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 ;Levítico:6:21..* ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Promesas..* ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Promesas..* ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Proverbios 2 
 Reflecciones! ♥.·::·.♥ 
 corner shadow ♥.·::·.♥ 
 -Amor Eterno- 
 Desde lo Alto!♥.·::·.♥ 
 Gloval! ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Cerca del Cielo! ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Psalm 34:18 * ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Santiago 1:22-27 22 ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Los entendidos!!* ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Hebrews 12:22-24 ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Matt:6-33 ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Isaiah 43:2 ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Este es el Tiempo!!♥.·::·.♥ 
 James 1:12 ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Tabla de Colores 
 Al Monte Alto!!* ♥.·::·.♥ 
 Lluvia Temprana y laTardía!! ♥.·::·.♥ 
 The lighthouse!!! ♥.·::·.♥ 
 We will go up to Jerusalem ♥.·::·.♥ 
 ShALOM iSRAEL! ♥.·::·.♥ 
 La Ventana! 

**We will go up to JerusalemJerusalem, ctiy of     
our King Of his glory his saints will sing Their doors shine, they are made of pearls Always new nothing there gets old It is of great height of great width Love that has no measure Our joy is that Jesus is there His presence is our delight That's why we love Jerusalem That's why we love Jerusalem We will go up to Jerusalem city of our God We will dwell with him there And he will comfort us Strong and grounded city Whose architect is God Healing of nations what a glorious place There will be no pain or fear of death We will drink from the river of living water There will be no darkness and no more curse On his throne we will always reign It is tall and wide Love that has no measure Our joy is that Jesus is there His presence is our delight That's why we love Jerusalem That's why we love Jerusalem We will go up to Jerusalem city of our God We will pray with him there And he will comfort us strong city with foundation Whose architect is God |=Healing of nations what a glorious place Jerusalem is the wife of the lamb She loved him more than her own life She is without blemish Ohh she beautiful she is Fine linen and crown will carry It is tall and wide Love that has no measure Our joy is that Jesus is there His presence is our delight That's why we love Jerusalem That's why we love Jerusalem We will go up to Jerusalem city of our God We will pray with him there And he will comfort us strong city with foundation Whose architect is God Healing of nations what a glorious place We will go up to Jerusalem city of our God We will pray with him there And he will comfort us strong city with foundation Whose architect is God Healing of nations, what a glorious place!**

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