Thank you for testing the tutorial and for your feedback,

I've taken a look at the palette that you chose,
It's Raining Love, and if you compare the size of the bands of color between the
It's Raining Love palette and the
Pungent palette then you will see how narrow the bands of color are on the
It's Raining Love palette.
It's Raining Love palette is one of those palettes that will need some selection adjustments in order to make a comparable text fill.
I used the
It's Raining Love palette for my tag below and I'll share the adjustments that I made. For the Custom Selection, I used 80 for the bottom value rather than 395. I noticed the first four bands of color were uniform in width, so I used that same width for the green area and adjusted the selection to take that into account.
For the blur step, I used blur=8 instead of blur=25 (blur=25 is too much blur for such a small selection). So depending on what color palette you choose and the width of the color bands, you'll have to make adjustments to the custom selection and the blur. Instead of using blendmode=multiply, I used blendmode=burn for the outline layer. The rest of the steps are the same. It's a pretty palette and it makes a pretty tag!

For the Copy Selection step, you are copying the blurred palette selection to the Clipboard where it "sits" until you paste it. I know it seems like a long time until you get to the point of pasting the copied selection, but it stays in the Clipboard until or unless you copy something else. This is the first time that I've ever waited so long to paste a selection but it worked, so I wrote it that way. It's just something new to scramble your marbles