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General: Tutorial Challenge: Hearts Aglitter by timber (Shape, Animated)
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Reply Delete message  Message 1 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 30/01/2009 01:52
Click here for the Hearts Aglitter Tutorial

Click the header to go to the tutorial.

If you have any questions about this tutorial, please ask them on this thread.

And don't forget to show off your results when finished!

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Reply Delete message  Message 29 of 58 on the subject 
From: elaine1 Sent: 14/02/2009 15:02
ty judy and thanks timber for the great tut here is mine

Reply Delete message  Message 30 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 14/02/2009 18:54
Just in time for Valentine's Day!   That looks great!

Thanks for posting your results!

Reply Delete message  Message 31 of 58 on the subject 
From: Gemini1959 Sent: 20/02/2009 21:58

I put the outline to 2 instead of 4 because it looked like it would be too thick but i see now i could have used 4

I will try again with 4.

Reply Delete message  Message 32 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 20/02/2009 22:30
Hey, Anita! It's good to see you again!

I know that stroke=4 sounds like it would be really thick.  For my version of PSP, I needed to use 4 so that the finished "outline" would look like stroke=2 lol.

Your tag turned out beautifully!   Thank you for posting your results!

Reply Delete message  Message 33 of 58 on the subject 
From: Gemini1959 Sent: 20/02/2009 23:01
Thanks Timber. It's good to be back.

It's a beautiful tut and easy to do. I'll give the stroke 4 a try tomorrow. I'm too tired now. Bed is waiting.


Reply Delete message  Message 34 of 58 on the subject 
From: Gemini1959 Sent: 22/02/2009 21:00
I did the HeartsAglitter tut again and now with stroke 4 Much better result.

This is with constellation

and this with white noise

Reply Delete message  Message 35 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 23/02/2009 01:11
Those look great, Anita!

You're using PSP10, right?  Did you have any trouble with the text sizes or anything else?

Reply Delete message  Message 36 of 58 on the subject 
From: Gemini1959 Sent: 23/02/2009 15:17
Thanks Timber. Actually i used PSPX2 when i did this tag. I have Windows Vista on my newest laptop and i have PSPX2 on that laptop.

I had no trouble with the text or anything else. All went very smoothe. It's so great that you put the text size for many of the psp programs in your tut.

Makes it very easy. Don't have to find the size ourself

Reply Delete message  Message 37 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 23/02/2009 19:00
I have a script that converts my text size to yours .

Reply Delete message  Message 38 of 58 on the subject 
From: Gemini1959 Sent: 24/02/2009 11:08
Wow, that sounds like a fantastic script. Scripts are so great. I love the one you found that makes multiple images in psp. I use that alot because i can't past multiple images from AS to PSP. So that script is so fantastic.

Reply Delete message  Message 39 of 58 on the subject 
From: LizzieBelle82 Sent: 03/08/2010 09:01
First of all---well HOLY CRAP!!  LOL  My text toolbar has always had that direction choice but I never messed with it!  Who knew you could write vertically that easily!??  LOL

Second of all---I didn't really like how my name looked in that font so I chose another one (I used Jellybaby ITC Bold).  Otherwise I used all of your settings timber.  So here's my result:

I REALLY like this tutorial--it was fun and the results are cute!

Reply Delete message  Message 40 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 04/08/2010 20:05
Awesome results, Lizzie!   Thanks for trying this tutorial and posting your results!

I love the font that you chose; it seems to fit perfectly with the heart shape.  You must be using a newer version of PSP than I'm using, because I don't have a direction choice .  Lucky you!

Reply Delete message  Message 41 of 58 on the subject 
From: LizzieBelle82 Sent: 05/08/2010 05:21
I'm using PSP 9.  I didn't realize that they could be so different until we've gotten into the tutorials!

Yeah--it was really cool how the text and heart worked out together.  Plus I like how well the gradient shows in that font too.

Reply Delete message  Message 42 of 58 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 05/03/2012 17:53
I made this today using a preset shape that I created from WM St Paddys Font, letter k.

I used colors fgcolor=#73B500 and bgcolor#E6F8C4 to create the pattern fill and for the other steps in the tutorial.

I used American Uncial Font for my name.

Reply Delete message  Message 43 of 58 on the subject 
From: Carolann Sent: 06/03/2012 20:12
Thanks Timber. I will try and have a go with this.

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