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General: saving an animation
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Reply  Message 1 of 12 on the subject 
From: Daphne70  (Original message) Sent: 14/10/2020 03:03
Hi,  Need some help please,  just the last few days when trying to make an animation  and I go to "save as" it will not bring up the animation listing to save too.. I have added an image , sorry if it is large but hard to read otherwise.  I tried on other things and no way to save as an animation   ... any help appreciated 

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Reply  Message 2 of 12 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 14/10/2020 03:25
Me again,  I just looked at my File format asssociation list and the psp animation (*.psp) is not in the list anymore ... what could have happened ??

Reply  Message 3 of 12 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 14/10/2020 22:30
Daphne, is that screenshot from within PSP or Animation Shop?

Reply  Message 4 of 12 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 14/10/2020 22:40
Hi Timber ,  that is a screen shot in my psp as you can see it does not bring up the psp animation (.*psp) file,  and when i look in my fill association folder it is missing from there now also.... this is my PSP 2018,  I still have psp X2019 and it is working fine in there .. so I am very confused as to how it could all ove a sudden dissapear ..  

Reply  Message 5 of 12 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 16/10/2020 23:12
Daphne, to my knowledge, you can only save a multi-framed animation in Animation Shop.

In PSP, I think you can save it as .gif but it would only be a single image.

Reply  Message 6 of 12 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 17/10/2020 21:31
Hi Timber thanks for the reply,   and I have no idea why all of a sudden this is happening.... I of course know how to save in psp when doing a multi animation  ... you have to save the file as a psp animation... but i am popping in a screen shot of my File formatd associations ( in preferences )  and my psp animation is no longer in the file ...   i am just shoiwng you the section where it normally is but it is not in the folder at all anymore.. does this make sence to you...  after I save it as a psp animation i then open up my animation shop and do the wizard ord what ever and then I save it as a a gif... how or why this has happened is a mystery and no idea how to fix it . 

Reply  Message 7 of 12 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 18/10/2020 00:49
I'm guessing if you click that Help button that it might tell you how to re-associate the file type that you'd like in the list.  Try that and see if that fixes it.

Reply  Message 8 of 12 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 18/10/2020 21:57
Thanks Timber but that help button is no help at all......looks like if I want to do an animation I will just have to use Jasc 8... 

Reply  Message 9 of 12 on the subject 
From: Deana Sent: 18/10/2020 23:27
Daphne... could it be that it may not be available in the 64bit version?
I have the PSP Animation Shop in my PSP 2020 32 bit version.
Just a thought.

Reply  Message 10 of 12 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 18/10/2020 23:35
Daphne, have you thought of going to the Corel website and see if they have a Live Chat feature?  Maybe they can walk you through it.

Reply  Message 11 of 12 on the subject 
From: Deana Sent: 18/10/2020 23:56
I've used Corel's chat help on their site several times and if they can't solve the problem right then, then they will have tech support contact you by email.

Reply  Message 12 of 12 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 19/10/2020 21:58
Thank you so much Deena and Timber for trying to help me.... I have only ever used the psp versions I have in the 32 bit , and yes I have been in the Corel forum  but have not checked today yet for any answers ... I don't know if Corel will give any support to the 2018 version any longer ... thanks ladies once again for trying. 

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