25 December).[citation needed][where?] In many countries, such as the Czech Republic, Italy and the UK, 1 January is a national holiday.
For information about the changeover from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar and the effect on the dating of historical events etc., see Old Style and New Style dates.
With the expansion of Western culture to many other places in the world during recent centuries, the Gregorian calendar has been adopted by many other countries as the official calendar, and the 1 January date of New Year has become global, even in countries with their own New Year celebrations on other days (such as China and India). In the culture of Latin America there are a variety of traditions and superstitions surrounding these dates[clarification needed] as omens for the coming year. The most common modern dates of celebration are listed below, ordered and grouped by their appearance relative to the conventional Western calendar.
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Message 21 of 32 on the subject |
Space does not permit the full disclosure of what we have to share but let me address some things in summary fashion as we begin our study. First of all, in ancient times, there were certain things which obviously mystified the early people and the were certain apparent features of the landscape which were difficult to ignore. Of course I mean the Sun for ancient mankind looked upon the Sun as their "Savior". If the sun, which is the source of all life fails to come up the next morning the ancient people would not have lived long and they knew this. The Sun energizes you with it's energy and causes the crops to grow through the process of photosynthesis. The Sun gives up it's life force which is its energy to provide us with warmth, food, and protection and many other things. So it could be said, and we find that the Ancients did say and believe, that the Sun of God gives it's life up for mankind and it is the TRUE SAVIOR for it has risen (daily). The Sun was mankind's "Risen Savior".
Now before you go and say "they were sun-worshippers" you need to understand their religion and that cannot be done when reading Christians who write of it as I found but when you do your independent study from the hands of scholars and historians then you see that these peoples did not worship the actual Sun but the Sun was but a SYMBOL of the Divine God and Creator to them. When the ancient people would track the Sun on the "Sun dial", as some still do today, they saw that the Sun travels South until the Winter Solstice when it cold and harsh, representing darkness and death and the Sun would stop "ON THE SUN DIAL FOR THREE DAYS and on December 25th, the Sun would be said "To be BORN AGAIN" or be "BORN FROM THE DEAD" as it was on the CROSS OF THE ZODIAC" after having died for three days in which it had remained motionless on the southwestern horizon when it set in the same place for 3 days in a row. The Ancients reasoned in this dead of winter when the days were the coldest and possessed the shortest amount of light and when food was the scarcest that "the Sun had died". But glory to God; on the 3rd day, on December 25th, on the Winter Solstices, the "Sun was risen" and had been raised from the dead and began to set northward of this fixed 3 day position once again on it ascension back toward the soon coming Vernal Equinox of Spring when nature brought forth the fruits of its new "birth". December 25th is when the Sun begins it's annual journey back to the Northern Hemisphere with its promise of salvation through the medium of heat and light and the promise of a bountiful harvest to come and this was recognized and celebrated in the Spring at the Vernal Equinox (Easter) when the manifestation of this "prior birth" was fully realized with the new greenery and food and Harvests of Spring.
Now this gets a little more technical. The Ancient calender also started at a different time. Some began their calendar when the Sun entered into the constellation Virgo (the constellation of the virgin) and ended it in Leo (the constellation of the Lion), that is why some believe the Sphinx has the head of a Virgin and the Body of a Lion. When the Sun of God was re-born, the Sun was in the Constellation of Virgo, so it was said to be "Born of a Virgin".
Answer for yourself: You mean we get the concept of the Virgin Birth from the star and the path of the Sun through a constellation in the sky? Yes we do.
The Sun was thought by the Ancient Egyptians to be the "Eye of God" or as called "Eye of Horus". Ra was the Sun God in Egypt. His full name was Amen Ra.
Answer for yourself: Who was Amen? Do we as Christians end our prayers with the name of an Egyptian god?
Well stop right here and understand how I used the word "god" for it refers to an Egyptian concept of God called the "neteru". Stop right now and read the article on the "neteru" please.
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Message 22 of 32 on the subject |
We have seen repeatedly how the early Gentile Church adopted for the birth of "Jesus"December 25th as the Winter solstice and we have seen repeatedly how this was connected with the Ancient's understanding of the birth or "rebirth" of the Sun from the dead.
But throughout history there has been a belief that somewhere in the world (most likely in the East) there exists a brotherhood, or order of initiates, secretly guiding the destiny of mankind. Towards the end of the last century a number of intrepid explorers, mostly Russians and including such well-known esotericists as Madame H.P. Blavatsky, Alexandra David-Neale, P.D. Ouspensky and G.I.Gurdjieff scoured the East in search of these "Masters of Wisdom". Today modern scholarship has found traces linking this lost brotherhood with the Magi story of Matthew's Gospel. Evidence suggests that the Magi were expecting the birth of a King/Messiah not on our so-called Christmas Day of 25th of December, (which is in any case based on the old pagan festival of the Birth of Mithras) but rather on 29th July 7 BC. On this day there was a special configuration in the sky. Each year at that time the Sun would rise in the "King's Birthday" position: conjunct with the "Little King" or "Lion Heart" star of Regulus in Leo. At the same time, just prior to the dawn, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, would make its first appearance after a period of invisibility. According to the mythology of Egypt, Sirius was the special star of the goddess Isis. Her reappearance represented the goddess coming out of confinement to give birth, at dawn. to her son Horus, represented by the Sun-conjunct-Regulus.
The mythology behind this arrangement of stars was Christianized by the early church so that Sirius now represented Mary giving birth not to Horus but to her own son, Jesus, symbolized as the dawn Sun. Other stars visible at dawn on that day are also significant. Orion, which in Egypt represented Osiris, the consort of Isis now became Joseph. The star Procyon, which like Sirius rises after Orion, had probably represented Isis's sister Nephthys. It now became the ‘mid-wife’, who also appears in some of the Nativity stories. Adrian Gilbert in his Magi: The Quest for a Secret Brotherhood has interesting insights for the interested student that I highly recommend.
Rev. Robert Taylor believes states in his Devil's Pulpit that there are the four royal stars, as they were through eternal ages of by-gone time, located in the visible heavens, to mark the place which the Sun nears or approaches, as he annually divides to us the four seasons of the year. Regulus is one of the four Royal Stars of the ancient Persians. The other three are Aldebaran, Antares and Fomalhaut. There are four because there are but four seasons of the year, over which these four royal Stars preside. Many scholars believe the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the names derived from these 4 royal stars since their names are never found in the language of any Jewish nation upon earth and only surface connected with the Gospels that bear them today after 180 A.D. Out interest is with Regulus in the constellation Leo. Regulus is believed to be the origin for the Saint Matthew, or Cor Leonis, the heart of the lion, which the Sun enters about the 2nd of July, and leaves about the 23d of August, when the earth begins to give her fruits; and thence this Star gets the name of Saint Mat Thew, which is, most literally, the Sun, the gift, the God, the most expressive designation of the Sun's bounty, and of the heat at that season. And here is Matthew, not only with his lion, but in his lion, the very heart of the lion.
After Leo comes Virgo the virgin of the harvest season. Summer passes, the story of Jesus’ journeys continues. We eventually come to the end of Summer, the month of August, and it's harvest time! Harvest time is the best time of the year, the time we’ve all been waiting for. In August the Sun has moved out of Leo, the strong lion of summer, and into a new constellation that represents the harvest, that food which grows out of the virgin soil of the earth. Hence the constellation for harvest time is a female virgin holding a sheath of wheat. The constellation the Sun enters in August is Virgo, the eternal celestial virgin, holding a sheath of wheat representing harvest time. Farmers who till the fields are said to be wedded to this celestial virgin for which they wait for each year. Thus they are known as "husbandmen," and their tools such as tractors are known as implements of husbandry. It is time we move on to the study of Virgo and trace the movement of Jesus in the "Jesus Story" as we further find that he is the personified Sun in its path through the Zodiac.
Answer for yourself: What have we seen? I think it is becoming rather certain by now that the "Jesus Story" is actually an allegory for what would naturally be the oldest and most important story humans would notice and write down, that of the annual passage of the seasons of the year and the Sun through its path through the various constellations of the Zodiac as well as the influence of other stars upon it throughout its yearly cycle.
Let us continue with the next article in this series.
Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!
- Bet Emet Ministries
- Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
- 902 Cardigan
- Garland, Texas 75040
- Home: 972-496-4238
- Cell: 972-480-7690
- E-Mail:
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Message 23 of 32 on the subject |
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Message 24 of 32 on the subject |
Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
The Winters Solstice is also know as Yule, Christmas, and Saturnalia and it occurs in mid-December. It is a celebration of the new Solar year and the beginning of Winter. The Goddess manifest as the Great Mother and the God as the Sun Child. The God also appears as Santa Claus and the Old Man Winter. The Colors associated with it are Red, Green, and White. This is a festival of inner renewal.
Today, many people in Western-based cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots. Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the "Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice.
Most of the customs, lore, symbols, and rituals associated with "Christmas" actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. While Christian mythology is interwoven with contemporary observances of this holiday time, its Pagan nature is still strong and apparent.
Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for thousands of years. This start of the solar year is a celebration of Light and the rebirth of the Sun. In old Europe, it was known as Yule, from the Norse, Jul, meaning wheel.
Today, many people in Western-based cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots.
Answer for yourself: Do you know why this day and period of time of the year was held sacred? Simply because this is Astro-theology at its best. This is the time of the Winter Solstice. People have celebrated the middle of winter for centuries. Winter Solstice is the longest night of winter, after which each of the days grow progressively longer until the Summer Solstice. Many cultures celebrated this sign of winter's waning and traditions of the Solstice have continued into today's other Winter Festivals. The importance of agriculture in early societies made the seasons very important to their celebrations. Spring and Summer were times of new life and Fall was the time of the Harvest. Winter, cold and dark, was a time of little sunlight. The sun's light weakened towards Winter, and people feared that it might disappear completely. In order to honor the sun, people celebrated. If they honored the sun, they felt it would return quickly and completely. Music, bonfires, and feasts were used to honor the sun back to its full strength. The importance of the lights of Hanukkah and Christmas could be said to have Solstice origins. The ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia, beginning December 17th. Saturnalia honored the god of agriculture, Saturn. This was a time of feasting, gift-giving, and visiting. Evergreen trees were covered with fruit and other decorations, and candles were popular gifts. Elements of Saturnalia can be seen in Winter Solstice and other Winter celebrations today.
But more to the point the Ancients noticed in very ancient times that during the solstice period, the sun which was travelling south into the cold of winter and would descend until it reached a point where it would stop. In the winter the days are short and the Sun in low in the sky. The Winter Solstice is the day when the Sun is the lowest in the southern sky. During the short winter days the Sun does not rise exactly in the east, but instead rises just south of east and it sets south of west. Each day after the winter solstice, which occurs on December 21st, the Sun's path becomes a little higher in the southern sky after having remained motionless in the sky for 3 days. The Sun also begins to rise closer to the east and set closer to the west until we reach the day when it rises exactly east and sets exactly west. This day is called the equinox. In fact this is what the word 'solstice' means, 'sun standing still.' This most southerly position of the sun is marked on all globes, as the tropic of Capricorn, for it is in that sign that this event takes place. Notice if you will that the Sun seems to sinking lower into the horizon as winter approaches and the days possess less daylight and heat. That means less photosynthesis and less harvests and food supplies diminishing. Ancient man feared the darkness for it was personified death to him. In the absence of light from the Sun then man was vulnerable to bad and evil things happening to him. In fact we get the term "the devil" from this concept as the Ancients connected the ideas of "evil" and "darkness" together. To the Ancients the dark was "evil" and they called it the "dark-evil" or the "d-evil" or the "devil". I hope you see this. Darkness brought the threat of attack from enemies he could not see, the capture of his women and family by invaders, the threat of attach by predator animals or poisonous snakes let alone the absence of light and heat that promised food for tomorrows. In such conditions as the Sun, the provider of light, security, safety, heat, and photosynthesis and the abundance of food stuffs was the Savior of the Ancients. So when we speak of the Winter Solstice it is rather easy knowing this that as the Sun sank deeper into the southern horizon on a daily basis and with less light every day to the point that the path of the Sun had moved further down the sky to where it had remained motionless for 3 days at the Winter Solstice then the ancients considered that the sun had actually died. In fact, the great orb, would remain standing still for three days neither moving north or south. Then, it was noticed, that on the third day, the sun would begin moving northward again.
Answer for yourself: Can you now see and understand why it was always said that the sun, the light of the world, would die for three days and then on the third day rise again?
Answer for yourself: Are you aware that this was known thousands of years before Christianity came on the scene?
We must never forget that the primary, motivating factor that inspired early man to worship God, was his fear and dread of the potential fierceness of his environment. His (primitive man) major impetus for worshipping and sacrificing to the Sun God was to assure that the Sun God would continue protecting mankind from the ravages of the dreaded winter.
So for primitive man, the inception of winter, Dec. 22, was the worst day of every year for him. This day, Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival. This day, Dec. 22, is referred to by astronomers as the Winter Solstice. This word, Solstice, according to Webster's Dictionary means "to stand still, pause, a turning point." Primitive man even believed the Sun had died as he could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days and and these 3 days were days having the shortest daylight of the year. This day, Dec. 22, the start of winter, was the harbinger of his potential perdition.
On Dec. 22 of each year, the Sun reached its Winter Solstice, the lowest point of the trajectory (angle of rays) of the entire year as depicted in the picture above. After Dec. 22 (the turning point), the Sun again rises northward, which is a sign that summer shall come again! God's salvation in the Sun was on its way to mankind!
Even though Dec. 22 marks the beginning of winter and the weather turns progressively worst from that point (Dec. 22) until the spring (March 21), all is not lost. Because the fact that the angle of the Sun's rays projecting on the earth, was moving progressively northward told early man that the warmth and comfort of the summer Sun would eventually prevail. His faith was renewed that he and his family would be "saved" by God who controlled the movement of the Sun and the Stars. God was speaking to the Ancients from Heaven through the movement of the Sun and the Stars and this was man's first salvation message.
But there was a period of doubt, for early primitive civilization. Primitive man did not understand our universe and solar system as we do today. We, today, know exactly what causes the four seasons of the year. But early man did not; at least not for awhile until we come to Egypt. He did not possess knowledge of our Solar System, the axis of the earth, its rotation and revolving around the Sun. He did not understand that these forces operated by a Natural, Providential Law, that would stay its course, no matter what. Early man only understood the result, not the cause. Because of this he would "reason" such events as best he could and these resulting "myths" would be handed down among mankind until Science would advance to replace such foolishness. The problem is that such foolishness would be later personified into acts of each nation's heroes and later "literalized" by Rome as they lifted this from the realm of allegory and in so doing was ascribed to Jesus by the Sun-worshipping Romans who had control over the New Testament.
Now you can better understand that each year, early society awaited the approach of Dec. 22, with foreboding. Dec. 22, the day of the Winter Solstice (definition is to stand still) was a day of reckoning for them. Because it seemed to them, as they observed and tracked the North to South movement of the Sun, that on this day Dec. 22, the sun entered its grave. The North to South progression of the Sun can be likened to a swinging pendulum. You know that when a pendulum reaches its solstice (the point where it swings back - its turning point), that for a slight imperceptible moment, it actually stands still. But in terms of our vast solar system, the point of solstice is not imperceptible. It lasts for days, three days to be exact. For three days, after the sun reaches its solstice, it appears to stand still. This period of pause, between the Suns descent and Ascent, wrought paralyzing dread and fear into the hearts and minds of the early pre-Christians. Over time, they established rituals and traditions concerning this period (Dec. 22 to Dec. 25). They passed the word through oral tradition, and eventually, after their societies established writing, wrote it down, concerning their Sun God: the sun shall lay in a grave (point of solstice) for 3 days. But after 3 days the sun shall rise, be resurrected, (according to Webster’s Dictionary, the word resurrect is linked to the word resurge, which means "To Rise Again", to revive), and ascend toward heaven, (progressively ascend northward to the position of the summer Sun).
Answer for yourself: Can you begin to see that when the Sun and its path through the Heavens was later personified and then later "literalized" by Rome that out comes the "Jesus Story"?
1 Cor 15:14 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. (KJV)
Answer for yourself: Risen? As in Sun or the personified form of the Sun as the "Son of the Sun"?
And when the sun completes its ascent upward toward the point of its summer solstice, it will comfort us and bless us with warm weather and long days and will save us (be a savior) from the ravages of winter. So, this, that I have explained to you here, is the ORIGINAL, authentic, true CONCEPT of the resurrection. As the revelation of God would grow among Mankind, men could see how the God of the Universe has spoken such to them in the Cosmos. Egypt understood it best: God was speaking to them of His true salvation message through the path of the Sun which followed Universal and Cosmic Laws: birth, life, death, and rebirth. God was speaking to mankind through the movement of the Heavens that all live must follow the Divine Order and Laws of God and when done then harmony is produced and the ultimate salvation of mankind is realized through his birth, life, death, and rebirth as seen the God's Heavens above, God's Nature around them as well as the internal workings of the body which follow these same Laws of God.
When the pre-Christians spoke and wrote of the resurrection of the Sun; they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the SOLAR SUN. That would come later. We see the the culminating of it in the teachings of Jesus and Judaism.
Now understand I believe in the resurrection of the dead as well as "the Christ" but as a Divine Concept within all mankind. That is what Paul and his authentic 7 epistles taught:
Col 1:27 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV)
What you, the reader must be sharp enough to see, is that many "untruths" have been mixed with "truths" in the life of Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament and "cast out the leaven."
But, when the Gentile Church broke from their Jewish Roots the Gentile priesthood began to associated with the inherited traditions about Jesus their older "religious traditions" of the Sun-gods. Long ago their Gentile ancestors had changed the Sun to Son. The priesthood told the pagans that the SON (Christ) was born on Dec. 25, just like their SUN. They told them that the Son had been dead in a grave for three days and then was resurrected (revived) and ascended to heaven (upward) just like their Sun.
Answer for yourself: Looking at the astronomy and astrology down through recorded history let alone a comparison of comparative religions this seems rather unlikely. The religious texts we inherited from Rome are definitely questionable. Yet this is totally a matter of faith for you, the reader.
Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the "Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice. If you have ever studied the Jewish Roots of Christianity you can easily see that Yeshua was conceived at Hanukkah (the Festival of Lights...light to the world) and was born at the High Holy Days (9 months later). This is why Bet Emet exists in hopes we can sanctify ourselves before our LORD and one day meet Him with truth and lives lived in this truth accordingly!
Most of the customs, lore, symbols, and rituals associated with "Christmas" actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. In closing "Pagan" does not always mean "evil or bad." But to attribute celestial events to Jesus, the assumed Messiah of many, and teach them as literal truth is not truthful!
In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!
- Bet Emet Ministries
- Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
- 902 Cardigan
- Garland, Texas 75040
- Home: 972-496-4238
- Cell: 972-480-7690
- E-Mail:
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Message 25 of 32 on the subject |
Haz hecho público que te gusta. Deshacer
Answer for yourself: Do you know why this day and period of time of the year was held sacred? Simply because this is Astro-theology at its best. This is the time ...
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Message 26 of 32 on the subject |
La Navidad oculta http://www.akasico. com/noticia/ 732/Religiones- y-espiritualidad /navidad- oculta.html El nacimiento de Jesús que relata Mateo es el corazón del ciclo festivo del solsticio de invierno, que se extiende hasta el 5 de enero. Pero esta narración simbólica también transmite una historia real a través de la cual podemos vislumbrar el verdadero rostro del Mesías que iluminó al mundo desde Galilea. Cada año se representa la misma escena familiar: la estrella que guió a los magos de Oriente hasta el pesebre, la Virgen y el niño Jesús. Son imágenes inspiradas en El Evangelio según Mateo, que preceden a la Huida a Egipto y a la matanza de los inocentes. Pero pocos advierten que este relato encierra una historia oculta y un misterio fascinante. Para muchos autores se trata de una «leyenda» sin contenido histórico. Las estrellas no se mueven. Tampoco existe mención de una matanza de niños en otras fuentes. Sólo Mateo narra estos hechos. Por tanto, su conclusión es que éste inventó un suceso milagroso para rodear el nacimiento del Mesías cristiano de grandes prodigios en el Cielo y en la Tierra. El resultado habría sido el mito de la Natividad, completado entre los siglos II y IV por apócrifos como el Pseudo Mateo. La Estrella y los Magos Sin embargo, la estrella que tanto ha dado que hablar sirvió de guía a todas las culturas antiguas, como un auténtico faro celeste. Era Sirio, la estrella-perro (guía) de la constelación de Orión. En los días de Jesús, los sabeos mandeanos rindieron culto a «la Estrella-guía» . Al parecer, Juan el Bautista fue un mandeo. Y la conexión de esta corriente judía heterodoxa con Egipto era estrecha: peregrinaban a Giza, creían que las tres pirámides de dicha meseta eran las tumbas de sus profetas Set e Idris (Enoch) y reivindicaban una religión adámica de la cual había sido seguidor Abraham, el primer antepasado de Jesús en la genealogía de éste que recoge Mateo. Y ciertamente, la «Estrella-guía» de los mandeos (Sirio), se movía: su ascenso en el Cielo precedía a Orión, cuyo cinturón tachonaban tres astros rutilantes: tres magos que peregrinaban en el firmamento de Oriente. Las pirámides de Giza habían sido concebidas por los antiguos egipcios como un reflejo de estos tres astros del cinturón de Orión sobre la Tierra. En esta cultura, Orión era Osiris, el dios muerto y resucitado por su esposa Isis, identificada con Sirio. Como para ellos Escorpio era el falo del Osiris celeste y dicha constelación se ocultaba cuando se levantaban Sirio y Orión, la procreación del dios hijo Horus se había consumado sin intervención del sexo de Osiris, devorado por un pez. El milagro se repetía todos los años y su signo era la inundación del Nilo, el reflejo en la Tierra de la Vía Láctea. La conexión egipcia de la Navidad cristiana aparece en Mateo desde el principio. La genealogía de Jesús se compone de 3 tramos de 14 generaciones cada uno. Y Mateo añade algo obvio: si sumamos el segundo tramo de 14 al primero obtenemos 28 y, añadiendo el tercero, hacen un total de 42. Los tres números son claves del mito de Osiris, que en el año 28 de su reinado fue asesinado y mutilado en 14 trozos por su hermano Seth. Después, el dios fue resucitado por su esposa Isis, asistida por el dios Thot, que había compendiado la suma de la sabiduría divina revelada a los antiguos egipcios en 42 libros secretos (el total que suman las generaciones en Mateo). Con este simbolismo, éste nos señala la pista egipcia, precisamente el país hacia donde se dirige la Sagrada Familia después de la Adoración de los Magos. En su genealogía Mateo incluye a 5 mujeres. ¿Por qué sólo 5 entre 42 posibles? La respuesta es fácil. La estrella de 5 puntas representaba el dominio estelar y el número sagrado de Horus, símbolo de sus ojos y de su linaje divino: el Sol paterno (3) y la Luna materna (2). Y otro indicio de que la Estrella de Belén era Sirio, representada como estrella de 5 puntas en la cultura del Nilo y por los iniciados.El número 5 y su figura geométrica asociada (pentágono), que dio lugar al Pentagrama €“estrella de cinco puntas inscrita en el círculo€“, tenía un profundo significado místico. Por el hecho de unir al primer par (2, número femenino) y al primer impar (3, masculino) era considerado un símbolo nupcial. Así lo interpretaban también los pitagóricos griegos, entre quienes fue un signo de reconocimiento entre iniciados, como la imagen del pez para los primeros cristianos, evocadora del pez que devoró el falo de Osiris y también del misterioso pez-profeta, hermano de Horus, en una variante del mito egipcio que transmite Plutarco, en la cual este dios hijo se autoengendra en Edfu. Como el pez (Piscis), también el 5 tenía resonancias astronómicas entre los griegos, porque se asociaba a los cinco planetas conocidos y especialmente a Venus, antigua diosa madre. Mateo nos transmite así la naturaleza divina de Jesús desde su nacimiento: el cumplimiento de una promesa revelada a todas las culturas desde la noche de los tiempos. El Hijo de Dios había encarnado aquella noche que conmemora la Navidad. La Estrella-guía Sirio condujo a los magos celestes del cinturón de Orión. Al iluminar el pesebre, éstos derramaron la gracia de Dios sobre el niño: incienso (santidad), mirra (sabiduría y resurrección) y oro (realeza). Ni la Estrella-guía ni los magos faltaron en aquel establo. Esta conexión egipcia está bien documentada. En sus Anales, el historiador romano Cornelio Tácito €“que fue miembro experto de una comisión imperial para asuntos religiosos€“, afirma que los judíos formaban «una sola superstición con los egipcios». Tácito se refería a los primeros cristianos, que se consideraron judíos hasta su separación de la sinagoga, consumada bajo Nerón. La matanza de los inocentes No hay otros documentos, aparte de Mateo, que recojan la matanza de los inocentes. Pero cuando Jesús tenía aproximadamente 12 o 14 años, los soldados de Roma pasaron a cuchillo a la población de Séforis, capital de Galilea muy próxima a Nazareth, debido a la revolución del censo. Esta masacre tuvo lugar hacia el año 6-7 d.C. Jesús debió contemplar muchas veces las ruinas de Séforis. En sus días, las matanzas de inocentes en Galilea fueron frecuentes. Mateo no recogió un hecho histórico literal con el episodio de la matanza de Belén, pero tampoco ideó una fantasía. Simplemente, elaboró un midrash, un género característico de los judíos que consiste en un relato simbólico en el cual se recogen los antecedentes bíblicos de un hecho, a través de los cuales se expresa su significado trascendente. Este era el método para explicar las causas de la historia en su cultura. Los símbolos que representaban dichas causas tenían para ellos el mismo valor que concedemos hoy a los factores económicos, políticos y sociales. Y como éstos, explicaban los hechos históricos desde el punto de vista de aquella cultura. En este caso, Mateo evoca la profecía de Oseas (13,16), que se refiere a la destrucción del reino del norte de Israel por los invasores asirios (722 a.C.). Oseas describe la desgracia de su capital (Samaria): cómo sus «niños fueron estrellados» y sus pobladores «pasados a cuchillo». Este episodio sirve como antecedente evocador de muchas matanzas, como la de Séforis, pasada a cuchillo por los nuevos invasores romanos. Mateo alude a Oseas, porque éste asocia la masacre de niños a su profecía de un Mesías que redimiría a Israel. Y como es característico del midrash, también evoca otras profecías afines. Entre ellas, la de Isaías, que se refiere a un niño a quien llamarán Dios y Príncipe de la Paz (9, 6), después que el pueblo vea «una gran luz» (9,2), aludida por el Evangelio como la Estrella-guía. De este modo, Mateo reviste a Jesús con los signos del Mesías anunciado por Isaías, Oseas, Miqueas y Jeremías. Un Enviado que uniría los reinos del norte (Efraim) y del sur (Judá), así como a los desterrados por Asiria y a los esparcidos en Babilonia de todas las tribus de Israel. La palmera escondida Entre las 5 mujeres que menciona Mateo en su genealogía de Jesús, la primera es Tamar, nombre que significa «palmera», y la segunda Rahab, mujer de Jericó, una población conocida como «la ciudad de las palmeras». La intención simbólica de Mateo sería recogida por la tradición del Islam en el sura XXI del Corán, según el cual la Virgen María sufrió los dolores del parto bajo una palmera que le alimentó. El Evangelio nos sitúa así ante un símbolo sagrado común a todas las culturas antiguas para expresar el alcance universal de la misión de Jesús. En Egipto, la palmera datilera aparece asociada a las diosas madres, como Hathor y Nut. En Mesopotamia es el árbol consagrado a la diosa Isthar. En Persia, fue la representació n del Árbol de la Vida. También se vincula con la resurrección, ya que el Fénix hacía su nido en una palmera. Este simbolismo, que recogen Plinio el Viejo y otros autores antiguos, dio lugar a la artesanía ritual de la palma blanca como ofrenda a las diosas madres vírgenes, que después sería transferido a la Virgen María. Su elaboración se conseguía envolviendo las hojas de palma para que no las tocara el Sol masculino y se preservaran así como un atributo femenino puro, relacionado con la concepción virginal. Actualmente, aquella antigua artesanía tiene su último reducto en la ciudad española de Elche, donde un grupo de familias sigue transmitiendo de padres a hijos el arte de tejer ramos y coronas para la Virgen con estas palmas blancas. Este palmeral histórico de Elche hoy es «Patrimonio de la Humanidad». La misma Humanidad a la que Mateo dirigió su evangelio, más allá de su auditorio judío. Por eso, inicia su genealogía con la misma frase que emplea el Génesis para introducir la descendencia de Adán, aunque sólo se remonte hasta Abraham: «Este es el Libro de las generaciones de Jesucristo». Y por idéntico motivo, Lucas complementó a Mateo en su texto, prolongando su genealogía hasta Adán. Para enfatizar el simbolismo de estas genealogías €“y no para contradecir a Mateo€“, Lucas siguió una línea davídica no real a partir del rey David. Pero nada de esto excluye que el Evangelio refleje los hechos históricos. Sólo que sus autores entendían la historia como hombres de su tiempo. La Huida a Egipto que aparece en Mateo transmite el simbolismo que hemos expuesto, pero eso no significa que Jesús no viajara a Egipto. En el Talmud judío se le acusa de haber traído de allí conjuros mágicos. En su Discurso contra los cristianos, Celso afirma que fue un pobre emigrante en Egipto, donde habría trabajado como jornalero. El obispo episcopaliano John Shelby Spong, en su libro Jesús, hijo de mujer (Ed. Martínez Roca), también considera que Jesús creció en un medio de pobreza. ¿Nació de una virgen? Mateo se remite a la profecía de Isaías 7, 14-23, pero la toma de la traducción griega de la Biblia. Dicha versión tradujo el término hebreo almah (mujer joven) por el griego parthenos (virgen), cuyo equivalente hebreo es bethulah, no almah. Sin duda, hubo algo irregular en el nacimiento de Jesús. Marcos no menciona ninguna concepción virginal e identifica a Jesús como «el hijo de María», aparte de referirse de pasada a ciertos rumores que rodearon su nacimiento, cuyo contenido él no recoge ni comenta en su texto. El Talmud y Celso lo califican de fruto de un adulterio de María. Y Mateo parece responder a estas acusaciones con las 4 mujeres que la preceden en su genealogía, porque éstas tienen en común una imagen estigmatizada desde el punto de vista de las costumbres judías, pero también fueron objeto de una injusticia manifiesta o bien víctimas inocentes de las circunstancias. Cada uno es libre de dar crédito a la fuente que encuentre más fiable. Unos creen en el milagro de la concepción virginal, otros ven en el símbolo de «la virgen de Dios» una verdad espiritual que no se refiere a una realidad física y hasta hay quienes hacen juicios de intención, atribuyendo a Mateo la voluntad oportunista de ganarse a los paganos habituados al mito de la madre virgen de un dios-hombre. En cualquier caso, resulta significativo que Mateo no recoja en su genealogía a ninguna de las madres impecables de Israel desde el punto de vista étnico €“Sara, Raquel y Lía€“, sino sólo a esas 4 mujeres estigmatizadas y extranjeras, provenientes de linajes considerados malditos por los judíos, como los moabitas (Ruth) y cananeos (Tamar y Rahab), o bien sometidos al vasallaje como los hititas (Betsabé). ¿Quiso representar Mateo en esas mujeres los 4 brazos de la cruz histórica de María? ¿Era una mujer sin linaje? ¿Acaso una humilde espigadora que recogía la sobras de la cosecha caminando detrás de los jornaleros como Ruth? El círculo de los gentiles Probablemente, el nacimiento no ocurrió en Belén de Judá. Esta localización parece simbólica y apunta a identificar a Jesús con el Mesías esperado por los judíos, para quienes debía ser descendiente de David, cuya cuna legendaria era Belén. Pero también en este punto el Evangelio parece inspirado, ya que, en el oráculo primitivo hebreo, la profecía de Miqueas 5,3 no mencionaba a Belén, sino a Efrata. Y este nombre evoca a Efraim, una de las denominaciones que la Biblia emplea para referirse al reino del norte de Israel, destruido en el siglo VIII a.C. por los asirios, al que había pertenecido la región que fue conocida como Galilea en los días de Jesús. Las otras denominaciones bíblicas de este reino del norte fueron «reino de Israel», «reino de José» €“nombre evocador de Egipto a través de este hijo de Jacob, casado con una hija del sacerdote egipcio Potifera€“ y Samaria. Jesús destacó como defensor de esta población despreciada por mestiza y herética. Más aun: junto al pozo de Jacob se presentó ante la mujer samaritana como el Mesías que ella esperaba, según Juan. Eso indica que Jesús se identificó con el Taheb, el Mesías samaritano. De modo que Belén pudo ser una localización simbólica del midrash, a través de la cual se proyectaba el hecho de que Jesús había nacido en Efraim (Efrata), región que había incluido a Galilea y cuya capital fue Samaria, otro nombre dado al reino del norte en la Biblia. Ninguna de estas circunstancias merma grandeza a Jesús, aunque le añada sufrimiento a ese «varón de dolores» que había profetizado Isaías. ¿No era acaso lo propio del Mesías de los pobres y humillados un nacimiento irregular y calumniado, en medio de la pobreza y en un rincón oscuro de la remota Galilea, despreciada por los judíos de Jerusalén como tierra mestiza? Hasta el nombre de esta región donde estaba Nazareth (Galil hoyim), tenía connotaciones evidentes de «impureza racial», puesto que significaba «círculo de los gentiles». La Huida transmite otro mensaje importante que, en general, ha sido interpretado sólo desde una perspectiva judía ortodoxa. Mateo habría comunicado con dicho episodio que Jesús era el nuevo Moisés, evocando con este midrash el episodio bíblico en el cual el faraón ordena ahogar en el Nilo a los niños varones de Israel. Sin embargo, cabe preguntarse si su intención no fue aludir también a otro antecedente bíblico que no pudo pasarle inadvertido, porque encaja mucho mejor con la masacre de Belén: la matanza de niños edomitas perpetrada por Joab, general del rey David, que estuvo a punto de dejar sin varones a Edom (I Reyes, 11). De este cruel genocidio sólo se salvó el pequeño príncipe Hadad, que huyó a Egipto para regresar siendo hombre y proclamar la independencia de Edom. Así se cumplía la promesa que Yavhé había hecho a Esaú, primogénito de Isaac y padre de Edom, despojado de su derecho como heredero en beneficio de su hermano menor Jacob (Israel). Hay una evidente simetría entre la matanza de Belén ordenada por el idumeo Herodes €“Idumea nació de Edom€“ para eliminar a un supuesto heredero davídico (Jesús) y la de Joab, ordenada por David para eliminar al heredero de Edom. ¿Simbolizó Herodes el Grande la venganza de Edom en el midrash de Mateo? ¿Empezó su vida Jesús expiando este pecado de Israel y cumpliendo desde su nacimiento esa función mesiánica que había profetizado Isaías? Los edomitas se consideraban descendientes de Ismael (padre de los árabes), a través del matrimonio de una de sus hijas, llamada Bashemat, con Esaú. Ismael también había sido despojado de sus derechos en beneficio de su hermano menor Isaac, ya que era el primogénito de Abraham, el primer nombre en la genealogía de Jesús que nos transmite Mateo. En I Reyes también se narra otra Huida a Egipto: la de Jeroboam, efrateo de Sereda, hijo de Nabat. El profeta Ajías le anunció que fundaría el reino del norte como líder de 10 de las 12 tribus de Israel y Salomón quiso matarlo (I Reyes, 11). Como sucedió con Hadad, Jeroboam también encontró refugio en Egipto, de donde regresó para independizar a Israel del reino de Judá. Sin duda, existe una base sólida para pensar que el Evangelio recoge un hecho histórico importante que pudo tomar forma de proyecto mesiánico en la época de Jesús. Todas las profecías bíblicas que evoca se sitúan en la época de la destrucción del reino del Norte (siglo VIII a.C.). También anuncian a un Mesías libertador, que un profeta del norte como Oseas (1, 11) identifica simbólicamente con Jezreel, de quien nos dice que «su día será grande» y que unirá a Efraim (norte) y Judá (sur) bajo «una sola cabeza». Incluso presenta imágenes muy sugerentes en relación a Jesús: «al tercer día nos resucitará y viviremos delante de él» (Oseas 6,2). A su vez, Isaías y Miqueas, profetas del sur y contemporáneos de Oseas, aluden a los mismos hechos, aunque destacan que el Mesías vendría del tronco de Isaí (padre de David), como nueva «rama», «vara» o «renuevo». La Raquel que llora a sus hijos en Ramá €“también evocada en el Evangelio€“, proviene de Jeremías y también alude a la destrucción del reino del norte. Una posibilidad es que estemos ante los vestigios de un hecho histórico: la proclamación de un Mesías galileo, enviado por Dios como representante de todos esos linajes nacidos de primogénitos despojados, que habían dado lugar a distintos pueblos semitas emparentados entre sí y que tenían en Abraham su padre común. En este caso, el Mesías galileo debía nacer simbólicamente en Belén para tomar el relevo del linaje davídico, como en su día David (de la tribu de Judá) había tomado el testigo de la función real, que hasta entonces había recaído en el rey Saúl, de la tribu de Benjamín. Por eso, una vez ungido, David desposó a Mikal, hija del depuesto Saúl. Por lo tanto, el nacimiento simbólico en Belén pudo ser un equivalente de la boda de David con Mikal: la forma en que el nuevo ungido de Dios tomaba el relevo al frente del pueblo elegido, legitimándose como sucesor al asumir un vínculo con el linaje desplazado que simbolizaba la continuidad sagrada. Este recurso es un tópico bíblico recurrente. Dios quita con frecuencia los privilegios otorgados a un individuo o a un linaje y los da a otros. También es importante advertir que, en el evangelio de Juan, Jesús replica a los saduceos que el Mesías no tiene por qué pertenecer al linaje de David, puesto que éste le reconoce como «Señor de mi Señor». A su vez, en la Epístola a los hebreos se compara a Jesús con la figura legendaria de Melquisedec, el misterioso rey de Salem, de quien se nos dice que no tenía padre ni linaje, pero a quien Abraham había reconocido como al sacerdote perfecto y pagado el diezmo. Hebreos afirma que, como Melquisedec, Jesús está por encima de cualquier linaje humano porque su autoridad emana de «una vida indestructible» . Por ello, este texto cristiano funda la Nueva Alianza sobre el Orden de Melquisedec y sostiene que es superior al aarónico-levítico de Judá. Todo sugiere que Jesús pudo ser un Mesías galileo que proclamó un ambicioso proyecto de unificación nacional, mucho más amplio del que estaban dispuestos a admitir los judíos del sur. Debía llegar cumpliendo la profecía en la cual Dios había anunciado: «De Egipto llamaré a mi Hijo». Y todas las fuentes €“incluso las hostiles€“ indican que residió allí, porque ésta era la tierra de origen de todos los descendientes de Abraham. Dicho proyecto mesiánico pudo incluir a todas las tribus de Israel (Jacob), a la población «mestiza» del reino del norte (Galilea y Samaria) y, tal vez, a ismaelitas (árabes), idumeos (edomitas), y nabateos, que descendían de otra hija de Ismael casada con Esaú. El origen de la Nueva Alianza En los días de Jesús el reino nabateo de Siria vivió sus años de mayor esplendor (entre el 6 a.C. y el 40 d.C). El Evangelio afirma que Juan el Bautista fue asesinado por Herodes Antipas porque éste denunció su matrimonio con Herodías. Al unirse a ésta, Herodes abandonó a su primera esposa, hija del rey nabateo Aretas. Flavio Josefo sostiene que Herodes Antipas mandó matar a Juan «porque soliviantaba el pueblo». Nada impide que el motivo incluyese, precisamente, esa afrenta a los primos nabateos, motivo por el cual el rey Aretas atacó y derrotó a Herodes Antipas en el año 36. Siria fue un lugar de asentamiento de las comunidades mandeas del Jordán, como la del Bautista. Otro indicio que señala en la misma dirección es que Siria, Samaria y otros territorios vecinos, sirvieron de refugio a los cristianos cuando huyeron de la primera gran persecución desatada en Jerusalén. Esto prueba que allí existía una base social favorable en los años inmediatos a su crucifixión. Por motivos cronológicos obvios, ese clima social favorable tuvo que cimentarse en vida de Jesús. ¿Estamos ante indicios de cuál fue el auténtico origen histórico de la Nueva Alianza entre Dios y la Humanidad? ¿Nos transmite la Natividad de Mateo el hecho histórico que sirvió de embrión a la religión universal del cristianismo, recogido por Lucas al prolongar de forma intencionada su propia genealogía de Jesús hasta Adán? De algo podemos estar seguros: se trata de un escenario muy probable a la luz de las fuentes disponibles. ____________ _________ _________ __ "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem"
- 7.
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Message 27 of 32 on the subject |
Nov 04: I should mention that we are currently passing through a series of notable "Mayan phi points" (golden ratio) stemming from late 2009-early 2010.

Those involve two deadly quakes - Haiti and Chile - both of which unmistakably pentagrammic thus alluding to the Golden Ratio fractally expressed in the geometry of the pentagram.
Because Haiti & Chile were also designed to align and work together, its possible that key event(s) around November 6-7 will end up resonating with what's coming up around November 24 or Thanksgiving/Turkey Day. Or, since the latter is already resonating with the quake disaster in "Turkey" (Oct 23/Norway phi point), there may potentially be another such event or some other form of "echo" around ~Nov 7. Quite speculative, but worth monitoring.
There is of course a larger context and Comet Elenin/Lucifer's remarkable "punch line" is yet to be revealed... but that's for another time.
[Permalink] ..
Oct 28:
Right on Time
...per ELENIN: Lucifer's Comet (Sep 27):
...My expectation in this area [i.e. Royal pregnancy/birth & Birthquake] is that a set of interconnected world events of the ~August-October 2011 time frame will be seen to have foreshadowed momentous, "Mayan rebirth" events coming up in 2012. Based on Elenin's "time map," around mid-October 2011 could be considered a primary window for the first "shock wave" or an "official preview" of what's to come next season (possibly Kate's pregnancy announcement)... which should be very interesting to watch. [...] (red emphasis added)
[Permalink] ..
Oct 16:
[For more on Comet Elenin pentagram see ELENIN: Lucifer's Comet]

Oct 15 Occupy protests spread around the world Oct 16 "Doomsday" comet swings by Earth Oct 16 Calif. Governor Declares Oct. 16 'Steve Jobs Day' Oct 16 Thousands attend MLK memorial dedication Oct 16 Indy 500 winner Wheldon dies in 15-car crash
[Permalink] ..
Oct 05:

Apple impact = pentagram/Venus impact = Elenin impact
 [For more on Comet Elenin pentagram see ELENIN: Lucifer's Comet]
Thank you Steve. Mankind will miss you greatly. Rest in peace.
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Message 28 of 32 on the subject |
What Did the Sky Look Like to the Three Wise Men/Astrologers and on the Day Christ Was Born?
A number of astrologers, including Bernadette Brady (see below), agree that the most likely year for the birth of Jesus was 0007BCE, not only because of fascinating aspects that happened at that time, but also because of the stories of the Three Wise Men/Astrologers from the East visiting King Herrod prior to arriving in Bethlehem, and he was no longer King after 0004 BCE.
Astrologers at that time were using visual astrology along with casting our current day flat charts, thanks to the Ptolemys in Alexandria. Bernadette Brady pioneered of revival of Visual Astrology using research not only on the ancient Egyptians, but also through the newly interpreted ancient Mesopatamian texts in which the motion of the planets across the stars was brilliantly interpreted by the astrologers. Bernadette has been remarkable successful using their methods to do predictive work over that last 20 years. The related articles can be accessed, along with info about Starlight, the program used to produce the visuals at
If you would like to read my complete articles on this subject, they should be available in December at – just type my name in the Search box: Debbie Keil-Leavitt.
Bernadette has suggested 2 dates, May 1 0007BCE and Sept. 15, 0007BCE for the Birth of Jesus. I will examine the May 1st date and what the Wise Men would have seen that would have provoked their determination that the future “King of the Jews” birth was imminent.
When Jupiter reappeared at sunrise after being invisible (hidden within the Sun’s rays), the Mesopamian astrologers (from the East) would have reported to their king that a new powerful figure was being introduced to the world, a future king. They also began each month at the Crescent Moon – as did the Hebrew astrologers of that time. What was remarkable about this, was that it took place on the Spring Equinox, so their Moon god Sin was “reborn” that month conjunct (in the blessing “rays” of) Venus and conjunct the Pleiades in the shoulder of the Great Bull. The Pleiades have been celebrated and observed since VERY ancient times - see the “dots that would have been in the shoulder of the bull from 18,000 year old Lascaux cave paintings:
Below shows the Western sky at sunset on the Spring Equinox – 4-1-1007BCE. The Crescent Moon (Sin) is seen with Venus at the Pleiades - above the shoulder of the Great Bull on the magenta line denoting the ecliptic (path of sun and planets) with the Sun just set (see the area below the horizon denoted in green) just below the beginning of Aries:

The Eastern sky sunset, Spring Equinox – 4-1-1007BCE. Mars/Nergal, the youthful male is in the wing of Goddess Virgo – a symbol of Mother Mary “Queen of the Sky” - The wing of the Goddess is considered a protector of an individual awaiting “resurrection”

At sunset on 4-1-0007BCE, the Midheaven had the Manger (Cancer – see red mark on ecliptic) may have indicated Jesus’s birth location (just speculation, but interesting)

Below shows the Eastern sky - sunrise - 4-2-1007BCE. Jupiter is seen approaching Saturn below the lower Pisces fish. Jupiter was likely just beginning to be seen – Sulpa’e - due to the angle of the ecliptic allowing the sun’s rays to come over the horizon earlier - both the Mesopotamian’s and the Jews began their days at Sunset - Sulpa’e is approaching Saturn, the planet representing the Jews)

This would have alerted the Wise Men/Astrologers that not only was a Crown Prince rising but that he was likely a Jewish Prince. Located below the lower Pisces fish has a spiritual connotation. Pisces was celebrated as the Goddess of the Sea – Mother Mary, Aphrodite, and more.

Another fun coincidence: MC/IC, lunar nodes – north node with Crescent Moon, Venus & Mercury – and Sulpa’e Jupiter/Saturn conjunction opposing Mars-Pluto in the Wing of Virgo/Mary forms a Star of David…
What followed was a Solar Eclipse on Apr 29, 0007BCE when the Sun would have disappeared, followed by the Moon disappearing in the sun’s rays. This would have made the reappearance of Sin the Moon god as a crescent on May 1, 0007BC – in the Crook of the Good Shepherd (Orion/Osiris at that time was the Good Shepherd to the Mesopotamians and was huge – including what is now Auriga being the top of his Crook. The Sun had set with the Plaiedes. This is a date proposed by Bernadette Brady, and my further research caused me to agree with this date:

Sulpa’e Jupiter on that date 5-2-0007BCE, with Sun rising at Pleiades and Venus/Crescent Moon in Crook of Good Shepherd:

Other dates proposed are Sept. 15, 0007BCE (also Bernadette Brady): Sun at Spica – The Christ Child in Christian Astrology, and December 0007BCE dates by other astrologers with Virgo – Virgin Mary rising at Midnight around the Winter Solstice.
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Message 29 of 32 on the subject |
8:5 Y las aguas fueron decreciendo hasta el mes décimo; en el décimo, al primero del mes, se descubrieron las cimas de los montes. 8:6 Sucedió que al cabo de cuarenta días abrió Noé la ventana del arca que había hecho, 8:7 y envió un cuervo, el cual salió, y estuvo yendo y volviendo hasta que las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra. 8:8 Envió también de sí una paloma, para ver si las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la faz de la tierra. 8:9 Y no halló la paloma donde sentar la planta de su pie, y volvió a él al arca, porque las aguas estaban aún sobre la faz de toda la tierra. Entonces él extendió su mano, y tomándola, la hizo entrar consigo en el arca. 8:10 Esperó aún otros siete días, y volvió a enviar la paloma fuera del arca. 8:11 Y la paloma volvió a él a la hora de la tarde; y he aquí que traía una hoja de olivo en el pico; y entendió Noé que las aguas se habían retirado de sobre la tierra. 8:12 Y esperó aún otros siete días, y envió la paloma, la cual no volvió ya más a él. (La paloma de Noe tiene un contexto con COLUMBIA, CONSTELACION AL SUR DE ORION)8:13 Y sucedió que en el año seiscientos uno de Noé, en el mes primero, el día primero del mes, las aguas se secaron sobre la tierra; y quitó Noé la cubierta del arca, y miró, y he aquí que la faz de la tierra estaba seca. 8:14 Y en el mes segundo, a los veintisiete días del mes, se secó la tierra. 8:15 Entonces habló Dios a Noé, diciendo: 8:16 Sal del arca tú, y tu mujer, y tus hijos, y las mujeres de tus hijos contigo. 8:17 Todos los animales que están contigo de toda carne, de aves y de bestias y de todo reptil que se arrastra sobre la tierra, sacarás contigo; y vayan por la tierra, y fructifiquen y multiplíquense sobre la tierra. 8:18 Entonces salió Noé, y sus hijos, su mujer, y las mujeres de sus hijos con él. 8:19 Todos los animales, y todo reptil y toda ave, todo lo que se mueve sobre la tierra según sus especies, salieron del arca. 8:20 Y edificó Noé un altar a Jehová, y tomó de todo animal limpio y de toda ave limpia, y ofreció holocausto en el altar. 8:21 Y percibió Jehová olor grato; y dijo Jehová en su corazón: No volveré más a maldecir la tierra por causa del hombre; porque el intento del corazón del hombre es malo desde su juventud; ni volveré más a destruir todo ser viviente, como he hecho. 8:22 Mientras la tierra permanezca, no cesarán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche.

22 Entonces dirás a Faraón: "Así dice el SEÑOR: "Israel es mi hijo, mi primogénito. 23 'Y te he dicho: "Deja ir a mi hijo para que me sirva", pero te has negado a dejarlo ir. He aquí, mataré a tu hijo, a tu primogénito.
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Message 30 of 32 on the subject |
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Message 31 of 32 on the subject |
«Une seule chose était indispensable, lorsque, rencontrant une caverne, propre à servir d’abri temporaire, ils désiraient préparer, à un ardent foyer, le repas nécessaire ; c’était le silex, dont le nom basque est suarria, c’est à dire, un trait de lumière ou étincelle courant ça et là par l’effet du choc de deux objets dont l’un, le silex, est penché de côté, et l’autre, acier ou fer est brandi, -to sway (soué), faire pencher de côté, brandir, - to hare, courir ça et là, - ray, ré, trait de lumière ».
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Message 32 of 32 on the subject |
Fase lunar
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La Luna en su giro alrededor de la Tierra presenta diferentes aspectos visuales según sea su posición con respecto al Sol.Cuando la Luna está entre la Tierra y el Sol, tiene orientada hacia la Tierra su cara no iluminada (Novilunio). Una semana más tarde la Luna ha dado 1/4 de vuelta y presenta media cara iluminada (Cuarto Creciente). Otra semana más y la Luna ocupa una posición alineada con el Sol y la Tierra, por lo cual desde la Tierra se aprecia toda la cara iluminada (Plenilunio o Luna llena). Una semana más tarde se produce el cuarto menguante. Transcurridas unas cuatro semanas estamos otra vez en Novilunio. La zona que limita la luz y la sombra se denomina terminador. (Ver luminosidad lunar).
[editar] Fases vistas desde el norte
La Luna y la Tierra con rayos solares, vistas desde el espacio exterior, justo sobre el Polo Norte de la Tierra. En la imagen vemos las ocho fases lunares básicas que son reconocibles desde la superficie terrestre:
Órbita de la Luna y fases vistas desde el hemisferio norte de la Tierra.
Las fases de la Luna vistas por un Observador ubicado en la Tierra, estando él en el hemisferio Norte y teniendo el punto cardinal "Norte" justo a sus espaldas (el Sur, al frente).
Órbita de la Luna y fases vistas desde el hemisferio norte de la Tierra.
[editar] Fases vistas desde el sur
La imagen de la Luna tal como se ilustra en la mayoría de los textos publicados está "al revés" de la realidad cuando está alta en el cielo, cerca de cruzar el meridiano, como la ven observadores en el hemisferio sur.
Una fórmula mnemotécnica útil en el sur: la Luna Creciente tiene forma de "C", y la "Decreciente" (menguante) tiene forma de "D".
La Luna creciente o menguante cerca del horizonte aparenta una "U", en el hemisferio sur así como en el norte.
Nótese cómo el crater Tycho con sus visibles radiales aparenta estar "arriba" para un observador del hemisferio sur. En imágenes publicadas generalmente se ilustra "abajo".
[editar] Descripción
- Luna No. 1: Luna Nueva o Novilunio, también llamada "Luna Nueva Astronómica" o "Luna Negra", corresponde a la Luna Nueva Verdadera; esta fase de la Luna normalmente es imposible verla a simple vista ya que se encuentra oculta tras el resplandor solar, sólo es posible observarla cuando ocurre un eclipse total de Sol, los cuales acontecen durante esta fase lunar sólo cuando las condiciones dadas son las adecuadas.
- Luna No. 2: Luna Nueva Visible, también llamada en el argot popular "Luna Creciente", corresponde a la Luna Nueva Tradicional y es la primera aparición de la Luna en el cielo, 18 o 30 horas después de haberse producido la posición de "Luna Nueva Astronómica". Esta fase de la Luna se podrá ver en el cielo hacia el oeste, una vez ya ocultado el Sol, justo por encima del crepúsculo aún restante. Tiene forma de pequeña guadaña o cuerno. Esta fase de la Luna es la que se utiliza para dar comienzo al primer día de cada mes lunar.
- Luna No. 3: Cuarto Creciente. Tiene su orto (salida del astro en el horizonte) por el este a las 12 del mediodía (hora astronómica local, no necesariamente hora oficial), su cenit se produce a las 6 de la tarde y su ocaso a las 12 de la medianoche. La parte luminosa de la Luna durante esta fase tiene la forma de un círculo partido justo a la mitad (semi-círculo).
- Luna No. 4: Luna Gibosa Creciente, una vez ya pasada la fase del Cuarto Creciente, la Luna va tomando progresivamente día tras día, una forma convexa por ambos lados en su parte luminosa, perdiendo ese lado recto que poseía durante la fase anterior (Luna No. 3).
- Luna No. 5: Luna Llena o Plenilunio, es cuando la concavidad de la parte luminosa de la Luna se logra completar en su totalidad hasta formar un círculo. Su orto es aproximadamente a las 6:00 p.m., el cenit lo alcanza aproximadamente durante la medianoche y se oculta cerca de las 6:00 de la mañana. La Luna Llena viene a marcar justo lo que es la mitad del mes lunar (14 días, 18 horas, 21 minutos 36 segundos).
- Luna No. 6: Luna Gibosa Menguante, pasada ya la fase correspondiente a la Luna Llena, la parte luminosa de la Luna comenzará a menguar con el correr de los días, tomando así de nuevo —igual como en la Luna No. 4— una apariencia de una Luna-Cóncava (gibosa) esta vez en su fase decreciente.
- Luna No. 7: Cuarto Menguante, exactamente igual que el Cuarto Creciente, pero en sentido contrario. Además, tiene su orto a las 12 de la medianoche, alcanza el cenit en el cielo a las 6 de la mañana y su ocaso se produce a las 12 del mediodía, es decir, esta fase lunar corresponde al periodo de días durante el cual es posible observar a la Luna en el cielo durante las horas de la mañana.
- Luna No. 8: Luna Menguante, conocida también como "Creciente Menguante" o "Luna Vieja" (este último término poco conocido) ya que es idéntica a la Luna Nueva Visible, pero en sentido opuesto. La Luna Menguante sólo es posible verla de madrugada, hacia el Este, justo por encima de la Aurora o Alba y antes de que salga el Sol. Tiene apariencia de pequeña guadaña.
- Luna No. 9: Luna Negra, corresponde a la última fase visible de la Luna desde la Tierra, comenzando así, de nuevo, otro ciclo de fases lunares.
El tiempo transcurrido entre dos novilunios se llama "Mes Lunar" o Mes Sinódico y es de 29,53 días solares medios, lo que es lo mismo decir: 29 días, 12 horas, 43 minutos y 12 segundos. Las fases de la Luna tienen mucha relación con el establecimiento del calendario y sus diferentes periodos como semana y mes. Las fases lunares constituyen la base del calendario musulmán y judío, entre otros.
[editar] Fases de los planetas interiores
Los diferentes planetas también tienen sus fases. Galileo fue el primero en descubrir que Venus presentaba fases como la Luna, argumento que apoyaba la Teoría heliocéntrica. Los planetas en órbitas interiores a la terrestre (Mercurio y Venus) pueden presentar fases elevadas. Una curiosidad entre el ciclo solar anual y el ciclo lunar, es que éstos vuelven a repetirse, el mismo día del año y la misma fase lunar, cada 21 años. Debido a las diferentes condiciones geométricas de posición relativa entre el Sol, la Tierra y los planetas en órbitas exteriores, éstos no poseen fases apreciables observados desde la Tierra.
Los planetas cuyas órbitas se encuentran dentro de nuestros hogares (Mercurio y Venus) también presentan fases cuando son observados desde nuestro planeta. De hecho, también la Tierra muestra esta fenomenología a un observador exterior. Éste fue el caso de las imágenes tomadas por la Mars Global Surveyor en el año 2003, donde se ve la Tierra y la Luna en quintos.
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