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Reply Delete message  Message 1 of 53 on the subject 
From: timber  (Original message) Sent: 14/02/2012 18:26

You're tagged... I'm it!

This is a tag swap game where you can make a signature tag for another member who is playing the game.  The last member who delivers a signature tag is "it".

How to play:

I will begin the game by tagging a member (i.e. posting a sig tag in this thread with their name on it).  After I "tag" that member, I become "it".  Then another member will "tag" me and then they will become "it".  The member who is "it" is the next person who is "tagged" (i.e. receives the next sig tag with their name on it).

When you deliver the sig tag you made, copy and paste the small game image (over to the right) at the bottom of your delivery message to indicate you're "it", so it will stand out against the other messages with thank yous, comments, questions, etc.

Rules:  Be creative and have fun!

If you have any questions about the game, then please post them here, thanks!

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Reply  Message 39 of 53 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 04/08/2021 17:20
Thanks timber.  Yes, I did a tut and here is the link.  HERE
It is at Allison's Addictions.  Hope you give it a try and show us your results.  

Reply  Message 40 of 53 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 04/08/2021 17:39
I knew I had seen that tut before!  Thanks for the link, Judy, I'll set up a challenge for it!

Reply  Message 41 of 53 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 05/08/2021 00:08
I am tagging Judy! Thank you sooooo much, for my taggy! Those colors!!

Reply  Message 42 of 53 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 05/08/2021 02:34
Karla!  I love it and the colors are gorgeous.  That is the tut that gave me soo much trouble!!  Thanks for my
new tag.    

Reply  Message 43 of 53 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 06/08/2021 18:49
Tagging Karla!

Reply  Message 44 of 53 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 06/08/2021 19:12
I am tagging timber.  

Reply  Message 45 of 53 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 06/08/2021 20:36
Oh, pretty!   Thanks for tagging me with this pretty pink and polkadots tag set, Judy!   It's so girly and ethereal.

Is this your own design or did you follow a tutorial?  There's an interesting swirly texture there.  Is that sinedots or a texture?  Enquiring minds want to know, don'tchaknow?

Reply  Message 46 of 53 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 06/08/2021 21:02
I am glad you like it.  The tut is fun to do.  It is Here  As you can see, I copied it tube and all.  My tag
background looks a bit different and I'm not sure why.  I plan to do this one again.

Reply  Message 47 of 53 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 07/08/2021 06:33
I am tagging ... 

I was inspired to do a set ;)

Font: Raconteur NF
Tube: www.creatieselly.blogspot.com

Timberyou know how to get to my heart and eyes! (♥_♥) I love my new glitter taggy, ty!!

Reply  Message 48 of 53 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 07/08/2021 15:36
Wow Karla I love the bling!  What an elegant retro tag and avatar.  I love them both.  

Reply  Message 49 of 53 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/08/2021 06:01

I am so glad you love your new set

Reply  Message 50 of 53 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 09/08/2021 19:05
What a pretty retro set you made for Judy, Karla!  Is that set from the Bubbles Tutorial?

I'm tagging Karla!  This blinkie is similar to mine, but I added more waves and made the motorboat faster LOL.

Reply  Message 51 of 53 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/08/2021 19:29
I am tagging ...

Font: Freshca Regular
Tube: Les Tube de Isa (lol, I use a lot of her tubes)

Thank you soooo much for my little rowing guy! He is so cute lol ♥
And yes, I did use her tutorial for inspiration on Judy*s. For yours, I used Ripples.

Reply  Message 52 of 53 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 09/08/2021 20:26
Oh, I love owls... and Autumn!

Thanks so much for the beautiful tag set, Karla!

Reply  Message 53 of 53 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 10/08/2021 02:30
I remembered you are an owly gal like me (^_^) ♥
Oh! And feel free to change the frame speed (^_~)

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