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General: Animation Challenge: Autumn Sig Tutorial by Madlassgrin (Text)
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From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 10/10/2017 00:06
Autumn Signature

I found this tutorial through the Wayback Machine, and all the screenshots seem to be visible at this time.  The download link for the tutorial supplies is working.  This tutorial is not difficult but it's a bit tedious because of the animation (which is what makes it a great siggy), so you'll need some patience .


I used Offset (Effects>Image Effects>Offset) to move my hedgehog along at 15 pixels per frame.

When the hedgehog gets to the end of my name, I gave him a little head turn by selecting around his head with the Freehand Selection Tool, floated, then rotated 15 degrees left and moved into position.

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From: SharonK Sent: 20/10/2017 21:15
Where do I get the hedgehog and the leaves?

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From: timber Sent: 20/10/2017 21:48
Sharon, each tutorial title is linked to the tutorial.
The tutorial supplies are on the tutorial page.

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From: SharonK Sent: 25/10/2017 06:15
Thanks, found it

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From: justjam Sent: 10/11/2018 02:56
This was a fun tut, timber.  Thanks for the challenge. 
I did this a couple of times and even posted once and had to delete to fix a boo-boo. 

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