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General: Tutorial Challenge: Glitz Glitter by Judy
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From: justjam  (Original message) Sent: 16/06/2018 03:21
Glitz Glitter Tutorial

Click the tutorial name to go to the tutorial.

If you have any questions about this tutorial, please ask them on this thread.

And don't forget to show off your results when finished!

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Reply Delete message  Message 4 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 16/06/2018 20:03
It isn't showing up in Effects > Plugins. There are other plugins that do not show up either. I added the dlls to the folders too.

Reply Delete message  Message 5 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 23/08/2018 15:23
Well, I really wanted to try this and since it is still NOT working for me, I used Xero: Sparkles for this. It was the closest I could get to your tut

Reply Delete message  Message 6 of 18 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 23/08/2018 17:35
I love your glitter tile, Karla!  It is pretty darn close to the constellation effect.  Is it snaggable?  
I wish your Xenofex plugin would work for you.  That is such a bummer.    It is great that you have other working plugins to compensate.
Thanks for giving this a play. 

Reply  Message 7 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 24/08/2018 00:14
Thank you! And yes, of coarse! Snag away ♥ 

Reply  Message 8 of 18 on the subject 
From: stargal46 Sent: 04/09/2018 08:42
Here are my Glitzy Glitters!
I can't begin to count how many times over the years I wished that I could make my own glitters for the specific color I needed and now here's a tut that does just that!
Totally awesome...and so easy to!
Thanks so much Judy, for a fantastic and oh so useful tut!!
Sylvia (stargal46)

Hey Karla...I love your glitz glitter tile...it looks great!
I was just wondering, have you tried directing your PSP Plugin File Location to the specific program you want activated? Sometimes that's all it takes...I know I've had to do that a time or two!

Reply  Message 9 of 18 on the subject 
From: stargal46 Sent: 04/09/2018 08:45
And these glitz tiles are snaggable...just in case anyone was wondering!

Reply  Message 10 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 04/09/2018 15:42
Omg, love your glitters! When I get on my laptop (using mobile phone lol), I will snag them *big ol' grin* 

I have done that, Sylvia and it still will not budge. So there are several plugins that I have that I cannot use because they just want to make my life hard lol I am dreading having to start all over because I imagine everything will decide not to work lol I had recently gotten a few to work. 

Reply Delete message  Message 11 of 18 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 04/09/2018 16:15
Great looking glitters, Sylvia!    I'm glad you found this tut useful! 
There are lots of ways to make glitter but, this one is has extra sparkle. 
Of course, I snagged up your glitzy glitters.  Thanks for sharing them. 

Reply Delete message  Message 12 of 18 on the subject 
From: Daphne70 Sent: 12/01/2021 21:49
I have just found this tutorial on making your own glitter tiles and it is a good tutorial as the gliter turns out wonderful, so I will have fun makeing some new one's.

Reply  Message 13 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/06/2021 08:40

... results, Daphne! Love the color you used 

Reply  Message 14 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/08/2021 05:11
Now that I have Constellation working for me, I tried this tut out one more time :) Here is my result:

I played around with colors and made a little set with this, which can be found here (.zip)  

The colors remind me of ☙ Spring/Easter 
They are similar to my set Sparkling Wishes *hides face*

Reply  Message 15 of 18 on the subject 
From: timber Sent: 09/08/2021 17:37

I'm happy to hear your Constellation is working again, Karla!   Thanks so much for the pretty pastel glitters!   I used the pink glitter for my gorgeous snag.

Great work, Daphne, I love the color you chose!

Reply  Message 16 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 09/08/2021 19:35
Ty & yw! And what a gorgeous pink snaggie!! *snags*  

Reply  Message 17 of 18 on the subject 
From: justjam Sent: 09/08/2021 20:06
Wow there is some awesome glitter in here.  LOL
I am glad you all tried this tut and thanks for sharing your results as well as your glitters!  
  I snagged them all!

Reply  Message 18 of 18 on the subject 
From: SilentEyez Sent: 11/08/2021 02:50
Aw, thank you for snagging away, Judy! Hope you will find something to create with them

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