SHALOM Art is generally understood as any activity or product carried out by the human being with an aesthetic or communicative purpose, through which ideas, emotions or, in general, a vision of the world are expressed, through various resources. ISRAEL. PEOPLE OF GOD.... Revelation 21 The new Jerusalem : Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the first heaven and the first earth had ceased to exist, the same as the sea. I also saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared like a beautifully dressed bride for her betrothed. I heard a mighty voice from the throne saying, “Here, among human beings, is the abode of God! He will encamp in the midst of them, and they will be his people; God Himself will be with them and will be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. History of the Jews in the Land of Israel : The History of the Jews in the Land of Israel begins with the Children of Israel (also known as Hebrews), who settled in the land of Israel. The Israelites traced their lineage to the biblical patriarch Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. According to Jewish tradition, the Israelites descend from the twelve sons of Jacob, who eventually settled in Egypt. His descendants, who constituted the twelve tribes of Israel, were enslaved by a pharaoh. According to the Jewish faith, the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, led by Moses, results in the identity consolidation of the Israelites as the people of Israel.

The 12 Tribes of Israel.. The Bible was designed to be a guide to all who wish to become acquainted with the will of their Maker. God gave to men the sure word of prophecy; angels and even Christ Himself came to make known to Daniel and John the things that must shortly come to pass. Those important matters that concern our salvation were not left involved in mystery. They were not revealed in such a way as to perplex and mislead the honest seeker after truth. Said the Lord by the prophet Habakkuk, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." The word of God is plain to all who study it with a prayerful heart. Every truly honest soul will come to the light of truth. "Light is sown for the righteous." The 12 tribes of Israel both divided and unified the ancient nation of the Hebrew people. Advertisement The tribes came from Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, to whom God promised the title "father of many nations" (Genesis 17:4-5). God renamed Jacob "Israel" and favored him with 12 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Each son became the patriarch or leader of a tribe that bore his name. When God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, they camped together in the desert, each tribe gathered in its own smaller camp. After they built the desert tabernacle under God's command, the tribes camped around it to remind them God was their king and protector. Finally, the Israelites entered the Promised Land, but they had to drive out the pagan tribes who already lived there. Even though they were divided into 12 tribes, the Israelites recognized they were one unified people under God. When the time came to assign sections of the land, it was done by tribes. However, God had decreed that the tribe of Levi was to be priests. They did not get a portion of the land but were to serve God at the tabernacle and later the temple. In Egypt, Jacob had adopted his two grandsons by Joseph, Ephraim, and Manasseh. Instead of a portion of Joseph's tribe, Ephraim's and Manasseh's tribes each got a portion of land. The number 12 represents perfection, as well as God's authority. It stands for a solid foundation for government and completeness. Symbolic references to the 12 tribes of Israel abound throughout the Bible. Advertisement Moses built an altar with 12 pillars, representing the tribes (Exodus 24:4). There were 12 stones on the high priest's ephod, or holy vest, each representing one tribe. Joshua set up a memorial of 12 stones after the people crossed the Jordan River. When King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem, a huge washing bowl called the Sea sat on 12 bronze bulls, and 12 bronze lions guarded the steps. The prophet Elijah built an altar of 12 stones on Mount Carmel. Jesus Christ, who came from the tribe of Judah, chose 12 apostles, signifying that he was ushering in a new Israel, the Church. After feeding the five thousand, the apostles picked up 12 baskets of leftover food: Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." (Matthew 19:28, NIV) In the prophetic book of Revelation, an angel shows John the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven: It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. (Revelation 21:12, NIV) Over the centuries, the 12 tribes of Israel fell apart by marrying foreigners but mainly through the conquests of hostile invaders. The Assyrians overran part of the kingdom, then in 586 B.C., the Babylonians attacked, carrying thousands of Israelites into captivity in Babylon. After that, the Greek empire of Alexander the Great took over, followed by the Roman empire, which destroyed the temple in 70 A.D., dispersing most of the Jewish population throughout the world. Bible References to the 12 Tribes of Israel: Genesis 49:28; Exodus 24:4, 28:21, 39:14; Ezekiel 47:13; Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30; Acts 26:7; James 1:1; Revelation 21:12.

Isaiah 11:12 (KJV) And he will lift up a banner to the nations, and he will gather the exiles of Israel, and he will gather the scattered ones of Judah from the four corners of the earth. ISRAEL. - The award-winning film "I'm Israel" reveals in several chapters how biblical prophecies are being fulfilled in Israel, as never seen before. A unique documentary that has received the support of dozens of important media in Israel: The Jerusalem Post, Friends in Israel, WND, USA Radio, CBN News, Faith & Freedom Coalition, Israel TV Network, Israel CNN, The Blaze, Daystar , The Kehila News, Iran's Nejat TV, Club 700 and up to 2,000 churches and synagogues, among others... who have confirmed what was exposed in the documentary. I'm Israel is an epic movie that will take you on a soaring journey through the Land of the Bible, and I will introduce you to Jewish men and women whose lives are a testimony to the promises of God. Shot in crystal-clear 4K and narrated by award-winning actor John Rhys-Davies, best known for his roles on the Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings series, I Am Israel brings Israel's inspiring history to life like you've never seen it before, and reveals the beautiful landscapes of the Holy Land. Rabbi Yehuda Glick, an influential leader who seeks the reconstruction of the Third Temple by a divine call from God, now a representative in the Knesset chamber of deputies, has said: "As never before we are seeing with our own eyes that the words of the Book they are materializing and becoming reality in the history of mankind. June 7, 1967: Israel liberates Jerusalem and the temple. 53 years ago, on this day, Israeli paratroopers entered the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem, liberating Jerusalem from the Jordanians, who had illegally occupied East Jerusalem for 19 years. In Israel, Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) is celebrated on the anniversary of the Hebrew calendar (Iyar, 28), which this year fell on Friday, May 22. In 1967 Israel retook the Temple Mount with military power. Today we are taking back the Temple Mount with our feet, our hearts, our souls, and our prayers. "A song of David's ascensions. I rejoiced when they said to me: 'Let us go to HaShem's house.' Our feet were standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. The built Jerusalem is like a city that was united within itself. The tribes ascended, the tribes of God, testimony of Israel, to give thanks to the name of HaShem. Because thrones were established for judgment, thrones for the house of David. Solicit the welfare of Jerusalem; May those who love you enjoy the tranquility. May there be peace in your wall, tranquility in your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and my companions, I will now speak of peace in you. For the sake of the house of HaShem, our God, I will beseech you for kindness" (Psalms 122) tranquility in your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and my companions, I will now speak of peace in you. For the sake of the house of HaShem, our God, I will beseech you for kindness" (Psalms 122) tranquility in your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and my companions, I will now speak of peace in you. For the sake of the house of HaShem, our God, I will beseech you for kindness" (Psalms 122)