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General: Sharon Re: Talking Smileys
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Reply  Message 1 of 7 on the subject 
From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 15/07/2017 02:32
Sharon, are you trying to copy and paste the smileys in the top section of the talking smileys message??
Those are NOT copy and paste-able!

To use the talking smileys with the glossy blue Play button, you need to copy the URL and insert it in your message through the Insert Flash button in the message editor. I wrote a tutorial to explain how to do that here.
If you want to copy and paste a talking smiley to use in a message, you need to go down the page to where the static images are with the "Hear me talk" buttons. THOSE are copy and paste-able.
Go ahead and test both methods here, and if you have any trouble, let me know. I tried to make the instructions for using the talking smileys as clear as I could, but it may not be translatable to each person`s brain. I know I get tongue-tied sometimes when I try to explain things.
It would be so helpful if you would test the talking smileys for me, thanks!

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Reply  Message 2 of 7 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 15/07/2017 04:42

Reply  Message 3 of 7 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 15/07/2017 04:45
Idid the glossy blue play button, flash and link. Thanks it worked usimng IE, but not Chrome google

Reply  Message 4 of 7 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 15/07/2017 04:53
Okay, that`s good to know. When you were inserting them last week, were you using IE?
It`s strange how some browsers allow things and some don`t. I`m using Firefox, and I don`t have any problems inserting them.
But I am not able to see any YouTube videos unless I go through the Google Translater LOL.

Reply  Message 5 of 7 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 15/07/2017 19:54
  Yes I was usui ng IE last week.  Tryin g now with Chrome google.

Reply  Message 6 of 7 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 15/07/2017 20:54
Looks like it works; I can see it!

Reply  Message 7 of 7 on the subject 
From: SharonK Sent: 16/07/2017 17:29
Thanks Timber.  Sharon

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